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UNITED STATES HISTORY SECTION I -' Time-I hour and 15 minutes 100 Questio n s

OIrccllons: Each of the roUowing questions or incomplete staternc.nu below is fC'llowed by five jU~t«1 b.Mwers or completions. Select the one tha t is best in each case- and then b lac ken the correspondi ng space o·:! l~!r-~· ~~f.wt.~ sheet,

l. Which of the following was true of the Continental Congress in its drafting of the Articles of Confederation?

(A) lt was cautious about gi .. ing the nt:w government powers ~t had just denied Parliament. (8) h gave Congress the exclusive nght to issue currency.

(C) It gave the national court system the power to review both nationa 1 and stale law,

(D) It gave Congress control of interstate commerce.

(E) [t rejected the arguments of men like Sarouel Adams and Richard Henry Lee who feared strong governmen ts.

2. "The map above shows the United States irnme.diately following the

(A) pessage of the Northwest Ordinance (B) negotiation of the Adams-Onis Treaty (C) pasuge of the Missouri Compromise (D) !lCltlem.::nl of the Mexican War

(E) passaae of the Compromise of l850


3 _ Which of the following states the pri nciple of "popular

(A) Congress where slavery

shall and (a) The settlers

right to whether

pennllted there. (C) I ndivid ual citizens can decide for themselves whether or no l to hold sla Yes.

(D) The A merican people shall decide w here slavery will exist through a national plebiscite.

(E) Individual states. have [he right to reject congressional decisions pertain mg to sla very .

4. Of the r ollowi ng, the most th rea tening pro blem for the Union from 1861 through 1863 was

(A) possible Bri ush recognition 0 f the Confederacy (8) Spanish inte rvention in Sa n to Dam i ngo

(C) French objecuons to the Union blockade

(D) British insistence on the abolition of slavery (E) Bri tish o bjections [0 the L nion posi tion on

"continucus voyage"

S. Why did Congressional Reconstruction end in 1877 '?

{A) The freed slaves had been successfully integrated into Southern society.

(B) The treaty ending the Civil War had set such a time ljmit.

(C) Most of the politically active Black. people had left the South for Northern cities,

(0) The Republican and Democratic parties effected a compromise agreemen l after the 1876 presidential election.

(E) The United States needed the troops stationed in the South to confront the French in Mexico.

6. Joseph Pulitzer achieved fame and wealth WI a (A) radio cornmenta tor

(B) po Ii tical cartoonist

{C} photographer

(D) film producer

(E) newspaper publisher

7. During the Great Depression. "Hcovervilles" were(A) !Cvemmem relocation camps for indigent workers

{8) model comrn u ni ties established by the Hoover adminis tra ti on

(C) shantytowns of unemployed and h omeless .... people

(0) soup kitchens financed under ~e\V Deal 1egi!la~ tion

(E) work projects established by the Hoover administration to revitalize the economy

8. Japanese-Americans HvinS on the West Coast of the United. States in early 1942 were sent to internment camps on the alleged grounds that they

(A) we-re a potential threat to the security of the

L'" ni led States

(B) refused ro take: a loyalty oath

(C) wished to return to Japan in great numbers (0) were instrumental in arranging the attack on

Pearl Harbor

(E) wo rked with German and Italian gro ups to weaken American resol ve

9. Which or the followlUI statements is I»lTCCt a bout the rise of Senator J OMPh R. McCarthy to national prorni nmce'7

(A) He Wall the first Republican to emph.asi2e the dangen of communism at home and abroMl.

{B) His careful investigations \cd. to the conviction of hundred! of active 5ubveniVC!l to whom the Truman administration had turned a b1ind eye.

(C) He efT~ivtly played on the ftara of Americans that communists had infiltrated the Slate Dcpa.rtmcnt and. other fcderaJ agencies.

(0) He used the televised Anny· McCanby hearinp to his advantage,

(E) He received strong 9u-ppon from PresHient Eisenhower,



I" lO. \Vhich of the foUowing best characterizes the goals

.. of Martin Luther Kina. Jr.?

(A) A peaceful separation of Black people into powerful economic and political groups

(B) A peaceful intelP'ati.on of the races in an areas of society

-, (C) Federal compensation to Black people for P8.1!lt poli ueal a nd legal injustices

(0) A church-centered Black community removed from the oppression of Whi te people

(E) C onsta nt and, If necessary. violent political and social action to achieve 10 ng·50ught justice

it. In 1962, which of the following contributed moot directly to a crisis in So ... ict-Amencan relations over Cuba?

(A) Cuban attacks on the United States na ... al base at Guantanarno

(8) The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion

{C) Cuban support for lefrl$t guerilla movements in Latin America

(0) Cuban withdrawal from the Organ izauon of American States

(E) The discovery of Soviet missile si tes in Cuba

12. A Maryland master placed the following newspaper aQvcrtisc:menl in 1772 after Harry. his stave, had run away: "He has been seen about the Negro Quarters in Pa tuxen t, but is supposed to have removed among his Acq uaintanees on Potomack: he is also wen acquainted with a Negro of Mr. Walrl named Raeheel; a few miles from that Quarter is his A LUH. ~nd he may possibly be harboured rheres bouts.'

Which of the following statements about conditions under slavery is best supported by the passage

abo v e?

(A) Slaves had no opportunity to deve\op their own culture and society.

(B) Slaves commonly formed settlements of their own away from the plantations.

(C) Slaves lived entirely independently of their masters,

(0) Slaves frequently associated with free Black people.

(E) Slaves maintained social network'S among kindred and friends despi le foreed separations.




_.- -:-~


13, The rough map above was used by Thomas Jefferson to

(A) plot American military strategy during the Revolution

(8) give lewis and Clark their instructicns for explo ration of the M is~issippi

{C) plan a SYSIenl 0 f f ronrier fonirlCatio ns

(0) begin planning the division of federal lands into new ~[at.es

(E) orga nize vol unta ry mi Ii ria duri ng the Black Hawk War

GO GN TO r~[ HEX r PAGf.


14. The opening of the Erie Canal in 182S was important because it

(A) established the role of the: federal government in internal imprcvernen u

(8) strengthened the ties between the eastern manufacturing and western agricultural regions (C) made the invention of the steamboat economically viable

(0) spurred in nova tion j n the railroad industry

(E) was the last major canal project before the CiV'il War

15. In the 1850' s, the South differed from the North j n that the South had

(A) a better-developed transportation system {B) a better-educated White population

(C) less interest in evangelical religion

(0) fewer European immigrants.

(E) more cities

16. The Black Codes passed in a n umber of southern states after the Civil War were intended to

(A) dose public schools to the children of former


(B) promote the return of former slaves to Africa (C) enable Black citizens to vole in federal elections (D) place: limi ts on the- socioeconomic opportunities

open to Black people

(E) further the integration of southern society

l7.' Which of the following best accounts for the fact that Slavic immigrants in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centurie$ settled principaU)' in midwestern cities like Pittsburgh, Detroit. and Chicago?

(A) The immigrants' inability 10 speak Eng1ith was a serious. obstacle 10 securing work on the East Cout.

(B) HOusing was better and food cheaper in the newer cities of the Midwest

(C), Midwestern steel. meatpacking, and other mass production industries offered many unskilled jobs.

(D) Immigration authorities subsidized rail fares for westward migrants,

(E) Ethnic and religious prejl,ldJai INa$ less widc~ spread in the Midwest than in eastern cities.

18_ The primary function of the war boards dunn g the first World War was to

(A) increase cooperation among business. labor. and government

(B) enco urage the break. up of rnonopo lies (C) nationalize the banking industry

'I (0) limit the influence of social scientists on government policy

(E) minimize the (ax burden on the lower classes

19_ For American farming. the years 1921 to 1929 were a period of

(A) increase in the size of the farm population (B) rapid mflation in the price of farmland (C) low prices for agricultural products

(0) increased government snbsidiza tion

(£) increase in the: num 'ocr or small family-owned farms


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20- Which of the following was most responsible for the change shown bet ween 1938 and 1942 on the chart above?

(A) The mnes~ and death of unemployed workers (B) A redefinition of unemployment by the linitc:d

States Census Buteau

(C) Legislation of the second New Deal

(D) Industrial mobilization related. 10 the Second World War

(E) A global economic boom following the Great Depression



21, American parncipauon in the Second World War had which of the fol1owing rna jor effects on the home front?

(A) A movement of women into factory work (B} The breakdown of.~,cia}. segregation in the

South --'

(C) The growth of isolationism in the Midwest

(D) The in trod uction of a system of na tiona] health insurance

(E) A decline in farm income

22. The anne uneed purpose of the Marshall Pla Ii was to (A) stabilize world currencies

(B) promote advanced technology for use in the military defense of Western Europe

(C) red uce the dependence of the European economy on overseas empires

{O) maintain the United States posuion as the world's leading creditor nation

(E) aid the economic recovery of war-torn Europe

23. The major purpose of England's mercantilist policy was to

(A) protect the infant industries of England's young colonies

(B) increase England's prosperity

(C) discourage other European powers from colonizing North America

(D) reduct the need for an overseas empire (E) open the A tl antic to free trade

24. Colonial cities functioned primarily as

{A) mercantile centers for collecting agricultura I goods and distributing imported manufactured goods

(B) places where most poor immigrants. settled and worked as independent artisans

(C) centers where- large scale financial and banking operations were conducted

(D) places to which wage earners. commuted from. numerous surro unding communities

(E} centers of light manufacturing

25. The argument between Great Britain and its American colonies during [he ] 760's and I 770's over ··vitt'ual represen ration .. concerned

(A} pa Hems 0 r legi sla tive a pportio nment in the co 1 onial, assernb lies

(B) P:lrliamenl's ability to reflect colonial interests (0\ the lack. of colonial participauon in negotiating .. the Treaty' of Paris

(D) the increasing use 0 f juryless admiralt y cou min , the co lonies

(E) the re presentu [ion of" free men 0 f color' - j n colonial assemblies

26_ During the War for Independence. the principal reason t he A merica n gove rnment sough t di P lorna tic recognition from foreign powers was to

(A) rallv all the states behind it common cause

(B) convince the British of the justice of the American cause

(C) make j l easier to levy taxes on the ci nzens of the several states

(0) facilitate the purchase of arms and borrowing of money from other nations

{E) allow Von Steuben, Lafayette, and other Europeans to join the American army

27. The dramatic increase in the South's slave labor force between 1810 and 1860 was due to

(A) an increase in the African slave trade

(B) the i rnporta lion of s la ves rrom the Wesl I ndies (C) an increase in the seventy of fugitive slave laws (D) the acquisition of Louisiana

(E) the natural population increase of Americanborn slaves

28, In addi ticn to the cotton gi n, Eli Whitney' s major contribution [0 American technology was his

(A) in trod uction of i 11 terchangea b le parts

(B) development 0 f the fi rst practical locomotive (C) ill ven lion of the mechanical reaper

(D) installation of the first textile mill

(E) deve loprnent of steam power



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Courtes~, M\J:IC1.I.tn of Fint: Arts. &statl. Gift. of Ma.\im Karolik for 1M propo~ M_ + M. Kllrolik Coileocooll of ""m~Q W~tc:lWkln, Dill""; nl~ and Priru",_

29. The dra wi ng above has been ci ted as evidence of the nineteenth-century middle-class view of the

(A) home as a re fuge from the world rather than as a productive uni l

(B) declining influence of women in the family


(C) economic value of children tc families (D) importance or I'digiow education

(E) widening role of women in society


30- The call for [he "immediate and uncompensated emancipation of the slaves" is associated with the position of

{A) the Fro; Soil parry

{B) the evan gdical ch urehes in both the North and the South

(C) A braham Lincoln in his debate with Stephen A_ Douglas 3[ Freeport. Illinois

(D) John Quincy Adams in his demands for repeal of the "gag: rule"

(E) William Lloyd Garrison in The Liberator

3l. All of the following are true of railroad expansion in the late nineteenth century eXCEPT that it

{A) opened new terri tories to commercial agrieulture

(B) accelera ted the growth of some older ci ties and created new ones

(C) was financed by private corporations without government assistance

(D) led to new managerial forms and techniq ues (E) wa$ often capitalized beyond what WM needed

32. During Woodrow Wilson's administration. thefederal government attempted [0 counteract the economic influence of big busi ness by

(A) elimin ali ng the gold standard

(B) j ncreasi ng tariff rates

(C) centrali zing economic planning

(D) a pp 1 yi ng the provisions of t he Fa urteen rh Amendment to Co rporations

(E) establishing the Federal Trade Commission

33. Of the following. the most important cause of the Grea t Depressio n was

(A) soaring energy costs

(B) serious dislocations in international trade

(C) European abandonment of the gold standard (0) confiscatory social security taxes

(E) excessive government spending

34. Which of the following statements about the emergence of rock and rail music as a part of 1950's popular culture in the United St.alC5 is true':!

(A} It relied heavily on Black musical traditions. (8) lt adapted many of the big band tunes of the


(C) It was a spin-off from British popular music of the time.

(D) 1t was the first popular music broadcast nationally 0 n radio.

(E) It had little appeal in the South and West.

35. The "Grea t Awakenlns" refers to the-

(A') srowth of European awan:nC'SS of the New World in the 1500':s

(B) impact of the En lightenmen t on colonial thoughr in the: early 1700°1

,Cl wave of religioU$ revi v al.s that lwept the

t colonies in the 1740's

(OJ beginning of the colonial movement toward independence from Great Britain

(EY growth of technology that contributed to increased industrialization in lhe- early 1800's

36. Which of the: FoUowing moved in greatest numbers into Appalachia a!I the Ameri.can [ndians of theregion were defeated?

(A) [mmigrant3 from Sweden

(B) SJaYchokJers.. indentured servants. and slaves

from coastal plantattOtll (C) Puritans From New England

(D) Scotd\-.[ rish, Getman, and English immigrants (E) White- imntiannu ftom the West Indies

37. Which of the foilowing describes "the Lowen system" in early nineteenth-century New EnaJand?

(A) A plan to promote and expand textile manufactu ring activities

(B) An agreement among the New EngJand states to secede and form a New England confederacy

(C) A reform eliminating property-holding as a quahfleation for voting

(0) A strategy to defend New EngJand during the War of 1812

(E) A congressional rea pportionment plan durin, the 1820's

38. The theme of individualism is most evident in lhe writings of

(A) Jonathan Edwards

(B) Ralph Waldo Emerson (C) George Fiuhugh

(D) Washington J rving

(E) ~a thaniel Ha wthorne


39_ Which of the following was true of the American labor mo vement in the late ni neteenth century?

(A) It was controlled by immigrant socialists and ana rehists.

(B) it was conf ned to factory workers,

(C) It was protected from employer barassmem by federa 1 law and pol icy,

(D) I t was allied wi th the Democratic party,

(E) lt was j n vel ved in a n urn boer of violent strikes,


.-._-_. + Northern and Western Europe - - - - Sou them and Eastern Europe _ 600 -- Asia. A frica, a nd the America'S


] 500· /\

~ \


~ 400 , .1 /'


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1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 189~ 1900 Year of Arrival


Which of the following best accounts for the curve en the graph above depicting immigration to the U 11 ited States r rom Asia. Africa. and the A rnericss

between 1882 and 1900? .

(A) Rapid expansion of the British Empire into the

Sou them H emi sphere

(B) Rest rict i ve congressional legisla non

{C) I mmigra tion to less-sealed areas of the world t D) r mproved worldwide economic conditions ' (E) Reduction of potential immigrant populations

by widespread epidemics

41. As a result of the Spanish-American War, Spain

re li nq uished to the U nited States control of Puerto Rico, Cuba. and which of the followiIlg?

tAl Alaska

tB) Hawaii

{C) The Panama Canal Zone (D) Bermuda

{E) The Ph i Ii ppines

42_ Charles Lindbergh became a national hero for all or the following reasons EXCEPT;

·{A) He was seen as a modest. handsome daredevil. {B) He made a solo flight across the Atlantic.

(C) He ad vocated America n leadership ill world


(0) He embodied American tradiuonal values in the new ind ustrialized society.

(E) His success incorporated elements of technology and i ndivid ua lisrn.

43. During the decade of the 1960'~. young people.

Black. people, America n lndi a ns, Hispanic Americans, and women wen: among the groups protesting various aspects of American society. All of the following were pro tested against by one 0 r more of these groups EXCEPT the

(A} excessive cost of the social security system

(B) United States involvement in the Vietnam War (C) marginal economic status of non-Whites

(D) exclusion of women from the mainstream of American Ii fe

(E) increasing bureaucra tization and impersonality of American institutions

44. Which of the following most appropriately characterizes the violence exhibited in such episodes as Bacon's Rebellion. the Boston Tea Party, Shays' Rebellion, and the Whiskey Rebellion?

(A) Most violence occurred in urban areas. (B) Most violence produced no deaths,

(C) The level of violence subsided after the American Revol ution.

(D) Violence was directed at "outsiders" or representatives of distant authority.

(E) Most violence occurred because of the intervention of foreign powers in American internal arfalB.

45_ Which of the following most accurately describes the altitude of the Founding Fathers toward political parties?

(A) Parries are vehicles of am bi non and selfish interest tha t th rea ten the existence of republican government.

(B) Pa rties are engines of democracy that provide citizens with a voice in government.

{C} Parties are necessary evils in any republic.

(D) In a large republic, parties are the best means of creating effecti ve coalitions of interest groups. (E) A two-party system is essential [0 a stable republic.



46. Which or the following statements about the Dred Scott decision rs correct?

(A) It recognized the power of Congress to prohibit sla very in' the territories, but refused on techmeal grounds to free Scott.

(B) It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United Slates,

{C) It upheld the co nsti tutionality of the M issou ri Compromise.

(D) It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty. (E) It freed Scott, but not other slaves in circumstances similar to Scott's,

47_ Whlch of the foUowing was a consequence of the sh itt to sharecropping and the crop lien s ystem in the late nineteenth-century South?

(A) A major redistribution of land ownership (B) A diversification of crops

(C) A cycle of debt and depression for Southern tenant farmers

(D) A rise in cotton yields per acre from antebellum production level$

(E} The termination of the control exerted by Whi te landowners over former sla ves

48. Most Progressives sought aU of the foilow;lI1g EXCEPT the

(A) democratization of the political structure (B) ref ormati on of ch ildren 's la bar laws.

(C) expansion of women's rights

(0) legislative creation of a socialist commonwealth (E) application of "scienti ftc methods" to solve

socia 1 problems

49. The Palmer Raids of 1919 were conducted against (A) suspected communists and anarchists

{B) Republicans bitterly appo5ed to the Wilson administration .

(C) alleged financial backers of Marcus Garvey

(D) labor organizers for the American Federation or labor

(E) White racist organizations such as the K.u Klux Klan

50. American writers of the 1920'$ have often been called the "lost generation" because they

(A) found it difficult to get their work published (B) were disillusioned with the course of American


(C) failed to achieve fame in their Jifetimea

(D) were politically radical in a conservative era. (E) preferred to write for a European rather than

an American audience

51. The Supreme Court decision in Brown v, Board {J/ Education of Topeka essentially reversed which of the rol~wj og earlier Co urt decisions':'

(A) M arbur J v, M adison

(8) Dred Scott v. Sanford

(C) Roe v, Wade

(D) Gideon v. Wainwr(ghf (E)t Plessy v, Ferguson

52. Which 0 f the f 0 llowin g ra ised the most serious dou bts a bou t the e tfecti veness of Keynesian economics?

(A) The energy crisis of the i 970's

(B) The com hi na tion of recession and high innati-on in the 1970's

(C) The growing power or massive corporations

and conglomerates in the 1970's. and 1980'$ (0) The entry of the ·'baby boomers" into the labor force in the 1970'~ and i 980's

(E) The rnassi ve t rade delicits of the 1980· s

53_ ln the eighteenth century, colonial Virginia and

co lonia I M assach usetts were most a like in that both

(A) relied 011 the marketing of a single crop

(8) were heavily dependent on slave labor

{C) had an esta blisbed A nglican church

(D) were royal colonies

(E) admi rustered local government through justices of the peace

54, The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions look the position that

(A) on Iy the United States Supreme COUtl had the power to restrict freedom of speech and press (B) the authority of state governments included the power to decide whether or not an act of Congress was constituuonal

(C) only fiscal measures initiated by state legislatures could be acted on by Congress

(0) Congre'Ss was responsible for maintaining the

vi. ta !lty of a .. to yai opposition" political party (E) the "supremacy clause" of the Constitution applied only to foreign affairs

55. In the first half of the nineteenth century, Cherokee efforts to retain their tribal lands in Georgia received d irect support r rem

(A) the White residents of Oklahoma (B) President Andrew Jackson

t C) the U ni ted Sta tes Supreme Court (D) the Democ ra tic press

~ E) the L' nj ted State's Con gress



56- The direct impact of the Civil War on [he economy included all of the following EXCEPT

(A) the ~tgenct: or the U'ust at a form of business organization

(B) {he initiation of transcontinental railroad building

(C) runa wa)' inflation in the South .

(D) the creanon of a more uniform national banking system

(E) disruption of COlton exports to England

57. "Now. a word about the whole Bible. 1 believe it

~s a maste r g tro k e of Satan to gel us to doubt any portion of the Bible _ If he can get us to doubt just one thing in that book. he has accomplished a great poi n r, and i l is goin g to be the overthrow of many a. mall's and woman's faith,"

The passa ge above . from the nineteenth century 1 ex presses (he viewpoint of the proponents of

(A) fundamentalism

(B) deism

(C} the hi gher cri ticism (D) the Social Gospel

(E) the Gospel of Weahh

58. All of the following Wert objectives ofW.E.B.


('\. (A) the total enfranchisement of all eligible Black


(B) the esta bits h ment of an organization to seek legal red ress of B lack grievances

(C) the es lab hshmen t of Black poli l~cal ~-:r (0) cooperation with While people in obtaining Black. progress

{E} the implementation of Booker T. Washington's program for Stack progress

:5-9. Whi-ch of the fallowing best characterizes the' meekra kers of t he early twentieth century?

(A) They were pri mari Iy concerned wlth racial LSSUes.

t B ~ They were mosdy recent immigrants to the United S lata.

t C} They were leadin g rntk.t of ~~n boss pohties. ( D) Their in il uence on public opeuon was greatest after [he First World War.

(E) The)' wrote primarily for an academk: audience.

60. DUring the presidencies of Harding and Coobdp:. ..ttim of the fol.lowing was true about mmt of the federal regula tory agencies created during the Progressive Era?

(A.) T~' kept business divided into small, fiercely

.L competiti ve units,

!(B) They were declared unconstitutional. (C) They were abolished.

(P) They served maml y to aid business.

(E) They were: placed in the hands of the stales.


61. The American Federation of labor (A Fl) Split

a pan at its national convention in 1935 because

(A) most workers opposed Franklin D. R~t and the- New Deal

{B) many delegales belie v ed that the leadership of the AFt was sof) on communism.

{C) a majority of AFL leaders opposed coltc.::ti'ool: bargaining

(D) a majority of AFL leaden refused to grant charters to new unions organized on an industry-wide basis

(E) many delegates believed that the A FL had become too revoluucaary in pursuing the tactic of the sit-down strike

62. The: initial response of the" U oiled States to the outbreak of war in Korea was to

(A) seek the cooperation of the People's Republic of China to end the figbtin,

(B) lncrease American aid to Indochina te meet the threat of communist aggression

(C) seek collective acuon against Noeth KOlU through the United Nations

(D) encourage Japan [0 rearm

(E) request a summit meeting with the Soviet Union

63. The Halfway CovettanJ provided for which or tbe following?

(A) The bapnsm of children of baptill:d but lIJICO&o vetted Puritans

(B) The granting of ~utTraae to non cburch members

(C) The expansion of women's power within the Congregational church

(0) The granting of fuU membcnhip in tbe ConIPgational church to all New EnglaDden

(E) The posting of banns by enppd ~


64, The- ,yStem of indentured labor used during the Colonial period had which of the following effects?

(A) (B)

(C) (D) (E)

It enabled. England to deport most criminals, It enabled poor people to seek opportunity in America.

lr delayed the establishment of sla very in the South until about l15O,

lt facili rated the- cultivation of cotton in the South.

It instit uted socia ~ eq uality,

65. To make the new government viable. the first Co ngrets of the United. Sta tes did all of the following EXCEPT

(A) organize a federal COUrt system under the Supreme Court

(B) d raft a bHJ of rights and send it to [be- states for ratiflcation

(C) pass a tariff for the- purpose of raisina revenue (D) grant subsidies to encourage industrial developrnent

(E) establish the: Slate: Department

66. Of the following, which was the principal issue: on which the United States sought settlement with Great Britain at the outset of the War of I!! 12?

(A) A guarantee of New England tishins rights otT

Newfo undland

(8) Free navigation of the Missiuippi. River (C) Cancellation of pre- Revolutionary debts, (D) Access to trade wi th the British West Indie!l {E) An end to i rnpressment

67. Henry Clay's .. American System" called for all of the foUowing EXCEPT

{A) a tariff for the protection of indusb'y

(B) internal improvemerus at national governm.mt


(C) sale of federal lands to finance higher education (D) greater reliance on domestic fi nancial resources (E) increased trade among the sections of lhe


68. Which of the foUowinB best describes the policy of the government of M«ico toward Texas?

(A) h tried to sell Texas to the United States at the time- of the Louisiana Purchase.

(Bl It encouraged American settlement in Texas in the 1 S20's and early l830's,

(C) It JOVtTllCd Texas with stringent regulations in the 1820's.

(D) It encouraged the establishment of among local government in Texas in the mid- f 830's. (E) It fa vored the annexation of the Republic of Texu b)' the- United States in the t830'~ and early 1840's.

69. ln the late nineteenth-century U!1 ited States, farmel'§ sought federal relief from distress caused by

(A) low tariffs

(B} natural disasters

(C) i nflationary monetary pol icies

(D) excise taxes 0 n agricultu ral p roducts (E\ discnmjnatory fre:ight rates

70, Theodore Roosevelt's mediation in the RussoJapanese War reflected his belief that United States i nterests were best served by

(A) a decisive victory rOt Russia (B) a decisi ve victory for Japan

(C) the acquisition of Russian and Japanese spheres of interest by the United States

(D) a balance of power between Ru~ia and Japan (E) the return of Russian and J apa nese spheres 0 f interest to China

7t, Despite its isolationist position in the 1920's., the United States go ... ernrnent acnvely intervened throughout the decade in which of the f ollowin g areas of European affairs?

(A) International finance and reparations (B} Collective- security against communism (C) Human rights

(0) Resistance to fascism

(E) Development of in ternaticnal cartels

72. A United States response to the successful orbiting of Sputnik in 19.57 was 10

(A) increase NATO forces in Europe (8) expand fedtta! aid to education

(C) withdraw from arms-lirni tation talks wi ih the Soviet Union

(D) force [he resignation of imponant American scienusts from governmental positicns

(E) mcrease cocperation with the Soviet Union in space projects

73. A major reason why Thomas Jefferson was lmeresred in purchasinal..ouisi.ana. from FI'3n(:e was that h.e

(A) wanted to establish a precedent for the expan!ion of praidential authority

(8) wanted an area beyond the Mis_ippi Ri ver to which eastern Native Arnerica.m ([ ndians) couJd be moved.

(C) had learned from Lewis and Clark of the untapped mineral resources in western areas (O} hoped to cement a Franco-American alliance against the British

(E) hoped to preserve an agricultural ~ocit::ty by making abundant lands a ... ailab1e to future generations



74. According to Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in A mer tea. American j ndividualism arose as a result of

(A) the absence of an aristocracy (B) limited geographic mobi.lity

(C) the une ... en distribution of wealth (D) urban ization

(E) the Enlightenment

75. Which of the following resulted from the policies of the Andrew Jackson administration?

(A) A central bank was established.

(B} The value of paper currency issued by individual banks became uniform.

(C) The number of banks. each issuing its own paper currency. increesed.

(0) A nanonwide banking system was begun. (E) Federal fiSC31 activities became linked to a system of federal banks.

16. The primary objective of the founders of the KnowNot h i ng party was the

(A) abolition of slavery

(B} establishment of free public schools

(C) improvement of factory working conditions (0) . prohibition of commurutarian experiments (E) restriction of the righ ts of imm igrams

77. Which of the following was the most persistent problem facing municipalities in the United Slates

. throughout the last quarter of the nineteenth century?

(A) Decreasing municipal tax bases

(B) J nadeq uate water and sewer systems (C) Deteriorating transportation systems

{D) A decline in the number of rnanufacturi ng jobs {E) Gang violence among unemployed youths.

78, In the late nineteenth century> aU or the: following encouraged American jingoism EXCEPT

(A)· yellow journalism

(8) the New Nary policy of Alfred Thayer Mahan and Theodore Roosevelt

(C) the example of European imperialism

(0) the flooding of American markets by foreign producers

(E) Social Darwinism

79. The creation of the Federal Reserve system in 1913 <lid which of the following:

{A) Made currency and credit more elastic.

(B) Established a. floating exchange rate for (he dollar-

(C) Insured bank deposirs.

, ; (D) Ga ... e Congress the au tho fit ~ to set interest rates,

(E) [nSliluled controls on stock market transaclions.

80. .. Article X says that every member of the League. and that means every great fighti ng power j n the world, ... solemnly engages to respect and

preserve _ . . the terri torial in tegrity and exi sting political independence of the 0 the r mem bets 0 f the League. [f you do that, you have absolutely stopped am bitious and aggressive war ''

Woodrow Wilson's statement above was made in justiflcation of bis

(A) decision to send troops to northern Russia and

Siberia after the Bolshevik Revo lution (B) refusal to award Flume to the Itanans

(C) insistence on "open treaties. openly arrived at" (D) opposition to the resolution on racial equality

put forward at the Paris peace negotiations by the: Japanese- delegation

(E) refusal to accept the .. reservati ens' proposed by Henry Cabot Lodge in the Senate debate over ratification of the Treat)' of Versailles

8 L The New Deal attempted to revive the Farm economy during the: J93O's. by

(A) reducing the: amount of land under cultivation (B) opening up more federal land for homesteads (C) making cash payments to encourage more


(D) increasing tariffs to eliminate foreign competition

(E) selling surplus farm commodities III broad

82. The growth of suburbia was vastly aecelera ted by the

(A) Sheppard·Towner Act of 1921 (B) Social Security Act of 193 S (C) 13ft-Hanley A(::t of 1947

(D) Ftdcml Highway Act of 1956

(E) Eoonom~ Opportunity Act of 1964



83. Harvard College and Yale College were established primarily to

(A) train laW}'ef'S and doctors

(B) encourage scientific advances

~ \.. ", ensure an adequate supply of mi nisters

t D) prepare young men for political leadership (E) preserve the traditions of classical scholarship

84. Which of the following was Great Britain's justification for its continued occupation of a number of posts on L ni led States soi I despi te the terms of the 1783 Treaty of Paris?

(A) The United States lacked the military capability to maintai n the posts,

(B) The United Stales had Violated the treaty clauses dea ling with the restorati on of Loya h ~t property.

(C) Great Britain needed a buffer zone between the United States arid Canada-

(D) Great Britain's understanding with both France and Spain permuted the British to stay.

(E) Great Britain had promised its ally, Tecumseh, th J tit would establish a sta te'for his people in the region-

85. The election of 1800 has been referred 10 as constituting . 'anot her revolution '. because

(A) the House of Representatives decided the election

(B) a Supreme: Court decision was required to

. dislod ge the Federalists

{C) voter turnout increased dramancally

{ D) [he party in power stepped down after losi ng [he election

(E) force was required to get John Adams to leave the White House

86. Which of the following statements about the Monroe Doctri ne is accurate?

(A) It was announced by the President over the

. serious objections of Secretary of Sta te J oh n Quincy Adams.

(B) lt was issued simultaneously with a British policy statement on Latin America.

(C) It stressed (hal Europe and the Western Hemisphere had essentially different political systems.

(D) h was immediately accepted as. mterna tiona! law.

(E) It was promptly challenged militarily by the "Concert of Europe."

81. An irnporta n t consequence of the "ta ri iT of a bominanons" (l828) is that it led to the

(A) taxation o f consumer items

(B) reelecuon of A nd rew J ackson

(C) ell unci ati on of the doctrine of nulf fica tion ~D) alliance of Southern planters and Western

I. fanners

(E) expansion of the- New England [~Jltiie: industry

88. Which of the following was true of the settlementhouse workers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centu ries?

(A) They included large numbers of middle-class. college-ed uca ted women.

(B) They devised programs tha l departed rad ically from those of English settlement houses.

(C) They established settlement houses in middle-class en vi ronments.

(0) They a voi Jed po li tical j nvo l vernent.

{E) They endeavored to suppress immigrant cultures.

89. The United States Open Door policy in Asia did which of the rona wing?

(A) Guaranteed military support for China's terri-

to rial j ntegrity, .

{B) Opened China to Western bade for the first time,

{C) Bolstered American commer-cial interests in China.

(0) Rid China of European spheres of influence. (E) Repudiated Japan's interests in China.

90. In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover disagreed most strongly about the desirability of

(A) a balanced Federal budget

(B) farm. price supports

(C) federal aid to corporations (0) a program of pu bile works (E) federal relief to individuals

91. The N atio nal lnd ust rial Recovery Act sought to com bat the G rea t Depression by

{A) ending private ownership of basic industries {8) reducing competition

{C} lowering prices

{D) weakening organized la bor (E) breaking up trusts


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92. Dun ng the Seco nd World Wat the United S ta t~ sought grca ter eooperan on with the nations of La tin America pri man I)' [0

(A) promote the i nd ustrializaticn of La tin America (B} encourage Latin American social and economic

~fuoos .

(C) end repressive Latin American military dictatorships

(0) develop a hemispheric common front against fascism

(E) end the threat of Latin American communist movements

93. The primary difference between United States interv en tio n in G 1.1 a ternala in 1954 and previous Un i led States interventions in Central America was that the G us remalan in terven tj 0 n

(A) was not aut horized by Congress (8) favored the Guatemalan Right

{C} in .. olved the cooperation of the Organizauon of

American Sta tes ..

(D) was mo u 11 ted for economic mot i Ve5 (E) involved covert action by the CT A

94_ The Stamp Act crisis was important in the coming of the American Revolution for aJl of the following reasons EXCEPT:

{A} The colonists demonstrated their willingne;;s to use- vi olence rather than legal means to f rustra te British po !icy.

(B) The crisis comcided with a British decision to garri son re-gular troops j n A merican ci ties. (e) American patriots realized that British jnflexi~ bi Ii ty made re\'ol ution virtually j nevi table. (0) The British maintained that the colonies had no right to independence from parliamentary

a uthon ty,

(E) Patriot leaden claimed that tile act denied them t hei r British' bi rth righ ts.

9 S. ln 1787& 1789. which of the following groups was most. likely to oppose ratification of the Consntu(ion1

(A} Farmers in isola ted areas ( B ) b port merchants

(C) Former officers in the Continental Army (D) Southern plan lel'l

{ E) U rba n art isans

96. Which of the following would most likely have . expressed opposition to the idea of Manifest Destiny?

(A) Advocates of [he foreign policy of Secretary of Stare William H. Seward

(B) Voters for James K. Polk ill [844

·1 (C) Supporters of the Trea t}' of Paris of 1898

(D) Members of rhe Whig party in Congress during the Mexican War

~E} Supporters of the Osrend .' .... [anifesto

97. Dun ng the last decade 0 f the n ineteenr h century the primary use of t he Sherman Ant! trust Act was to

{AJ break up busi ness monopolies

(8) regulate interstate railroads

(C) protect American industry from foreign cornpe(ilion

(D) curb labor unions

{ E} promote economic expansion

98. AU of the fa llowin g wen: reason s for the: fail ure 0 f the People's (Populist) party EXCEPT:

{A) The radical nature of its program alienated nonfarming in terests.

(B) Racism strained the coalition of poor White and Black farmers.

{C) The Democratic party co-opted some of the Popul ist program and i rs constituency.

(D) We§tern and Southern farmers favored different pch tical stra tegies,

(E) The prosperity of the early 1890's undermined popular support for Populist economic reforms.

GO D~ TO rH f ~lX T ~AGt


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100. Wltich of; .. ~ wort fora- r. ~ of ,owth ~n',

99·, D •. \lir..~ t.~ 19)1)'" isolatiorusts drew 5u;rpott for I heir ~tion frcm wruc:h of the folJowin& deeu:r..~iS?


Listed ~I"¢w are me cOl""l't'-i znswe • .::. to lt~ rnlJlriple"dlOi.;;e questions and the pen::ent!ic of AP
candidates 'io'l;o atti<_j,1\ft~d eacn question and lIIn!l.wemd it com:cuy. As. general rule. candlda~ who
correctly ans .... ered an ')~~·"~dv~ \:l\le~tloo .3.;,,~ ..... ~ile ... ed Ii higbc1 mean SI;(lt'e on I:be C!lam as a whole
than (:and;i?<>~es who ~ih -'.'<.~ J.""~~,;~er llt.ll ·.j;~~Km ... ~ r1-.:cdy .
..... --. __ . - .- . __ . ..-..- ...... - --- ~---
h!.'hi Correct Pel'1':~t.~ Itli!!n~ Co,'l.ea Pera!nt Ih!m Cornd Ptn:tnt
:--.;j0)~ . Aruwu. Cc;;,·.·;;a No. " .. wer Corred No. Answer Carted
---- . __ .- -_ ... __ .
l A so,,~ :::4 A 44% 67 C 4~
2 C Bl% 35 C 77% 68 B -4~~
3 B 86% .:if. 0 .5-6% 69 E .59%-
4 A 79% 37 A .51% . 70 0 S~
5 D 69% 3Ft B 67% 71 A 32-'
(; E 9l% 39 E 74% ·n B 4:5'
7 C 84% 40 8 67% 73 E :56%
8 A 93% 41 e; 81% 74 A 37%
9 C S',,% 42 C 71% 75 C 3]%
10 B 95% 43 A 77% 76 E ~3%
11 E 86% 44- D 66% n B 33-"
t2 E 91% 4.5 . A 64% 78 0 33~
t3 D 83% 46 B 70%- 7V A 37%
14 B 63~ 47 C 53% 80 E S4%
L'S D 86% 48 D .57% 81 A ~7%
16 D 91% 49 A S,' 82 D 44~
If" c 83% 50 B 64% 83 C 4~%
l[, A 8t% 5l E 69% S4 B 37%
19 C 64% .52 B 36% 8.5 0 38%-
20 0 7:5% 13 0 SoI% 86 C 37"
II A n% .54 B 70% 87 C 48%-
22 E 73% :'5.5 C 46~ 88 A 27%
23 B 87% :56 A 32% 89 C 34~
24 A 90% 57 A 59% 90 E 46~
25 B 67% ~8 E 48% . 9l 8 25%
26 D 69% 59 C 64% 92 0 44%
27 E 52% 60- 0 46% 93- E 21%
2S A 72% til D 42% 94 C l~%
29 A 65% 62 C 6l% 9S A 27%
30 E 70% 63 A 24% 96 0 42~
31 C 67% 54 B 7.5% ~ 0 WIo
32 E 6"l~ M 0 40% 9& E 24~
n S 53'*' 66 E 71% 99 B 58%
lOO D 31%-
A!l answer sheet gridded with lite correct responsa appe;lrs on me next page .


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