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problem solved: extract jar file from jad, sis from sis.dm - 2 Ways to Dow... http://www.n97i.com/2-ways-download-nokia-ovi-store-apps-games-co...

problem solved: extract jar file from jad, sis

from sis.dm
admin | November 19, 2010 Tags extract jar extract sis

Now after you download applications/games

from ovi store to your computer, you can see
the extension, possible extension: *.jar, *.sis,
*.sisx, *.jad, *.sis.dm, *.sisx.dm.

If you have already got the *.jar, *.sis, or

*.sisx, you can tranfer these files to your
phone and install them. If you get *.jad,
*.sis.dm, *.sisx.dm, follow the next step to get
the real install files.

Open the file using Download Notepad++ and

follow bellow instruction based on the
extension you get

Java Application Descriptor (*.jad)

Find this text: ‘MIDlet-Jar-URL:’, you will get

something like this on the line:


Copy the URL to the URL bar on your browser, I mean this one:

Press Enter, you will get the *.jar file, and you can download the *.jad file

Symbian Installation Files (*.sis.dm or *.sisx.dm)

Remove the 3 lines text, it will be something like this:

Content-Type: x-epoc/x-sisx-app
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

Using:Download Notepad++

After Editing

Save the file

Remove *.dm from the file extension, so it will be *.sis or *.sisx only
Done, copy that file to your phone, and run the file to install

1 of 1 1/19/2011 10:56 AM

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