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Res Mancipies Navem


Ratio Quotidionem: Non Patior Striga Vis

Res de Dominus Classorum:
Gaius Marcus Pompeius Tiberius Lazarus
Navis Imperialis Historia Ducem, nomine Q.
Caecilus Catius Macharius
Ratio Quotidionem: Animus Apertus Est Castellum cum Portas
Reseratus Incautusque

Scribatus 120435.M41
Nomine Scribi: Hieronymous Bede

Biographical Record:

The subject of this record was born to the most well-

renowned Antistitus family on 120425.M41, and enjoyed a
modest childhood of prosperity far removed from warfare.
His interest in matters martial, if his personal memoirs are to
be believed, came from his witnessing the completion of the
Battleship “Pax Imperialis” and its subsequent blooding in a
hard-fought battle in orbit against xenos raiders. It is worthy
of note that the Admiral was only twelve years old at this
time, but a representative of the Collegium Navem admired
his zeal and interest as the unfortunate incident unfolded on
the projection screens above him. It is a form of justice, one
must suppose, that he is now serving upon a vessel largely
forged from the hulk of the “Pax Imperialis” following its
destruction during the Thireteenth Black Crusade.

The Admiral proved to be a most dedicated student of

tactics and basic commanding roles, gaining the interest of
the Segmentum Commander of Segmentum Pacificus (it is a
cruel irony that it is Battlefleet Pacificus which is so often
called upon to aid Battlefleets Tempestus and Obscurus). As
a result, he was elevated to the rank of Admiral at the age
of thirty following an extended period of study and service
as Captain of the Tyrant class Cruiser “Contempt.”

His time as captain of the Comtempt was mostly uneventful,

as befits a dutiful and loyal subject of the Holy
Emperor. Worthy of note, however, was the
unacceptable display of arrogance he
displayed at the Battle of Chiros System,
wherein a renegade Imperial officer, evidently en route to a
rendezvous with heretics and subversives, attempted to
evade detection by travelling aboue the galactic plane.
Captain Antistitus immediately contravened the orders
given to him by his commander, Admiral Cn. Fosco, and led
not only his own vessel but also three “Dauntless” pattern
cruisers, which he had requisitioned by means of falsified
orders, to intercept the traitor. The reason such a course of
action was so contentious was because the Ordo Hereticus
were already full aware of the treason being committed,
and somewhat resented the sudden arrival of four unknown
Imperial vessels on the scene.

It took much reconciliation and tribute from Admiral Fosco

to encourage the Inquisitor, Lyudmilla Kaplensky, to not
immediately terminate Captain Antistitus and all the crews
involved. By means of punishment, instead, he was
transferred to a distant fleet (for it could not be denied his
strategy was sound). This rare display of clemency by the
Holy Inquisition is itself a miracle, and we feel that Admiral
Antistitus should show a little more respect than he does to
their agents. To ensure his tactical acumen was put to good
use (and also to ensure that he would be supplied with a
ready supply of targets), it was decided to make the man
Admiral of a small group serving around the Cadian Gate.
One can see the brilliance of Inquisitor Kaplensky’s
judgement in this. It is clear she had no time for Antistitus, but
could ill well kill a man for trying to root out heresy (and
Antistitus himself claimed that the only reason he had
broken formation was he felt that Fosco’s inaction was due
to some sympathy for the traitor) so instead he was
transferred to a sector where he could indulge his
vainglorious fantasies and where his death would matter

Admiral Antistitus has been serving Battlefleet

Obscurus for some years now, and has
ascended to the rank of Solar Admiral, much
to the dismay of Kaplensky. She has been reported as saying
that if ever he should be even slightly brought into suspicion,
he will never command again. As a simple scribe and
historian, I am unable to comment on this, however. What
follows is a report of the strength of Battlegroup Antistitus,
with some information about the vessels which comprise it.

Commentarium Classis :
Ratio Quotidionem: Scientia Imperium Est, Hic Abstrudete Bene.
Nomine Quaestoris: C. J. Valenus

Vessel Designation: Divine Justice

Class: Battleship, Emperor Class
Commanding Officer: Q.C.Ct.M.Antistitus

Vessel Designation: Divine Right

Class: Battleship, Emperor Class
Commanding Officer: L. G. Marinius

Vessel Designation: Praetoria

Class: Battlecruiser, Mars Class
Commanding Officer: T. T. Caecilia

Vessel Designation: Imperia

Class: Cruiser, Dominator Class
Commanding Officer: L. T. Tiberiuensis

Vessel Designation: Pietas

Class: Cruiser, Dictator Class
Commanding Officer: T. N. Sulla

Vessel Designation: Virtu

Class: Cruiser, Lunar Class
Commanding Officer: V. I. Ulyanov

Vessel Designation: Aurum

Class: Cruiser, Dauntless Class
Commanding Officer: S. Bergova

Vessel Designation: Argentum

Class: Cruiser, Dauntless Class
Commanding Officer: I. N. Bakharensky

Vessel Designation: Vermillion Prime

Class: Frigate, Firestorm Class
Commanding Officer: J. L. Stakhanova

Vessel Designation: Vermillion Secundus

Class: Frigate, Firestorm Class
Commanding Officer: A. S. Alexanderovna
Operational Structure:

Group Prime: Comprises vessels “Divine Justice”,

“Praetoria”, “Pietas”, “Argentum” “Vermillion
Group Secundus: Comprises vessels “Divine Right”, “ “Virtu”,
“Pietas”, “Aurum”, “Vermillion Secundus”

Acting Commander of Group Secundus: Captain Lucius

Gaius Marinius

Details of this unorthodox structure are described below, by

the captain of the Most Revered Emperor Class Battleship
“Divine Right” and by the Admiral’s aide.
Testimonia de Lucius Gaius Marinius
My experience of the command
methods of Admiral Antistitus initially
filled me with both doubt and
admiration in equal measure. However, the
alacrity and efficiency, not to mention zeal, with
which he conducts his sacred Duty have made
me realise that I should never have dared to
doubt his Lordship. As a result, I visited my vessels
Confessor, Fra Magellan, one month ago, so as I
could be justly given penance.

However, I now understand clearly his methods.

His decision to render unto me command of
parity to his serves to empty his mind of
distractions, and allow him to devote his time
more readily to prayer and other such
meditations. In battle, he is to be seen on the
bridge leading his crew in prayer and in hymns
to the Emperor, while as a matter of course he
can be seen to be reading the holy texts.

In battle, his plans seem reckless but I do not

fear, for I know whatever I do he will do himself.
Together the two groups of his fleet serve as
hammer and anvil, with Divine Right and Divine
Justice coming together to demonstrate that in
the eye of the Emperor there is only judgement.
Testimonia de First Lieutenant of the Bridge
Jocelyn Pius Sanctis Parvenu

My opinion of the Admiral is nothing short of adulation

for his attention to tactical matters. I can only hope
that one day I may hope to be half the tactician he
is. His use of attack craft in a manner hitherto unseen
to me, combined with the controversial two-front
tactic which serves to trap the vile enemies of the
Most Holy God Emperor of Mankind in a vice from
which there is no escape (as well there should be, for
the Judgement of the Emperor is inevitable and
inexorable) fills me with admiration. I can not find fault
in neither the acumen nor the zeal nor the pure
unsullied piety of the Admiral. May the Emperor be
praised and his transgressions be forgiven opon the
tragic yet inescapable moment of his demise, which I
can only hope is at the helm of his ship with me at his
right hand as he sends to their judgement the
enemies of the Imperium.

May I be forgiven, I forget myself. Such. . . Impropriety

was displayed in this testimony. I shall chastise myself
by kneeling at prayer in lieu of repose tonight. May
my fatigue and discomfort be seen as due penance
for such utterly unforgivable sins, the sin of pride and
of false hope.
Acta Diurna Privatus de Lyudmilla Kaplensky
(nota bene: Domina Kaplensky absens erat cum hic
commentarium factus erat)
Ratio Quotidionem: Dubitas Signum Fragilitas est.

Damn and confound that self-righteous imbecile.

Were it not for him and his vainglorious attempt to
prove himself to some higher power, I would not be a
laughing stock (as I am now). I returned to my home
world to a fanfare of ignominy. Vrag Naroda! I
cannot begin to comprehend why I was not allowed
to incinerate him on the spot. Such...such
prozhekterstvo! Nothing but bluster and self image,
are the Navy! They stand up for their own and worst
of all there are Commissars who believe their tripe! I
swear I will not rest until I have seen judgement
passed by MY hand. If only that rvach Inquisitor Iux
had not been there. What with his impeccably timed
veto to my judgement. “Surely, Lyudmilla, we should
be understanding?” We are the Ordo Hereticus, you
fool! We do not forgive! That bezdel'nik, that thrice-
cursed moron in uniform, he is a blight on my record! I
suppose I should be grateful the traitor was killed, but
I should have done it.

At least his punishment is inventive. I'll give Iux that.

Send him to the Cadian Gate so he can blaze away
at the enemies of man and hopefully die somewhere
where he won't be mourned. But damn it, he should
be in my cells, learning what it truly means to cross
the Inquisition. I would have settled for nothing less
than death, or if I were especially lenient (which I am
not) arco-flagellation. He is...izmenik! Little better than
a heretic! An officer should know his place. When I
was training, I never dared act without the faith and
blessing of my mentor. Why can this new wave not
comprehend this?

Still, for the moment he is winning battle. However, I

have just found out that the Empeoror moves in
mysterious ways. I have been transferred to the area
in which he is in command. Perhaps I can arrange a
snap inspection of his ship. I am sure that I could find
something there which would compromise his
position. Damn him
He will pay.
No man crosses the Inquisition and lives.
No man crossed Lyudmilla Kaplensky and lived.
To disobey is to offend the Emperor.

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