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Illuslrabon Copyrighl:. © 2COJ DEB~lE MVMM(~

Text Copyright. 2COJ

The Brovvruo"W Corporation 63J<:' Airport. Freeway

Forl W ort.h. Texas 76117

7\11 rights reserved The use or reprinting of any part. of t.hiS book "l.Villiout. t.he express wrrtten pennission of the publisher

is prohrbibed,

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" I he hopeful

rnari sees success vvhere others see failure, sunshine vvher'e others see shado-ws and sbor-m,

as. Marden

For everything you have :missed, you have gained something else.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The longer I live, the more beaubful life becomes. Frank Lloyd Wr;,ght

hy W"ish for the privilege of living your past life again?

You begin a rievv one every m.orning.

R.obert Quillen

e cannot discover rievv oceans unless 'vve have the courage to lose sight

of the shore.

No sky is heavy if the heart be light.



Take time to laugh.

It is the music of the soul.


Live every day of your life as though you expected to live forever.

Douglas Mc-Arthur

If you 'Want to be happy, be.

Leo "Tolstoy


he hopeful man sees success

'Where others See failure, sunshine 'Where others see shado ws and storm.

os. Marden


Sing to the Lord a new song.

for he has done marvelous thingS.

Psalm %1

earn from Ehe ITlisl:akes of obhers, You can't: live long enough bo


Martin \.anbee

Im:llo much has been given to mel I have no time to ponder over that vvhich has

Helen Keller

I have learned to be content '\.Vhatever the circumstances. I can do everything through h irn '\.Vho gives me strength.

Philippians '1-11:13

"\Ve all live under the same sky, but '\.Ve don't all have the same horfz.on.

Experience is vvhai; you get "\.Vhen you didn't get vvhat you vvarrl.ed.

The vvorld is full of untold novelties for him vvho has the eyes to see them.

Thomas Huxley


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The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

To be vvithout Some of the things you vvant is an indispensable pari of happiness.

Bertrand Russell

Beholdl I rnake all things nevv.

Revelation as

Older, godly people "VI.Tith srio w of time on their heads, remind us that those points of earth are "VI.Thitest vvhtch are nearest Heaven.


Wnter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.


Mosi folks are about as happy as ihey make up iheir minds to be.

Abraham Lincoln

My business is not Eo remake rrryself, but make the absolute best of vvhat God made.

CUhether any particular

da y shall bring to you more of happiness or of suffering is largely beyond yourpow-er to control. Whether each day of your life shall give happiness or suffering rests w-ith yourself.

G. S. Merriam

o be sevenly years young is sornebirnes far rnore

cheerful and hopefullhan lo be forly years old.

Oliver Wendell Holmes


tt:::t:i~ Many are the plans in a man's heart, but. it. is Lhe Lord's purpose t.hat prevails.

Proverbs ~'Ml

Virgjl To.. Kra£l

Let us go singing as far as 'Ne go; the road 'NiH be less tedious.

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~l the Consbt.uhon
guarantees is Ehe purSUit.
of happiness. You have Eo
~ catch up vvit.h it. yourself. (
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Open your eyes
and the vvhole vvorld
f;{ is full of God.
Jakob Bohrne ,
'"' ""

rrJ,. -<f'j Dissatisfaction vvith our condition is often due to the false idea vve have of the happiness of others.


Keep your face to t.he sunshine and you cannot see the shado-w.

Helen Keller

If you laugh a lob, "\Nhen you get:. older your "\Nrinkles "\NiH be in the right places.


'i\: happy heart:. makes t:.he face cheerful.

Proverbs 1513

~£r,~ot vvhat 'we have, but 'what 'we use;

Not vvhal; 'we see, but vvhat 'we choose-

These are the things that mar or bless

The Sum of human happiness.


It is a sad thing to reflect that in a vvorld so overflovving "'V\l'ith goodness of smell, of fine sights and s-weel; sounds, vve pass by hastily and take so liUle note of theIn.

I t.hought. God's purpose vvas Lo make me full of happiness and joy. ~;:~rtI1rs It iSj but. it. is happiness and joy, from God's staridpornt,

not. from mine. ."..,...., •• e-'"

Os""ald ChaITlbers

~e miss the really great joys of life scrambling for bargaincounter happiness.

RoyL. Smi!:h

· .. _r; Iessed is he 'VVho has learned -1:0 laugh at him.self, for he shall never cease bo he entertained.

hen hiS flesh is renevved like a child's; it is restored as in the days of hiS youth.

Job 3.l25 NIV

For the ignorant, old age is as vvinter; for the learned, it is a harvest.

J cwish Proverb

He 'Who lives in hope dances vviihoui a fiddle.

Early A.merican Proverb

Happiness sneaks in ihrough a door you didri'l; knovv you leU open.

John Barrymore

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Some people complain because God puts thorns on roses, "'\Vhile others praise Him for puHing roses muong thorns. -Anonymous


Happiness is the sunshine of the soul.

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lJI_iII..A miracle occurs at "'-1 t.he moment our eyes can see and our ears hear "'\iVhat. is there about us al"'\iVays.

Willa Cau,.er

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If you ever find happiness by hunting for it., you v.rill find it as the old "'\iVoman v.rho did find her lost spectacles,

fIBi-.!! safe on her ovvn nose III ~~

. all the time. .-

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(IMI hen it is dark

enough, men see the stars.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

vvould rather vvalk vvith God in the dark than go alone in the light.

Mary Gardiner Brainard

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Man, unlike nature, can have spring times in autumn.

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Paul T our-nier-

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Write il:: on your heart l::hal:: every day is l::he best day in the year.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Raise to the Lord, to God our Saviour, vvho daily bears our burdens. Psalm 00<:1

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"Ulhere is no such thing as the pursuit. of happiness, but there is ihe discovery of joy. Joyce G-renfell



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frorn experience lhal the grealer part of our happiness or misery depends on our dtsposrtions and not on our circumstances.

Marlha Washlngl:on


~ am in love

with thiS world. I have climbed

its mountains, roamed its forests, sailed its waters, crossed itS deserts, felt the sting of its frosts, the oppression of its heats, the drench of its rains, the fury of its winds, and always have beauty and JoY waited upon my gomgs and comings.

I vvill not fol lo w vvhere the path tnay lead, but I vvill go vvhere there is no

path, and I vvil1leave a trail.

Muriel Sl:rode

Contentment is not the fulfilltnent of vvhat you vvant, but the realization

of vvhat you already have.


Many persons have a w-rong idea about w-hat constitutes true happiness.

It is not attained through self~grabficabon, but through fidelity to a w-orlh y purpose.

Helen Keller

can see ho'w it Inight be possible for a man to look dovvn upon the earth and be an alheiSt, but I cannot conceive ho'w he could look up tnbo the heavens and sa y there is no God.

~~ ~~

,Abraham Lincoln


"'-Vant to be nllserable think about yourself, abou.t vvhab you "'-Vant., "\.'\Thal: you like, "\.'\That respect people oughl: to pay you and "'-Vhat people think of you.

Charles Kingsley

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