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fii Old* Pepuory Sc.hool

Nmpruq in.rltnctie
ff l,
iENRy, EditurituCLi.f MIA DEIIA dlETTA, Mamgiag Edimr
3, Dbeelr ofViting BYRON BUNDIL Bwina Chairun
'Donl 'to ibe
,o | *nior Rcpono ', Phoagnpby Editon To the Editor:
rr,ro{_t WV'ECA MORRIS ELIZABEIH BIANCHET Max de Ia Bnryae's edi;rial onApril ftstthetrwket,ora uswho6€wuL
Ezect Lifr Editoa ,i
SSELL GASRIELA \TEIGEL abiding faith hffiporaleceitalim atatirewhe{ee modsl's is nmtvaluable?
SARAH RIBLET Had Phougrapht flaws are readily ryparwr Yet even thos€ viho ixU"r"e Ae Srre, top a&ninisu'aorsr*t" *r *J*pou.iUt", b,.,t tg
ITANVENKATESH mrporatemodelshculdHlizethatitdoesnlrypblatExe6. A Alurnni give to.E)(et€r for of
tcK Gaml Coztmt Asimmat
IAN BROOKS reverse is alm tnrc. a whole range
Smior Photogmpha corporation\ mission is to make money for i8 stEhholders. A re3ss; one ofthe rnost prorninent reasons is fteirrcspect aDd
PAULV. CHT,NG PIETM BRETTKELLY rchml's mlssion is bhelpyowrg people rchieve fuirpomtial. grattudefuthefaculty. Mr Thiesmwillbefrefirstotely$
ffi Gaal lzyout Asignmar PF]TER CHASE Edration i|nt efficienq md it im't even profitable, which is this. Ofmeweshouldrcwadhimfor6e incrediblyi@-
COBS MIHERINE PINEDA Admiirg Maruga whyExeterisanon-pmfit Thepressrresoftherrarkdplacedo unt wo* he do€s. But he's flot fte only me doing irAorm
,rt Humor Eliat CHPJSTINA I{ANLON not figue in John urd Elizbeth Phillips'Deed of GiA wod<, mdthe rewards are unevenlydistibued
tvsKY AIEX BRAILE Anhtior Maugo I believe Exeter's top a&ninistratos eam and deserve Recenfly, one ofmy colleagues. a man wtoee love fu
Saior Hxmor Contpondmt
AN NOONTANCHOOKIAT their salaries. The question is whether they should receive ad- snrdenb inspires and sustains m, toldmehe has nemfeft so
Eliat Commuitatier Marugt Desigr Mauga ditionalbcnmorinmtivestotalingrougtrlyone-thirdofiheir low- nev€r in morc tlran thirt5r-five yeas bas he fehso qken
{Elr DAVID PARK aledy-large salaries. Do these corponte-style payoub make for grant€4 so und€ryahed If orr senior ficulty are question-
sense inan aca&mic, non-profit institution? Wbaristreirreal ing *fiefher they did dre rig[t ring with fteir lives, u/e must
*ocian/Cop1tdian Pbop ,4stociata cosl in Enns ofmorale? be rloing something wong.
)HN CRISTINAHUGHES Maxk suggestion that tsachers atr morc expmdable th^i ' Max is right about one thing - 6e tnubes ca get a\ray
trp a&ninistratos misses the mark Mostofucouldesilyfind withpayingtfrcficultyattlrcgoingrxe. Brrrc*ing6emoky
ADISAKRUAYATIDEE lucrative enrployment in ofier careers. Instead, we have as the martet allows, and tating afuinistralors as tbe martet
KAIE MACNAMEE chosen the lcmg bours and cornpamtively low pay ofteaching. suggests, shows a lack of imagiDatio" Madds terd to alistort
LUCYYU Wh/ Are we fools? Are we cowards, too fearful to head out andundervaluetheconfrb.ilionsofpeoplewoftingd6elowEr
NGARMBOONANANT MArr zlA hae on drejob market in seach ofhigher salries? erd ofthe speslnm @itafsmt wittingness to oploit the
Thesirpb fict is that most ofu love teaching. We love people and redisbd:r.de the fuits oftheir labor to tre already-
RGAN ROSENBERG the life of tbe mind aod we love seeing our strdents grow rich at the top is well lnowo, hrnot necessilily good ftr 6e
SAVANORKE.JOYCE and succeed We're bappia as teachers tban we would be as tongErmheal&ofthesy$erD" Amadcthasnowayofvaluing
:AIIE SULLTVAN LIZHONOMIO lawyers or lom officers or irsurance analyse. There are other the trings it can't quantifr or measup, bq-t thd doesn't mean
VERONICAYU of curerry in this world bsidm money. Stilt our love &ese lhing( hal€oovalue. Progr€ssive a&ninistration should
forousudenb canbe exploitd urdor:rwillingness togive of seekto coupensate forfu ma**'s inadequcies.
Buincu Asocia*s ourselvescanbetakenfmgrme4 adoudesirc fcrrmeaningfirl When or shdens gradure, they will frce choices jtst as
HTN ELIZABETHDETHY YIDAN LI lives md work can be cheapened we have. They arc b,riglt enoughto fndjobsthatpayhaod-
]HILL DANIELHUANG VED MJKUMAR I am truly gatefirl to the a&njnistaton on this camprx. sonrty. Pat4s somewillnevapalmtothinkabor.tthepecple
AIS TSERING I.AMA TIFFAI.{YTZENG But I haw to ask when ah:nmi give money io Exets, m lowerdownvihomaketheirsrcresspossible. I,forongwould
:AULT ]AYLEE JUSNCE UKADIKE trey motilated by top a&ninisfarcrs? Do they nm all the ask sornething more ofeach ofther[ and Iwcxrld @ethatan
my acoss the library lam to intodre their childm to top Exetqedrmtiqwouldaskthisofthmtoo. I dmt$hkFx€itr
tacrhl Aduisor Firucizl Alvnor adninistrafiors, as one 256-year ah:nma did witr Mr. Schu6rt caz ask this ofthern ifit do€snI ask it ofibelf,
]HAEL GOT.AY JUSTINJ.S- MERR]LL on the day I m touring campus as an applicant? feacnd in
printwcklythrwghor"dheslmlyw(S€ptqnbq 9- Jw6) qc€?t this cornrnrmitygive tudentsconfidence infternselves,believe Sincercly,
ve( the last thre weks of Drember, the fist wek of Jmuary, the inthmandworkwiththsrf speakforthem inDC cases, goto AmySchwart
iMrc[ ad the 6rst wek ofApril. A subsiption to the paptr @sts th8magmcy mm with thm. Is administ'ative workmrc . IrFtlrctor in History
Cotrwqus, and$85 wffi. Ifyawishtosubsibe, mtactBlron importrnt thm tis type of worl0 Who is to s/ Should we
rwins@gmil.com The Exonim's office is in tbe Phelps Studmt
ixetaAcaderny, Ta taq Exeter, NH 03833-2460.
welcomG lf,ttffi to thc Editor mt to the re
of Madeleire Hory,
admy, 20 Mdn Strwt, Exeter, Nil Hampshire 03833-2460, or via
)qeta.edL Tbe Editorial Bwd l6was th€ dght to print ktttrs to
.,assembly Speakn Perpenmes Amqicm lgrnrance
Cyfashion atrd to edit tlEm for content md clarity.
To the Editor:
The documentary given by Trish Regan on Friday, April l0 associated sacred Islamic images with terrorism.
INATOR HASSEN: This association has deeply concemed the Phillips Exeter Mulim Sirdent Association. We found the information
pertaining to illegal goods funding terrorist factions valid and enlightening. However, drawing links betwem the call
to prayer and the activities in the Masjid (mosque) to those terrorist factions goes too fa. It reinforces a stereoE/pe
D UP FOR EqUAUTY created by the media about lslam and misrepresents the greater Muslim communiry. The image of the inner mosque
and the veiled women symbolize peaceful Islamic rituals globally obserued. But in Regan's video these images
appeared as the background for the words "illegal terrorism." Separation between religion and politics is vital. We
Max de La BruyEre'09
feel offended and know that these images are misinfoming the non-Muslim public. Even more, after hearing from
Senior columnist other non-Muslim students. we know that we are not the only members ofthe Exeter conrmunity concerned by the
misr€presentation of Islamic practices displayed rn the documentaq/.
les ago, the Gay- through good times and bad. Sincerely,
,nce had to print So far, Senator Hassan has The Phillips Exot€r Muslim Students Association
vith white writing, tiptoed around the issue and refused
colour scheme was to r€veal her stance. "I'm not going
rced. A decade ago, to speculate on the bill's ch4nces,"
ruld not live with she recently told Reuters, "The
n domitories. Four
'. Nmcy Roseman's
senators, are really working hard bcterAd"rrisrionsstillC-ornmittednFinarrcialAid
to be thoughtful about this and to
a finalist for prin- make srlre the public has an op- To the Editor:
a Dew step toward portunity to be heard." I respect Bw of the misleading hadline which rcad 'Timcial Aid Dom 50plq ' it is omsry ftr re to set 6e recod sEaighl
rBT members of tle her desi{e to lel tbis public hearing Ourcurentfinarcial aidbudgetis $l5.7million mdrextyw'sbudgetis s€tat$15.7 million Orfinacial aidbudg*isclosely
nunifY. run its course.lBut tbat happeDed tiedto tlnperformarrce ofthe schoolh endowrneng which has expefiurced a20lo&op forn whercitwas attrc sEtoftbeschool
turns out, Semtor yeslerdah. No!+ is the time for her yea[ Gven that our finalrcial aid budget hasn't drcp?ed corunenswate to the endowment's docline poins to &e commitnent
, change to reaffrm to take p stand for equality. Her the Academy has made to protsct our desie to continue to enmll 'loudr ftom wery quartt'' in 6is tough oconomic tirne. Also
d New Hampshire's campaign we{site promised that rernember, &re Academy rernains commited to the finmcial aid initiative to grdrt a tuition-te edrmtim to my admitted or
to equality. State she would w{rk with Governor arolled family whose income is equal !o or less thm $75, 000.00.

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