Bug Skill Edit

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Como bugar o Skills Edit !

Com esse bug você pode editar avontade suas skill sem gastar seus edit !
1° Precisara de 2 Contas logadas ou algum amigo pra te ajuda !
2° 50 Skill Edit !
3° Ative o Skill edit e de exchange na pessoa !
4° Coloque o Skill edit no exchange e de Confirm ! ( O outro não pode dar Confirm ai
nda )
5° Edita 49 pontos.
6° Depois te terminar de editar 49pontos , o seu amigo pode confirmar.
7° Teleporte para outra cidade.

Errors que podem acontecer !

Você pode tomar error e seus Skill Edit Sumirem !
Voce retirar 50 pontos inves de 49 !

Naão precisa especialmente de 50 edits ;)
ah e do jeito q eu edito as skills nao buga... tipo..
tem o char "A" e o char "B"
vou edita skills do char A , ai eu abro o edit skill , mando o edit pelo exchang
e. no char A dou confirm ,no B tbm,No A dou aprove, e no B Naããao/

ai, edita a skill e depois so aprova no char B!

pronto e isso ;) comigo nunca bugo exchange usando desse jeito ;D
Here is how it works:
1) Find a guy you can trust (good luck with it)
2) Go to Samarkand (or Donwhang)
3) Open the skill edit window (dont use it yet)
3) Open an exchange, put the skill edits in it and press confirm AND approve
4) Change your skills until at least one skill edit is left
5) Finish the exchange (approve)
Now you should have skill edits with a white box instead of a number in your inv
entory and your partner has the actual skill edits in his inventory
Important: DONT TOUCH THE SKILL EDITS NOW (dont klick on them)
6) Teleport to Constantinopel (or Jangan) - the skill edits in your inventory wi
ll be gone but your partner still has the full amount in his inventory. (exchang
e back and start over)
If you teleport a lot your client might crash.... i recommend doing it at night.
If you leave out a step or do sth in the wrong order it wont work and the skill
edits you used will be gone completely.

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