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Developer's Guide

05. Developer's Guide

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activeCollab authentication system can be extended to include other "authentication sources", such is LDAP, database of other web
application (your website's CMS or forum for example). This is achieved by using Authentication Providers.

Authentication Providers
Authentication Provider is a piece of custom code that you develop in order to check users against any authentication source you wish.
Most of the code is already prepared, you only need to add things specific to your authentication source.

Important note is that Authentication Providers are not replacement for activeCollab authentication, but a bridge that can connect it to
other applications. Provider still needs to return an instance of User class that really exists in activeCollab users table.

Here are four important methods in Authentication Provider:

1. initialize() - Called automatically on every request. This method is good for checking if you already have someone logged in (based on
a cookie, server or session variable etc);
2. authenticate() - Check user's credentials against authentication source. This method is called after login form is submitted and
forwards the data entered in the login form;
3. logUserIn() - Set user as logged in and do everything you need to in such situation: set session ID, save a cookie so user gets
authenticated on the next request, contact another application to let it know that user is logged in etc.
4. logUserOut() - Make sure that user is logged out. It is great to undo everything you did with logUserIn() method: destroy session and
cookie variables, contact external application that user left and so on.

Extending Authentication System

In this example we will cover the making of a provider that extends the system by trying to log user against another user database (website
CMS or forum for example). If that fails, then we will try to authenticate user against activeCollab users database.

We will start by creating CustomAuthenticationProvider.class.php within /activecollab/angie/classes/auth/providers folder. We'll use

this code for foundation:

require_once 'BasicAuthenticationProvider.class.php';

* Custom authentication provider implementation
class CustomAuthenticationProvider extends BasicAuthenticationProvider {

Note that we are using BasicAuthenticationProvider as a foundation for our provider. This way we get a cookie and session handling for
free, without the need to implement them once again.

Let's implement the behavior now. We want to check if user exists and that password is valid in another database after users hits Submit
button on activeCollab form. For that, we will need to override authentication method, like this:

function authenticate($credentials) {
// Inherit activeCollab authentication
$active_collab_auth = parent::authenticate($credentials);
// It failed, go for other source
if(is_error($active_collab_auth)) {
// Connect to database
if(!$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '')) {
return new Error('Failed to connect');
} // if
if(!mysql_select_db('other_application')) {

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return new Error('Failed to select other_application database');
} // if
// Collect credentials
$email = trim(array_var($credentials, 'email'));
$password = array_var($credentials, 'password');
$remember = (boolean) array_var($credentials, 'remember', false);
// Find user in other database
$result = mysql_query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE email = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($email)
if($result) {
if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// Password is OK
if($row['password'] == $password) {
// Let's see if we already have this user
$user = Users::findByEmail($email);
// It not lets create a new account
if(!instance_of($user, 'User')) {
$user = new User();
'email' => $email,
'password' => $row['password'],
$save = $user->save();
if(is_error($save)) {
return new Error('Failed to create an account. Reason: ' . $save->getMessage());
} // if
} // if
// And done, log user in
return $this->logUserIn($user, array(
'remember' => $remember,
'new_visit' => true,
} // if
} // if
} // if
return new Error('User is not registered');
} else {
return $active_collab_auth;
} // if
} // authenticate

To enable this newly created provider, open config/config.php and add the following line to the block with constant definitions:

define('AUTH_PROVIDER', 'CustomAuthenticationProvider');

Overriding Authentication System

In this example, we will assume that your system administrator configured the system so Apache knows you by the username you used to
log into your computer, and that it makes this information available to PHP as authenticated_user variable. In this setup, we can
completely skip the login screen and log you in directly, based on data provided by the system.

We will call this authentication provider ApacheAuthenticationProvider and we'll define it in

/activecollab/angie/classes/auth/providers/ApacheAuthenticationProvider.class.php. Because we don't have login process, we can skip
authentication() method and implement initialization() method instead:

class ServerAuthenticationProvider extends AuthenticationProvider {

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function initialize() {
$user = Users::findById($_SERVER['user_id']);
if(instance_of($user, 'User')) {
return $this->logUserIn($user);
} else {
return new Error('User not recognized');
} // if
} // initialize

If you are properly logged in within your network, the system will skip login screen and automatically log you in every time you visit
activeCollab .

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Integrating activeCollab Login with Your Website

If you wish to integrate activeCollab login into your website, system lets you do two things:

1. Define a custom login form. This form submits user credentials to activeCollab and lets user log into the system directly from your
2. Define an URL that is used to redirect users back to your website when they log out.

Please read following articles in this chapter to learn more.

Custom Login Form

You can add a form that can authenticate users in activeCollab directly from your website. To do that, all you need to do is to add a form
with specific fields that submits POST request to activeCollab's login page.

Required fields are:

1. login[email]
2. login[password]
3. login[remember]

Additionally you need to include a "submitted" hidden field with "submitted" value for activeCollab to accept the submitted data.

Here is the example form markup:

<form method="post" action="http://www.activecollab.com/my/ac/public/index.php?path_info=login">

Email: <input type="text" name="login[email]" />
Password: <input type="password" name="login[password]" />
Remember me: <input type="checkbox" name="login[remember]" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="submitted" />
<button type="submit">Go baby go!</button>

Feel free to change it to fit your needs, but please make sure that names of the fields are not changed and that form action points to login
form of your activeCollab installation.

Logout URL
Since activeCollab 2 you can define URL where users will be redirected when they log out.

By default, they will be redirected back to login page unless you provide other location. To do that, open Administration > General
settings page:

At the bottom of the General Settings page there is When User Logs Out switch:

1. Select Redirect him to a custom URL

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2. Once you select the field, text input field will be displayed where you can insert URL that will be used. Please note that the value of
this field needs to be a valid URL. If it's not valid, system will ignore it and redirect users to login page.

When you make the changes and submit the form, try logging out to confirm that everything is working properly.

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activeCollab themes let you change the look and feel of the application without changing any core files:

Themes are per user setting, meaning that every user can pick their favorite theme from Change Settings page of his profile.
Administrators can select a default theme that is automatically selected when users are created. When default theme in administration is
changed, all user specific settings are dropped and theme is reseted for everyone to default theme.

How Themes Work?

Themes use the fact that you can override existing styling with CSS files that are included later on. When loading a page activeCollab first
includes basic CSS - resets, page layout, form widgets and other basic page elements. These files make activeCollab fully usable, but with
minimum of graphic elements on the page.

To see how activeCollab looks like with just basic files included select Sandbox theme from your profile.

When files that apply basic styling are included, activeCollab includes theme files that overrides existing settings and adds colors and
other graphic elements. Default theme that ships with activeCollab is implemented as theme that extends sandbox and you can use it as
an example on how to create a theme of your own.

Creating a Theme
Creating a theme is as easy as creating a folder and placing a CSS file in it. To create a theme:

1. Navigate to /public/assets/themes.
2. Create a new folder. Folder name will be used as theme name by activeCollab in Select Theme field (as shown on the screenshot
3. Create theme.css inside the theme folder you have just created. This file will be automatically included by activeCollab for all users
who select this theme from their profile pages.
4. Optionally create /images folder inside of the theme folder you've just created. Inside of theme.css write CSS rules that override
existing styling.

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activeCollab API is a set of methods that can be called from other application. These methods are used to read and manipulate the data
stored by the system.

Making a Request
Methods are executed by calling specific URL-s and fetching formatted output. URL-s are in following format:


Some requests may require more parameters. These parameters are added as regular query string (GET) parameters to the URL. Here is
an example with two additional parameters:


API URL that you need to sent request to and your token are available on API Setting page of your system profile:

1. Output Formats

Currently supported output formats are XML and JSON. There are two ways of specifying output format:

1. Recommended method is to set Accept request header. To get JSON, set it to 'application/json', or or 'application/xml' to
get XML.
2. Second method, added for convenience and to make testing easier is to add 'format' variable to a query string. Set it to
'json' to get JSON or 'xml' to get XML formatted output. Example:


Response status is returned with status codes. For example, you will get 200 on success, 403 if you don't have permissions to
access the page or 404 when you are trying to get an object that does not exist. You can learn more about HTTP status codes in
HTTP 1.1 documentation.


When submitting data to activeCollab by using POST method, there needs to be a variable named "submitted" with value
"submitted". If you don't provide it, then activeCollab will reject your request (most probably with BAD REQUEST error).

In order to use activeCollab API, first you will need to authenticate yourself to the system. This is what API key is for. It is available on API
page at user profile page:

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When creating a request, API key needs to be passed as "token" GET variable. Sample request URL would look like this:



API key can be reset by user at any time. Also, it is automatically reset when user changes a password!

Controling API Status

There are three type of states of the activeCollab API:

Disabled - All API requests are rejected. Please note that, when API is disabled, both RSS and iCalendar feeds will stop working.
Read-Only - Applications can only read data through the API, and all requests that alter or submit data are rejected. This is default
state in which activeCollab API is after installation.
Read and Write - API users can read and write data.

To change API state check for API_STATUS in your config/config.php. If that configuration directive does not exist, add the following
line to the file:

define('API_STATUS', 1);

Values this directive can have are:

0 - API is disabled
1 - API is read-only
2 - API supports both read and write requests

API Changes
This section contains information about changes to the API that significantly change the behavior and may break backward compatibility.


This API documentation section was introduce when activeCollab 2.1 was launched.

1. activeCollab 2.1

activeCollab 2.0 introduce many improvements and some of them have resulted in changes that can break backward

1. /project/:project_id/checklists/:checklist_id/edit returns checklist root element instead of the item

2. /project/:project_id/files/:file_id/edit returns file root element instead of the item
3. /project/:project_id/pages does not display properties of root page for a given project. Instead, it lists categories for
pages section. When category_id is provided in the request, pages posted in that category will be listed
4. Page versions are prepresented differently than revisions in previous releases
5. Attachments are presented differently than attachments in previous releases
6. /projects/groups now returns project_groups > project_group structure instead of items > item
7. /status/add returns message root element instead of the items
8. /projects/:project_id/comments/:comment_id/edit returns comment root element instead of the items
9. /projects/:project_id/tasks/add?parent_id=:parent_id returns task root element instead of the items
10. /projects/:project_id/tasks/:task_id/edit returns task root element instead of the items

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System Information
This chapter lists commands that can be used to get information about activeCollab installation you are communicating with.

1. /info

Return system information about the installation you are working with. This information includes system versions, info about
logged user, mode in which API is, etc.

Method: GET

Informations that this request returns are:

api_version - Version of activeCollab API

system_version - Version of activeCollab you are communicating with
system_edition - activeCollab edition, corporate or small biz (added in activeCollab 2.3.1)
logged_user - URL of currently logged in user (added in activeCollab 1.1.2)
read_only - 1 if API is in read only mode, 0 if it supports both read and write requests (added in activeCollab 1.1.3)

Example response:


Working with Roles

activeCollab exposes several methods for listing user roles and reading permissions of each role.

1. /roles/system

Lists all system roles and role details (permissions included). For security reasons, if user is not system administrator or people
manager only default role ID is returned!

Method: GET

Since: activeCollab 1.1.4

Example response:


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2. /roles/project

Lists all project roles and displays their permissions.

Please note that system returns all project roles without checking user permissions. Each user will be able to execute this
operation and see all available project roles.

Method: GET

Since: activeCollab 1.1.4

Example Response:


3. /roles/:role_id

Displays details of a specific role. This command can return both system and project roles and their settings.

Please note that role details are listed without checking user permissions. Each user will be able to read details of each role.

Method: GET

Since: activeCollab 1.1.4

Example of the system role response:


Example of the project role Response:


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Working with Companies and Users
activeCollab offers several commands that let other applications create and manage company and user accounts.

1. Company Fields

1. name (string) - Company name. Value of this field is required and needs to be unique in the entire system.

2. User Fields

1. email (string) - User's email address. Value of this field is required when user account is created, it needs to be properly
formatted and there can be only one user with a given email address in the system.
2. password (string) - User's password. Value of this field is required when user account is created and minimal length is 3
3. first_name (string) -First name
4. last_name (string) - Last name
5. role_id (integer) - ID of the user's system role. Only administrators or people managers are able to change value of this


When new user account is created, user can set role_id to custom value only if he is Administrator or People Manager. If user
who creates an account is not Administrator or People manager, users role will be set to default role configured on
Administration > Roles page.

3. /people

Lists all companies defined in the system (both, active and archived companies).

Method: GET

Example response:


4. /people/add-company

This command will create a new company. On success, details of newly created company will be returned

Method: POST

Request example:

company[name]=New Company

Example response:


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5. /people/:company_id

Shows properties of a specific company.

Method: GET.

Example response:


6. /people/:company_id/edit

Updates properties of an existing company. On success, updated company details are returned.

Method: POST.

Request example:

company[name]=Updated Company Name

Response example:


7. /people/:company_id/delete

Delete a company and all of its users. Projects this company and its users are related to will not be deleted! On success, system

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returns HTTP status 200 OK.


Owner company can't be deleted

Method: POST.

Request example:


8. /people/:company_id/add-user

Creates a user account in the selected company. On success, function displays details of newly created user account.


Only Administrators and People Managers can set role_id value. If user who creates new account is not Administrator or
People Manager, default role ID will be used.

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted
user[email] = ilija@a51dev.com
user[password] = new-password
user[password_a] = new-password
user[role_id] = 1



9. /people/:company_id/users/:user_id

Shows details of a specific user.

Method: GET

Example response:


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10. /people/:company_id/users/:user_id/edit

Updates details of existing user.

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted
user[first_name] = John
user[last_name] = Doe

Example response:


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11. /people/:company_id/users/:user_id/delete

Delete specific user account. On success, HTTP 200 OK status is returned.


Data created by this user - project, tickets, discussions, comments, etc. will not be deleted.

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted

Working with Projects

Commands listed in this section are used for management of projects.

1. Project Fields

1. name (string) - Project name

2. overview (text) - Project overview
3. default_visibility (integer) - Default visibility preselected for objects in this project. 0 for private, 1 for normal.
4. starts_on (date) - Date when the project starts.
5. group_id (integer) - ID of the project group
6. company_id (integer) - ID of the client company
7. leader_id (integer) - ID of the user who is a project leader
8. status (string) - Project status. This field is available only for edit-status action and has four possible values: active,
paused, completed and canceled

2. /projects

Shows all projects that the authenticated user has access to. This function will show active, paused, completed and canceled

Method: GET

Example response:

<![CDATA[First Project]]>
<![CDATA[<p>This is overview of the first project</p>]]>

3. /projects/add

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Creates a new project.

Method: POST.

Additionally you can include project_template_id variable. It needs to be a valid project ID. If this variable is present, new
project will be created based on that project as a template.

Example request:

project[name] = Testing API
project[leader_id] = 1


<![CDATA[Created through API]]>

4. /projects/:project_id

Shows the properties of the specific project. In addition to project properties, this request also returns:

1. Brief information about the leader

2. Brief information about the client
3. Permissions that logged in user has in project sections

Method: GET

Example response:

<![CDATA[Created through API]]>

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5. /projects/:project_id/edit

Updates project properties.

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted
project[name] = New name
project[company_id] = 16

<![CDATA[New name]]>

6. /projects/:project_id/edit-status

Updates project status. Status can have four different values:

1. active
2. paused
3. completed
4. canceled

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted
project[status] = completed



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<![CDATA[Project Name]]>

7. /projects/:project_id/delete

Delete selected project. On success, system returns HTTP status 200 OK.


This operation is final and when executed there is no Undo!

Method: POST.

Request example:


8. /projects/:project_id/user-tasks

Returns all tasks that are assigned to the logged in user in a particular project.

Method: GET

Since: activeCollab 1.1.2

<![CDATA[One ticket]]>
<created_on>2009-03-24 13:44:34</created_on>

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Working with Project People

1. /projects/:project_id/people

Returns the list of people involved with a project and their permissions. Permissions are per module and have 4 possible values:

0 - no access
1 - has access, but can't create or manage objects
2 - has access and permission to create objects in a given module
3 - has access, creation and management permissions in a given module

Method: GET

Since: activeCollab 1.1.4



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2. /projects/:project_id/people/add

Using this command, you can add one or more users to the project and set their permissions. This command accepts two

1. users - An array of users that you want to add to the project.

2. project_permissions - An array of permission settings. Two values are relevant in this array:
1. project_permissions[role_id] - ID of project role users will have in the project. This parameter is optional. If value is
not present, system will use project_permissions[permissions].
2. project_permissions[permissions] - Array of permissions for different sections users will have in the project. This
parameter is ignored when project_permissions[role_id] is present.

Method: POST

Since: activeCollab 2.0.3

This request will add users with ID-s 39 and 52 to the project and set their project role to role #10:


This request will add users with ID-s 15 and 72 to the project, and set their permissions of tickets and discussions module to
Has access. All other sections will be set to No access:

submitted = submitted
users[] = 15
users[] = 72
project_permissions[permissions][discussion] = 1
project_permissions[permissions][ticket] = 1

3. /projects/:project_id/people/:user_id/change-permissions

This command is used to change permissions of selected user in a given project.

Change permissions command accepts one parameter (project_permissions) with two fields:

This command accepts two parameters:

1. project_permissions[role_id] - ID of the project role users will have in the project. This parameter is optional. If value is
not present, system will use project_permissions[permissions].
2. project_permissions[permissions] - Array of permissions for different sections users will have in the project. This
parameter is ignored when project_permissions[role_id] is present.

This request will change user permissions and his project role to role #10:


This request will change user's permission so he has access to tickets and discussions module. All other sections will be set to
No access:

submitted = submitted
project_permissions[permissions][discussion] = 1
project_permissions[permissions][ticket] = 1

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4. /projects/:project_id/people/:user_id/remove-from-project

Removes specific user from the project. On success, this function returns HTTP 200 OK status.

Method: POST

Since: activeCollab 2.0.3

Working with Project Groups

Project group commands let you grammatically manage project groups from external application.


Work with project groups through API is added to activeCollab 1.1.4 and is not available in older versions.

1. Project Group Fields

1. name (string) - Group name. Value of this field is required and it needs to be unique.

2. projects/groups

Lists all available project groups.

Method: GET.

Example response:

<![CDATA[First Group]]>

3. projects/groups/add

Creates a new project group. Name of the group needs to be unique.

Method: POST.

Request example:

project_group[name] = Development



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4. projects/groups/:project_group_id

Displays group details, including projects that belong to that group.

Method: GET.

<![CDATA[First Group]]>
<![CDATA[First Project]]>
<![CDATA[<p>This is overview of the first project</p>]]>

5. projects/groups/:project_group_id/edit

Updates existing group name.

Method: POST.

Request example:

project_group[name] = Update group name


<![CDATA[Update group name]]>

6. projects/groups/:project_group_id/delete

Removes project group from database. On success, system will return HTTP status 200, OK.

Method: POST.


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Only empty project groups can be deleted.

Request example:


Working with Discussions

Discussions are project section where people can discuss various aspects of the project in environment similar to online forums. Each
project has a separate discussions area.

1. Discussion Fields

1. name (string) - Discussion topic. This field is required when topic is created.
2. body (string) - First message body. This field is required when topic is created.
3. tags (string) - List of comma-separated tags.
4. visibility (integer) - Discussion visibility. 0 is private and 1 is normal visibility.
5. milestone_id (integer) - ID of parent milestone.
6. parent_id (integer) - ID of parent category.

2. /projects/:project_id/discussions

Lists all discussions in a project.

Method: GET.

Example response:

<![CDATA[Updated Name]]>
<![CDATA[This is first message!]]>
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3. /projects/:project_id/discussions/add

Creates a new discussion in the specified project

Method: POST.

Request example:

discussion[name] = New Discussion
discussion[body] = This is first message!


<![CDATA[New Discussion]]>
<![CDATA[This is first message!]]>

4. /projects/:project_id/discussions/:discussion_id

Displays discussion details.

In addition to discussion details, this command also returns all comments people posted here as part of the comments

Method: GET



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<![CDATA[New Discussion]]>
<![CDATA[This is first message!]]>
<![CDATA[Comment on New Discussion]]>
<![CDATA[<p>First discussion</p>]]>

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5. /projects/:project_id/discussions/:discussion_id/edit

Updates existing discussion details.

Method: POST.

Request example:

discussion[name] = Updated Name
parent_id = 1


<![CDATA[Updated Name]]>
<![CDATA[This is first message!]]>

Working with Checklists

Commands in this section lets you manage checklists in projects. Each project has its own set of checklists.


By default, Checklists module is not installed in activeCollab Corporate and these commands are not available. To install it, go to
Administration > Modules page and install it from the list of Available Modules.

1. Checklist Fields

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1. name (string) - Object name or short, one line summary. Value of this field is required when checklist is created
2. body (text) - Full checklist description. Use HTML for formatting.
3. tags (string) - List of comma-separated object tags.
4. visibility (integer) - Object visibility. 0 is private and 1 is normal visibility.
5. milestone_id (integer) - ID of parent milestone.

2. /projects/:project_id/checklists

Shows all active checklists for a given project.

Method: GET.

Example response:

<![CDATA[Updated name]]>
<![CDATA[Full description of this checklist]]>

3. /projects/#project_id/checklists/archive

Shows all completed checklists in a project.

Method: GET.

Example response:

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<![CDATA[Updated name]]>
<![CDATA[Full description of this checklist]]>

4. /projects/:project_id/checklists/add

Creates a new checklist.

Method: POST.

Request example:

checklist[name] = New checklist
checklist[body] = Full description of this checklist
checklist[visibility] = 1



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<![CDATA[New checklist]]>
<![CDATA[Full description of this checklist]]>

5. /projects/:project_id/checklists/:checklist_id

Shows checklist details.

This request also returns array of tasks attached to this checklist in the tasks property.

Method: GET.

Example response:

<![CDATA[New checklist]]>
<![CDATA[Full description of this checklist]]>

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6. /projects/:project_id/checklists/:checklist_id/edit

Updates properties of existing checklist.

Method: POST.

Request example:

checklist[name] = Updated name


<![CDATA[Updated name]]>
<![CDATA[Full description of this checklist]]>

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Working with Files

Each project has a section where files can be uploaded, discussed and file versions can be tracked. Commands in this section allows you to
manage all of these files.

1. File Fields

1. name (string) - File name.

2. body (text) - File description.
3. tags (string) - List of comma-separated object tags.
4. visibility (integer) - Object visibility. 0 is private and 1 is normal visibility.
5. milestone_id (integer) - ID of the parent milestone.
6. parent_id (integer) - File category ID

All fields are optional as long as valid file is uploaded.

2. /projects/:project_id/files

Lists all files from a given project.

Method: GET.

Example response:

<![CDATA[Optional file description]]>

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3. /projects/:project_id/files/upload-single

Uploads a single file

If name property is not provided, system will use original file name.

Method: POST.

Additional requirement is a file to be uploaded (any name will work, but we recommend that you name file field 'attachment').

Request example:

submitted = submitted
file[name] = new_file.png
file[body] = Optional file description


<![CDATA[Optional file description]]>

4. /projects/:project_id/files/:file_id
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Displays file details.

In addition to file details, information about each file revision is provided as value of revisions property.

Method: GET.

<![CDATA[Optional file description]]>

5. /projects/:project_id/files/:file_id/edit

Updates file details.

Method: POST.

Example request:

submitted = submitted
file[name] = New-Name.png


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<![CDATA[Optional file description]]>

Working with Milestones

1. Milestone Fields

1. name (string) - Milestone summary. Value of this field is required when milestone is created.
2. body (text) - File Description.
3. start_on (date) - Date when the milestone starts. Value of this field is required when milestone is created.
4. due_on (date) - Date when the milestone is due. Value of this field is required when milestone is created.
5. priority (integer) - Milestone priority. Priority can have five integer values ranging from -2 (lowest) to 2 (highest). 0 is
6. assignees (array) - Array of people assigned to the object. First element of array is list of assignees (as array). Second
parameter is an ID of the person responsible for a task (ID must be in the first list).
7. tags (string) - List of comma-separated tags for milestone.
8. visibility (integer) - Object visibility. 0 is private and 1 is normal visibility.

2. /projects/:project_id/milestones

Lists active milestones for a specific project.

Method: GET.

Response example:

<![CDATA[Update name]]>

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3. /projects/:project_id/milestones/add

Creates a new milestone.

Method: POST.

Example request:

submitted = submitted
milestone[name] = Test milestone
milestone[start_on] = 2008-05-05
milestone[due_on] = 2008-05-08


<![CDATA[Test milestone]]>

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4. /projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id

Shows milestone details.

Method: GET

Example response:

<![CDATA[Test milestone]]>
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5. /projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id/edit

Updates milestone details

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted
milestone[name] = Update name


<![CDATA[Update name]]>

Working with Tickets

1. Ticket Fields

1. name (string) - Ticket summary. Value of this field is required when ticket is created.
2. body (text) - Full ticket description.
3. tags (string) - List of comma-separated object tags.
4. visibility (integer) - Object visibility. 0 is private and 1 is normal visibility.
5. priority (integer) - Priority can have one of the five integer values, ranging from -2 (lowest) to 2 (highest). 0 is normal.
6. due_on (date) - Ticket due date

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7. assignees (array) - Array of people assigned to the ticket. First element of array is list of assignees (as array). Second
parameter is an ID of the person responsible for the ticket (ID must be in the first list).
8. milestone_id (integer) - ID of the parent milestone.
9. parent_id (integer) - ID of the parent object (category, ticket for tasks, and so on).

2. /projects/:project_id/tickets

Lists all active tickets in a project.

Method: GET

<![CDATA[Updated summary]]>

3. /projects/:project_id/tickets/archive

Shows all completed tickets in a project.

Method: GET


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<![CDATA[Updated summary]]>

4. /projects/:project_id/tickets/add

Creates a new ticket

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted
ticket[name] = This is summary


<![CDATA[This is summary]]>

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5. /projects/:project_id/tickets/:ticket_id

Displays ticket details.

Method: GET


When making a request, please use ticket ID for that particular project, not project object ID.

<![CDATA[My ticket]]>

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6. /projects/:project_id/tickets/:ticket_id/edit

Updates properties of existing ticket

Method: POST.


When making a request, please use the ticket ID for that particular project, not project object ID.

Reqest example:

submitted = submitted
ticket[name] = Updated summary


<![CDATA[Updated summary]]>

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Working with Time

1. Time Fields

1. body (text) - Full description.

2. user_id (integer) - ID of the user whose time is logged. Value of this field is required when time record is added.
3. value (float) - Number of hours logged. Two formats are allowed: 5:30 (5h and 30 minutes) and 5.5. (5 and a half hours).
Value of this field is required when time record is added.
4. record_date (date) - Date when the time was spent. Value of this field is required when the time record is added.
5. billable_status (integer) - Represents record status. This field was added in activeCollab 1.1.5 to replace is_billable /
is_billed field combination. There are four possible values:
0 - not billable
1 - billable
2 - billable and pending payment
3 - billed
6. parent_id (integer) - ID of the parent object (task or a ticket).

Legacy fields:

In activeCollab 1.1.5 is_billable and is_billed fields were replaced with billable_status field. These two fields are still available
for compatibility reasons:

1. is_billable (boolean) - Is this record billable or not.

2. is_billed (boolean) - Has this time already been billed or not (ignored if is_billable is set to FALSE)

2. /projects/:project_id/time

Lists records for a given project

Method: GET

<![CDATA[3.75 hours]]>

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3. /projects/:project_id/time/add

Add a new time record to the time log

Method: POST

Request example:

submitted = submitted
time[user_id] = 1
time[value] = 3:30
time[record_date] = 2008-05-01


<![CDATA[3.5 hours]]>

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4. /projects/:project_id/time/:record_id

Displays record details.

Method: GET

Example response:

<![CDATA[3.5 hours]]>

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5. /projects/:project_id/time/:record_id/edit

Updates record properties.

Method: POST

Request example:

submitted = submitted
time[value] = 3:45


<![CDATA[3.75 hours]]>

Working with Pages

1. Page Fields

1. name (string) - Page title. Value of this field is required when page is created.
2. body (text) - Page body. Value of this field is required when page is created.
3. tags (string) - List of comma-separated tags.
4. visibility (integer) - Object visibility. 0 is private and 1 is normal visibility.
5. milestone_id (integer) - ID of the parent milestone.
6. parent_id (integer) - ID of the parent object (category, ticket for tasks so on). Value of this field is required when page is

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2. /projects/:project_id/pages

Lists page categories.

Method: GET


3. /projects/:project_id/pages/add

Creates a new page.

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted
page[name] = New Page
page[body] = Page content
page[parent_id] = 12



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<![CDATA[New Page]]>
<![CDATA[Page content]]>

4. /projects/:project_id/pages/:page_id

Displays page details with list of subpages and revisions.

Method: GET

Example response:

<![CDATA[New Page]]>
<![CDATA[<p>Page content. Made a couple of changes to make a new version</p>]]>
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5. /projects/:project_id/pages/:page_id/edit

Updates properties and content of the page.

By setting is_minor_revision to 1 when updating the page, system will consider changes to be a minor change and will not
create a new page revision. Email notification will not be sent to subscribers in this case.

Method: POST

Request example:

submitted = submitted
page[name] = New Name
page[is_minor_revision] = 1


<![CDATA[New Name]]>
<![CDATA[<p>Page content. Made a couple of changes to get a new version</p>]]>

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6. /projects/:project_id/pages/:page_id/archive

Marks selected page as archived. On success, system will return updated page details.

Method: POST.

7. /projects/:project_id/pages/:page_id/unarchive

Marks selected page as archived. On success, system will return updated page details.

Method: POST.

Working with Status Messages

Status Updates module was added in activeCollab 1.1, but API support for it was added a couple of months later, in activeCollab 1.1.4.
Commands listed in this section are not available in older versions.

1. /status

Lists 50 recent status messages. Pass user_id through query string to filter only messages posted by the specific user.

Method: GET

Example response:

<![CDATA[It works great]]>
<created_on>2009-03-24 19:07:09</created_on>

2. /status/add

Submits new status message.

Method: POST

Example request:

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submitted = submitted
status[message] = I did something interesting


<![CDATA[I did something interesting]]>
<created_on>2009-03-24 19:19:37</created_on>

Working with Comments

1. Comment Fields

1. body (string) - Comment body. Value of this field is required when new comment is created.

2. /projects/:project_id/comments/add&parent_id=:parent_id

Posts a new comment on the specific object.

Method: POST.

Request example:

submitted = submitted
comment[body] = My comment!


<![CDATA[Comment on One ticket]]>
<![CDATA[My comment!]]>

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3. /projects/:project_id/comments/:comment_id

Displays comment details.

Method: GET

<![CDATA[Comment on One ticket]]>
<![CDATA[My comment!]]>

4. /projects/:project_id/comments/:comment_id/edit

Updates existing comment.

Method: POST

Request example:

submitted = submitted
comment[body] = Updating my comment!

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<![CDATA[Comment on One ticket]]>
<![CDATA[Updating my comment!]]>

Working with Subtasks

1. Task Fields

1. body (text) - Task summary. Value of this field is required when new task is added.
2. priority (integer) - Priority can have five integer values ranging from -2 (lowest) to 2 (highest). 0 is normal.
3. due_on (date) - When task is due.
4. assignees (array) - Array of people assigned to the object. First element of array is list of assignees (as array). Second
parameter is an ID of a person responsible for a task (ID must be in the first list).

2. /projects/:project_id/tasks/add&parent_id=:parent_id

Creates a new subtask and attach it to a parent object.

Method: POST

Request example:

submitted = submitted
task[body] = Go shopping
task[priority] = -2



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<![CDATA[Go shopping]]>
<![CDATA[Go shopping]]>

3. /projects/:project_id/tasks/:task_id

Shows task details.

Method: GET.

Example response:

<![CDATA[Go shopping]]>
<![CDATA[Go shopping]]>
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4. /projects/:project_id/tasks/:task_id/edit

Updates task details.

Method: POST

Request example:

submitted = submitted
task[priority] = 0


<![CDATA[Go shopping]]>
<![CDATA[Go shopping]]>

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Working with Attachments

1. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/attachments

Lists all files attached to a specific object.

Method: GET or POST

Example response for GET request:


If POST request is submitted, system will attach all the uploaded files and attach them to the object. When done, last
attachment details are returned.

Common Project Object Operations

1. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/complete

Marks specific object as completed. On success system returns object details.

Method: POST

Types that can be completed:

1. Milestones
2. Checklists
3. Tickets
4. Subtasks

2. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/open

Marks specific object as open. On success system returns object details.

Method: POST

Types that can be completed and reopened:

1. Milestones
2. Checklists
3. Tickets
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4. Subtasks

3. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/star

Marks specific object as starred. On success object system returns object details.

Method: POST

Any project object can be starred.

4. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/unstar

Marks specific object as not starred. On success, system returns object details.

Method: POST

Any project object can be unstarred.

5. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/subscribe

Subscribes users to a specific object. On success system returns object details.

Method: POST

Users can be subscribed to following object types:

1. Milestones
2. Discussions
3. Checklists
4. Files
5. Pages
6. Tickets
7. Subtasks

6. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/unsubscribe

Unsubscribes users from the specific object. On success system returns object details.

Method: POST

Users can be unsubscribed from following object types if they are already subscribed to them:

1. Milestones
2. Discussions
3. Checklists
4. Files
5. Pages
6. Tickets
7. Subtasks

7. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/move-to-trash

Moves specific object into Trash. On success system will return object details.

Method: POST

Any project object type can be moved to Trash.

8. /projects/:project_id/objects/:object_id/restore-from-trash

Restores object from Trash. System will return object details on success.

Method: POST

Any project object type can be restored from Trash.

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API Wrapper

activeCollab API Wrapper is a set of PHP classes that make use of activeCollab API much easier, by providing object oriented interface to
it. Instead of making HTTP requests from your code and handling responses, wrapper layer lets you call simple set of methods and work
with the result in form of PHP native types, such are arrays, objects, boolean values etc.

activeCollab API Wrapper is Free Software released under LGPL licenses, and you are free to use it in your commercial projects, in-house
applications, open source projects or any other type of application that you are working on, completely free of charge. Check LICENSE.txt
for details.

Getting Started
Usage of activeCollab API in your code goes in three steps: load API wrapper code (files located in /lib folder), provide authentication
parameters and finally execute one or more commands against the API:


// Include activeCollab API wrapper

require_once '/lib/include.php';

// Authenticate

// List projects
print '<pre>';

$projects = ActiveCollab::listProjects();

if($projects) {
foreach($projects as $project) {
print 'Project #' . $project->getId() . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($project->getName()) . '<br />';
} // foreach
} // if

print '</pre>';


To find your token key and API URL, go to API Settings page of your user profile:

After meeting those requirements you can create objects and call methods in order to read and manipulate activeCollab data.

Some of the methods can throw an exception if they receive invalid parameters. In the following example, we'll use try / catch block to
handle any error that might happen (group with ID 1 does not exist, authentication problems, insufficient permissions etc):

try {
$group = ActiveCollab::findProjectGroupById(1);
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} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
echo $e->getFile();
echo $e->getLine();

System Information
This chapter lists methods that can be used to get information about activeCollab installation you are communicating with. They are
contained in class ActiveCollab. Methods can be called directly (as static methods) or through an object.

1. getVersion


array getVersion( void ) - Return API Version

Return Value:

Array containing the information about API

2. listProjects


array listProjects( void ) - List all Projects

Return Value:

Array containing the objects of Projects

3. listProjectsGroups


array listProjectsGroups( void ) - List all available project groups

Return Value:

Array containing the objects of Project groups

4. listTicketCategoriesByProjectId


array listTicketCategoriesByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List ticket categories in one project


project_id - id value of the project

Return Value:

Array containing the objects of Ticket categories

5. listDiscussionCategoriesByProjectId


array listDiscussionCategoriesByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List discussion categories in one project


project_id - id value of the project

Return Value:

Array containing the objects of Discussion categories

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6. listFileCategoriesByProjectId


array listFileCategoriesByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List file categories in one project


project_id - id value of the project

Return Value:

Array containing the objects of File categories

7. listPageCategoriesByProjectId


array listPageCategoriesByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List page categories in one project


project_id - id value of the project

Return Value:

Array containing the objects of Page categories

8. listTicketsByCategoryId


array listTicketsByCategoryId( int $project_id, int $category_id ) - List all tickets for a specific project and category


project_id - id value of the project category_id - id value of the category

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabTicket objects

9. listFilesByCategoryId


array listFilesByCategoryId( int $project_id, int $category_id ) - List all files for a specific project and category


project_id - id value of the project category_id - id value of the category

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabFile objects

10. listPagesByCategoryId


array listPagesByCategoryId( int $project_id, int $category_id ) - List all pages for a specific project and category


project_id - id value of the project category_id - id value of the category

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabPage objects

11. listDiscussionsByCategoryId
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array listDiscussionsByCategoryId( int $project_id, int $category_id ) - List all discussions for a specific project and category


project_id - id value of the project category_id - id value of the category

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabDiscussion objects

12. listSystemRoles


array listSystemRoles( void ) - List all system roles

Return Value:

Array containing the system roles

13. listProjectRoles


array listProjectRoles( void ) - List all project roles

Return Value:

Array containing the project roles

14. findRoleDetailsById


array findRoleDetailsById( int $role_id ) - List role details


role_id - id of the role

Return Value:

Array containing the information about the role

15. listCompanies


array listCompanies( void ) - List all companies

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabCompany objects

16. listStatusMessages


array listStatusMessages( void ) - List all status messages

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabStatusMessage objects

17. listStatusMessagesByUserId


array listStatusMessagesByUserId( int $user_id ) - List all status messages created by specific user

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user_id - id of a user

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabStatusMessage objects

18. listPeopleByProjectId


array listPeopleByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all people involved with a project and their permissions


project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabUser objects

19. listTicketsByProjectId


array listTicketsByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all tickets for a specific project


project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabTicket objects

20. listArchivedTicketsByProjectId


array listArchivedTicketsByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all archived tickets for a specific project


project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabTicket objects

21. listFilesByProjectId


array listFilesByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all files for a specific project


project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabFile objects

22. listDiscussionsByProjectId


array listDiscussionsByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all discussions for a specific project


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project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabDiscussion objects

23. listMilestonesByProjectId


array listMilestonesByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all milestones for a specific project


project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabMilestone objects

24. listChecklistsByProjectId


array listChecklistsByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all checklists for a specific project


project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabChecklist objects

25. listArchivedChecklistsByProjectId


array listArchivedChecklistsByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all archived checklists for a specific project


project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabChecklists objects

26. listTimeRecordsByProjectId


array listTimeRecordsByProjectId( int $project_id ) - List all time records for a specific project


project_id - id of a project

Return Value:

Array of ActiveCollabTime objects

Working With Companies

Methods that allow you to manage companies in activeCollab.

1. Fetching a company

object ActiveCollab::findCompanyById( int $company_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabCompany object

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company_id - id of a specific company

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabCompany

2. Creating a new company

object $company = new ActiveCollabCompany( void ) - Creates new ActiveCollabCompany object

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabCompany

3. Editing and saving a company

These methods are callout through an company object:

• setName(string $name) - Sets the name of the company

• setOfficeAddress(string $address) - Sets the address of the company
• setOfficePhone(string $phone) - Sets the phone of the company
• setOfficeFax(string $fax) - Sets the fax of the company
• setOfficeHomepage(string $homepage) - Sets the homepage of the company
• save(void) - Saves the company object into activeCollab
• delete(void) - Deletes the company from activeCollab

Working With Users

These methods allow managing users in activeCollab.

1. Fetching a user

object ActiveCollab::findUserById( int $user_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabUser object


user_id - id of a specific user

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabUser;

ActiveCollabCompany company->getCompanyUsers(void) - Gets all users in the company

Return value: Array of object instances of ActiveCollabUser

2. Creating a new user

object $user = new ActiveCollabUser( int $company_id ) - Creates new ActiveCollabUser object

Parameters: company_id - id of a company in which user is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabUser

3. Editing and saving a user

These methods are callout through an user object.

• setFirstName(string $first_name) - Sets the first name of the user

• setLastName(string $last_name) - Sets the last name of the user
• setEmail(string $email) - Sets the email of the user
• setPassword(string $password) - Sets the password of the user
• setPasswordA(string $password_confirm) - Sets the confirmation password of the user
• setRoleId(int $role) - Sets the role of the user
• setAvatarURL(string $avatar) - Sets the URL of the avatar of the user
• save(void) - Saves the user object into activeCollab
• delete(void) - Deletes the user from activeCollab

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Working With Projects
This section covers methods used for managing projects in activeCollab.

1. Fetching a project

object ActiveCollab::findProjectById( int $project_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabProject object


project_id - id of a specific project

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabProject

2. Creating a new project

object $project = new ActiveCollabProject(void) - Creates new ActiveCollabProject object

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabProject

3. Editing and saving a project

These methods are callout through an project object.

• setCompanyId(int $company_id) - Sets the id of the company of the project

• setStartsOn(string $starts_on) - Sets the start date of the project
• setGroupID(int $group_id) - Sets the id of the group of the project
• setName(string $name) - Sets the name of the project
• setOverview(string $overview) - Sets the overview of the project
• setLeaderId(int $user) - Sets the id of the leader user of the project
• save(void) - Saves the project object into activeCollab
• delete(void) - Deletes the project from activeCollab
• changeStatus(int $status) - Sets the status of the project; the status parameter can be a comb
• getUserLoggedUserPermission(void) - gets permission of the logged user
• getIconUrl(void) - gets the URL of the project icon
• getUserTasks(void) - list all the tasks of the user (returns array of ticket objects)

4. People on project

These methods are used for adding users and their project roles to the project.

Example code:

$project = ActiveCollab::findProjectById(5);
$permission = array();
$permission['milestone'] = ACTIVECOLLAB_PERMISSION_NO_ACCESS;
$permission['discussion'] = ACTIVECOLLAB_PERMISSION_HAS_ACCESS;
$permission['checklist'] = ACTIVECOLLAB_PERMISSION_CAN_CREATE;
$permission['timerecord'] = ACTIVECOLLAB_PERMISSION_CAN_MANAGE;

Available permission constants:


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5. Working with project group

These methods are used for managing project groups.

$group = new ActiveCollabProjectGroup();

$group = ActiveCollab::findProjectGroupById(1);

Working With Discussions

This are the methods used for manipulating discussions in activeCollab.

1. Fetching a discussion

object ActiveCollab::findDiscussionById(int $project_id, int $discussion_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabDiscussion object


project_id - id of a project in which is discussion discussion_id - id of a specific discussion

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabDiscussion

2. Creating a new discussion

object $discussion = new ActiveCollabDiscussion(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabDiscussion object


project_id - id of a project in which discussion is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabDiscussion

3. Editing and saving a discussion

These methods are callout through an discussion object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this discussion
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this discussion
• setName(string $name) - Sets the name of this discussion
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this discussion
• setTags(array of string $tagArr) - Sets tags for this discussion
• setVisibility(int $visibility) - Sets the visibility of this discussion; the visibility parame
• setParentId(int $parent_id) - Sets the parent for this discussion
• setMilestoneId(int $milestone_id) - Sets the milestone for this discussion
• addAttachments(array of file $arr_files) - Adds array of files to a discussion
• save(void) - Saves the discussion object into activeCollab

Working With Checklists

This is a section with methods that are used to manipulate checklists in activeCollab.

1. Fetching a checklist

object ActiveCollab::findChecklistById(int $project_id, int $checklist_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabChecklist object


project_id - id of a project in which is checklist checklist_id - id of a specific checklist

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Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabChecklist

2. Creating a new checklist

object $checklist = new ActiveCollabChecklist(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabChecklist object


project_id - id of a project in which checklist is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabChecklist

3. Editing and saving a checklist

These methods are callout through an checklist object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this checklist
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this checklist
• setName(string $name) - Sets the name of this checklist
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this checklist
• setTags(array of string $tagArr) - Sets tags for this checklist
• setVisibility(int $visibility) - Sets the visibility of this checklist; the visibility paramet
• setMilestoneId(int $milestone_id) - Sets the milestone for this checklist
• save(void) - Saves the checklist object into activeCollab

Working With Files

Methods that are used for managing files.

1. Fetching a file

object ActiveCollab::findFileById(int $project_id, int $file_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabFile object


project_id - id of a project in which is file file_id - id of a specific file

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabFile

2. Creating a new file

object $file = new ActiveCollabFile(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabFile object


project_id - id of a project in which file is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabFile

3. Editing and saving a file

These methods are callout through an file object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this file
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this file
• setName(string $name) - Sets the name of this file
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this file
• setTags(array of string $tagArr) - Sets tags for this file
• setVisibility(int $visibility) - Sets the visibility of this file; the visibility parameter ca
• setParentId(int $parent_id) - Sets the parent for this file
• setMilestoneId(int $milestone_id) - Sets the milestone for this file
• addFile(file $file) - Uploads an file and bounds it to a ActiveCollabFile object
• getRevisions(void) - Returns revisions of this file
• save(void) - Saves the file object into activeCollab

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Working With Milestones

This section covers milestones in activeCollab

1. Fetching a milestone

object ActiveCollab::findMilestoneById(int $project_id, int $milestone_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabMilestone object


project_id - id of a project in which is milestone milestone_id - id of a specific milestone

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabMilestone

2. Creating a new milestone

object $milestone = new ActiveCollabMilestone(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabMilestone object


project_id - id of a project in which milestone is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabMilestone

3. Editing and saving a milestone

These methods are callout through an milestone object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this milestone
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this milestone
• setName(string $name) - Sets the name of this milestone
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this milestone
• setPriority(int $priority) - Sets the priority of this milestone; the priority parameter can b
• setTags(array of string $tagArr) - Sets tags for this milestone
• setStartOn(timestamp $date) - Sets the date when the milestone is starting
• setDueOn(timestamp $date) - Sets the date when the milestone is due
• setAssignees(array of int $assignees, int $responsible_person) - Sets assignees and responsibl
• save(void) - Saves the milestone object into activeCollab

Working With Tickets

This section covers manipulating tickets.

1. Fetching a ticket

object ActiveCollab::findTicketById(int $project_id, int $ticket_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabTicket object


project_id - id of a project in which is ticket ticket_id - id of a specific ticket

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabTicket

2. Creating a new ticket

object $ticket = new ActiveCollabTicket(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabTicket object


project_id - id of a project in which ticket is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabTicket

3. Editing and saving a ticket

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These methods are callout through an ticket object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this ticket
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this ticket
• setName(string $name) - Sets the name of this ticket
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this ticket
• setPriority(int $priority) - Sets the priority of this ticket; the priority parameter can be a
• setTags(array of string $tagArr) - Sets tags for this ticket
• setVisibility(int $visibility) - Sets the visibility of this ticket; the visibility parameter
• setDueOn(timestamp $date) - Sets the date when the ticket is due
• setParentId(int $parent_id) - Sets the parent for this ticket
• setMilestoneId(int $milestone_id) - Sets the milestone for this ticket
• setAssignees(array of int $assignees, int $responsible_person) - Sets assignees and responsibl
• addAttachments(array of file $arr_files) - Adds array of files to a ticket
• save(void) - Saves the ticket object into activeCollab

Working With Time Tracking

These methods are used to manage time tracking.

1. Fetching a time track

object ActiveCollab::findTimeById(int $project_id, int $time_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabTime object


project_id - id of a project in which is time time_id - id of a specific time

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabTime

2. Creating a new time track

object $time = new ActiveCollabTime(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabTime object


project_id - id of a project in which time is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabTime

3. Editing and saving a time

These methods are callout through an time object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this time
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this time
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this time
• setUserId(int $user_id) - Id of user for whom time is created
• setBillableStatus(int $status) - Sets the billable status of this time; the status parameter c
• setValue(float $value) - Sets value for this time
• setRecordDate(timestamp $date) - Sets the date when the time record is created
• setParentId(int $parent_id) - Sets the parent for this time
• save(void) - Saves the time object into activeCollab

Working With Pages

This section contains methods for manipulating pages in activeCollab.

1. Fetching a page

object ActiveCollab::findPageById(int $project_id, int $page_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabPage object

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project_id - id of a project in which is page page_id - id of a specific page

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabPage

2. Creating a new page:

object $page = new ActiveCollabPage(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabPage object


project_id - id of a project in which page is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabPage

3. Editing and saving a page

These methods are callout through an page object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this page
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this page
• setName(string $name) - Sets the name of this page
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this page
• setTags(array of string $tagArr) - Sets tags for this page
• setVisibility(int $visibility) - Sets the visibility of this page; the visibility parameter ca
• setParentId(int $parent_id) - Sets the parent for this page
• setMilestoneId(int $milestone_id) - Sets the milestone for this page
• addAttachments(array of file $arr_files) - Adds array of files to a page
• save(void) - Saves the page object into activeCollab

Working With Status Messages

These methods are used for managing status messages.

1. Creating a new status message

object $message = new ActiveCollabStatusMessage( void ) - Creates new ActiveCollabStatusMessage object

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabStatusMessage

2. Editing and saving a status message

These methods are callout through an status message object:

$sm = new ActiveCollabStatusMessage();


Working With Comments

This section covers the managing of the comments in activeCollab.

1. Fetching a comment

object ActiveCollab::findCommentById(int $project_id, int $comment_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabComment object


project_id - id of a project in which is comment comment_id - id of a specific comment

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabComment

2. Creating a new comment

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object $comment = new ActiveCollabComment(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabComment object


project_id - id of a project in which comment is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabComment

3. Editing and saving a comment

These methods are callout through an comment object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this comment
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this comment
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this comment
• setParentId(int $parent_id) - Sets the parent for this comment
• addAttachments(array of file $arr_files) - Adds array of files to a comment
• save(void) - Saves the comment object into activeCollab

Working With Subtask

These methods allow manipulating subtasks in activeCollab.

1. Fetching a subtask

object ActiveCollab::findSubTaskById(int $project_id, int $subtask_id) - Fetches ActiveCollabSubTask object


project_id - id of a project in which is subtask subtask_id - id of a specific subtask

Return value: Object instance of ActiveCollabSubtask

2. Creating a new subtask

object $subtask = new ActiveCollabSubTask(int $project_id) - Creates new ActiveCollabSubTask object


project_id - id of a project in which subtask is going to be created

Variable value: Object instance of ActiveCollabSubtask

3. Editing and saving a subtask

These methods are callout through an subtask object.

• setCreatedByEmail(string $email) - Sets an email of the user who created this subtask
• setCreatedByName(string $name) - Sets the name of the user who created this subtask
• setBody(string $body) - Sets the description of this subtask
• setDueOn(timestamp $date) - Sets the date when the subtask is due
• setParentId(int $parent_id) - Sets the parent for this subtask
• setAssignees(array of int $assignees, int $responsible_person) - Sets assignees and responsibl
• save(void) - Saves the subtask object into activeCollab

Common Project Object Operations

These are common project operations for activeCollab objects.

• starObject(void) - object becomes starred

• unstarObject(void) - object becomes unstarred
• openObject(void) - opens an object
• completeObject(void) - completes an object
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• subscribeUser(void) - subscribes an user
• unsubscribeUser(void) - unsubscribes an user
• moveToTrash(void) - moves an object to the trash
• restoreFromTrash(void) - restores an object from the trash
• addNewSubTask(void) - creates a subtask for an object
• addNewComment(void) - creates a comment for an object
• addAttachments(void) - creates an attachment for an object
• getDetails(void) - return object details as array
• getComments(void) - returns comments (array of object Comment)
• getSubTasks(void) - returns subtasks (array of object SubTask)
• getAttachments(void) - returns attachments (array of object Attachment)

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