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Notes from the Universe

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe


I don’t believe that there is anyone on Planet Earth right now that doesn’t feel
that things are much more than just not quite right, nor anything close to what
most of us would term as normal. I have the very distinct feeling that the good ‘ol
days of ‘normal’ are behind us forever.

Life today is out of control, and over the top in almost every way, with many
people holding onto their sanity for dear life. This sense of something being very
different, whether it’s your perception of time that keeps changing, short-term
memory lapses, or extreme feelings of fear, anxiety, depression or even
hopelessness for our future, is not unique to you, as people around the globe of
every race, culture and religion are feeling the very same thing.

This underlying sense of unease and waiting for the next shoe to drop is
nearly palpable, and is glaringly evidenced by the recent major uprisings in
Egypt, Bahrain, Tunisia and Libya. Last month here in Italy, hundreds of
thousands of women from all over Italy traveled to Piazza del Popolo and
protested their long on-going struggle for respect and being appreciated for more
than just their bodies.

In the United States, there is an amazingly fast process of losing both

individual freedoms and collective rights, maybe most glaringly evidenced by the
enormously supported protests in Madison, Wisconsin. The public union’s efforts
towards cooperative negotiations with the staunchly fixed and stubborn Governor
Walker, to at the very minimum maintain their collective-bargaining rights, are
quickly fading as the Governor pulls every possible trick he can come up with in
order to pass his new law without the requirement of the Democratic Senators to
be physically present for the vote. And this is happening in the land of the free.

Adding fuel to the fire of our collective unease was the massive earthquake
and tsunami in Japan on March 11. And now adding insult to injury is the

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

further potential for global disaster from the damaged nuclear facilities spewing
dangerous levels of radiation that will circle the globe. Following on the heels of
this, is the allied forces, once again agreeing without allowing time for the proper
public support processes to take place, entered into a coordinated US and Western
European assault against Libya under the guise of releasing it’s people from it’s
ruthless dictator. Is this the beginning of another version of the endless Iraq War
we are witnessing? I certainly hope not.

With the seemingly non-stop increase in global chaos, tragedy and fear-based
news taking it’s toll on the planet and her people, I could not help but feel inspired
to find a way to bring the good news out into the open, and hopefully provide a
window of opportunity for people to grab hold of, and hopefully jump through.

When I sat down and consciously invited direct contact with which I
originally believed would be the Pleiadians, my intention was to make myself
available for information to come through with what would be in the highest and
best interest for all mankind. I truly had no idea or expectations of what would
follow, and no one was more surprised than me to find that beings from Alpha
Centauri would communicate what they have in this self-directed awakening
process of a book that you are about to read.

While some of my initial questions were asked from a personal perspective at

times, I felt that it was most important to simply ask the first question that was at
the top of my mind that morning, and I trust that you will find, that the answers
always came back in such a way as to answer the broader issues at hand within
the bigger picture in which we all find our selves today.

I have been highly intuitive for my entire life, and so it was quite easy for me
to close my eyes and start typing as the words streamed into my consciousness
field. Some people would call this process automatic writing, however as I am not
a big fan of labels, I would prefer to say that I’ve transcribed the following
information as I’ve received it from a consciousness outside of my own.

It is not important to me whether or not you choose to believe that this

information has come directly from beings that reside on another planet or not, as

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

I believe that you will find the information will stand on its own merits in its
ability to direct each one of us to the task at hand.

Without question, each one of us stand at humanity’s collective crossroad,

and how we manage to move our lives and world from where we presently sit to
where we would want it to go, is for each one of us to now decide. I don’t think
that anyone can say that there are not big changes we all need to make in order to
move in a better direction, my only wish is that each one of you will take the time
for yourselves and your families, as this is the only place to start, and where it
can all begin.

In the vision of creating a beautiful New World together,

And In Love,

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe


I would like to express my deep gratitude to the group of Alpha Centaurians

that answered my invitation to share their knowledge with me in the form of this
book, ‘Notes from the Universe’.

While I have not previously had direct contact from this group of beings, or
anyone from the Alpha Centauri star system, I have had my fair share of contact
with outside or off-planet beings, extraterrestrials, or any other term that you
would care to use, throughout my life.

The most significant was in 1972, when I was fifteen, and I experienced my
first UFO sighting not far from our summer cottage in the southern part of
Wisconsin. An older sister was with me at the time, and without any doubt, we
both saw the same thing, yet were completely unable to find a logical explanation
for what we saw.

It wouldn’t be until ten years later while at a family reunion that we finally
talked openly about this shared experience amongst our family members. What
was even stranger to me than never saying anything to my family members about
this experience, was that in my own mind I never forgot about it, yet didn’t tell
another soul about what we both saw that night.

There were more experiences throughout the many years since that first
visual contact, however this most recent experience of transcribing ‘Notes from
the Universe’ has by far been my most favorite.

I found that the Alpha Centauri group were more than patient, extremely
gracious and very understanding of the minor challenges that I experienced along
the way. Their approach has always been very straight forward, and with a
desire for me to pick up the pace and work harder on the information they feel is
of the utmost importance for each of us to fully understand at this time.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

I have enjoyed the Alpha Centauri’s charming ability to engage us through

their sense of humor by way of our human vulnerabilities, and their simple yet
direct analogies to help us more easily grasp what they are trying to get
across to us.

I will continue to offer my writing time and energy to this group of warm
hearted, loving beings who are more than merely interested in seeing us manage
to wiggle our way out this mess we’ve so greatly managed to get ourselves into.

Thank you to those of you who have shared your knowledge, your time and
energy with me in putting this first volume of ‘Notes from the Universe’ together.

In Love,


Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe


I’ve written this book in the form of an open dialog with the Alpha
Centauri. It began as a simple daily process that involved my own personal
meditation process and preparation to begin writing as they answered my
questions. I really did not have any agenda, nor had I organized a list of questions
or outline in advance, but merely asked the question that was most present on my
mind that morning.

As was requested of me, I have not edited any of the information provided
here. I hope that you will enjoy reading the information and take to heart their
prodding us a little more awake with their open and direct questions that they
have presented to each of us to ponder at this most challenging, yet inspiring
times we live in.

Personally speaking, I am very encouraged by the information that has

been shared with all of us here, and hope that you will be as well. It is also my
heart felt desire that you will feel the strong sense of the loving support and
encouragement that I experienced throughout my ‘Notes from the Universe’

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: October 20, 2010

R: First of all, I’d like to know more about who you are and where you come from,
can you share that information with me?

AC: We are from Alpha Centauri, not the Pleiades of which you previously
assumed we were from. I understand your connection with your Pleiadian
friends, but they are not your family nor are they here now with you. I am here
along with others who like you, are dedicated to helping others transform
themselves and your world while there is still time to do so.

It is with our greatest heartfelt wish that you will continue to communicate
and write down what it is that we have to tell you, as this information can be
utilized as a guide or directive that you and others can follow in order to recreate
the path that you are currently heading down. In its entirety, you will have
written a new book in this format of a self guided awakening process in which
anyone can read and follow, thereby enabling them to re-awaken to who they
truly are, by their very nature and design.

If you must have name by which to call us, then it can be the Alpha
Centaurians, as we do not go by the individual names that you use on your Planet
Earth. We are recognized not by a name but by our energy pattern, that like a
name that you use, is distinct by its very nature, as there cannot be two of ‘me’, as
there is no other being here that could possibly have experienced the very same
things that I as an individual have, along with viewing these vast array of
experiences through my unique perspective.

While it is not of importance for others to know the details of our lives, we will
be providing you with some ideas and concepts that you can draw on for your own
creative process that will be derived from our world and how we operate within
that scheme. It will be of tantamount importance that you describe in detail
every thing that we disclose to you in this way, without making edits or adding
your own perspective to it, for within our words that you write will be coded

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

messages that will need to be kept in their pristine form as not to dilute or distort
these codes.

Within these codes are the necessary belief patterns, along with the
potentiality of your greatest works yet to be revealed. It is also within these
codes, that your DNA coding will be reactivated from its’ current dormant state,
and one that was purposely shut down almost fifteen thousand years ago by those
that continue to dominate your world today.

While we can say that their efforts will reach a pinnacle in the near future, we
can also say that they will be fruitless in their manifestation and purpose, for the
designs with which they have drawn for your future will be found futile in their
efforts as the increasing numbers of you awake to your own mastery and designs
of your own. This is not a battle of the strongest or the most clever; but a divinely
planned arena of the magnitude that many of you cannot still grasp.

When you can begin to see the drama from our perspective, what you see is a
play of magnificence that can only be described as one of the greatest awakenings
in the Universe, for it will and is to have far further reach than you can possibly
imagine at this time.

In the course of the next few years, from our perspective we can say that you
will look back on this time and be stupefied at what you accomplished in such a
short period of time. Things that you now perceive as your greatest challenges
will be reduced to a mere memory of strife and struggle, for within your grasp are
the solutions to your greatest problems. So it should appear to you as your future
holds great promise for a world renewed and reconciled with these issues.

It is also within your grasp to resolve all of the worlds’ greatest disease and
health problems, for those solutions are but a day away from discovering what the
source of all disease is, therefore simply healing and transformed through this
awareness of the cause rather than the symptoms.

It is also within you grasp to reach within your own Hearts and discover your
place within the Universes’ vast company of communities. As Human beings, you

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

were originally designed to be representatives of this Universe, as your very

physicality represents over 56 different genetic codes from across the Galaxies.
Your science will also soon discover that they have missed the most important
aspect of your DNA coding, and that is the creative potential within its ability to
manifest within your paradigm and planet.

This is the grandest Secret waiting yet to be revealed and within that Secret
lies and even greater Secret, and this is discovering who your Souls truly are, for
when the day comes and you recognize who it is that you see in the mirror
reflected back to you, will be the grandest discovery for your species.

This is the day that we see on your horizon, just peeking over and coming into
view, for it will be the day that you recognize your true selves, that you will be
free to reclaim your rightful heritage in the Universe as you will soon come to
know it.

Within your grasp as well will be the receiving the divine beings that reside
within your children, as when you come to recognize them for the teachers that
they are, you will no longer poison and harm them in the ways that you do. It is
with great strength that they are able to withstand your drugs, schools and
disempowerment through the cultural norms that you are no longer in control of.

It is within their grasp to simply take the entire process of your society, and
all of the structure to which you have become addicted, and turn the world on its
side through their insightfulness and full Hearts.

For the children are your leaders of tomorrow and stand by to reclaim their
rightful place within their families and communities. Leave the course of the
world in their hands and you will be living in paradise in a short span of time.

This is where you make your greatest errors in judgment, with your children
and leaving them to the whims of the deceivers of your planet, for within those
schemes are even greater schemes devised to do even greater harm, as these men
know the potential of what the children of today are capable of and they fear them
greatly. This is how you can see how easy it has been for your captains of deceit

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

to manipulate and control your fears to the point of drugging your precious
children into dulled down zombies motivated only to play video games of

This can be one of the most destructive experiences that a child can undergo
during their young and formative years, for within the games that are sold as
entertainment are deeper subliminal messages of hate, fear and killing. These
games are purposely designed to brainwash your precious children into growing
up to be nothing more than drone activated killing machines for the purpose of
gaining greater profits by the men who think they are in control.

This is the definitive moment in your history of your species and planet
where you will begin to see the blatancy of this paradigm designed to create these
types of hypnotized boys into believing that killing is a form of entertainment and
has no moral or spiritual currency. Without knowing it, you are allowing this to
continue and while we can say that we understand every parent would not
knowingly allow this to take place, it is still being done under the supervision of
your purchasing and allowing the games to be supplied as a form of entertainment
for your children.

It is within your grasp to finally see the dawn of a brighter future, but you
must first open your eyes to what is happening all around you and see the game
for which it has been designed to control and manipulate you all into submissions
as slaves in every way imaginable. We say to you, do not be afraid for what you
discover, for within the truth lies freedom from the very things your fear the

It is also now within your grasp to begin to see the larger world that
surrounds you as many of you have been having similar experiences of a greater
sense of awareness of things unseen and hidden from your view for eons. These
things include the very nature of your spiritual body that continues to exist
beyond what you call the death experience. Nothing could be further from the
truth, as you are beginning to sense this through your increasingly intuitive
minds and senses. While you continue to grieve for the passed of your families
and friends, you will soon discover in a most definitive manner that you do not die

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

and leave this world, but continue on in an even greater sense of your previous

We can see that this will have one of the most far-reaching changes in your
perceptions of who exactly you truly are, and why you are here now. When you
begin to wake up to this realization and see that there really is no beginning or
end, you will sigh a great sigh of relief, for one of the greatest deceptions of your
entire modern history can be drawn to this hidden secret that has been designed
to keep you in the dark of who you truly are, and thereby enabling you to be more
easily controlled.

It is not within the design of your destinies that you should be expelled from
your planet in one fell swoop, as this would serve no purpose at this time in your
evolutionary design. This great fear that many of your foremost speakers
continually espouse, is nothing more than promoting a very large paradigm of
fear designed to divert your attention from the even larger picture of what you
are currently experiencing, and that is becoming personally, even intimately
aware of the greatest spiritual awakening in the entire Universe. We cannot
overstate the importance of your recognizing this fact.

While there are great anomalies within your galaxy as she approaches the
great Milky Way Center, it is not with the purpose of annihilating your species
and planet, but to facilitate an even greater awakening and transformation of
both, thereby transforming the experience of your human species, along with
your planet to a higher frequency of existence. It can be no other way, as your
planet and you have been on this path of destiny for a long, long time, and nothing
can divert you from this path but yourselves, and even then it will be with
extremely limited force.

The choice that lies before each one of you can only be described as one of
tantamount importance, and you can make this a process of transformation of
Bliss and ecstasy or one of fear and tragedy, however it will only be within the
minds of each one of you, as the planet and you will continue on its path either

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

While we can easily see how this may seem confusing to most of you, it is with
great clarity that you are being offered the choice that is before you now, as it is
quite clearly being demonstrated to you through your current state of what’s
happening in every area of your lives and planetary survival.

Why do you think things look so grim for you now at this time?
Do you truly believe that it is simply telling you that things will only continue
to get worse?
Do you truly believe that this is your only option in a world of great
Is this the only way that you can see this magnificent story of one of the
greatest collective minds in all-of-the Universe, ending, in a cataclysmic
Are your imaginations so limited in their scope right now that you cannot see
the option of a bright and magnificent future that can also be?
Are you so mesmerized by your televisions, (think about that word for a
moment will you; tell-e-visions), and are you going to fall for one of the most
obvious deceptions that is being perpetrated on you now with the controllers
telling you through the visions they broadcast on your TELEVISIONS what you
are to believe as real?

Or are you going to wake up and use the greatest power you have within the
your very minds and make up your own mind, all by yourself, or even better, with
the cooperative and combined efforts of those you love and care about? Your free
will is your ticket to freedom by way of choosing paradise as your next stop on the
train you’re currently riding.

Is it so outside of your thinking that you don’t see what is staring straight
back at you in the face when you look in the mirror each morning while brushing
your teeth? Wake up and smell the roses, as this is your world in which you
create each and every day of your lives.

What is it that you truly desire and want for your selves? What kind of world
do you want to leave behind for your children to inherit? Do you want a world to
be there for them to inherit? Wake up to the fire in your belly and utilize your

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

greatest power and that is your minds and Hearts to gather together and design
the new world that your children inherently deserve to inherit.

Your FREE WILL is the tool in which you create with, you have simply been
lulled into a deep sleep and no longer utilize it in the way that it was intended to
be used. This is your greatest weapon against the dominators of deceit that
persevere in keeping you slaves to their mastery of domain. They have no real
power over you, only in the manner to which you ALLOW them.

This has been a grand experiment designed by each and every one of you to
see what it would take in order for you to reawaken to whom you truly are if you
would give your power away through not utilizing your free will. It’s merely been
a grand game designed by you as a theory that was posited and played out. The
game has been developed by the willing players, not by the perceived monsters
that you call them as your enemies or power elite. They are just playing their
part in the game YOU designed. They’re not the bad guys and you are not the

This has been a grand scheme of endless delight and fantasy played out in the
realm of a Universal scheme with an even greater game in play. You cannot go on
wasting your days wondering what it is that you will do tomorrow, as your
tomorrows are about to change in ways that You have to figure out.

The game that has been designed by you in order to see if you could wake up
in time to save yourselves and your planet from utter disaster is about to end, and
this is why you feel this enhanced sense of urgency to do whatever you can, or
you may also be feeling an almost overwhelmingly level of emotional and physical
stress to the point of increased emotional and physical problems.

Do you think that there could NOT be a connection between the timing of all of
the current chaos on your planet and in the minds of almost everyone
participating on planet Earth right now, if there wasn’t something BIG happening

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

What will it take for you to start talking with each other about this instead of
listening to the nightly bad news? You as individuals will not be able to ignore the
chaos much longer, for those of you who continue to choose to ignore the obvious,
the road will increasingly get bumpier.

We say this not to cause you concern, only to jiggle you awake a little bit more
in the hopes that you will start to pay closer attention to the inklings you are
getting on making some much needed changes in your life.

How much longer can you take the pressure of not listening to your own
Hearts’ wisdom, as it’s beckoning to you to make some changes in each of your
lives? How much longer can you continue to go along pretending that everything
is the same, and you can skip along through your stress-filled days trying to make
more money and keep up with the Jones’, or manage to pay your bills?

These are not the symptoms of a mere economical melt down of enormous
scope, but a much greater breakdown of your programs and belief systems that
have been put into play by your nemesis game masters. It’s all in the game plan
as this was the only way that you believed you could wake from the dream you’ve
been dreaming.

You knew that you would become complacent and succumb to the nullifying
effects of playing the game of controlled and master. And, it’s been pretty much
status quo for most of you as you’ve floated through lifetime after lifetime of
playing either the good guy or the bad buy in your master plan game of life. This
is how it has been for millennia, and it was wise beyond your expectations to
devise this safety net, if you will, of making it nearly impossible for you to wake
up and see that the game was up and ending.

Now we can tell you that as your old world game is ending that you’ve already
planned a new game, and for many, you are already getting glimpses of that new
and wonderful game. This is where you get to choose which team you want to
play on as it’s no longer going to seem as if the team captains are choosing their
teams without you having anything to say about it.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

The new game is all about you and what you decide to play, at any given
moment in your existence. WE know that is difficult for many of you to imagine,
however we can promise you that it is real and one world in which you will never
want to leave. Begin each day before you rise out of your beds and begin to
imagine what the most beautiful and peaceful existence on Earth would be like.

Imagine it in all her bounty and beauty, for this is totally up to you to design
and imagine, as this is your new world, not someone else’s idea or construct.
Imagine all that goes into your new world, the trees, the flowers, the birds, the
lakes and streams, the ocean and all the diversity that Nature can offer in the
way of her creatures that go along with it.

Imagine your life on your new Earth, what would it be like?

What would you do every day?
Would you need to sleep and dream like you do today, or would it be daylight
every waking hour, without becoming tired or requiring sleep?
What would your homes look like?
How would they be built and maintained?
What would you eat, or would you even need to eat anything at all?
Would you sit around all day playing on a computer or would you create
things of beauty?
Would there be small towns and big cities of industry, or would there simply
be one or the other?
Would there be a people of many designs and differences or would you all be
the same? Would you use money for the things that you require to sustain your
lives or would you simply exchange what you needed with others?
Would you be ruled by governments or would you self-rule your own lives?
If everyone had all that they needed in the way of necessities for a
comfortable life, would there be crime in your world?

Imagine every detail exactly the way that you want your new world to be, and
write it down. Design it the way you envision it with the very best of everything
that you would want to exist in your world. Why not have it your way if you are
the creator of your world?

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This is the simple process by which you can now redesign your current world
as well. It doesn’t require anything more than working through this process of
utilizing your creative power to imagine the world you live in the exact way that
you want it to be.

Too simple for you? Try it out for one week and see if you don’t feel just a
little bit lighter in your step and vision of your children’s future. Talk about it
with your family and friends, and get them to start doing the same thing for one
week. Then get together and compare notes of your world that you’ve imagined
and the world that they have imagined. See if you don’t find some similarities in
what you’ve all imagined that you would want to create as your ideal world. In
this way can you begin to create a new world of limitless potential and design it
your way, and the way that you want it to be. For within your grasp is the ability
to have everything you desire in the way that you have imagined it to be.

This is the way of your limitless creative abilities that lay dormant yet at the
ready to be waved like a wand of magical proportions. This is but one small
example of the power that you hold within your Hearts and Minds, and for that
we are here only to remind you of this great and magnificent power you have at
your fingertips. Use it, manage it, and mold it within your hearts and minds that
you are reawakening to now.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: October 21, 2010

R: Can you help me with the direction of my own life right now in terms of making

AC: While we can say that your life is about to take a turn for the better, we can
also say that you are at the pinnacle crossroads of your life. Which way you turn
will be up to you but we would encourage you to stay focused on the path before
you rather than becoming mislead into thinking that you will be more fortunate in
turning back on something that truly no longer serves you.

While you may find the creative expression of your home decorating fulfilling
it is not the best way for you to create income at this time. Look to the work that
you have already created and see if there isn’t something within that scope of
work that can produce immediate income for your family, for we see the
beginning of something tremendous in your writings and work in this manner
rather than returning to the past.

It is always your choice to pursue whatever it is that you enjoy doing, but we
can tell you that your effort will not reap the rewards you would like. Stay the
course and pursue what it is that you enjoy most and once the income begins to
flow you will enjoy the process even more. Your exercise will become a goal post
for you to continue, as your books are your greatest work yet to be achieved, you
only need to continue with increased vigor in that direction and success will be
only a day away from your reaching.

Include all that we write with you today in your quest for success, as many
are facing the same quandary as you are, in their efforts to pursue a more
fulfilling path while still providing for their families. The struggle of creating a
path that is clear and productive can be a daunting task of continued struggle and

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Your process of defining your own path has taken longer due to your great
variety of pleasures and creative abilities, as this is also one of your greatest
challenges to stay focused. While we encourage you to stay on your path, it is also
necessary for you to enjoy the vast creative expressions that you have come here
to enjoy and share, and therefore it is also critical for you to balance these forms
of creative expressions within your work and play modes, for in this way will you
only be fully satisfied. It will never be for you to express in only one form of
creativity, for you are a multidimensional being and therefore capable of
expressing on many different levels and forms.

It is the way of all people should they only tap into the same creative force
that you were naturally born into and have maintained that connection through
your many creative pleasures. In this way will you find true fulfillment in your
life, for a boring life it would be if you were to only do one thing in one manner for
your entire lifetime.

This is where many people can get stuck on their paths as they resist their
own natural ebb and flow of creative expression as the fear of change so
dominates their being that they cannot allow themselves to move through one
phase of expression and into the next in what should be a natural evolution of the
their own lives.

While they can often times pursue a new career in the name of making
money, most people disregard their natural creative energy and repress it from
fully expressing it in their lifetimes. This makes for a very disappointed end to
many peoples lives, for they look back with great regret that they did not follow
their Hearts more and accomplish what they originally set out to do.

In this way do most people die unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Your lives are
intended to be creative and fulfilling in every way. Regardless of what it is that
you choose to express, most of you never achieve anything close to what you’ve
dreamed of doing.

It is with great sadness that we see many of you now resist this natural
calling for creating great works of creative expression, as if not now, then when?

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

By the same token, we all see many finally succumbing to these initiations leading
back to whom they truly are and what they’ve actually come here to do in their
lifetime. Yours is a creative mind that is limitless in its ability to create massive
and magnificent amounts of beauty in every form.

Your society however, is distorting much of what you are experiencing

through the utilization of money as a way to corrupt and control your musicians
and entertainers. Displaying a common thread of violence and one of the greatest
distortions of all and that is of your sexual nature.

While we understand your need to express this in the form of energetic

release and physical satisfaction, you are missing the most important part of your
very sexual nature. While it is an important aspect of creating new life, the
higher expression of your sexual nature is not primarily designed for this
purpose, as you are fully capable of determining when and when not to conceive a
child together.

Your sexuality is a gateway to the higher realms of consciousness and its

ultimate purpose for you together with your divine partner is to reach this height
of spiritual awareness, together in a primordial fashion of combined ecstasy and
enlightenment. This is the great Bliss that is spoken of in many of your ancient
texts and yet the truth has been hidden from you for eons as to the true nature of
this most sacred of physical acts that you can experience in your lives.

When you recognize that you are here, as divine beings capable of great works
of art, music, and beauty in its every form of expression, then you will recognize
that accessing this point of conscious awareness with your divine partner is a
vehicle of the highest form of creative expression that you can achieve while in a
physical body.

It is with great pleasure that we can point you in this direction as many of you
will be meeting your divine partners during this time of calamity and chaos on
your planet, and discovering the truth about what is available to you through this
communion of sacred sexuality that is a gateway to your ascension into the fifth
realm of the new Earth.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

We can tell you that it is within your ability to reach great new heights of
achievement through practicing this act together with your divine mates,
bringing you both through the doorway to great achievements and clarity of
purpose. Within this realm of higher states of consciousness, you have access to
the greater cosmos in which you reside along with a clear vision of your joint
destinies and purpose. When you can seek out your divine partner and pursue
this course of action in the greater scheme of discovering who you truly are, then
you will have achieved a great and purposeful achievement in your lifetime.

We can also say to you parents that it is of the utmost importance that you
teach the same to your children, as they are particularity susceptible to the
corruption of this divine act. Before they are twelve it is important that you
speak to them about this truth and they are to respect their bodies and its
capacity to create this higher expression of who they are with another, but in fact
they should refrain from it altogether until they are of sufficient maturity to
handle the great responsibility that comes with engaging in this sacred form of

It is not without challenges that we see you as parents struggle with this
conflict in your own lives, as you too have been deceived into thinking the art of
sexual engagement is purely for reproductive or recreational enjoyment. Nothing
could be further from the truth and this great deception along with the great
distortion of the facts will be one of your greatest challenges now.

It will be necessary for you to understand the great opportunity before you
with the potentiality of what we speak in these terms, as reaching this heightened
level of awareness can be one of your greatest achievements in changing the
world as you know it today.

When you can relax long enough to fully grasp what it is that we are saying
then you will begin to live it in your own lives. For we can see the great confusion
this has caused you, knowing that when you are in the act of sexual intercourse
most of you females are left with the sense that there must be something more to
this than what you just experienced.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Of course this is not what most of you would immediately think in terms of
your partners inability to properly pleasure you, as this is the mental level of this
act, that barely scratches the surface, which is why you feel so empty and
unsatisfied by your sexual experiences.

In the course of your making love with your partner we would tell you that
you should not be submitting your power to the man in his sexual quest, but in
fact be initiating your ability to create the opening of the door to greater
awareness through your ability to open with the key that only you have within

This is also the reason that men often have an unquenchable thirst for more
physical contact as they too are left unsatisfied in their sexual experiences, which
often times lead to what you would call perversions of the act itself. In an effort to
find the missing ingredient, many are lead down a path of no return of sexual
proclivities that are so distorted that they not longer represent anything close to
where they started.

It is within the females’ ability to use the key that she holds to open this door
of greater awareness and achievement through the use of her body, breath and
heart so that together they can enter through the doorway to true enlightenment
and cosmic awareness.

The male must follow the females’ lead in this process, as his physicality is
always secondary to the spiritually creative energy that the female holds within
her capacity to create new life. This is an aspect that most know on a
subconscious level but do not fully understand what it means.

The innate fear that many men in the western world experience is this
perceived power that their mothers have over them, and which can in their later
years transfer to their partners. It is a fear that many men try to overcome
through their physicality to control and dominate their partners.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This is the fundamental distortion that has been created within your societal
paradigm and can be linked to every level of your societal, familial, religious, and
governmental levels. It is the fundamental flaw within your entire culture and
will change with the advent of more women taking back their inherent power
through many different forms of expression and changes in their lives.

This is the greatest advent of what lies as your turning the tides of your
challenges faced today in every area of your lives. When the women of the world
unite, you will have turned the corner in your evolutionary process and you will
begin to see vast and sweeping changes for the better in every way. While we can
say that sitting in your kitchens and enjoying a coffee together can reap extensive
rewards, we would suggest that you begin this way and move out in every other
way that you can imagine so as to make a greater impact sooner rather than

In this way do we see great ideas being exchanged as the others of your planet
take charge of the world in ways they have been waiting for the eons of their

Begin in this way and do we see many lives changing for the better and ones
in which great joy can be shared throughout the world. While your men will
continue to suffer within their own minds and hearts about who they are, you can
console their misery by expressing that it is not that they no longer serve a
purpose or know who they are, only that they can drop the façade of being
superman and permitting you as the female her right and divine place in the

Many of you have already experienced this process in your own lives and we
can say that we know it has not been easy for you or your mates to make this
transition, with the men more than likely not completely finished with theirs at
this point. Encourage them with the compassion you hold in your hearts and it
will lesson the load they carry. Be gentle and kind, not harsh and judgmental for
their deficiencies have been achieved through a system wrought with deception.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

It is within a grand plan that you arrive at this point in your destinies and we
applaud you all for getting this far. Many of you are feeling the stress and strain
of life today in the western world, as the pressures of the vast changes that are
taking place are pulling at you to make changes in your own lives as well.
Questions arise and go unanswered, as you are not taking the time to be quiet and
listen to your own Hearts.

When you can claim to sit and listen quietly to your own inner voices, then
you will begin to see the calm return and the clarity of what purpose your life
holds more clearly. It is with great strength the women of the world will teach
her family to do the same, bringing her children up in a way that has not been
seen on this planet for eons.

When you can properly evaluate the purpose with which you all come into
this world, you will begin to treasure your little children in a far greater way, for
they are your teachers who are here only to love you and help as the showers of
the path to a brighter future for you all. Listen closely to their words of wisdom
when they speak, and take to heart that which they plead you to go. It is within
their hearts and minds that the future can be created in an effortless manner, and
not the struggle that you perceive it to be. Listen to the children and see what it is
that they can show the way to your bright and promising future on planet Earth.

Be in the moment of the now where you can always access the answers by
going within your own Hearts, as all Truth resides there and within each and
every one of you. It is only a breath a way that you can begin to see with clear
vision, and begin to build the new world in which your joyful hearts will express
their greatest achievements yet.

In this way do we leave you today and be happy in all your words and deeds.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: October 22, 2010

R: Why is it that I haven’t been feeling motivated lately to create through

energized action, but have these little bursts and then lose my motivation almost

AC: Good morning. We are here today to discuss this very subject with you, as it
is quite apparent in your energy that you have several blocks to feeling more
connected to your work and purpose in these and other writings that you have
almost completed. It is within your very cellular make up at this time that you do
not want to continue working in this way as it is not supported by your current
societal paradigm of life.

While you may want it in your mind and heart you are actually functioning at
cross-purposes with yourself due to this energetic block that has existed for a long
time. We would suggest to you to find the greatest motive for moving forward and
going in that direction as this is the greatest way to replace these old ways of
living with new ones.

Your belief systems of working for money is created by the very system that
you are attempting to overcome with your efforts to write books and teach,
however, your mistake comes in by your very attempts to do this in the same
manner of which you are trying to overcome. This places you and others in direct
conflict with the very thing you are attempting to create.

We would say to you to work on what you love the most and move forward in
such a way that it is in direct contrast to you current paradigm of belief. In other
words do not create the outer manifestation first, but create the inner
manifestation first so that the outer manifestation can then be created in the
most appropriate and beneficial manner for everyone involved. In this way can
you create effortlessly within the Universal Law of Attraction rather than a man
made construct of a false reality, and one that you currently see crumbling
around you.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This way of creating is not what we see as sustainable, and this is the very
reason it is falling all around you, like a house of cards. We can see that when you
learn to utilize your innately intuitive abilities to create through divine
inspiration and intuition that you are creating from the ground up, building a
strong foundation upon which you are then able to build something of a
sustainable and lasting nature.

When you work in this way the effortless flow of the Universes’ divine force
goes to work for you and the energy in which is required of you becomes much
less all while providing even more success as you go. In this way do we instruct
you to begin by using these gifts that you and everyone else has and begin to
create within the limitless bounds of your Universe.

What is limited by the imagination is only what you place the limitation on. In
other words there exists no limitation other than what you choose to create
through your thoughts and deeds. It is within your scope and ability that each
and every one of you can and will move into the realm of limitless creation, as
that too will be the path from which you can create a new and beautiful world in
which to live. You are just not currently utilizing this power within, and thus
your world is reflecting back to you only that by which you reflect back from the
many screens that you watch the same images on, over and over and over again.

How can you possibly think that the world will change when you take no
responsibility yourselves to manage and contribute to the world in which you

How can you possibly believe that anything will change until you wake up and
see that it is you who create your world and every single experience you have
while in it?

How can you possibly believe that it is any other way?

Who is creating all of this chaos and confusion? Your governments, you say?
And who is it within your government that is creating this chaos and confusion?
Your president you say?

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

And who is your President but one man?

And who is your congress but a small group of men and women?

And who created the possibility for those people to be in those positions of
power? You do by the very nature that your government was created, by and for
the people. So when you look for someone to blame and point the finger at, and to
cause for your rightful indignation and anger to be directed towards, then you
should not be looking in their direction at all but only to yourselves, for that is the
only place and person that is responsible for the mess you currently call Earth.

It is a system of divine right that each and every one of you has the ability to
change your world and every single misdeed, and mishap that occurs upon it. It
is through your very lack of responsibility, your very sense of apathy, and that by
saying that it is ‘they’ who are responsible for creating this mess that you all
resist with such vigor that you give up your power and continue sleepwalking
through your lives.

Wake up! Wake up to your morning cup of coffee and realize that you are in
total control and hold within the creative power with which to affect real and
lasting change upon your Earth and within your very lives.

This is not what you are taught in your schools, or in your places of work as
you’ve been taught that there is always someone more important than you, some
one higher up and in control of your lives.

Whether it is in the form of your boss at work, your kindergarten teacher or

your priest or rabbi, you are schooled from day one to give your power away to
others that seek to control and manipulate you through these pervading schools
of thoughts that so dominate your world. It is within your easy grasp to simply
step out of these belief systems and understand that you have no further need to
participate in them, and can go on to rule your own kingdom called your life.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This is a simple adjustment in perspective that will free you from the
dominance of the empire at hand, and one that seeks to further control you with
every means it can enforce.

Make no mistake about what is currently happening on your planet, as there

are people who would wish to control your every thought if it were possible.

But this is not where we would have you focus your energy, as this will only
promote more fear within you, as this is only another piece of the puzzle in their
agenda to further dominate you and the world.

Turn your attention away from the chaos and bad news that is trying to
permeate your every thought and minute of the day, as this is not productive for
you or your family. It would be ideal for all of you to simply turn off your
televisions all together and never watch another minute of this mind control
devise. Unless you are watching something that makes you laugh, it is a useless,
if not harmful device of which many of you are currently being influenced beyond
your comprehension.

Turn instead inward to where your Heart speaks to you about what it is that
you truly desire for yourselves and your world. In this way, and only this way
can you begin to make headway in a world that is crashing down around you.

In this way can you begin to make a real impact your lives and your
surrounding world for the better. Integrate some amount of time within your day
to become quiet and begin to get a sense of what you would like your life to truly
look like.

What is it that would make you feel joyful again?

What can you start to do today to add a little more levity to your life and that
of your families?
What can you do today that will make a difference in how you can see a
brighter future for the world and yourselves?

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Search out the good news, the inspiring stories that are happening more and
more in your world as those will add light to your Hearts and Minds and hope to
your Heart for a brighter future that does indeed lie ahead for you and your

Instead of filling your eyes and minds full of the hate, fear and damage being
wreaked on your planet, turn away instead and fill your Minds and Hearts with
the desire and images in your own mind of a world that is safe from harm, disease
and destruction. This is where you can as an individual make the greatest
difference, not by fighting against cancer, or war, or starvation, for those
problems exist by design and will continue to exist for as long as your collective
humanity is willing to go along and allow them to exist by staying in a weakened
and controlled paradigm of denying who you truly are.

These problems exist for one and one reason only, and that is that the each
one of ‘you’ do not take full responsibility for your actions, nor for your thoughts,
or your dreams for a better future for all of mankind and your planet.

You are sleepwalking through the nightmare created by this very fact of
giving away your divinity to the powers that would seek to keep you as slaves to
their empire, not to establish you as free people with inalienable rights. This is
the immense contrast by which you find yourselves, not because of some accident
of nature, nor some hapless global financial collapse, but of divine design created
by you, as a collective within the game of life as you’ve most assuredly and
consciously created it.

This is the immense contrast that you find yourselves in now as a wake-up
call to your souls who ask,

“What will it take for me to wake up to my innate divine right for a life of
freedom and reclamation of who I truly am?”

“What will it take for me to recognize that I do not live in a world without
design but a magnificent world with a very precise design by which I have the free

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

will to experience and create my every adventure of delight, disease or


“What will it take for me to wake up to the very idea that I am a great creator
by design that has the innate ability and power to create the very world in which I

“What will it take to realize that I am my brother’s keeper only in the sense
that what I create in my reality also affects each and every one else within this
paradigm of third dimensionality of Planet Earth at this time?”

“How can I possibly wake up to see that this is my destiny now to wake up to
this clarion call of facing our utter destruction or finally choose to make some
changes in my life?”

“What will it take to see the grand simplicity in what can only be seen as a
most obvious choice of Love over Fear?”

“What will it take to see that I am my brother’s keeper in this choice and I will
not only doom myself to even greater calamity should I continue to ignore the
loud sound of the alarm clock ringing?”

“What will it take for me to recognize what it is that my Heart calls out for me
to sing? As the voice is loud and clear, yet I continue to ignore it out of fear of
making some very simple changes in my life?”

“What will it take for me to step off the cliff of my fear and into the great
unknown adventure of being free from fear?”

“What will it take to for me to recognize that I along with my brother have
nothing to fear but fear itself?”

“What will it take to finally recognize that I have chosen this life out of the
great desire to live it to my greatest potentiality at this most important of times
within our world and the Universe?”

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

“What will it take for me to wake up and begin to listen to Nature sing her
songs of beauty again, and appreciate the magnificence around me for longer than
a second while I drive my car thorough non stop traffic while talking and texting
myself into overwhelm before the day has begun?”

“What will it take for me to wake up and see that every minute I delay, that I
lose another opportunity to make a difference in my own life and others?”

“What will it take for me to finally wake up and hear the clarion call of my
Planet Earth, who gives me everything I need in order to live a happy, healthy
fulfilling life?”

“And what will it take for me to stop allowing the continued rape, pillage and
rampage of her precious resources?”

“What will it take for me to recognize that I have a direct, deep and intimate
connection with all of life in it’s every form and diversity the mind can possibly

“What will it take for me to wake up and finally begin to love life again and
treat it as the precious treasure that is?”

“What will it take for me to recognize the immense beauty and bounty that is
given to me through the loving family and friends that I have in my life?”

“What will it take to recognize the incredible gift that I have received with the
precious children that fill my heart and mind with their unconditional love?”

“What will it take for me to wake and do a better job at nurturing them,
protecting them and providing all that they need, but in the ways that they only
ask for, and not in the ways I previously thought the gifts of things and
distractions rather than simply love?”

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

These are the questions that we would begin to have you ask yourselves now
as you sit at the precipitous moment in time. This is a starting point from which
you can gain an even greater perspective upon your lives and the world in which
you currently reside.

These are the questions that we would want you to start your day with in the
chance that one of these grabs your attention long enough to take hold and
equivocate your mind and heart to enacting some real change in your everyday

This is only the beginning as there is more for you to ponder and question
within your hearts, your minds and your role as a conscious provider of what
happens or doesn’t within your construct of your world.

When you begin to recognize your direct and very real contribution to what
happens in your life and world around you, you will be taking the first step into
the new world in which you are also responsible for creating. This is the
paradigm that you have created together and now it is the time that you will
create a new world, a better world in which to live.

Take time in your every day to pursue one or more of these questions we pose
to you today, as this where true responsibility begins, and where a new future can
take hold.

We are with you in this quest in our effort to see the world of mankind take a
great leap forward and pursue even greater things in which beckon to you from
afar. It is with our greatest hopes and desires to see you as a species along with
your planet make an easy and swift transition into the bright new future that lay
ahead of you both. It is with our Love and greatest admiration that we
congratulate those of you who step into this brave new world with your eyes wide
open and Hearts ablaze with renewed passion and joy for a world without disease,
without Fear, without death and without a potential for the demise of the very
beings that create it.
With this we say to you a farewell for now and until next time we wish you a
most production and happy wake up call.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: October 25, 2010

R: How can I, and others move into our true identities and begin to work in
expressing who we truly are?

AC: In ways that you just experienced yourself, by releasing the old habits and
belief systems that you have been programmed with through the fear based
paradigm that you have lived in for many eons. In this way can you most
effectively transform yourselves and your world by releasing these old and worn
out beliefs that there is death, destruction and inevitable destruction coming your
way. These are all parameters that have been purposely designed and created to
keep you exactly where you are and have been for eons, and that is as slaves to a
network devised to keep you in fear, and keep you as slaves to their empire.

While we do not judge these other beings that are dedicated to their pursuit in
staying on your planet and raping her of every last drop of her life force, we can
say that this is not within the designed purpose of why you came here and what
your Planet Mother Earth was created for, as she is a great and wondrous alive
being here to offer you the ideal circumstances in which to live your lives through
a paradise of creative play.

When your planet and your species were over-taken by these outside beings,
it was a calamitous moment in the Universal design of a planet’s provenance, as
this was not in the original plan of your destinies. While you as a species have
made the best of a bad situation, you’ve slowly fallen into their trance of
forgetting whom you truly are, and in that there is great travesty to be told, for
this was also not of your design, nor the Universes.

While we can see from your perspective that nothing happens by mistake, we
can tell you because of your paradigm of free will, you did allow these beings to
over take you from one perspective, however it was through a misalignment of
your trust that these beings gained your belief and trust that they were Gods from
the cosmos, and with their ability to dissuade your higher realm of spirit, they

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

succeeded in disarming your ability of perceiving the truth of who they truly were
thereby deceiving you into a false system of beliefs and fear.

This was their plan from the beginning, as they are a vulture species in the
Universe, taking advantage of the weak and will pick them to their bones if given
the chance. Unknowingly, you gave them the chance and here they’ve stayed for
millennia picking you to the bone.

While in your human body, most of you were totally unaware of what was
happening as they slowly gained your trust and infiltrated your systems of
beliefs, one by one. Undermining great systems of society and life sustaining
spiritual practices, eventually leading to this knowledge being completely hidden
to the masses. And the loss of such wisdom further depleted your strength of
spirit relinquishing you to the depths of their control. With a few select of whom
were given these, or at least some of these hidden truths, but only by which they
could control these men to do their bidding in somewhat of an exchange program.

In addition to these men, their families were also persecuted should they not
fall into form and expand the controllers network to further infiltrate and devise
schemes in which to further their control. You are witnessing the total collapse of
that control paradigm now as a direct result of your abilities to wake up and smell
the coffee you’ve been served for eons.

This is where your free will has come back into play, as while you were in
physical bodies, you or most of you were totally unaware of the game that was
being played with you as the pawns, however once you left your physical bodies
you regained your full vision and understanding of what was being perpetrated on
Planet Earth. And this is where you began to regain your control and devised your
plan of regaining not only your sovereignty but also that of your Planet’s. Along
with the help of other species that have a keen interest in seeing what they view
as family descendents succeed rather than succumb to these outside beings plan
to take everything for themselves, you created a way to redesign your path back
to salvation and sanctuary on this planet.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Although you must live within your star systems planetary cycles of growth,
expansion and evolution, you were quite aware that you would have to continue
to submit your lives to these outside beings for millennia, but you knew it was the
only way out, and therefore came to the conclusion that you really had no other

This is that time that you knew eons ago that you’ve been waiting for, your
chance to regain yourselves, your sovereignty, and your Planet. This is why there
is such a contrast of uplifting awareness blossoming within the hearts of so many
around your planet now, and also why there is such an increase in the destruction
and disasters that you are also experiencing.

For this is a battle of wills that is being played out for the very real possibility
of either the human race succeeding in regaining their sovereign selves and their
beloved Mother Earth, or falling into another long cycle of dominance and
ultimate utter destruction by these outside beings.

It is even more reason that you and others along with you move quickly now
to do all that you can to help others wake up to what it is that they planned for
their own lives at this most critical of times. For each one of you, despite your
race, color, sex or family upbringing of beliefs, you all have planned your wake up
call to come in some form or another in your individual lives.

This too is why so many of you are facing financial ruin, divorce or a
calamitous event in your or a family member’s life. This is how you’ve devised
your way out of the paradigm of fear so that you can release yourselves from the
outside beings game of control and fear.

You are individually, as well as collectively at your most important

crossroads in your entire history on your planet, and this cannot be
underestimated or overstated in its importance. For while your government
knows exactly what is going on in this bigger picture paradigm, they are
continually deceived by the same game masters that took over your planet eons
ago. Deluded by grandeur, these men and women know not what they do, for they
believed the promises made to them by these beings, engaged and engorged by

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

their lofty delusions of grandeur in a world destined for total destruction and
demise, should the game masters have it their way.

While you can say that there are other roles to play at this time, and from one
perspective it can be seen as the players who are helping to make it glaringly
obvious to most that the game is not only in play, but that you must wake up to
the ridiculousness of it’s ability to continue. The game is up as long as enough of
you wake up and stop playing their game, as without players there cannot be a
game. No matter how badly the outsiders want to continue their game of mastery
and monopoly, unless you all are willing participators, there can be no game at all.

This is the great simplicity of your plan and certainly one in which your
dominators are unaware, as they are devious in their thoughts, but simplistic in
their expectations that you will continue to collectively buy into their fear
mongering paradigm of false beliefs and continue playing until they have you
under total control and submission.

This is where the game can really become fun for you, as the line has been
drawn in the sand by you, now all you have to do is cross it, and they fall away
like grains of sand being blown out of your minds and out of your world.

As any means of control will be used against you, you must individually and
collectively understand what their expectations are and then do the very opposite
of that. If we already understand that they utilize fear to motivate and
manipulate you into herds of despair then what is the opposite of despair, but
hope? And with hope for creating a different world in which you are the masters
once again of your own domain, then what can you use that hope to create?
Possibly a new world based on the opposite of fear, which would be what?

Love. So if you use your ability to reach within your own Hearts and create a
world, or a vision of a world from Love, then what do you imagine will begin to
happen? A paradigm shift of unimaginable beauty and creative expression
unbounded by the fear that has been used to control you right out of your minds
and Hearts. For when fear dominates the mind, the Heart will not be heard.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

When you can see the simplicity with which you created your escape plan,
you will see the Human species at it’s best, as together you are amazing creatures,
and much unlike most of what exists within the Universe at large. Which is why
there are so many from outside of your galactic universe that watch and wait to
see what it is that you will do now.

Beings of great magnitude in their own divine right want to witness either the
greatest trajectory of inter-dimensional shifts in collective consciousness or the
travesty of your species as it falls back into a cycle for millennia before it has
another chance like this one.

Life will go on either way, but there is a greater plan in play here, and one
beyond what your wildest imaginations can conceive.

For within your minds and Hearts lay a seed that was planted a very long
time ago, and within that seed lies the potentiality of germinating into an entirely
new species capable of great and magnificent things. This is only a glimmer of an
even bigger picture of which awaits you all, should you succeed in your ability to
simply stop playing the game.

So simple and yet so precarious do we see many of you sitting on the edge of
staying in complacent sleep while slumbering in your comfort zones to continue
just going along with the systems of divisive and deceptive ways.

This is the critical point upon which all of you currently sit, and so you can
see why it is not only important for you to individually awake now, but those of
you who have already awakened, to gently nudge your neighbor and family
members and friends awake as well.

This is the promise you all made when your plan for survival and subsequent
enlightenment was made, to be your brother’s keeper. As without you and
enough of your brothers and sisters, you won’t make the leap in consciousness in
time. This is the quandary in which each of you will find yourselves, to speak up
or to not say a word.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Why on earth would you not speak up? If you possess information that can
potentially impact the very success of your entire species and planet’s survival,
what could possibly keep you from sharing that information with everyone you

Bueller, Bueller, anyone have the answer? Fear. Once again it comes down to
the old paradigm of control that is the key to your very release from the prison in
which will deliver your demise. Fear of what? Retribution? Ridiculing come
back? Scoffing and disbelief? The old rolling of the eyes in disbelief?

Who cares about these minor indignations when your very survival depends
on each one of your abilities to do what you came here to do and help wake your
brothers and sisters to the new world in which awaits them? Keeping your
promise as your brother or sister’s keeper should be your ultimate and primary
focus right now, as time is of the essence.

The timing is not what you would immediately think of, as it does not mean
that your planet and you along with it will face it’s total demise on December 21,
2012, but that there is a very unique window of opportunity that is open that will
SHUT very soon. And that is why you must begin to take action upon the very real
sense of urgency that you are all feeling now.

It is not a sense that doom and gloom that is about to drop on you like the
other shoe is ready to fall, but that your plan was devised to take place during a
short period of time in which the planets offer the energetic support in which to
catapult you into your new future and a new world.

This is not so much about your masters continuing their game as it is about
you waking up at this time and doing every thing you can possibly think to do to
wake up others.

This is it. This is the time you’ve all been waiting for eons. And what do you
do, but sit around still watching television, we just love that word, because it says
so obviously what it does to control your minds, and yet so many of you willingly
go along with the mind- numbing device.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

The absurdity of it almost makes it laughable, however we are not here to

entertain you but to tell you what it is that you must remember now. As it’s not
our world, it’s not our species but our Love and admiration for your great
strength and fortitude that we see within your Hearts waiting to take that leap
into your beautiful new future and planet.

We can see the potentiality of what you all are capable of creating and if you
could but see the view from our perspective, you would literally drop whatever it
was you are doing at this moment and take the hands of those that you love, and
leap into it in a matter of your heart beat. It is that beautiful. It is that
magnificent. It is that amazing of a view that your new world awaits for you but
to claim it by simply walking away from your old paradigm beliefs of FEAR as the
ruling dominion over your Hearts and Minds.

It is so simple, and yet so very difficult for so many of you. We can see that if
you could do or make some simple changes in your daily routine, that you would
gain a tremendous advantage over the Fear mongering devices you seem so in
love with and begin to regain your sanity and sovereignty.

These are the just three simple changes you can begin to make today that will
make the biggest difference for each and every one of you.

1. Turn off you ‘tell-a-visions’

2. Stop eating dead food that is nothing more than chemicals designed to shut
down your body and proper brain functions
3. Disengage from every type of negative programming you can identify. A
simple test to help you make these choices: does it make me feel good or bad?
Whether they are people, a place, a food, a habit, or a book magazine, movie,
music, video game, or any other type of action, word or deed. Very simple process
by which you can begin to simply start to remove what makes you feel bad and
move into much more of what makes you feel good.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

As you begin to identify the things that you do each and every day that are
actually making you feel bad within your Hearts and Minds, you will begin to
reclaim your sanity and sovereignty.

Start there and see how you feel after a few short days. This is the very real
point of whether you make it or break it, and we say this not to promote fear but
help you to wake up a little bit more so that you are enabled and capable of taking
back the ‘reigns’ of your life, your planet and your joint destinies.

Be well until tomorrow for we are here to help in anyway we can in ensuring
your success and reaching your next destination on your paths to your new world
of peace, love and harmony. IN love we leave you now.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: October 26, 2010

R: How can we best utilize the energy that we have available to us while we move
through this time of chaos and confusion, as it’s difficult to stay focused on the
positive when there is so much to do and so little time during the today to get it all

AC: Recognize that within each and every one of you is an energy reservoir that
is limitless in its capacity to provide you with everything you need, and all the
energy required fulfilling those daily chores, work, and family care. While many
of you meditate on a semi-regular basis, we see that most of you do nothing of this
type at all; therefore we must ask the question;

If you do not take time to rest properly and rejuvenate your soul, how can you
possibly expect to continue in the way that you do each day? As without the
proper fuel in the way of nutritious and what we call ‘bio-fuels”, and without the
proper amount of time to rest the physical body that it requires to rejuvenate
itself, how can you possibly think that you can continue in these ways?

Most of you are taxed to the extent that your glandular system is weakened
to the point of exhaustion and yet you continue on as if you don’t even notice that
your body is slowly being broken down in a quite systematic manner. And so it
should not surprise any of you that the greatly increasing rates of cancer and
auto immune diseases are continuing to rise right along with your inane way of

Our bluntness does not carry with it an intention to disturb or annoy you but
to bring your unwavering attention to what you are truly doing to yourselves. It
is senseless to believe that you can continue living in the manner you are and
believe that your bodies will continue to support your current manner of living.

Without going into the obvious details for most of you reading this now, your
foods are poisoned with chemicals, your water is being poisoned with chemical
additives and drugs to lull you further into sleep, your air is toxic to the extent

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

that it rains acid back onto your heads, your earth is poisoned from the ground to
the water aquifers so that you are constantly being poisoned from the outside in,
and you or most of you pay little or no attention to what you eat, the air you
breath, the water you drink nor the proper rest that you take the necessary time
out to hopefully help your bodies actively combat this rampage against its very

It is without comprehension that we see you continue living this way and
truly expect to be healthy for much of your life. We can go on and on with the
drugs that you now take, or the many different ways that your food is processed,
refined and further poisoned to the extent that it is no longer alive and nutritious
but essentially dead debris that you put into your bodies and expect that vibrant
health will be the result.

Wake up and smell the coffee that you’ve been drinking, for it is one of the
most toxic substances that you can possibly put into your body. Mostly due to the
extensive chemicals that are sprayed on the crops and the sheer quantity that
you drink is pushing your bodies to the point of an extremely over taxed system
in order to properly dilute and dispose of this over-stimulating neurotoxin.

If you but take the proper amount of time to rest, along with the proper time
to rejuvenate your soul through regular meditation, along with a proper amount
of moving your bodies through music, yoga or outdoor pleasant exercise where
you are also enjoying and appreciating your beautiful world, you will begin to see
that your bodies are more than capable of providing you with more than enough
physical energy, emotional stamina and spiritual force to carry you through the
time of chaos and confusion. In addition many of you must now wake up to the
realities of how your food is processed and what it is that you are choosing to put
into them.

When you begin to keep a written list of what it is that you put into your
bodies each and every day most of you will be shocked at the great lack of
vitamins and nutritional value that you are truly getting. This is the easiest way
to change from one bad habit to healthier lifestyle choices and many of you will be
shocked at what you’ve actually been doing to yourselves for many years. It’s no

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

wonder that the problems many are having with health challenges and disease in
the United States, in particular.

As one of the leading countries in the world, you have one of the poorest
health records in care, the cost of care, medical malpractice, medicine
interactions, doctor errors, and hospital deaths due to mistakes on the part of
every one of the staff charged with the care of your friends and family members.

It’s a disgrace when you can stand back and look at the state of your country
in particular considering its tremendous power and advantages, not to mention
resources behind it for the past sixty-five years.

By now your scientists surely could have found the cause of each one of your
major killers, and yet they continue to claim that they still don’t understand what
causes your cancer rates to continue to rise at alarming rates. This is hogwash
and yet many of you still go along with their prescription to treat you with more
chemicals and a process that by it s very nature causes cancer. It is clearly one of
the most obvious and permeating errors of your collective awareness that we can
take the unfortunate advantage to share with you now.

Wake up people, what are you doing when you choose to go along with
treatments that don’t solve the problem but actually are causing more problems
like the very one they are supposedly fixing? Use your common sense to discern
what makes the most sense to you when it comes to managing your state of
health, and we would direct you towards a much stronger role in what you
perceive to be a medical society that is motivated to help you get better.

However, when you open your eyes and take a good long hard look at who
makes up your medical system, what products they manufacture and what
diseases produce the greatest profits, the truth will become glaringly apparent
even to the most asleep. This is all part of the chaos of an old and outworn system
bent on not providing healthcare in the best interest of its patient but in
suppressing the truth.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

And once you discover what it is that is truly causing all of your diseases,
they will no longer be required, not their medications, their hospitals, their
surgeries, or their very real and insidious behavior of causing more harm than

This is one of your biggest areas of losing your power to the masters of the
game you call life on your planet now. For they are the manufacturers of the very
chemicals, medications, and systems that are not only making you ill but in fact
killing many more of you each and every year.

It is without equivalent malicious intent on what this small and very select
group of men do on a very real and conscious level, for they know exactly what it
is that is making you all sick and they are not trying to stop it, they are actually
promoting these insidious manner of death kills through their supportive systems
and are making an inordinate amount of money in the process.

While we know that it will be difficult for many of you to accept this truth that
we are disclosing to you today, it is not the most important aspect of what we
want to point out to you, but a mere side note of what is happening all around you.
For when you begin to take greater responsibility for your self and your life, then
these aspects of your world will simply fall away, for as again, when there are no
players left in the game, there is no game left to play.

It is the same with your health that we say to you to wake up and smell the
roses, for within your own minds and hearts lie all the answers you seek and a
vibrant and healthy body, mind and spirit are yours for the taking. As there is no
one outside of you to ask permission for this, only you to make some simple
changes through gaining greater awareness, and you will find that the health that
you seek is but a short distance away from where you are now.

There is no disease, regardless of what stage of crisis you are currently in,
that cannot be reversed to the extent of total restoration of perfect health.

This is not a promise that we make to you but a simple statement of truth that
we speak. It is within the very inherent wisdom that your body holds within it to

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

heal itself of anything it creates. By the same token, you are in charge of your
body through the wisdom of your choices on a moment-to-moment basis,
therefore there is only person responsible for your health, and it is not your
family doctor.

This is a place where we see you have given some of your greatest power
away through the systematic breakdown of your perceptions of who you are and
what you choose to create. This is simply another form of the game masters way
in which they begin to feed you false beliefs through their controlled system of
advertising and the media at large. The problem comes in when you chose to
believe someone else rather than the wisdom your heart speaks, should you only
listen to it.

For when your ears begin to listen again to its own heartbeat and starts to
wonder about the grand possibilities that your life actually offers in its limitless
potentiality, then you begin to wake up to your own divinity. This is where real
changes can be made, as you are the master of your domain, within and without.
And when you begin to live from the space within first, you will begin to see those
changes that you desire so greatly reflected in the world around you.

For it is the opposite manner in which you have been programmed out of your
natural ability to create not only your lives, but also the world around you. This,
in essence is the greatest travesty that has been played out on your planet and in
your lives throughout this long period of slowly starving the soul of its very voice,
as you have stopped listening to it long ago.

When you can begin to slow down your daily pace and begin to implement
some of the necessary yet minor changes that we have suggested to you, will you
begin to see real and lasting change on your planet and in your lives.

Again, it is so simple for you to do, and yet we can feel the resistance to it as
we speak.
What can possibly hold you back from making some simple changes in your
daily routine?

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

What can be so frightening to you that it could keep you from this most
obvious of needs and could accurately display the very real promise of
enlightened health or disease to the end?
Why is it so difficult to see the most obvious changes and as simple as they
can possibly be of which you continue to resist with all your might?

These are but symptoms of the mind-boggling debris in which you have been
brainwashed into to believing. Beginning with earliest childhood your
brainwashing began and creating within your mind a belief system that change is
to be feared and that stability, the home and family should continue on in the
same form from the beginning to the end.

This is one of your greatest stumbling blocks, for when you open your hearts
and minds to the opportunity that lay ahead of you; you would initiate all and
more of these simple changes in a heartbeat. For within these simple steps that
we offer to you now, lie within the seeds for creating the new world in which you
can all grow together in harmony and peace.

This is the greatest wish on the lips of mankind today, from every corner of
the planet, and yet so few of you are willing to initiate these simple changes into
to your own lives that we can see the very idea of change scares you to your core.

This is another great example of how fear is used to control you and those
around you, from the very beginning of your lives to the very end of it. From the
promise of new life emerging in childbirth, as the pain of it is promoted over the
miraculous beauty of this event, to the most frightening experience of death. For
that holds many fears that reach out into every area of your lives with its
tentacles of furthering an agenda that is entirely based on controlling you
through the use of fear.

We have gone over this paradigm utilized to keep you in fear over and over
again, but apparently many of you must hear it once again. What we will add at
this time is for those of you who cannot see how fear is used to control you, we
would suggest a little exercise for you to practice over a seven-day period of time.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Take with you a notepad and pen everywhere you go and begin to jot down a
quick note on anything you see, experience or feel that causes you fear. Even if
you do not react on a conscious level, make a note of any frightening images,
words, news, stories that you see throughout your media forms, whether you are
driving by a billboard or see it in a magazine while waiting for your dentist

This will help you to see the truth of what is right before your eyes the whole
time it was being perpetrated on you.

While we understand we’re actually adding one more thing to your day, if you
will follow through with this little exercise you will begin to see the depth and
breadth of how your lives are permeating with the systematic exposure of fear
based messages in every way.

Begin in this way and in a week, see how long your list is. And, if you are one
who wholeheartedly disagrees with us on this point, then all the more important
for you to move through this little game, and prove us wrong. For we are not here
to tell you the way things are in your world, but only to help you wake up and
discover for yourselves what it is that is happening within your own minds and
Hearts, as that is the truly important part of our message to you at this time.

For it would be ideal if we could merely suggest to you to pay no attention at

all to that man behind the curtain and only focus upon yourselves, for this in itself
would be the solution to all of your world’s problems. If you have any doubts, try
that as a test for one week and see what happens somehow and seemingly like
magic in your own lives.

By the same effort, many of you could do the opposite of the fear-based list
and keep your own log of the positive messages of love that you see and find along
the day. Then compare notes with each other and see what is the more dominant
game being played out in your world, is it Fear of Love?

The answer may seem obvious, however we will leave the results up to the
facts that you discover along the way, as it is your perceptions that actually will

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

be creating the results. And for that we have no suggestions for you to make, only
as a greater guide to discovering how you truly are will be revealed in your
respective notes. And with that you will have a starting point in your newly
gained awareness in which to make real and lasting changes, but ones in which
will not be frightening to you, but welcomed with a sense of great relief.

We are complete with you today and wish you all the best in your embarking
on your quest for greater health and improved living on your planet.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: October 27, 2010

R: What can we do as individuals to help or assist others in their own waking up


AC: When you look within yourselves for the answers you seek you will always
find the truth that has been there all the time, therefore it is not for you to go out
and seek others in which to share what it is that holds true for yourself, as your
truth may not be the truth for someone else.

Therefore you can only share what it is that has worked for you in your
process that might also be welcomed in a way that is also helpful to those around
you. For when you share an experience, thought or idea that has instigated your
own growth and process, the inspiration will be as a light in the dark for others to
follow, as action always speaks to those greater than mere words falling on deaf

So when you find a way that works for you, be as the beacon in the dark, for
others will naturally follow in your footsteps but to the beat of their own
drummer. The common mistake that many of you make is in sharing your truths
as if they will hold the same significance and meaning for others as they did for
you. However this is not possible as each one of you has a uniquely distinct
perspective, therefore others will not see that same truth as you have as their
perspective is and always will be different.

This is why it is so important for each one of you to seek within your own
Hearts and not look outside of yourselves for truth, as it does not exist outside of
you, but only within each of your own Hearts.

This is where you can discover one of the greatest secrets awaiting your
world, and that is when you realize that each person holds their own unique
perspective and identity. They also therefore exist in their own world, which is

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

also unique unto their own reality. In this way only, can you find your way to
working together once you recognize this great difference between you.

While some of you may think that this will create an even greater chasm
between you, the opposite is true, for when you recognize this difference between
each and every one of you, you will gain a greater respect for distinct differences
in what each of you have come to Earth to create, as individuals, yet in a
collective environment that share some very important ground rules.

Once you have discovered this difference and gain the bigger picture of the
realities in which you are creating together, can you come to an agreement that
respect for each other’s creative reality is something that demands greater
respect along with it.

In this way will you go forward together and create a new paradigm of living
where your desire to share your realities will be expressed in a greater
perspective and awareness. It is within your grasp now to recognize this fact of
your world and your ability to create on an individual as well in a collective
manner, as that is truly the paradigm in which you all reside.

When there is free will on a planet, such as there is on yours, you must
understand this concept of a dual relationship within the individual and collective
consciousness realms. Your free will is there to enable you with complete
freedom to design and experience your lives in any way, shape or form that you

Along with that freedom is your ability to manifest at the drop of a hat; it is
only your current belief systems that keep you from doing so. While we will also
tell you that many of you cannot manifest within this instantaneous environment,
as you came into this life with a plan of what you wanted to experience and learn
along the way.

Therefore your dreams of winning the lottery may not happen despite your
wanting the experience, as it would play in direct contrast to what your original
plan actually calls for. This is why you must learn to go into your Hearts, or said

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

in another way, to listen very closely to what your Heart is telling you, and follow
that inner voice of wisdom to guide you throughout your life.

While you will see a direct conflict with what we have just told you, the game
rules are such that there are certain guidelines in which you must follow while in
your current experience of this lifetime.

While you do have complete control over your life, it’s circumstances and
events as created through your creative free will, you have also agreed to fulfill
certain obligations with others that you must fulfill as a part of the paradigm
you’re living in. Of course along the way you are also free to tear up these
contracts with others, however you must first be aware of them in order to do

When you can see the complexity of which your life is actually created, you
will begin to see your greater responsibility in fulfilling those contracts and your
original life blueprint as you designed it. This then is of great importance for you
to gain a greater level of awareness so that you can make conscious choices in
which you want to exert your free will and creative domain. In this way can you
begin to exert greater awareness, confidence and superlative expertise on the
quality of your life experience.

We can tell that you will have a greater sense of clarity when you can go
inside your meditations and learn to listen better to the inner guidance system
that is inherent with each and every one of you. When you can begin to hear the
voice within that is always there, then and only then can you begin to live the life
you designed in it original plan of expression.

This is the goal that you can begin to work towards as it will release you from
the stress and strain of your lives in ways that you will begin to feel immediately,
should you only move in this direction of self reflection and inner dialog.

While it is not for us to say what, how or when you need to take up a formal
schedule of inner reflection and dialog, we can recommend to you that the more
you can spend time in this way, the faster your growth and awareness will

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

expand. In many cases your level of awareness will grow at an exponential rate,
while others will have burst of great inner awareness that will blossom in a short
manner of time, making everyone’s experience unique unto their own way.

This process of waking up is one that is designed to be experienced in an

individually unique manner and one by which it cannot be measured, only as a
gradual pace that will pickup speed once it is initiated. This is the very nature of
what your minds and Hearts are designed to do as one gathers information and
discerns while the other holds within it the entire wisdom of the Universe and all
that it carries within it.

We can understand that your comprehension of this fact will be difficult for
you to grasp, however we can tell you that once your DNA is activated in the ways
that it was originally designed to function, you will figuratively and literally hold
the world at your fingertips. This is a day of discovery that will soon approach
each and every one of you as it is already within your grasp, only for you to reach
out for it.

Also within your ability and grasp is the greater awareness and
understanding that you are not alone in this universe, for many of those that you
would consider to be extra terrestrials, are actually inhabitants of the very world
on which you sit. Without going into too many specifics, our purpose in revealing
this hidden truth from you is but an inkling of your ability to recognize that you
also came for the stars at one time.

Within the new paradigm in which you are moving and creating, we can see
that these different worlds and people of which you would consider to be quite
different from you will become common-place as your world and theirs become
joined in the communities within your Universe at large.

This experience will be welcomed by many of you who already understand

that other people from other places already exist within your paradigm of every
day life, and it is only a breath a way in which everyone will know and accept
them for being a part of your lives on this planet. This is another way for you to
wake up to recognize who you are and where you originated. In addition, it will

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

also reveal a great mistruth about your human species in its origin and who is
responsible for creating your physical forms.

When you can begin to look at these truths without experiencing fear along
with it, then you will come far into accepting this reality as part of your new world
within the larger community of your Galactic experiences.

In this way do we see you going far from home in an effort to better
understand the world in which you live and experience your lives. Just as you
would travel far distances on your own planet to discover new lands and its
associated people and culture, so too will you journey far outside of your planet’s
domain to discover new worlds of which you will learn much in the way of living
harmoniously and in peace together despite the great differences between you.

This is where your Hearts will make a great leap in their guidance in your
lives, for when you begin to accept others despite their outer appearances, or the
way in which they behave, you also will become to be seen as the Galactic citizen
you were originally created to be.

Designed as a galactic stopover of great significance, it was your original

purpose to be the galaxy’s gatekeepers for greater acceptance and living
harmoniously within your world of limitless creative design. You all have come
from another place other than your perceived home planet Earth, as there were
no living beings here when Earth was originally created. She in her great wisdom
felt that she could provide a place within the galactic universe for beings of great
awareness to act as the guide-showers for others traveling to her for what was to
be a new world and experience never created in the Universe before.

As you were originally designed as these gatekeepers your original duty was
to be a showcase of a highly intelligent species that could live within a wildly
diverse environment, while maintaining a harmonious world for others to enjoy

Yours was a great museum of a kind, by which outer beings could travel and
experience this paradise of a planet in which they could experience a higher state

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

of living harmoniously yet at a lower vibration of physicality. This was a new and
exciting experience for many as they came from across the Universe’s deepest
reaches in order to experience this new world called Earth.

It was a grand experiment designed to teach others that they could also enjoy
the experience of a diversely designed third dimensional experience without
sacrificing their higher state of frequency and intelligence.

What went wrong was of tremendous magnitude heard the Universe over, as
your species along with your planet experienced a subliminal type of hypnosis
that gradually wore you down into forgetting your original design and purpose.
While your select forefathers were not encapsulated in this type of forgetfulness,
they were wise enough to discover the outer beings divisive ways and put their
own plan into the works.

While failing miserably due to the effect these outer beings had succeeded in
pursuing, they did not give up in their request to regain their people and planet.
While your world continued to fall into a great cataclysmic event, your forefathers
decided it was best not to interfere with the extensive damage this event would
cause as they saw a great opportunity within it to engage an even greater plan in
which to slowly regain their original sovereignty and awareness.

This is where you are left today, after many millennia of suffering lifetimes
under the hands of the now ill-fated powers that be on your planet. Although they
feel as if their continued dominance will continue unabated, they have failed to
see the obviousness of your awakening at this time. For within your greatest
cataclysm was devised this time of your individual re-awakenings and the
subsequent retaking your domain and sovereignty along with it. This is the
reason why we are here to help so many of you now, as these words along with
your actions will do much to awaken and assist others in their own process of
waking up.

While we said that it is up to the individual to wake to their own truth, this
remains true within those guidelines. Our efforts are to provide the jiggling and
nudging you awake a little more each and every day, and with that your efforts

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

will go out in the form of these words, and your beacon of light to ignite others to
and their own lights, and within a little span of time many of you will have woken
to the reality in which you truly exist and live.

In this way do we hold our hopes high for your individual success in getting
our words out and triggering a waterfall effect of others joining in the free for all it

It is our heartfelt joy and hopes that you and as many others as you can reach
will read these words of love and encouragement for within our words are your
efforts in which to wake up to your true selves and go out to do great and
wondrous things, not the least of which is to create your new world of peace and
harmonious living that is in the process now as we speak.

It is with our heartfelt wishes that each and every one of you would but make
the same efforts in your own lives of that which we speak, and go into your hearts
to listen to the voice that sings within, for it is there that you will discover your
greatest joys and truths.

In this way can we bring to you the knowledge that we hold sacred and divine
in our best wishes for you to join us and others in the Universe in which you
reside, no longer prisoners and captive on your planet of great diversity and
wondrous beauty.

Begin each day with a few moments to express gratitude for this day, as each
is a gift to be treasured and lived to its greatest capacity and creative potential.
This is why you are all here at this time.

It is with great honor that we come to share our knowledge with you, and with
this we will leave you to your day of delight, joy and happiness in everything that
you choose to create.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: October 28, 2010

R: What advice can you offer that can be of help for those people who are totally
shut down in terms of their hearts and love-based consciousness?

AC: We would begin by posing the question in another way that would encompass
the sector of people we understand you to be referring to. And that is; how best
can someone who is not traditionally exposed to this type of information able to
gain the information that will nudge them awake?

Many of you have friends and family members who fit into this category of
personage and would not believe you if you told them flat out what is actually
happening in and around them.

We will tell you not to place your worries or concern in these terms as the
people who are currently asleep or continually exposed to the paradigm of
controllers and buy into this paradigm hook, line and sinker have planned their
own escape hatch within their life’s body of plan.

So, when you talk with someone of this nature, be aware that they will wake
in their own time and place, and so it is not your ‘job’ to instigate this process.

However, by the same token we would encourage you to place questions that
will also act as seeds for later germination. In this way can you effect change in
others by asking a question for them to contemplate at a future point in time
when it will or can act as a trigger mechanism to help wake them up.

It is not however within your need of knowing as to when this seed will
germinate, only for you to ask the questions that may or may not intrigue them
into thinking more about what is truly going on around them. Such as: hey, have
you ever considered that there may be another way to handle this problem of our
money system?

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This puts the issue or question in their lap as the person now in charge of the
challenge and solution, rather than attempting to stuff your ideas down
someone’s throat. This is an easy way to engage someone in a conversation or
exchange of ideas rather than a conflict of alternating views.

It is a good way to initiate the conversation and begin the process of

exchanging ideas that can lead to a powerful process of creative problem solving
solutions. And what was once an opportunity for adversarial conflict has easily
become an opportunity to effect lasting solutions in the best interest of everyone.

In this way do we see you in small communities beginning to live in greater

harmony through this approach to solving life’s big issues.

Begin at home where you can see immediate results by engaging your entire
family in this way, for within the home there is much strife caused in the very
manner of adversarial power plays between differing views. It can be the best
place to begin for many of you, as once you see that this simple process works
within the diversity of you own family structures, can you move out and initiate
the same process in your communities.

Act in the way of the provocateur of illuminating concepts, utilizing your

greatest dreams and aspirations, as without inspiration for reaching the heights
of your ideal world and circumstances, how can you possibly hope to change
anything for the better? It will not be enough to simply reach for the moon, as
you will want to reach for the stars in your visions of a grand world in which to
thrive and grow together.

It is our heartfelt joy that you will ponder this advice long enough to feel the
power rising from within your hearts and minds to begin imagining what kind of
world you desire to create together.

We would also advise to you to create these images of an ideal or utopian

world in your meditations, as this will begin to create a blueprint of change that
when combined with the like minded images of others will begin to manifest in
your individual as well as collective realities. It is this way and by the very design

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

of your ability as conscious creators, your proof is staring you back in the face by
the current state of affairs on your planet, your governments and in your lives.

This is what you have all created together, and should you desire to change
what you are experiencing, you only need to change the images you imagine and
watch on your televisions, along with what your expectations tell you about what
you feel will happen, today, tomorrow and the next day. If we were to ask you
how many people truly believe that the world can change their collective manner
of destruction, war, killing and suffering, how many do you believe would say they

This is where once again turning off your nightly news and the television
altogether can make the greatest impact. For the obviousness of it’s mind-
programming ability to keep you in a state of suspended animation, whereby you
no longer even think your own thoughts but simply buy into the messages that
your masters desire you to keep thinking.

This is your greatest challenge and yet your fastest and easiest path to
regaining your sovereignty and freedoms. For this television is so captivating in
its ability to put you to sleep that you don’t even realize it is happening. Begin to
reduce the amount of hours you watch and see if you notice the slightest of
changes in your thoughts and feelings around all areas of your life. It is without
doubt your most debilitating control device, with chemical medications following
in second place.

This too is another means of control utilized to effect mind-numbing effect on

the sleeping masses. Right down to your baby formulas that are designed to
interrupt the brain’s ability to learn and grow in the proper fashion. There are
those within your natural health environs that have already discovered and
disclosed this information, you only need to expand your view to a wider horizon
of information, for most, if not all of what is being purposely perpetrated against
you by your controllers is right in front of your faces. You only need to pay closer
attention and look slightly further than your mainstream media, and you will find
these and more glaringly obvious details of deception and undeniable damaging

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Until there are enough people willing to gather together and begin real and
honest discussions of not so much what has been happening on your planet for
eons, but what kind of world will you all start taking clear and definitive
responsibility for creating, and finally leave the fear behind, and move forward
into creating the world in which you all most truly desire to live in?

It all comes down to one simple concept of creating fundamental change for
where you happen to be sitting right now in this moment. For until each one of
you begins to take responsibility for how and what you as an individual have
contributed to the current world state of affairs, and not the least of creating
every single experience and event in your own lives, you will remain on the Ferris
Wheel of numbing and not-my-problem mentality.

It is not only up to you, but all up to you, and all about you, as you directly
contribute your unique energy and compilation of thoughts, emotions and
expectations to the collective mix, resulting in exactly what you are currently
experiencing in your lives and your world today.

Start to spend as little as five minutes each day, preferably at the beginning
just as you wake in the morning, or also at night just as you fall asleep, and
imagine that perfect idyllic world in which you can see yourself and your children
and loved ones playing and laughing together surrounded by images of Nature’s
beauty and bountiful efforts.

This will go far in leading you onto an easy path to effecting the very real and
beautiful changes so many of you so desperately desire. It is within your grasp as
you bridge the dream of what you created yesterday in what you can see around
you today, and what you can envision today and see reflected in your world

It is always our most and greatest desire to see each one of you reclaim your
desires as realities and design your world to your greatest visions and dreams.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: November 2, 2010

R: I know that a lot of people are in fear right now and feel incapable, almost
paralyzed to make changes in ways that could free themselves from the very fear
it is that keeps them captivated and captive in their own lives. What would you
recommend to help them be able to initiate the changes that they so desperately
desire to make?

AC: When we say to you that your lives will be free once you utilize the
envisioning of a new world paradigm within your own minds, then you will begin
to easily manifest the improvements in your own lives as easily as you now bake a
pie. It is truly simpler than any of you make it out to be, for it is not the mind that
is imprisoned in your lives but your hearts in their belief that they cannot be
heard through the mind’s paramount importance that you each lend to it.

While we can see that you want to free you minds first, as it is with the
logically- dominated world in which you’ve been programmed to believe in, but we
would say to you that it is the complete opposite from that you seek in which it
will be found.

For when you allow your Heart to be the driver of your lives, then the mind
becomes secondary to the implementation of your heart’s desires and dreams, as
it was originally intended to be the co-pilot, not the pilot. In this way can you
most swiftly place your dreams first and the implementation of the dreams in
which will manifest before your very eyes once you allow this switch to take

If you want your car to go forward then you will have to allow the engine to be
engaged and put into forward motion, however if you would prefer your life to
stay exactly where it is, then leave your engine in the neutral position and do
nothing to exact change in your lives and world. While can see that this will leave
you in a place of ever increasing servitude, it is once again your free will in which
to choose what you experience in your lives and the world around you.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

In which case, you will continue the dark path upon which most of you are
still moving, oblivious to what is happening around you in increasing severity.
While it may not personally affect you at present in your own lives, certainly you
cannot deny that more and more people that you know on an intimately personal
basis are finding it more and more difficult to manage their own lives within the
current paradigm of beliefs and societal structures as they fall down around your

This conflict of where you are and where most of you desire to go will
continue to gain its momentum of ag-gravational pull, in ways that you will find
increasingly difficult to ignore in your own lives. This is exactly why we say to
you now to wake up and smell the coffee you’ve been drinking for it is with the
poison that you drink, eat, breath and surround yourselves with, that you must
wake up to and change.

It is not however for you to go out into the world and create new paradigms of
struggle against the very paradigm you desire to change, as it will not be possible
to effect change without, but only from within. These paradigms are all built from
the inside out, and this is the fundamental lesson in which we encourage you to
grasp and learn, for within it lay all the answers you seek, and all of the solutions
you desire to resolve your greatest problems with.

In this way only, can you begin to exact real change within your own hearts
and minds, and begin to see real changes without and around in your world.

When you can stop long enough to listen to what it is that you truly desire
from within each and every one of your hearts, you find that you have far more in
common with your neighbors than what you would originally believe possible. It
is in this way only that your minds can finally release their hold on you to keep
you in place and marching to the same old drummer’s beat.

This is the turning point in which each one of you can begin to easily make the
changes and see the miracles begin to take place in your lives and those that you
love. However we would also say to you that this is only the beginning of what
you will come to realize that you are capable of creating, for within your ability as

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

great creators in the Universe at large, lies a greater destiny for each one of you
to embrace as you go along in your own lives.

We speak of these vast accomplishments not as dangled carrots for you to

chase but merely to provide a glimmer of what you are here to do on an even
larger scale and purpose. For when you begin to initiate these small changes in
your own lives, then you will begin to grasp the larger picture at hand and the
direction that each one of you have chosen in your past to experience in your

While we can also tell you that time as you’ve experienced it is about to take a
turn of unprecedented perception in your lives and paradigm of living, we can say
to you that this shift in your awareness of who you are and where you currently
stand on the precipice of time, will have enormous impact on your perception of
your daily lives, to the extent that you will continue to live in your physical bodies
far beyond your current abilities based on your current perceptions of time.

For when you fully understand that without the concept of time, you will no
longer keep track of your days and hours, and years in which you live, leaving
you free to more fully experience life on a larger scale and thus extending your
life into years beyond what you would currently call a normal lifespan. If you no
longer expect to age and grow old based on the number of years that you’ve lived,
like counting down the clock to your very death, then the perception and previous
beliefs of aging can no longer exist in your paradigm of living.

In this way also, will you rid your species of many diseases and frailties in
your minds and hearts and become free agents rather than living your lives as
the time clock and calendars dictate. Begin to integrate this concept even now
into your lives and see if you don’t feel younger by the day, as your birthday only
holds the significance that you allow it, as with every other type of thought and
concept that your current world is built upon.

This same belief system that you count down your lives by and through can
also be seen as a control system devised to keep you trapped within your own
lives, as you run around like you have no time and yet you have all the time in the

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

world, and beyond. Within this paradigm is a built in control mechanism that
engenders your mind into a slave it lives by, and one that most of you create great
stress in your lives as well.

It will become easier for each one of you to begin moving out of this time-lock
control system when you release your belief that it makes a difference whether
you are early, late or on time. As from our perspective you arrive, and depart at
exactly the right moment regardless of whether you are at work or on your way
to the soccer game. In this way can you release the bonds of time, which hold you
in a place of running on the treadmill of your lives until you fall over dead from

This is one of the most obvious changes that we can suggest that you make a
shift in awareness and see one of the most profound changes in your daily lives,
for when you release your own perception of beliefs that time has an important
role in dominating your almost every move, then you will begin to gain a greater
sense of freedom within your lives and release its grip on your reality.

Time is of the essence you believe only because it has been pounded into you
from the beginning of your lives. This where you can begin easily and see the
biggest changes take place.

Another system of control that you can also easily release its hold on you is
through your educational system. When you can release what you think to be
true and factual through what you have learned in your educational years, then
your mind is more free to explore new ideas, beliefs and truths that have been
purposefully hidden from view.

In this way can you discover many of the ideas and concepts that others have
already discovered through their work and research into these hidden truths, for
there is much that has been withheld from your minds and hearts about your true
origins, your past and what you about to experience in your immediate future.

When we mention the date December 21, 2012, what do most of you feel or
think; cataclysms of untold disaster and calamity? The rapture or revelation that

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

some, but not all of you will ascend into the Heavens for salvation, leaving others
to burn in hell and damnation forever?

These too are concepts that have been supplanted and subliminally, as well as
directly implanted into your minds, so as to keep you trapped within the time lock
of the controller’s itinerary of belief system paradigms so that they can continue
on their merry way and reap, rape and rampage you, your lives, your families and
your planet.

This is where we say to you is the most important aspect of disengaging from
this current timeline that you are being captivated by, in every way possible that
the controllers can manage in their efforts to keep you slaves to your beliefs and
their profit driven machines.

This could not be farther from the truth of what that date truly means for
each one of you, for within this cycle of evolutionary growth and expansion, lies
the opportunity for each one of you to discover who you truly are and what you
are here to do next. This is not about dying in the world’s greatest natural
disasters, but to receive the evolutionary grace of your own minds expansion into
your heart’s domain and taking it to its highest and fullest forms of expression.

This is why the controllers of your past millennia are pulling out all the stops
to keep you fixed and in a state of near panic, so that they get to keep you playing
their game of great deceit, and not for you to experience your true calling of
expanded awareness and delight. This is where we say you’ve come to your
jumping off point, when each of you gets to take your greatest leap of faith and
leave the past behind where it belongs.

In this great game in play, we can see that most of you are still trapped by the
visions and visionaries that have predicted great calamity to take place, whether
it be a pole shift or solar blast that sends you all into oblivion. Either way these
visions have been foretold for a two-fold purpose, and one is within your ability to
change should you but grasp that you, and as you always have had, the freedom of
choice to choose what it is that you want to experience, by way of recognizing that
you are the creators of the game and not the victims.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This is what we say to you in this regard of pay no attention to the man
behind the curtain, for the one pulling the handles and strings to control your
very perception of life is no one other than yourself, as you are the only person
choosing to believe or not believe what it is that you are seeing and experiencing.

This is how the game of life is played and it is within the great cycle of
transition that you have chosen to reawaken to this truth and take control back
upon your very lives, and the world in which you live. This is the time of the great
awakening, which you are also hearing in your media visionaries’ prophecies and
prediction; you just pay more attention to the negative fear based predictions
than you do in the positive ones. It’s all choice and simply comes down to what it
is that you as an individual chooses to experience in your own life, for you are the
creator of it.

This is where you can take that leap of faith and reap the rewards of
discovering whom you truly are and go onto creating the most vast and wondrous
lives you can barely wrap your brains around at this time. Break free, just begin
to disengage, dis-engorge yourselves from the paradigm of consumerism that is
also designed to keep you in the trap of playing the game as if it’s the only game in

Who’s to say that you can’t start your own game? Why can’t you choose to
live where you want and do that which brings you great joy each and every day?
Do you fully understand the extent to which you trap yourselves within the very
paradigm that you claim to despise and resist?

This is not a game of helpless, unintelligent beings that are not capable of
great creative thinking. This is a game that you have been the creators of all
along, and it is with great pleasure that we tell you that you have devised the
greatest fail-safe escape plan in the Universe. For whether you decide to play in
the game of monopoly as slaves to the money based, fear controlled system, or
rather reclaim your divinity and go on to create your lives and world exactly as
you would ideally have it, there is no right or wrong, as the dualistic nature with
which you have placed within the game is also one of free will and choice.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

So, it naturally comes down to regaining your full understanding and grasp
that there is no one outside of you that can control your minds, albeit they may
try with great effort to do so, it is simple and easy enough for you to not go along
by simply not exposing yourself to the media driven tools that they utilize to gain
your mind and numb you to their will.

This we have emphasized over and over again, as your technologically driven
society has been developed for the sole purpose of further controlling your minds
so that you won’t wake up and reclaim your divinity and sovereignty with the
opening of your galactic entrance ticket in the approaching meeting with your
source energy.

This is the purpose of your meeting up with your appointed alignment with
the center of your Milky Way galactic center, as this is where your planet came
from in its birthing process. And this is also where your planet will emerge into
her new body and self as you approach this unique transformational window of
opportunity in December of 2012.

While we will admit that this date is somewhat of a misnomer, as the true date
has also been clouded from your minds, this date is within the true window of
which you can gain your sovereign nature and make your way, along with the
birth of your new Earth in to the new paradigm of life and living. Therefore, we
use this date from your formal calendar of control to emphasize this window of
paramount importance, and also how it is being utilized to further set you on your
toes in anticipation of a great and fearful calamity coming upon all of you.

This is where you stand, at the very precipice of your own sovereignty and
the very unique opportunity to jump out of the game of control and fear, and into
your own game of life, where things will be better than you can currently imagine.
This is the essence of what we want to share with you in terms of what you can to
do in moving out of where you are now and into where you want to be tomorrow.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

It is with the greatest pleasure that we divulge some of the truth to you in this
manner and hopefully along with this knowledge further enable you as
individuals to create your lives in the way of your highest possible imaginings.

With that we can say there will be much greater accomplishments coming
your way as you take back your minds, live your lives from your hearts and take
back your ability to create it exactly the way you desire and deem in the highest
interest of not only yourselves, but your brothers, sisters and the planet on which
you’ve so rightly chosen to live and create upon.

It is with heartfelt joy that we see you going on to accomplish much in your
new lives as creators of great and wondrous creations. It is ‘time’ now that we are
complete and wish you all the greatness in the day ahead of you. We are

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: November 3, 2010

R: How can people learn or discover what their purpose in life is, beyond what
they fill their daily tasks with, and as they originally designed it to be before
incarnating into this lifetime?

AC: When you ask us what it is that an individual can do to more easily move into
their own and very uniquely designed purpose in this lifetime, we would ask you
to describe how you have achieved this process within your own life. In this way
you can be an example for others as instructions are often times ignored and not

In another way, we can describe to you what we feel is in essence each

individuals’ easiest process in following ones destiny and that is to simply follow
one’s heart. And, now we know that we’ve just lost at least fifty percent of you, as
it will sound too simple to be true and discarded like a paper bag to the garbage

When you are willing to finally reach within your own bag of tricks, you will
find all that you seek to know and learn. For there is truly only one way to
discover your true purpose in your life and that is to follow your heart’s desire.
We tell you that there is not one way to achieve this but only what works best for
you. So if you prefer to sit in a hot tub of bath water and daydream to your
heart’s content, then that is your way to access your heart’s desire.

While we would always recommend that each of you sit somewhere quiet and
alone, away from all the noise and distractions, and spend some time
contemplating your navel, or at least what lies within your heart. Listening to
your inner voice is what will always lead you to making the right choice when
faced with big decisions in your life. Begin to find the best time of day or night for
you, as once again this will be a highly individualized process that really has no
right or wrongs, only what works best for you to get quiet and listen to your heart
speak what it desires.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

There is a definite difference between the voice of the mind, the chatter that
will not shut up if you allow it to go on, and the inner calm voice that will sound as
if it is a soothing balm to your wearied soul. This is the voice that we would
strongly suggest that you listen to, and if you don’t choose to believe our word,
then simply try it for yourselves and see what comes of it.

In this way can you move more freely and easily into the dream world in
which your heart desires to create, for within that world lies the secrets to what
you and others would find as utopian in its design.

Incredible as it may sound to you now, you will find yourselves there in an
instant should you but only move quickly now in that direction and pay attention
to this inner voice as your leader and no one else. We would suggest to you to
discard all that you’ve previously learned in your schools and universities, for
much of what you have been taught are the histories written by the same men
determined to keep you under their control now. This is not the truth nor serves
your highest ideals and visions towards a brighter future for all of mankind.

This is where you can begin to separate yourselves from those who wish to
control you through fear and mayhem, through their future of limited beliefs and
fear control devises. In this way can you merely move out of the targets focus and
begin to create your own paradigm of beliefs based on your heart’s desires and
domain of sovereignty.

This is what we can suggest to you to move most easily into your heart’s
domain and begin to create a world in which you can all succeed in each of your
own unique manner of creative expression.

When we speak of creative expression, we do not limit this creativity in any

manner whatsoever, as many of you will immediately think that oh, I’m not
creative, I can’t draw or paint or play a musical instrument.

But what we say to you is that everyone is a creator of magnificence in

whatever manner that they should choose to express. You are innately creative
in your very being-ness, for your body is creating every moment you breathe and

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

exhale, for it is within your own magnificence that you are capable of creating
anything that you wish and desire. It is only that you have been trained to
separate your mind and heart in the natural process for which you were created.
For out of creation can come only more creativity.

This then is the way of your path to salvation and supreme dominance over
your lives and worldly domain. It is with great forethought and planning that
your controllers have trained and taught you to separate your left and right brain
functions, thereby reducing your cognitive ability to envision, create and initiate
through your natural and innate abilities.

When you can learn to rebalance your brain functions into a balanced
harmony of functionality, then you will begin to utilize your combined efforts of
the heart and mind into a highly effective creative purpose.

Within your hearts are the connective links to the universal design template,
and within your brain functionality is the ability to put those plans into action,
production and suitability within the domain in which you live. In this way can
you begin to see the greater purpose for which you can begin to live your
individual lives, as you will start to better understand the complete set of tools
required to create anything that you desire.

Within this ability is the higher level of the hearts functionality and that is to
communicate directly with this universal template or source and access what it is
that you would like to create. For within the Universe’s matrix of knowledge lies
all of the information that you could ever desire to create from, whether it be a
great work of art, a new technology or a toy for your child. This is the wisdom
that you can also access from within each and every one of your hearts, as you
always have access to the full spectrum of the Universal design library, so to

Within this library are the limitless creations that have already been
designed, templated and produced or created, as well as all of the future designs
that have the potentiality within them to come forward into creation either
through you or someone one else on your planet. It is in this way that many of

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

you will discover the same information at almost the same time, or develop a new
technology while someone on the other side of your planet will tap into the same
source information and design the same product, book or idea.

It is within this Universal matrix of knowledge, that each one of you always
has access to, and along with that access comes great responsibility, for when you
access this library of knowledge you enter into the realm of a limitless creator
within a Universe of divine design and provenance, and that cannot be taken
lightly nor used for one’s own gain and purpose.

This is not the place to go to discover the winning lottery numbers, that is and
unless you have already planned that experience within your life’s blueprint as
originally planned, for this is not the playground for fools, but for individuals who
have discovered that they are connected to everyone and everything around

This is the creative sandbox for those who recognize their greater
responsibility as their brother’s keeper and one whose life’s purpose is designed
in such a way as to make a difference in the best interest of all mankind, not of
simply oneself.

It is therefore of the utmost importance that each one of you begin to

recognize the importance of your individual lives and the potential contribution
that each of you make to the whole of humanity, especially at this time of the
great awakening.

Imagine for a moment the ability to discover something of great magnitude

that could make a difference in the lives of those that you care most about, but
also for those around the globe.

Imagine for a moment the great sense of accomplishment that you could
experience should you decide to take a turn from you daily routine and begin to
follow the path upon which you originally designed your life to take?

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Imagine for a moment what it might feel like to know that you have succeeded
in saving the lives of many thousands of children if you would but take the time to
access your heart’s desire and fulfill your unique destiny?

What untold wonders are waiting for you and others if you would but stop
long enough to listen to your heart’s desire, and take a leap of faith into the
Universal domain of limitless creativity?

What waits for you now in the future design of your unique ability as a
limitless creator to make a difference in ways that you can hardly imagine? But
your heart can imagine it. Your heart can design it. And you’re your mind can
implement the designs your heart can envision as these two captains of your life
are more than capable of creating great and wondrous creations, you but need to
stop long enough and listen long enough to hear the voice whisper it’s beckoning

This is what we can tell you is the easiest and most simple way in which to
realize your destiny and live your dreams. For you have been designed as the
limitless creators you were born into being and now is the time in which you have
chosen to awaken to this awareness and begin to access the information and
wisdom the Universe holds for each and every one of you.

So simple and yet so difficult for so many of you to simply let go of the dogma
and constraints in which you feel so very compressed and stressed in living your
daily lives. This is the time in which YOU chose to awaken, the very
circumstances in which YOU have created upon your planet, and the very set of
guidelines in which YOU designed your lives to be at in this very moment you are
reading this. You ARE the creators of your every moment; your very existence is
only here at this time because YOU chose it to be so.

This is your shining moment where YOU can also choose to stay asleep or
wake up to the coffee you’ve been drinking, for within that cup is the very
potential of your greatest awakening or your greatest departure from this window
of tremendous opportunity, and one that will not remain open for much longer. It
is simply up to you as individuals to decide where you want to play and how you

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

want to play and experience your day at the beach, in the sandbox or on the

Whether you decide to go swimming in the sea, or full of sand in the box, or
fall down at the playground, you will need to wake up and make this choice at one
time or another, so why not now? Why not cut your suffering short by conscious
choice and begin to move into your heart’s domain, for that is where you will find
the peace that you seek, the creative expression that you desire, and the
boundless love that waits for you now.

When would you feel that there would be a better moment than right now to
step into your new world and begin to take your life for the wondrous gift that it is
rather than for granted?

It is within each and every one of your immediate reach to gain, garner and
grow into your greatest potential as human beings capable of grand design of
magnificence filled with the peace, love and tranquility that you so desire.

This is your moment of either moving forward into your destinies as domain
masters, or your destinies as the outsiders have designed for your demise. It is
one of obvious choice from our perspective, however we are not the ones who are
in your shoes; therefore we can only advise and not choose for you.

It is within our domain as your heritage seekers and advisers to see each and
every one of you rise to the greatest challenge of stepping out of your own way
and moving towards your destinies and begin to design your life exactly the way
that your heart desires. In other words, wake up to recognize that you can have it
your way, as you were born into this world as a creator in the vast universe in
which you are a grand part of, not some little meaningless spec upon a planet that
has no meaning or purpose of its own.

This world and that which you live your lives upon is destined for her own
awakening and rebirthing, and one in which she will gladly take you along with
her. For she is a great and wondrous being in her own right and loves all of her
creatures and beings that live within and without her very much. For she is a

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

being of wise and generous council for without which you would not be in the
position of calling home such a beautiful and diverse planet as she.

Wake with her now and reclaim your rightful place upon which together you
will be rebirthing a new Earth along with a new Human as the divinely connected
beings that you innately are. Give her the respect and love that she not only
deserves, but also has willingly shown you, for the many millennia that you have
lived upon her.

We are here for your guidance and allowing us to speak to you is of the
greatest appreciation in your efforts to transcribe what we have come here to
share with you today. In this we are complete.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: November 5, 2010

R: I have a lot on my plate right now, and when I start to think about getting it all
done, I tend to feel a little overwhelmed and it can get in the way of being more
productive in my day. What can others and I do to feel less overwhelmed and
begin to move more calmly and centered through our days of feeling like there is
no way we can possibly get it all done?

AC: We are happy to review with you again how living without the spectrum of
your previously perceived perceptions of linear time can alleviate this symptom
of transforming your mind into moving from a stress-based life and into a stress-
free life. For when you completely let go of your societal constructs of being on
time or being late, you can begin to see what we mean by this.

We can already hear your prognostications in feeling that this concept is a

viable one in the very real world in which you all currently exist, however that is
by your choice and decision to accept and go along with the constructs created to
keep you in a stressed out mode. When you begin your day in haste and without
taking a few moments to breathe deeply with gratitude for your life and all that
you have within it, you are stepping right back into the very pile of nonsense you
seek to remove yourselves from.

This is a simple process by which you can easily begin to change your
perceptions about time and how you live your lives. For in this simplest
adjustment in the way that you each begin each day, you will also begin to notice
and realize real changes in your life and the world around you, for within this
small yet powerful effort you can make easily, you will see it work in take effect in
every area of your lives.

It is without question that your lives are currently dominated by the clocks
and calendars that you willingly choose to live by, for it is not in your inherent
belief systems to live by anything other than the effortless flow of creative
expression on your planet Earth. This is why so many of you are without a clue as
to who you truly are nor your connection with your planet and the bounty of

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

nature she so lovingly provides for you, despite the abuses you continue to subject
her to.

In this way can we direct you to move into creating a stress free life, and we
can also tell you that it is easier than what most of you would believe.

What is five minutes for you in the day to take for yourselves? Are you so
pressed for time that you cannot take your first five minutes of your day upon
awakening to say quietly to yourselves how grateful you are for all that you DO
have and appreciate through heartfelt emotions the beauty and bounty for which
your planet so freely offers to you each and every day you sleep and live upon

This is only one small way in which you can make an easy and effortless step
in the direction of where you want to be living your lives. As you move forward in
your quest for greater knowledge and wisdom in which to express your heartfelt
desires, we can say to you that the simpler you make your lives, the faster and
more smoothly your individual progression into a new paradigm of living will be.

For within your hearts lie all the answers you seek in what, where and how
you would like to be living and expressing who you truly are. This is the single
most important thing that you can do easily, which will have great impact upon
you lives.

We understand that these simple and easy solutions we offer to you, will
appear too good to be true, and ones in which you will easily toss away like a
banana peel into the garbage pail, however we will continue to remind you in
ways that will eventually take hold and you will begin the process by which you
are able to initiate these simple changes and begin to see big effects in your lives
and world around you.

Often times we see you make your lives much harder than they need to be, for
you over-schedule yourselves into these stressful situations, and we can only ask
you this question? Who is in charge of running your life, you or someone else?

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

It is time to wake up to the reality and responsibility that no one other than
yourselves are responsible for what you choose to do, and how you choose to react
to those things in either a calm and centered manner or move into an sense of
emotional banter with which you find yourselves on the losing side of the court.
Back and forth do we see you go between running around like the sky is falling,
and then falling yourselves into exhaustion and illness.

This is not the life that you signed up for, nor is it the life you intended to live,
for until you stop and begin to take a real long look at your lives and what you
have created, then you will continue to pay no attention to the person in control,
which is you.

This is a self-sabotaging mechanism with which many of you have fallen into
by feeling there is nothing you can do to create the life that you truly want. Is it
not wiser to take true control over your lives and those of whom you call family
and friends than it is to give up your perceived control and run around believing
that you have to do more than what is truly necessary?

How can you begin to feel fulfilled by living your lives this way? How can you
begin to expect your dreams and aspirations to be expressed to their highest
potential? How can you expect to believe that anything will change, not only in
your lives but the world in which you live, when you are not in conscious and fully
responsible mode within your own lives?

These questions that we pose to you have only one and very obvious answer,
and this is one aspect in which we point out to you that you must wake up and
begin to take responsibility for in your lives. This same responsibility can be
applied to every area of your lives and world, for it is not only this aspect of
feeling overwhelmed that you need to address but in every area of life itself.

This is in no way something that we say to you without feeling a great sense of
responsibility on our part as well, for we are here on your behalf, in waking you to
the greater picture to which you must now wake up to. It is so simple and yet you
make it so difficult on yourselves, and this is one way in which you can release
yourselves from the bondage of time and feeling as if you need to live by it.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

In truth, time as you have perceived it for eons does not exist at all, and this
is a concept by which you must try to grasp, for once you understand that your
lives are not made up of today’s, tomorrows and yesterdays, you will begin to
understand that there is truly only this moment in which you are living.

It is not a second or minute as defined by your clocks, but the very essence of
how you express your life and limitless creativity. As when you can begin to see
that you have a blessing within each moment of your lives in which to create
whatever it is that you desire, then you will have come home to your own hearts,
and recognize the person in the mirror for whom she or he truly is.

This is your role, your life and your destiny of which you originally designed
this life to express, for within each and every one of your hearts lies the key in
which to open this doorway to your soul and genius of creative expression.

Within your hearts lie all of the wisdom and abundance that is and ever will
exist in the vast Universe, for within this reservoir of knowledge is the limitless,
boundless energy at your very fingertips, you but need to stop long enough and
listen with your hearts rather than with your minds.

The way in which to do this is also a simple process by which you can easily
access through meditation practice or at the very least sitting quietly with only
yourself to better grasp what it is that your heart desires to speak and express.

Being in the now is easier than your mind would have you believe, as there
will always be the trickster within who would readily deceive you into believing it
is better to go out and buy something new than sit quietly within your own heart
and listen to the wisdom of the Universe.

Your world is set up with more distractions than you can shake a stick at, for
within those many distractions are the very constructs by which your lives are
led down the path of destruction, disease and devastating consequences. These
distractions that you allow yourselves to be lured into are quite obvious when you

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

pay close attention to how you actually spend your days, weeks and months of
your years in your life.

They are your media devices, your entertainment industries, your news
media, your music industry, your shopping sprees and your inability to pull your
attention away from these technology devices. And all are what keep you trapped
in this paradigm of feeling that you no longer have enough time in the day to
properly live your lives.

If you but monitor the amount of time you stare at your monitors, you will
gain a shocking glimpse at what you have succumbed to in the way of life’s biggest
distractions today, and that is of your computer screens devised not so much to
make your lives better, but to begin to further disassociate you from connecting
you to nature, your planet and the people that you call your family, friends and
loved ones.

This is also a device that is being used to infiltrate your daily lives and
freedoms, for which most of you are most unaware. While we can also say these
devices have been powerful communicators for sharing important information on
a global scale, we would say to you to limit your exposure and time spent on them
for informational gathering and social connecting to not more than 2 hours a day.
Ideally we would recommend that it would not exceed twenty minutes, however
we do realize that your 2-hour limit will be difficult for many of you to accomplish
in itself.

We would hope that you could see your situation from your perspective for
you would see that the very answers and solutions that you seek to your greatest
problems are sitting right in front of your faces, you are but too distracted by
these media devised to pay attention to your own lives.

All of your greatest problems are already solved, with scientists and laymen
alike having invented, discovered or revealed the energy solutions and food
supply issue you face on your planet. They are available to you anytime once you
begin to live within a community-based concept and begin to take responsibility
for these issues within your own lives. These are not daunting problems that you

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

face together for the answers are so readily available to you, that you only need to
stop long enough to begin implementing them within your lives and those around

While we understand that it is difficult for many of you to grasp these simple
constructs and ideas, not that they are complex, but that you have a difficult time
seeing past the tips of your own noses. When you can begin to see within and not
look for your answers from the outside world, you will be stepping back onto the
path as you’ve originally designed it and move forward more effortlessly within
your own lives.

In this way do we see you making big changes by making small efforts within
your individual lives and as it can be the only place for you to begin.

When you start this process by beginning your day with a simple five minutes
of energy focused upon your gratitude and appreciation for all that you have, and
your lives, we would suggest that you also begin to ask yourselves one very
simple question; and that is, what do I really want in my life, and what exactly do
I want it to look like?

This is one of the most difficult processes we can see many of you going
through, for most of you are so out of touch with the reality of which your heart
desires, that the mind can barely conceive it. This is a direct result of your
scattered thoughts, your overwhelming days of filling it up with too much activity
and distractions to the point where you’ve forgotten how to dream and play in
your lives.

As children this was your natural state of being, playing and imagining your
world exactly the way you want it to be. This is who you inherently are, creative
playful beings. And this is where we would direct you to start again, as playful
imagining beings creating your world exactly the way you want it to be.

Get into this place of sitting on the floor with your building blocks and balls
and feel what it would be to be that little child again without a care in the world
and only knowing that all your needs and wants are lovingly taken care of, and

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

provided for you by your parents. If this is too big of a stretch for you, we would
recommend that if you had anything other than times like these that you now
create them in your mind, for it is never too late to return to the waiting child
within, as that is your true self waiting to regain its rightful place within your
lives again.

Enter into your imagination and domain of limitless creativity and begin to
see your life exactly the way you truly desire it, enjoy being in that space of
feeling what it would be like to have what you want surrounded by people that
you love and living in a cohesive and harmonious manner.

What did you love to do as a child that you have left long ago? Was it simply
swinging in your backyard and watching the blue sky rush up to meet you as you
swung higher and higher, as nature always plays its important part in every
child’s life. Or was it sticking your fingers in to the paint jars and swirling it
around on the paper making designs that brought delight to your eyes? For the
beauty of art makes her grand entrance into every child’s eyes at an early age. Or
was it beating your drum set, playing the flute or some other musical instrument
that brought you your greatest pleasure and fun?

For when you can begin to reenter your childlike ways, imagination and
muse, you will begin to rediscover who truly are and why you are here now at this
very important juncture in your, and your planet’s history.

Set one hour aside each and every day to begin to play again, whether in your
garden, tossing a ball back and forth with your children or simply sitting on the
floor and drawing a picture of how you want your life to be. These are the simple
ways to reengage your hearts desires through creative imagination and play to
reconnect you to what it is that you truly want in your lives.

Life is what you are more than capable of making it to be, and this is one of
the most simple yet pleasurable ways in which you can begin to create a new life
in a new world paradigm. It is one in which we would gladly create for you would
we be allowed to do so, however we are not here to rescue you from your own

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

devises but merely to remind you to wake up and begin your very simple process
of reclaiming your sovereignty and your world.

With this we are complete and leave you to your creative play and
magnificence as great creators in the Universe.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: November 6, 2010

R: Money is a big issue for many people right now, including myself, and so what
can we do to better and more easily create money in order to support our
families? Especially in the US where so many people have lost their homes, are
facing foreclosure and have been without work for some time with little or no
future of finding the caliber of jobs that they are more than capable of

AC: We can see the great struggle many of you have with this issue of money, as it
has been your life-blood to having everything that you require in order to survive
on your planet. We would say to you now, that this is one of the biggest paradigm
shifts that each of you will need to make, along with a collective desire to shift
your current monetary system into a supportive and cohesive system rather than
one based on competition and greed.

When you can see that this system is no longer viable, either for you or your
governments, then the people will regain their sovereignty as divine creators, and
no one will have to work for money in order to feed, clothe or house their families.
For within your divine rights lay an integral aspect to any living being’s right to
have enough food to eat, a home to call their own and anything else in reality that
their hearts desire.

This is one of your biggest points of separation that we can see causes more
problems for you on every level of your lives, than almost any other issue you are
currently experiencing now on your planet. For when your children go to sleep
with empty stomachs, and yet your leaders gorge themselves in ways that you
cannot fathom, you will rise up and take back your individual power and begin to
create communities based on support, and harmony for all, not just the fat cats on
the block.

In terms of your individual challenges now, and with the ever widening span
of the those who have and those have not, we can suggest strongly to you that the
sooner you move in the direction of taking responsibility of providing for yourself
without looking to the outside world to provide for you, you will be making great

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

strides in providing the great abundance of all and more that you require in your

We can already hear you proclaim disbelief and protest this concept, as it goes
straight into your perceived conflict of belief systems and what you’ve been
taught. However we would say to you, like everything else we’ve suggested to you
thus far, that this too is far simpler in its solution than what you would dare to
think. For it goes so strongly against the grain of what you have been deliberately
programmed to think, believe and live by your entire lives, that you can barely
conceive of anything other than what you’ve been living as a solution.

However, when you begin to create from your hearts, and what it is that you
truly enjoy and desire, your abundance will flow to you in effortless ways, as this
is the divine provenance of the Universes’ grand plan and design. For when you
come into alignment with your heart’s desire, then Abundance must flow to you,
as it is a law of Nature and the Universe in which you live.

The reason so many of you hate your jobs, and despise your bosses and resist
your heart’s desire is because of this blind spot that you have in believing that
this is how your world works and that there can be no other way. This is also why
you are mostly unhappy and unfulfilled in your lives as you continue to look
outside of yourselves for the answers, solutions and ways in which you can find
peace of mind and true happiness in your lives.

As you continue to resist the very gifts that you have intentionally brought
with you into this paradigm of living, and we can assure that each and every one
of you have each brought your own unique talents and abilities in which your
heart is screaming to you to develop and share with the world, that you are all but
ignoring altogether.

There is a saying on your planet that what you resist will persist, and like
attracts like, and positive thinking will help you to create what you want and that
there is this big secret that has been kept from you except for the privileged few,
however what we would direct your attention to is that there is nothing outside of

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

you that can solve your problems or provide you with all that you need and

The only place you will find these things is within your heart’s wisdom, grace
and genius, for within it’s great ability to move you in ways that most would say
are their greatest life’s experiences; such as experiencing love, or the feeling of
pure joy, or the great sense of inspiration and admiration for Nature’s beauty, you
hold within your own heart.

These things do not exist in a reality beyond what you can perceive through
your limited senses, however when you walk into your heart’s domain you wake
to your true selves, and within that space of divinity lies what you are here to
create, and receive in great abundance, you only need to recognize that your
solutions have escaped your view as the outside deceptions have lured you into a
sleeping belief that your existence is dependent on resources that live outside of
you, rather than your own divine guidance.

This grand plan of leading you out of your divinity and into a false belief
system that you must rely and depend on someone else in order to provide your
sustenance and support in order to live, is part of the house of cards that is now
falling down around your very heads. And this system or cycle of falling apart is
one of necessity and one in which you’ve together actually created in order to
wake yourselves up to the real truth of what is waiting for each one of you inside
your hearts.

You will move through this transition more easily by making a concentrated
effort with your time and energy on focusing on where your true passions lie,
rather than relying on the lies that you’ve been programmed to believe in.

Stop looking outside and begin to listen inside, for that is the only voice that
you require to lead you to all of the solutions for your every need and desire.

When you can move in this direction, we would say to you that you’ve taken
the first and most important step in creating a life in which you will not only

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

exceed your greatest expectation, but one in which you will find true happiness,
joy, laughter and fulfillment, and for many of you beyond your wildest dreams.

We encourage you strongly to jump for your own brass ring in life and take
the leap of faith to move into your passions and what you’ve dreamed of doing
since a young child, for when you do, you will be replacing a system of deception,
limitation and control with one of sovereignty and joy. Where you will not only
survive beyond your wildest dreams, but thrive on what the Universe has to offer
you in ways you barely can grasp the concept of, and that is a life filled with the
bliss and joy in your hearts that many feel are the dreams of fools and fantasy.

It is not so, as we would direct your attention to the very fact of many who
have already gone through this very process of taking their own leap of faith and
start to live their true passions. As they have been exactly where you sit today;
sad, sorrowful and disconnected from what they hold in their hearts, only to
reach a point of pure desperation before they finally had no other choice than to
jump into the game of their own lives and begin to create it from their hearts,
rather than the domain and control of the outer worlds’ paradigm.

This is where you can step out of the fear and control paradigm and into your
own mastery and selected purpose of living your life to its fullest potential. This is
where your voice will be heard, your innate creativity can be expressed, and
appreciated by others, whether the many or the few is not important, but only for
you to create, again from the heart and not the mind.

While we understand that you will be creating and sharing your passions with
your outer world, the difference is great when you finally perceive the difference,
as the line is fine and can be easily mistaken for living from within or looking
without for your accolades and sustenance.

When you create from your heart in a way that gives you great pleasure and
joy, you are directly contributing to making the world a better place for everyone.
For as your creations go out into your world, it touches others in ways unseen and
unknown to you, but never the less makes an impact on someone else. Whether it
is one person or twenty is not important, but only for you to begin living from this

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

place rather than the one you’ve been living and suffering under for much too

It is within your easy grasp, each one of you, to simply walk away from the
outside paradigm of having to work and save for a meager pay in which you are
controlled and kept in fear of losing, and step into your own domain of living in
harmony and peace with yourselves and others.

In this way can you make the greatest difference in contributing to the world
at large, for as one person steps out of the matrix control paradigm, it triggers
others around you to do the same.

This is no longer a world of having to work for another in order to survive, but
one in which you are now the master of your own paradigms’ domain and can
freely choose whatever it is that you wish to do, and how you desire to live. It is
beyond many of you now to even go back to living the old way under the thumbs
of the outside controllers and their fear based paradigm.

We would direct you to sharing your experiences with others as a beacon of

light and inspiration for those that still hover on the fence of their lives in what
they want to do against what they feel they should do. The ‘should’ of your own
world will slowly dissipate as each one of you begins to realize that there are no
‘shoulds’ in life that anyone outside of you can force upon you, only those that you
willingly choose to make in the decisions you define your lives by and through.
These many dictates that come from your governmental and societal, religious
and entertainment ‘shoulds’ are integrated into the well-oiled industries of your
control paradigms and would that we could tell you that you ‘should’ not listen to
any of these ‘shoulds’ is one we would if we could.

Once you’ve gotten more comfortable with the concept that you are in control
of your own lives and that along with that concept comes a greater responsibility
that each one of you must also accept, you will also leave behind the looking
outside of yourselves for those that you can blame and push your anger and self-
pity towards.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This is the greatest defining moment when you can no longer turn to someone
else and point your finger of blame, but to look yourself in the mirror and say:
“Okay, I did this to myself and made all the choices to have this experience, now
what are my new options that lay before me, so that I can move forward into a
more effortless way of living and one in which I am the master of my domain,
taking full responsibility and care for my life and everything that I’ve created to
this moment?”

It is a grand step onto your paths of greater creative power and control over
your lives when you look behind yourselves no longer for the past errors in
judgment that you’ve made, but only to make the very best choices you can in this
very moment. And, how you can do that more easily is only through the voice of
your heart, for there are no deceptions that await you where your greatest
desires and passions lay, only opportunities for you to move into the lives that
you originally designed to experience and live.

This is what we can tell you is the best way to begin creating your own
sustaining abundance for all that you need and desire in your lives, for there are
more and more of you making this very same choice and taking the same leap of
faith that you are all facing in this moment.

Be not afraid for there is always a soft pillow to land on, as you cannot fail
when you take a leap of faith into the heart’s domain of truth. This is where you
would also be advised to hold your greatest desires to yourself for the time to
disclose your plans will not be in your greatest moment of inspiration, as you will
be exposing yourself at a very vulnerable moment to those who would dissuade
your efforts and place great doubt in your mind and heart.

Although we would also direct you to believe in yourself more than what
anyone else can or will say about you, as when you start down this path, you will
not want to turn back, and so you must protect your dream with the fierce
passion that any treasure deserves. We would say to you that this is not an issue
of trusting others to support you and your dreams but only to protect and
safeguard a growing baby in your womb, as any soon to be mother would also do.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

You will of course want to provide the necessary nutrition for your growing
baby and that would only include the positive energy that you are uniquely
capable of providing, for a developing fetus does not get It’s nutrition from the
outside world, but only form it’s mother’s body. This is one of the most important
guidelines that we can recommend to you as it is necessary in order to allow your
dreams the required time, energy and support in order to develop and grow until
it is time to be born into the outer world of your reality.

When you feel it is time for your own rebirth, then and only then would it be
wise for you to share with others around you what it is, and your intentions as
you’ve’ dreamed them. We would also say to you that this is not so much about
keeping secrets from those that you love, but only for those that truly and
unconditionally support you would you want to share your new life plans.

In the case of creating a new life where your family is involved, such as
moving to another location or changing the manner in which you live in a
dramatic way, then of course you must share you plans with them, but these
concepts are not the same as what we are directly referring to in regards to your
heart’s desires. It is a mere point of clarification that we make this clear for you

In the meantime, we can assure you that when you can move away from the
stress and worry of paying your debts, and into a total surrender of allowing the
old paradigm of your worn out life to undergo its own transformation, will new
ideas and solutions magically appear to you.

For the very stress that you create through the worry and sleepless nights on
HOW you can possibly make the money that you don’t have and yet need to pay
for this or that, will you let go of the most pervasive mind control devise that has
kept you all in fear based living for much too long. This is how you’ve been
programmed to believe that you must work in order to survive and so you are
constantly led throughout your lives by the dangled carrot of your next paycheck,
and that at any time, this carrot could disappear leaving you in a most precarious
situation of survival.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This is no way to live, or to teach your children how to live. This is not how
your life was designed to express your greatest potential as limitless creators in a
world of vast and magnificent potential. This is your greatest hurdle in moving
from a belief system of distrust of taking care of yourselves through living your
passions, or submitting yourselves to the mastery of others that only see you as a
human resource for their own selfish gains. They are not interested in seeing you
succeed, as their only interest is in their own self gain, as you can be easily
replaced by the next person in line.

This system of competing for your very survival does not engender the
greatest potential of the human heart to create great paradigms of living, but one
based on total fear of a survival mechanism that is your trigger for NOT listening
to your heart and following your master mind into the depths of the control
paradigm in which you’ve been living.

These props and constructs are utilized to create a vast empire on which the
upper echelon sits above and dictates the ones who will be granted the access to
the secrets you’ve been relinquished of in the long history of your modern

This big secret is not a magic formula of alchemical ways, but merely your
inherent divinity as the limitless creators that you are by design and divine
provenance. Why do you think that there are so many distractions to take your
attention away from anything other than the dualistic dramas being constantly
played out for you in every type of medium that is available?

This is quite obvious if you would but look around you, as you are surrounded
like the Indians at the Okay Corral. There is no hope until you give up the fight
and turn in the only direction that you can, and that is inward and into the
domain of your own hearts.

There will be no battle that you can win in the fight against something. For
always remember, whatever you resist will persist, as your very energy that you
push out towards that which you do not like, or judged to be bad will only draw it
closer to you. While we can say that to gather information and knowledge about

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

the truth of your controllers paradigm is in YOUR best interest, it is only to the
extent that you gain a greater awareness of how you have been controlled and
manipulated so that you can see yourself more clearly and go on to make the
wiser choices that are first and foremost in YOUR best interest, and not of
someone else’s. Beyond that, holding on to the dramas being played out around
the world serves no purpose.

We would direct you to learn quickly about your outer world domain of
control, so that you can even more quickly move into your own domain of
provenance and mastery. For that is where your successes lay and your
happiness lie. Begin to see with greater clarity upon which your world has been
designed and the new role in which you have a leading part in the play.

There is not one person on your planet that cannot move into this same
direction, leaving their past behind, regardless of what they’ve done, as the
efforts of one’s heart speaks volumes to rise above the past mistakes and errors,
and into one’s future.

Be as the dove and reclaim your peace within by learning to listen closely to
what it has to say to you now. It is within your ability and grasp to understand
fully why you are here now in the most important of times on your beautiful
planet Earth, for she is your Mother in ways you cannot yet understand, but
would be your beacon of light if you would but allow her to do so.

Speak to her from your heart and express your love and appreciation for all
that she gives you freely, and see what voice returns to you in kind. Hear her
now, for she is here to extend all her bounty of life giving forces in an endless
variety of options for you to live upon her in great harmony and peace, supported
by her glorious and bountiful beauty. Be now silent for the gift of her life is within
your hands and ears. Bring this awareness into your minds and then your hearts,
for she is but a whisper away for your desires to be met and fulfilled.

It is now our time to retreat and leave you to your day of greater awareness
and expansion of what it is that you have come here to do now. In this way we are

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: November 7, 2010

R: What can you share with me today that I am not consciously aware of, yet
needs to be changed, shifted, released or healed in my own conscious or
subconscious beliefs?

AC: We are here to help mankind in their collective awareness of the bigger
picture, as we do not claim to do otherwise. When you feel that you have a belief
that you hold that is indeed holding you back from fulfilling your greater potential
then we would suggest that you access it through your meditation processes or to
even seek outside assistance.

In these ways can we direct you further to you own greater self awareness
that always lay within, and not without. For when you begin to search for deeper
meaning and success in your personal worlds, you create a ripple effect that will
go out and touch others in unseen ways.

While we are not here to promote your efforts in seeking outside help, as that
tends to place you in the very same mindset that we would prefer to see you move
out of, we do understand that some of you with little or no experience in dealing
with your deeply harbored anger, resentments, judgments are ill equipped to
manage this process of letting go and releasing of these energetic attachments in
a less harmful way than submerging them deeper into your subconscious beliefs
through the use of recreational drugs, alcohol and sexual proclivities.

These types of outside stimuli are only but another distraction and device
that is being promoted and utilized as another form and tool to further distract
you from yourselves and what is most important. We would wish that you could
see this as a wake up call to your greater awareness when you expose these
deeply seeded resentments that are with increasing frequency raising their ugly
heads for you to acknowledge and finally release.

These are more often carried over from lifetime to lifetime and can eventually
cause your body to gain your attention to these annoying details of lives past by

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

initiating your attention through chronic illness and disease. Should you not
eventually stop long enough and pay attention to these subconscious inklings,
eventually your body will destroy itself in one manner or another.

For when you continue to live in such a state of total disharmony and neglect,
the body is actually receiving the message that you no longer care to live. As if
you are not dealing with these old patterns, emotions and self- destructive
memories, then why would a body continue to remain and function in a perfectly
healthy state?

In this way can we direct you to most of your present issues that are
currently being replicated by your past misdeeds or errors in judgment, however
it is with great simplicity that you can also release these harbored emotional
patterns by simply recognizing the issue and how it has been played out in front
of your very eyes over, and over, and over again.

When you can no longer ignore these patterns once and for all, can you let
them go. It is however, not necessary for you to recall the full details of every
difficult experience you’ve had in this lifetime in order to recognize the gift of the
lesson within, but only to release the current judgments and energy that you hold
within your energetic fields.

This can be easily done through learning to effectively clean out these
energetic fields through the use of musical frequency, light frequency or pure
energetic frequency. These tonal frequencies can be used through simple devices
that have already been designed and implemented within your practitioners of
these types of healing modalities, as well as the light frequency devices that are in
plenty of supply and easy availability to you on a global scale.

Healing your body, minds and energetic fields of existence are but one way to
easily release the old patterns of self-destructive behavior that many of you are
experiencing. These devices can also be used to clear your energetic fields of the
vast negative thought forms that are being created by you with your own
thoughts, as will as picked up by you as you move through your day of activities.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

From getting your car washed and to doing your dishes, your energetic field at all
levels also requires this type of cleansing on a regular basis.

If you can better understand that your vehicle that you drive everyday to
work and home again requires not only a bath on the outside, then it is also
known already to you that your car also requires maintenance on the inner
workings of the engine as well. This is somewhat the same of your own bodies,
however we would prefer to emphasize the energetic displacement of negativity
to a simple analogy of your car or your body vehicle.

As you or many of you already understand that your body is made up of a

multidimensional system, rather than what you have been taught to believe is
simply a physical manifestation of matter, and that like a machine is simply made
of up of separate moving parts. This is the furthest concept of the actual truth, for
your medical system is once again designed to break you down systematically
rather than treat the entire vehicle system as the cohesively designed
multidimensional vehicle that is capable of wondrous abilities.

Your body was not designed to be picked apart like a puzzle and simply put
back together again, but is a homogenous, synchronized and harmonious system
that works best under the ideal circumstances in which it was designed to

While we can see that you are not living in ideal circumstances, we can tell
you that there are simple and free ways in which you can align and attune your
multidimensional body system into a smoothly running and functioning person,
and one in which all of the surrounding environmental impacts can have
absolutely no damaging effects whatsoever. Once again your belief systems must
be replaced by a fully cohesive belief that you are engineered to withstand even
the worst natural disasters or energetic disharmony, you only need to learn, or
remember how to do so.

When we can direct you to meditating on a regular daily basis, we mean by

that not to sit and empty your mind into oblivion, for this actually serves no
purpose, nor does it accomplish any of the great potential that achieving this

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

higher state of consciousness is capable of offering you. For within a light alpha
state of meditation you can easily begin to bring down the pillar of white light that
will connect you to your higher self and greater sense of your multidimensional
light body.

Once you have achieved this state, you can move up through the deeper
states of meditation and access the higher realms by which you are fully capable
of relinquishing all of your pre-historical memories and eliminate any energetic
residue that resides at a subatomic level. In other words, we are not saying that
you carry these memories at the cellular levels as many of you believe, but within
the outer field of consciousness that you carry in and around you at every
moment throughout time.

This represents the greater aspect of your consciousness field and how it
interacts with those around you and the world without you. It is in this way that
you can best initiate these types of release healing and processes in which you
can not only gain the greater awareness and experience of who you are, but
initiate the natural healing abilities that each one of you are fully capable of
encompassing for your very selves.

This is the simplest and fastest way in which to initiate change in your life as
well, for when you are able to fully release the harbingers of the past through
your negative emotions that you all so dearly hold onto, then can you move more
freely into your futures of peace, harmony and love.

It is within your easy grasp to sense the difference in these different states of
consciousness by your mind’s ability to let go of its tight grasp and allow your
natural guidance system that resides within your heart to take over the control of
your life and your multidimensional body system

Begin in this way by always surrounding yourself in the Universal Divine

White Light of protection when you enter into the realms of spirit and your
energetic processes of meditation and healing, for without describing anything
more, you are contained in this white light of energetic protection as a safety net
from outside influences that would be interested in creating a game of influencing

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

you beyond your own ability to think your own thoughts, and this can be a
nuisance and a danger should you allow outside influences to garner your
attention and energy to them.

In no way can anyone or anything of an energetic form cause you harm

directly or without your agreement to engage in their games, so it is not for you to
spend time focusing on this as a fear, only as information and knowledge that is
required of everyone who embarks upon this most natural of ways to connect
with the greater Universe around them.

Just as you would also use discernment and protection in your daily life, you
would also want to practice the same discernment and protection when entering
the realm of opening your energetic body to the greater world around you.

In this way do we instruct you for your ease and comfort and health to move
through a cleansing process by which you will eave the past behind you where it
belongs, rather than carrying the baggage of past life dramas and emotions
around you like a garbage truck that never empties itself.

We encourage you strongly to begin this process of cleansing so that you will
move more effortlessly through this time of tremendous transformation ahead of
you, for when there is health, strength, vitality and inner guidance, you will be
better capable and enabled to self guide yourself through your life and into a
bright and more harmonious state of living.

It is with equal pleasure that we can also tell you to self direct your mind in
the direction of what it is that you truly desire your life to look like, for while the
Heart will hold and reveal your true self, passions, desires and what you are here
to fulfill through this lifetime, your mind is the activator button by which your
imagination is expressed, and the messages are sent out as electrical charges to
the Universal store for your order to be fulfilled.

This is where your ability as creators can get caught up on the fine wires that
you place around yourself, for when your heart’s desire is able fully express itself
in the inspiration and true passions, then your imagination can take over and

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

create the visions, which in turn will activate your emotional body to actually pre-
feel and experience the visions your heart desires, and that is where you must
then let it go out into the Universal store of shopping spree that you so desire to

Now for the wires you hang around your own neck, those are the
misinterpretations that your mind creates by it’s left brain functioning to figure
out through a logical process as to how you will now accomplish to create these
visions of your desires to come into to your manifest world. These wires are also
those in which your past missteps can create, which is why we tell you it is so
very important for you to clear out this old debris from your prehistory file
cabinets, so that they can no longer trip you up on your way to living the life you
came here to create.

Once you are in alignment with what it is that your heart desires, that your
activator-mind envisions through the imagination, and your feelings of
emotionally experiencing is in place, then it is only for you to continue on your
happy way as you joyfully expect and KNOW that your shopping spree is on its
way to fully manifest within your life.

Now, one again we must remind you that this shopping spree is not what you
will want to think it is, as the Universe’s response will deliver to you what your
heart’s desire, your minds imagined, and your emotional expectations have
designed fully, and put in the order for, and this will work in both a positive way
and a negative way. Therefore you must be careful about what it is that you wish
for, as your greatest dreams can be designed and made manifest just as easily as
your negative worries and fears can also manifest.

In addition it is important for you to recognize that only that which you are
destined to experience in this lifetime will be completed in this manner, for once
again when you step out of your heart, which is the greater self’s higher wisdom,
you cannot simply impose your free will and create something different, for this
will not be in alignment with what your heart knows to be in your highest and
best interest.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

While we can see that this may create a bit of confusion for you on the subject
of free will and what you have originally designed your life to be and experience
throughout it, we can tell you that in order to create a new and different path on
which to travel, you will always return to the your original path as originally
designed in order to give yourself another opportunity in which to now go forward
on your original path as originally designed by you.

This is why so many of you find yourselves making the same mistakes, over
and over and over again. This is why you are continually frustrated by the
challenges and struggles that you constantly are encountering, or why you seem
to continue to attract the same types of relationships and challenging situations
that you are faced with, and if you are paying any attention at all, you will
recognize that the pattern of disobedience to your original life’s blueprint brings
with it ever increasingly difficult situations and challenges for you to get yourself
out of.

These are the lessons of which you chose to experience, and in utilizing your
own free will you are also free to be faced with the same issues for as many times
as you chose to go through it. In this way does it make the most sense from our
view that each one of you would desire to change these monkey-go-round
experiences and go within to access your original plans and begin to live those out
as you originally intended. This life can be as simple or difficult, or happy and
joyful as you want it to be, for you are the one in charge of everything in front, to
the side and behind you.

This is the level of awareness that we would desire to see each one of you
take, as the responsibility of embracing this truth is so easy and simple for you to
grasp and engage, that we would see that your lives could be the joyful, love-filled
ones that so many of you desire, if you would but take the small amount of time in
order to change your perspective, awareness and energy you put into your very
delightful experiences on planet Earth.

In this way would we hope to see more of you see that grand plan of
simplicity, of synchronicity and of explicit delight in the delicatessen menu that
lies before each one of you. You can have it your way, and we can only remind

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

you once again that this is your life to live the way you envisioned, and that at
this very juncture in time do we see each one of you at the grand crossroads of
your life, your future and your very survival on the planet you are very blessed to
live upon.

In the same way that we are eternal, so are you, and so when we speak of
your survival it is not intended for you to think that if you don’t do this or what
we are recommending, that you will die in some tragedy or catastrophe or some
Armageddon experience, but to ready and prepare yourself for your grand
entrance into the Universe’s greater plan for you and your planet.

Your survival refers to the difference between your mere continuation of

existence on a planet that will no longer be capable of sustaining you and your
species should you continue to go down the path of least-awareness. And whether
or not you choose to go down the path of least-resistance and enter into the new
world of a new earth, and a new species of humankind of which you are only
getting the smallest glimpse of here now.

The glimmer of hope that we continually provide for you is in essence what
you have created thus far through your collective thoughts and energy that you
have to date created. Our hopes are that you will be duly inspired to take up the
reigns of your own mastery and domain and pick up the pace of your energy
focused on creating the clear and definitive picture of this new work, of your
enlightened and expanded consciousness, and envision in the same way we have
already directed you towards your Universal shopping spree in this same

What we can tell you is this; that unless you each begin to fully grasp that you
are in total control of the what, where and how’s of your today’s and tomorrow’s,
you will not make this leap into your new world paradigm in time. And, the future
you, will continue to create through your sleepwalking lack of effort and will take
you down the road that you won’t want to find yourselves on once you get there.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

This is all about the potentiality of your ability to recognize yourselves as the
master of your domains in every manner of which we speak, and that is nothing
less than your very lives, your planet and your interconnected futures.

This is where you can choose to take the lazy man’s way out and into a future
you will sorely regret, or step onto the high path of envisioning your very highest
idealized world and life exactly the way you want it to be. There is no turning
back from where you sit upon the point of no return, and one in which we see
great potential in every one of you.

This is not the moment in which you can say, oh, I think I’ll let that other guy
do the hard work of meditating and imagining the perfect world in which he
wants to create, and then I’ll just go along for the ride, that way I can sit here on
my couch eating potato chips and watching TV.

Your moments of disengaged and engorged self pleasuring is soon to go the

way of the dodo bird, if you don’t get up off your couches and into to your hearts
and choose to do something that is so simple yet meaningful in the most
important of ways.

While we can understand your desire to feel as though this is just a fantasy
and that nothing really bad will happen, and that soon the economy will be fixed
by your president or some new president, that you can someday soon return to
your life of normalcy and everything will be fine. But this is exactly where and
what you’ve been doing all along, and we would ask this question to you now:

Is your life better and improving in the last twenty years?

Has life on planet Earth gotten better or worse for the majority of people on
her in the last twenty years?
Can you envision a bright future for your children to inherit?
Do you feel safer today than you did twenty years ago?

Or do you feel more frightened and scared about your life and it’s future on
planet earth? What, if anything has changed for you in the last twenty years of
your life, and do you see any relationship whatsoever between what you think,

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

how you live and where you thought you would be by this point in your life than
you did ten or twenty or even thirty years ago?

These are some very basic questions that you can ask yourself and your
friends and family as to what it is that each of you wishes to do now. Is it worth
the small effort and time that it will take for you to begin making this effort and
seeing if just by chance there’s something to what we’re saying to you now? Or do
you feel that there’s really nothing that you can do to make a difference?

And, so if you are destined to watch the world you love either make it, or not,
with the look of pathetic participation in your own life as if you are sitting on your
couch watching a movie, then are you willing to take your chances?

This is what will separate the boys from the men and the woman who are
already fully and consciously aware of what needs to be done, now not later. This
is nothing less than deciding whether or not you survive into to the glorious
future of thriving on a planet of limitless beauty and bounty, capable of living out
a life filled with ecstasy, joy and love, or not surviving long enough to see your
grandchildren have the same opportunities that you were once given through this
very unique opportunity and window of time.

We are not here to frighten you with more predictions of calamity and chaos,
destruction and depletion of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but to help
you to fully grasp that you are not dreaming this scenario, this is not a drill, this
is not something that is going to magically just go away so that you can get back to
your lives of normalcy. This is it. This is your wake up call to the bright and
wonderful future that you are fully capable of creating, one person at a time.

And not one of you can be remiss in your efforts or time that you dedicate to
this very real situation that you’ve found yourselves in. The time has come for
each one of you to finally stand up and step into the shoes you been waiting eons
to walk in.

This is your time of greatest potential to fill those shoes in ways that you can
barely yet grasp and imagine, however we can also tell you that you are not only

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

more than capable, you are more than ready, for would you see the burning desire
of your hearts as their flames begin to burn brightly from within, you would jump
off your couches and jump for joy, for this is what you’ve all been waiting for, this
very moment, for eons.

This is a party of which you are only just beginning to plan, for what you can
envision as your own perfect world, so that together you can go forward into this
new world as domain masters of a world bright, and full of all of the good things
that your heart’s can desire and your minds can imagine. The party is about to
get started, and this is one that you definitely don’t want to miss, so if I were you I
would jump off that couch, go get ready, and join in the fun, as this is one party
that you will want to be a part of and share with everyone you know.

We would suggest to you that you plan and hold New World parties of your
own, and for real. Invite your friends, family and even strangers, create your
party games to incite, invigorate, inspire, and encourage everyone to begin
imagining and envisioning, and expecting with great anticipation the New World
that you are creating not only together, but by and through each of your unique
contributions of talents, abilities and love.

Imagine what joy, excitement and fun it is that each one of you can make and
create by holding a New World Party of your own, and in doing so making a
difference in your own lives and that of the entire world.

This is the power of which we speak to you in ways that you can better begin
to utilize it in the most delightful way, that will and can have far reaching effects.
It is only one small idea of how or what you can do to start creating the life that
you want while creating a New World along the way.

In this way do we leave you today, but for one last thought and that is; if you
could create an entirely New World, exactly the way you want it, what would it
look like, what would it feel like, and how would you live upon it? In this we are
complete and wish you happy party planning.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Date: November 8, 2010

R: What can you tell me about why you are so interested in helping mankind
make this jump in consciousness, as do you have something to gain from this or
are you just kind hearted beings trying to help us out?

AC: We would answer your question in this way, and that is how we have come to
achieve our own state of enlightened perspective and growth is in the same way
that you face your own self-created challenges as well. For when you understand
the larger picture of the Universe and its purpose of divine magnitude, can you
better grasp that we are all in this grand Universe together, and so when you fail
or succeed in this effort of jumping into the light-speed of creation, you will impact
us and everyone else in the Universe as well.

For when one fails in their quest to endeavor in their own unique abilities
expressed fully or not, we are all affected by it. And so from our perspective we
have a very deeply vested interest in seeing you succeed now, rather than fail.

Although from your viewpoint it will not seem possible that we could possibly
be affected by your individual actions in any way whatsoever, however when you
gain this greater perspective of your place within the Universal design of life
itself, you will gain the entrance into a greater perspective of life itself.

For where one man goes, another must follow, as it is one of the Universal
laws of which you are but vaguely aware. In another sense you could picture it
this way, and that is when you watch a movie of characters that are not related
and yet are affected by something great or grave that happens to another, it
moves out into your world as ripple in the ocean, and touches all that are
contained in the ocean.

You are the same in that each of you represent a drop in the ocean, or on an
even larger scale a drop in the Universal ocean, and that is where the ripple effect
of what you choose to do at this time affects not only everyone on your planet,
which is difficult enough for you to understand, but actually reverberates out as a

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

ripple effect through the web of energetic resonance that binds the entire
Universe together.

This web of energetic resonance is the stuff of which all life comes forth, and
so you cannot expect your efforts to go unnoticed in what it is that each of you
choose to do now in the time of making or breaking the opportunity before you.

It is as if the very choice you make as an individual is resting in your

brother’s hands and heart, for what he chooses, or doesn’t choose to do, will also
affect you as well. And so it is as if you are all sitting on a waterbed of motion that
is felt when anyone moves in one direction or another, as you cannot NOT feel the
movements of another person on this waterbed.

In another sense do those of us who would see you succeed at this time, others
desire to direct you in another direction, and one which will take you down the
road you’ve thus far created that has brought you to this very point, and one in
which will put you on the path that truly none of you humans truly desire to go

This only adds the greater impetus for us, and others like us, who are making
great efforts to help get the word out to your masses of sleepwalking brothers, for
it is in these ways that many are destined to wake up now. It is in this way as well
that many of you have also chosen to be the sound speakers or the wakers for
your brothers, and with that can come great fortitude and strength in the growing
numbers of those waking to the motions in the waterbed your words make.

It is by the same token, that many of you can also create your own words of
waking motions, for within each of you are the codes in which you can go forth
and wake your brothers in your own way, for these words in which we give to you
now are but only one way in which to help waken the others who still rest in their

Decide not what is the right time or wrong time for you to speak up or write
what is in you heart, for there is only this moment of monumental design in which

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

we continue to draw your attention to, for within this unique window of
opportunity lies all the potentiality of your greatest works and creations.

We are from a place that although is quite different from your world, was also
very much like your world in many respects. While we do not wish to distract you
with the details of what our world is like, we do desire for you to understand
better that although our lives are different and our worlds vary to a great degree,
our purpose is the same, and therefore our lives are connected in a way that can
never be separated by the differences of our worlds or individual lives as we
express them.

The similarities in which you and we are the same go to the very core of the
existence of every being, world, galaxy and Universe that can exist in this
moment, for within the very spice of life lay the same seed, and that is from the
center of creation and form of expression.

In all its glory and diversity, our worlds, your world and every other world
out there amongst the stars that your eyes can behold are but made up of the
same thing, the very same essence and that is the source of all creation. By
whatever name you choose or prefer to call it, is of no importance for the Source
of All that Is can not be known by any means other than through the core vehicle
of expression called our heart.

And so when we say to you to go into your heart, or to express your heart’s
desire, we are in essence directing you to the very heart of all that is, and that
Source is held within each of your hearts. For this magnitude of importance
cannot be overstated in its divine intelligence and design, or its simplicity of

This is where you will either make the leap you are poised to take and enter
into the stream of consciousness that the Source is You, is solely upon the choice
you make. And whether you choose to continue to make your life in the same
images that have so dominated your minds and shut down your innate
connections to this Source, is still and always will remain within your own domain
of mastery, for only you can make this choice that rests before you all now.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

It is not for anyone to talk you into or out of, only for you to begin to
understand the bigger picture in front of you now. If you would be see the
magnificence that is before you, would you burst forth with great joy that you
have come to this awareness and embrace your world with great love and
appreciation, for she is within as well as without, and it is she who also prompts
you with her stirring awake process in hopes to shake you awake into your grand
entrance into this divine provenance that you have waited so long to enter upon.

It is nothing less that the most powerful, and empowering opportunity before
you, and once again we can only hope, push and prod you in this direction.

What you make of our words and energy that we infuse through these
writings are but a step for you to take in the direction that your hearts are also
welcoming you to take with open arms.

For if you could but see the great masses of beings that take your opportunity
with great interest and expectations, you would be amazed and delighted that so
many stand by and cheer you on in your quest to awaken at this time. For we,
along with many, many others from close and afar wait and wish to see you all
succeed in your time of great awakening, and that we would take each of you by
the hand and lead you there ourselves if we could.

By the very design in which you created this opportunity for yourselves, do
we stand by at the ready to silently guide you with your hearts and minds
towards the Source that is and always will be, for this is in truth the only
direction you can go. Within its mastery lie all the varieties of potentiality and
with that comes your free will to choose. Within this opportunity lay no judgment
or harsh criticism for your individual choices as it is only within your ability to
move forward or stay where you are that you can decide.

In it’s entirety the Universe in which you live is standing by to welcome you
home with open arms and love in our hearts as we are your brothers, your sisters,
your mothers, your fathers and all that you have been and will be for all eternity.
In our efforts to assist you during this window of opportunity lay the restful

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

knowledge that we can only do and offer what we know to be in the best and
highest interest of all mankind and her planet Earth.

If we can extend our reach to assist any one of you in opening your hearts to
the greater opening of understanding, grace and love, we are here for the ready
and waiting for your invitations to guide you further along your path. It is with
our deepest heartfelt joy and love for you as our brother’s keeper that we say to
you now, it is time in which we are complete with our first volume of efforts in our
guidance and gentle nudging you each to wake up to your new life and world that
is waiting for your welcome home party.

It is with great appreciation that we say thank you for your time in listening
to our words and guidance and our efforts to help guide you to your next step in
waking to your new life and world. It is our heartfelt joy that we graciously step
back now and will be watching and waiting for your inspirations to take hold and
your steps to move forward towards what we see as your very bright and
promising future. In this we are complete and leave you to ponder all that we
have shared with you here.

In love, we are your brother’s keeper, the Alpha Centaurians. Until next time,
sleep soundly for your rest and rejuvenation and wake with a big smile on your
lips for the days ahead greet you with much love and delight in all and more than
you can possibly imagine.

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

About the Author

Rebecca Cherry is the Founder of Tickled Pink Productions, Workshop &

Retreat Leader. As the creator of the ‘RE-Emergence of the Divine Feminine’
Retreat in Tuscany, Cherry is a leading expert on topics of living a life full of
Passion and Creative Expression.

Rebecca is the Author of the new children’s book series, ‘Isabella’s Earth’,
with the first book in the trilogy series, ‘Forces of Doom’ scheduled for release in
Summer, 2011. The recently launched website, www.IsabellasEarth.com
expresses the books’ mission to fully empower and educate children around the
globe to help develop sustainable living practices within their homes, schools and
communities. This innovative concept for children to create their own
community chapters is supported by contributions from like-minded individuals,
companies and organizations around the world. The non-profit proceeds from
IsabellasEarth.com will also support micro-financed manufacturing, Fair Trade
and sustainable living products.

Born highly intuitive, and with a knowing acceptance of all people, Rebecca
grew up enjoying a close connection to Mother Earth and Nature. At the age of
15, she began studying a wide range of esoteric subjects, and at twenty expanded
her focus to include; The Science of the Subconscious Mind, taught by a Professor
at the UCLA Brain Institute, The Course of Miracles, Past Life Regression
Therapy, Meditation, Iridology, Reflexology and a variety of Energetic Healing

Over the years, Rebecca studied under three Master Intuitive Teachers in Los
Angeles and New York, further fine-tuning her intuitive talents and energetic
healing abilities. She continued to compliment her expanding view of the healing
arts through further study and integration of the Akashic Records, Western
Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Feng Shui, Crystal and Gem Therapy, Homeopathy,

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

Notes from the Universe

Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Amino Acid Therapy and Nutritionally-

based cleansing health and techniques.

Rebecca’s innate intuitive and healing abilities, extensive knowledge and

combined expertise create a cohesive and unique new system she calls Integrated
Energetics. She offers an extensive menu of Akashic Blueprint readings,
Energetic Clearing and Balancing techniques, and working with reprogramming
the subconscious mind with supportive beliefs that are in alignment with your
Heart’s desire.

Her comprehensive and gentle approach offers the divinely inspired guidance
to assist others in transforming their lives into the one they not only desire, but
also the one they are divinely destined to live.

Blog: http://tickledpink.pinklight.org/

To make a donation, start a local chapter or become a sponsor, please send an
email to: Isabella@isabellasearth.com

Contact Rebecca: rcherry@pinklight.org

Published Articles: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Rebecca_Cherry

Favorite Subjects: Mother Earth, Nature, The Universe

Personal Motto: Dream Big, Dream Often and don’t let go until you are living it!

Creating a beautiful New World, one person at a time.

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