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List of terms for the End Term Exam for Church History 2010 2011 for Mrs. Kenworthey Act of Toleration Aggiornamento Albert the Great Albigensians Americanism Anglicanism Augsburg Confession Augustus Tolton . Avignon Papacy 10. Baltimore Catechism 11. Bartolome Las Casas 12, Benedict XV 13. Black Death 14, Brothers of Christian Schools 15. Cardinal Gibbons 16. Carmelite Order 17. Catholic Action 18. Catholic Reformation 19. Catholic responses to Enlightenment 20. Catholicism and Slavery 21. Clare of Assisi 22. Communism 23, Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith 24, Conquistadores 25. Constitutions of Vatican IT 26. Council of Baltimore 27. Council of Trent 28. Counter Reformation 29. Daniel Rudd 30. Darwinism 31. Deism 32. Divine Right of Kings 33. Dominic 34. Ecumenism 35. Edith Stein 36. Elizabeth Ann Seton 37. Emperor Charles V 38. Empiricism 39. Encomenienda-doctrina system 40. End of the Papal States 41. Encyclical With Burning Concern 42. Enlightenment 43, Fascism Senay een 44, Frances Xavier Cabrini 45, Francis of Assisi 46. Francis Xavier 47, Freud and Psychology 48. Galileo 49. Geocentric Theory 50. Great Papal Schism 51. Heliocentric Theory 52, Henry VIII 53, Humanism 54, Ignatius of Loyola (Spiritual Exercises) 55, Immaculate Conception 56, Immanuel Kant 57. In persona Christi 58. Inculturation 39, Indigenization 60. Indulgences 61, Industrial Revolution 62. Infallibility 63, Institutes of Christian Religion 64. Isaac Jogues 65. Jan Hus 66. Jean de Brebeuf 67. Jesuit Order/ Society of Jesus 68. Johann Guttenberg 69. John XXII 70. John Baptist de la Salle 71. John Calvin 72. John Carroll 73. John Henry Newman 74, John Ireland 75. John of the Cross 76. John Paul I 77. John Tetzel 78, John Wycliffe 79, John XXII 80, Juan Diego 81. Julian of Norwich 82. Justification by faith or works 83. Kateri Tekakwitha 84, Katharine Drexel 85. Knights of Labor 86. Know Nothing Party 87. Lateran Treaty 88. Leo X 89. Leo XII 90. Lord Balitmore 91. Louise de Marillac 92, Marburg Colloquy 93, Martin Luther 94, Maryland 95. Matteo Ricci 96. Maximilian Kolbe 97. Mendicant Orders 98. Modernism 99. Nationalism 100. 101 102. 103 104, 105. 106, 107. 108, 109. 110, ML. 112. 113 iid, 5. 116. 17. 118, 119, 120. 121. 122. 123 124, 125 126, 127. 128, 129. 130. 131. 132. 133, 134. 135. Nativism Ninety Five Theses Order of Friars Minor Order of Preachers Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Lourdes Oxford Movement Papa de passagio Papal Inquisition Papal Line of Demarcation Paul VE Peace of Augsburg Peasants’ Revolt Pieta Pius IX ‘Pius X Pius XT Pius XI Predestination Prince Frederick of Saxony Printing Press Protestant (origin of term) Protestant bias in US public schools Purgatory Rationalism Real Presence Renaissance Rene Descartes Rerum Novarum (Encyclical) Robert de Nobili Royal Patronage and missions in South America Savonarola Scholasticism Secularism Shogun’s persecution in Japan Social Darwinism 136. 137. 138. 139. 140, 141. 142. 143. 14. 145, 146. 147. 148. 149, 0, ‘S\. Socialism Teresa of Avila ‘Theocracy Therese of Lisiewe Thomas a Kempis Thomas Aquinas Thomas Cranmer ‘Thomas More Totalitarianism Transubstantiation Ulrich Zwingli Vatican I Vatican IT Vincent de Paul Catherine c& Siena Bomoaderse

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