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Formato de trazas:

Nuevo formato wireless:

Este comando:

$ns use-newtrace

Antes que:

$ns trace-all <trace-fd>


Para ver paquetes de nodo (enviados, recividos, perdidos):

To calculate the total packets recieved


grep "^r" simple.tr |grep "_n_ AGT" >n_tcp.tr

Para ver paquete de red (enviados, recividos, perdidos):

grep "^r" simple.tr >n_tcp.tr

grep "^r" simple.tr | grep "tcp" | grep "_n_ AGT" > DSDV.tr

Run the command and counting the number of lines of the file DSDV.tr:

grep "^r" simple.tr | grep "tcp" | grep "_1_ AGT" > DSDV.tr

We can get the total number of TCP packets transfered using DSDV is 526


//Conteo de Filas

awk 'END {print NR,"coins"}' coins.txt

//13 coins
awk '{if ($3 < 1980) print $3, " ",$5,$6,$7,$8}' coins.txt

1908 Franz Josef 100 Korona

1979 Krugerrand

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