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THE DULCE PAPERS The Dulce papers were comprised of 25 black and white photos, a video tape with no dialogue and a set of papers that included t=chnical information of the alleged jointly occuppied (U.S ,-Allen) facility 1 kilometer beneath the Archu~ jetta Mesa near Dulce, New Mexico. Several persons were given the above Package to hold for safekeeping. Most of those given the Package were shown what the package contained but were not technically oriented and knew very little about what they were looking at. The following was written by one of these persons about whet the papers contained. This person described the Scenes that the video tape showed and made shed pencil drawings can't decipher what I pass these papers on only in © interest of getting to the truth. From othe“ information I have I believe information contatned hereia {s true. I belfeve the facility exists and te curently operational. I also belleve that there are 4 additional facilities of the same type, one located a few miles to the southeast of Groom Lake, Nevada. What is the truth? nly God, MJ-12 ond the aliens know for sure, of some of the photos. What you see is what you get; is written or drawn anymore than you con, th Dulce papers: Lots of papers-documents that discuss copper and molybdenum, also pepers about magnesium and potassium, Gut mostly ebout copper. Lote of "medical terms’ thet I don’t understand. A sheet of paper with cherts and strange diagrams. Papers that discuss ultra violet Mght and camma rays. Papers that discuss color and black and white and how to avoid detection through use of certain colors. In addition to these papers there are shout 2§ pictures, black and white, plus one video tapsswith no delogve, alltaken inside of the Dulce fecility, These papers tell what the alien’ are after and how the blood (taken from the cows) is used. Aliens seem to absorb atoms to ‘ect!. Aliens put hands in blood, sort of like 3 sf5age, for nour!shment. Its not Just food they want, the DNA in cattles and humans {s being altered. The ‘Type One’ creature is a lab animal. "They" Know ow to change the atoms to create a temporary “almost human being". It 1s made with animal tissue and Gepends on a computer to simulete memory, a memory the computer has withdrawn Som enother numan being. The ‘almost human belag! is slightly slow end clumsy. Real humans ere used for training, to experiment and to breed with these "almost humans”. Some humans are kidnapped end used completely (even atoms). Some ore kept In lerge tubes, and are xert alive in.an amber Hquid. Some humens are brainwashed and used to distort the truth, Certain male humans have a high Sperm count and are kept alive. Their sperm {© use to alter the DNA and create 3 non-gender being called "Type Two". That sperm {s grown some way and ehered acain, put {n large wombs, many destrdyedpcertein are altered again end then put in seperate wombs. They resemble ‘ugly humans’ when growing but lock normal when fully grown which tekes only a few months from fetus size. They have a short life span, less than a year. Some female humens are used for breeding. Countless women have had a sudden miscarriage after about 3 months Pregnancy. Some never knew they were preonant. Others remember contact some wey. The fetus {s used to mix the DNA in types one and two. The atomic makeup in that fetus is half humen, half "almost human" and would not survive inthe mothers womb. It is taken at 3 months and crown elsewhere, * ROOM LIGHT : PINK-PURPLE BRIGHT IN SOME AREAS HUND@EDS OF THESE IN VARIOUS STAGES OF GROWTH. WISPY HAIR, "ALMOST RISE” MouTE Looks "SEALED" LOMB Looks GREY VeIns ( Look DARK GREY CREATURE WHITE- PALE EYES - DarK Ups CAN'T FIND GENDER 2 TOES - 3 FINGERS LI@LID - AMBER Gse Nor COMPLETELY CLEAR LOOKS LIKE GLASS TUBE, BUT ABOUT S FT TALL WOME SUTMS2chD oy cet OF YELLOW Libvib. Ltocs THICKER Tian Water. CREATURES FLOAT IN AMBER CoLbbeD Watee (oom is G@evisH lum GLOGS OF YEUoH - DOZENS Of Cremuzes ORCS BE SrOeNas IN BACH Wore’ Can't Count TANS, an Mavae *KoaEs oR HUNDREDS % FINGER - 2 TOES | WoT HUMAN, COLOR WADUG, LAOS BUWE-Ceey THIN Sica} HARD QusT TO ery SE OF © Many "sacs! canvtanwina? ALIVE? Loos Ute ANIMAL” GLapsena” FLEKLEUS A) Many aecnucab Pines AU. SuAPES + SIRES. Bag Plas. Cte TPS, Uurrer, SGEMS TO cesP THE “WATER” VIBCATED Leeks Like LARCE feces OF PALE MEAT IN CLOUDY “WATER” SUSMERGED, NST FLOATING

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