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Unit 6 – Acts

Act 1

Soft classical intro is played accompanied by a black screen where a sneeze is heard. The screen
fades in to a single flu virus which is then breathed in by an unsuspecting victim. The virus travels
through the respiratory system heading for the lungs. The virus makes it way to the cell membrane
of a lung cell where it begins to push through.

Act 2

As the virus breaks through the music begins to become more powerful as RNA is released
menacingly making their way to the nucleus of the cell. The nucleus reads the RNA’s ‘data’ then the
RNA makes its way to the cell’s membrane and is encased within the proteins and lipid Bilayer as it
forces its way out.

Act 3

The music calms again as the flu virus leaves the dying cell as it heads to another cell within the
lungs. As it makes its way more flu viruses begin to push through the dying cell and the camera
begins to zoom out to reveal other viruses leaving dying lung cells accompanied by the more
powerful section of the music.
Thoughts on inspiration:

I’ve had the idea for a while now on making my virus look and move similar to the sentinels from
The Matrix film series. I was also thinking of the siege of Zion in the third film as a reference in where
the RNA is released within the lung cell. Basically the RNA would surge from the virus protein layers
and head towards the nucleus in a sentinel-like fashion.

I’ve also had a thought on extending act 3 slightly to show signs of pneumonia. I think after the
camera reveals the many new flu viruses I was thinking of shifting towards the alveoli where the
fluid begins to build up leading to pneumonia. Thoughts on this idea edge towards a fantasy idea of
the alveoli, where in connection with cold symptoms I thought about turning it into a dark and
grotesque ice cave. I think this idea would also work well, after the virus breaks free from the cell, on
the walls of the lungs turning them into ice caverns giving it a cold, weak and lifeless image to it.

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