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UIlS Pu bli shen, ' DimibulOB lJd.
N"" 1l<:1h' _hay II~ MadnI
Cakuo.Q P ~ ,.... hnpur Inndon
l'relace to the FitS( Editi"" ",
Preface to the Fourt h Edition
Branche' o f A,u o]o
Key, to the Si gn> ,
Key' lO Ho u....'
Key, 10 the Planet' "
~. Key" 10 Planeu ;n Sign,
6 , A, p«,IS -IS
7. Rcoonciling Yuga ; and Ta ja l a A, peel> 63
S. Que,tlon D. la 70
9, H" '" '" A, k Que.tion> 7._
10 Slgnilkat '"m . Malel;o' a nd Benel;o, 77
II . How tu Re~d A , P'X" g2
12. T he Role "f the M (~Hl ~nd the ~I
Elevenlh H" u,",
13. Sun", Exc<:pt,,, n, 10]
T iming Event>
Rha . a , COmhu"ion, N" de' a nd '"

RC1, oglc" io n
16. Pr""ticallllu , " a ti" n. 124

In no ' enue of life i. horary a>!rology more a pplica ble

anJ u,efu l than in da ily life. Vel lhi, branoh o f a,tr olo/lY
has nol been fullv uplored. There have been many
" anslati on , of d a foSical W OI~' on Ibe ...bj",,1 bu t no real
l e;t1· boo ~ 00 Ihe art .of an,we ring horary ques lio ns.
I fo und n\<" 1 d~ "i "al wurI,. contai ned definite
planetar y combina tio n, ind ica tive of de finile an,we" to
q ue" e,. 8 Ul llI... pla netary comb ina tioo , <,lOCllrred ....r
so rar.I )'-"On actuahly lhat I was fo ",ed to look for more
pm cli",,1 pla""llu y po,i li"" , Iha l co uld h.lp us find
an,we" . I discovered lhat mo ,t of h OTar~ a,l<ol o /l ~ could
be bo iled d ",..n 10 a few ba , ic pri nci ples. These principles
could be u IMded In a pply 10 an y pla"el ary jux la "",;I",n
o b lain i n ~ a t the mo ment of Ihe 'IuO'tion .

I bega n the .l udy of hora ry as trolo gy with an English

!ra n, lali"" o f !'Jeelak anta 's Pra ,na Ta ntra by my falh er
Dr. 11. V. Raman, ne\! 10 0~ up lhe lran, la lio ns o f
IShan ot p. la ·, Pr"-" , &,,a na a nd Sha lpaR<hasika by Ihe late
Sri V. Sub r. man ya Sa , tr;' 'hen lhe , are Kerala cla "ic
Pra>na Marga (Cha pte rs I 1o 16) while il wasi n Ihe 1" 0= '
of being lran,I~led and re,iseJ by nlY fat ber and finally
""me bad , 10 Pra, n" Ta n" a . Srudying it ovcr a nd 0>0 '
aga in, l pilched UpOll a fo n,tamc ma l pr iR<iple lha l cnu1d
an swer any qu e. lio n. I IV ' principle, I f" und. lay in
Ilhasala Voga , a "" mbi"ati o n ,,[ IWO pla ne," in a part;'; ,,]a r
wa}'. O ther Yoga, s"c'h a , Ea>a, a pha , Kamboola . Na kla ,

Radda etc. , were bu t .. ten. ion , alld qua lifications or

th is Yoga.
My father D r. B. V. Ram an has been my G u, u m
a.l rol" gy. I have had Ihe rare privilege "f ,pending all my
lire "" far with my G ur u. These yea" have been fi lled with
astrological di",u"ion, "n almo,t everything on earth
ra nging from thc . olor of o n" , dr«. to Man i, ,,, to
Sha nlhya philo,ophy to marr iage to su""",. to dea lh amI
even a fterlife . The.. di""u"ion, ha," gi"en m. rare insight<
into the .cien~" of ....olu gy ",.hicll no Ixool can offer .
Ilut what I have lea rnt can fill many bout..
My mo the, Smt. Rajeswar; Ralna n ha, al,o illdi.e.:lIy
played thc rok or a G uru when .he p lied me w,lh que. -
tio n, on ju" a bout everylhing unde r the sun. • Tr ying to
an'wer them was an exercise in hora ,y planetary gymna-
. tics wh i<h tu ted m ~ interpretative abi lity.
I have ",,"ght to till the.. pages with what I have
lea rnt under my G "ru and from m~ own .. pcrie"ce of
han dlin g a wide range of ca.., .
A ba.' ic understanding o f genera]. astrology which
iDOl"de. ca.ting the ho ro 'CO pc i, DCce"a,y for a <ludy of
thi s boo k. If thc p, inciple, uutli ned he re are applied
d il igen ll~ . it .OO"ld be quite ea,y to a nswer mo <l q uestion s.
I Irust all those gen"inely inte rested in di,rove ring tru th
will fi nd thi, boo l u ", f"1.
I tha nk m~ bro tl>er Nira nja n Ilab" o f Sr i Sup, aj ara m
for hi. ron,tant help in rea ding proof, and for bringing ou t
the hool 50 neatly.

Ga ya t r; Dn t Vuu d• •

HOR ARY ASTR O IDn Y" oneofthc , imrlc ' toric<in A.' lrology and
nighly f'OImla, . incc il pn'po ' lJ< to malle .. of immediate or " ' gent
in'e,e,t to the que ,enl.
The third edition of thi, I¥x,k ha, been extremd~ well· re ccived by
the inte,esled public. Hence the fourlb e,lition in a short time
I am gratefnt to VIIS Puhti, bc..• Di>l , ihuton U d.• fo' bringing
,>Irl. thil. editi<l n in the sh<lrle>t posaible time .

"S,i Ihjesw..i"
llimgalore-560 02tl
1>1 Feb'uary, 1992

It give, Ine great plea<ure 10 wrile a few words by

way of r ..""wo,d l<l PRACTl(:At HGRARI- i\ ST k()lf>(1V. Th e
amho, G aya, ri D.. i R a ma n i, my daughler . She h a,
made an inlelligenl 'ludy o f bol h nalal and h"rary
a'lrology and bas gainw eon,iderahle .. pet ion•• a, a
eorrecl prediclor o n ,he ba' ;, of Ho...ry cha ri'. S,,"
ha , already made he r marl as a fealu re_wriler In
Jl m ar y Aserolo gy i, p<rhaps lhe mo" imp<> rlant
aspect or pred i<;, ive a' lrology. "here ,he dala em ployed
are a«u tale an d verif,cation of predicted nents is possible
quk l ly In f.el " Ma ry i, more u,dul lhan na la l.
because il caters to impo rt ant problem s mcl with io the
daily life of Ihe avera ge Inan a nd W<lm. a
Thi, bool:. ha s been done by my dau ghle, ",ith , h ll
and ability , She ha , deah wilh the subjec l dear ly and
e"nvineinw y ;n a simple and ea,ily unJe"landable S1yle
T he illuSlta l"' '' ' gi_en are 011 d ra wn from Ihe cha rts
handled by he,.

T he need fo r such a bo" l , dea hog wilh Ho ' ur y

A" rol" gy in a ptacheal and non-t""hnieal manner, ha ,
betn long_fell. I am happy th a t my daughler has supplied
this wanl.
~ il

The boo;; will be fou nd 10 be u",fu l no t onl)' 10 the

l>eginner wilb Ihe mer",t acqu ai ntan ce wilh a Slroto gy bUI
at"" to (he ad,-anced s{ udenl and lbe pro f.,,,ional amologcr.
M)' daughler ten ds to hol d be. o wn in (he fuU>rc an d
I bope more boo k, will be co ming oul of her I"'n on aspect.
of ","olo~)' n<>t So fa r lnuched h)' me .
BI"", i"g her wilh all my hearl and wi,hing her a long
an d fruil ful fjfe or ,e r~ i<" to {he puhlic.

8 . V. KA M A "l .

Branches of Astrology
Astrology IS made up of 3 limbs. They urei-c-
(I ) Predictive Astrology
(2) Mundane Astrology
(3) Electional Astrology.
Pred ictive Astrology is concerned with making
forecasts or delineating future trends and possibi-
lilies. T his branch can be further subdivided into
natal horoscopy a'ld horary astrology . 10 the
former, results are assessed on the basis of the
chart erect ed for the time of birth. In horary
astrology, the chart 1> erect ed for the time of
question . Bo th give equally good results provided
a careful balancing is made of all the factor, in
the chart. O ur interest is horary astrology.
Mundan e astro logy is related to Judging
horoscopes of nations ;'Old of the collective desti-
uies of peoples.
Electional astrology is predictive astrology
reversed: H CIC a momen t is so chosen as to
ensu re success of any vent ure begun at that
] P"(1rliro! HMO' ''' A .' IfO lv ~ .I·

moment. The cha rt is first cavt a nd th e eve nt

ma de to co mme nce at the chosen time .
Ho ra ry Astro lo gy ha s been ~ e l Y pop ulal fo r
it dis penses a",ay with the birth time .... hich is
somet imes 110t recorded at all 01 only vaguely
noted do wn for a va rie ty o f reasons. Ho wever,
if the birt h chart can he made use of to st udy the
entire life of the nati ve. the hor a ry chart is limited
to assessing a particular s ituation with wh ich the
querc m i ~ concer ned a t the tu ne of askin g
questions .
T he greater pari of Ho ra ry Astrology is I'cry
similar 10 natal astrology. Ihe same srgns of th e
zodiac. lhe samc significations of the twe he signs
and h ouses arc used in bUill. T he on ly ulfterence
I~ the wa y In wh ich aspec ts a rc jud ged an d
conclusion, dm"'n .

-c- o-,

Ke ys to the Signs
It is nece ssa ry for l\ student to make himself
tho roughly fa milia r with the signs, "hat they
govern, the planets and their significationv as well
a' the 12 bhavav a nd what they indicate .

There are twelve sign, of the zodiac :--

L Aries T
2. Taur us
3. G emini

5. Leo &l
, Vir go TIl'
7. Libra •
s Sco rpio '"
9. Sagittari us ,
10. Capr icorn e
II . Aq uarius •
12. Pisces II
, j',."aical H",a,y Astrology

-- -- -
• •

Ark ;" rules the head . fores t, gra zing grou nds,
hilly tra cts, ceilin g, sta bles, the east , brick -k ilns,
blacksmit h. . /\rj~s ' nat ives have a broad and
la rge forehead and a small chin. They a re, the
sign being fier y. thin, lean, tall a nd dry loo king.
Eyeb row, a rc thick. T he neck is thin and long
like a goat' s with medium hair on head. The
skin is sallow a nd so metimes rudd y marked by
s pots a nd blemishes. T hey a re ha sty, impulsive
an d restless They ha ve an a bility fo r leadership
and arc overbearing ill nature. Tlicy <lord qu kic
10 lose their tempe r. Aries is fiery. mova ble and

T a u rll.~

Tuum > ru les the tace, field s, meadows . plains,

cow -pens , low rooms, the ground floor , flowering
shrubs and bushes. luxury ha lls. dining rooms,
ea (i"g places. Tau rus nalive, arc ha ndso me with
a slightl y snu bby nose lind broad cheeks . They
are SlOu t \11 body and height wilh th ick necks .
dar k thic k hair, tine teeth, hlrge eyes and clear
complexions. They arc slow ill movement and
inclined to ease and l uxury. T hey are suddenly
a nd easily provoked to anger and d o nO I COOl
010"'11 easi ly_ They call be faithful and ohcdiellt,
whe ll they fed Ii!..e ;t. Tau rus IS fixed und
eart hy _

Gemini rules the neck a nd ehe, !, bed-rooms,
wa lls, plast er ing, che sts. tru nks bo xes, barns ,
schools study -roo ms , co lleges . electr ical and
elec tronic appliances, comm unic ation media s uch
as cables, te lepho nes, televis ion, rad io, the news-
papers , G emin i na tives are taU, weU-b uill with
flushv cheeks a nd face. 1 hey are, without cxccp-
tion, good-looking with dear and la ir skins ,
thick lustrous hair. sensuallips b road chest, good
spea kers, will y, enq uiring and curious, fond o f
kno wledge . fu n-seekin g and gi~cn to qu ick chang-
ing mo od; and tempers. G emin i is common a nd
arry .

Ca ncer
Ca ncer rules the heart , breast . wate ry tklds ,
rivule ts. small lakes. tan ks, risers, cana ls. local
tra nsports. " ells. dit ches . 1110at\. kitc he n and
ho me" bakeries, milk-bars, snuck-shops , pumps,
places where food is sto red. Ca nce r nati ves are
small-built b UI fleshy. with artrac nvc faces and
eyes. soft curly but thick 1,,'IT . plum n limbs,
emouo nat and possess deep ly nunched natures.
Suc h nat ives arc fo rgiving and Iry \0 act the
moth er in all their relatio nships. They arc very
;e nsitl ' e but easily forge l animosities. Cancer is
movable and water" .

l eo ru les the belly, the digestive organs, the
navel, r nountam s, thic k forests . deep caves ,
wood s roc ky ter ra in. d eserts. palaces. parks,
forts , fire-places. chim ney. boile rs and heat appli-
a nces, factories such as of iron a nd steel. Leo
su bjec ts have dis tinct Jaw, and Jo in ts thai sta nd
out witha head a little [ 0 0 lar ge for the body.
T he body is th in, dry and ho t In cons titu tio n.
T he limbs have no part ic ula r beau ty abou t them
bUI the carr iage is royal and insolent. They
have ver y great rega rd fo r themselves lind get
upset o ver mere tri fles. Th e} are domineering in
nat ure ,tnd belie ve they aTC mea nt 10 p ass o nly
ord ers. Fhc legs aTC thin but the tr unk is large
and wide . Leo is fiery and fi xed.


virgo rules the hip, appendix. irr iga ted

fields ami channels, lush garde ns, orchards.
plen ty, corn Iieldv, libraries. book sh ops d airi es,
honey, farms and farm-hous e, collage produce.
Virgo 'na uves a rc the best loo \.. i'lg o f a ll th e signs.
T hey have da rk fuwn cyes, "rehing eyebrows,
small attractive mOUlh,. wh ite even teeth a nd
sh arp de te rmined chins. Limh, arc graceful and
le nd towards corpulence. They m IX ea, ily with
people. They arc intelligent , sha rp and good
spea kers. The y £CI nervous ea"h and are weak in
physical str e ngth, The y have studious und
, PrdUi( al Norar y A.rlm /oJ:

econo mising habits They avoid nasty situations

thro ugh disc retion and tact. Vi rgo is co mmon
and earthy.

Libra governs th e groms, businessmen , market
place, ,lr ade-cenlr cs. han ks, ho tels, amusement
cent re, public fetes an d fair s, toilets, hath-room s,
closets, ... ater-tu bs, flushouts . storeyed build-
lUgs . T ho, e bor n in this sign arc vivacious a nd
sparkling in temperament and appcara nc" . Either
they a rc too bala nced and wise o r len d to lose
balance mer the merest trifles. They arc good
talkers but sometimes rude. hasty and harsh.
T hey a rc tall a nd elegant Wit h slim bod ies, pi mpled
or freckled , kin", upright and j udicious in their
dealings li h ra is movable and a iry.

Scor pio f UIeS the pr ivat e parts. holes. deep
ca ves cre vices, mines, unde rground cellar, gara-
ges, ca r-pa rks. th e basement, sinks, swamps ,
rums, g arbage heaps , slush. moon, th e lo wer
shelves or a cupboa rd, pannctled walls. Sco rpio
nat ives arc small and neatly built with thic k, bushy
curly hair. Th ey h ave dark bright eye, that have
a hypnouc effect in them, They have d usk y
KeY' IQ I he Si gn.. ,
co mplexion and ale usually bowlegged . They
a re offended easily a nd harbou r ill-feelings. T hey
can be the best of friend , or the worst of enemies.
They love to hide or ru n away [ro m peopte a nd
cro wds. They are peevish but straight-for ward.
Scorpio i~ fixed a nd watery.

Sagit tar ius rules the th ighs, ro yal a nd govern -
ment q uarters, go ve rnmen t offices, a rmo ury,
racing grounds, ga mbling de ns, th e upper flo o rs
of buildings, stu d-far ms, race horses, veh icles,
airc raft. Sagittarius natives are sto ut with broad
shou lders , spa rse hair , mu scular limbs, straight
nose. deep-set eyes , br oad sha nks and thighs.
T hey are upr ight and ho nest in thei r dealings,
easy going unless prov o ked, even tempered a nd
ge nial hearted . T hey te nd to ta ke too many risks
In life a nd are bur n gamblers. Sagitta rius is
co mmo n and fiery .

Ca pricQr n
Ca prico rn rules the knees, wate ry place s
freq ue nted by beasts, alligator, aquari ums, fishe-
r ies, fishing nets, co wsheds , lu mber ho uses.
ba rren terra in, t horn s, bushes. lo w-lying a rea>.
Pra",i<a/ Hor<Jry ,htr%llY

Capricorn natives have an unusua lly long neck,

small head.' clea r serious eyes. slender build.
They ar e .... my and changeable seekin g perfectio n
in cverynungs. .... ith geed organising capacities.
T he) exhibit great pa tience and strength of will.
T hey a re ca utious a nd sec retive in nature . Th ey
ar c also ambitious but at the sa me time persever-
ing and pragamatrc . C ap rico rn is movable a nd

Aq ullriu~

Aq ua rius rules the ank les, pottery, cera mics.

cha rity ho uses, sto ne quarries. labo ra tor ies,
clas sroo ms, so urces otwater lind m ountai n springs.
Aquarius subjects arc tall. bon y, with round
faces and small eyes. The y ha ve small mo ut hs
a nd ill-formed or crooked teeth that o ften pro-
tr ude. They have coarse ha ir and ar c sometimes
slo venly. T iley al e stu dious in habit arid phi lu-
so phicat in tempera ment . T he) ra rely lose their
tempers for their atti tude to life is stoic. T hey
ar e honest an d benevolent m disposition. Aqua-
rius is fixed a nd airy.

Pisces rule, the feet , oceans. sea" ho spitals,
jails, materni ty ward s, n urses' quart ers, brcwe-

nes bars and places of ill-repute. hermitages and

cOllcerls, "ater cisterns and tanks, coffee and
tea-shops, ice-cream parlours. Pisces nanves
are ,h,)rt, plump ,md have beaut iful Ieces. Their
eyes are large, soft and lust rous, often brown or
blue , hair wavy and light, eyebro ws ta-ge, teeth
good a nd cmllple, io l1 delicate. They are slow In
their movements and lazy. T hey are too emo-
tional and timid. They are irreso lute , honest,
fo nd of good food and co mpa ny a nd often
talkative They He intuitive a nd psychic. Pisces
is co mmo n a nd watery.
These .signification s of the signs are modified
by the posit ion of thei r lords alld the planets
oc cupying a nd aspectmg them. Fami liarity with
thc,e signiflcation-, will ena ble one \0 ma ke
accurate predictions.

reside nce, diplomacy, gifts, dest ruction of powe r,
ove rthrow of enemy, controversies, adopted son ,
an d being t he 2nd fr o m th e Mh, the wealt h of
enemies, profit s thro ugh dealings with ho spitals.
jails and cl inics, bein g the 3rd from the 5th,
bro th e rs of sweethea rts. being th e 4th from th e
4th . pro perty of mot he r. cha nge of res idence.
being the 5th fro m the 3rd. nephews and nieces,
being the 6th from th e 2nd , fa mily feuds . fuglttves ,
being th e lith fro m th e 12th. lines, pleas, deat h of
ene mies, being the 9th from the I tth. friend 's
antecede nts and busine ss gains, being t he 10th
fro m the 10th. dist inction and merit III career,
pub lic service. and social and hum anitarian
projects, vrctones in bat tles a nd disputes, being
th e 11th from the 9th , father' , personal effects.
bein g the 11th from the 6th. de tent ion and tra cing
of offenders, th ieves and runaways.

The Eighth Jlou'C or bhava rules mangalya or

8 mar ital bo nd , mental pain. defeat , humil iation ,
Iengevny, scandals, impu rities, o hstacles, staves,
legacies, wills, dea ths. mvuruncc bonuses, afflicted
face, government punishment, loss of money ,
accidents, mut ilat io n of for m, endless calamities,
a nd being the 2nd from the 7th, do wry, income
thro ugh business ant.! married part ners , being the
K~ys 10 H"" ., ~s

3rd from th e nth. colleagues and sympa this ers of

one's enem ies, being the 4th from t he Sth ,
children's ed ucati o n and schools , being the 5th
fro m the 4th, rules gems through literary ta lent ,
writ ing, being th e 6th from t he Jrd. brother's
enem ies a nd debts being thc 7th fr om the Znd .
substance o f wife or husband , hei ng the 9th fro m
the l Zth. antecedents of conso.rators and foes ,
being the lnth fro m the llth , careers and wo rk of
friends, being the 11 th from the 10th, car eer gain s.
bei ng the 12th from t he 9th fathe r" s hospitalization
or political impriso nment a nd depa rture fro m
ord a ined du ties.

The ;";Inth HOll'" o r bhava ru les precep tor,

9 fo re ign journeys, fortune, fath er. worsh ip.
legal matters, dhanuic acts. virtue, grandchil d,
nobili ty , generosity tcerthas (center, o f holy
rivers), rnedicmal drugs, science. mental pur ity,
acquis ition of learn ing , affluence, policy, moral
sto ry. religious ba thing. ho rse" elep hant>,
prospe,ity. coro nalion halls, town halls . a~sembly
halls, circulation or money , ,lilt! being th e 2nd
from the 8th. rule> succ ess of boo ks, gains through
insurance policies, wire's or husband's relatives,
being the 3rd from till: 7th , lette rs of pa rtnership.
w ife o r husband's sh o rt jo urneys, being the 4lh
from the 61h, properties of enem ies, being the Sth
from the 51h, grand ch ildren and speculative gains
of children, being Ihe 6th fro m rhe 4th , mother's
health , legal involvement s a nd deb ts, being the 7th
from the 3rd , brother' , wife o r sivter's h usband a nd
disputes with brother " being the 8th fro m the 2nd ,
pec un ia ry losses and com plication s includ ing hard-
lo-meet eo mmitmc nb , heing the 10th from the
12th, the activities o f foes. deceptive mo ves and
conspiracies, being the lith fro m the l llh, frien ds
and thei r husme s proti l~ , being th e 12th from the
10th, tosses a nd e xpenditure in car eer,

The Tenth H~ or bha va ru les

10 co mmerce, ra nk or position, honour ,
occu pa tio n, success, fame, profession. 'i.. ~'. !:\'"od
co nd uct, q ual ity, inclinations. ga it, co mma nd ,
athletics. agricultu re, d octor, thigh. honourable
living , leac hin g, seat o f a uthority, subjeclio n a nd
being the 2nd from the oth, fa t hef '~ inco me and
fam ily, bcing the jrd f rom the 11th, brot hers of
a nd mcvsengers from fne nds, being the 41h from
the 7th. w,fc', o r hllsban d ' , mot her, ho use a nd
ed uca tion , being the 5th fro m the 6th. ch ildren o f
tena nts and servan ts. being the (Jlh from the Sth .
pri vate enemies o f childre n and their Ill-healt h,
being the 7th Irom the 4th, mother' s puhlic acti-
vitie s public tr usts a nd ed uca tio nal institu tio ns,
bei ng the 8th from th e Jrd. deat h o f brot hers,
their legacies , being the 9th f ro m the 2nd, general
fort une o f the family . being the tlrh from the
l zth, fr ie nds a nd svmpa thisers o f ill-WIS hers, a nd
being the l Zth from t he 9th , fat her' s expenditure
a nd losses ,

The f;IH e-nlh Ho use or bhava rules ga in>

11 inco me, acqu isit ion , rcalisaucn of objcc-
uv e, ho pe" friend s, acq ua intances. profits, elder
brothers and s bterx. d au ghter, pleasant tidings,
d epe nde ncy, go ld , wealth. pate rna l property,
pea rls, o rnament s, riches of every kind, minister-
ship, a wa rd s dis uncuon , cook ing , car, shan k,
skill in a rt, imp'lrlant papers a nd documents and
be ing th e 2nd from the lUth, inCO'lIC from one',
own exert ions, being t ile Jr d r, o ln thc sth , paternal
uncle; an d aunts short journeys of ;tnd messages
from fa ther, being the 4th from the lith, lo ss of
ment al tranquillity. legal educ;ltiol1 , testators ,
sec ret and occult knowledge. belllg the 5th from
the 7th , ", i ii; or husband's allair, a nd thei r
business-inves tment profits, being the lilh from
the 6th , ene mies of enemies , sic kness o f servant> ,
de bt , of tenants, being the 7t h from the 5th
ma rriage or marri ed spouse 01' son. being the xth

from t he 4th, legacies from mo the r, being the 9t h

fro m th e Jrd , forie gn journeys of brothe rs, being
(he 10 th fro m the Znd. la mely reputation and
sta nding. and o.:ing the 121h from the 12th,
destru ctio n of enemies, end o f losses and re gain
of healt h.

12 TItt' TII-dlh UOIN' or bnu va go vern s

,orro w, leg. lef1 eye . lo ss. spy, ta le-bear-
ing, w eld s, intrigues, end. povert y. sin , bed,
imprison ment . a wakening from sleep, discharge of
deb ts. paterna l wea lth, enemy. entry into heaven,
people's ire o r mob fu ry . fetter, place of captivity,
disr<J1 e, hod ily inju ry, dea th, travelling or go ing
a wa y 10 an other place, expend iture. loss o f wife
and being th e 2nd fro m th e 11th. invitnuo nv for
dining "i th friends. being the 31d fro m the 101h.
Jo urn ey' co nnected with ca reer, being the 4t h
Irom the vth.tgm nd mothe r, a ncestra l p ro pert y.
sea-travels being th e 5111 fro m the sr n, request>
an d insurance investments relating to ch ildren,
bemg the N h from th e 71h, wife' s illness and
conj uga l life, being Ihe 71h flom tile 6tll , d i~ putes
Wi th serva nt> and tena nts, being the 81h fromt he
Sth, dea th a nd cala m ities to chi ldren such as
Lidnapp.ug, being the 9th from the 4th, foreign
cd ucan cn a nd residence, being the 10th fro m the
J rd , b rother 's careers and being. 'the 11th from
the 2nd, family Circle of relative s and family
friends .

If the 3rd ho use den ote , the first brother,

the 3rd the refrom deno tes the bro ther after him
or his you nger broth er, the 3rJ therefrom the .'rd
yo unger b roth er a nd stl O il . Similar ly, if the 5th
house de notes the first ChI IJ , the thir d therefrom
denotes the 2nd child , the ."l rd from here.' the third
ch ild a nd so 0 11 . If the II th house de notes the
eldest bro ther, the J rd the refrom. na mely the 2nd
den ote s h is you nger brother. Th is wa y, you
can, with a little p ractice, ma nage to lind an y
relati onsh ip, no ma tter how dista nt , III the chart .
Significa tio ns relating 10 var io us bha vas can be
easil y made out.

Suppose the qucrent IS wo rr ied abou t his

friend's missing son. The Ascendant denn les the
qucrcnt, the 11th ho use denote s the fr iend a nd
the 5th therefrom . the m issing boy.

In this illust ratio n (C ha n l) the Ascendant

Aq ua rius r ules the querenr. The 11th house.
namely Sagittari us, "huw , the friend whose c hild
IS missin g. The 5th hou se from the llth bouse,
'- 1- -
A ries
Aquar ius
C ha rt I
1- -1
-- - - 1-
i I

! Sa ~ illa r i u,

tha t is, Aries, denote s the missing boy. Or, in
other words, as you have a lread y seen, the Jrd
ho use go verns friend's ch ild ren.

- 0 --

Keys to the Planets

Now. we move on to the keys to the planets.
We aU know alt hough commonly referred to as
planets, we are really spea king of grahas or which
nine ar e importan t 10 our study. They are;
L Son 8
2. Moon
J. Mar s s
4. M ercury 0
5. J upite r
6. venus ,•
7. Saturn
Raho Q

9. Ketu
These planets have innumerable properties
with which you m ost ge t acquainted . Bot these
pro perties are neithe r astronomical nor physical.
They are esoteric in significance .
The Sun governs copper, gold, brass .
valuables , father, hea rt (the orga n), vitality. a ny.
Pr(l('l i...,,1 H~r" ry Jlslrolo/fy

thing auspicio us. the sou l. fa me, giory, co urage,

victory, government'a nd quevi-gcvernment service,
G reesh ma or summer, Lord Siva, forests,
mo untaineering, participa uc n in [Homas a nd
Yagnas, temples, physician, king, ofliciah ng pr iest
at a sacnnce. muuster, tiger , deer a nd goose, royal
pat ronage. half-a-yea r, eyes, rO<lming, timber.
head a; lmenlS. sto nes, pu blic activity. river banks,
ruby, capturing the enemy, thick cord . saffro n
hostility, a nger tha t doe s "o t cool do wn easily.
palatial buildings a nd apartmellts.
The Sun is described as being bilious m
temperament , th inmng-bair , sparse eyelashes and
eyebro ws, dark red in hue, eyes tinted red, clad in
red garments and well-built wilh strong bones
He is wrath ful with huge arm s.
Sivc temples, ope" fields, courtyards allowi"g
plenty of light , d ry regions witho ut a ny water a nd
the Eastern quarter are the haun ts of the Sun.


The Moon roles mothe r, her welfa re, mind,

sea-bath, vn rsha o r monsoon , umbrella. fan s,
fruits, tender ness, flo wers, corn , farming, pearls,
hell-metal, silver, sweet flavour, milk, c10Ih ,
water, fountains. sewers, seaports, cow wome n,
good food, bodily hea lth, beau ty, ro und ed
contour", worshippers of Sasta ( Harihara},
females, washerme n. far mers, aquati c animals,
hare , a ntelope , cr ane, partridge ,

T he Mo on has a la rge body and is sometimes

old , He is tcan , fair , has lovely soft light eyes
(brown o r h lue), and fine voft bu t thin hair. He
rules the blood. l ie speak s softly, wears white
and has a clea r, del ica te, dewy complexion . He
has wind and ph legm a nd is mild in te mpe rame nt.
The Mo on a ls o rules II\telligencc, perfume,
fortress, Brahmin, idle ness a nd ea se, epi leps y,
splee n, sourness, sugarcane, typhoid. wseU,
co nsumpt ion, waistba nd, salt , short stat ure ,
a ut umn, a n inte rval o f 48 minutes. facia l rad iance ,
whea t, curds , peo ple, foricg n tr a vel, royal
insignia , serpent, silke n .gann ents. crystal s and
delicate textures o f cl oth, com mod ities, kitchen.
ware , cutlery and crockery ,

Th e Moon ' s haunts a re places of worship of

Goddese Parvati. women ' s q ua rters, places whe re
wa ter is fo und-c-kitchens, toilettes, c usto ms ,
ta nks. and h erbs, pla nts a nd places where liq uor
is kep t as in distille ries. He ru les the Nor th.
Wes t.
P,Qet;CQI HON,r y " ,f I,,,I,,,y

Ma rs rul es strength, valou r, brother, prod ucts
der ived fro m the earth, cr uelty an d hatred. odium ,
tire, ki tchen, gold , relatives. wea po ns, thieves,
physical vigour a nd stamina, falsehood , furnaces,
bakeries, b utchery, comma nder-in-ch ief', wou nds.
bleeding. holts, cooks and c hefs, arms-bearer ,
goldsmith . ra m. cock, jackal. monkey, vulture.
Mar-, also shows loss of virtility . red wines,
ene my. tr umpe t. qu adr uped . foo l. ang er, Io negn
travel. heal, se rvice under a king (go vernment).
auto mo biles. machinery. ti n, a rms like swo rds.
spears. lances, knives. gu ns . yo uth , pu nge nt ,
assembly- hal l. ca lumny a nd goss ip. fl esh eating,
G reeshma o r summer. Brahma. fo rester, village
headman. rogue. leanness , skill ill archer)',
Samaveda . iron , management of wild animals.
independence . assertive nature, hae mo rrhage.
pcrsistunce. restlessness, d rying of blood, mo unt-
mg vehicles, coral, laboratories.
Ma rs is de scribed as being well-b uill with a
slim waist and curly lust ro us hai r, He Ius
fierce eyes but a yo uthfu l loo k, He is billio us in
tempe ra ment a nd cr uel. He dresses m red
clot hes a nd is r udd y il\ complexion. He is
genero us a nd rules marro w.
Kep 10 Ihe N unclS

M ar ~ frequents the underworl d, hid e-ou ts of

thieves o r of vulgar peo ple, mu t es. battle-fields .
p laces wit h tire and the Sou th . He co mes under
Lo rd Sub ra manya.

Merc ury governs learning , speech. eloq uence,
skill in fine artv , materna l uncle. re ligio usness, all
intellectual p ursuus , sacrifice, r iles relat ing to
Ma lia vishnu, truth. oyster-shells, places of
recreatio n, skill m electr ic and clccromc subjects.
scicnn tic I n; trumcn ts. slat ionc ry. pens a lid writi ng
art icles . relations, frie nd s. humo u r, wit . user's
ch ild, cowherd. pu ndit. al'!lsan. accounta nt,
Vishnu devo tees. Garuda . pa rrot, cat, horse s,
treasury. mathematics, writing , I:l raIJmH1 , Sudra.
infa ntry , huge bunga lo ws. green. scu lptu re,
astrology. temples. Vedan ta p hiloso p hy, maternal
grandfather a nd put cmu l relano ns. eu nuch,
eme ra ld , child. renunciat io n, Hemama ( winter).
navel, pro fic ie ncy In la nguages, At harvana Veda,
rep rod uc tive organ, impa rtia lity . skill in testing
a nd judging precio us stones. prayers, mca ntanons,
spells, te ams-co u rts. attorney's o ffice. clerical
jobe, hills,
Mercury govern s the ,kin and IS grass green
ill colou r. He is evenly buill a nd has al l the 3
Pmc li ~al IIm ary A." rology
" urs of phlegm . wind a nd bile . His vein '
a re pro minent and he has red lo ng eyes. HIs
garment is green . He talks a micably.
\ lcrcury is fo u nd ill places o f learning like
schools, colleges, libra ries. Sri Vishnu temples,
place, (>1' recreation a nd m the No rth .

.luph ...r
lupiter presides o ver knowledge. ~H lucs.
progeny. counsellors a nd ministers. conduct ,
dissemination of kno wledge. magnanimity,
learn ing in Vedas, Sastras, Smntis a nd sacred
lore, prosperit y and abunda nce in everything.
penance. respect for e lders and devotio n to God
a nd tilt" wi"",,, tr easury , the sense org" ", a nd thei r
conquest. husb and'< welfare . re nunc i... c. impor tant
persons. religious an d mon a stic hea ds, pigeon.
swa n, ho rse, o ne's o rdain ed duty , cars , co ws,
savings. Mccma msa p hilosoph)'. a st rology,
d rops~' , gran c fath er a nd gran d chi ld. eldest
brot her, mansion. winter . thigh . royal or nationa l
ho nou rs, frie nds , oratonal ta lent, fat, ho ly water ,
to werin g buildin gs, Iapiz hua uli . caor tso ned
veh icles. honey, 0 11. sll... .
Co rp ulent with a broad c hest, J upiter ha s a
paunch . He is yellow In colour with pro wn eyes
KeF to th e P!ond s

and ha ir. lie has a powerfu l VOICC that is clear.

He is intelligent, phl egmat ic an d interested in
mo ney.
He is fo u nd in treasur ies. banks, He ar
a~ wat ha or peepal tree, temples, ch urches.
monasteries. dwellmg p laces o f the pious and in
the Nort h-Ea st . Hema nta or wnuer. courts of
Jush ce a nd ward robe s.

Venus rules wea lth. vehicles . clothes. ma nsio n.
ornaments. hoard ed goods. music. dance. inst ru -
men ts of music. wife, happiness. sce nts. flowers.
sexual ind ulgcnce . couch, poetr y. 'iport and
amu sement, sensuousness, co unsellor. char ming
speec h, ma rriage Iestivinev. merchan t, weaver .
dancer, musroan. prostit ute>. can-guts. peacock .
llulfa lo, pa rrot. co ..... . whiteness. vilver, d iamond .
o gling, Yaisya . beau ty. middle age, V«,I'a, lute .
fl ute a nd other rnusicalinstrum entv. running after
women. semen. truth. stage a llll screen, 'ikill in
love-ma king, classica l dance, G od dcss Parvati or
Lakshmi, emaciation, mo lher du ring day-time.
genita l o rga n. ornamen ts.
Ve nus IS well built and tall with beautifu lly
pro po rtio ned limbs. He has thic k, black curly
K. y' 10 Planets i" Sign'

Venus in Taurus gives handsome features

with lustrous eyes, lI1ed"",, height . fleshy face and
a friendly honest disp osition .
&!tu rn in Ta urus gives ctumsy carriage.
slouchi ng post 1Ire, da rk hair . grave expression and
rough manners.

Planets in Ge mi ni
Sun In Gemin i giveswe ll· built body, sanguine
com plexion. balding ha ir. spar-se eyelashes and
well-ma nne red dhpo,it;on.
Moo n lfl Gemin i grves good height ,
corpu lence, round big eyes , clear fair comptexron
and a n inqUIring. nature.
M ars In Gemini gives good height WIth
propo rt ionat e limb" swarthy com plexion and a
wa nderi ng, restive na ture.
Mercury in Gemini gives a good body wit h
he ight and carnage. "'gen'Otl' loo ks and
conversa tional a bility.
Jupite r in G emini gives a full. plump build of
meduna height or slightly more, blemishes m
complexion. bro wnish hair and a gentle mannered
., , ,

v e nus III G emini gives good height. good

eyes. fairly good complexion, thic k, luxuriant
PracllCi1/ IJorar y ASlr%gy

hair and slender build with sociable habits a nd

ma n ner
Saturn in G emini gives ta ll stature. thick
ha ll', piercing deep-vet ey',:s and an a rgumen ta tive

Planets in Ca ncer
Su n in Cance r gives small stat ure , corpulence,
dull and t hinnin g hall', small sh;lrp eyes and a
chee ry nat ure.
Moo n in Cancer give, a plump, sho rt . homely
face, ro und stature with thick ha ir. ro und eyes ,
kind and gentle d ispos ition.
Ma r, in Ca ncer g ive~ a d ull complexion .
short stature , th ick ha ir, con tentious and restless
disposit ion.
Mercury in Cancer gtvev shor t stature, dull
hall' and dark co mp lexion, roving sharp eyes and
a self_opinio nat.:d disposition .
J upiter in Cancer gives flesh} mid dle stature
with fa ir und ro sy cheeks. bro wnish ha ir and
fu ssy natu re.
Venus in Cancer gives a fleshy body of
medium hcigbt , dark thick hai r, indo lent , sensua l
hut .mractiv c eyes, and a vain disposition .
K~}"!J 10 Pla~el s i~ Sig~ ,
Saturn in Ca ncer gives short ill-formed
stature with \'ery d ar k complexion an d grillly
ha ir. The eyes a rc neurot ic a nd malicio us
loo king.

Planets in Leu
Sun In Leo gives mediu m or sho rt
height. strong, wiry body with light brown hai r,
sangum e comple xion, p roud III bearing and
carnage .
Moo n in L l'O g ives tall stat ure, brow n eyes,
angula r Ja ws and feat ures With a loft), and
as pir ing na tu re .
Ma rs in l eo gives a well-built bo dy with
sun-burnt complexion , large eyes and co nfid ent
and quic k gait with a passiona te an d free-spirited
dispo sitio n.
.'-.1ercu ry in leo gives ro u nd face and a h igh
nos-e, med iulll build . brown eves and a boastfu l
d isposit io n.
Ju piter in Leo gives ta ll and welt-buiu
physique tending to co rp ulence, curly ha ir, rud dy
com plexion an d a d ispos itio n t ha t is ha ughty and
magnaTlllllous. .
Ven us in Ll'O g ives c lea r complexio n. rou nd
face with tine eyes, fairly th ic k ha ir, fi rm and neat
Practical Horary A. " elog y

build with ta ll statu re a nd a n a ngry but genero us

Sat urn m Leo gives tal! stat ure with. big-bo iled
hmbs a nd th inn ing hair. t hick bushv cvc· brow~.
a nd grave disposition .

Planer s in \irJlo
Sun ';n Virgo give s a ta ll. slender fra me with
th ic k dark hair and a pleasa nt and agreeable
'vI oo n in Virgo givcs medium stature. ra ther
dar k complexion . serious but inge nious me ntality
with a tendency to boast .
M31 r, in Virgo gives a well-built med ium
sta tu re with dark thic k hai r. a ruddy complexio n
with a scar or mar'" o n the face. a n energe tic a nd
ublc nature.
xtc rcurv 111 Virgo give s a ta ll frame with al ert
an d sparkling eye, that arc witty . Hair is thick
and blllld is ta l! a nd well-p roportioned .
Ju piler In Virgo givl:' a heavy. corp ulent
frame with an ordin ar y complexio n, a boastfu l but
studious a nd ambitious na ture.
v enus in Virgo gi<'c, a dark comple xion with
an 0\'1\1 face , bright keen eyes and a c lever but
cu n II ing disposition ,tha i is not aiways luc ky ,
Keys II> Pla~elJ ill Signs

Sa turn in Virgo gives spare ta ll stature, da rk

hai r, sad eyes and a long fa ce with a gloomy
melancholic dis positio n.

Plan ets in I .ihra

Sun in Libra gives a tall. slender fra me , fair

but blemished c o mple xio n. light ha ir. a relined
and polite dis posuion.
Mo on in Libra gives attractive feat ures in a
fu ll face, br ight fi ne com ple xio n. and a jo vial f un-
loving disposition .
Mar-; ill Lib ra gives a well-built body WIth a
rudd y co mple xion, ra ther light ha ir, WIth a
cheerful bu t co nceited nature.
Me rc ury in Libra gives medium height with
well-proportioned limns, ligh t eyes. q uite th ick
hair and a n eloquent and co urteo us nature.
J upite r in Lib ra g ives a ta ll fra me, fair
complexion with ftcshy plump c heeks and limbs
and pimp led comple xion . T he nature is mild b ut
wmnm g.
Ven us in Libra gives a n oval face, wit h deep
brown or black e yes, th ick glo<" y ha ir, frec kled
face. a nd a tall graceful figure with a sunny fair
disposi tion .
P' actical H",a, y A.lI,alllXY

Saturn in li bra gives a build of med ium

height with thick, dark hair. high forehead, and a
qui et and unassuming nature.

Planets in Scorpio
Su n in Scorpio gives small da rk eyes with
thic k-se t eyebrows that tend to gro w' sparse with
age, a swarthy complexion and a stron g
determined disposition .
M oe n in Scorpio gives plump short stature
with thick hair. dull complexion and an ill-
disposed, malicio us nature.
Man in Scorpio gives a rugged. well-built
muscular body, broad cheek>. ruddy complexio n
and thick, curly hair with a passionate. revengeful
but inventive mind .
Mercury in Scor pio gives medi um height,
broad shoulder>, indifferent but curly hair a nd
complexion, and a crafty, deceit ful, quarrelsome
nature ,
J upiter in Scorpio gives a stou t, short. flesh)'
fra me with dull eyes and complexion and a selfish
pom pous nature.
Venu s in Scorpio gives a stou t , voluptuo us
nody wit h dusky hair and co mplexion, vicious
Key. to Planets in Sill'll 4J

an d sensual looking eyes and a jealous a nd catty

di sposition .
Satu rn in Sco rpio gives short stature with
dar k complexion, very c urly grizzly hair, broad
shoulders and a disposition that retains a nger.

Planets in S agittarius

Sun in Sagittarius gives a tall, ha ndso me

body with sparse brown hair , fair complexion,
an d an ambitious but philosophical outlook.
Moo n in Saginurius gives attractive featu res
an d a well-pro portioned body with a brigh t
gleaming com plexion, a nd a hasty, a mbitious
but kind nature,
Ma rs in Sagittarius gives a tall, well-built
frame with deep pe netra tin g eyes, brown hair and
an independent and ha sty disp osition.
Merc ury in Sagutanus gives a tall well-formed
an d pr oportio na te body with fair, smooth
complexion, light eyes and a beaked nose. The
dispositio n IS hasty, imprudent but easily
appeased .
Jupite r in Sagittarius gives a healthy, ru ddy
com plexion with a heavy but tall frame, large eyes
and tenures. a magnanimo us a nd friendly natu re.
Practical Hma' }' ASIrQla~ y

Ven us in Saginar'ius give, a tall , good looking

body with th ick han and bright. dark eye, and a
passionate bUI uhliging di<;p'hit,oll .
Saturn Ul Sa!!;llarius give'> a large bony frame
with good CUlllp]e XiO,I. grave but kind ly eyes and
a helpful sympathetic nature,

I'la nd s in Ca priC'lf n
Sun In O lpr icorn give, medium height and
a n ind ifferen t appearance wuh lh in body, sparse
ha ir, dull complexion b UI an honourable and
ag reea ble disposition.
Moo n in Caprico rn give, a small weak fra me
with th in sad face. du ll eyes, th in neck and dark
hair , T he d " pus' l,on " cTafty , unreliable and
de bauched.
\-lars in Ca pricorn gives thick dark hair.
short fra me a nd smatl feat ures with an ambitious
and d ynam ic perso naluy .
Mercury in Ca pricorn gives a small , mean
body wrth shar p, , uspic,u us eyes and a narruw.
crafty a nd tric ky nature.
J upiter in Capricorn grves sma ll stat ure, pale
a BC salk", complexion and eyes, sparse fac ial a' id
bod ily hair with a peevish, inact, ve, discontented
nature .
Cap ricorn give' medium height with
V o'I1I1' \Il
u pule comple xion and dar k eyes. f he disposition
I, indolenl b ut amtuuous and fond of enjoyment.

Saturn m Capricorn gwes a lean. bony bod~

with dark CO<H,e straight hall'. sm all penetrating
eyes and a n avariciouv. disco ntented nat ure ,

1'1 ~ lll'h i n .... q u~ r i u,

SUIl in Aquariu s gtve medium height and
buiId tcnd ing 10 l'or pulenee "11h rOHnd eyes, clear
complexion a nd light hair , " n h an ambitio u-,
nature tha t seek<, to rule in all aelivi lic, o f life.
Aq ua rjl" givcs a wcll·fornlcd bod ,
\10011 III
of mcdiuru height With clea r bro "'1\ and large
esc, . thin hair and rath er more boody h;lir The
d isposit ion " rr-cndly. tho ughtful "l1d mgctuouv .
\ l ar , ill Aqu a rius g"e, a ta ll welt-built body
with a reddish comptcxiou a nd sandy hai r with"
res tless . as ser tive but relined nat ure ,
Me rc ury In Aq ua r;u;, give> medium build and
height . fleshy face and dear frie ndly eyes with a
humane. p lc;\,ing kind na ture.
J upiter in Aquanus glves a eorpulenl body or
me<Ji u lll height. ctea r -"Comp leXio n a nd not to o
thi ck o r dark hair with a dis positio n tha t I'
helpfu l, bright and happy-go-luc ky.
Prart;cnl ffnrary A , rrology

ve nu, in Aquarius gives a beautiful body.

clear complexion with soft. brownish hai r, a
courteous dis positio n an d concern for e thers.
Sa turn in Aq uarius gi...es medium height,
da rk hair and deep-set piercing eyes and so ber.
.hgnified carriage with a well-dispo sed . relined
nature and an ingenious mind .

Planets ill Pisces

S UIl on Pisces gives medium height, stou t
b 'l:~d an d a clear com plexion with rou nded
feature" The divpo sition i~ generous hut the
nature tends to prod igality.
\1 o o n in Pisces gives a plump. clumsy body
with sort eyes. fleshy chee ks and lips and a d ull,
lal)" but svmpatheuc disposition .
Ma rs in Pisces give, a plump hodyof mcdium
stature, dull complexion, restless eyes a nd a
wavering, idling mind with all inclinatio n to
vicio us habits,
\1erc ury in Pisces gives an a wkward body
and ga it with shutlling feet , n ervous eyes, th in
dull hair, ;\IId a con ceited, ta lkative natu re that is
ad dicted to women and drinking
J upiter in Pisces gives medium height with
m oderately good looks, full face and dark h air , a
studio us. ambitious d ispositio n and fondness for
pleas ure .
Venus in Pisces gives mid dle stature. plum p
face with attractive chee ks and eyes, full lips,
clear and radia nt complexion with a peaceable,
mil.d and just dispovitton .
Saturn in Pisce s gives medium height . lar ge
ra w-bo ned limbs. small eyes. indifferent teet h with
an unreliable. treacherous d rsposiric n.
These characteristics of planet, can be used
in describing the qucrent a nd Ihe person .q uesited
abou t. T he rising sign, the planet s 10 It and
aspecting it and th e sign occupied by the
Asce ndant lord desc ribe the q uere nt . Similarly.
the sign signifying the quesited togethe r wit h it>
lord and the pla nets influe ncin g these two factors
give a reas onably fair descript ion of the person.
( II !\PTER (,

.A horarv cha rt is Inte rpr eted on the basis flf
a spects . Thew aspec t, a re differen t f ro m aspe ct s
we come across in Para sa ri astrology, Th e a spects
employed In horary' astro lo gy are called TaJa k
aspect, an d are similar to aspects ;n Western
ast rology.
Fhe nat ure. good or bad. of as pects is d eter-
m illed no t by the planets but by the degree of
avpcctx .
T he fo llowi ng a spect s are important to U,.
Conjunction U'
Semi-secute 30
Sextile 60 '
Sq uare '!O '
Trine 12W
Oppositifl n I HW
f he con junction is caused \\.-hen 2 pla nets an:
I n the same de gree a nd u may be reneuc o r

lhe scmi-se xtile i" c aused be,""ee,) two
planet s )0" a part and is feebly benefic, there be-
ing pr om ise of desired results if pro mpt and
ller,evering effort is put forth,
T he sextile is caused (in th ritiyaekadasi or
3/ 11 positions} by 2 pla nets be'llg60 degrees a part
a nd is benefic and with a litt le effo rt. the desired
objecti ve may be gained.
The tri ne is caused by 2 planets being 120
apart (in m il tual tnues or mkonusI and is an excel-
lent aspect ind icatin g favou ra ble o utco me of the
subje ct of the que ry.
Next. "e come to the malefic or ho stile
T he sq ua re is cause d by 2 1, la net' being 90·
a part (in ke nd ras or 4/10). and den otes stress.
o ppositio n a nd hurdles and consequent failure.
T he o pposition " also malefic caused by
2 planets being I ~O· a pa rt (Samasaptama or 717)
and indicate, sheer ho pelessne" and impo, sibilily
of ach ieving the desi red result.
In C ha rt 2, the Sun a nd Mercury a re III
co nju nct io n.
50 f',aClit'a/ llorar )' A,<1m!,,/p '

T hc Sun a nd Venus a rc in scnu-sextile. T he

Su n ,1I1d Mars a rc scxtilc . T he Sun and J upiter lire
- --- - '- - -- ---
Ma r- I ~ o lo p' te r 18°

,,',,' I

Su n
Cha ' l
!, !
Ven," IX" I S~lur~

! '"
- - ------- I - - , - - -- -, --- - - I
---- "

in mnc. Thc Su n lIJ1d Moon a rc III square. T he

Sun and Saturn arc in oppos ition .
HUI we do no t al ways, In race only very
rarely, come ac ross exact degree aspects as in the
example. Th e planets a rc invar iably a httle
behind or a little ahead of exact aspects.
SO. \' C have orbs of influence beyond which
the influence of a planet ceases 10 he cffccnve in
considering aspects.
A"" .c/! 5/

Accord ing to Neetakuntuv !'rastr!! Tansra.

the ro llo w i n ~
are th e orb, of influence

Sun IS'
\l o o n 12'
....lars 8'
\ 1e-cury 7
J up iter 9
Venu, r
Saturn 9-' ,
If the uspcc t is exact. it IS called perfect o r
partite and po,e, no p ro blems . Otherwise. thi s
I,what we do.
T he orbs of illl1uence of the two planet, a re
added and divided by 2 10 gel the average orb of
influence. If the aspect is beyond this orb. th ere
i, no rea! a spect. If it falb Within the average
orb. the a,PCC! t<; effective. though not exact or
panile and j, ca lled plane .
,\lthough we could use thi, averag e me thOd
for such st rong aspec ts as the trine. oppusuion or
conjunction . il would he bette r 10 employ a
srnaucr orb for till: tecser aspects A gener al orb
o f 6 ' can be allowed fo r all aspects . the weake r as
well a, the stro nger ones. to be a ble to come to
co nclusio ns safely.
Pracl ,,,, l lIo'M r A.jf",I<>ZY

Ro th Venus a nd Marv, in C ha rt 3, arc in the

same sign h ut the d istanc e between them is too

- -

('h arl J --I

--1- -
Ma " J'
Venu' )2' I

much to consid er them in conjunction. The

p lanets arc separa ted by more than 7' which is the
average of the ir o rbs of i nfluence (7 +71/2 . T hey
a re. thcrefor e, not in co njuncti on .
A lthough , it is the a rc of aspect that decides
its benefic Or male tic nature, we IllU, t also ta ke
into account the pla neh invo lved. A sq ua re
betw een Ju piter a nd the Moo n wo uld not give a n
unfavourable res ult o r failure o fthe sameintensity
1 S in the ca se of Mars und Sat urn . In th e latter

the blow could be sudde n. explosive a nd

shattering a nd in the for mer, the failure may
com.. In a quite ,Or( of man ner.
The Tajak a syste m give> so me definitio ns of
a-pccts which are very effective 10 ma king
pre d ictions.
They a le: (I) lt hasala
(2) Easaraph u
(3) ~ak1a

(4) Y amaya
(5) K amboola

Itha>al ll

An lthasala Yoga IS caused when a tast e r

pla net with less lo ngitude is behind a slower
planet with mo re longi tude. T his is a benefic
In C ha n 4, the Moo n is in tm asa ta with
Saturn indicating a favourable outcome in relation
to the sign ification, of the ho uses (bhava s
involved .
When the lt h asala oceurs withln half'a degree,
it beco mes Muthaseela . a very favourable aspect .
j M" o" 16°

Chon 4

,~--,--~ I
Easara pha
When a faste r pla ne! with greater lon gitude
is a head o f a slo wer planet with less longitude, a n
Easarap ba Yoga is formed. T his IS an unfavour -
able a spect.
In Cha rt 5. Mercury', the faster planet , i~
ahead o f the slow er Jupiterforming an Easara pna.
T his ind icates fai lure o r the o bject of the query
becoming a th ing of the past .
T hese 1'\ 0 a spects correspond to the applying
and separating aspec ts of Western astrology. In
Aspt el,

lthasala Yoga, the faster planet a pplies to the

stower plan et while In Ea sara pha . the fa-ster planet
• I
I I Jup iter 6° ,
, I Mercu,,'

----1·- --,1-"..,.----4
I. a~ na I

Cha n 5

- - - ' --
sepa rates from the slowe r planet. Ihc Moo n
being th e fastest or all planets can apply to a U
oth er planets.
T he Moo n cart app ly to Merc ury. v enus .
Sun. Mars, Jupite r an d Satu rn.
Mercur y can a pply to v en us, Sun. MaH ,
Ju piter a nd Saturn .
Venus can apply to Sun, Mar s, Jupiter and
Sat urn
The Sun can ap ply to Mars, Jupiter an d
Saturn .
Ma rs can apply to Jupiter an d Sat urn .
Jupite r can a pply only 10 Saturn.

Na k tll Y02 ~

Whe n the re is 110 aspect between 1 planet s

hut a pla net faster than th e two is m aspect to
both. it ca uses a n aspect bclween t he two or
tra nsfe rs light from the faste r planel to the slo wer
pla net.

- I

C hart 6
Jup;ler 9" I

, , , I
, I
Ve nus .l4' 1 1<-l<' " n 7'
In C hart b. there is no a spect I'letwn:n J upiter
and v en us bill the- Moon is in lthasala ..ith both .
So. he esl at>l i~hes a lin\" bet ween \' enus a nd
J upiter ",'illl I~ -':I m.:- n:~ull a~ if lhoe 1"'0 had
betn in Ilh a-ala. The rt<;ult will 1'0: rultil mell.t o f
the o bject ~ ipll fitd b~ venu , and J upiter lind the
housn or bhavas in, o h';ng them through the
agenC~i o f tilt bha va sil',nifitd b}' lilt Moon.

j C ha ri 1
M." 16"

+---,----------'- - -
Pract rcal lI"r ~ ' r A,uo/aItJ'

process.generating a square aspec t betw een Ma rs

a nd J up iter a nd signifying failure through the
bhava Me rc ury sigmbcs.

Ya ma, 'a YoglI.

When there is no aspect be tween two planets
a nd a slo \\c r planet is in aspect with each of them ,
it [the slo wer planct t tra nsfers light from the
faster of th e two planets to the ot her ,
,~ .. --,-- - -- - -- -

~ e rc u r y

C ha rI

:iVcnu, 14"

- -- - -
In Ch a nS , Merc ury is in It hasala with Jupite r .
venus is 111 lthas ala WIth J upite r. Btlt Merc ur y
and Venus. to wh ose houses the q uestion relates ,
a re nor in ltha sala . J upiter transfers light fro m
Merc ury to Venus so that they act a s if in lt hasaJa
and promote the object o f th e q uery .
.. _
.. ,

Ch~tl 9

Ven", 15'

- - - .._ - -
La~"a J" p;lel 18°
In Ch a rt 9 . v en us a nd \ la rs arc no t ill allY
aspect but both a re ~epara tel} ' n square a nd
o ppo sition rcspecuvety 10 J up iter. Th e re sult is
the same as 'W ould be ,f ' l a rs an d Venus 'W ere in
sq uare a spect indic ating unfavourab le results
pertainin g to ho uses sign ified by Venus and Jl.l ar\ ,
'"Kambooill ¥ QKlI
When there is IIbasa la between two planets
a nd the 'vl oo n is also In Ithasala wilh bot h of
them . Ka mboo la Yoga is for med . Th is IS II.
favo ura ble yoga.

1M... 20" r-L ' L agna

I, '"
M o<>n

Chm 10

In Chart 10, th e Moo n is in lt hasala with

Mars and Venus bot h of wh om are in lt hasala
with each e ther generat ing II. Ka mboola Yo ga.
The last th ree yogas of Na kte, Ya maya and
Kamho ola cOfre1;pon d t o colleenon of light tn
western astrology acco rding 10 whic h when II.
plal1et receives the aspects of a ny two othe r
pla nets, withou t themse lves being in aspect , the
first forward, light (or a spect) from the OIlC to the
other o f the non-aspccung plan ets.
\'i e have seen ho w to , \S'<1:S, ycgas or asp ects
between p lanets m d ire ct mOlion . w e now go 10
retrograde planets.
Yo ga betw een retrog rade planets (o ne or
both ur a ll involved) is ca lled Rad da Yo ga.
When a retrograde planet is Invo lved in an
l thasala Yo ga , the result would be favourable after
much difficulty.
r ~

I I S.,um (R )

Charl II --I
Jup .<e ' 8"
Sun 2"
Radd a Yo ga ul-,o includes com b ust pla nets in
Itha sala whe n the result is vuccess after in il;:o.1a nd
,eemlng d ifficulty o r impo"ihi[i ty,
In C hari II, J upiter in comhu'lion and Tetr o-
grade Sat urn a rc both in lthasala with each o ther
and the Sun a, well forming Radda Yoga

- 0 -

Reconcil ing Yogas and Tajaka

Aspec ts
\.\'e ha ve j ust learnt the semi-sexnle. the sex-
tile a nd trin e a re benefic aspects while th e squ a re
a nd o p pos ition are malefic. C omunc non ca n he
benefic or malefic .
Hilt we have abo seen that lthava l aYogas a re
ind icative o f ga ming the obje cti ve of the qu ery
wh,le Easarapha indicates disa ppoi ntme nt.
Ho w do we com bine these asptx:ts and yogas
for delineating resulh?
The benefic acpccts indicate harmo nious
work ing of events and relatively easy and smooth
progress. The malefic or hoeulc aspects mean
obsta cles anu stress in the smoo th no " of events.
But succesv o r ot herwi se of <In "bJes·t uo<:s not
depend upo n either of these aspects which only
show the natu re o f progress in achicvllll! t he
olljtx: ti, e, .T hcy do not indicate failure or s uccess,
It is on ly th e yoga s, lthasala a nd Easarapha. th at
indic a te suc cess a nd failure respectively ,
\-- I '-----,
1----- __ , - - - '.
1_ _ -

Mar< 12"

-- --- , i

In Chart 12, the question rela tes 10 marria ge.

The houses involved a re th e Lago;. a nd t ile 7th
house . The plane ts ruling them, Venus and
Ma rs, are In square aspe ct b ut In Ithasala . This
wo uld imply the marri age in ques ti o n wo uld tak e
place but in t he face o f muc h opposition and
ten sio n. The sq uare aspect also ind icates married
life wo uld be marked by te nsion and wo u ld be no
bed ot roses .
III Chart lJ. rela ting to whether a job "an h..,
secured , \1 ercury and J up iter d enote th e bha vus
involved na mely, the Ascen dant and the 10th
i----- --rMe~'-ury ----l-- ---
I '" -
I T, +-- - 1
, I
Cha rt J3

I Lagna
- --, ,

house. T he planets arc til trine In Ilhasala

indicating an unexpected o pportunity for a
jo b turning up a nd the quercnt being fully satis -
lied and happy with the jo b 011 securing it.
In C hart 14, where the quest ion relates 10 a
contemplated forei gn j o urney, Jupiter indicating
q uerent a nd 9th lord Ma rs ruling foreign Jo urney
ar c in co njunction bu t in Easarap ba Yoga . T he
result wou ld be the journey not coming off
as planned .

- I,
IIJMaT< 12' : ,
, upit~r)Q I
;- --; .1 ,_ _

, I,
1•• - --
- ,
Chrt 14


In Chart 15, the question relat e , to acqutsr -

tion of a certain sum o f money ruled hy 2nd lo rd
Sun. Sun a nd Ascenda nt lord 1\1 0011 arc in trine
but there is no lthasala betw een the two ind ica t-
ing the que rent ....'ould not get the a moun t .
I he oppositio n , whether lthasa la o r Easa-
rapha. is generally unfavourable and an exceptio n
to the rule we have Just learnt.
l ,p « 1J

La,.... I

In Ch e rt Ifl . the q uC"tion i, whe ther a pa rtr-

-ular ma rr iage >l.i ll co me through \l e re ury
uting th c Accenda nt a nd J up ite r. the 7th hou'>':.
Ire th e planet' involved . ' lcrc ury i' :Ip plying to
m o pr<'" tlo n to Jupiter. Th e ma rriage wo u ld
101. thcreru rc. tak e j- tace a nd the p.lrt ics Wi ll
vithd ta w o r brtal. t he enFl~1l'\Cn l !-ra..-cl"ully.
,;n« !loth planet ~ arc bmenc .

I l.a~na
I , I
Mc "'; Ur l'
Chr t 16

Ju pilcr W"

, ,,
I I ,
f o r the same question in Chari 17. the planets
involved being Su n and Satu rn. the answer woul d
be negative. The parties wou ld separ a te with
much bitterness and a nger. the planets being male-
fic Sa turn and Su n.
I SU ~ 16'

(li on 17 - --- j,

_ ,[ J
I ! I
I S.l Uf n I ~' !


C!lAl'lT R 1\

Question Data
AslrO/" Ky - 30 r e«rs lIes"ar('/' has something
10 tellus of Ho rary Astrolo gy.
i nl ere~ l ln g

"Resea rch hav con vinced u-, tha i in judging"

menta l evenl tfonn ulating u definite. precise
quesnon a bout one single matter in wh ich Ihe
perso n a,killl! i~ deeply interested a nd strongly
desirous of an a nswer). the same natal astrologi-
cal rule, apply. W hile 1/11.' question is hein!:
formulated the menta l event " under gestat ion,
even a s u child undergoe s a period of gestation .
W hen the questio n " asked . II man ifests exter-
nally moving from the menial 10 the physical
wo rld ev en as a chi ld at birth 1110" 1." into the
external wo rld from the womb of the mother.
Thu s fro m an ast rologica l point of view, the
birth o f a q ue' t",n or idea is the moment when II
" exp re\'>Cll lerbally or in writing.
"A cha n erecte d for the l ime suc h a menta l
event is horn " ill revea l a, mueh a bout it..
as the ch art of a child will reveal about it<; chao
racter and the even ts it may attract .
" III a hora ry question, it is essential that
individ ual have an intense desire to kno.... the
answe r about some o ne thing \lo re than one
quest ion asked at the S<lI11e time brings a mul tiple
birt h of mental events . resulting in imperfect
births. If there IS 1I0t:1Il nuense des ire to I:I\OW
the ans wer. the menta l eW1l1 does not have <,ulfici-
em vita litv to l1\'e. and therefo re the expected
results a rc 1101 apt 10 be rea lized ."
Now we come 10 the data o f the que stion.
Which IS the lime of quest ion'? II is the date, t ime
and place at which the ques tion expresses itself.
If you a pp roach an astrolo ger pe rsonally. the
mom ent when you vo ice you r question before hun
become s the q uestio n time.
If yo u write to him from a local place, you
can write do wn the lime a t whic h )OU begin the
lett er wh ic h becomes t he q uestion lime.
If the leit er is from un outside c ity or to wn
or place, the q uestio n ti me rema ins th e sallie bUI
the place of q uestio n is the place where the lette r
is written a nd not \\herc it i<; received .
Whe n you » rue the letter fro m o utside the
city or place of the astrologer and have fa iled 10
jo t down th li me o r dal e of question. the time ,

date and p lace where the astrologer o pens (not

receives) the tell e r become, t he qu e stion ti me.
when yo u pill a toea! ca ll to all astrologer. the
p lace . nrnc ,I!\U date nre common 10 borh and
become the q uestion duta .
When you p ut 'I call from a different CIty, the
t ime .Iud dat e are com mon hut the place of
question becomes the r Im:.: where you receive the
W hen you call lip a n astro loger from a ditfe -
rent co unt ry, the run e. da te and p lac e a re those at
the place of receiving the call.
Suppo se ;1 l1t,lI\ puts ;111 iutc rnarional call from
l' c" Vo rL Un ited $1,,11'>, 10 an usuotogcr III
Ha nga lor<.' ,H 10-20 o.:» . ( I.S .T,I on 10 -tIl- I978 .
The quest ion ti me ,",, <.Iu ld I'll':
JiJ-20 p.m. (1.5 .T .) 011 10 10- 1978 at l:Ia nga-
lore O r. in other words the chart is calculated
for Ha nga lorcall O- 111 p ,1ll ( l. S ,T . jolt 1O-1O - 19 7~ .
C H t\I'T h R 'J

How to Ask Questions

w n.n i, It that pronuus UH~ to ap proach an
astr ologer a nd seck guida nce"! It 1'. in mos t cases.
a prob lem <)1' llllc nsity and ~ra\i t;. , T hough the
p roblem lHay ha vc hccn there I'm some time. it is
only at a paruculu r insuuu o f time that one is
mad vertent!v driven W spea k of it before a n
astrologer. l his moment uf tuue is uuportunt
because it h'ls gi\<" 11 birth to a ouesfion . Th e
chart cast I" r tillS point o f time carries with it the
life of thc <luc,tiol\ . what lurn il lI'ill rake and
what end it will reach.
T hc cha rt <;'hl for a que , l,o ll , a rrics with !l
Jll ,( e noug h to «newer tha t purlicular quc vtiou ,
a nti no more . II is vcr} inlp<lrl anl that only OIlC
<.jllc,t;l' n be asked ,It a t unc T ",·o or more
qu estio ns coming in succcsvron are like multiple
births where the ba bies bo rn rarely survive . f he
who le PllI-PO'': o f horury avtroiogy " 'roi led by
a sking mo re tha n o ne qucsuon nt a ume O ne
m ust alway, ask one question only a t unmc.
clea rly and brie fly sumr mng up th e pro b lem that
needs a solution." Standard quest ion wou ld be :

(II When "ill I man:, ?

The chart for this question WIU answer if
marriage is probable, of the likely tim e, the type
o f ma te' one ma y lind a nd if the marriage will. by
and lar ge. be happy o r no t .

(2) When lOiI! I get 9. jo b ?

Th is chart will ans wer when and the type of
jo b a nd if It will he in the place of query or out-
side or abroad ,

Instead, If you ask ' Will I gel the job at the

Aeron autica l La bo ra tori es or the Canara Bank T
you wo uld he complicating matters for the ustro-
togcr It would D~ h-rd 10 associate cach of'thcse
co ncerns with the "hart . The questio n simply
framed would lind H1 the chart whether the job
has to d o with accounts or engineering. T his job
mayor may not be III the firm, you have named.
8 U1 the question -witll get ajob in Ca na ra Ba nk '
could be answered Ta ke care not to a llow
alterna tives inthe que-non.
(3 ) Will I marry X?

Thi' question is poss ible if you ure in love

whh X or your famil y is co nsidering o r nego-
tia ting an a llia nce with X's family . But again if
yo u rcfrnmc rt ns ' Will 1 marry X, Y or Z ' having
.1 people in mind. you woul d not be help ing
euhc r yours elf o r the astrologer in gelling the
right answer.

(4 ) Willi marry Z? Will I be able to gel a dcal

t hrou~h ? Will I build my o.. n OOlhC?

A spate of qu est ions . l hc chart ",ill not be

abl e to give answers to ,I single one o f you r
questions Sornenmes, people co me to rne to
le, t if astro logy wo rks o r if I am a good astro-
lo ger or Just to while uwny lime and ask frivolo us
qucsuon s. In such cases. I am neither polite nor
p ancnt hut ask them to leave a nd 110t wa it e my
nm c. Astrology is a seno us subject and when
ill-informed and impertinent peo ple seck to make
fun of it, be wary . ~h ny tunes, "11,,n a pcrscn
;s no t seri ous about a qu estion you will nnu the
Ascenda nt to be on a cuspat degree. tlut some-
times , such an Ascendant is possible even 1I1
-cnous cases a, you will, with experie nce. be able
to guage from tbe manne r in which a person
approaches you a nd reco unt s his woes to yo u.

Significations, Malefics and

In a ny question, the 010,t imp ortaur Factor IS
t he str eng th of the Ascendant , eit her hy pla1\~ts
avpccting or tlccllpyin g it.
A benefic in Or aspccung the Ascenda n t
al .....a ys bodes good uud a favour a ble lurn or
events Ma id ie aspects indicate the thing desired
ma y never b<.' or unra vou r.\hle re'ults.
The natural bcncflcs Merc ury. VentI; an d
J up iter a re all\ays benefic.
T he natural maleficc Sun, \l a rs ami Saturn
are malcfics unless reliliering benefic by ow fling the
Ascendan t o r the house 10 which the qucsri()11
Suppose the quevuon is ' Will l succeed In a
part icu lar vcnturc ?".
In Chart Ii:(, the Ascendant I' Aries occupied
h~ J upiter urul aspectca Ily Ventls, both benefice
md icatin g. success,
'- -r-- ,
. . ...
J ~ri t~r

'. -

--', Ch'l' l I~
~ -- ,I --:•-- --I,
' ·eng< I
I - '
I M."

I ____ .i__ ~ _i

In Char t 19, the Ascendant is Llhra uspected
by a natural. malefic Ma n; mdicanng defeat or
10' "


In Chart lO, the Ascenda nt i, Aquarius

nspected by a nat ural malefic Saturn , But as the
lo rd of the Ascendant, Saturn become, a func -
t ional benefic md rcau ng snccess, III a ny question .
the Ascenda nt signities thc qucrcnt . The question
must always rela te to o ne of th e twelve houses in
the chart. T he lo rd of the house to which the
quest ion relate s is the significator. Tak er C hart 21
where Cancer is ris ing.
Pr<1ct i ca l Hor<1r ..- ,t .IH ol" l(-'

_... - ~~- - -- I
I ,
V,n ", ' \ k rcurv i
I~- '- - .- ~- · ·1
Sm urn
,_ ._-_ 1: 1- - --
, i
S.lllrn Sun !

--- - ,

Cancc r and the \ 10011 , i!!nify the per son

asking the q tlC'lion . In a question ' Will i get
rich?' th~ j ud lord Sun becom.c ~ t he 'ignificator.
111 a quesuon ' Will mv m i<s lng brot her
return '" the Jrd lord Merc ury is thc vignificator.
In a question ' WiII m.,. mother recover he r
health'!' the 4t h lord VCIlU' i, lhc signlficator.
In a qucstl<l!l ' Will my chi ld pass her tests?'
the Sth lord J upIter is the ,ignitic;tIOr,
In a qucsuon ' Will 1 win the cou rt case?'
the 61h lord Satu rn is the ssgnificator.
In a q uestion ' when will I marry? ' the 7th
lor d Sat urn i, the vignificat or .
In a q uesti on ' Will i inhe rit a legacy?' the lith
lord Sa turn becomes the significator.
In a q uestion ' Will 1 go a broad?" the 9th lord
J upite r is the significato r.
In a q uestio n ',"V ill i get a jo b'!' the luth lord
Mar s is the significato r.
In a question ' Will my friend help me out~­
th e tl th lord Vcn uvis the significator.
In a q uestio n ' Will i he Imp riso ned'." the 12th
lord Merc ury becomes the significator.

- 0-

In a question 'Whe n will I ma rry? · the 7th
lo rd Saturn is the significato r.
In a question ' WIll I inher it a legacy? " the ~th
lord Satu rn becomes the vigniflcator.
In a qu est ion "Will I go abroad"? ' the 9t h lord
Jupiter is the -igruflcator ,
In a Ques tion 'Willl get a job"" the 10th lo rd
\1:. rs j , the sign itica ror.
In a q ue-non 'Wi ll my friend help me out? '
the llth lord v cnu, is the signiflcatcr.
In a q ue- non 'WIlll be Imprisoned:' the 11th
lord Mercurv beco mes the , iRnifica lor.

- 0-


How to Read Aspects

,A. n\' Itha sala relationship betwe en the ASCe R-
dant Iord und the signiflcator indic ates that wha t-
eve, the ~ i g n i tica t i o n . good o r had. w ill be
obtained by the q ucrent .
'r-- --1--. ~I

_J I '"'' 1_ _I
Me, cury '

S.lU rn

1- - - - ,- - --- -
Venus I
, _____1 _
In Chart 22, the que stion is ' Wit! I become
ric h' , The Ascendant and 2nd lords v en us and
Practical Hm ary ASI,alogy

Sa ,u ", Ii Jup, ter

'--- -

~I, CharI 24 ---- I

In C ha ri 24, fOI the same quesucn as I n c.oe
21, the Ascendant lo rd Sa lurn and sjguificator
Jupiter are not related In any manner. So (he
quereur will get no riches
Iu Cha rt 25, where the q uestion is ' Will I
suffer imprisonme nt " there is no relation ship
h~ ly,ecn the ..Ascendant and 12(h lords, 5 11 1\ an d
the Moon. '" that the qu erent need have no fea rs
o f i m onsonmenr ,
,\gai n, it the aspec ts a rc Ithasala or a pplying.
it alwavs denotes \I hat will he in future , Scpa-
-- --,~-

,- --- -, Chan 2S
MOOn~ I La gna

._ - ! -- -- - - - -- ---

i I
SULI Venu' i

fa ting aspects denote thai the object of the

question willnot be fulfilled or it is somethmg
past ,
In Cha rt 26, where the question is 'Wilt I
ma rry X' , Jupiter signilit"\ the qucrent and Mer-
cury, X. ,\ t ercury is applying to a tr ine ( 120) of
J upiter. \I ercu ry is in lthasaln with J up iter ,
This indicates the qucrcnt will marry X.
i- - - --_.

- -

- ---- - - -- - <:h rt 26 !- ---'

! .\ol<rCIlIY 6

1- '
: '~piltr 10
, L_ _ __.. ~_.
In Chart 27, where the question is the same
and abo the sigmlicalo rs, \k rcury is mov ing ll.wa )
from Ihe sexnte (00) of Ju pik l jf Merc ury he in
G emini. Suppose Mercur} " in Scorpio. the n
also. there I, no avpcct bet ween hun ,tntl Jupiter.
In both these 1n'.I,lm:c,; (\ lc lcu ry in (iCJlun; and
Mer cu rv in Scorpio in cnsc 271. the querent and
X will not marry an d nell ;1 Jeep ly in to , .. with
each other ut the time of question. the y ma),
bre... l... up fo r wme reason o r the o ther.
ltha sala aspects call be sexlilc (00) o r trine
l1 20) or squa re (901, ,' r r o, itlO ll (I SO) 01' C OI1JUIlC-
! \t orcuTV
ln gn. ,
" .
1- -'---
,- - - -
J upiler
,i 10

:-- -li---, -- . . - -- - - 1 ,
. I
, Me , cu , v
I 2S -

non (O J 11 hasala a spects a lway\ denote - ucccss and

a favourable outcome , The eonJu llclioLl. scxtilc
an d t rmal lthasa \a' aspects HHJlcaU tha t the object
o f the q uest ion will be [u Hi ned smoo th Jy and evsily
with little or no e ffort.
i n chart-, ~I'. 29. Jo where Ihe lIuest 'Orl J\
' Will l he "\leer" fulln lJu,inc" , the Ascendant
lord Saturn and llth lord l,la r, arc In lthasaln in
scxrile . coniunction and n-ine respcctivelv indicnt-
ing t hat th e q ucrcnt will d o " ell 111 hu,i ncs< and
easily att ain prospe rity .
P,ac/ical Harary A.</",JoJ/.v

- -- I
! 'd a t>
I '0 1,

1 ,

I Samrn i
, 10" '
Char I 1S

' -, - - ---- -- - -~- -


! 1 ,

, I

,: ~h"
Ch ar ! 29
5" I
1' -

"" ,- -,I I
Saturn 10° !
- - ,

IIM. c, <"
.'- - - -,
,- - -- - Cho" ,0

I . " ~ na

~ a t u r n 100j
,,- _ .. I
Where the lthasula aspec ts, ar c hostile, dela y
and o pposi tio n a rc ind icated a nd with much effort
and perseverance . the o bject may still be attai ned .
In Chart 31, for the same question -wil! t
prosper in business", the Ascendan t and 11th
lords a rc III square Ithasala. The quere nt will
fi nd himself against hea vy od ds . his good s will not
I- -
I j
[,- -II Chart .11

! ,
la~na ; SOl um 10'"

sell easily and the whole venture may prove
gloomy. But in spite of all this, if the qu ercru is
prepa red to do his utm ost and not give up, success
",ill com e to him slowly 11m surely.

- 0-
In C hart 32, the Moo n is in lt hasaia with the
Ascendan t a nd 4t h lord in the 5th iudlcuting
s uccess in exammanons a 'ld compct it;~ e tests
(ruled bv 4th lord Merc ury} and a s Jnd lo rd
ap plying to Ascendan t lo rd, gam of money .
In any q uest ion, the Mo o n in favo ura ble
lthasula aspect to the s ignifieator emphasizes
hasten s, expedi te' the fulfilment of the q ue-em's
, -~- - ---

!Vonu, 20" I La~na I I

I ~_; __J

'" C ha rt 33

M oo n go I,
In Chart 33, in a question "Shall I invest in
cert ain sha re> ', the 5th lo rd 'vI ere liry ( ruling

In Chart 32, the Moo n is in lt hacata with the

Ascendan t and 4t h lord in th e 5th i'luicating
success in exam ination, and competi tive teste
(ruled by 4th lord Merc ury ] and a, ~ n d lord
applying In Ascendan t lord. gain of money
In any question, the MOI.n in favo ura b le
lt ha' a la aspect to the sjg nificator emphasizes
haste ns, expedites t he fulfilment of the queTenl',
wishes .
_ - - - -- - - - - -

1 Venu' 21}° 1 L. gna

, I
- -

Me<cur~ I
If' I

Char t 3.1

-- - 1- - - - ,- -
I M oon s- I
- _I ~_-,---,
In Chari 33, in a quest ion ' Shall l invest in
certain shares', the 5th lord M ercur ~' (r uling
Th' Ro le oj Ihe Moon a,,,l tile £1""",,11. H",,_

shares, speculation} applies to the Ascendan t lord

Ven us. Th ~ aspect " >~n li . ,~ xt il~ and not feeble .
HUI the \ l oon a pplic-, both 10 the 5th and I Jlh
lord, <rrengthenmg the chart an,l emphasiaing l h ~
s uccess o f ma king th e lI\V~, t lll\'lll_
If the Moon "ere not to a pply, the i IlV~>I '
ment wo uld fetch pro.its but aft~r a delayed period
an d a lso not of a , i/ <:a.hk amou nt ,
1 he natural na ture or tne p['lIl~ts III ....-- hom
the Moo n ~ prl ie~ a iM> indicate s lh~ immediate
tu rn of eWI1I~, what ever the tlnal ou tcome.


CharI -'~ - - -I

V.nu< I

__ L
/'",</1<01 If""" y Jhr,,,/og y

In Chart .'4, the Moo n upphes (0 Venus , a

beneuc expansive planet , 0 that the q uerent mav
expect a happy and bright phase followIng th e
q uestio n. irrespective of the flnal result being goo d
or bad.

;- -- ! Chdf l Jj

Mal'> 01'
Sal urn
• . .1

In Chart 35, whatever the q "e~l "' n or final

rc,ult , the period Immediately following the
quest ion may be mar ked hy utter despondency
and despair. if t he planet is Saturn , If Mars . the
qu eren s may quarrel a nd meet with much hosti-
lity an d opposition . If both Mars a nd Sat ur n,
the qucrent will.!",! alwu t lose alt hope III hie fo nd
desire, meet with t he greatest impediments hut the
fi nal outcome will depand upon the Ascendant
an d vignificato r .
The Moon's application is very important
a nd where it is not present, delay or a slate of
seemmg h o pde ~~ n e !is may prevail .
0"- 34

-1 '-l ar s ( R) I'
, ! 19"

Ch~f1 36 -,I

L_ _ _ _ 1
In Chart 36, the Ascendan t i ~ Aries, Ascen-
dant lor d Mar s is, in the -lth in debilita tion . T he
Moon is exalted in the 2nd. The Moon a pplies
to M ars a nd we see Ma rs. tho ugh Ascendant lor d,
is also th e 81h lord . T he Ascenda nt i~ weak. We
-nay safely co nclude the querent's qu esuc n will
lind a fa vo ura ble answer but th e quc rent hims elf
may suddenly die before the obie<:t of the que, tion
IS fuUi\led . T his is recauvc the Mo o n IS strongly
and favourably di sposed with refere nce to Ascen-
da nt lord and the 8th lor d who is a t the "al11C tim e
a malefic n.ade worse bj' retro grc<;slOn an d dehili_
muon .
Besid es what we have a lready "een . the 11th
house is very important in j udging the finalout-
come of any i" ue rhe e leventh to use rule,
gai ns pr j l1la ri l ~ Gain s 01' la bha sign ify prorus or
the ad-a ntageOlls ou tco mc o f a situa tion, As
vuch. the llth h ouse i, o f very great importa nce
111 tinding o ut if somet hing ho ped 01' work ed
for will fructify,

In C h;l.l t n . wha tever t he query the an swer

wo uld he for a favo ura ble result . Whcther it is
-Will a pa rtic ular pa rt y WIn tile elect io n' o r 'Will
I marry "ell' or ' Wlll l he able to Plit a d ea l
th rough' or "ny ot her question. the answ er would
inv" r'a bly be an ·yes". Ye' . the party will W1l1
the clccuons. you will n'a n, wctl. or you will ee
able to get the d e" l t h ro ~ gh "'o,t advan tageousiv.
I he l.agna lord ven us i, 111 ltha,ala wilh J upiter ,
the 11 th lo rd II i, immaterial that Ven us is
exalted a ltho ugh his dig nity will o nly make it
11", Role of th e ,I"oon a"d 'lie Eln,,,rl, IION.<r 97

j \.~:~,--~~--I~:;i!C~O:L:~Pla -- -----
, ,
I-- - - -T - - --- ~ - - -- - - --

- _I Chr! .17

, - -' - - -
easier fo r the quereut to obtain fulfilment o f h i,
wishes. More so. the l.a gnu lord Venu s bei ng ill
the 11th hOll"': or hou'c of gain -s.
In C harls .1 l( aod )9. where th e sam e two
planets Ilgu rc, the ou tcome would st ill hc favour-
ab:c nl,t withsta nd ing the hos tile an d frie ndly
lthasala Yoga, rcspecnvety . In ca se )~ . Ascen-
da nt INU" in lhe Mh bU I 1Il own , ign and 11th
lor d J up ite r is in hi, , ign of de b ility T hi, would
delay mallets. ra ise h urd le, hut also endow tile
nnnvc with sufficien t persiste nce and perseverance
- - - - -,
La~oa !

f- ~ - ----r'-' - - _ .

IVenu, ~. --I - -
!_ --'
to ea rn what he wants wh ich he will finally get.
In case 39. both arc debilitated but ill trine in
ltha sala , '>0 lhal .• uccevs "ill come easter than in
the preceding case. i n Ihl' insta nce. the querc nt
may sloop to slightly unfair means to gain his
ends. a, the two planets are in dehil;l y.
The importance of the Ascend ant lord in
Ith a sala with the 11th lord ca ll ne' er be unde r-
rated . In any chart. no mailer what the malefic
- -j

C harI W
:Ju Pit<r 20" I
-r-r-r, -r-
i L '--- '. ~ J
and negative influences. this particular lt ha sa la
has III I t the power (0 give the quc rcnt realization
o f his ho pes, th e ..legrec o f success being q ualified
by th e malefic factors .
Fo r instance. 111 Chart '-10, she qu cst ron ' Wlll
I mar ry th e girl I lo ve', the signincaro rs a rc Jupiter
a mi "th lo rd Mercury. The Ascend ant IS aspcctcd
b) an Ill-placed 'vlars who i ~ abo reuogruoe. T h IS,
in itself, is not a 'cry good fac to r. l he Ascendant
lord is in the .lth (rining 7th lord ~Iacllrl' but it
is 1)0\ all exact lthasala. Ihc ~ lo ol1 is weak,
being N ew, and although scmi-sexulc both signi-
ucatorv, there is no IllHl<'; lla Yoga, But llth lord
,., PT~ct;~,,1 /la,,,, J A",,,log y

Ven us I~ 111 hhasata wll h Lugna lord J upiter ,

all ho ll !!h III nuuual 6 ·1/, positions. In ,pite or
t reme ndous oppoction, del,a)'. heartburn and
e xpenditure. the q ucre ru IiMHy s ucceeded In
- -- -,

Jup.(or ~," i K< ,u IS"

Sun 28"
'l-I""n 27"
-, ~ - - - - - - - - -

1 Mc...;ury ; Vm " , J I " 1

2X" 1 Rail" 18"

mar rying his sweet-heart and to the satisfaction (If

a I[1110,,, who maucred 10 the i~SllC, It loo k the
qucrcut a 1<.\1 of gri , ht.· ro rc he could reach 111<,
;\11.... hill he made I!, large ly d ue to lhe Itlt..:.., a la
hetwecu Lig na ,1Ild Ilr h lord -.
!'la nCI S In l'<'l1J ~"lC l i 'H\ w ith the A scendan t
lord indicate tile pre, eM, tho , e III lthasala. the
fut ure, while mo-e in Easurap ha. the past.
In Cha rt 4 1. Asce nda nt lord Ma rs IS 1I11he
olh wi th 8th lo rd Mn c uT)' indicaung the q ucrenr
is passing through a very frustra tin g per iod a nd
"ith healt h also causing pr oblems.
,- -
:Mm u-rytsJ ------1
, \ Jar> XI" I Veo", 22":
_ I __1 _
M oun to" I Sa lu r n 25"1
, '
C ha n 41

_ _ __ ' .."_ .1

Mar s, the Ascen dant lo rd , is in ltha sala wllh

9t" lord Moo n a , well as Mercu ry, 11th lor d,
ind icating tha t th ings " ill br-ighten up very soo n
and il is not unhkd y the native may COIn~ by
sufficient mo ney o r opportuni ties ( 11th lor d Mer-
cury j to take h im a b road (9th lord Moo n). T h IS
in all probab ility [Of T<:\aso ns 01" furthe r educa tIOn
(M o o n. l h ~ 9th lo rd . IS in the 41h house], sinc e
j()} P' ''''lical Hor,,' y A't,nlog y

Mars is also in lthasala with Sat urn , the 4t h lord

in the 9th.
T he 7th lord Venus has no lthasala with Man
but .'O III Easara pha, although in a d ifferent sign.
The frustra tio n and misery of the past mo nth s
could be d ue to an engagement ha ving broken up
or a ro mantic frien dsh ip ha ving c o me to ~Jl un-
happy end .

Some Exceptions
Altho ugh the op position IS a ll indication of
adverse or negat ive results, there is an exception
when the La gna comes under tbe 7th house aspect
of a planet.
~---r-~ -I
I la gna Ill" i
I, I, ,

,, I
L_ O art 42 i _~ _ 1

In Chart 42, the Ascendant is aspectcd by
Jupi ter. The aspect is a n o pposition . But J upiter
heing a benefic, hi, a, peel is desirable and indi-
ca tes success.

J".] -----
1---- ,-I I i
! '-l or> 13° I
In Chart 4 3, the Ascenda nt Arks is a specteq
by Ma rs, a malefic . But Mar s is tile Lagna lor d
and h i, aspect Ind icates a positive o utco me

In Cha n 4-1 , SatufII "speetlng tile Lag na ,s a

nalura! malefic an d not t ilt: Lagna lord either and
the aspec t can o nly give failure or negat ive res ults .



,I ! San,rn 10" 1
1 _ -- - -
In the '1ue,\;on ' Will I marry a cert ain girl' in
Chart 4 5 at l -{M) p.nt. n .S,T .) 00 22--1( -1976al
Bangalo re, the Ascendant is aspected by a bench",
J upiter bUI thJ signilicators M~ r, a lld venus have
no aspect. Thi> would mean, the qucrenl would
no doubt 'Ha rr y but 110t th~ girl he has 11\ mind .
l he lack of aspect betwee n the two signisicato rs
indicate, nothing will co me of the proposal.
Jupite r's aspect indica te, he will lind some other
girl for a bride who will he a very devo ted a nd
desir a ble wife. Mar.., the l.agm lord, in ltbasala
with the llth 101\\ would fe tc h a wile fron t a
weLl-to .do and infl uent ial fa mily. J up iter in t he
71h will keep the m arr;a~e hap pv
- -j - - - ~!

. I
J u ~ i ler
7° 5(1'
Moo n
26' ~O' ,
- - _. -
IT 31'
,- - - -- -1
Sun )' 20 '

Ven u ' 2 ~" :

-- - ---,-

If Saturn, in'l ead . were to O(;C UllY the 7th in

Ta urus, the querent would be condemned to a
life of bachelorhood, not being ab le If) ma rrv
either Ii'll' l!irl he had ill 1I1ind o r even any ot her.
I n C ha rt 40. which we have alreadydisc ussed
o nce before , we shall loo k into Ma rs ' as pect o n
Lag na.
Ma r" avpect-, Lagnn pow e rfullv (rom the 71h
a, a malefic . 1hi, sho u ld 1101 allow the marriage
to ta ke place. But it ha, a lr"",Jy occ urred . This
is because J upite r the Ascenden t lord and 7th lo rd
Me rc ury a rc m tr ine . and J up ile r i , v<:r~ powerful
bei ng ctauouary JIl the 4t h I II hI> 0 \\ 1\ sigu. Be-
sides, he b in ltha sala with po werfu l ve nus in hi,
moolarnkona sign . So J up iter", static state
agams t r-.t al" · retro gra de state led 10 severe
c o nt hct a od tre mendous lension and confusio n ,
BUI between the 1\\ 0 J u piter wo n a , tieing more

M",cu r~
26' 26'
Kc tu
16" n' 120 25'

V onu,
~o 59'
u- 25'

'\I"o n
22° 54'
- - -- - - - ~ - - ~ -- - - - - -- -- - -1

, ___ - -- I'
- -- -- --- - -
~lru nglyplaced. However, Mars in the 7th will
create discord and problems in marr ied life which,
in turn, will resolve the mselves in the tri ne between
J upiter awl Mercury .
.1 ·.1 1 p.Il1 . (I.S.T .j o n 13 · 7- 19 76 at l.la nj!:a lo re .
[ <, th ere any danger to lo ngevity o r will I d ie
soon '.' (C hart 4('1.
In C ha ri 4 6, th e quc-renl had been to ld by a
docto r l',a t he was going 10 <l ie very soon wit hin
til ," next few month, Th e qu e-em WiI' grea tly
ala rmed hy Ih iv medica l jlrc,licfHl'I, II i ~ mother
thou gbt aVl ro lo j!ical l,!w dan cc <-,) [,1<1 help hun.

Jupiter " in OrpO" l ion 10 Lal!Il: Land Mars IS

;,qua"!"i n/! Lag na J U)l Il CI is a hcn... he. Mars is the
Ascenda nt lord and togeth er indicate that th e
que rent ha-, a long life a n d th ere is no need to
d riv e hi nhdf cl",vy mw Ih<' d oct or 's pred ict ion .
Ptanct s in o ppo _ilion lJ\a~ g iv e adverse
result; bu t planets In t he 7th o r 10th house fro m
the Lagna do nut necessa rily imp ly evil. H ere
the aspect s a re rec ko ned according 10 the Parasan
svstem where al! planets aspe ct the 71h h ouse from
the on e they occ upy .
Ma r, and Satur n in add ltio " have special
The .:lt h o r 7th ho u-,c aspec t of r>.l ar , on the
Ascendant a' il\ tord i ~ not adverse .
T he 7lh hOIl'iC ,l>l",ct of Venu'. " "'rcury and
J up iter is be neficial
The 10 th house as pec t o f Saturn <I' La !!-Ih!
lord 0 11 the La gna I, 1101 har mful.
HUI M a N a nd Saturn cause negat ive results
oy these same aSPL"Cb if they do not happen to he
l.a gnu lords or ',!!nihcators.


T iming Events
We now co me to the im po rta nt ta sk oftiming
event>. A, in natal astr o logy th i, i, o ne of the
hardest and most challenging job, of an astrologe r.
It h urclativcly ea sy Ih lng to ,ay what will happen
but a, to when. wellthat i, tot a lly differe nt. It
re-qu ire, a ll the skill and patience you can
An ",ie;lt wc rk-, on astrolog y hone given time-
period.' ove r which planets ho ld sway:
SU lI half a year or 6 mon ths.
M oon a "'1 uh un a ur ~li uun utes.
Ma rs one day
Mercury two month s
Jtlpite r o ne month
venus 15 dav,
Sat urn one year
T he aspect of Sa turn on the A scendant. or
sigrufica to r o r the M' lOIl generally indicates u nd ue
dela y_ Th<' \'Ioon in the Srh . the flth 01 the 121h
a nd als,o III the 71h POint- to obstacles "I' one so rt
or the other that will hinder prog ress of the isvue
and consqueutlv delay the matter.
Mo va ble sign.. whe n involved indica te fairly
fast results. F ixed <;igns sho w de lay and a slo w
pace , ('0111111011 signs show fairly fast res ults.
Sometimes movable ,i!!os indicate days.
common sign" weeks and fixed sign" months.
Plane" in kend ra s (I, 4. 7, 10) give revultv in day"
planers in panaparas (2. 5. X, II ) ,how results III
weeks while those in apoklimav or cadent houses
(~, 6. 9.12 \ rule month s.

Another method is 10 push olT the result by

one year if the Mo on is 1I1 the 6th or the Sth, or
if Sat urn aSp"L1!' the A'cendan1. significator
or sign ificant.
Sometimes. au event can be ind ica ted whcr-
Jupiter trine, or passe' the ,i !!llincato r III transit
or forms a fa vo urable aspect with tho; A<,ce ndanl
or tho; \loo n I f the even t \'1 issue iv a death 01
unh appy event, It c an 0..: ;mlieipaled fa irly
a cc urntc tv b)' the tr,m,ils o f Saturn ove r ,cl\~itive
a reas of th e chart . G e l\c r,\I1 ~' , the Ileriod wlwn
the signiticators co me to an e xact as pect ca n be
tak en to ti me the e vent in qu estion .
/'",C/iCllI H oror y A_,-/r"loIl Y

T he number of d~g.ree, bet ween the pla nets

ean he ta ken 10 determine the period when tbe
event they signify may occur .
11- 40 a m . (1ST ) o n 7 <) 1977 al Bangalo rc
(Chart 47) Will my missing son retu rn '!
, -~ -------- ,
! Mooo 10- W i
J"~;,« !
1'0" ) 7 '
10l . " WH '
---- - - --

' ''0. ", 19 ' 11'

I Sa tyr. 1" n-
'IM<lCU,)' (R'
1! < W
S "022 - l 4'

L, ~ ," I I ," ' 1 IRo~ u 24')$
i__ I
-- - - --

Her... In Chart 47 the q uestio n relates to the

so n o f the qucrcnt "hn had left home in a hu ff
after an attercanon. Th e Lagn'. and 5th lord
Ma rc :md J upite r are in co nj unction with the
\ 10 011. Since both sign HicatolO arc HI ltha sa la
with the Moon and th e Moon and Man are
separated by s lightl y o ver a degree , the ,UII could
be expected 10 return wilh in a da y. He came
hack o n the xt h morn ing ro und II- 30.
If in movable signs or kendras . as ma ny da ys
as the degre e, bet ween the 1\\0 \\ ill indicate the
dale of the event. Fixed and co mmon vrgns will
respecnvctv denot e as man y mo nt h, or years.
It would no t be sens ible to gtve exa ct dales.
II would be bette r to ,g i\ e a range (If wee ks or
month , for the occu rre nce of the even t. In all
cases yo u must go by your o wn sk ill adacnng the
genera l princ iples Iu each mdividu:l1 chart :1\ a
The Moon 's h ha sala with both Ascendant
lord a nd <ignilicalor ge nerally ,nd ica res q uick
results .
12-40 p .nl . 01l 2- 7- 197l1 at Bangalore . Do
I have a ny chances of fore ign travel." (C h art 48 )
In Chari 48. the Lagna lo rd a nd 9th lord
Merl.'ur y and Ven us arc III Ithasala In
the 11lh. T he Mo-on, as 11th lord a, well, IS in
exaltation and III h hasula with 9th lord Venus,
Venus and M(>On are In exchange of sign <ma k ing
the chart very stro ng 10 con fer fnrei gn travel.
With in 4 months in OctObei 19 78. the q ueren t
'" - ,- - ------,-_....• _-
, i Sunl7°S7'1
K et u ! M " u" Jup, ter ;
xv 42 ' I 13" 4 ~' 24" xr •
,-- ------ --, --- ~ - - . - _ ._- - ---; ··_------- 1
, IMer~ury
2<J" 10 ' :

, ,
i I
1,-- - -:-- -- ,-
go 42'
! Lagna
20" !6 '

left Ind ia for the United Stales. At the lime of

quest ion . the q ucreru had no pla ns nor was there
any other ind icatio n for foreign travel. He only
had d reams. As ,000 as he was told of th e
bright cha nces tha t were ther e astro log ically, he
walke d 11\10 the Visa Office and in no lime p la ns
we, e made and finalis ed.
7··15 p.m.f l ,ST. ) on 15-1- 1975 at Bangalore .
When will I get married ? (C ha rt 49).
jn Chart 49 . eenencs
Venus a nd Mercur y
are aspecriug th e A scendant . The sigmficat o rs
~~- , ~~- - --
~ - - - ---,
, ;
11« 10 Il ' 46" S.," ,,, (R ) :

I I : nw :
1- -- ~.
--1 --------I
J"p'.. r
I1 10123' jo ,
00" 9 ' 20' 1 ~' l."~'" '0 52'1
~- -, Cha't 49 ._ -----:
v<n"' J~ ' !J'1
Mereu . , '
17' 4 S' I
SU n 2" :19'

---- - -
, - -- -
I Ida" J> J1';R. hu W 4(,' :

, ---l ~
Sun an d Satu rn arc in Ithasala but the Moon is in
the 8th, a d ustha nn Marriage came nearty u year
late r In December 1975.
Th e Sun ' s change of sign or the cha nge of
mo tion of a p lane t fr o m direct to retrograde
motion Of vice-versa can alvo be effectively u sed
10 time an event fa irly successfully.
z-o ep In . u.s.r .i on 24- 1- 1975 41 13 ' 1" ,
77' E 35' , Will I find the mi,.. ing tik containing
important papers ?
I n C hart SO, the Ascendant r illes the querent
a nd the llth house , the o bjec t (,I' qu ery. na mely,
,---- -- -
L.~.. i
II ' 44 ' I S. tumO· 1 I
11..,. I$' W , ~ l ' .I. '

26' jO' ~'
J" pil<'
W 3li'
Venu. O° Il ' i i
"'''':Wf ,
i e-tc- !
--- --- - , CharI sn I

d oc u ments T he Lagna a nd 11th lord a re ill

Itha ' ala . The llth lord is in Aquarius. all airy
\ ign with Venn, and Mercury. Venus indicates
bedrooms while Merc ury rule s boo k-cases,
shelves . tilin!! cabinets and similar places. Th e
sign being a iry it was s urmised. the fi le would be
at a he ight in o ne of th e bedrooms on to p o f a
boo k-shelf. f he Sun was due 10 chan~c signs
from Capr icorn In Aquar ius on February 13,
1975 wh ich wa s given as the dale when the f ile
wo u ld be fo und A searc h wa s mad e immedi-
ately follo wing the predict ion in all the bedrooms
Timing E•• ntJ m
that had book-cases o r pape rs in them with no
success . On th e 14th mo rn ing, while tr ying 10
bring down a slack of old newsppe pcrs kept on
top of a G odrej Bureau co ntaining tiles and papers,
the who le lot stippcd and ca me dow n. The lost
fi le slid out thro ugh one of thes e newspapers -
Nobody cou ld guess ho w the file got there in
the first place, but everyo ne was re lieved it had
been safe all alo ng.

Bhava, Com bust ion. N odes and

Retrogression s
T he Bhava c hart ISa very Im portant char t in
a nswering q uestio ns. The Bha va c hart we use is
based o n the Eq ua l llo use DIvisio n System which
lakes 15 0 on eit her side of the Ascend ant as
constitut ing the first bhava.

~- --~ -

'- ---! C hari 51 1_ --1


I ·~I,
I J upiler 40 I
'_ _J,---~_ -L~'
8ha," . C~m hu_,l ion, NtHle ' mid Ret<O/jre"sioIP m
In C ha rt 51, th e La gna extends from 10'
Ge mini 10 10' Cancer. 15° on eith er side o f the
La gna degree. J upiter in 4" Sagitt a rius does no t
aspect th e Lagna , being in the 61h bhava
actually . Satur n in 2" Capricorn will aspect the
L agna fro m the 7th bhava.
T his wou ld lu can an unfavourable result o r
fa ilure o f thc o bject the querc nt has in mind.
notwith stan ding J up iter in the 7th sign.
In Ch a rI 52, the query relates to whether the
querent would be able 10 ext end his stay in
Ind ia .
, .. --._ - _._.

1 , - '_.• _-
}u p; le r

-- --- '"1 --- I

Chart 52

Lap la 2. 1

l ,__ ~ , ~_~ __ ._ I
T he Lagna is aspec ted by Saturn, l agna lord,
and Jupiter, a benefic but in the Bhava chart
Jupiter moves into the 6th bhava and Saturn to
the 8th bbava. so that the ans wer wo uld invariably
he negative,
Retrograde planets ar e a little tricky of inter-
pretat ion Experience has sho.... n that natura'
benefics such as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter
remain benefic while the malefics MaN and
Saturn, even if Lagna lor ds or significators,

,- - - -- ---, -
become extremely malevolent.

, ""l oon J upIter ( R }

I' " ~o <~ ,
,I ' "H--' ,l
-- - - - - 1- -, - . ._ - . - ------ j'- - - - I
Lagna Ma.. ( R ) I
3"1 1' 10" 40'
s uo t;
(' ~ at1 53
! Ven"'
~o 9'
S. tu rn / R)I
s- 8 ' i
- - - -I
r- Rail"
17" 30'
In C hart 53. the q uestion is whether ' I will
marry a cert ain person ' . The Sun and Saturn
are in hostile Ithasala . Jupite r aspects t.agna. So
does Lagna lord Saturn and al, o a malefic Mars.
T his would normally indicate a n unswcr in the
afflrmauve. In the case in issue. the retrogression
of the malefics Mars and Sat urn litera lly exploded
the drea ms of the q uerem by a cruel trick of fate.
Bo th are retrograde and easily could overpower
Jupiter's benefic aspect .
Benefic planets when retrograde con tinue 10
be benefic. although they may make the proc ess
of achieving the object in view, a little erratic or

Rah u and Kctu can be ignored safely for the

greater part of ou r study . Only the Moon's
aspect to either node can Indicate the state of
mmd the qUCTCIlt will pass th rough . The Moon' s
conjunctio n with Ra hu or Kct u will indicate
confusion an d despo nde ncy.
If any significator (when indicatin g persons!
is with Rahu it <:;111 be implied to mean the
person may try to deceive or foo l the que rent.
In Practical Horory AJtro!ogy

BUI if the chart is str ongly indicative o f success,

the q uerent will be none the worse for all the
d eceit employed again st h im .

Co mhu\ tion
w here the Sun is o ne o f the significators or
the lord of l.a gna , his assoc iation with anot her
planet and the other 's consequen t com busti on
will no t al all a ffect the chart. Where the Sun is
neither the significator nor the Ascendant lor d ,
combustion will destroy the Signification, the
degree depen ding upon the closeness of the Su n
a nd th e plane!.
~. t crc ury and Venus suffer no combustion in
pras'm cnans.
J upite r. \1a rs and Satu rn rose their power to
confer their s ign ifi catio ns if combust.
In the follow ing case (Chart 54) the "wried
manageme nt of an industrial concern had 10 resort
to lock-o ut ofthe worker s following unio n tr ou ble.
8 a In. (I .S .T .) on 29-7-1977 at ~ ad ra s
(C ha rt 54),
The Ascenda nt lo rd Sun a nd 6th lord Sa turn
a rc the planets involved in lthasa la Yo ga in the
121h hou se. Lagna h as benefic Mercury. Th e
loc k-o ut was lifted o n 17th A ugust 1977 follow ing
- - - -- ~-- -- -'---- --
I -~cn u;- ~

'' -" 2' ' '

Ke", Ma "
~6° 44 ' I 1 15° 48 ' i Ju p orer
- 1 1 30 43 '

, , Sun
13° 47 '
I ' SO lum

1-----1 Chan ~

R" 50'
!I Lag""
, 12° 49 '
Rahu '
, 1 16°44 ' !
'- - - ,- -------
a compromise between the workers and the
ma nagement. Sat urn , even if combust, would not
have made a big difference since the Sun (who
cause, com bust ion) is o ne of the siguiticato rs.

Practical Ill ustrations

w~ have , 0 fa r seen ho w to co me to a result
merely by the benefic o r malefic aspec ts fi guring
certain Importa nt facto rs such as the Ascendant,
its lord, the Mo on a nd the 11th lord.
Benefic aspec t> o n the Ascendan t and lis lo rd
indica te" hilppy state of a ffair, may be expected.
Mald ic aspects ind icate da nger of death. ilInes"
acc idents, loss of happiness and unfavourable
tr ends in gene ral.
Couvidcr the Ascendam. It, lo rd. the Moon
and aspcch these receive . If the Ascendant lord
aspect s the Ascendant . or if beneflcs aspec t the
Ascendan t or the Ascendant lo rd. or If the Ascen-
dant and llth lords are favo ura bly disposed ,
predict the qncre m'e luc k will take a turn for the
bette r .
4--20 p.m., LS.T . o n 7-7- 1977 a t 13· N,
77 '30'F ,
Will my futu re be any better ' A most
depressing ph ase since the last two yea rs.
(C ha rt 5 ~) .

~ ----
101.,<3' 4 ) '
I'K <lu2 Fll ' !V<"U' 0 ' 11'
lu pi ..,
j""'''' 14' 10' 29· 6'

I M,,,my
,. so
Ir ---- - I C hart :1.\
2)" 44'

I I 1
- - I,--- , I
114 _ 0, lor SO" I I'' 'h" 21' 51"
i !
- -- '- - ---- - - -- .._-----
' -
III Chart 55, the Ascenda nt is Scorpi o
a spected by us lo rd \ lars and 2 natural benetics,
ve nus and Jupiter. \1 a r, being in the lith house
(tho ugh in 7th sign J indicates the state o f the
nativ e wa s one of des pair at the time of question.
The 6th rules d isease a nd debts . hath of whic h
were tro ub ling the querent which he later con-
firmed as the cause for his unhappy state of
We see the \ 100 " applies first to Kethu a
node, by no means a bendic. indicating things
would connnue 10 be had lor some 11101'" li me.
'" The aspect of two benefice on the Ascendant
ind ica tes a relatively bett er p hase is s oo n du e ,
that is. a period or luck will begin sho rtly.
The Ascenda nt lord Mar s is in lrhasala wit h
Jupiter- 2nd and 5th lord as well as the Swo-
the 10th lurd. So, tinaucially his slate would
imp rove co nsiderably through his securing a good
iob a nd he would also go abroa d in all likcli-
ho od . T he job. would ha ve 10 do with
magnificent abodes a nd catering connected with
some business since Lagna lord Mars was in
Taurus (ruli ng places of eating, case an d luxury)
with Ve n us (rules glamour, good t hin gs of life ,
enjoyme nt) and J upiter (palat ial abodes and as
5th lord, investment or business). The qucrcnt
contirmcd he had ap plied for and was hopeful of
gelling ajob in a Five -Sta r Ho tel ill a. major cit y
of India. A Five-Star Hotel, a s everyo ne kno ws,
is the last word in good living and it is a busine ss
o fcaterin g and providing abodes o r lodging .
It was also ind icated t he q ucrcn t would no t
rema m in tha t job fo r long tlO lh lor d Su n in the
lith to who m Lagna lord Mars ap plies indicatin g
Job -dissatisfac tion and Frustration) bu t wo uld
seck h is fo rtune abroad smcc the 9th lord an d
La);na lord . Moo n and Ma rs. apply to the 3rd
Pract ical lIIu.,t ra!i(M J nr
lord Satu rn placed in the 9th ( III lthasala wit h t he
11th lord MerCllry l.
All o f \~ h i c h the qucrcnr confirmed a few
months law'. He had go t the job in the hotel in
Bombay but fo und he did not hk c it there . He
had then, with the aid or a friend , gone to the
Middle East wher e he h no w qu ile happy .
1- 25 o.m., 2H ·12 ~I<) 77 , at 13' ;...J, 77 ' E 30'
My health has been very had . Will it
imprr~~~ ~<::~_art ~56,)". _~ ~ ,
, I
K ot u Lagna !J uPUer f Rl l
IX" .N S' 14 I Xo 16'

~---1L _1 .\l uu n ,
14" 58' .
Moon 1000i Mm ( R)

I- 17" 50'

I Sot8"urn
( R)
! i
1 -~:1l~:4-1 - - - - - .----- -- .--.~~h U
I e- 00 ' , I~' 39'
IMercur;'( R) ,
,.__0':' (}4 ' .. ' L
In Chart 50, the Asce nda nt is Arie s. Th e
Ascend a nt lord \1af~ is in the 41h rlebilitnted and
1! 8

ret rograde . H ~ is a lso the Sth lord. Neit her the

Ascendant nor Murs receive a ny benefic aspects.
The Moon applies 10 M a r~ as LUglUI lord and 8t h
lo rd linking the quercnt with death T hc q uere nt
ca n, th erefore. have litHe hope fo r recovery but
mU,1 p repare for d eat h shortly. A ltho ugh Mar,
to whomthe Mo on applies is the Ascen dant lo rd ,
we must note the fac t or the extreme male fice nce
he pic ks up by a combinatio n of debility and
The qucretu <:oUap , cd 3 days late r O r} N ew
Years eve follo wing a ma ssive heart -attack.
7- 05 u.rn. IX T o n 13- 6- 19 75 at 13' N,
77" [; 30' .
Will the Prime ~h m s\e l' M rs. Ind ira Gandhi
reman on power o r go ? (Chart 57).
T his questi o n was asked j u s t befor e l he
Emerge ncy wr., d a lllpeu in India. Peo ple had
begun to dist rust the then Prime Ministe r r..lrs .
Indir a G a nd hi and h~r laeILCS. She had creat ed
resentment amongst the people by her aut hori-
turian methods or lu ling the count ry . Note
th e Ascendant in Chart 57 is occ upied by a
male fic Saturn alld aspec tcd by another male tic
Murs. Ascendant lord Mercu ry rs in the 121h,
the ho use o f loss. These d enote she will lo se
power . The Moo n app1i e~ to ven us indicating a
KCIU7" .>4 '
M Cf< u r y . 0 !
(R > 25' 57' l a gna I] . !
, 1 $11" 29~ : Sat ucn 26
! ,' Moon l l' !.
V. ne, 14" '

- - C ha rt 57


favourable tr end for her in the immed iate future.

The 10th lo rd is in the 10th in lthasala with the
6th a nd l It h lord Ma rs and avpccte d exactly by
Saturn by an host ile aspect or squa re. The con-
elus io n yo u can dra w therefo re is a tu rn of events
to ma ke things easy for her followed by a co nsoli-
dat io n or ner position. But Sa turnin the Ascen -
dant a nd Merc ury in the 12th ind icate the gains
will not remain fo r long and ,he mu st step d c wu
finally .
SOOIl after in July 1975 came th~ Emergency
follo wed by the 19 mo nths o f authorita ria n r ule.
Praclkal fl orary A' t, ofor.v

In Ma rch 1977, th e elect ions to the lok Sabha

were announced . The Prime Mmister who had
considered herself iudis pensubic to the co untry
was rejected by her own const ituency by the
popu lar vote. She had to step dow n from powe r
aft er a reign of nearly I I years.

You will see the Ascendant comes unde r

only un favourable aspect s, So does the Ascen-
dant lord Merc ury .

1-43 p.m. I.S ,T . on 14--7- 1976 at Bangalo re.

Whe n willi gel a Job'? (Chart 58),

Th is q uestion carne from a yo ung ma n who

was forced rc give up his job of to years in a
hank follo wing much unpleasantness with the
sta ff a nd custo mers alike.

The Ascendant lo rd Venus (Char t 58\ IS in

the lflth in lthasala with 4th a nd 5th lord Saturn .
T he 10t h lord Moo n signifying job (occ upatio n]
is in Ithasala with both Venus and Saturn. Venus
as Lag na lo rd in th e 10th indicates self-employ-
ment. Satur n as 4th lord indicates vehicles. T he
qucrent willtherefore find an occupatio n of all
inde pendent nat ure and not a jo h in the sense of
-ervrce. Satu rn is with Lngna lo rd indicating
. i ,K:': I ~~I,::,T~;~il
~05J' ! Sun2~581

!~ I
M uun
.. - 1-- -
Ve nu'
7 0 OS '
4" 37' , Sawrn
i 12" 32'
!~ I Cha ri 5~
I !2~'lr
---! '-I"''''' i
I 1

!~ Rab"
16° 51'
180 55'

delay while the Ithasala of t he Moon with Lag na

lord mus t hasten matters at least to a degree . It
wo uld therefo re be arleast 11- 12 months before he
would find himself employed again. The Moon
'IS 10th lord an d ...'enus in Ca ncer are ind icati ve
of running some tran sport for public ut ilit y
Ve nus is in lt hasala to Mars, 2nd lord in the llth,
indicat ing earni ngs.
In Ma y 1977, exactly Hl mc nth s la ter th e
q uere nt hough! an a uto ric kshaw a nd began to
ply it for hire in Bangalore. He was SOQlI ea rning
well e no ugh 10 mainta in himself in comfort.
Practical. Horary. A stl'O~g ,.

If we apply the k ey~ in Ch a pter 2, th e

Asce nd a nt is Libra indicat ing -talt and elegan t
with slim bod iev. pimpled . '" . ",h ile referring
to Chapte r S. Ven us in Ca ncer gives " fleshy bod y
of medium height. dark thick ha ir", "' h ile Saturn
in Ca ncer show, one "ith "short . ill-formed
stature. dark "omple",.,n . grizZly hair. Eye, a re
neurone and malicious loo k mg".
Venu s and L,bra nrc p rima ry factors being
Lagna lord und Lague revpecuvelv in describin g
the native . Ven us associates with Sa tur n
par tak ing so me o f his characte ristics.
T he querent wa, fleshy, good -lookin g, fairly
t>l,J[ with dark. th ic k gr izzly hair and nueronc eyes .
2· 55 p.m . on 17-6- 1976 a t Ba ugalo re .
Will i marr) t he girl I am engaged 10 '!
(Cha rt 59 )
The Lagna III Cha ri 59 is aspe cte d by J upiter
wh ich is, however. powerless , J upiter havi ng
shifted 10 the Hth house. Lag na a nd 7th lo rd
Venus and Mar, a re in lthasala. Venus ruli ng
Lagna a nd Sun, Ma rs r uling 7th ho use a nd Sun
ns the ,i gllltk '\1 ors a nd llth lord arc in Ithasata.
T he Mo o n is in lthasa lu with 7th lo rd Mars.
Sa tu rn ,s wilh 7th lord Ma"rs, a nd a lso aspects the
7th ho use by h IS Hlth hou se aspect. T his indi o
cate s dela y b)' a t least .2 >'ea rs but the ltha sala
j- ---- -- -- - Kel u·- l- -- - -·- --- - - - - -
18° 2 ~' ,I Mercury Vcnu,
Ju piter J1 2tl'
4" 31'
I 270 1Y Sun 4" 15'
: j.
1--- 'SaIUl n'- 1
, s- 17 '
I ~o 59 ' M""
26" 16 '
I- -

Yoga, will see to it that the co up le will eventually


The quere m had been engaged to a part icular

girt hut the marriage itself was being indefinitely
postponed . T he gir r , faTher was a way in Burma
for man y years where, her mot her feared , be had
a nother family . She believed she coutd usc the
girl's marriage a, a handle to bring her hu sband
bac k 10 her at least for a wh ile. So she thought,
if she delayed the marriage, he wo uld have a
reason to come back .
I\n yl'tUy , whatever the girl\ mother's
problems. the querent was despondent ab out the
who le thing. I n September J97K. the q uerent
ma rried hi, fiancee exactly 2 yea rs. 3 mo nths
fro m the dale of q uestion .
2-10 p.m. " S ,T _ 0 '\ 23-1-1978 at Bangalore .
Will i marry th e man ' love ? (Chan (0).
Kel" La ~ na :Juri\Cr I R)
I?" 14 14" ~O' i $0 IU'

M oon
0° 10'
i M ars ( R)
I 90 :17 '

, Venu,
Cb3f1 60 ,",.

: 12" 20 ' I Saturn ( R ~

Sun 10"51 ' 1 i ~~ 8 ' I
1- --- - -- - - - - - - --- - - ' _ .., _
, I 1

M<rcur y 1 I, Ra hu
~o , I 11"1 4 '

Thc Lagna in C hart 60 is as pected by rna dic

retrograde Sat urn . The signrficatots Venus and
Ma rs are III oppositio n. the 7th lord Mars being
retro grade . Ihe Moo n feebly ap plies to Mars
an d Saturn respectively.
T his question ca me fro m a young working
~,rl who had been in love with a colleague fo r
nearly J years. He had suddenly refused to marry
,ay ing h is pa re nt, would never agree to their
marnage. The girl was in such a state of misery
she W:l ' quite incapable of even la lki ng properly.
Mars is retrograde indicating: the man had
bac ked out. Retro gra de Sa turn . a powerfu l
male fic. aspects the Ascendant. The oprosuion
between Mars and Venus is a lso Lasarpha ind icat-
ing she WIll not mar ry him. Thcre are no be nefic
a spect- ut all meaning Ihe poor girl will never
marry a nyo ne rise either.
4 00 p.ln. f S.T on 25- 11 - 1977 ar Bangalore.
Should I go abroad a nd accept a w ho larsh ip
fo r further vtudies? (Chart Ill) .
The quell' came from a n enlerprising young
man who was ntanagmg the fami ly business. He
had received a very anracnve o ffer fo r study
ab ro ad. He was wo rried if the family business
wo uld suffer if he accepted the offer and could
not decide what 10 ,I<,
/\ benefic aspec t m the Ascendan t is always
welcome and "'ys ' Go ahead ' . \ e nu, in Chart
61 aspects the Ascendant from h i, mootatrik ona
stgn . The Ascendant lord Mars is in the 4th
I'rn r U",1 H or ot ... ,j ,<lr % /l!Y

u W1 1' , L' ~ n . lup;'" (R)

I t' 31' 12" 21"

, ,I
i I
, 101. ,.. 11' .1'

1~ '~ Cha n 6J

I ~-,---
'I 101.", "'1 ! I -
~ --1- ------
II"." I S"nl l ' Vc"u.11'll·I RohuXl" 2J '1
, I ;
__ __._ . _ ~ ._ " ' I

home (education) i ll lt hasala with an exalted

Moon who happens tv he th e .ftll lord himself
indicat ing not only SUCCl)<;'S but ulso distinction m
studies contemplated . The Moon is also In
lthasal a with Jup iter who i, the 9th lord ruling
ro ne gn trave l a, well as the 12th lord ruling
foncgn residence. These several yoga, indicate
trav el a hroad and a happy successful time there ,
w fuu about the family bu vinev '!
The 12th being the llth fro m the 2nd ru les
family business. Tile 121h lord Ju piter is in
Ithasala with an ellalted Moon and is in cppcsitton
Pf{/N;(' ~I 1If,,,,,,,,inn.'
to Srd a lld 6th lord \ 1c rc ur) , Mercu ry
occ upying a l' UXP 'x weak and the 11'<0 pla nets
heing in p;\f1 l'a l'1n na gilc rC'tllls a\ if Jupiter were
in the 9th 11\ ccmi-sevrile hlla ,, \la with the \ foo n
which indicates the busincs-, will utc care of
irself wuh uutial probfcms bet ween the rem aining
hro ther, {Mcrc urv a s Jrtllordl handhug it. All
the uspc ct-, arc favourable except Saturn a vpcctin g
the Moon . Thi-, would mean a ,Iij:ht de lay but
th e prcdomiuatiug iuffuencev being hene fi c. th e
q ucrcu t would leave Ind ia ill about J mo nths'
lime , In 'vlarch l<n~ the quc reru left for England
for f urther vtnd je-,
9-05 u.m. !l ,t 25 I 1-\975 "I Hangalorc..
Will I pa" my H.('0111 . examinat io n ?
tChn rt 62 i
In Chart 1>2. 'vlar, I,
in 1I,c A scendant bu t
lucidly ,!l ilh III the l Jth hhava T he Ascendan t
lord Mercury j, in t ile /llh in IIha,ala with t he
Moon. T he 4th i, occ"pied by a benefic Venus
a nd a spccted by another benefic Jupiter indicating
success. B ill M c rc llr ~ helll!! in the /lth :1' the 4t h
lord a nd Lagnu bein g hemmed in between 2
malcfics would ind icate o n ly a pas sable pcr for,
I M a"- I R)
JU Diler ::~-~9.91 1- I 7" 59'
La gua
23&5 '
,; 25"2 1'

--- 1- -
SalU'D ( R)
10° 50 ' I
Ch n fl2 !
M oon

- - - ~~
--r ---- ,
20" 19'
T -' ~

Sun Hf4 l '; i

Mercury i Ra hu Vellu,
8° 45 ' I 29° 9' I 25° 4 '

'- I !
T he results showed th e q uerent In the III
class as having passed .
8-30 a.m. l. S.T. on 19- -1- 1975 at Bangalore.
Will the key-b unch be found (not sure
whethe r lost or misplaced}? (Ch art 63).
In Chart 63. the Ascendant and its lord as
always signify the que rent . The key-b unch is
ruled by the 2nd home and it, lo rd cormng u nder
'possessions' .
The Ascendant is occupied by a benefic and
Ascendant lord Venus, The 2nd lord Merc ury
[" - ---- --- - T ' !i.il;; · ---
'Sun e 20' I io- 47' I
Jnpiler .\i orcu, y l a gna Sa(urn
l~" 27 ~6 :' ~ ' 12" '< ~ I 21° 2' i
I Ven" , 14°
-- - - -
i__- --- I


R "h "
10" 4"

is In co njlllll'l ion with the 41h lord Sun and ,n

Itha >ala with Lagna lo rd VC'll1S.
T he keys must therefore be found In o r about
their usual place aud somewhere within the house
(Sun 4 th lord} in some bed ( 121 h house) o r Ven us
l.a gna lord in the fi xed Lagn a increases the
cha nces of the lost ,,!ljce! being wher e is s ho uld
be .
The keys were fo und ill a week's lime under
the matt ress on the cot. T he presence of st rong
v en us ill Taur us indicates places such as bedroo ms,
beds etc. The keys were fou nd on the 23rd
April when M ercu ry and Venus were in C1UICl
6 -50 p.m. on 4 · 1 1 ~1 97 5 al Bangatore .
Will I gel a docto rate dcgrc e ? (Ch a rt M) .
1-- - - - I - .- - --" ' 1- - - - _ . ,- - ._- ,

'Jupiler (Rll' Lagn~

: 24" 53' I 2· 21 '
: Ket u
, if' 13'
I! "l a rs
10" ,14 '
___ ...__j ---l____-i-
: Sat urn

Char t 64
,. _----
i 10" 49 '

II Rali"io-
--- -- - - --,--

0" 13'
! MerC<l ' Y
4¢ 56' I
Ven us

l_ _
jSUn l9" 23 , 2" l l '
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __.. _.L _ ~_ .

In Chari 64, th e A scenda nt is aspected hy a

benefic Mercury, signilica tor of learning.
The llth rules hono ur" awardv . d istinction
a nd recognitio n .
The Lagna is aspecred by I ll h lord Saturn
with whom the Lagna lord M ars is in Ithasala.
I'r"", ;, ,,1 lIIu.",m;o~'
:hc Moo n I ' in lthacalu with J upiter, a benefic.
T~e Moo n i\ rule r of the ~ t h hav' ng: to do with
edicnuon. \ 'I ,-rCI1 r)' i\ th,' larala o f acade mic
ho d ic-, .md Iearnin!! an d Sat urn . the 11111 lor d. is
in the 4th IIldic<\liu[! [!.,in "I' an acad emic disunc-
lio n from a hoJy' ,11' ilhl,llll;OIl of lea m lllg:. Ma rs
and Saturn conjoined in Ca nce l 11\ Mav 1')7(,
wh ic h Il t.S indicated 'I' Ih... perio d hy whe 'l the
lI11el'en t "ould be confe rred a doclMa ic hy a n
Indian ti n'" c rsit"
In June 197(" 1I University rn Nor th I ndia
co nfcrrcd the honorary doctorate of .. Docto r of
Lett ers •. o n t;te quercnl at its Ann ual COI1 VHCa-
I 1-)1\ u.m. I. S. T , on )4 " 12-1 ')70 a t Bangalore.
Wil! I I,'Ct a na tional :marJ in 1977'!
(Chan (5).
T hi, q uestrou wa s .bked hy a noted exponent
o f clas sica l mu sic. He hadrust about received
eve ry a ward a nd dist inction that was available in
the cou ntry an d hh on ly desire wa s to get th e
Padma vibh usbun .
In C ha rt 65, the Ascendant is Aq u,mus with
its lord Sa turn in the 6111. l'hcrc are no be nefic
asp ects 011 Ow Ascendan t T he llth lord is in
t he 51 h hut very feeble hew !" in a c",spa l degree .
Pruclica/ Horary A,' lro/agy
, -- - - ,
Kel a 'IJ UP i,,,,( R) !
~o 4, ' O' so- ~

b,g n~ Sa,u' o <R )

I ~o 41' 24' ,; '

C~a'l 6;
V enuo ilJoon
n- ~9' -s- 6 '

Me« url'. Ma.. R a~ "

t<J° 12 ' I 24° 47' ~Q 45'
SUl1o' 18' ' I, '
O nly malefic Mars aspects th e Ascenda nt . T he
Muo n has no lthasalu with any planet. II was
unlikely . therefore . he wo uld gel the a ward he
coveted ,
In July 19 77. the Gov ernment of Ind ia
banned all a war dv s uch a\ the Pad mashri, the
Padilla Ilhu\ h,Ul. the Padmu Vibh ushau an d t he
Hharutu Rain a.
10 a ,111 I,ST . on I I - I- In!) at u augato rc.
,,",'ill I \1 11\ the electio ns (M .L. A.) in
Kurnataku o n a Congress iO,-v'c G owda) tic kct ?
(Chan (6 ).
~ -;- ~ ~ ~ -- -
, ,
'''''t" 11' 51' :
lop;,,, 'R) !
6' n' ,

M. ... , R ) ,
I , ' ~T '

Charl 66

W II '
as- 40'
_<""' 25 10' ,'
1- - -- 1-
iR. h" 17" IS-!
4' 7 I

In Chart 0<>. the 10th house represent, office.

post. status and mtluence. If the quercm should
win , she wo uld OcCOHlC a member of the l.cgivla-
live Asse mbly wh ich woul d give her co nsiderable
influence . A, suc h. the 10th lord "I;m becomes
<i gnificat or. Saturn a nd \1 a r\ a, Lag na a nd Ih:C
10th lord, have no aspect a nd both arc rcr rogr..de
Till.' M oo n is nOI in aspect with either. J up iter
does uspc ct the Ascendant bur from a bha va-c usp
a nd has to reckon v. ith the 1;111 house aspect of
\1:I1S (R ) and '11>0 lhal of Saturn ( R) . It wa s
indicated the qucrcru would h;lV<I d iffkult) 111
gCItIlIg.l lw ticket itscltfrom the perry, let aton e
win I h l' cle<.: tions. The q uc rcnt'v uarnc appeared
in the preliminary h, ls or contestants bu t was
absent in rhe Iinul te-t. She could nul contest
thc ek cli')'h at all,
p. m. ( t.S .T . ) 01' 2/l- 3-1 <}7 5 at Ila l\,g ~l,) ' e .
(1 -·2~
Will my missi ng brother retu rn"! <Cbart (,7) .

20° 0 1'
--- - --- _.

M o ' "u ,,~

n " 44 '

2~ O )S '

l'hc querem'v brot her had !crt home fo llo w-

ing [1 1\ ahcrcuuon wilh the parcnh. In Ch ari 67,
\ lars si!1'lI fyi 'lg Ill,' mis,in!! brother I ~ exalte d
showiu!1 Ill' " the brother 11-':1' hot -headed and
acted o n impul se. Mercu ry signities the qucreut .
The two arc not in ltha sa l a b ut benefic Ju piter
nvpcctv the Ascenda nt. The \ 10 0 11. by himscff.
a nd ntso as the llth lord is in llh:m tla wit h bo th
,igniticalOr,. Ma rs and Me rcu ry.
A common sign rising a nd the cignitica tor
Mars exalted in a movable sign indicates the
brother ..... ill regain self·cont ro l soon and come
back home of h i, ow n acco rd b)' a bout th e tim e
the Moo n and Ma rs fo rm <In e x act trine, that
is. in two (bys' rime. Th e brother retu rned 011
the 27th evening.
7- 4\1 a.m. (I.S.T .j o n 21 -\) -1\)75 ut Baugato re.
Sho uld we lile a suit a ga in<l pu blisher X for
co py right iafungemc nt '! (C ha rt hIS) ,
A cenam title 011 a technical SUbjL'Ct written
by all au thority on the subject published by a
publishe r o f mod erate reso urces ha d pro ved very
popula r runn ing into several editions A nothe r
publishing lin t} well established a nd one of the
lead ing in the country bro ugh t out a book o n the
same . ubjcct. II ho re the same title , get -up an d
lay-o ut a, the first hU I wa s written b)' a ll in-
different a utho r, whose na me appeared 11\ suc h
inconspicuous letters at o ne co rner tha t it wo uld
have gone unnoticed . It was ,i mplc for a nyone
. I Ketu
'\f oo n I J ~f'; I Ol- ( R) 2° 36'
I I0SO ' 0 ' 27" Ma rs
_ - , -28° }?'---f'-_ _

s"tu rn
8" 17 I
-I Cha n 68 1- .
3" 33'
-r-: . '- '--r
Rah" Mercury ' Sun 5° 2 ~ ' :
2" 36 ' 0'4 ) ' I Lag n. '
2S9 5 Y
_ L' , _
10 tak e l hi~ book for the hook by the a uthor ity .
Copies of t im volume a ppeare d HI all the stalls
and the: first publisher was distraught. He knew
the layman wo uld be ta ken in by t he sec o nd
pubfishers fra ud . Hut he had neit her the money
no r the reso urc es to fight Iii. cnse in cou rt. At
th is stage. he thou ght he shou ld seek ast rological
g uid a nce.
In Chart bl!, the Ascendant Virgo ISoccu pied
by vurgouama Ascendan t lo rd Mercury . The 7th
hou se ruli ng o ppo nent (second publishe r] i~
occ up ied hy vargo uama retrog rade J I.Ipiter. Th e

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