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as agile as a monkey as pale as death

as angry as a wasp as playful as a kitten/puppy
as bald as an egg as poor as a church mouse
as black as coal as proud as a peacock
as blind as a bat as pure as a lily
as brave as a lion as quick as lightning
as busy as a bee/an ant as quiet as a mouse
as calm as a cat as red as blood
as clean as a new pin as round as an orange
as clumsy as a bear as sharp as a razor
as cold as ice as sick as a dog
as cool as a cucumber as silent as the grave
as cunning as a fox as silly as a sheep
as deaf as a doorpost as simple as a child
as devoted as a mother as slippery as an eel
as dry as a bone as slow as a snail/tortoise
as easy as ABC as small as Tom Thumb
as faithful as a dog as smooth as glass
as fast as a deer/hare as soft as butter/wool
as fat as a pig as sour as vinegar
as feeble as a child as strong as a horse/an ox/Hercules
as fierce as a lion as steady as a rock
as fit as a fiddle as stiff as a poker
as flat as a pancake as still as a statue
as gentle as a dove/lamb as straight as an arrow
as good as gold as sweet as honey/sugar
as graceful as a swan as swift as a deer/hare
as green as grass as tall as a giant
as hairy as a gorilla as tender as a bud
as happy as a child as thick as thieves
as heavy as a lead/elephant as thin as a rake
as hot as fire as timid as a mouse
as hungry as a wolf/hunter as tough as leather
as lazy as a toad as transparent as glass
as light as feather as ugly as a toad
as like as two peas as weak as a kitten
as loud as thunder as warm as wool
as mean as a miser as wet as a fish
as new as day as white as snow/a ghost
as obstinate as a mule as wise as an owl/Solomon
as old as the hills as yellow as saffron/sulphur
as shy as a school girl as fast as lightning
as beautiful as a rainbow as round as a moon
as brittle as glass as honest as a mirror
as blue as heaven as thirsty as a sponge
Collective nouns describe a group of people, creatures or things.
an army of soldiers a gang of thieves
a band of musicians a board of directors
a choir of singers a horde of savages
a class of pupils a party of friends
a company of actors a staff of teachers
a crew of sailors a team of players
a crowd of people a troupe of dancers
a congregation of worshippers a tribe of natives

a brood of chickens a pack of wolves
a flock of birds/sheep a school of whales
a gaggle of geese a shoal of fish
a herd of cattle/elephants a swarm of bees
a litter of kittens/pups a team of oxen
a nest of rabbits/mice a troop of monkey/lions

a bale of cotton a basket of fruits
a bouquet of flowers a block of flats
a batch of bread a clutch of eggs
a bowl of rice a constellation of stars
a bunch of grapes a crop of apples
a bundle of rags a fleet of ships/cars
a chest of drawers a flight of aeroplanes/steps/stairs
a cluster of stars a forest of trees
a collection of pictures/stamps a galaxy of stars
a comb of bananas a group of islands
a crate of fruits a library of books
a fall of snow a pack of cards
a heap of stones a set of tools/crockery
a layer of soil a range of mountains
a mass of ruins a series of events
a pair of shoes/spectacles/trousers a stock of goods
a packet of letters a string of pearls
a pencil of rays a suit of clothes
a shower of rains a tuft of grass
a stack of corn/hay a wreath of flowers

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