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Base Station Controller

Radio Parameter Reference


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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.4 20101030 Revise the global resource parameters.

R1.3 20100730 Add a field “Impact on sevice” for each parameters; optimize
description of some parameters

R1.2 20100620 Revise the parameter category based on DLD parameter division

R1.1 20100530 Updated(In Chapter 1 Overview, the description of "Change

mode" in "The Format to Explain Parameters" is updated.)

R1.0 20100430 First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20100414142254-017

Publishing Date: 20101030

Mo Shenghua
About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Overview .................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction to BSS Radio Parameters................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Method of Modifying Radio Parameters ............................................................... 1-2
1.3 Method of Modifying Parameters in Batch ............................................................ 1-6
1.4 The Format to Explain Parameters .....................................................................1-11
1.5 Precautions on Parameter Adjustment............................................................... 1-12

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters........................................................ 2-1

2.1 Radio Basic Property.......................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) .................................................. 2-2
2.1.2 Load indication allowed (LoadInd) ............................................................. 2-2
2.1.3 Send confusion message allowed (ConfusionMsg) ..................................... 2-3
2.1.4 Inter-Cell handover allowed (InHoEnable) .................................................. 2-3
2.1.5 Send assignment failure allowed (ExDRSendAssFail)................................. 2-4
2.1.6 Load indication valid time (LoadValidTime)................................................. 2-5
2.1.7 Load indication period (LoadIndPrd) .......................................................... 2-5
2.1.8 Automatic resource indication threshold (ResourceIndThs) ......................... 2-6
2.1.9 Resource adjust threshold (ResourceAdjustThs) ........................................ 2-7
2.1.10 BSC MAX reset number (BSCMaxResetNum).......................................... 2-8
2.1.11 MR report enable (MrRptEnable) ............................................................. 2-9
2.1.12 HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum).......................................... 2-9
2.1.13 Range of BARANG............................................................................... 2-10
2.2 Other Parameters..............................................................................................2-11
2.2.1 Length of super vision (LcsSuperVision) ...................................................2-11
2.2.2 Length of radio (LcsRadio) ...................................................................... 2-12
2.2.3 LCS wait intra BSS handover timer (LcsWaitInTraHO) .............................. 2-13
2.2.4 Monitor physical context request (RmsT9108, 100ms) .............................. 2-13
2.2.5 Timer for MSG waiting (TWaitMsg, 100ms) .............................................. 2-14
2.2.6 Timer for RANCSEST Waiting (TWaitRancsEst, 100ms) ........................... 2-14
2.2.7 Timer for RANCSCLECOM Waiting (TWaitRancsCleCom, 100ms) ............ 2-15
2.2.8 Timer for CCM waiting (CcmWaitTimer) ................................................... 2-16
2.2.9 Get static param timer (GetStaticParamTimer, 100ms).............................. 2-16
2.2.10 Starting time for oriented retry (RmsT10, 100ms).................................... 2-17

2.2.11 TFO Enable (TFOControl_0) ................................................................. 2-18
2.2.12 Codec type optimization enable (TFOControl_1) .................................... 2-18
2.2.13 Codec mismatch resolution enable (TFOControl_2) ................................ 2-19
2.2.14 AMR Optimization Mode (TFOControl_3) ............................................... 2-20
2.2.15 External cell load notify (Info_0_0) ......................................................... 2-20
2.2.16 Neighbor cell load valid duration (Info_0_1,10s) ..................................... 2-21
2.2.17 LMU build request deal or not (Info_1_0) ............................................... 2-22
2.2.18 MBMS request deal or not (Info_1_1) .................................................... 2-22
2.2.19 Channel request reserved field deal or not (Info_1_2) ............................. 2-23
2.2.20 MS power hold in handover option (Info_0_9)......................................... 2-23
2.2.21 Level threshold of target cell (Info_0_10)................................................ 2-24
2.3 Channel Allocation Control Parameters.............................................................. 2-25
2.3.1 Dynamic HR enable (DynaHREnable) ..................................................... 2-25
2.3.2 Threshold for TRX switched from FR to HR (HRThs) ................................ 2-26
2.3.3 AMR Dynamic HR Conversion Threshold (AmrHRThs) ............................. 2-26
2.3.4 HR channel fragment finishing support (HRDfragSupport)......................... 2-27
2.3.5 HR channel percentage threshold (HRTsPercentage) ............................... 2-28
2.3.6 User priority for EMLPP (PriThreshold) .................................................... 2-28
2.3.7 Preferred speech version (PreferSpeechVer H) ........................................ 2-29
2.3.8 Preferred speech version (PreferSpeedchVer F)....................................... 2-30
2.3.9 Reserved channel first (RsvChanFirst)..................................................... 2-30
2.3.10 EMLPP channel reserved time (EMLPPThs, %) ..................................... 2-31
2.3.11 TRX PS busy threshold (TrxPSBusyThs)................................................ 2-32
2.3.12 Resource pool for PS rate (PsAbisThs, %) ............................................. 2-32
2.3.13 Maximum PS uplink user per TS (MaxPsUserPerTs_0) ........................... 2-33
2.3.14 Maximum PS downlink user per TS (MaxPsUserPerTs_1)....................... 2-33
2.3.15 Extended uplink dynamic allocation support (ExUpDynSupport) .............. 2-34
2.4 Timer 1 ............................................................................................................ 2-35
2.4.1 Blocking/unblocking period (T1, 100ms)................................................... 2-35
2.4.2 Global resetting period (T4, 100ms)......................................................... 2-36
2.4.3 Protection period for global resetting (T13, 100ms)................................... 2-36
2.4.4 Circuit resetting period on BSS side (T19, 100ms).................................... 2-37
2.4.5 Circuit group blocking/unblocking period (T20, 100ms) ............................. 2-38
2.4.6 RLSD message receive protection timer (T9101, 100ms).......................... 2-39
2.4.7 Channel activation protection timer (RmsT9103, 100ms) .......................... 2-39
2.4.8 MSC clear command protection timer (T9104, 100ms).............................. 2-40
2.4.9 SCCP connection protection timer (T9105, 100ms) .................................. 2-41

2.4.10 Protective time waiting for access (RmsT1, 100ms) ................................ 2-41
2.4.11 Protective time for applying to channel (RmsT2, 100ms) ......................... 2-42
2.4.12 Protective time for link establishment response (RmsT3, 100ms)............. 2-43
2.4.13 Protective time for P0 confirms the message HO/ASS COM (RmsT4,
100ms)................................................................................................. 2-44
2.4.14 Encryption mode modification time (RmsT5, 100ms)............................... 2-44
2.4.15 SAPI3 link establishment time (RmsT6, 100ms) ..................................... 2-45
2.4.16 External handover protective time (RmsT8, 100ms) ................................ 2-46
2.4.17 Protective time for No.7 signal instantaneous disconnection (T3,
100ms)................................................................................................. 2-46
2.4.18 Protective time that PO responses external handover completion
message (RmsT7, 100ms)..................................................................... 2-47
2.4.19 HBTS scan begin time (HBTSScanBT) .................................................. 2-48
2.4.20 HBTS scan cycle (HBTSScanCyc, 3600s).............................................. 2-49
2.5 Timer 2 ............................................................................................................ 2-49
2.5.1 Protective time for RF channel release (RmsT9, 100ms)........................... 2-50
2.5.2 Queue period of assignment (RmsT11, 100ms) ........................................ 2-51
2.5.3 Acknowledgment interval for periodic status (RmsT12, 100ms) ................. 2-51
2.5.4 Mode modification process time (RmsT13, 100ms)................................... 2-52
2.5.5 Protective time of UM assignment completion (RmsT14, 100ms)............... 2-53
2.5.6 Waiting time for oriented retry (RmsT16, 100ms) ...................................... 2-54
2.5.7 Queue timer for handover (RmsTqho, 100ms).......................................... 2-54
2.5.8 First overload period of flow traffic control (mT11, 100ms) ......................... 2-55
2.5.9 Second overload period of flow traffic control (mT12, 100ms) .................... 2-56
2.5.10 Time of micro-micro handover delay (Tmicro, 100ms) ............................. 2-57
2.5.11 BSIC decoding period (Tbsic, 100ms) .................................................... 2-57
2.5.12 Handover protecting timer to WCDMA/FDD (RmsT3121, 100ms) ............ 2-58
2.5.13 Immediate assignment period (RmsT3101, 100ms) ................................ 2-59
2.5.14 Handover period of source cell (RmsT3103, 100ms)............................... 2-60
2.5.15 Assignment period (RmsT3107, 100ms) ................................................ 2-60
2.5.16 Channel release period (RmsT3109, 100ms).......................................... 2-61
2.5.17 Channel deactivation delay (RmsT3111, 100ms) .................................... 2-62
2.5.18 Continue timer for mode modify (TModeModifyConn, 100ms).................. 2-62
2.5.19 Handover protecting time to UTRAN (mT7, 100ms) ................................ 2-63
2.5.20 Time of destination instance waiting for available resources when forced
disconnection (RmsT15, 100ms) ............................................................ 2-64
2.5.21 Protecting time of FUC response to system message broadcast
(BcProtect, 100ms) ............................................................................... 2-65

2.5.22 HO performed ack timer (TwaitHoPFMAck, 100ms) ................................ 2-65
2.5.23 Round trip delay (RtdDefault, 20ms) ...................................................... 2-66
2.6 GPRS Maximum Retrying Times ....................................................................... 2-67
2.6.1 MAX times of BVC block retry (BVCBlkMax) ............................................ 2-67
2.6.2 MAX times of BVC unblock retry (BVCUnblkMax)..................................... 2-68
2.6.3 MAX times of BVC reset retry (BVCRestMax) .......................................... 2-69
2.6.4 MAX times of NS block retry (NSBlkMax)................................................. 2-70
2.6.5 MAX times of NS unblock retry (NSUnblkMax) ......................................... 2-71
2.6.6 MAX times of NS alive retry (NSAliveMax) ............................................... 2-71
2.6.7 MAX times of suspend retry (SuspendMax).............................................. 2-72
2.6.8 MAX times of resume retry (ResumeMax)................................................ 2-73
2.6.9 MAX times of radio access capabilities update retry (UpdateMax) ............. 2-74
2.6.10 Max times of PFC create retry (DownLoadBssPFCMax) ......................... 2-74
2.6.11 Max times of PFC modify retry (ModifyBssPFCMax) ............................... 2-75
2.7 GPRS Timer .................................................................................................... 2-76
2.7.1 BVC block/unblock retry time (BssgpT1, 100ms) ...................................... 2-76
2.7.2 BVC reset retry time (BssgpT2, 100ms) ................................................... 2-77
2.7.3 Suspend retry time (BssgpT3, 100ms) ..................................................... 2-78
2.7.4 Resume retry time (BssgpT4, 100ms)...................................................... 2-79
2.7.5 Access capability update retry time (BssgpT5, 100ms) ............................. 2-80
2.7.6 PFC creating retry time (BssgpT6, 100ms)............................................... 2-81
2.7.7 PFC modifying retry time (BssgpT8, 100ms) ............................................ 2-82
2.7.8 BVC flow control period (CellFcPer, 10ms)............................................... 2-82
2.7.9 MS flow control period (MsFcPer, 10ms) .................................................. 2-83
2.7.10 Timer that monitors block/unblock procedure (NS_T1, 100ms) ................ 2-84
2.7.11 Timer that monitors reset procedure (NS_T2, 100 ms) ............................ 2-85
2.7.12 NC-cycle of NS-VC test process (NS_T3, 100 ms).................................. 2-86
2.7.13 Timer that monitors alive process of NSVC (NS_T4, 100 ms) .................. 2-86
2.7.14 Max attempt period of reset (NS_T5, 100 ms) ........................................ 2-87
2.7.15 TFI and USF release timer (T3169, 10ms) ............................................. 2-87
2.7.16 TBF release timer (T3191, 10ms) .......................................................... 2-88
2.7.17 TBF release time of downlink transmission (T3193, 10ms) ...................... 2-89
2.7.18 TBF protect time when radio link failure (T3195, 10ms) ........................... 2-90
2.7.19 PS channel delay release timer (PSRelDelay, 100ms) ............................ 2-91
2.8 AMR Half Method Parameters........................................................................... 2-91
2.8.1 AMR Half Active Codec Set (AmrHalfAcs)................................................ 2-92
2.8.2 Thresholds of AMR (AmrThresholds) ....................................................... 2-93

2.8.3 Hysteresis of AMR (AmrHysteresis)......................................................... 2-94
2.8.4 Initial codec mode (IsAmrICM) ................................................................ 2-95
2.8.5 Start mode (AmrStartMode) .................................................................... 2-95
2.8.6 Enable noise control (IsAmrNscb) ........................................................... 2-96
2.9 AMR Full Method Parameters ........................................................................... 2-97
2.9.1 AMR Full Active Codec Set (ArmFullAcs)................................................. 2-97
2.9.2 Threshold of AMR (AmrThresholds)......................................................... 2-98
2.9.3 Hysteresis of AMR (AmrHysteresis)......................................................... 2-99
2.9.4 Initial codec mode (IsAmrlCM) ...............................................................2-100
2.9.5 Start mode (AmrStartMode) ...................................................................2-100
2.9.6 Enable noise control (IsAmrNscb) ..........................................................2-101
2.10 GPRS Other Parameters 1.............................................................................2-102
2.10.1 Cn ......................................................................................................2-102
2.10.2 Nn ......................................................................................................2-103
2.10.3 Xn ......................................................................................................2-104
2.10.4 Max allowed number of continuous losses of uplink data blocks
2.10.5 Times of packet uplink ACK/NACK retries (N3103) ................................2-106
2.10.6 Max allowed number of continuous losses of uplink RLC/MAC control
message (N3105) ................................................................................2-107
2.11 GPRS Other Parameters 2 .............................................................................2-108
2.11.1 NACC support (NACCSupport).............................................................2-108
2.11.2 LLC Transfer support (LLCTranSupport) ...............................................2-109
2.11.3 BSC's net operation mode (NMO)......................................................... 2-110
2.11.4 Page coordination support (PagCoordination)........................................ 2-110
2.11.5 Satellite transmission at GB interface indication (IsSatelliteGB) .............. 2-111
2.11.6 Extended RLC send window allowed (IsWindowExpend)........................ 2-112
2.11.7 TBF establish support (TBF_EST) ........................................................ 2-112
2.11.8 Signal extended uplink TBF support (Signal_EUTBF)............................. 2-113
2.11.9 Highest coding scheme of signal TBF (SigTBFMaxCode)....................... 2-113
2.11.10 Optimized POC service support (PocSupport) ..................................... 2-114
2.11.11 Highest coding scheme of POC service in GPRS (PocAttSelt_0)........... 2-115
2.11.12 Highest coding scheme of POC service in EGPRS (PocAttSelt_1) ........ 2-115
2.11.13 Maximal users of POC service on shared PS channel0
(PSCapaThs_UL)................................................................................. 2-116
2.11.14 Maximal users of POC service on shared PS channel1
(PSCapaThs_DL)................................................................................. 2-117
2.11.15 SAPI0 ~ SAPI15 (LLCTranSupport_0 ~ LLCTranSupport_15) ............... 2-117

2.11.16 LLC Pre-Transfer on NACC (Info_1_10) .............................................. 2-118
2.11.17 PDU buffer time (Info_1_16, 10ms) ..................................................... 2-119
2.12 BVC Flow Control Parameters........................................................................2-120
2.12.1 BVC flow control support (BVCFlowCtrl) ...............................................2-120
2.12.2 MS flow control support (MSFlowCtrl) ...................................................2-121
2.12.3 Flow control mode (FlowCtrlMode) .......................................................2-122
2.12.4 Parameter of flow control mode 1 (FlowCtrlMode1Para).........................2-123
2.12.5 Parameter of flow control mode 2 (FlowCtrlMode2Para).........................2-123
2.12.6 BVC flow control R MIN value (BVCFlowCtrlRMin, 100 bps)...................2-124
2.12.7 MS flow control R MIN value (MSFlowCtrlRMin, 100 bps) ......................2-125
2.12.8 PFC flow control procedures support (PFCFlowCtrl) ..............................2-125
2.12.9 Coefficient of BVC bucket size (Info_2_0) .............................................2-126
2.12.10 Coefficient of MS bucket (Info_2_16) ..................................................2-127
2.12.11 CBL in BVC/MS flow control (Info_1_9) ...............................................2-127
2.13 FUC Flow Control Map Parameters ................................................................2-128
2.13.1 Flow Control Reason ...........................................................................2-129
2.13.2 Emergency Call...................................................................................2-129
2.13.3 Call Rebuilt .........................................................................................2-130
2.13.4 Call Response.....................................................................................2-130
2.13.5 Calling ................................................................................................2-131
2.13.6 Location Update ..................................................................................2-131
2.13.7 GPRS Access .....................................................................................2-132
2.13.8 Restore...............................................................................................2-133
2.13.9 Flow control map slim adjust (bit)..........................................................2-133
2.14 EDGE Parameters.........................................................................................2-134
2.14.1 PFC support (PFCSupport) ..................................................................2-134
2.14.2 R99 Ind (R99Ind).................................................................................2-135
2.14.3 Enhanced radio status procedures support (EnRadioStu).......................2-136
2.14.4 RS......................................................................................................2-137
2.14.5 RR .....................................................................................................2-138
2.14.6 RA......................................................................................................2-138
2.14.7 RM .....................................................................................................2-139
2.14.8 RB......................................................................................................2-140
2.14.9 RG .....................................................................................................2-141
2.14.10 RE....................................................................................................2-141
2.14.11 ABIS resource dynamic manage (Info_1_8).........................................2-142
2.15 eMLPP Set ...................................................................................................2-143

2.15.1 Strategy for preemption when assign (AssPreemptstrategy)...................2-143
2.15.2 Strategy for preemption when handover (HoPreemptstrategy) ................2-144
2.15.3 Maximum forced handover times when assign (AssForcedHoTry) ..........2-145
2.15.4 Maximum forced handover times when handover (HoForcedHoTry) .......2-145
2.15.5 Maximum forced release times when assign (AssForcedRelTry).............2-146
2.15.6 Maximum forced release times when handover (HoForcedRelTry)..........2-146
2.15.7 Preemption duration when assign (AssPreempTimer, 100ms) ................2-147
2.15.8 Preemption duration when handover (HoPreempTimer, 100ms) .............2-148
2.15.9 Timer for start forced release when assign (AssForceRelTimer)..............2-148
2.15.10 Timer for start forced release when handover (HoForceRelTimer).........2-149
2.15.11 Interval for search forced handover target when assign
(AssForceHoInterval, 100ms) ...............................................................2-149
2.15.12 Interval for search forced handover target when handover
(HoForceHoInterval, 100ms).................................................................2-150
2.15.13 Interval for search forced release target when assign
(AssForceRelInterval, 100ms)...............................................................2-151
2.15.14 Interval for search forced release target when handover
(HoForceRelInterval, 100ms) ................................................................2-151
2.15.15 Queue timer for assign (RmsT11, 100ms) ...........................................2-152
2.15.16 Queue timer for handover (RmsTqho, 100ms) .....................................2-152
2.15.17 Queue indicate when assign (QueueIndAss) .......................................2-153
2.15.18 Queue allowed when handover (QueueIndHo) ....................................2-154
2.15.19 Forced release indicate when assign (PreemptionIndAss) ....................2-154
2.15.20 Forced release allowed when handover (PreemptionIndHo) .................2-155
2.15.21 Forced handover indication for assign (ForcedHolndAss) .....................2-155
2.15.22 Forced handover indication for handover (ForcedHolndHo) ..................2-156
2.15.23 Wait resource timer after forced handover (ForceHoWait, 100ms).........2-157
2.15.24 Wait resource timer after forced release (ForceRelWait, 100ms) ...........2-157
2.15.25 Enough low priority for preemption (LowestPriority)..............................2-158
2.15.26 Enough call duration for preemption....................................................2-158
2.15.27 Forced handover target penalty time (ForceHoPenalty)........................2-159
2.15.28 Priority of emergency service (EmergServicelPrio)...............................2-160
2.16 Ater Timer Parameters...................................................................................2-160
2.16.1 Ater wait SCCP connection timer (TAterWaitConn, 100ms) ....................2-161
2.16.2 Ater wait resource timer (TWaitAterRes, 100ms) ...................................2-162
2.16.3 Ater wait resource release timer (TAterWaitRel, 100ms).........................2-162
2.16.4 Ater handover monitor timer (TAterMoniterHO, 100ms) ..........................2-163
2.16.5 Ater wait resource acknowledge timer (TWaitAterResAck, 100ms)..........2-164

2.16.6 Ater block circuit timer (TAterCicBlk, 100ms) .........................................2-165
2.16.7 Ater block circuit group timer (TAterBlkCicGrp, 100ms) ..........................2-165
2.16.8 Ater reset circuit timer (TAterRstCic, 100ms) .........................................2-166
2.16.9 Ater reset timer (TAterRst, 100ms)........................................................2-167
2.16.10 Ater reset guard timer (TITCRst, 100ms).............................................2-168
2.16.11 Ater block a interface circuit timer (TBIkACic, 100ms) ..........................2-168
2.16.12 Ater block a interface circuit group timer (TBIkACicGrp, 100ms) ...........2-169

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters.......................................................... 3-1

3.1 GERAN External Cell Parameters ....................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 External cell ID......................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Cell type (CellType) .................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.3 MCC (MCC)............................................................................................. 3-3
3.1.4 MNC (MNC)............................................................................................. 3-3
3.1.5 Frequency band (FreqBand) ..................................................................... 3-4
3.1.6 BCCH frequency (BcchArfcn).................................................................... 3-4
3.1.7 LAC (LAC) ............................................................................................... 3-5
3.1.8 CI............................................................................................................ 3-6
3.1.9 NCC ........................................................................................................ 3-6
3.1.10 BCC ...................................................................................................... 3-7
3.1.11 GPRS service support (PsSupport).......................................................... 3-7
3.1.12 Cell reselection offset (ReselOff_0, 2db) .................................................. 3-9
3.1.13 Cell reselection offset (ReselOff_1, 2db) .................................................. 3-9
3.1.14 Temporary offset of cell reselection (TempOffset_0, db) .......................... 3-10
3.1.15 Cell reselection temporary offset (TempOffset_1, db) ...............................3-11
3.1.16 Penalty time of cell reselection (PenalTime_0, 10s) .................................3-11
3.1.17 Penalty time of cell reselection (PenalTime_1, 10s) ................................ 3-12
3.1.18 HCS exist (HCS_EXIST_0) ................................................................... 3-13
3.1.19 HCS exist (HCS_EXIST_1) ................................................................... 3-13
3.1.20 Threshold of HCS signal level (HCS_THR_0)......................................... 3-14
3.1.21 Threshold of HCS signal level (HCS_THR_1)......................................... 3-15
3.1.22 HCS priority (PrioClass_0) .................................................................... 3-15
3.1.23 HCS priority (PrioClass_1) .................................................................... 3-16
3.1.24 Allow SOLSA MS to access (EXC_ACC) ............................................... 3-17
3.1.25 Cell reselection status (CellBarAc2) ....................................................... 3-17
3.1.26 LSA ID (LSA_Id)................................................................................... 3-18
3.1.27 RAC (RAC) .......................................................................................... 3-18
3.1.28 Access minimal signal level (RxLevAsMin_0) ......................................... 3-19

3.1.29 Access minimal signal level (RxLevAsMin_1) ......................................... 3-20
3.1.30 Maximum initial access signal level (MsTxMaxCCH_0) ........................... 3-21
3.1.31 Maximum initial access signal level (MsTxMaxCCH_1) ........................... 3-22
3.2 UTRAN External Cell Parameters...................................................................... 3-23
3.2.1 External UTRAN ID (Ec3GID) ................................................................. 3-24
3.2.2 UTRAN cell type (CellType3G) ................................................................ 3-25
3.2.3 MCC (MCC)........................................................................................... 3-25
3.2.4 MNC (MNC)........................................................................................... 3-26
3.2.5 UTRAN cell frequency (Arfcn3G)............................................................. 3-26
3.2.6 LAC (LAC) ............................................................................................. 3-27
3.2.7 RNC ID (RNC_ID) .................................................................................. 3-28
3.2.8 C ID (C_ID)............................................................................................ 3-29
3.2.9 Scrambling code or cell parameter (ScCodeCellPara)............................... 3-29
3.2.10 TX diversity indication (DiverSity) .......................................................... 3-30
3.2.11 RAC (RAC) .......................................................................................... 3-30
3.2.12 UTRAN adjacent cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G) .................................... 3-31
3.2.13 Apply Sync Case (SyncCaseTSTD) ....................................................... 3-32

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters......................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Basic Parameters 1 ............................................................................................ 4-1
4.1.1 BTS ID (BtsId).......................................................................................... 4-2
4.1.2 Cell type (CellType) .................................................................................. 4-3
4.1.3 MCC (MCC)............................................................................................. 4-3
4.1.4 MNC (MNC)............................................................................................. 4-4
4.1.5 LAC (LAC) ............................................................................................... 4-5
4.1.6 CI (CI) ..................................................................................................... 4-5
4.1.7 NCC (NCC).............................................................................................. 4-6
4.1.8 BCC (BCC) .............................................................................................. 4-7
4.1.9 Frequency band (FreqBand) ..................................................................... 4-7
4.1.10 Subcell used (SubCellUsed).................................................................... 4-8
4.1.11 Frequency band of subCell (SubFreqBand) .............................................. 4-9
4.1.12 ARFCN list (CaArfcnList) ........................................................................ 4-9
4.1.13 GPRS service support (PsSupport)........................................................ 4-10
4.1.14 Dynamic HR enable (DynaHREnable).....................................................4-11
4.1.15 Use cell dynamic HR parameter (UseCellDynHRPara).............................4-11
4.1.16 CBC support (SmsCbUsed) .................................................................. 4-12
4.1.17 Threshold for FR to HR (HRThs, %)....................................................... 4-13
4.1.18 PS busy threshold (Info_1_16) .............................................................. 4-13

4.1.19 Use cell AMR parameter (UseCellAMRParam) ....................................... 4-14
4.1.20 Common control channel configuration (CcchConf) ................................ 4-14
4.1.21 Template file......................................................................................... 4-16
4.2 Basic Parameters 2 .......................................................................................... 4-16
4.2.1 TA maximum (TaMax)............................................................................. 4-17
4.2.2 TA minimum (TaMin)............................................................................... 4-18
4.2.3 TA allowed (TaAllowed)........................................................................... 4-18
4.2.4 CCCH load indication period (CcchLoadIndPrd, s).................................... 4-19
4.2.5 Periodical location updating timer (T3212, 360s) ...................................... 4-19
4.2.6 Protection period for access attempt (T3122, s)........................................ 4-20
4.2.7 Multi-band report indication (MulbandReport) ........................................... 4-21
4.2.8 Minimal level threshold of MS uplink RACH access (RachAccessMin,
-db) ...................................................................................................... 4-23
4.2.9 CCCH load indication (RACH) (CcchLoadINDThs_0)................................ 4-23
4.2.10 CCCH load indication (PAGCH) (CcchLoadINDThs_1) ........................... 4-24
4.2.11 8PSK modulating power attenuation level (Tn7Lowerlevel, 0.2db)............ 4-24
4.2.12 Repeated ACCH support (RepeatACCH) ............................................... 4-25
4.2.13 Start PA power off (StartPAPowerOff) .................................................... 4-25
4.2.14 Switch flag of cell TRX power off (StartTRXPowerOff)............................. 4-26
4.2.15 Bss Radio Link Timer's Max Value for AMR HR Bug
(BsRadioLkTmOutAMRFR) ................................................................... 4-27
4.2.16 Bss Radio Link Timer's Max Value for AMR HR Bug
(BsRadioLkTmOutAMRHR) ................................................................... 4-27
4.2.17 AMR codec adjust mode (AmrAdjMode)................................................. 4-28
4.2.18 AMR codec adjust interval (AmrAdjInterval, 480ms)................................ 4-28
4.2.19 HR channel fragment finishing support (HRDfragSupport)....................... 4-29
4.2.20 Idle FR threshold For HR defrag (Info_0_8, %) ....................................... 4-30
4.2.21 Busy threshold for HR defrag (Info_1_24, %) ......................................... 4-30
4.2.22 Percentage of HR Ts (HRTsPercentage) ................................................ 4-31
4.2.23 AMR Dynamic HR Conversion Threshold (AmrHRThs) ........................... 4-32
4.2.24 FR-HR handover based on cell load (FRThrHoSupport).......................... 4-32
4.2.25 Start PA output voltage tuning (Info_0_0) ............................................... 4-33
4.2.26 NCC permitted (NccPermitted) .............................................................. 4-33
4.3 Basic Parameters 3 .......................................................................................... 4-34
4.3.1 Average bursts count surveyed by RACH (AvgSlots) ................................ 4-34
4.3.2 RACH receiving signal level threshold for busy burst (RachBusyThs) ........ 4-35
4.3.3 Overload sending period (OverloadPrd, s) ............................................... 4-36
4.3.4 BA show (BcchBaInd)............................................................................. 4-36

4.3.5 MIN received signal level to access (RxLevAccessMin) ............................ 4-37
4.3.6 MAX number of re-transmitting events times (MRetrans)........................... 4-39
4.3.7 Number of slots to spread transmission (TxInteger) .................................. 4-40
4.3.8 Control channel MAX power level (MsTxPwrMaxCch)............................... 4-41
4.3.9 Number of multi-frames of the PCH (BsPaMframs) ................................... 4-42
4.3.10 Interval of SDCCH re-sending PHY info message (T3105d, 10ms) .......... 4-43
4.3.11 Interval of TCH re-sending PHY info message (T3105f, 10ms) ................ 4-44
4.3.12 MAX resending times for physical information (NY1)............................... 4-44
4.3.13 Number of blocks reserved for AGCH (BsAgBlkRes) .............................. 4-45
4.3.14 Lapdm Timer for controlling sdcch channel (T200_0, 5ms) ...................... 4-46
4.3.15 Lapdm Timer for controlling facch/full rate channel (T200_1, 5ms) ........... 4-46
4.3.16 Lapdm Timer for controlling facch/half rate channel (T200_2, 5ms).......... 4-47
4.3.17 Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with tch sapi0 channel (T200_3,
10ms)................................................................................................... 4-48
4.3.18 Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with sdcch channel (T200_4,
10ms)................................................................................................... 4-48
4.3.19 Lapdm Timer for controlling sdcch sapi3 channel (T200_5, 5ms) ............. 4-49
4.3.20 Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with tch sapi3 channel (T200_6,
10ms)................................................................................................... 4-49
4.4 Optional Parameters......................................................................................... 4-50
4.4.1 Early category classmark sending control (ECSC) .................................... 4-50
4.4.2 IMSI attach/detach allowed (ImsIadAllowed) ............................................ 4-51
4.4.3 Cell bar access (CellBarAccess).............................................................. 4-52
4.4.4 Call re-establishment allowed (CallReestablish) ....................................... 4-53
4.4.5 Downlink discontinuous transmission allowed (DtxDwlink) ........................ 4-53
4.4.6 Uplink discontinuous transmission (DtxUplinkBcch) .................................. 4-54
4.4.7 Emergency call allowed (EmergencyCall) ................................................ 4-55
4.4.8 Cell bar qualify (CellBarQualify)............................................................... 4-56
4.4.9 Access Control (AccessControl) .............................................................. 4-57
4.4.10 HBTS proofread support (HBTSScanSupport)........................................ 4-58
4.4.11 RSSI threshold (RSSlThrd) ................................................................... 4-58
4.4.12 Proofread freqband type (GSM1900Support) ......................................... 4-59
4.4.13 Range of HBTS BARANG ..................................................................... 4-60
4.5 Cell Selection Parameters................................................................................. 4-60
4.5.1 Additional reselection parameter indication (AdditionReselPI) ................... 4-61
4.5.2 Cell reselection parameter indication (CellReselPI)................................... 4-62
4.5.3 Cell reselection offset (ReselOffset, 2db) ................................................. 4-63
4.5.4 Temporary offset (TemporaryOffset, 10dB) ............................................... 4-64

4.5.5 Penalty time (PenaltyTime, 20s) .............................................................. 4-65
4.5.6 Cell reselecting hysteresis level (ReselHysteresis, 2dB)............................ 4-66
4.5.7 New setup cause indication (NECI) ......................................................... 4-68
4.5.8 Power offset indication (PowerOffsetInd).................................................. 4-68
4.5.9 Power offset (PowerOffset, 2db).............................................................. 4-69
4.6 Service Process Additional Parameters ............................................................. 4-70
4.6.1 Directed retry indication (DrInd_0) ........................................................... 4-70
4.6.2 Inter directed retry indication (DrInd_1) .................................................... 4-71
4.6.3 Queue allowed when assign (QueueInd_0) .............................................. 4-72
4.6.4 Queue allowed when handover (QueueInd_1).......................................... 4-72
4.6.5 Preemption allowed when assign (PreemptionInd_0) ................................ 4-73
4.6.6 Preemption allowed when handover (PreemptionInd_1)............................ 4-73
4.6.7 When assigned forced handover (ForcedHoInd_0) ................................... 4-74
4.6.8 When handover forced handover (ForcedHoInd_1) .................................. 4-75
4.6.9 Number of candidate cells for handover (CandidateNum).......................... 4-75
4.6.10 Fast average indication (FastAvg) ......................................................... 4-76
4.6.11 BCCH switch allowed (CanBcchExch).................................................... 4-77
4.6.12 SDCCH dynamic configuration allowed (CanSdcchDyn) ......................... 4-77
4.6.13 Minimal resource threshold (ResourceThs, %) ....................................... 4-78
4.6.14 Base-band hopping TRX exchange support (Info_0_3) ........................... 4-78
4.6.15 Allowed FACCH call setup after emergency call (FacchCallInd_0) ........... 4-79
4.6.16 Allowed FACCH call setup when page respond (FacchCallInd_1) ............ 4-79
4.6.17 Allowed call setup on FACCH (FacchCallInd_2) ..................................... 4-80
4.6.18 Allowed call reestablished on FACCH (FacchCallInd_3).......................... 4-81
4.7 System Parameters .......................................................................................... 4-81
4.7.1 Interference averaging period (InterfAvgPrd) ............................................ 4-82
4.7.2 Interference Band Boundary (InterfBoundary_0 ~ InterfBoundary_5) ......... 4-83
4.7.3 Radio link timeout on MS side (MsRadioLKTmOut) .................................. 4-84
4.7.4 Radio link failure criterion (ConFailCriterion) ............................................ 4-85
4.7.5 Radio link timeout on BSS side (BsRadioLKTmOut) ................................. 4-85
4.7.6 Receiving level threshold (RxLevThs) ...................................................... 4-86
4.7.7 Receiving quality threshold (RxQualThs) ................................................. 4-87
4.7.8 Radio link failure checking period (RxLevQualprd).................................... 4-88
4.8 Other Parameters............................................................................................. 4-89
4.8.1 Preprocessing indication (Preprocess)..................................................... 4-89
4.8.2 Reserved rate of EMLPP (EmlppThs) ...................................................... 4-90
4.8.3 Use cell EMLPP Threshold (UseCellEmlppThs) ....................................... 4-91

4.8.4 Frequency offset Correct support (Info_0_1) ............................................ 4-91
4.8.5 Max power on handover Command support (Info_0_2) ............................. 4-92
4.8.6 MR Report Time Bmp (MrRptTimeBmp)................................................... 4-92
4.8.7 Cell Support Encryption Mode (CipherMode)............................................ 4-93
4.8.8 Channel Select Strategy ......................................................................... 4-94
4.9 GPRS Basic Parameters .................................................................................. 4-94
4.9.1 SGSN ID (SGSNID) ............................................................................... 4-95
4.9.2 NSEI (NSEI) .......................................................................................... 4-96
4.9.3 BVCI (BVCI) .......................................................................................... 4-97
4.9.4 RAC (RAC) ............................................................................................ 4-97
4.9.5 UPU unit (UpuUnit)................................................................................. 4-98
4.9.6 DSP No. (DSP) ...................................................................................... 4-99
4.10 GPRS Other Parameters 1.............................................................................. 4-99
4.10.1 Additional reselect parameter indictor (AddResPI2) ...............................4-100
4.10.2 SI13 sending position (Si13Locate).......................................................4-101
4.10.3 Route area color code (RaColor) ..........................................................4-102
4.10.4 Min number of idle CS channel (CsChansThs) ......................................4-102
4.10.5 Packet access priority threshold (PriAcThr) ...........................................4-103
4.10.6 Packet System Information Send Speed (SendSpeed)...........................4-104
4.10.7 Overload report period on PRACH (OvLoadPer, s) ................................4-104
4.10.8 Link error counter (RLTimeout) .............................................................4-105
4.10.9 PRACH receive signal level threshold (PrachBusyT)..............................4-106
4.10.10 Average measuring bursts number on PRACH (MeaAvgSlot) ...............4-106
4.10.11 Buffer threshold of paging message (PccchIndTh_0, %).......................4-107
4.10.12 Queue length threshold in 64 multiframe paging period (PccchIndTh_1,
4.10.13 PRACH overload threshold ratio (PccchIndTh_2, %)............................4-109
4.11 GPRS Other Parameters 2 .............................................................................4-109
4.11.1 DTM support (DTMSupport) ................................................................. 4-110
4.11.2 Max number of GTTP Lapdm frame (GttpLapdmNum) ........................... 4-111
4.11.3 CCN mode support (CCNActive)........................................................... 4-111
4.11.4 Cell support system message status flow (SIStatusInd).......................... 4-112
4.11.5 Allow SOLSA MS to access (Exc_Acc) ................................................. 4-112
4.11.6 CCCH SPLITPGCYCLE support (SpgcSuport) ...................................... 4-113
4.11.7 Extended paging support (EpageMode) ................................................ 4-114
4.11.8 PSI status support (PsiStatInd) ............................................................. 4-114
4.11.9 Cell support extendable uplink TBF (Ext_UTBF) .................................... 4-115
4.11.10 Uplink delay time (UIDelayTime, ms)................................................... 4-116

4.11.11 Downlink delay time (DIDelaytime, ms)................................................ 4-116
4.11.12 Extend uplink TBF time (ExtUITBFTime, ms) ....................................... 4-117
4.11.13 Interval number of GPRS TBF downlink's RRBP
(GPRSDIRrbpInterVal) ......................................................................... 4-118
4.11.14 Interval number of EGPRS TBF downlink’s RRBP
(EGPRSDIRrbpInterVal) ....................................................................... 4-118
4.11.15 Interval number of GPRS TBF uplink’s ACK (GPRSUIAckInterVal)........ 4-119
4.11.16 Interval number of EGPRS TBF uplink’s ACK
(EGPRSUIAckInterVal)......................................................................... 4-119
4.11.17 Single Block Assign Offset (SBAssOffset)............................................4-120
4.11.18 Polling retry times (PollingRetryTime)..................................................4-120
4.11.19 Uplink measure report period (Ulmeasureperiod, ms) ...........................4-121
4.11.20 Calculating period of load on PPCH (LoadPer, s) .................................4-122
4.11.21 PSI1 send period (Psi1RepPer) ..........................................................4-122
4.11.22 Selective granularity (USFGranularity).................................................4-123
4.11.23 Extended uplink dynamic allocation support (ExUpDynSupport)............4-124
4.11.24 ABIS time slots reserved for packet service (Info_1_0) .........................4-124
4.11.25 The maximum of ABIS for GPRS user (Info_1_8).................................4-125
4.11.26 GPRS initial downlink allocation by multislot class 1 (Info1_1_4) ...........4-125
4.12 GPRS Other Parameters 3.............................................................................4-126
4.12.1 C/I (Sc) ...............................................................................................4-127
4.12.2 ARP (Sa) ............................................................................................4-128
4.12.3 THP (St) .............................................................................................4-129
4.12.4 PS queuing support (PsQueueInd) .......................................................4-129
4.12.5 Max PS queue count (PsMaxQueueInstNum)........................................4-130
4.12.6 PS preemption support (PsPreemptionInd) ...........................................4-131
4.12.7 3G NACC support (Support3GCCN) .....................................................4-131
4.12.8 PS prompt CS support (PSPrmpCSSupport) .........................................4-132
4.12.9 Max resource for POC service (POCSrcThs,%).....................................4-133
4.12.10 Transform from uplink delay to extend (Info1_1_16).............................4-133
4.12.11 Max Num of resend packet assignment (Info1_1_8) .............................4-134
4.12.12 Resource adjust for CS preempt (Info1_1_17) .....................................4-135
4.12.13 Subcell selection of PS channel allocation (PSALLOCSC_0) ................4-136
4.12.14 Level for PS channel allocate in subcell 1 (PSALLOCSC_1).................4-136
4.12.15 Level for PS channel allocate in subcell 2 (PSALLOCSC_2).................4-137
4.13 GPRS Cell Options Parameters......................................................................4-138
4.13.1 T3168.................................................................................................4-139
4.13.2 T3192.................................................................................................4-140

4.13.3 T3142(s) .............................................................................................4-141
4.13.4 T3172(s) .............................................................................................4-141
4.13.5 DRX mode holding time (DrxTimeMax, s)..............................................4-142
4.13.6 MAX blocks transmission in each TS (BsCvMax)...................................4-143
4.13.7 Packet control acknowledgment type (CtraCKType)...............................4-143
4.13.8 Access burst type (AccessType) ...........................................................4-144
4.13.9 N3102 decrease step (PanDec)............................................................4-145
4.13.10 N3102 increase step (PanInc) ............................................................4-146
4.13.11 N3102 MAX (PanMax) .......................................................................4-146
4.13.12 GPRS Phone Init Coding....................................................................4-147
4.13.13 GPRS phones init code can be changed (InitAttachExch_0) .................4-148
4.14 GPRS NC Survey Parameters........................................................................4-148
4.14.1 Packet Idle mode (NcRepPerI, s)..........................................................4-149
4.14.2 Packet transmission mode (NcRerPerT, s) ............................................4-150
4.14.3 Extended measurement report order (MeaOrder) ..................................4-150
4.14.4 Network control order (CtrlOrder)..........................................................4-151
4.14.5 NC hold time in non-drx mode (NcNoDrxPer, s).....................................4-152
4.14.6 Extended measurement report order (ExMeaOrder) ..............................4-152
4.14.7 Type of extended measurement report (ExtRepType) ............................4-153
4.14.8 Report period of extended measurement (ExtRepPer, s)........................4-154
4.14.9 The size of test report's slip window (Wnd)............................................4-155
4.14.10 Allowed report number of the same cell in slip window
4.15 GPRS Power Control Parameters...................................................................4-156
4.15.1 Filter period in the packet idle mode (T_AVG_W, s) ...............................4-156
4.15.2 Filter period in packet transmission mode (T_AVG_T, s).........................4-157
4.15.3 PSI4 sending mark (Psi4Send).............................................................4-158
4.15.4 Power control measurement channel (PcMeasChan).............................4-158
4.15.5 Power control parameter (Alpha) ..........................................................4-159
4.15.6 Filter constant of power control (N_AVG_I)............................................4-160
4.16 GPRS Cell Reselection Parameters................................................................4-160
4.16.1 Cell reselection offset (ReselOffset_0, 2db) ...........................................4-161
4.16.2 Cell reselection offset2 (ReselOffset_1, 2db) .........................................4-162
4.16.3 Temporary offset of cell reselection (TempOffset_0, db) .........................4-163
4.16.4 Temporary offset of cell reselection2 (TempOffset_1, db)........................4-164
4.16.5 Penalty time of cell reselection (PenalTime_0, 10s) ...............................4-164
4.16.6 Penalty time of cell reselection2 (PenalTime_1, 10s)..............................4-165
4.16.7 Interval of reselecting the same cell (T_Resel_0, s) ...............................4-166

4.16.8 Interval of reselecting the same cell2 (T_Resel_1, s) .............................4-167
4.16.9 Threshold of HCS signal level (HCS_Thr_0)..........................................4-167
4.16.10 Threshold of HCS signal level2 (HCS_Thr_1) ......................................4-168
4.16.11 HCS priority (PrioClass_0)..................................................................4-169
4.16.12 HCS priority2 (PrioClass_1) ...............................................................4-169
4.16.13 C31 hysteresis (C31_Hyst_0) .............................................................4-170
4.16.14 C31 hysteresis2 (C31_Hyst_1) ...........................................................4-171
4.16.15 GPRS cell reselection hysteresis (ReselHys_0, db) .............................4-171
4.16.16 GPRS cell reselection hysteresis2 (ReselHys_1, db)............................4-173
4.16.17 Routing reselection hysteresis (RaReselHys_0, db) .............................4-174
4.16.18 Routing reselection hysteresis2 (RaReselHys_1, db) ...........................4-174
4.16.19 Random access attempt permitted (RadAcRetry_0).............................4-175
4.16.20 Random access attempt permitted2 (RadAcRetry_1) ...........................4-176
4.16.21 Usage of cell reselection offset (C32_Qual_0) .....................................4-177
4.16.22 Usage of cell reselection offset2 (C32_Qual_1) ...................................4-177
4.16.23 GPRS access minimum signal level1 (RxLevAsMin_0) ........................4-178
4.16.24 GPRS access minimum signal level2 (RxLevAsMin_1) ........................4-179
4.16.25 Priority threshold (Prio_Thr, db) ..........................................................4-180
4.16.26 HCS exist (HCS_Exist_0)...................................................................4-180
4.16.27 HCS exist2 (HCS_Exist_1).................................................................4-181
4.16.28 GPRS MAX initial access signal level1 (MsTxMaxCch_0).....................4-182
4.16.29 GPRS MAX initial access signal level2 (MsTxMaxCch_1).....................4-183
4.16.30 LSA ID (LSA_Id)................................................................................4-184
4.16.31 LSA offset (LSA_Offset) .....................................................................4-184
4.17 GPRS Channel Parameters ...........................................................................4-185
4.17.1 PAGCH reserved blocks (PagBlkRes)...................................................4-185
4.17.2 PBCCH reserved blocks (PbcchBlks)....................................................4-186
4.17.3 PRACH reserved blocks (PrachBlks) ....................................................4-187
4.17.4 Interval range of packet access attempt (TxInt)......................................4-188
4.17.5 Interval period of packet access attempt (S) ..........................................4-188
4.17.6 MAX Times of Attempt (MaxRetrans) ....................................................4-189
4.17.7 Access Control Level (AccCtrlClass).....................................................4-190
4.17.8 Access Persist Level (PersistLev).........................................................4-191
4.17.9 Subscriber occupying other preference channel support
(HybridOccuSupp) ...............................................................................4-192
4.17.10 PS subscriber moving out of other preference channel support
4.17.11 CS subscriber moving support (AllowCsMove).....................................4-193

4.17.12 Congeneric service threshold for PS-moving (SfPreferBusyThs) ...........4-193
4.17.13 Un-congeneric service threshold for PS-moving (OpPreferBusyThs) ......4-194
4.17.14 PS channel expand (Info1_1_18)........................................................4-195
4.17.15 Idle TCH threshold for PS channel expand (Info1_1_24, %) .................4-195
4.18 EDGE Parameters.........................................................................................4-196
4.18.1 EGPRS packet channel request access program support
4.18.2 Uplink LA+IR quality control support (IrSupportUp) ................................4-198
4.18.3 Take Preemptive transmit bit function (PreemptiveTrans) .......................4-198
4.18.4 Average filter period for uplink BEP (BEPperiodUp) ...............................4-199
4.18.5 Average filter period for downlink BEP (BEPperiodDown).......................4-200
4.18.6 EGPRS phone quality measure mode (LinkQuameaMode) ....................4-200
4.18.7 EDGE initial downlink allocation by multislot class 1 (Info1_1_0).............4-201
4.18.8 EGPRS Phone Init Coding (EGPRSInitAttSelt) ......................................4-202
4.18.9 EGPRS phones init code can be changed (InitAttachExch_1).................4-202

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters............................................................. 5-1

5.1 TRX Parameters ................................................................................................ 5-1
5.1.1 TRX Information Parameters..................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Channel Information Parameters ............................................................. 5-10
5.1.3 IP Parameters........................................................................................ 5-18
5.1.4 Panel Parameters .................................................................................. 5-21
5.2 Power Control Parameters ................................................................................ 5-25
5.2.1 Power Control Parameters ...................................................................... 5-25
5.2.2 Power Survey Parameters ...................................................................... 5-27
5.2.3 Power Adjustment Threshold Parameters ................................................ 5-35
5.2.4 Other Parameters................................................................................... 5-41
5.2.5 GPRS Power Control Parameters ........................................................... 5-48
5.3 Handover Control Parameters ........................................................................... 5-52
5.3.1 Handover Pretreatment Parameters ........................................................ 5-52
5.3.2 Handover Threshold Parameters............................................................. 5-62
5.3.3 Handover Condition Parameters.............................................................. 5-73
5.3.4 Handover Control Parameters ................................................................. 5-85
5.3.5 Other Parameters................................................................................... 5-96
5.3.6 Handover Algorithm Parameters.............................................................5-104
5.3.7 Subcell Parameters ............................................................................... 5-116
5.4 UTRAN Handover Control Parameters .............................................................5-121
5.4.1 Basic Properties 1 .................................................................................5-121

5.4.2 Basic Properties 2 .................................................................................5-127
5.5 UTRAN Cell Control Parameters ......................................................................5-135
5.5.1 Basic Properties 1 Parameters ...............................................................5-135
5.5.2 Basic Properties 2 Parameters ...............................................................5-145
5.5.3 GPRS Parameters 1..............................................................................5-158
5.5.4 GPRS Parameters 2..............................................................................5-170
5.6 Adjacent Cell Parameters ................................................................................5-180
5.6.1 Adjacent Interference Cell Parameters....................................................5-181
5.6.2 Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters ..............................5-182
5.6.3 Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters .......................................................5-199
5.6.4 Adjacent Cell Reselection Parameters ....................................................5-212
5.6.5 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters..................5-215
5.6.6 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters...........................................5-221
5.6.7 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Reselection Parameters........................................5-226
5.7 Frequency Hopping System Parameters ...........................................................5-229
5.7.1 Frequency hopping No. (FhsId)..............................................................5-230
5.7.2 Hopping sequence No. (HSN)................................................................5-230
5.7.3 Frequency hopping mode (FreqHopMode) ..............................................5-231
5.7.4 Hopping group ID (BhGroupId)...............................................................5-232
5.7.5 MA Frequency List Number (MaFreqNum) ..............................................5-233

Chapter 6 System Control Parameters..................................................... 6-1

6.1 Operation Control Parameters............................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 Assign query enable (AssQueEnable)........................................................ 6-2
6.1.2 Internal redirection enable (InDrEnable)..................................................... 6-2
6.1.3 Outer redirection enable (OutDrEnable) ..................................................... 6-3
6.1.4 Assign preemption enable (AssPreEmpt) ................................................... 6-3
6.1.5 BSC intracell handover enable (HoIntraEnable).......................................... 6-4
6.1.6 BSC intercell handover enable (HoInterEnable).......................................... 6-4
6.1.7 BSC outer handover enable (HoOutEnable)............................................... 6-5
6.1.8 SDCCH handover enable (ShoEnable) ...................................................... 6-5
6.1.9 TCH/F handover enable (TfHoEnable)....................................................... 6-6
6.1.10 TCH/H handover enable (ThHoEnable).................................................... 6-6
6.1.11 Handover queue enable (HoQueEnable) .................................................. 6-7
6.1.12 Handover preemption enable (HoPreEmpt) .............................................. 6-7
6.1.13 Handover check arithmetic choose (HoA)................................................. 6-8
6.1.14 Handover request response (HoAck) ....................................................... 6-9
6.1.15 Force FACCH (FacchOnly) ..................................................................... 6-9

6.1.16 Continuum handover trigger (HoTrigger) ................................................ 6-10
6.1.17 Handover reason tip (HoCauseInd)........................................................ 6-10
6.1.18 Local cell position number (LAC) ............................................................6-11
6.1.19 Local cell identification (CI) ....................................................................6-11
6.1.20 Outer cell target number (OutCellNum) .................................................. 6-12
6.1.21 Outer cell position number 1 (OutLAC1)................................................. 6-13
6.1.22 Outer cell position number 2 (OutLAC2)................................................. 6-13
6.1.23 Outer cell position number 3 (OutLAC3)................................................. 6-14
6.1.24 Outer cell number 1 (OutCI1) ................................................................ 6-14
6.1.25 Outer cell number 2 (OutCI2) ................................................................ 6-15
6.1.26 Outer cell number 3 (OutCI3) ................................................................ 6-15
6.1.27 Outer RNC 1 (OutRNC1) ...................................................................... 6-16
6.1.28 Outer RNC 2 (OutRNC2) ...................................................................... 6-16
6.1.29 Outer RNC 3 (OutRNC3) ...................................................................... 6-17
6.1.30 Old BSS to new BSS information (OldToneWctrl).................................... 6-17
6.1.31 Access Control (AccessCtrl).................................................................. 6-18
6.1.32 Resume set option (ResumeSetOpt)...................................................... 6-18
6.1.33 Handout queue sign (HandOutQueInd) .................................................. 6-19
6.1.34 Send cell prefer indication (SendCellPreferInd)....................................... 6-20
6.1.35 IPA AMR start mode (IpaAMRStartMode)............................................... 6-20
6.1.36 TDD cell handover enable (TdHoEnable) ............................................... 6-21
6.1.37 Sending HO detect message to MSC during intra-BSC HO with IPA
(InBscHoSendHoDet)............................................................................ 6-21
6.1.38 ICM optimize when intra BSC handover (AmrHoOpt_0) .......................... 6-22
6.1.39 ICM optimize when inter BSC handover (AmrHoOpt_1) .......................... 6-23
6.2 FUC Parameters .............................................................................................. 6-23
6.2.1 Use system message method when MSC overload or link block
(MSCSysInfoFlc)................................................................................... 6-24
6.2.2 Start system message method (CPUSysInfoFlc) ...................................... 6-25
6.2.3 Start system message method, start limit(%) (CPUSysInfoCTLCPU) ......... 6-25
6.2.4 Start FUC flow control (CPUFucFlc) ........................................................ 6-26
6.2.5 Start limit of FUC flow control (CPUFucCtlCPU, %) .................................. 6-26
6.2.6 The maximum control level for MSC overload or link block
(MSCFlcMaxLevel) ............................................................................... 6-27
6.3 Handover Parameters of BCCH ........................................................................ 6-28
6.3.1 Handover BCCH (CanBCCHEx).............................................................. 6-28
6.3.2 Scan BCCH (ScanBCCH) ....................................................................... 6-29
6.3.3 BCCH starting delay (BCCHDelay).......................................................... 6-30

6.3.4 BCCH finishing delay (ReBCCHEx) ......................................................... 6-30
6.3.5 Delay of TRX forcible release (TrxRel) ..................................................... 6-31
6.3.6 The MAX cells' amount of simultaneously handover (MaxChangeProc) ..... 6-32
6.4 Handover Parameters of SD ............................................................................. 6-32
6.4.1 Dynamic configuration SDCCH (CanSDCCHDyn) .................................... 6-33
6.4.2 Scan SDCCH (ScanSDCCH) .................................................................. 6-34
6.4.3 Delay of TS forcible release (TsRel)......................................................... 6-34
6.4.4 Delay protection (MaxDelay) ................................................................... 6-35
6.4.5 TCH->SDCCH limit (MinSDCCH) ............................................................ 6-36
6.4.6 SDCCH->TCH delay (TimeToTch) ........................................................... 6-36
6.5 Other Parameters............................................................................................. 6-37
6.5.1 B2 support AMR (V2TruSupportAMR) ..................................................... 6-38
6.5.2 CHR Enable (ChrEnable)........................................................................ 6-39
6.5.3 NC2 support (NC2support) ..................................................................... 6-39
6.5.4 MR server IP (MRSvrIP) ......................................................................... 6-40
6.5.5 MR server port (MRSvrPort).................................................................... 6-40
6.5.6 BER weight (VoiceQualWeight_0) ........................................................... 6-41
6.5.7 FER weight (VoiceQualWeight_1)............................................................ 6-41
6.5.8 Handover frequency weight (VoiceQualWeight_2) .................................... 6-42
6.5.9 DTX weight (VoiceQualWeight_3)............................................................ 6-43
6.5.10 Coding decode weight (VoiceQualWeight_4) .......................................... 6-43
6.5.11 ABIS transmission error code weight (VoiceQualWeight_5) ..................... 6-44
6.5.12 Delay weight (VoiceQualWeight_6)........................................................ 6-44
6.5.13 A port resource block threshold (Reslimit_0) .......................................... 6-45
6.5.14 NSVC resource block threshold (Reslimit_1) .......................................... 6-45
6.5.15 Channel resource block threshold (Reslimit_2) ....................................... 6-46
6.5.16 Subcell busy threshold (Reslimit_3) ....................................................... 6-46
6.5.17 ABIS alarm delay time (AbisAlmDelayTime) ........................................... 6-47
6.5.18 DTX factor (Info_0_8) ........................................................................... 6-48
6.6 IBS Parameters................................................................................................ 6-48
6.6.1 The method of intelligent TRX power off (Info_0_0) .................................. 6-49
6.7 Performance Management Parameters.............................................................. 6-50
6.7.1 PingPong handover duration (PingPongDura, s)....................................... 6-50
6.7.2 Number of measurement reports for dropped connections
(LatestMeasureRptNum) ....................................................................... 6-51
6.7.3 Uplink quality threshold (DropBadQualULThs, RQ) ................................... 6-51
6.7.4 Downlink quality threshold (DropBadQualDLThs, RQ)............................... 6-52
6.7.5 Uplink signal strength threshold (DropLowSigStrULThs) ........................... 6-53

6.7.6 Downlink signal strength threshold (DropLowSigStrDLThs) ....................... 6-53
6.7.7 Excessive TA threshold (DropExcessiveTAThs)........................................ 6-54
6.8 Baseband Frequency Hopping TRX Exchange Parameters................................. 6-54
6.8.1 Baseband frequency hopping TRX exchange support (Info_0_1)............... 6-55
6.8.2 Baseband Frequency hopping TRX Exchange scan timer (Info_1_0) ......... 6-56
6.8.3 Baseband frequency hopping TRX configuration timer (Info_1_16) ............ 6-56
6.8.4 Baseband frequency hopping TRX exchange check delay timer
(Info_2_0)............................................................................................. 6-57
6.9 GPRS Operation Control Parameters ................................................................ 6-57
6.9.1 Two phase access (TwoPhaseAccess) .................................................... 6-58
6.9.2 Send radio status to SGSN (GBMsgSndInd_0)......................................... 6-59
6.9.3 Send LLC discard to SGSN (GBMsgSndInd_1) ........................................ 6-59
6.9.4 Threshold of quality in radio status (RadStaQuaThs) ................................ 6-60
6.9.5 Send packet TBF release to MS when BSS abnormal (PacketTBFRel) ...... 6-61

Appendix A Flow Control Policy Values.................................................. A-1

Appendix B Power Values ........................................................................ B-1
Appendix C Cell Layer Number Values ................................................... C-1
Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter
Interface and Database Values ............................................................ D-1
D.1 BSC Function Parameters Interface ....................................................................D-1
D.1.1 Basic Property Parameters.......................................................................D-1
D.1.2 Radio Basic Property Parameters .............................................................D-4
D.1.3 Other Parameters ....................................................................................D-4
D.1.4 AMR Half Method Parameters ..................................................................D-5
D.1.5 AMR Full Method Parameters...................................................................D-6
D.1.6 GPRS Other Parameters 1 .......................................................................D-7
D.1.7 GPRS Other Parameters 2 .......................................................................D-7
D.1.8 EDGE Parameters ...................................................................................D-8
D.2 GERAN External Cell Parameters.......................................................................D-8
D.3 UTRAN External Cell Parameters .......................................................................D-8
D.4 Cell Parameters.................................................................................................D-9
D.4.1 Basic Parameters 1 .................................................................................D-9
D.4.2 Basic Parameters 2 ............................................................................... D-10
D.4.3 Other Parameters .................................................................................. D-10
D.4.4 System Parameters ............................................................................... D-11
D.4.5 GPRS Other Params1 Parameters ......................................................... D-11
D.4.6 GPRS Cell Options Parameters .............................................................. D-11

D.4.7 GPRS NC Survey Parameters ................................................................ D-14
D.4.8 GPRS Power Control Parameters ........................................................... D-15
D.4.9 GPRS Cell Reselection Parameters ........................................................ D-16
D.4.10 GPRS Channel Parameters.................................................................. D-17
D.4.11 EDGE Parameters ............................................................................... D-19
D.5 Cell Object Parameters .................................................................................... D-19
D.5.1 TRX Information Parameters .................................................................. D-19
D.5.2 Channel Information Parameters ............................................................ D-20
D.5.3 Power Control Parameters ..................................................................... D-21
D.5.4 Handover Control Parameters ................................................................ D-22
D.5.5 UTRAN Cell Control Parameters............................................................. D-24
D.5.6 UTRAN Handover Control Parameters .................................................... D-25
D.5.7 Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters............................... D-25
D.5.8 Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters ....................................................... D-25
D.5.9 Frequency Hopping System Parameters ................................................. D-26

Figures............................................................................................................. I
Glossary .........................................................................................................V

About This Manual
This manual introduces the ZXG10 BSS radio parameters for radio configuration and

Intended Audience
l System Engineer
l Commissioning Engineer
l Maintenance Engineer

What Is in This Manual

This manual has the following chapters.

Section Summary

Chapter 1, Overview Introduces the scope, description methods, and adjustment cautions
for radio parameters.

Chapter 2, BSC Function Introduces the BSC function parameters.


Chapter 3, External Cell Introduces the GERAN external cell parameters and UTRAN external
Parameters cell parameters.

Chapter 4, Cell Parameters Introduces the cell parameters in the BSS system.

Chapter 5, Cell Object Introduces the cell object parameters in the BSS system.

Chapter 6, System Control Introduces the system control parameters in the BSS system.

Chapter 1
This chapter explains the definition and classification of radio parameters in GSM network,
modification methods of radio parameters, explanation format of radio parameters, and
precautions in radio parameters adjustment.
Table of Contents
Introduction to BSS Radio Parameters .......................................................................1-1
Method of Modifying Radio Parameters......................................................................1-2
Method of Modifying Parameters in Batch ..................................................................1-6
The Format to Explain Parameters ...........................................................................1-11
Precautions on Parameter Adjustment .....................................................................1-12

1.1 Introduction to BSS Radio Parameters

900/1800 MHz TDMA digital celluar mobile communication system (GSM) is an integrated
system covering fields of network technology, digital stored program control technology,
all transmission technologies and radio technologies.
GSM consists of Network Sub System (NSS), Base Station Sub-system (BSS) and Mobile
Station (MS).
GSM system signaling structure covers MAP interface, A-interface (between MSC and
BSC), Abis interface (between BSC and BTS), Ater interface (between BSC and external
TC) and Um interface (between BTS and MS, also called air interface).
All these objects and interfaces contain large quantity of configuration parameters and
performance parameters, some of which are determined during the development and
production of the equipment, and most of which depend on actual need and operation by
network providers. Settings and adjustment of latter parameters have a great impact on
the operation of entire GSM network.
Radio parameters in GSM network refer to parameters related to radio devices and radio
resources. These parameters have an important impact on coverage of cells, distribution of
signaling flow and service property of network, etc. Therefore, adjusting radio parameters
reasonably plays a very important part in GSM network optimization.
GSM radio parameters are classified into project parameters and resource (cell)
1. Project parameters
Project parameters refer to parameters related to design, installation, and
commissioning of the project, like antenna height, antenna direction, antenna
gain, antenna download obliquity and cable loss, etc. These parameters must be


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

determined during network design and are seldom changed during the operation of
the network.
2. Resource (cell) parameters
Resource (cell) parameters refer to parameters related to configuration and utilization
of radio resources, which usually transmit on radio interface (Um) to keep the base
station and mobile station consistent. Radio parameters covered in this manual are
mainly resource parameters. Radio resource parameters in BSS contain:
l GERAN subnetwork parameters, BSC management NE parameters,
configuration set parameters;
l Global resource parameters for BSC, site parameters, GERAN external cell
parameters, UTRAN external cell parameters;
l Cell Parameters;
l TRX parameters, power control parameters, handover control parameters,
UTRAN handover control parameters, adjacent interference cell parameters,
adjacent handover cell parameters, adjacent reselection cell parameters,
adjacent handover and reselection cell parameters, UTRAN adjacent cell
handover and reselection parameters, UTRAN adjacent handover cell
parameters, UTRAN adjacent reselection cell parameters, frequency hopping
system parameters.

1.2 Method of Modifying Radio Parameters

After successfully login NetNumen M31, user can perform the following steps:
1. In the left topology tree of NetNumen M31 main interface, right-click the shortcut menu
corresponding to the created GSM NE agent, select Start.
2. Right-click the started GSM NE and select Start, as shown in Figure 1-1.


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Chapter 1 Overview

Figure 1-1 Starting NE Agent

3. Click Start, the system automatically starts this NE.

4. After starting, in the left topology tree of NetNumen M31 main interface, right-click
shortcut menu corresponding to created GSM NE agent, select NE Agent Manage-
ment > Configuration Management, as shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2 Selecting NE Management > Configuration Management


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

5. Click Configuration Management, the system enters into configuration management

interface, as shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 Configuration Management Interface

The tree in the left pane shows the objects to be created and maintained. User
can double-click the node whose parameters shall be modified, the corresponding
parameter interface occurs in right window.
6. Under initial case, the shortcut button Modify in configuration management toolbar
is inactivated, and parameters can not be modified. User must perform the operation
of "Apply Mutex Right" to enable the toolbutton.


"Apply Mutex Right" function is to avoid multiple clients do actions for the data, which may cause
data confused and errors.

Take the data modification of primary configuration set as an example, operation steps
are listed as follows:
a. Right-click on BSC Managed Element, and select Apply Mutex Right in the
pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 1-4.


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Chapter 1 Overview

Figure 1-4 Selecting Apply Mutex Right

b. Click Apply Mutex Right, and the Information dialog box appears, as shown in
Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5 Information Dialog Box

c. Click Yes, and the mutex right is successfully acquired, and the icon appears
on the configuration resource tree, as shown in Figure 1-6. Then, the toolbutton
is enabled, and user can modify the configuration data of this managed element.

Figure 1-6 Successfully Applying Mutex Right

d. After the data modification is completed, user should right-click on BSC Managed
Element and select Release Mutex Right in the pop-up menu, as shown in Figure
1-7. After the mutex right is released, other users can perform operations on the
configuration data of this managed element.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 1-7 Selecting Release Mutex Right

1.3 Method of Modifying Parameters in Batch

After successfully logging in to NetNumen M31, perform the following steps to modify
parameters in batch.
1. In the configure resource tree window, right-click OMC > GERAN subnet user ID
> BSC Management Element ID > Config Set ID > BSC Function ID > Export
Configuration Data > Export Network Plan Data, as shown in Figure 1-8.

Figure 1-8 Selecting Export Network Plan Data

2. Click Export Network Plan Data, and the Choose MOC to be Exported dialog box
appears. Select the parameter list to be exported, and click Next, as shown in Figure


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Overview

Figure 1-9 Selecting MOC to Be Exported

3. In the Choose Attributes of Each MOC to be Exported (RDN Excluded) dialog box,
select attribute of the parameter list to be exported, and click OK. Here, suppose the
MOC selected is IBSCFUNCTION_TABLE, as shown in Figure 1-10.

Figure 1-10 Selecting Attributes to Be Exported for MOC


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4. Select the file type to be exported, and click OK. Here, suppose the data is exported
to be an Excel file, as shown in Figure 1-11.

Figure 1-11 Selecting File Type to Be Exported

5. Set the saving path and file name for the exported data, and click Save, as shown in
Figure 1-12.

Figure 1-12 Setting Saving Path and File Name for Data

The data export progress bar is displayed, and then the system prompts that the data
is exported successfully.

6. Open the exported data file, as shown in Figure 1-13.

Figure 1-13 Parameter Data

7. Modify the data file according to actual requirement, and save it.
The operation indications are described as follows.

a. D indicates deleting the MO. A indicates adding the MO. M indicates modifying
the MO (this command is issued only when the parameter value is changed). Any


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Overview

value beyond D, A and M (including the lower case form) will be ignored by the
system, and the corresponding data in that row will not be processed.
b. For the same management object MO (such as cell, cell power control and cell
handover control), if the operation type (D, A or M) appears in multiple exported
tables, then the operation types of all columns must be the same; otherwise, the
system will give error prompt.
c. No matter how many records in the Excel table should be deleted, created or
modified, the system performs deletion first, then performs creation, and finally
performs modification.


The order of operations has nothing to do with the order of records being displayed in the
Excel file.

d. If multiple objects among which reference relationship exists should be deleted,

the system first deletes the active reference object (such as sub-object), and then
deletes the passive reference object (such as parent-object). If multiple objects
among which reference relationship exists should be created, the system first
creates the passive reference object (such as parent-object), and then creates
the active reference object (such as sub-object). If multiple objects among which
reference relationship exists should be modified, the system first modifies the
passive reference object (such as parent-object), and then modifies the active
reference object (such as sub-object).
The following lists the restriction conditions.
a. The exported Excel file is the import template.

b. In the Excel template, the work sheet name cannot be modified.

c. In the Excel template, the title row in the work sheet cannot be modified, the
frozen column cannot be modified, and the cell type cannot be modified. However,
common data columns and data rows can be deleted.
d. The parameter that cannot be modified on the interface cannot be modified in the
batch modification.
e. In the Excel template, the attributes USERLABEL, MCC, MNC, LAC and CI appear
in multiple work sheets, but only the modification in the network parameter list is
f. The parameter MAIO of channels supporting baseband frequency hopping cannot
be modified.

8. In the configuration resource tree window, right-click OMC > GERAN Subnetwork ID
> BSC Managed Element ID > Config Set ID > BSC Function ID > Batch Apply
Network Plan Data, as shown in Figure 1-14.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 1-14 Selecting Batch Apply Network Plan Data

9. Select the file type to be imported, and click OK, as shown in Figure 1-15.

Figure 1-15 Selecting File Type to Be Imported

10. In the Open dialog box, select the data file to be imported, and click Open.
11. In the Batch Network Plan Data Apply dialog box, select the object to which the data
is applied, and click OK, as shown in Figure 1-16.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Overview

Figure 1-16 Applying Network Planning Data in Batch

The progress bar is displayed, and then the system prompts that the instruction is
executed successfully.


If the number of successfully executed instructions is 0, it indicates that no data needs to be modi-
fied. If the number is not 0, it indicates that the data in the file is inconsistent with that at the server.

1.4 The Format to Explain Parameters

Each radio parameter in this manual is individually clarified by using tables, for details see
Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Format to Explain Radio Parameters

Full name Chinese parameter name on the interface

Abbreviation Abbreviation for English parameters

3GPP Name Parameter name in 3GPP protocol

3GPP reference 3GPP protocol version number for parameter reference

Description Descriptive text for this parameter.

Management Object Involved object by the parameter

Value range of this parameter. If the parameter is in mapping form, actual

Value Range parameter value that corresponds to all indices will be enumerated

Unit Parameter unit

Default value Default value and its description on parameter interface


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Online = After a parameter’s value is modified, it is immediately synchronized

and takes effect.
Offline = After one or several parameters' values are modified, the
Change mode modification takes effect after data synchronization.

Relevant functions and features of the network that corresponds to this

Relevant Features parameter

Parameters which have data restriction relationship with the parameter.

For example, this parameter takes effect only after one or multiple relevant
parameters are enabled; this parameter's value has a restriction relationship
with one or multiple relevant parameters, such as larger than or smaller than
Relevant parameters the relevant parameter.

Relationship Dependency among relevant parameters

Related interfaces Interfaces related to this parameter

Whether service will be affected when the parameter modification takes

Impact on service effect, and impact details (especially when service is interrupted)

1. Radio parameters in this system is modified through offline modification mode, that is, the
modification on interface only can be effective after the synchronization action to foreground is
2. Some parameter values in the interface are not fully same as those in database, with certain
corresponding relationship between them. For specific corresponding relationship see appendix.

1.5 Precautions on Parameter Adjustment

Radio parameters adjustment, according to the type of the problem to be solved, falls into
two kinds.

l First is to solve static problem, that is, to correct traffic model in system design
by measuring actual average traffic and signaling flow in every district and to solve
common problems existing for long.
l Second is to solve problems at a particular time like traffic overload in some district,
channel congestion due to sudden events or random events.
For the first type, service providers must perform measurement and summarization on
actual operation regularly, and then perform appropriate adjustment on global or partial
parameters and configurations. For the second type, network operators adjust some radio
parameters at real time according to instant data from measurement results.
Most radio parameters in GSM system are based on one cell or one location area. It is
necessary to consider whether parameter adjustment in this cell will influence other cells,
especially the adjacent one, for parameters between cells are related to each other greatly.
Otherwise, it may cause negative influence. Determine whether the problem results from


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 1 Overview

equipment fault (including connections) first when it occurs in some part of the network.
Adjust radio parameters only when determined that the problem does result from service.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

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Chapter 2
BSC Function Parameters
Below introduces BSC function for radio parameters.
Table of Contents
Radio Basic Property..................................................................................................2-1
Other Parameters.....................................................................................................2-11
Channel Allocation Control Parameters ....................................................................2-25
Timer 1.....................................................................................................................2-35
Timer 2.....................................................................................................................2-49
GPRS Maximum Retrying Times ..............................................................................2-67
GPRS Timer.............................................................................................................2-76
AMR Half Method Parameters..................................................................................2-91
AMR Full Method Parameters ..................................................................................2-97
GPRS Other Parameters 1 .....................................................................................2-102
GPRS Other Parameters 2 .....................................................................................2-108
BVC Flow Control Parameters................................................................................2-120
FUC Flow Control Map Parameters ........................................................................2-128
EDGE Parameters..................................................................................................2-134
eMLPP Set.............................................................................................................2-143
Ater Timer Parameters ...........................................................................................2-160

2.1 Radio Basic Property

The interface of basic radio property parameters is as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Radio Basic Property Parameters


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.1.1 DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt)

Full name DCS1800/PCS1900 Supported

Abbreviation FuncExt

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to select the supported frequency band. It cannot

Description be changed after being created.

Management Object BSC

Value Range DCS1800, PCS1900

Unit None

Default value DCS1800

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Frequency band (FreqBand)

Frequency band (FreqBand)
Relevant parameters Frequency band of subCell (SubFreqBand)

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.1.2 Load indication allowed (LoadInd)

Full name Load Indication

Abbreviation LoadInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The load indication process informs the adjacent BSC of the cell load at border
to provide more reference information in normal handover and the internal traffic
handover of BSC.

This parameter determines if load indication is available, an also determines

the validity of parameter ‘Load valid time’ and ‘Load indication period’. If this
parameter is ‘No’ (load indication process is disabled), the latter two parameters
Description are invalid. Otherwise they are valid.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.1.3 Send confusion message allowed (ConfusionMsg)

Full name Send confusion message allowed

Abbreviation ConfusionMsg

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Confusion message is bidirectional. If the received message could not be pro-

cessed properly for some reason, and there is no other proper fault message to
Description send, the system will send confusion message.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.1.4 Inter-Cell handover allowed (InHoEnable)

Full name Inter-Cell handover allowed

Abbreviation InHoEnable


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, intra-BSC inter-cell handover is implemented

by the following methods: BSC-controlled inter-cell handover without MSC in-
volvement; MSC-controlled intra-BSC inter-cell handover whose handover flow
is similar to that of inter-BSC handover. This parameter decides the choice
of method for intra-BSC inter-cell handover. 'Yes' indicates that it is BSC-con-
trolled inter-cell handover flow; 'No' indicates that it is MSC-controlled inter-cell
Description handover flow. Do not select 'No' for this parameter if it is not necessary.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.1.5 Send assignment failure allowed (ExDRSendAssFail)

Full name Send assignment failure allowed

Abbreviation ExDRSendAssFail

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether external redirection allows assignment fail-

ure. "Yes" means that external direction allows sending assignment failure mes-
sage to MSC. "No" means that external redirection does not allow sending as-
Description signment failure message to MSC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-002 Directed Retry

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.1.6 Load indication valid time (LoadValidTime)

Full name Load Valid Time

Abbreviation LoadValidTime

3GPP Name Time indication IE

3GPP reference 48.008 Mobile Switching Centre - Base Station System (MSC-BSS) interface

In load indication process, BSC sends BSSAP LOAD INDICATION message to

MSC periodically, notifying about the load status. The message includes time
indication information which indicates the valid time length of the service load
information. MSC relays the BSSAP LOAD INDICATION message to neighbor-
ing BSCs. This parameter represents the valid time length of the load message.
Description 255 means valid permanently.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit 10 s

Default value 18

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.1.7 Load indication period (LoadIndPrd)

Full name Load Indication Period

Abbreviation LoadIndPrd


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In load indication process, BSC sends BSSAP LOAD INDICATION message to

MSC periodically, notifying about the load status. The message includes time
indication information which indicates the valid time length of the service load
information. MSC relays the BSSAP LOAD INDICATION message to neighbor-
ing BSCs. When the load indication message is sent periodically, this parameter
Description decides the period for BSC to send the load indication message.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 65530

Unit 100 ms

Default value 1500

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.1.8 Automatic resource indication threshold (ResourceIndThs)

Full name Automatic resource indication threshold

Abbreviation ResourceIndThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines that BSC automatically indicates to MSC about the
ratio of presently available channels to the total channels. When available cell
resource is lower than this parameter, resource indication shall be sent to MSC
about this cell condition, which shall be configured by O&M.
The four modes of resource indication from BSC are as follows:
l Automatic Mode: BSC instantly returns the BSSAP RESOURCE INDICA-
TION message as an acknowledgment without any resource information
after receiving the BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST message. BSC auto-
matically sends BSSAP RESOURCE INDICATION message to MSC. BSC
uses the periodicity IE in BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST to determine the
Description indication messages interval (unless the ‘Periodicity IE’ is 0 and BSC ig-


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

nores 0) once O&M of BSC satisfies the Auto condition (service threshold
or the interval between any two messages).
l One time mode: BSC instantly returns a BSSAP RESOURCE INDICATION
message with resource information after receiving BSSAP RESOURCE
REQUEST message. BSC stops sending and waits for next BSSAP RE-
not contain Extended Resource Indication IE. If there is Extended Resource
Indication IE, BSC shall follow the regulations of Subsequent Mode element
in the message, same as mode 4. If the previous one is mode 1 or 3, then
you can use mode 1 or 3, otherwise you can use mode 4.
l Period mode: After BSC receives the “BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST”
message, it will immediately return a “BSSAP RESOURCE INDICATION”
message that contains the resource information. After that, BSC periodi-
cally sends the “BSSAP RESOURCE INDICATION” message. If “Periodic-
ity IE” in the “BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST” message is not 0, then the
period to send the message is the value of “Periodicity IE” multiplied by 100
ms. If Periodicity IE is 0, then the message is wrong and the whole “BSSAP
RESOURCE REQUEST” message is considered as incorrect.
l Stop mode: After the “BSSAP RESOURCE REQUEST” message is re-
ceived, BSC immediately returns a “BSSAP RESOURCE INDICATION”
message without any resource information as an acknowledgement. And
then, it will no longer send the cell resource information to MSC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.1.9 Resource adjust threshold (ResourceAdjustThs)

Full name Resource adjust threshold

Abbreviation ResourceAdjustThs

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP reference None

When bytes transmitted for packet servie data have crossed the threshold,
timeslot allocation is adjusted from single timeslot to multiple timeslots (or the
threshold from single timeslot to multiple timeslots for packet service timeslot
Description allocation).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 200 ~ 5000

Unit Byte

Default value 2000

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.1.10 BSC MAX reset number (BSCMaxResetNum)

Full name BSC Max Reset Num

Abbreviation BscMaxResetNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The maximum allowable resets to BSC. After BSC sends the BSSAP RESET
message to MSC, if BSSAP RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message fails to reach
BSC from MSC within GSM-specified T4 time interval, the resetting will be
BSSAP RESET message repeats up to N times. MSC ends the reset process
and notifies OMS incase of no reply from BSC after N times. N depends on
Description this parameter.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.1.11 MR report enable (MrRptEnable)

Full name MR report enable

Abbreviation MrRptEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines if data report function is supported for measurement

report, in combination with MrRptTimap. If this function is enabled and placed
at this time point, measurement data can be reported to OMM. This function is
used for OMM to store the measurement reports that iBSC submits based on
user. The system can analyze MS user actions through analyzing the report
Description data.

Management Object BSC

l Yes: enable;
Value Range l No: disable

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.1.12 HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum)

Full name HBTS scan site number

Abbreviation HBTSScanSiteNum


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates the number of HBTS scanning sites at each time. 0 indicates

the periodical scanning scanning function is disabled.

Management Object S8001

Value Range 0~10

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

HBTS scan cycle (HBTSScanCyc, 3600s) and HBTS scan begin time
Relevant parameters

If this parameter is set to 0, these two relevant parameters can be

configured but be invalid.

Related interfaces Abis interface

Impact on service None

2.1.13 Range of BARANG

Full name Range of BARANG

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Value includes single frequency or frequency range, sent to MS in

CHANNEL RELEASE. Certain frequency can be firstly inspected while
MS selects cell.
Input the minimum and maximum value of broadcast range in the left and
right blank and click Add to save this range. Range of BARANG can be
same within different global resource.
Description Note: input frequency ranges cannot be overlapped.

Management Object BSC

PGSM(1 ~ 124)
EGSM(0 ~ 124, 975 ~ 1023)
DCS1800(512 ~ 885)
GSM1900(512 ~ 810)
Value Range GSM850(128 ~ 251)

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Default value 0&&0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2 Other Parameters

The interface of other parameters is shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Other Parameters

2.2.1 Length of super vision (LcsSuperVision)

Full name Length of super vision

Abbreviation LcsSuperVision

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Supervise the timer length in whole locating process.

After BSC sends locating request to SMLC, this timer is configured and shall
receives locating response prior to timeout, otherwise locating process is
Description terminated.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 100 ~ 1000


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Default value 250

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-03-002 LCS with CGI+TA

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-003 LCS with AGPS

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.2 Length of radio (LcsRadio)

Full name Length of radio

Abbreviation LcsRadio

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Supervise the timer length to transmit radio information.

This timer supervises the process to deliver MS the message related with
locating. Start while sending message to MS, and stop while receiving
Description response from MS.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-03-002 LCS with CGI+TA

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-003 LCS with AGPS

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.2.3 LCS wait intra BSS handover timer (LcsWaitInTraHO)

Full name LCS wait intra BSS handover timer

Abbreviation LcsWaitInTraHO

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Length of timer waiting intra BSS handover completed.

Continue locating process after handover is finished, with a length threshold
Description for waiting. Stop while this timer length is exceeded.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 20 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-03-002 LCS with CGI+TA

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-003 LCS with AGPS

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.4 Monitor physical context request (RmsT9108, 100ms)

Full name Monitor physical context request

Abbreviation RmsT9108

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T9108. Currently, the process to monitor physical con-
Description text request is not used, reserved for later use.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 20

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

2.2.5 Timer for MSG waiting (TWaitMsg, 100ms)

Full name Timer for MSG waiting

Abbreviation TWaitMsg

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Timer for MSG Waiting on RanAWorker process. RanAWorker process is the

working process of RANA module. Start if RANA instance is created, stop if
Description message is received, and instance is released if timeout.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 5 ~ 20

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.6 Timer for RANCSEST Waiting (TWaitRancsEst, 100ms)

Full name Timer for RANCSEST Waiting

Abbreviation TWaitRancsEst

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Time to wait for RANCS process applying for resource protection.

RANCS process is to process CS service. This timer is started if RANA
receives external handover request and applying for channel from RANCS;
stop if receiving RANCS response, and fail to send handover to interface A if
Description timeout.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 100

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.7 Timer for RANCSCLECOM Waiting (TWaitRancsCleCom,

Full name Timer for RANCSCLECOM Waiting

Abbreviation TWaitRancsCleCom

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Interval for RanAWorker process waiting for RANCS process responding

ClearCom. RanAWorker process is the working process of RANA module.
Start if sending clear command to RANCS, stop if receiving RANCS response,
Description and continue release process if timeout.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 30

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.8 Timer for CCM waiting (CcmWaitTimer)

Full name Timer for CCM waiting

Abbreviation CcmWaitTimer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Timer that is waiting for disconnecting and disabling BTS during dynamic
channel conversion.
Start if CCM starts channel conversion, stop if receiving successive module
Description and BTS response, and send message to BTS again if timeout.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 45 ~ 55

Unit 100 ms

Default value 45

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.9 Get static param timer (GetStaticParamTimer, 100ms)

Full name Get static param timer

Abbreviation GetStaticParamTimer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

The counting parameter, used by RancRrm, is used to timely poll UPU unit
below CMP.
This timer is configured periodically, and query resource occupation data for
Description UPU if timeout.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 60 ~ 600

Unit 100 ms

Default value 120

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parame-
ters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.10 Starting time for oriented retry (RmsT10, 100ms)

Full name Starting time for oriented retry

Abbreviation RmsT10

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T10. The timer is enabled when oriented retry is
Description performed. It is disabled after oriented retry fails or finishes.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 50 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.2.11 TFO Enable (TFOControl_0)

Full name TFO Enable

Abbreviation TFOControl_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is one of TFO control parameters, to describe whether TFO

is enabled. 0 represents disable; 1 represents enable.
l 0: disable;
l 1: enable.
When TFO is not enabled, or value of TFOControl_0 is 0, other switch is
disabled and values of TFOControl_1, TFOControl_2 and TFOControl_3
are 0 too.
TFO is an inband protocol. After a call is set up, TCs of both parties use
this protocol to negotiate the codec to be used. The decoder at sender side
and the coder at receiver side are bypassed. The speech frames used at
air interface are directly transmitted to the receiver. In this way, speech
quality is improved.
When the speech version supported by the cell is not AMR, TFO can be
established as long as two cells support the same the speech version. If
the speech version is AMR, to establish TFO, the speech codecs also need
Description to have the same type. Otherwise, TFO cannot be established.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-006 TFO

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.12 Codec type optimization enable (TFOControl_1)

Full name Codec type optimization enable

Abbreviation TFOControl_1

3GPP Name None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

3GPP reference None

This parameter is one of TFO control parameters, to describe whether

coding/decoding type can be optimized. 0 represents disable, 1 represents
l 0: disable;
Description l 1: enable.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-006 TFO

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.13 Codec mismatch resolution enable (TFOControl_2)

Full name Codec mismatch resolution enable

Abbreviation TFOControl_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is one of TFO control parameters, to describe whether

unmatched coding/decoding type can not be solved. 0 represents disable,
1 represents enable.
l 0: disable;
Description l 1: enable.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-006 TFO


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.14 AMR Optimization Mode (TFOControl_3)

Full name AMR Optimization Mode

Abbreviation TFOControl_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is one of TFO control parameters, to describe if it is AMR

optimization mode.
l 0: don't support ACS variations;
Description l 1: support ACS variations.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Support or don't support ACS variations

Unit None

Default value Don't support ACS variations.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-006 TFO

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.15 External cell load notify (Info_0_0)

Full name External cell load notify

Abbreviation Info_0_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

It describes if the load information in this cell is filled in the unit of

"New BSS to old BSS information" for handover request while the
cell service under current BSC is switched to the cell under other

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.16 Neighbor cell load valid duration (Info_0_1,10s)

Full name Neighbor cell load valid duration

Abbreviation Info_0_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It describes the valid time of the load information.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit 10 s

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.2.17 LMU build request deal or not (Info_1_0)

Full name LMU build request deal or not

Abbreviation Info_1_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether to handle Location

Measurement Units (LMU) establishment request.
l No: not handle;
l Yes: handle

Management object BSC

Value range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Related features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.18 MBMS request deal or not (Info_1_1)

Full name MBMS request deal or not (INFO)

Abbreviation Info_1_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates if to handle MBMS (Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast

Service) request.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.19 Channel request reserved field deal or not (Info_1_2)

Full name Channel request reserved field deal or not (INFO)

Abbreviation Info_1_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It describes if to handle Channel Request reserved field.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.2.20 MS power hold in handover option (Info_0_9)

Full name MS power hold in handover option

Abbreviation Info_0_9

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if MS power hold in handover option is supported.

Object None

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

2.2.21 Level threshold of target cell (Info_0_10)

Full name Level threshold of target cell

Abbreviation Info_0_10

3GPP Name None

reference None

Description Level threshold of target cell

Object None

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
Value Range l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l ......
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 27

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

2.3 Channel Allocation Control Parameters

The interface of channel allocation control parameters is shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Channel Allocation Control Parameters

2.3.1 Dynamic HR enable (DynaHREnable)

Full name Dynamic HR Enable

Abbreviation DynaHREnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The dynamic HR channel allocation function allows allocating FR or HR

channel to MS according to the cell's traffic. When the cell's channels become
congested, HR channel is allocated to MS, which greatly shortens the cell's
congestion time during peak traffic hours.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

ZGO-03-02-003 Full dynamic channel allocation on Um interface

Relevant Features
ZGO-03-02-005 Dynamic Half Rate Allocation

Relevant parameters Use cell dynamic HR parameter (UseCellDynHRPara)

Relationship If this parameter is set to Yes, 'Use cell dynamic HR parameter' is configurable.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.2 Threshold for TRX switched from FR to HR (HRThs)

Full name Threshold for TRX switched from FR to HR

Abbreviation HRThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When the dynamic HR channel function is enabled for cell, the system directly
Description applies for HR if the channel occupation ratio exceeds this threshold. In this
way, user capacity can be increased.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

ZGO-03-02-003 Full dynamic channel allocation on Um interface

Relevant Features
ZGO-03-02-005 Dynamic Half Rate Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.3 AMR Dynamic HR Conversion Threshold (AmrHRThs)

Full name AMR Dynamic HR Conversion Threshold

Abbreviation AmrHRThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

When busy timeslot/general timeslot >= AmrHRThs/100, and carrier and cell
support AMR, subsequent service prefers AMR voice rate.
This threshold value can be configured on BSC and BTS, when "User cell
dynamic HR parameter" (UseCellDynHRPara) is yes, AmrHRThs value
configured by cell will be used, otherwise AmrHRThs configured by BSC
is used.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-006 Dynamic AMR HR/FR conversion independent threshold

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.4 HR channel fragment finishing support (HRDfragSupport)

Full name HR channel fragment finishing support

Abbreviation HRDfragSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It is a switch to support HR channel frag finishing functions, which can be con-

figured both on BSC and BTS. Only when both BSC and BTS are enabled and
Description (number of unfinished HR defragment instances / number of idle HR channels
in the cell) is no more than HRDefragThs, the HR channel defragmentation
function is enabled, otherwise, it is disabled.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-004 HR Concentration

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.5 HR channel percentage threshold (HRTsPercentage)

Full name HR channel percentage threshold

Abbreviation HRTsPercentage

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When HR timeslot in the cell / general timeslot in the cell <

HRTsPercentage/100, the cell can generate new HR channel.
Description This parameter can be configured on BSC and BTS. If the proportion of HR
timeslot in the cell is lower than HRTsPercentage/100 of BSC and BTS, the
cell can generate new HR channel.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.6 User priority for EMLPP (PriThreshold)

Full name User Priority

Abbreviation PriThreshold

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter (PriThreshold) uses the service of preferred access for

high-priority subscriber, that is eMLPP service, the system may set some
reserved channels (currently, only full rate TCH channels are supported to
be the reserved channels).
When CS instance calls database to apply for channels, the subscriber's
PriorityLevel information reaches to database, and is compared with
PriThreshold in the database and BSC table. When PriorityLevel≤PriThreshold
(the less the subscriber's priority level value, the higher the priority level,
that is the subscriber's priority level is not lower than PriThreshold priority),
the reserved channel can be used.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 15

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-002 Enhancement on Channel Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.7 Preferred speech version (PreferSpeechVer H)

Full name Preferred speech version (half)

Abbreviation PreferSpeechVer H

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When implementing the CS channel allocation policy, describe the preferred

Description half-rate speech version. Half-rate version 1 refers to HR, and version 3 for

Management Object BSC

Value Range Not specify the preferred version, Half-rate version 1, Half-rate version 3

Unit None

Default value Not specify the preferred version

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-001 Half Rate


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Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.8 Preferred speech version (PreferSpeedchVer F)

Full name Preferred speech version (full)

Abbreviation PreferSpeechVer F

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When implementing the CS channel allocation policy, it describe the preferred

Description full-rate voice version. Full-rate version 1 refers to FR, version 2 for EFR, and
version 3 for AMR.

Management Object BSC

Not specify the preferred version, Full-rate version 1, full-rate version 2, full-rate
Value Range
version 3

Unit None

Default value Not specify the preferred version

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-002 Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) Speech Codec

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.9 Reserved channel first (RsvChanFirst)

Full name Reserved channel first

Abbreviation RsvChanFirst

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter indicates the sequence for selecting reserved channel and
non-reserved channel. If this function switch is enabled, reserved channel
is selected first.
Yes: reserved channel first; no: non-reserved channel first

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.10 EMLPP channel reserved time (EMLPPThs, %)

Full name EMLPP channel reserved time

Abbreviation EMLPPThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When using high priority user to access service, that is, EMLPP service, the
Description system may configure reserved channels of certain proportion for access of
high priority users.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.3.11 TRX PS busy threshold (TrxPSBusyThs)

Full name TRX PS busy threshold

Abbreviation TrxPSBusyThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to collect PS service on the idle carrier while applying
for PS, against infinite expansion. Application sequence: the idle carrier
Description above this threshold → idle carrier → idle carrier below this threshold.
Calculate it according to remained available quota on each available PS
timeslot * number of accessed Abis * 100 / number of users.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 6400

Unit None

Default value 1280

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.12 Resource pool for PS rate (PsAbisThs, %)

Full name Resource pool for PS rate

Abbreviation PsAbisThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Full dynamic Abis resource pool provides use proportion of PS channel. if

default value for this parameter is configured as 80%, which refers to upper
Description limit for PS. The aim is to idle Abis resource while CS channel is activated. If
this threshold is exceeded, Abis resource cannot be allocated to PS service

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-03-001 Full Dynamic Abis Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.13 Maximum PS uplink user per TS (MaxPsUserPerTs_0)

Full name Maximum PS uplink user per TS

Abbreviation MaxPsUserPerTs_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter describes maximum PS uplink user per ts.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1~7

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.14 Maximum PS downlink user per TS (MaxPsUserPerTs_1)

Full name Maximum PS downlink user per TS

Abbreviation MaxPsUserPerTs_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes the maximum number of PS downlink users per wire-
less timeslot.


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Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 16

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.3.15 Extended uplink dynamic allocation support

Full name Extended uplink dynamic allocation support

Abbreviation ExUpDynSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if cell supports extended uplink dynamic allocation.

While using this function, the MS only need listen USF allocation with the least
timeslot, so you can determine to send uplink block on all allocated uplink

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-007 Extended Dynamic Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.4 Timer 1
The interface of timer 1 parameters is shown in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4 Timer 1 Parameters

2.4.1 Blocking/unblocking period (T1, 100ms)

Full name Blocking/Unblocking period

Abbreviation T1

3GPP Name T1

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0

This parameter is T1 timer. BSS blocks/unblocks a terrestrial circuit and

sends BLOCK/UNBLOCK message to MSC due to various reasons (such as
O&M; equipment failure/recovery; radio resources unavailable/available). T1
timer sets the time interval between BLOCK/UNBLOCK ACKNOWLEDGE
message sent from MSC to BSC and BLOCK/UNBLOCK message. T1 is
used to identify it during this period.
l Start condition: The system sends a single circuit block/unblock message
to MSC.
l Stop condition: The system receives the single circuit block/unblock mes-
sage from MSC.
l Timeout action: The system compares the number of no responses from
MSC. If the number does not reach the maximum, the system resends
single circuit block/unblock message to MSC. If the number reaches the
maximum, the system terminates the instance.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.2 Global resetting period (T4, 100ms)

Full name Global resetting period

Abbreviation T4

3GPP Name T4

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0

This parameter is T4 timer, monitoring the BSSAP RESET message sent

from BSC to MSC.
l Timer start condition: T4 starts when a global resetting occurs in BSC.
l Timer stop condition: The “BSSAP RESET ACKNOWLEDGE” message
from MSC is received.
l Timeout action: If T4 expires, BSC will repeat the whole process.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 60 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.3 Protection period for global resetting (T13, 100ms)

Full name Protective period for global resetting

Abbreviation T13


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

3GPP Name T13

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0

This parameter is T13 timer, which is a protection time period for a local
call clearing process.
l Timer Start: T13 timer starts when BSC receives BSSAP HANDOVER
COMMAND message.
l Timer Stop: T13 timer suspends when SCCP receives a SSP/SPI mes-
l Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSS will send BSSAP RESET

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 60

Unit 100 ms

Default value 40

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.4 Circuit resetting period on BSS side (T19, 100ms)

Full name Circuit resetting period on BSS side

Abbreviation T19

3GPP Name T19

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0

This parameter is T19 timer, meaning a period of circuit reset at BSS.

l Start condition: If BSC SCCP connection is abnormal while the circuits
must be released to idle status, BSS will send the “BSSAP CIRCUIT RE-
SET” message to MSC and start the timer.
l Stop condition: After MSC receives this message, it will release the corre-
sponding services and the circuits to the idle status and send the “BSSAP
CIRCUIT RESET ACKNOWLEDGE” message to BSC. The timer stops
when BSC receives the "RESET CIRCUIT ACKNOWLEDGE" message.
l Timeout action: If the the number of timeout times is smaller than the maxi-
mum number of resending times, BSC re-sends the circuit reset message


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

to MSC. If the number of timeout times reaches the maximum number,

BSC reports to O&M, terminates the handling, and clears the instance.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.5 Circuit group blocking/unblocking period (T20, 100ms)

Full name Circuit group blocking/unblocking period

Abbreviation T20

3GPP Name T20

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0

For some reasons (O&M; intervention; equipment fault/recovery; radio

resources unavailable/available), BSS will block a group of terrestrial circuits,
then send the “BSSAP CIRCIUIT GROUP BLOCK/UNBLOCK” message to
MSC. After receiving this message, MSC will send the “BSSAP CIRCIUIT
l Start condition: The system sends a circuit group block/unblock message
to MSC.
l Stop condition: The system receives the circuit group block/unblock mes-
sage from MSC.
l Timeout action: BSC analyzes the number of no responses from MSC. If
the number does not reach the maximum value, BSC resends circuit group
maintenance message to MSC. If the number reaches the maximum, BSC
terminates the instance.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 80


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.6 RLSD message receive protection timer (T9101, 100ms)

Full name RLSD message receive protection timer

Abbreviation T9101

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T9101, supervising the reception of RLSD.

l Timer start condition: T9101 starts when BSC sends the “BSSAP CLEAR
COMPLETE” message to MSC.
Description l Timer stop condition: T9101 stops when the RLSD message from MSC is
l Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send RLSD message
to release SCCP connection.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 20 ~ 50

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.7 Channel activation protection timer (RmsT9103, 100ms)

Full name Channel activation protection timer

Abbreviation RmsT9103


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3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T9103, monitoring channel activation process.

l Timer Start: T9103 timer starts when BSC sends CHANNEL ACTIVATION
message to BTS.
Description l Timer Stop: T9103 timer suspends when BSC receives CHANNEL ACTI-
l Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send RF CHANNEL
RELEASE message to BTS

Management Object BSC

Value Range 20

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.8 MSC clear command protection timer (T9104, 100ms)

Full name MSC clear command protection timer

Abbreviation T9104

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is T9104 timer. It supervises CLEAR COMMAND from MSC.

l Timer Start: T9104 timer starts when BSC sends a CLEAR REQUEST
message to MSC.
Description l Timer Stop: T9104 timer suspends when BSC receives CLEAR COM-
MAND message from MSC.
l Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, CLEAR REQUEST message will
be resent (four times at the most).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 20 ~ 50

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.9 SCCP connection protection timer (T9105, 100ms)

Full name SCCP connection protection timer

Abbreviation T9105

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is T9105 timer, monitoring SCCP connection process.

l Timer Start: T9105 timer starts when BSC sends BSSAP SCCP_CON-
NECTION_REQ message to MSC.
Description l Timer Stop: T9105 suspends when BSC receives SCCP_CONNEC-
l Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send CHANNEL RE-
LEASE message to MS.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 20 ~ 60

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.10 Protective time waiting for access (RmsT1, 100ms)

Full name Protective time waiting for access

Abbreviation RmsT1


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3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer rmsT1. It indicates protection waiting time for MS

access during assignment or handover, after channel activation process.
l Timer start condition: The destination channel receives the “CHL ACITI-
VATION ACK” message and sends the “RADIO AVAILABLE” message to
the source channel.
l Timer stop condition: In MS access, the destination channel receives the
l Timeout action: BSC releases the instance of target channel service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 300

Unit 100 ms

Default value 70

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.11 Protective time for applying to channel (RmsT2, 100ms)

Full name Protection time for applying to channel

Abbreviation RmsT2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T2.

l Timer start condition: The old channel sends the “RADIO APPLY” mes-
l Timer stop condition: Channel request succeeds and the old channel re-
ceives the “RADIO AVAILABLE” message; or the channel request fails
and the “RADIO UNAVAILABLE” message is received; or the “RAIO PRO-
CEEDING” message is received in queuing.
l Timeout action:
If the reason of channel application is assignment, in case of IPA, BSC
returns assignment failure to MSC if the number of assignment requests


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

is greater than one. If the number is not greater than one, BSC returns
assignment failure to MSC and clears target channel instances.
If the reason of channel application is directed retry, BSC returns
assignment failure to MSC and clears target channel instances.
If the reason of channel application is handover, BSC clears target
channel instances and the service returns to the original channel.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 20 ~ 50

Unit 100 ms

Default value 40

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.4.12 Protective time for link establishment response (RmsT3,

Full name Protection time for link establishment response

Abbreviation RmsT3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is T3 timer.

l Timer start condition: RANCS instance sends "ESTABLISH IND" to RANA
Description l Timer stop condition: RANCS instance receives the "CONNECT CONF"
sent by RANA instance, or the "CONNECT FAIL" when RANA fails to es-
tablish the link.
l Timeout action: BSC releases this service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 100

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline


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Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.4.13 Protective time for P0 confirms the message HO/ASS COM

(RmsT4, 100ms)
Full name Protective time for P0 confirms the message HO/ASS COM

Abbreviation RmsT4

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is T4 timer.

l Timer start condition: After RANCS receives the "HO COM" or "ASS COM"
message of MS and forwards it to RANA.
l Timer stop condition: RANCS receives acknowledgement of "HO COM"
or "ASS COM" message by RANA.
l Timeout action: BSC releases this service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 80

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.4.14 Encryption mode modification time (RmsT5, 100ms)

Full name Encryption mode modification time

Abbreviation RmsT5

3GPP Name None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T5, used to supervise modification process of

encryption mode, that is, the timer that waits for MS response after configuring
radio encryption mode.
l Timer Start: T5 timer starts when BSC receives CIPHER MODE COM-
Description MAND message from MSC.
l Timer Stop: T5 timer suspends when BSC receives CIPHER MODE COM-
PLETE message from MS.
l Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send BSSAP CIPHER
MODE REJECT message to MSC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 120

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.15 SAPI3 link establishment time (RmsT6, 100ms)

Full name SAPI3 link establishment time

Abbreviation RmsT6

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Timer T6 supervises link establishment of SAPI3.

l Timer start: timer T6 starts when BSC receives the DTAP (SAPI = 3) mes-
sage from MSC and there is no SAPI3 link.
Description l Timer stop: timer T6 stops when BSC receives the ESTABLISH CONFIRM
message from BTS.
l Overtime action: When timer T6 expires, the BSSMAP SAPI"n" REJECT
message will be sent to MSC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 300

Unit 100 ms


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.16 External handover protective time (RmsT8, 100ms)

Full name External handover protective time

Abbreviation RmsT8

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer rmsT8, monitoring external handover process.

l Timer start condition: rmsT8 starts after handover command is sent in
Serve state while RANCS instance shall be handovered externally.
l Timer stop condition: rmsT8 timer stops if RANCS instance receives HO
COMCLEAR CMD (handover success) or UM HO FAIL (handover failed).
l Timeout action: BSC releases the service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 50 ~ 650

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.4.17 Protective time for No.7 signal instantaneous disconnection

(T3, 100ms)
Full name Protective time for No.7 signal instantaneous disconnection


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Abbreviation T3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This timer is configured to prevent from signal instantaneous disconnection

and wrong actions.
If disconnection duration of no.7 link exceeds timer protective time, global
resetting is issued. If no signaling point reachable event is received during
delay time, no.7 link is considered as disconnection and global resetting
process begins; if reachable signaling point is received during delay time,
Description no.7 link is considered as instantaneous disconnection.
l Start condition: BSC periodically detects whether MSC office direction
states are all disconnected or receives MSC/SLMC/iTC reset message.
l Stop condition: BSC receives MSC reachable message.
l Timeout action: In case the opposite office is unreachable, BSC clears
the blocked bit and unequipped status bits of opposite office and sends
the "MSC Reset" message to global resetting process.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 200

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.18 Protective time that PO responses external handover

completion message (RmsT7, 100ms)
Full name Protective time that PO responses external handover completion message

Abbreviation RmsT7

3GPP Name T7

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is timer rmsT7, indicating the protective time for waiting for
PO response to external handover completion message.
l Timer start condition: It starts when RANCS sends the HANDOVER RE-
QUIRED message to MSC.
l Timer stop condition: It stops when RANCS instance receives HAN-
DOVER COMMAND response from MSC.
l Timeout action: BSC clears the channel application reason, records the
number of outgoing handover attempts and outgoing handover request
failures, punishes target cell, and waits for new handover decision to orig-
inate handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 50 ~ 200

Unit 100 ms

Default value 150

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.4.19 HBTS scan begin time (HBTSScanBT)

Full name HBTS scan begin time

Abbreviation HBTSScanBT

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates the begin time of HBTS scanning.

Management Object S8001

Value Range 0 ~ 23

Unit None

Default value 3 (indicates 3 o'clock)

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters HBTS scan site number


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

If HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum) is set to 0, this parameter

can be configured but invalid.

Related interfaces Abis interface

Impact on service None

2.4.20 HBTS scan cycle (HBTSScanCyc, 3600s)

Full name HBTS scan cycle

Abbreviation HBTSScanCyc

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the HBTS scanning cycle.

l Start conation: Periodic frequency calibration is started when the
Description system receives new periodic frequency calibration message.
l Stop condition: The old periodic frequency calibration message is

Management Object S8001

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit 3600 s

Default value 24

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters HBTS scan site number

If HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum) is set to 0, this parameter

can be configured but invalid.

Related interfaces Abis interface

Impact on service None

2.5 Timer 2
The interface of timer 2 parameters is shown in Figure 2-5.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 2-5 Timer 2 Parameters

2.5.1 Protective time for RF channel release (RmsT9, 100ms)

Full name Protective time for RF channel release

Abbreviation RmsT9

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T9.

l Timer start condition: T9 starts when the "RF CHANNEL RELEASE" mes-
sage is sent to BTS when RANCS instance is released.
l Timer stop condition: T9 stops when RANCS instance receives the "RF
l Timeout action: BSC releases the service instance.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 50

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface

Impact on service None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.5.2 Queue period of assignment (RmsT11, 100ms)

Full name Queue period of assignment

Abbreviation RmsT11

3GPP Name T11

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0

This parameter is T11 timer. This parameter indicates the maximum allowable
queuing time for assignment attempts.
l Start condition: The assignment queue function is enabled. If the assign-
Description ment request for channel application fails, the timer starts when the re-
quest is put in the queue.
l Stop condition: Effective channel resource is obtained.
l Timeout action: BSC releases the instance of target channel service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-003 Queuing

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.5.3 Acknowledgment interval for periodic status (RmsT12, 100ms)

Full name Acknowledgment interval for periodic status

Abbreviation RmsT12

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is timer T12, indicating the interval of periodic status

l Timer start condition: T12 timer starts initially when RANCS receives the
"CONNECT CONF" message from RANA. Timer decides to perform ac-
tivity check at peer end. After that the timer starts periodically.
l Timer stop time: T12 timer stops when RANCS instance receives RE-
LEASE TYPE message.
l Timeout action: BSC restarts the timer if the number of timeout times does
not reach the maximum value, and releases the service instance if the
number of timeout times reaches the maximum value.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 50 ~ 18000

Unit 100 ms

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.5.4 Mode modification process time (RmsT13, 100ms)

Full name Mode modification process time

Abbreviation RmsT13

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is T13 timer. It supervises BTS and MS modes modification

process. Mode modification refers to modify channel mode. When there
is not SDCCH and FACCH is allocated, new channel is not allocated after
assignment, but modify the modes.
l Timer start condition: When BSC sends the “MODE MODIFY” message
Description to BTS and sends the “CHANNEL MODE MODIFY” message to MS.
l Timer stop condition: When BSC receives the “MODE MODIFY
ACK/NACK” message from BTS and the “CHANNEL MODE MODIFY”
message from MS.
l Overtime Action: If the timer is overtime, the BSC will send BSSAP AS-


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Management Object BSC

Value Range 35 ~ 100

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface

Impact on service None

2.5.5 Protective time of UM assignment completion (RmsT14,

Full name Protective time of UM assignment completion

Abbreviation RmsT14

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T14, indicating the protective time of UM assignment

l Start condition: BSC sends Ass/Ho Com message from target instance to
Description source instance.
l Stop condition: The target instance receives the "Ass/Ho Com Ack" mes-
sage from source instance.
l Timeout action: BSC releases this service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 50

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.5.6 Waiting time for oriented retry (RmsT16, 100ms)

Full name Waiting time for oriented retry

Abbreviation RmsT16

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When attempting oriented retry, if target cell has not been gained through
inspection, you shall configure rmsT16 to wait for receiving measurement
report, and then check if oriented retry is conducted at target cell after rmsT16
is timeout. This process can be repeated for several times.
l Start condition: The source instance starts directed retry attempts after
Description being notified that radio channel resource application fails.
l Stop condition: None.
l Timeout action: If the number of timeout times exceeds the maximum
value, BSC sends assignment failure message to MSC and waits for mes-
sage clearance. If the number does not reach the maximum value, BSC
restarts directed retry.

Management object BSC

Value Range 20 ~ 60

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.5.7 Queue timer for handover (RmsTqho, 100ms)

Full name Queue timer for handover

Abbreviation RmsTqho

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter indicates the maximum allowable queuing time for handover
l Start time: The handover queue function is enabled. The handover re-
Description quest for channel application fails. The time is calculated when handover
is queued for resource allocation.
l Stop condition: Effective channel resource is obtained.
l Timeout action: BSC releases the instance of target channel service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-003 Queuing

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.5.8 First overload period of flow traffic control (mT11, 100ms)

Full name First overload period of flow traffic control

Abbreviation mT11

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Overload contains overloads of CPU, MSC signaling point, MSC service,

and CCCH.
In cell overload conditions, BSC adopts a timer mT11 for traffic flow control.
This clock is used together with mT12 to modify the parameter “ACCESS
CONTROL” configured for the cell and notify MS via the system information
for flow control. The value of timer must be less than that of timer mT12.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.5.9 Second overload period of flow traffic control (mT12, 100ms)

Full name Second overload period of flow traffic control

Abbreviation mT12

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Overload contains overloads of CPU, MSC signaling point, MSC service,

and CCCH.
In cell overload conditions, BSC adopts a timer mT12 for traffic flow
control. The mT12 timer in combination with mT11 timer modifies ACCESS
CONTROL parameter in the cell. BSC notifies the MS to achieve flow control
through system information.
The value of timer must be more than that of mT11 timer. The two clocks
Description control the cell flow as follows: When the network receives the overload
message for the first time, the system decreases the flow by one level, and
starts mT11 and mT12. The OVERLOAD message during mT11 period will be
ignored. If the OVERLOAD message is received between mT11 and mT12,
the flow will be decreased by another level and both mT11 and mT12 will be
restarted. If BSC does not receive OVERLOAD message after mT12 timer
stops, the flow increases to one more level, and the mT12 timer restarts.
Lower grade and higher grade represent different proportion to reject service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 50 ~ 200

Unit 100 ms

Default value 150

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.5.10 Time of micro-micro handover delay (Tmicro, 100ms)

Full name Time of micro-micro handover delay

Abbreviation Tmicro

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In micro-micro handover control, a delay time value is required (the timer

value). Timer Start: relevant timer starts instantly when a call enters a micro
cell. Timer Stop: relevant timer stops when it reaches the set value. Existing
call can use neighboring micro cell in the same layer only when the timer
stops. In this way, it could prevent fast moving mobiles staying in the micro
cell layer.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 50 ~ 200

Unit 100 ms

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-05-02-008 Multi-layer Cell Structure

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.5.11 BSIC decoding period (Tbsic, 100ms)

Full name BSIC decoding period

Abbreviation Tbsic

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

The parameter Tbsic defines a period, which is calculated from call

establishment or handover completion (inter-cell or intra-cell). TC/I evaluation
is considered as unreliable during this period, thus, handover to a special
TRX is not allowed. During this period, MS can decode BSIC that interferes
with neighboring cells before handover procedure starts.
This parameter is only valid in concentric circle case.
l Start condition: It starts when the system initializes handover or estab-
lishes a call.
l Stop condition: None.
l Timeout action: BSC sets BSIC start and end status as invalid.

Management object BSC

Value Range 20 ~ 640

Unit 100 ms

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features
ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.5.12 Handover protecting timer to WCDMA/FDD (RmsT3121,

Full name Handover protecting timer to WCDMA/FDD

Abbreviation RmsT3121

3GPP Name T3121

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

Timer T3121, protection time after sending inter-system to utran handover

command (UM) to UE.
l Timer Start: The timer starts when BSC sends "inter-system to utran han-
dover command" message to MS.
l Timer stop: the timer stops when BSC receives "CLEAR COMMAND"
message from MSC or "HANDOVER FAILURE" message from MS.
l Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send CLEAR RE-
QUEST message to MSC.

Management Object BSC


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Value Range 1 ~ 650

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.5.13 Immediate assignment period (RmsT3101, 100ms)

Full name Immediate assignment period

Abbreviation RmsT3101

3GPP Name T3101

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

This timer indicates the time period for the instant assigning process.
l Timer Start: The timer starts when BSC sends IMMEDIATE ASSIGN-
Description l Timer Stop: The timer stops when BSC receives ESTABLISH INDICA-
TION message.
l Overtime Action: If the timer is overtime, the BSC will send CHANNEL
RELEASE message to BTS.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 50

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface, Abis interface

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.5.14 Handover period of source cell (RmsT3103, 100ms)

Full name Handover period of source cell

Abbreviation RmsT3103

3GPP Name T3103

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

This timer indicates the time period for internal handover process of BSC.
l Timer Start: The timer starts when BSC sends HANDOVER COMMAND
message to MS.
l Timer Stop: The timer suspends when BSC receives HANDOVER COM-
PLETE message on a new channel or HANDOVER FAILURE message
on an old channel from MS.
l Overtime Action: If the timer is overtime, the BSC will send a CLEAR
REQUEST message to MSC, and the new channel is released.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 300

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface, Abis interface

Impact on service None

2.5.15 Assignment period (RmsT3107, 100ms)

Full name Assignment period

Abbreviation RmsT3107

3GPP Name T3107

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This timer indicates the time period for assignment period and internal
handover of a cell..
l Timer Start: The timer starts when BSC sends RIL3_RR ASSIGNMENT
COMMAND message to MS.
Description l Timer Stop: The timer stops when BSC receives RIL3_RR ASSIGNMENT
l Overtime Action: If this time is overtime, in the case of assignment, the
former and new channel will be released; in the case of cell internal han-
dover, the BSC will send a CLEAR REQUEST message to the MSC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 300

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface, Abis interface

Impact on service None

2.5.16 Channel release period (RmsT3109, 100ms)

Full name Channel release period

Abbreviation RmsT3109

3GPP Name T3109

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

This timer supervises the channel release process.

l Timer start condition: The timer starts when BSC sends RIL3_RR CHAN-
NEL RELEASE message to MS.
Description l Timer stop condition: The timer stops when BSC receives RELEASE IN-
DICATION message from BTS (when BTS receives DISC frame from MS).
l Overtime Action: If this timer is overtime, BSC will send CHANNEL RE-
LEASE message to MS.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 400

Unit 100 ms

Default value 50


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface, Abis interface

Impact on service None

2.5.17 Channel deactivation delay (RmsT3111, 100ms)

Full name Channel deactivation delay

Abbreviation RmsT3111

3GPP Name T3111

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

After releasing the UM interface radio link layer, in order to make sure the
radio link is disconnected, BSC sets a period of protection time rmsT3111.
Releases the wireless channel and deactivates it after rmsT3111 timer stops.
Description l Timer start: rmsT3111 timer starts when BSC receives RELEASE INDI-
CATION message.
l Overtime Action: If rmsT3111 timer is overtime, the BSC will send RF

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1~5

Unit 100 ms

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface

Impact on service None

2.5.18 Continue timer for mode modify (TModeModifyConn, 100ms)

Full name Continue timer for mode modify

Abbreviation TModeModifyConn


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is connection delay timer. This timer is used to wait for
connection finished after sending connection request, including Abis
connection and TC connection.
Description l Start condition: BTS sends a connection request.
l Stop condition: BSC waits for the message about the completion of all
l Timeout action: BSC releases this service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 50 ~ 70

Unit 100 ms

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.5.19 Handover protecting time to UTRAN (mT7, 100ms)

Full name Handover protecting time to UTRAN

Abbreviation mT7

3GPP Name T7

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0

This timer is used to send HANDOVER REQUIRED to MSC, where target

cell is UTRAN cell, waiting for response from MSC.
l Timer start: this timer starts if BSC sends HANDOVER REQUIRED to
MSC, where target cell is UTRAN cell.
l Timer stop: it stops when BSC receives HANDOVER COMMAND from
l Timeout action: configure penalty for UTRAN target cell carried in HAN-

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 65535

Unit 100 ms


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.5.20 Time of destination instance waiting for available resources

when forced disconnection (RmsT15, 100ms)
Time of destination instance waiting for available resources when forced dis-
Full name

Abbreviation RmsT15

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is timer T15, indicating the time available for target instance
to wait for resource in forced release.
l Timer start condition: When the target instance decides forced release, it
will send the "PREEMPT APPLY" message to the released object.
l Timer stop condition: The target instance receives the “RESOURCE
AVAILABLE” message from the released object, indicating that the
resources are available.
l Timeout action: BSC acquires the forced release instance. If the instance
exists, BSC initiates forced release attempts and starts the timer of re-
source waiting after forced release.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 50

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.5.21 Protecting time of FUC response to system message

broadcast (BcProtect, 100ms)
Full name Protecting time of FUC response to system message broadcast

Abbreviation BcProtect

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is the protection timer for waiting for FUC response to system
message broadcast. FUC response is used to ensure BTS correctly receives
system message.
l Start condition: BSC sends system message to BTS.
Description l Stop condition: BSC receives the response of system message from BTS.
l Timeout action: If the number of timeout times does not reach the maxi-
mum value, BSC re-sends system message to BTS and restarts the timer.
If the number reaches the maximum value, BSC does not send system
message to BTS and clears the cell instance information of BTS.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 100

Unit 100 ms

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.5.22 HO performed ack timer (TwaitHoPFMAck, 100ms)

Full name HO performed ack timer

Abbreviation TwaitHoPFMAck

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

When using IP carrier at user plane of interface A, because TC is placed at

MGW, CN shall be informed to replace codec during intra-BSC handover. CN
replacement codec is triggered by HANDOVER PERFORMED message.
To ensure MSC has received this message and successfully command
MGS to replace codec against obstacles at speech aspect, HANDOVER
PERFORMED ACK message is added. This timer is used to wait for
Description HANDOVER PERFORMED ACK message from MSC.
l Timer start: it starts when BSC sends HANDOVER PERFORMED mes-
sage to MSC.
l Timer stop: it stops when BSC receives HANDOVER PERFORMED ACK
message from MSC.
l Timeout action: release call while sending CLEAR REQUEST message
to MSC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 50 ~ 70

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces A Interface

Impact on service None

2.5.23 Round trip delay (RtdDefault, 20ms)

Full name Round trip delay

Abbreviation RtdDefault

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When handover is performed in AMR, BSC sends the pre-handover notification

message to BTS to make BTS not implement voice rate adjustment.
l Timer start: When BSC sends the pre-handover notification message to
BTS, the timer is started.
l Timer stop: When BSC receives the response for pre-handover notification
message from BTS, the timer is stopped.
l Overtime action: BSC sends the handover command to MS.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit 20 ms

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces Abis Interface

Impact on
service None

2.6 GPRS Maximum Retrying Times

The interface of GPRS maximum retrying times is shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 GPRS Max Retrying Times Parameters

2.6.1 MAX times of BVC block retry (BVCBlkMax)

Full name MAX times of BVC block retry

Abbreviation BVCBlkMax


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3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

If the PTP BVC must be blocked due to OAM intervention or equipment

faults (disable blocking/unblocking the signaling BVC), BSS will first set the
BVC status as “Blocked” and discard the uplink service data.
To notify SGSN to stop sending downlink data, BSS initiates BVC blocking
procedure. BSC repeats BVC blocking procedure after sending BVC BLOCK
message to SGSN. If BSC fails to receive BVC BLOCK ACKNOWLEDGE
message from SGSN in BSSGPT1, then BVC blocking repeats for a
maximum of N times.
BSC stops BVC blocking and notifies OMS for N times if there is no answer.
Description N depends on maximum retries of BVC BLOCK.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 3 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.2 MAX times of BVC unblock retry (BVCUnblkMax)

Full name MAX times of BVC unblock retry

Abbreviation BVCUblkMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

If the PTP BVC must be unblocked due to the OAM intervention or recovery
of the equipment fault (disable blocking/unblocking the signaling BVC), BSS
will first set the BVC status as “Unblocked”.
To notify SGSN to start sending the downlink data, BSS will initiate the BVC
unblocking procedure. BSC repeats the BVC unblocking procedure after
sending the BVC UNBLOCK message to SGSN. If BSC fails to receive the
BVC unblocking repeats for a maximum of N times.
BSC stops BVC unblocking and notifies OMS for N times if there is no
Description answer. N depends on maximum retries of BVC UNBLOCK.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 3 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.3 MAX times of BVC reset retry (BVCRestMax)

Full name MAX times of BVC reset retry

Abbreviation BVCRestMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

To keep the initial status consistent between the two BVC sides, the “Reset
BVC” process must be initiated in the following cases: 1) system faults that
affect the BVC function in BSS or SGSN (such as restart upon power-on);
2) lower layer network service entity failure (such as frame relay fault); 3)
lower layer network service entity capability update (for example, frame
relay capability changed from 0kbps to greater than 0kbps); 4) change of the
corresponding relationship between BVC and the cell.
For faults that affect NSE, BSC initiates Signaling BVC RESET procedure.
For faults that affect a single BVC, BSC initiates the PTP BVC RESET
procedure. BSC initiates all PTP BVC RESET procedure for corresponding
Description NSE after a signaling BVC reset procedure.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

After the BVC RESET message is sent to SGSN, if the BVC RESET
ACKNOWLEDGE message from SGSN cannot be received within
BSSGPT2, the BVC RESET process is repeated.
The BVC RESET process could be repeated for N times at most. If there is
no answer after the N times, BSC stops BVC RESET and notifies OMS. N
depends on the maximum number of retries of BVC RESET.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.4 MAX times of NS block retry (NSBlkMax)

Full name MAX times of NS block retry

Abbreviation NSBlkMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.016 V5.4.0

BSC repeats the blocking process when sending the NS BLOCK message
to SGSN. If NS BLOCK ACKNOWLEDGE message from SGSN fails to
reach BSC within specified NS_T1 time then BSC repeats the NS BLOCK
message for a maximum of N times.
BSC stops BLOCK procedure and notify OMS for N times if there is no
Description answer. N depends on maximum retries of NS BLOCK.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.5 MAX times of NS unblock retry (NSUnblkMax)

Full name MAX times of NS unblock retry

Abbreviation NSUnblkMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.016 V5.4.0

BSC repeats UNBLOCK procedure after sending NS UNBLOCK message to

SGSN. If BSC fails to receive the NS BLOCK ACKNOWLEDGE message
from SGSN within NS_T1 timer, then BSC repeats the NS UNBLOCK
message for a maximum of N times.
BSC stops UNBLOCK procedure and notify OMS for N times if there is no
Description answer. N depends on maximum retries of NS UNBLOCK.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.6 MAX times of NS alive retry (NSAliveMax)

Full name MAX times of NS alive retry

Abbreviation NSAliveMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.016 V5.4.0


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

BSC repeats alive procedure after sending NS Alive message to SGSN.

If BSC fails to receive NS Alive ACKNOWLEDGE message from SGSN
within NS_T4 timer then BSC repeats NS Alive message for a maximum of N
times. NS Alive process is specified by the procotol, used to test connection
condition of NSVC terminal side.
BSC stops BSC Alive procedure and notify OMS for N times if there is no
Description answer. N depends on maximum retries of NS Alive.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.7 MAX times of suspend retry (SuspendMax)

Full name MAX times of suspend retry

Abbreviation SuspendMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

MS first sends a SUSPEND message to BSS over SDCCH when a Class

B GPRS MS is about to initiate a voice service. BSS initiates suspending
procedure to SGSN to notify SGSN to stop sending PS paging and downlink
packet data after BSS receives the message.
BSC repeats suspending procedure after sending SUSPEND message to
SGSN. If BSC fails to receive SUSPEND ACK/NACK message from SGSN
in BSSGPT3 then BSC repeats the suspending procedure for a maximum
of N times.
BSC stops suspending and notify OMS for N times if there is no answer. N
Description depends on maximum suspending retries.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.8 MAX times of resume retry (ResumeMax)

Full name MAX times of resume retry

Abbreviation ResumeMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

BSSGP layer parameters. when GPRS-attached MS leaves a special mode,

BSS adopts one of the following strategies:
1. Notify MS of carrying out "route area upgrade".
2. Notify SGSN of recovering the GPRS service.
In case of Routing Area Update, MS and SGSN directly negotiate GMM
status. With the “Resume” method (usually for the MS in the packet
transmission status), BSS will initiate the “RESUME” process to SGSN for the
purpose of notifying SGSN to start the normal packet downlink transmission
action. If BSC fails to receive the RESUME ACK/NACK message from SGSN
in BSSGPT4, then repeats Resume procedure for a maximum of N times.
BSC stops the Resume procedure and notify OMS N times if there is no
Description answer. N depends on the maximum times of resuming retry.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.6.9 MAX times of radio access capabilities update retry

Full name MAX times of radio access capabilities update retry

Abbreviation UpdateMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

BSSGP layer parameters. When MS is establishing uplink/downlink TBF,

BSS requires information about the radio access capability of MS. BSS
obtains such information from SGSN through Radio Access Capabilities
Update procedure.
BSC repeats this procedure after sending the RADIO ACCESS
CAPABILITIES UPDATE message to SGSN. If BSC fails to receive the
SGSN in BSSGPT5 then the Radio Access Capabilities Update procedure
repeats for a maximum of N times. After N times if there is no answer, then
BSC stops Radio Access Capabilities Update procedure and notify OMS.
Description N depends on the maximum update retry times.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.10 Max times of PFC create retry (DownLoadBssPFCMax)

Full name Max times of PFC create retry

Abbreviation DownLoadBssPFCMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Max retry times to create PFC. If "Creat BSS PFC" is not received before timer
BSSGPT6 is timeout, BSS sends "Download BSS PFC" message according
to max times of retrying to create PFC. If "Creat BSS PFC" is not received still
after trying DownLoadBSSPRCMax+1, the process is completed and inform
Description O&M.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-02-004 Streaming Service Policies

ZGO-01-02-003 Service based QoS
Relevant Features ZGB-01-02-001 Quality of Service (QoS)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.6.11 Max times of PFC modify retry (ModifyBssPFCMax)

Full name Max times of PFC modify retry

Abbreviation ModifyBssPFCMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

Max retry times to modify PFC. If "Modify BSS PFC Ack" is not received before
timer BSSGPT8 is timeout, BSS sends "Modify BSS PFC" message accord-
ing to max times of retrying to modify PFC. If "Modify BSS PFC Ack" is not
received still after trying ModifyBssPFCMax +1, the process is completed and
Description inform O&M.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-02-004 Streaming Service Policies

ZGO-01-02-003 Service based QoS
Relevant Features ZGB-01-02-001 Quality of Service (QoS)


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7 GPRS Timer

The interface of GPRS timer parameters is shown in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7 GPRS Timer Parameters

2.7.1 BVC block/unblock retry time (BssgpT1, 100ms)

Full name BVC block/unblock retry time

Abbreviation BssgpT1

3GPP Name T1

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

It monitors BSSGP blocking/unblocking process.

Global process in BSC central module MP uses the timer value. BSS initiates
BVC blocking/unblocking procedure for a point-to-point BVC in case of OAM
intervention or device faults. BSC repeats this procedure, if SGSN does
not return BVC BLOCK/UNBLOCK ACK/NACK messages. The number of
sending times increments. The interval between the messages is the BVC
blocking/unblocking retry time. The system tries retransmission if T1 times
out but does not exceed the maximum sending times. If T1 exceeds the
maximum sending times, the system ignores it.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Start condition: BSC originates "BVC BLOCK/UNBLOCK" procedure.
l Stop condition: BSC receives the "BVC BLOCK/UNBLOCK ACK/NACK"
Description l Timeout action: BSC retransfers the procedure for N times (configurable).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 300

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.2 BVC reset retry time (BssgpT2, 100ms)

Full name BVC reset retry time

Abbreviation BssgpT2

3GPP Name T2

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

It monitors BSSGP reset procedure.

BSS initiates "BVC reset" process when BVC (including PTP BVC and
signaling BVC) is required to be reset (disconnection to connection at Gb
interface, and cell is changed from GPRS support to GPRS/EDGE support)
due to certain reason. BSC repeats the procedure if SGSN does not
return BVC RESET ACK/NACK message. The number of sending times
increments. The interval between the messages is the BVC reset retry time.
The system tries retransmission if T2 times out but does not exceed the
maximum sending times. If T2 times out and exceeds the maximum sending
times, the corresponding BVC database status is set to BLOCK.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and time actions are as follows:

à Start condition: The timer starts when BSC initiates BVC RESET

à Stop condition: The timer stops when BSC receives the "BVC RE-
SET ACK/BACK" message from SGSN.

Description à Timeout action: BSC retransfers for N times (configurable).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 1200

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.3 Suspend retry time (BssgpT3, 100ms)

Full name Suspend retry time

Abbreviation BssgpT3

3GPP Name T3

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Class B MS notifies the network to suspend packet service when MS is ready

to perform a voice service. BSS initiates to suspend SGSN procedure after
receiving SUSPEND message from MS BSS repeats the procedure if SGSN
does not return SUSPEND ACK/NACK message. In addition, the number
of sending times increments. The interval between the messages is the
suspend retry time. The system tries retransmission if T3 times out but does
not exceed the maximum sending times. If T3 times out and exceeds the
maximum sending times, the system stops the SUSPEND procedure.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Timer start: It starts while BSC initiates SUSPEND SGSN procedure.
l Stop: It stops when BSC receives the "SUSPEND ACK/NACK" message.
Description l Timeout action: BSC retransfers the procedure for N times (configurable).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 100

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.4 Resume retry time (BssgpT4, 100ms)

Full name Resume retry time

Abbreviation BssgpT4

3GPP Name T4

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

This parameter monitors BSSGP resuming procedure.

Service process in BSC peripheral module MP uses the timer value. BSS
initiates resuming procedure to SGSN when GPRS-attached MS is not in
dedicated mode and BSS uses Notify SGSN to resume GPRS service policy.
BSS repeats the procedure if SGSN does not return RESUME ACK/NACK
message. In addition, the number of sending times increments. The
interval between the messages is the resuming retry time. The system tries
retransmission if T4 times out but does not exceed the maximum sending

Description times. If T4 times out and exceeds the maximum sending times, the system


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

stops the resuming procedure and notifies MS to originate routing area

update procedure.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Timer start: It starts while BSC initiates Resume procedure.
l Stop: It stops when BSC receives the "RESUME ACK/NACK" message.
l Timeout action: BSC retransfers the procedure for N times (configurable).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 100

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.5 Access capability update retry time (BssgpT5, 100ms)

Full name Access capability update retry time

Abbreviation BssgpT5

3GPP Name T5

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

This parameter monitors BSSGP radio access capability update procedure.

Service process in BSC peripheral module MP uses the timer value. BSC
repeats the "Radio Access Capability Update" procedure after BSS initiates
the "RA_CAPABILITY" procedure to SGSN and if SGSN does not return the
"RA_CAPABILITY UPDATE ACK/NACK" message. In addition, the number
of sending times increments. The interval between the messages is the retry
time for radio access capability update. The system tries retransmission if
T5 times out but does not exceed the maximum sending times. If T5 times
out and exceeds the maximum sending times, the system stops the Radio
Access Capability Update procedure.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Start: BSC initiates the Radio Access Capability Update procedure.
l Stop: BSC receives the "RA_CAPABILITY UPDATE ACK/NACK" mes-
sage returned from SGSN.
Description l Timeout action: BSC retransfers the procedure for N times (configurable).


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 300

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.6 PFC creating retry time (BssgpT6, 100ms)

Full name PFC creating retry time

Abbreviation BssgpT6

3GPP Name T6

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

This parameter indicates the PFC creating retry time.

After BSS sends "Create PFC" procedure to SGSN, BSS repeats the process
if SGSN does not return "CREATE PFC ACK/NACK" message. The interval
between the messages is the PFC creating retry time.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Timer start: It starts while BSC initiates the Download PFC procedure.
l Timer stop: It stops while receiving the SGSN Create PFC message.
Description l Timeout action: BSC retransfers the procedure for N times (configurable).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 100

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.7.7 PFC modifying retry time (BssgpT8, 100ms)

Full name PFC modifying retry time

Abbreviation BssgpT8

3GPP Name T8

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.018 V5.13.0

After BSS sends "Modify PFC" procedure to SGSN, BSS repeats the process
if SGSN does not return the "MODIFY PFC ACK/NACK" message. The
interval between the messages is the PFC creating retry time.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Timer start: It starts while BSC initiates Modify BSS PFC procedure.
l Timer stop: It stops while receiving the "SGSN Modify BSS PFC Ack"
Description l Timeout action: BSC retransfers the procedure for N times (configurable).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 100

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-02-004 Streaming Service Policies

ZGO-01-02-003 Service based QoS
Relevant Features ZGB-01-02-001 Quality of Service (QoS)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.8 BVC flow control period (CellFcPer, 10ms)

Full name BVC flow control period

Abbreviation CellFcPer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter is the BVC leakage ratio measurement period in the ‘BVC
Flow Control’ process, that is, BVC long measurement period. To provide
reference to the BVC flow control at SGSN side, the BSSGP process
at BSS side periodically measures the current BVC leakage ratio. BSC
initiates the "BVC flow control" procedure unconditionally when the long
measurement timer overflows. SGSN confirms to BSC if the difference
of leakage ratios between the two times exceeds CellFcThs. BSC also
initiates "BVC flow control" procedure with SGSN confirmation if the short
measurement timer overflows, and the difference of the leakage ratio
between the two timers exceed CellFcThs.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Start: The timer starts during cell creation.
l Stop: The timer stops if the cell is blocked or removed.
Description l Timeout: BSC originates the "BVC flow control" process unconditionally.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 2 ~ 65535

Unit 10 ms

Default value 3000

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-016 BVC Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.7.9 MS flow control period (MsFcPer, 10ms)

Full name MS flow control period

Abbreviation MsFcPer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is the MS leakage ratio measurement period in the "MS

Flow Control" process.
For reference of flow control at the SGSN side, the BSSGP process at
the BSS side periodically measures the current leakage ratio of each
MS. When the statistic timer overflows, the "MS Flow Control" process
is initiated unconditionally.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and time actions are as follows:
l Start condition: BSSGP in idle state receives downlink LLC frame.
l Stop condition: Downlink LLC frames are completely transmitted.
Description l Timeout: BSC originates the "MS flow control" process unconditionally.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 2 ~ 65535

Unit 10 ms

Default value 3000

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-017 MS Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.7.10 Timer that monitors block/unblock procedure (NS_T1,

Full name Timer that monitors block/unblock procedure

Abbreviation NS_T1

3GPP Name Tns-block

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.016 V5.4.0

This parameter is the timer that monitors the blocking/unblocking procedure

of NSVC at NS layer. The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions
are as follows:
l Start condition: BSC initiates the NS blocking/unblocking procedure.
l Stop condition: BSC receives the response to SGSN blocking/unblocking
from SGSN.
l Timout action: BSC repeats the NSVC blocking/unblocking procedure
for N times (corresponding to the contents of NS-BLOCK-RETRIES in
Description 3GPP). The timer restarts.

Management Object BSC


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Value Range 10 ~ 1200

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.11 Timer that monitors reset procedure (NS_T2, 100 ms)

Full name Timer that monitors reset procedure

Abbreviation NS_T2

3GPP Name Tns-reset

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.016 V5.4.0

This parameter is timer that monitors NSVC reset procedure at NS layer.

The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Timer start: BSC initiates NSVC RESET procedure.
l Stop condition: BSC receives reset response from SGSN.
l Timeout action: BSC repeats NSVC reset procedure. When the maxi-
Description mum reset attempt period (NS_T5) is reached, the timer restarts.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 120

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.7.12 NC-cycle of NS-VC test process (NS_T3, 100 ms)

Full name NC-cycle of NS-VC test process

Abbreviation NS_T3

3GPP Name Tns-test

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.016 V5.4.0

This parameter is the timer for monitoring NSVC link test process at NS layer.
The conditions of timer start, restart, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Start condition: The NSVC Reset process is complete (for FR) or the
Configuration process is complete (for IPGb).
l Restart condition: It restarts after receiving the "Alive Ack" from SGSN.
Description l Timeout action: BSC sends the "NS Alive" message on timeout.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 600

Unit 100 ms

Default value 300

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.13 Timer that monitors alive process of NSVC (NS_T4, 100 ms)
Full name Timer that monitors alive process of NSVC

Abbreviation NS_T4

3GPP Name Tns-alive

3GPP reference 3GPP TS48.016 V5.4.0

This parameter is the timer that monitors alive process of NSVC at NS layer.
The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Start condition: BSC receives the "NS Alive" message from test process.
l Stop condition: BSC receives Alive response from SGSN.
l Timeout action: BSC repeats the Alive process N times (corresponding
Description to the contents of NS-ALIVE-RETRIES in 3GPP).

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.14 Max attempt period of reset (NS_T5, 100 ms)

Full name Max attempt period of reset

Abbreviation NS_T5

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the maximum attempt period of reset. The

conditions of period start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Start condition: NSVC reset process starts.
l Stop condition: BSC receives SGSN reset response.
Description l Timeout action: BSC ends the NSVC reset process.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1800

Unit 100 ms

Default value 1800

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.7.15 TFI and USF release timer (T3169, 10ms)

Full name TFI and USF release timer

Abbreviation T3169


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name T3169

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is timer T3169. During the packet uplink transmission, if

N3101 or N3103 counter stops, BSS starts the T3169 timer. Network utilizes
TFI and USF resources on release when T3169 stops.
l Timer Start: T3169 timer starts when the counter N3101 = N3101_MAX
or the counter N3103 = N3103_MAX.
l Timer stop condition: None.
l Timeout action: BSC releases the USF and TFI resources.
If timer N3101=N3101_MAX or N3103=N3103_MAX, it indicates that MS
does not give response to BSC. In this case, take back TFI and USF
Description resource for reuse by BSC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 65535

Unit 10 ms

Default value 500

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

2.7.16 TBF release timer (T3191, 10ms)

Full name TBF release timer

Abbreviation T3191

3GPP Name T3191

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter is timer T3169. The conditions of timer start, stop, and
timeout actions are as follows:
l Start/restart condition: During the packet downlink transmission, if RLC
data block is the final downlink data block to be transmitted, BSC sends
the RLC data block with the Final Block Identifier (FBI) domain as 1. It
contains an effective RRBP field to initialize the release of the downlink
TBF. Then the network starts or restarts T3191.
l Stop condition:

à For RLC acknowledged mode, MS finds all downlink blocks are col-
lected, MS should send the "PACKET DOWNLINK ACK" message
whose FAI domain is 1 on the uplink block specified by the RRBP do-
main. BSC stops T3191 if receiving the "PACKET DOWNLINK ACK"
message before T3191 times out.

à For RLC unacknowledged mode, MS sends the "PACKET CON-

TROL ACKNOWLEDGE" message in the uplink block specified by
RRBP domain. BSC stops T3191 if receiving the "PACKET DCON-
TROL ACKNOWLEDGE" message before T3191 times out.

Description l Timeout action: BSC releases this TBF.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 65535

Unit 10 ms

Default value 500

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

2.7.17 TBF release time of downlink transmission (T3193, 10ms)

Full name TBF release time of downlink transmission

Abbreviation T3193

3GPP Name T3193

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is timer T3193 which is used for protection on TBF release
during downlink packet transmission. For details, see the description of
T3191. The conditions of timer start, stop, and timeout actions are as follows:
l Start/restart: BSC stops T3191 and starts T3193 when receiving PACKET
CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGE message (RLC mode is unacknowledge-
ment mode) or PACKET DOWNLINK ACK/NACK message (RLC mode
is acknowledgement mode) with FAI field as 1.
l Stop: It stops when a new uplink TBF established on the network uses
the same TFI.
l Timeout: Release the TFI resource.
The value of this parameter must be greater than T3192 so that MS can
Description release the TFI prior to BSC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 65535

Unit 10 ms

Default value 51

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

2.7.18 TBF protect time when radio link failure (T3195, 10ms)
Full name TBF protect time when radio link failure

Abbreviation T3195

3GPP Name T3195

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is the protection time of downlink TBF when the radio link
fails or when the cell change leads to MS failure to respond.
l Start condition: T3195 starts when N3105=N3105_MAX.
l Stop condition: None.
Description l Timeout action: BSC can use this TFI again.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 65535

Unit 10 ms


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Default value 500

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

2.7.19 PS channel delay release timer (PSRelDelay, 100ms)

Full name PS channel delay release timer

Abbreviation PSRelDelay

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is the timer for releasing the delay of dynamic conversion
from PDCH to TCH channel. The conditions of timer start, stop, and time
actions are as follows:
l Start condition: All uplink and downlink services at PDCH are released.
l Stop condition: PDCH is occupied by service TBF again.
Description l Timeout action: BSC releases PDTCH and converts it to TCH.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 200 ~ 600

Unit 100 ms

Default value 300

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.8 AMR Half Method Parameters

The interface of AMR half method parameters is shown in Figure 2-8.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 2-8 AMR Half Method Parameters

2.8.1 AMR Half Active Codec Set (AmrHalfAcs)

Full name AMR Half Active Codec Set

Abbreviation AmrHalfAcs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The code has 8 bits. Bit 6~ Bit 8: reserved; Bit 5: 7.40 kbps; Bit 4: 6.70
kbps …… Bit 2: 5.15 kbps; Bit 1: 4.75 kbps. ‘Yes’ represents ‘1’ and ‘No’
represents ‘0’. Four coding modes could be set at the most. Default code
Description is 00011110 (that is 30).

Management Object Cell

From 4.75 kbit/s, 5.15 kbit/s, 5.90 kbit/s, 6.70 kbit/s to 7.40 kbit/s, value
Value Range range is Yes/No.

Unit None

Default value Default is [No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes] in order.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters Start mode (AmrStartMode)


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters


l When only a value is configured as "No" within 5 elements in

AmrStartMode interface, value range is 1~4;
l When two values are configured as "No" within 5 elements in
AmrStartMode interface, value range is 1~3;
l When three values are configured as "No" within 5 elements in
AmrStartMode interface, value range is 1~2;
l When four values are configured as "No" within 5 elements in
AmrStartMode interface, value range is 1;
l When all five values are configured as "No" in AmrStartMode
interface, value range is null;

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.8.2 Thresholds of AMR (AmrThresholds)

Full name Thresholds of AMR

Abbreviation AmrThresholds

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The threshold of changing AMR mode includes five factors:

AmrThresholds1, AmrThresholds2, AmrThresholds3, AmrThresholds4,
and AmrThresholds5. Also, the following restricted conditions should be
Description sis4≤AmrThresholds5+AmrHysteresis5

Management Object Cell


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Including mode 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Value range is 0~63.

l 0: 0.0 dB
l 1: 0.5 dB
l 2: 1.0 dB
Value Range l 63: 31.5 dB

Unit None

Default value [22, 25, 29, 34, 40]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.8.3 Hysteresis of AMR (AmrHysteresis)

Full name Hysteresis of AMR

Abbreviation AmrHysteresis

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The hysteresis of changing AMR mode includes five factors:

AmrHysteresis1, AmrHysteresis2, AmrHysteresis3, AmrHysteresis4, and
AmrHysteresis5. Also, the following restricted conditions shall be met:
AmrThresholds1 AmrHysteresis1≤AmrThresholds2 AmrHys-
teresis2≤AmrThresholds3 AmrHysteresis3≤AmrThresholds4
Description AmrHysteresis4≤AmrThresholds5AmrHysteresis5

Management Object Cell

Including mode 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Value range is 0~15.

l 0: 0.0 dB
l 1: 0.5 dB
l 2: 1.0 dB
Value Range l 15: 7.5 dB

Unit None

Default value [4, 5, 5, 6, 6]

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.8.4 Initial codec mode (IsAmrICM)

Full name Initial codec mode

Abbreviation IsAmrlCM

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Use the coding mode specified by Startmode

Management Object Cell

Value Range Start-mode codec, Initial codec mode

Unit None

Default value Startmode codec

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.8.5 Start mode (AmrStartMode)

Full name Start mode

Abbreviation AmrStartMode

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Startmode codec mode

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

The values are as follows:
ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference
l 1: Select the coding mode with lowest bit rate as the initial coding
l 2: Select the coding mode with the second lowest bit rate, if there is
more than one coding mode.
l 3: Select the coding mode with the third lowest bit rate, if there is more
than two coding modes.
l 4: Select the coding mode with the fourth lowest bit rate, if there are
Value Range more than three coding modes.

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters AMR Half Active Codec Set (AmrHarfAcs)

l When only a value is configured as "No" within 5 elements in "AMR

Half Active Codec Set (AmrHarfAcs)" interface, value range is 1~4;
l When two values are configured as "No" within 5 elements in "AMR
Half Active Codec Set (AmrHarfAcs)" interface, value range is 1~3;
l When three values are configured as "No" within 5 elements in "AMR
Half Active Codec Set (AmrHarfAcs)" interface, value range is 1~2;
l When four values are configured as "No" within 5 elements in "AMR
Half Active Codec Set (AmrHarfAcs)" interface, value range is 1;
l When all values are configured as "No" for 5 elements in "AMR Half
Active Codec Set (AmrHarfAcs)" interface, value range is null;

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.8.6 Enable noise control (IsAmrNscb)

Full name Enable noise control

Abbreviation IsAmrNscb

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines whether AMR noise suppression is disabled, that

is, to suppress background noise and keep original voice quality.
l No: Enable noise suppression;
Description l Yes: Disable noise suppression;

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.9 AMR Full Method Parameters

The interface of AMR full method parameters is shown in Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9 AMR Full Method Parameters

2.9.1 AMR Full Active Codec Set (ArmFullAcs)

Full name AMR full Active Codec Set

Abbreviation AmrFullAcs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The code has 8 bits. The code has 8 bits. Bit 8: 12.2 kbps; Bit 7: 10.2 kbps;
Bit 6: 7.95 kbps; Bit 5: 6.70 kbps … Bit 2: 5.15 kbps; Bit 1: 4.75 kbps. ‘Yes’
represents ‘1’ and ‘No’ represents ‘0’. Default code is 10101010 (that is
Description 170).

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

From 4.75 kbit/s, 5.15 kbit/s, 5.90 kbit/s, 6.70 kbit/s, 7.40 kbit/s, 7.95 kbit/s,
Value Range 10.2 kbit/s to 12.2 kbit/s, value range is Yes/No.

Unit None

Default value Default is [No, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes] in order.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters Start mode (AmrStartMode)

l When four values are configured as "No" within 8 elements in

AmrStartMode interface, value range is 1~4;
l When five values are configured as "No" within 8 elements in
AmrStartMode interface, value range is 1~3;
l When six values are configured as "No" within 8 elements in
AmrStartMode interface, value range is 1~2;
l When seven values are configured as "No" within 8 elements in
AmrStartMode interface, value range is 1;
l When all eight values are configured as "No" in AmrStartMode
interface, value range is null;

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.9.2 Threshold of AMR (AmrThresholds)

Full name Thresholds of AMR

Abbreviation AmrThresholds

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The threshold of changing AMR mode includes seven factors:

AmrThresholds1, AmrThresholds2, AmrThresholds3, AmrThresholds4,
AmrThresholds5, AmrThresholds6, AmrThresholds7. Also, the following
restricted conditions shall be met:
olds4≤AmrThresholds5≤AmrThresholds6≤AmrThresholds7, AmrThresh-
AmrHysteresis3≤AmrThresholds4 AmrHysteresis4≤AmrThresholds5
AmrHysteresis5≤AmrThresholds6 AmrHysteresis6≤AmrThresholds7
Description AmrHysteresis7

Management Object Cell


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Including mode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Value range is 0 ~ 63.

l 0: 0.0 dB;
l 1: 0.5 dB
l 2: 1.0 dB
Value Range l 63: 31.5 dB

Unit None

Default value [6, 9, 13, 18, 24, 31, 39]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.9.3 Hysteresis of AMR (AmrHysteresis)

Full name Hysteresis of AMR

Abbreviation AmrHysteresis

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The hysteresis of changing AMR mode includes seven factors:

AmrHysteresis1, AmrHysteresis2, AmrHysteresis3, AmrHysteresis4,
AmrHysteresis5, AmrHysteresis6, AmrHysteresis7. Also, the following
restricted conditions shall be met:
AmrThresholds1 AmrHysteresis1≤AmrThresholds2 AmrHys-
teresis2≤AmrThresholds3 AmrHysteresis3≤AmrThresholds4
AmrHysteresis4≤AmrThresholds5 AmrHysteresis5≤AmrThresholds6
Description AmrHysteresis6≤AmrThresholds7AmrHysteresis7

Management Object Cell

Including mode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Value range is 0 ~ 15.

l 0: 0.0 dB
l 1: 0.5 dB
l 2: 1.0 dB
Value Range l 15: 7.5 dB

Unit None

Default value [3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6]


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.9.4 Initial codec mode (IsAmrlCM)

Full name Initial codec mode

Abbreviation IsAmrICM

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Use the coding mode specified by Startmode

Management Object Cell

Value Range Start-mode codec, Initial codec mode

Unit None

Default value Startmode codec

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.9.5 Start mode (AmrStartMode)

Full name Start mode

Abbreviation AmrStartMode

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Startmode codec mode

Management Object BSC


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

l When four values are configured as "No" within 8 elements in "AMR full
Active Codec Set (AmrFullAcs)" interface, value range is 1~4;
l When five values are configured as "No" within 8 elements in "AMR full
Active Codec Set (AmrFullAcs)" interface, value range is 1~3;
l When six values are configured as "No" within 8 elements in "AMR full
Active Codec Set (AmrFullAcs)" interface, value range is 1~2;
l When seven values are configured as "No" within 8 elements in "AMR
full Active Codec Set (AmrFullAcs)" interface, value range is 1;
l When all values are configured as "No" for 8 elements in "AMR full Active
Codec Set (AmrFullAcs)" interface, value range is null.
The values are as follows:
l 1: Select the coding mode with lowest bit rate as the initial coding mode.
l 2: Select the coding mode with the second lowest bit rate, if there is
more than one coding mode.
l 3: Select the coding mode with the third lowest bit rate, if there is more
than two coding modes.
l 4: Select the coding mode with the fourth lowest bit rate, if there are
Value Range more than three coding modes.

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.9.6 Enable noise control (IsAmrNscb)

Full name Enable noise control

Abbreviation IsAmrNscb

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines whether AMR noise suppression is disabled, that

is, to suppress background noise and keep original voice quality.
l No: Enable noise suppression;
Description l Yes: Disable noise suppression;

Management Object Cell


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.10 GPRS Other Parameters 1

The interface of GPRS other parameters 1 is shown in Figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10 GPRS Other Parameters 1

2.10.1 Cn
Full name Cn

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter is used to determine the increase of coding mode level.

Unlike the unified coding mode of the circuit channel, the GPRS data block
may employ the CS-1 to CS-4 coding modes, with data rates 9.05 kbps,
13.4 kbps, 15.6 kbps, and 21.4 kbps, respectively. The low level coding
mode has higher error correction capability and lower data throughput.
User can choose different coding modes for each timeslot or even each
During data transmission of GRPR, to reach the maximum radio
throughput, the network shall select the coding mode dynamically
according to the data rate requirement and radio transmission quality.
Good radio transmission quality means that the probability of the
retransmission of the error radio blocks is small. In this time the coding
mode that carries large data volume (that is, high level coding mode) can
be used.
For TBF (uplink and downlink) in the channel coding mode CSn (1≤n≤3), if
the number of data blocks transmitted consecutively and correctly exceeds
the predefined parameter Cn[n-1], the coding mode will be increased by
one level.
Subscript 1, 2, and 3 in the interface are coding conversion parameters
Description among CS1~CS2, CS2~CS3, and CS3~CS4.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 85

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.10.2 Nn
Full name Nn

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is used to determine the decrease of coding mode level. It

is used at the RLC/MAC layer of BRP.
Unlike the unified coding mode of the circuit channel, the GPRS data block
may employ the CS-1 to CS-4 coding modes, with data rates 9.05 kbps,
13.4 kbps, 15.6 kbps, and 21.4 kbps, respectively. The low level coding
mode has higher error correction capability and lower data throughput.
Different coding modes can be chosen for each timeslot or even each TBF.
The network selects the coding mode dynamically according to the data
rate requirement and radio transmission quality at the transmission of the
GPRS data, to reach maximum radio throughput.
When the radio transmission quality is poor, the coding mode with stronger
anti-interference capability (that is, low level coding mode) shall be
used. The coding level decreases to one level if Nnn-2 data blocks are
transmitted, the number of consecutive data blocks losses in the coding
mode CSn (2≤n≤4) for the TBF (downlink and uplink) is Xn[n–2]%.
Subscript 1, 2, and 3 in the interface are coding conversion parameters
Description among CS1~CS2, CS2~CS3, and CS3~CS4.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.10.3 Xn
Full name Xn

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter is the threshold for determining the decrease in the level of
the coding mode. It is used at the RLC/MAC layer of BRP.
Unlike the unified coding mode of the circuit channel, the GPRS data block
may employ the CS-1 to CS-4 coding modes, with data rates 9.05 kbps,
13.4 kbps, 15.6 kbps, and 21.4 kbps, respectively. The low level coding
mode has higher error correction capability and lower data throughput.
Different coding modes can be chosen for each timeslot or even each TBF.
The network selects the coding mode dynamically according to the data
rate requirement and radio transmission quality at the transmission of the
GPRS data, to reach maximum radio throughput.
When the radio transmission quality is poor, the coding mode with stronger
anti-interference capability (that is, low level coding mode) shall be
used. The coding level decreases to one level if Nnn-2 data blocks are
transmitted, the number of consecutive data blocks losses in the coding
mode CSn (2≤n≤4) for the TBF (downlink and uplink) is Xn[n-2]%.
Subscript 1, 2, and 3 in the interface are coding conversion parameters
Description among CS1~CS2, CS2~CS3, and CS3CS4.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 25

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.10.4 Max allowed number of continuous losses of uplink data

blocks (N3101)
Full name Max allowed number of continuous losses of uplink data blocks

Abbreviation N3101

3GPP Name N3101

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is counter N3101, which is used at RLC/MAC layer of BRP.

During packet uplink transmission, BSS specifies USF (corresponding to
one uplink TBF) for each uplink block. For a USF, if the network receives
correct data from a specified uplink block, N3101 clears for that TBF. If the
number of losses in specified uplink block exceeds N3101, then T3169
Description timer starts. Network uses the TFI and USF resources when T3169 stops.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 9 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

2.10.5 Times of packet uplink ACK/NACK retries (N3103)

Full name Times of packet uplink ACK/NACK retries

Abbreviation N3103

3GPP Name N3103

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is counter N3103, which is used at RLC/MAC layer of BRP.

During the packet uplink transmission, if the network detects that at the
end of uplink TBF (CV = 0, and V(Q) = V(R)), all RLC data blocks have
been received, the network shall send a “PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK”
message and set the Final Acknowledgement Identifier (FAI) as 1. The
header of the RLC/MAC control block contains a valid RRBP domain.
And the counter N3103 is cleared.
MS sends PACKET CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGE message in the block
specified in RRBP and release TBF if MS receives PACKET UPLINK
ACK/NACK message with FAI1 from network side.
Network re-transmits PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK message with N3103
counter incrementing, if the network fails to receive PACKET CONTROL
ACKNOWLEDGE message in the radio block specified in the RRBP field.
The network starts T3169 timer if the value of N3103 exceeds the limiting
Description N3103max. Network uses the TFI and USF resources when T3169 stops.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

2.10.6 Max allowed number of continuous losses of uplink

RLC/MAC control message (N3105)
Max allowed number of continuous losses of uplink RLC/MAC control mes-
Full name sage

Abbreviation N3105

3GPP Name N3105

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is counter N3105, which is used at RLC/MAC layer of BRP.

During packet uplink transmission, BSS specifies USF (corresponding to
one uplink TBF) for each uplink block. For a USF, if the network receives
correct data from a specified uplink block, N3101 clears for that TBF. If the
number of losses in specified uplink block exceeds N3101, then T3169
Description timer starts. Network uses the TFI and USF resources when T3169 stops.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.11 GPRS Other Parameters 2

The interface of GPRS other parameters 2 is shown in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11 GPRS Other Parameters 2

2.11.1 NACC support (NACCSupport)

Full name NACC support

Abbreviation NACCSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

LLC framework conversion refers to the process: on NACC, if target cell is

the cell in BSC, downlink LLC frame data that has not been sent to this
MS from BSC is transferred to target cell, and then it is sent to this MS
after MS uplink TBF link is established.
Network-Assisted Cell Change (NACC) means that BSC sends the
system message about new external cell to MS in original cell before MS
does cell reselection. In this way, MS can immediately initiates packet
access after reselecting the new cell without waiting for complete system
message of the new cell. This saves the time for listening to complete
system message after reselecting the new cell, thus speeding up the rate
for MS to access the new cell. In addition, because the MS acquires the
packet system message of the target cell allocated by BSC in advance,
Description the reselection rate is improved.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Management Object BSC

Not Support NACC; Support NACC, not LLC Frame Transfer; Support
Value Range NACC and LLC Frame Transfer.

Unit None

Default value Not support NACC

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-010 Network-assisted Cell Change

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.2 LLC Transfer support (LLCTranSupport)

Full name LLC Transfer support

Abbreviation LLCTranSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates whether BSC supports LLC frame transferring.

Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.11.3 BSC's net operation mode (NMO)

Full name Net operation mode

Abbreviation NMO

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

There are three network operation modes:

l Mode 1: The network sends to the "GPRS-attached" MS the CS pag-
ing message on the same channel of GPRS paging channel (packet
or CCCH paging channel), or on the GPRS traffic channel (when it is
assigned with a packet data channel). Mode 1 indicates that MS only
need to monitor one paging channel.
Network operation mode 1 is required while configuring PBCCH; Gs
interfce is required while configuring network operation mode 1.
l Mode 2: The network sends to the “GPRS-attached” MS the CS paging
message on the CCCH paging channel, which is also for GPRS pag-
ing. Mode 2 indicates that the MS only need to monitor CCCH paging
channel, but when BSC allocates a packet data channel, the CS pag-
ing message uses the CCCH paging channel.
l Mode 3: The network sends to the "GPRS-attached" MS the CS paging
message on the CCCH paging channel, and sends the GPRS paging
message either on the packet paging channel (if any in the cell) or on
the CCCH paging channel. Mode 3 indicates that the MS must monitor
two paging channels (if packet paging channel is available in the cell)
Description in order to receive CS or GPRS paging message.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Net operation mode 1, Net operation mode 2, Net operation mode 3

Unit None

Default value Network Operation Mode 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.4 Page coordination support (PagCoordination)

Full name Page coordination support


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Abbreviation PagCoordination

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines if intra-BSC cell supports CS based paging.

This parameter is broadcasted in GPRS CELL OPTIONS through SI13,
PSI1, and PSI13 messages. For more information, refer to the protocol
04.60 12.24. It is invalid when NMO is 1.
Page coordination means that the network can send CS paging to
Description subscribers through PS channel.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.5 Satellite transmission at GB interface indication

Full name Satellite transmission at GB interface indication

Abbreviation IsStatelliteGB

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It describes if BSC system supports "satellite transmission at Gb interface".

Description This function is mainly to implement the modification of delay.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-05-01-003 Gb Interface over Satellite


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.6 Extended RLC send window allowed (IsWindowExpend)

Full name Extended RLC send window allowed

Abbreviation IsWindowExpend

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It describes whether extended RLC send window is allowed.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.7 TBF establish support (TBF_EST)

Full name TBF establish support

Abbreviation TBF_EST

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if BSC supports TBF establishment process. TBF

flow establishment refers to while releasing uplink TBF, to determine if new
uplink TBF shall be established immediately for CTRL_ACK field in Packet
Description Control Acknowledgement message.

Management Object BSC


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.8 Signal extended uplink TBF support (Signal_EUTBF)

Full name Signal extended uplink TBF support

Abbreviation Signal_EUTBF

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if signaling uplink TBF can use extended uplink
TBF functions. This parameter has the functions when the cell supports for
extended uplink TBF. Signaling TBF at this place refers to TBF established
Description to transmit GMM signaling.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-014 Delayed TBF Release in UL

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.9 Highest coding scheme of signal TBF (SigTBFMaxCode)

Full name Highest coding scheme of signal TBF


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation SigTBFMaxCode

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

While transferring upper signaling, such as PDP activation, routing area

Description update, this parameter can restrict the highest coding mode of this kind of
signaling data.

Management Object BSC

Value Range MCS1, MCS2, MCS3, MCS4, MCS5, MCS6, MCS7, MCS8, MCS9

Unit None

Default value MCS6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.10 Optimized POC service support (PocSupport)

Full name Optimized POC service support

Abbreviation PocSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates if PoC subscriber applies for dedicated POC channel. PoC

indicates Push to talk over Cellular. Consider the MS with proper function
as walkie-talkie. This kind of MS has a talkie key. After pressing this key,
you can talk with other subscribers or in a group.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.11 Highest coding scheme of POC service in GPRS

Full name Highest coding scheme of POC service in GPRS

Abbreviation PocAttSelt_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It describes the highest coding mode that can be used while GPRS MS
does POC service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4

Unit None

Default value CS3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.12 Highest coding scheme of POC service in EGPRS

Full name Highest coding scheme of POC service in EGPRS

Abbreviation PocAttSelt_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It describes the highest coding mode that can be used while EGPRS MS
does POC service.

Management Object BSC

Value Range MCS1 ~ MCS9


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Default value MCS6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.13 Maximal users of POC service on shared PS channel0

Full name Maximal users of POC service on shared PS channel0

Abbreviation PSCapaThs_UL

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates the upper limit of PoC service subscribers in shared uplink

If dedicated PoC channel is configured, it indicates the upper limit of PoC
subscribers on the uplink of each dedicated PoC channel. If it exceeds
this number, PoC subscriber access is not allowed on the uplink of this
dedicated PoC channel.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 2~6

Unit Times

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.11.14 Maximal users of POC service on shared PS channel1

Full name Maximal users of POC service on shared PS channel1

Abbreviation PSCapaThs_DL

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates the upper limit of PoC service subscribers in shared downlink

If dedicated PoC channel is configured, it indicates the upper limit of PoC
subscribers on the downlink of each dedicated PoC channel. If it exceeds
this number, PoC subscriber access is not allowed on the downlink of
this dedicated PoC channel.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 2~6

Unit Times

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.11.15 SAPI0 ~ SAPI15 (LLCTranSupport_0 ~ LLCTranSupport_15)

Full name SAPI0 ~ SAPI15

Abbreviation LLCTranSupport_0 ~ LLCTranSupport_15

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

SAPI0 ~ SAPI15 indicate whether 16 types of service support LLC frame

transferring. There are 16 BITs, and the following lists the meaning of each BIT:
l BIT1: Indicates SAPI=1, LLGMM;
l BIT3, 5, 9, 11: Indicates SAPI=3, 5, 9, 11 respectively;
l BIT2: Indicates TOM2;
l BIT8: Indicates TOM8;
l BIT7: Indicates LLSMS;
l BIT0: Indicates whether it supports PCCO triggering LLC frame transferring
(0 means not supporting, 1 means supporting);
l BIT12 ~ BIT13: Indicates the interval of downlink buffer status
reestablishment (0: 100ms, 1: 200ms, 2: 300ms, 4: 400ms);
l BIT14 ~ BIT15: Indicates whether downlink restablishment is supported
and the number of reestablishments (0: not reestablish, 1: reestablish
once, 2: reestablish twice, 3: reestablish threetimes);
l Other positions: Indicates being reserved.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

2.11.16 LLC Pre-Transfer on NACC (Info_1_10)

Full name LLC Pre-Transfer on NACC

Abbreviation Info_1_10

3GPP Name N

3GPP reference N


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter indicates whether use PCCO under NACC to trigger LLC frame
transferring ahead of time. The LLC frame transferring can be triggered by
detecting the index conflict through control plane. To make the implementation
simpler, for cell reselection under different MP modules, the LLC frame
transferring is triggered by NACC and PCCO together.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

2.11.17 PDU buffer time (Info_1_16, 10ms)

Full name PDU buffer time

Abbreviation Info_1_16

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the longest duration of BSSGP instance being kept
after being released at radio interface. During cell reselection, the old BSSGP
instance is kept. If MS has not been accessed to the new cell within a certain
time longer than this parameter's value, then the old BSSGP instance will be
The parameter's value is 0: Indicates no buffer; The parameter's value is
60000: Indicates using the buffer time PduLifeTime of SGSN's life cycle. The
parameter's value is other value: Indicates using the minimum of the following
two values: configuration data and PduLifeTime of SGSN.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 60000


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit 10 ms

Default value 500

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.12 BVC Flow Control Parameters

The interface of BVC flow control parameters is as shown in Figure 2-12.

Figure 2-12 BVC Flow Control Parameters

2.12.1 BVC flow control support (BVCFlowCtrl)

Full name BVC flow control support

Abbreviation BVCFlowCtrl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

BVC flow control occurs at Gb interface between SGSN and BSS, and
only in downlinks. BSS provides control parameters and SGSN executes,
in order to avoid one BVC on BSS to abandoning some LLC data because
of the overtime caused by grouping channel is too busy (too many LLC
frame caches) and to avoid abandoning new downlink LLC data because
of limit of memory resource (overflow of LLC frame caches).
BSSGP process at BSS side counts current leaking rate of BVC
periodically (including short statistics and long statistics). This parameter
originates unconditionally if long statistics timer overflows and SGSN
acknowledgement is necessary if discrepant range of adjacent leaking
rates is over CellFcThs. ‘BVC flow control supported’ originates and
SGSN confirmation is necessary if short statistics timer overflows and
Description discrepant range of adjacent leaking rates is over CellFcThs.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-016 BVC Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.12.2 MS flow control support (MSFlowCtrl)

Full name MS flow control support

Abbreviation MSFlowCtrl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

MS flow control occurs at Gb interface between SGSN and BSS, and only
in downlinks. BSS provides control parameters and SGSN executes, to
avoid one MS on BSS to abandoning some LLC data because of the
overtime caused by grouping channel is too busy (too many LLC frame
caches) and to avoid abandoning new downlink LLC data because of limit
of memory resource (overflow of LLC frame caches).
The BSSGP process at the BSS side periodically measures the current
leakage ratio of MS. When the statistic timer overflows, the ‘MS Flow
Description Control’ process is initiated unconditionally.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-017 MS Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.12.3 Flow control mode (FlowCtrlMode)

Full name Flow control mode

Abbreviation FlowCtrlMode

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSC has different flow control modes to report flow control parameters to
SGSN. The modes are as follows:
l 1: Mode 1: Report flow control parameters according to actual traffic
on radio interface counted at BSC;
l 2: Mode 2: Report flow control parameters according to max traffic
that the cell can provide;
l 3: Mode 3: Reserved
"Flow control mode 1 parameter" is enabled if selecting "mode 1"; "Flow
Description control mode 2 parameter" is enabled if selecting "mode 2".

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1~3

Unit None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-016 BVC Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.12.4 Parameter of flow control mode 1 (FlowCtrlMode1Para)

Full name Parameter of Flow control mode 1

Abbreviation FlowCtrlMode1Para

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSC reports flow control parameters according to actual traffic at radio in-
terface when adopting mode 1. Actual counted value is smaller due to
radio interface re-transmission and TBF failure. So BSC multiplies the ac-
tual traffic with a multiple determined by this parameter when reporting flow
Description control parameters.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 100

Unit 100 bps

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-016 BVC Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.12.5 Parameter of flow control mode 2 (FlowCtrlMode2Para)

Full name Parameter of Flow control mode 2

Abbreviation FlowCtrlMode2Para

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP reference None

BSC reports flow control parameters according to max traffic that the cell
can provide when adopting mode 2. Maximum value depends on config-
ured channels. Counting formula: channels * max traffic that every channel
can provide. This parameter is max traffic that every channel can provide,
Description with the unit of 100 bps.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 1000

Unit 100 bps

Default value 214

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-016 BVC Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Gb interface

Impact on service None

2.12.6 BVC flow control R MIN value (BVCFlowCtrlRMin, 100 bps)

Full name BVC flow control R MIN value

Abbreviation BVCFlowCtrlRMin

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This is the minimum value of leaking rate R in reported BVC flow control
parameters under all kinds of flow control mode, that is, the reported pa-
Description rameter R must be equal or over the set value, in the unit of 100 bps.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 300

Unit 100 bps

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-016 BVC Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Impact on service None

2.12.7 MS flow control R MIN value (MSFlowCtrlRMin, 100 bps)

Full name MS flow control R MIN value

Abbreviation MSFlowCtrlRMin

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This is the minimum value of leaking rate R in reported MS flow control

parameters under all kinds of flow control mode, that is, the reported pa-
Description rameter R must be equal or over the set value, in the unit of 100 bps.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 300

Unit 100 bps

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-017 MS Flow Control (in DL)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.12.8 PFC flow control procedures support (PFCFlowCtrl)

Full name PFC flow control procedures support

Abbreviation PFCFlowCtrl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

PFC flow control occurs at Gb interface between SGSN and BSS, and only
in downlink. BSS provides control parameters and SGSN executes. It helps
avoid a PFC in BSS discarding some LLC data due to timeout caused by
grouping channels being too busy (too many LLC frame buffers) and avoid
discarding new downlink LLC data due to limited memory resource (overflow
of LLC frame buffer).
The BSSGP process at the BSS side periodically measures the current leakage
ratio of MS. When the statistic timer overflows, the 'PFC Flow Control' process
is initiated unconditionally.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-017 MS Flow Control (in DL)

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.12.9 Coefficient of BVC bucket size (Info_2_0)

Full name Coefficient of BVC bucket size

Abbreviation Info_2_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to calculate the size of BVC bucket. User can modify
Description this parameter's value to change the size of BVC bucket.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 20000

Unit None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Default value 3000

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.12.10 Coefficient of MS bucket (Info_2_16)

Full name Coefficient of MS bucket

Abbreviation Info_2_16

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to calculate the size of MS bucket. User can modify this
Description parameter's value to change the size of MS bucket.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 20000

Unit None

Default value 300

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.12.11 CBL in BVC/MS flow control (Info_1_9)

Full name CBL in BVC/MS flow control

Abbreviation Info_1_9


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether Current Bucket Level (CBL) should be

Description reported in the BVC/MS flow control message.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.13 FUC Flow Control Map Parameters

Interface of FUC Flow Control Map parameter shown in Figure 2-13.

Figure 2-13 FUC Flow Control Map Parameters


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.13.1 Flow Control Reason

Full name Flow control reason

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes FUC flow control level.

Description The parameter value corresponding to level 0 can't be modified.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Level 0~10

Unit None

Default value [Level 0~10]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.13.2 Emergency Call

Full name Emergency call

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes hurry call percentage corresponding to certain

FUC flow control level.
Description The parameter value corresponding to level 0 can't be modified.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Level 0~10, value range is: 0~100

Unit %

Default value [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Change mode Offline

ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant Features ZGB-01-03-001 Emergency Call Handling


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.13.3 Call Rebuilt

Full name Call Rebuilt

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes call rebuilt percentage corresponding to certain

FUC flow control level.
Description The parameter value corresponding to level 0 can't be modified.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Level 0~10, value range is: 0~100

Unit %

Default value [0, 50, 75, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.13.4 Call Response

Full name Call Response

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes call response percentage corresponding to

certain FUC flow control level.
Description The parameter value corresponding to level 0 can't be modified.

Management Object BSC


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Value Range Level 0~10, value range is: 0~100

Unit %

Default value [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 50, 50, 75, 75, 75]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.13.5 Calling
Full name Calling

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes calling percentage corresponding to certain

FUC flow control level.
Description The parameter value corresponding to level 0 can't be modified.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Level 0~10, value range is: 0~100

Unit %

Default value [0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 25, 40, 78, 100, 100, 100]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.13.6 Location Update

Full name Location Update

Abbreviation None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes site refresh percentage corresponding to certain

FUC flow control level.
Description The parameter value corresponding to level 0 can't be modified.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Level 0~10, value range is: 0~100

Unit %

Default value [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 25, 50, 75]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.13.7 GPRS Access

Full name GPRS access

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes site refresh percentage corresponding to certain

FUC flow control level.
Description The parameter value corresponding to level 0 can't be modified.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Level 0~10, value range is: 0~100

Unit %

Default value [0, 0, 0, 20, 46, 73, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.13.8 Restore
Full name Restore

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes site refresh percentage corresponding to certain

FUC flow control level.
Description The parameter value corresponding to level 0 can't be modified.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Level 0~10, value range is: 0~100

Unit %

Default value [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.13.9 Flow control map slim adjust (bit)

Full name Flow control map slim adjust (bit)

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

FUC establishes a channel request refuse map. After flow control is

started, you can be based on this bitmap to determine if certain access
can be refused.
Each bit in this map represents if to allow channel access due to this
Description reason: 1 represents refusal, 0 represents allowance.

Management Object BSC

Value Range None

Unit Bit

Default value None

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.14 EDGE Parameters

The interface of EDGE property parameters is shown in Figure 2-14.

Figure 2-14 EDGE Parameters

2.14.1 PFC support (PFCSupport)

Full name PFC support

Abbreviation PFCSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference Section 44.060 12.24, 23.060, 48.018


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter is broadcasted through SI13, PSI1, and PSI13 messages.

In EGPRS system with broadband features, the QoS concept of UMTS
has been imported, which enables transferring the negotiable QoS
configuration to BSS through Gb interface. BSS can maintain QoS
subscribing information through function PFC (packet flow context) flow,
which include acquiring QoS, modifying QoS, and deleting QoS signaling
Network notifies MS if the network supports PFC flow through the system
message parameter PFC_FEATURE_MODE. If yes, the MS will add PFI
when establishing uplink TBF (PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST). BSS
Description can decide QoS as MS requires according to PFI.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-02-004 Streaming Service Policies

ZGO-01-02-003 Service based QoS
Relevant Features ZGB-01-02-001 Quality of Service (QoS)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.14.2 R99 Ind (R99Ind)

Full name R99 Ind

Abbreviation R99Ind

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates R99 protocol version ID. BSS considers this parameter as a ba-
sis to determine if to encode/decode message field added after R99 version
Description for the protocol.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Version of R98 or it's before, Version of R99

Unit None

Default value R99 version


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

2.14.3 Enhanced radio status procedures support (EnRadioStu)

Full name Enhanced radio status procedures support

Abbreviation EnRadioStu

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

On the basis of Radio Status, enhanced Radio Status reports three more cause
l x02: Indicates the enhanced Radio Status process is used when the cell
reselection occurs. Usually, it helps satisfy the service requirement to the
maximum extent.
l x03: Indicates the enhanced Radio Status process is used when the MS
is required to perform cell reselection and LLC frame transferring is not
l x04: Indicates that SGSN is notified when BSC detects cell reselection
Description SGSN has the following responses:
l When Radio Status with the cause value x02 is received, the downlink LLC
frame sending is resumed after cell reselection is completed.
l When Radio Status with the cause value x03 is received, either the
downlink data sending is resumed after cell reselection is completed, or
Radio Status with other cause values are received.
l When Radio Status with the cause value x04 is received, if there are data
to be sent to MS, then the downlink LLC frame sending is resumed.
With Radio Status that supports multiple cause values, SGSN can better
understand the status of MS, which avoids sending data to the old cell blindly.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.14.4 RS
Full name RS

Abbreviation RS

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates uplink throughput weight at Gb interface. It is

dynamic Abis adjustment parameter. When Abis resources are dynami-
cally allocated, BSC allocates them according to the quota. The quota is
calculated based on the sum of weighted statistic items, including uplink
throughput at Gb interface, downlink throughput at Gb interface, EGPRS
MS request times, high-bandwidth request times, the highest bandwidth
usage, GPRS carrier proportion, and EDGE carrier proportion. Each
statistic item is assigned with a weight based on the importance. The
weights are RS, RR, RA, RM, RB, RG, and RE respectively and meet
Description RS+RR+RA+RM+RB+RG+RE=100.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 12

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-03-001 Full Dynamic Abis Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.14.5 RR
Full name RR

Abbreviation RR

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates downlink throughput weight at Gb interface.

It is dynamic Abis adjustment parameter. When Abis resources are
dynamically allocated, BSC allocates them according to the quota. The
quota is calculated based on the sum of weighted statistic items, including
uplink throughput at Gb interface, downlink throughput at Gb interface,
EGPRS MS request times, high-bandwidth request times, the highest
bandwidth usage, GPRS carrier proportion, and EDGE carrier proportion.
Each statistic item is assigned with a weight based on the importance.
The weights are RS, RR, RA, RM, RB, RG, and RE respectively and meet
Description RS+RR+RA+RM+RB+RG+RE=100.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 12

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-03-001 Full Dynamic Abis Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.14.6 RA
Full name RA

Abbreviation RA

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter indicates the weight of EGPRS MS access request times.

It is a dynamic Abis adjustment parameter. When Abis resources are
dynamically allocated, BSC allocates them according to the quota. The
quota is calculated based on the sum of weighted statistic items, including
uplink throughput at Gb interface, downlink throughput at Gb interface,
EGPRS MS request times, high-bandwidth request times, the highest
bandwidth usage, GPRS carrier proportion, and EDGE carrier proportion.
Each statistic item is assigned with a weight based on the importance.
The weights are RS, RR, RA, RM, RB, RG, and RE respectively and meet
Description RS+RR+RA+RM+RB+RG+RE=100.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-03-001 Full Dynamic Abis Allocation

Relationship None

Relevant parameters None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.14.7 RM
Full name RM

Abbreviation RM

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the weight of high-bandwidth request times.

It is a dynamic Abis adjustment parameter. When Abis resources are
dynamically allocated, BSC allocates them according to the quota. The
quota is calculated based on the sum of weighted statistic items, including
uplink throughput at Gb interface, downlink throughput at Gb interface,
EGPRS MS request times, high-bandwidth request times, the highest
bandwidth usage, GPRS carrier proportion, and EDGE carrier proportion.
Each statistic item is assigned with a weight based on the importance.
The weights are RS, RR, RA, RM, RB, RG, and RE respectively and meet
Description RS+RR+RA+RM+RB+RG+RE=100.

Management Object BSC


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 14

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-03-001 Full Dynamic Abis Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.14.8 RB
Full name RB

Abbreviation RB

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the weight of the highest bandwidth usage.

It is a dynamic Abis adjustment parameter. When ABIS resources are
dynamically allocated, BSC allocates them according to the quota. The
quota is calculated based on the sum of weighted statistic items, including
uplink throughput at Gb interface, downlink throughput at Gb interface,
EGPRS MS request times, high-bandwidth request times, the highest
bandwidth usage, GPRS carrier proportion, and EDGE carrier proportion.
Each statistic item is assigned with a weight based on the importance.
The weights are RS, RR, RA, RM, RB, RG, and RE respectively and meet
Description RS+RR+RA+RM+RB+RG+RE=100.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-03-001 Full Dynamic Abis Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.14.9 RG
Full name RG

Abbreviation RG

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is the weight of GPRS carrier ratio. It is a dynamic Abis ad-
justment parameter. When ABIS resources are dynamically allocated, BSC
allocates them according to the quota. The quota is calculated based on the
sum of weighted statistic items, including uplink throughput at Gb interface,
downlink throughput at Gb interface, EGPRS MS request times, high-band-
width request times, the highest bandwidth usage, GPRS carrier proportion,
and EDGE carrier proportion. Each statistic item is assigned with a weight
based on the importance. The weights are RS, RR, RA, RM, RB, RG, and
Description RE respectively and meet RS+RR+RA+RM+RB+RG+RE=100.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-03-001 Full Dynamic Abis Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.14.10 RE
Full name RE

Abbreviation RE

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is the weight of EDGE carrier ratio. It is a dynamic Abis ad-
justment parameter. When Abis resources are dynamically allocated, BSC
allocates them according to the quota. The quota is calculated based on the
sum of weighted statistic items, including uplink throughput at Gb interface,
downlink throughput at Gb interface, EGPRS MS request times, high-band-
width request times, the highest bandwidth usage, GPRS carrier proportion,
and EDGE carrier proportion. Each statistic item is assigned with a weight
based on the importance. The weights are RS, RR, RA, RM, RB, RG, and
Description RE respectively and meet RS+RR+RA+RM+RB+RG+RE=100.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 35

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-03-001 Full Dynamic Abis Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.14.11 ABIS resource dynamic manage (Info_1_8)

Full name ABIS resource dynamic manage

Abbreviation Info_1_8

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether Abis resource dynamic management is

When dynamic Abis resource management is allowed, Abis resources are
allocate dynamically. That is, when packet Abis resource is applied, BSC
allocates the resource according to the quota. Each cell in the resource
sharing pool is allocated with a quota. The total of the quotas of all cells in
Description the pool is equal to 100. The quotas are calculated based on statistic items.
Each statistic item is assigned with a weight based on the importance. The
weights include RS, RR, RA, RM, RB, RG, and RE. The statistic items include
cell carrier statistics, packet access times, packet transmission traffic at
uplink and downlink, and EGPRS MS request times. The calculation quota is
re-calculated periodically with a certain interval. The database allocates Abis
timeslot to PS services of each cell according to the quota.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Object Site/BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15 eMLPP Set

Figure 2-15 shows the interface of eMLPP set.

Figure 2-15 eMLPP Set

2.15.1 Strategy for preemption when assign (AssPreemptstrategy)

Full name Strategy for preemption when assign

Abbreviation AssPreemptstrategy

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter decides the preemption policy if there is no available channel

on assginment.

Management Object BSC

Priority 1 ~ 15. Value range is: Only forced handover; First forced handover,
Value Range
if fail, forced release; First forced release.

Unit None

Default value Only forced handover

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.2 Strategy for preemption when handover (HoPreemptstrategy)

Full name Strategy for preemption when handover

Abbreviation HoPreemptstrategy

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter decides the preemption policy if there is no available channel

on handover.

Management Object BSC

Priority 1 ~ 15. Value range is: Only forced handover; First forced handover,
Value Range
if fail, forced release; Directly forced release.

Unit None

Default value Only forced handover

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.15.3 Maximum forced handover times when assign

Full name Maximum forced handover times when assign

Abbreviation AssForcedHoTry

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the max number of retry for forced handover if there is no

available channel during assignment.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 1 ~ 5

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.4 Maximum forced handover times when handover

Full name Maximum forced handover times when handover

Abbreviation HoForcedHoTry

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the max number of retry for forced handover if there is no

available channel during handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 1 ~ 5

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.5 Maximum forced release times when assign

Full name Maximum forced release times when assign

Abbreviation AssForcedRelTry

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the max number of retry for forced release if there is no

available channel during assignment.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 1 ~ 3

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.6 Maximum forced release times when handover

Full name Maximum forced release times when handover

Abbreviation HoForcedRelTry

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the max number of retry for forced release if there is no

available channel during handover.


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 1 ~ 3

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.7 Preemption duration when assign (AssPreempTimer, 100ms)

Full name Preemption duration when assign

Abbreviation AssPreempTimer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the period of forced handover or forced release if there is no

Description available channel during assignment. If the period elapses, only queue is
allowed, and new forced handover or forced release not required.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 25 ~ 130

Unit 100 ms

Default value 40

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.15.8 Preemption duration when handover (HoPreempTimer,

Full name Preemption duration when handover

Abbreviation HoPreempTimer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the period of forced handover or forced release if there is no

Description available channel during handover. If the period elapses, only queue is
allowed, and new forced handover or forced release not required.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 25 ~ 130

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.9 Timer for start forced release when assign

Full name Timer for start forced release when assign

Abbreviation AssForceRelTimer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if to do forced handover if both forced handover and forced

release are allowed when there is no available channel in the cell during
assignment, or to do forced release and do not forced handover after no
any channel is gotten.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 20 ~ 125

Unit 100 ms

Default value 30


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Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.10 Timer for start forced release when handover

Full name Timer for start forced release when handover

Abbreviation HoForceRelTimer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if to do forced handover if both forced handover and forced

release are allowed when there is no available channel in the cell during
handover, or to do forced release and do not forced handover after no any
channel is gotten.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 20 ~ 125

Unit 100 ms

Default value 25

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.11 Interval for search forced handover target when assign

(AssForceHoInterval, 100ms)
Full name Interval for search forced handover target when assign

Abbreviation AssForceHoInterval


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines the waiting time for searching forced handover tar-
Description get again if forced handover target can not be found when there is no available
channel in the cell during assignment.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 5 ~ 20

Unit 100 ms

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.12 Interval for search forced handover target when handover

(HoForceHoInterval, 100ms)
Full name Interval for search forced handover target when handover

Abbreviation HoForceHoInterval

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines the waiting time for searching forced handover tar-
Description get again if forced handover target can not be found when there is no available
channel in the cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 5 ~ 20

Unit 100 ms

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Impact on service None

2.15.13 Interval for search forced release target when assign

(AssForceRelInterval, 100ms)
Full name Interval for search forced release target when assign

Abbreviation AssForceRelInterval

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines the waiting time for searching forced release target
Description again if forced release target can not be found when there is no available
channel in the cell during assignment.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 5 ~ 20

Unit 100 ms

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.14 Interval for search forced release target when handover

(HoForceRelInterval, 100ms)
Full name Interval for search forced release target when handover

Abbreviation HoForceRelInterval

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines the waiting time for searching forced release target
Description again if forced release target can not be found when there is no available
channel in the cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 5 ~ 20


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit 100 ms

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.15 Queue timer for assign (RmsT11, 100ms)

Full name Queue timer for assign

Abbreviation RmsT11

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the max time of waiting for queue if there is no available

Description channel in the cell during assignment. The assignment fails if no any
resource is gotten.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 26 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.16 Queue timer for handover (RmsTqho, 100ms)

Full name Queue timer for handover

Abbreviation RmsTqho

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

3GPP reference None

It determines the max time of waiting for queue if there is no available channel
in the cell on handover. The handover fails if no any resource is gotten.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Priority 1 ~ 15, value range: 26 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.17 Queue indicate when assign (QueueIndAss)

Full name Queue indicate when assign

Abbreviation QueueIndAss

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if queue is allowed or set it per cell if there are no available

channels in the cell during assignment.

Management Object BSC

Queue forbidden when assign, Queue allowed when assign, According to the
Value Range

Unit None

Default value Queue forbidden when assign

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.15.18 Queue allowed when handover (QueueIndHo)

Full name Queue allowed when handover

Abbreviation QueueIndHo

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if queue is allowed or set it per cell if there are no available

channels in the cell during handover.

Management Object BSC

Queue forbidden when handover, Queue allowed when handover, According

Value Range
to the cell

Unit None

Default value Queue forbidden when handover

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.19 Forced release indicate when assign (PreemptionIndAss)

Full name Forced release indicate when assign

Abbreviation PreemptionIndAss

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if forced release is allowed or set it per cell if there are no

available channels in the cell during assignment.

Management Object BSC

Forced release forbidden when assign, Forced release allowed when assign,
Value Range
According to the cell

Unit None

Default value Forced release forbidden when assign

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.20 Forced release allowed when handover (PreemptionIndHo)

Full name Forced release allowed when handover

Abbreviation PreemptionIndHo

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if forced release is allowed or set it per cell if there are no

available channels in the cell during handover.

Management Object BSC

Forced release forbidden when handover, Forced release allowed when han-
Value Range
dover, According to the cell

Unit None

Default value Forced release forbidden when handover

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.21 Forced handover indication for assign (ForcedHolndAss)

Full name Forced handover indication for assign

Abbreviation ForcedHolndAss

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if forced handover is allowed or set it per cell if there are no

available channels in the cell during assignment.

Management Object BSC


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Forced handover forbidden when assign, Forced handover allowed when as-
Value Range
sign, According to the cell

Unit None

Default value forced handover forbidden when assigned

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.22 Forced handover indication for handover (ForcedHolndHo)

Full name Forced handover indication for handover

Abbreviation ForcedHolndHo

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if forced handover is allowed or set it per cell if there are no

available channels in the cell during handover.

Management Object BSC

Forced handover forbidden when handover, Forced handover allowed when

Value Range
handover, According to the cell

Unit None

Default value Forced handover forbidden when handover

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

2.15.23 Wait resource timer after forced handover (ForceHoWait,

Full name Wait resource timer after forced handover

Abbreviation ForceHoWait

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the time of waiting for resource after forced handover. If getting
the resource within this period, do not initiate forced handover or forced
release and quit from the queue. If can not get it, initiate forced handover,
forced release, or queue.
This parameter is configured according to the time required to finish

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 40

Unit 100 ms

Default value 25

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.24 Wait resource timer after forced release (ForceRelWait,

Full name Wait resource timer after forced release

Abbreviation ForceRelWait

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines the time of waiting for resource after forced release. If getting
the resource within this period, do not initiate forced release and quit from
the queue. If can not get it, initiate forced release or queue.
This parameter is configured according to the time requird to finish handover.

Management Object BSC


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range 10 ~ 40

Unit 100 ms

Default value 25

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.25 Enough low priority for preemption (LowestPriority)

Full name Enough low priority for preemption

Abbreviation LowestPriority

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

To reduce the search times when searching for the target of forced handover
and forced release, if target priority is not higher than this priority, it is
considered that the priority of this target is low enough, and do not search for
the lowest priority. 1: highest priority

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 15

Unit None

Default value 14

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.26 Enough call duration for preemption

Full name Enough call duration for preemption


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Abbreviation LongCallDuration

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

To reduce search times while searching for the target of forced handover
and forced release, if the duration of target call is longer than this parameter
value, it is considered that the duration of target call is sufficient and do not
search the target with the longest call duration.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 65535

Unit 480 ms

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.15.27 Forced handover target penalty time (ForceHoPenalty)

Full name Forced handover target penalty time

Abbreviation ForceHoPenalty

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines this instance can not be used as forced handover target within
this period after forced handover fails.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit 480 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

2.15.28 Priority of emergency service (EmergServicelPrio)

Full name Priority of emergency service

Abbreviation EmergServicelPrio

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It determines if the call with higher or equivalent priority is emergency call.

1: highest priority

Management Object BSC

Value Range 1 ~ 15

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

2.16 Ater Timer Parameters

In basic property interface, if you select "Outer TC" in "TC type supported (TCType)", a
parameter interface named Ater Timer will be added.
For Ater Timer parameter interface see Figure 2-16.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Figure 2-16 Ater Timer Parameters

2.16.1 Ater wait SCCP connection timer (TAterWaitConn, 100ms)

Full name Ater wait SCCP connection timer

Abbreviation TAterWaitConn

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is Ater wait SCCP connection timer, used to wait for the
"SCCP CONNECT CONFIRM" message from iTC.
l Start condition: BSC sends the connection request message to iTC.
l Stop condition:
1. When handling iTC resource request from the service, BSC deter-
mines that the SCCP connection ID corresponding to the service is
2. BSC receives link acknowledgement message from iTC.
l Timeout action: BSC send the "Disconnect Request" message to SCCP
Description and ends the service at Ater interface.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 5 ~ 20

Unit 100 ms

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.2 Ater wait resource timer (TWaitAterRes, 100ms)

Full name Ater wait resource timer

Abbreviation TWaitAterRes

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to wait for the "RESOURCE REQUEST

ACKNOWLEDGE" message from iTC at Ater interface.
l Start condition: BSC applies for resources to iTC at Ater interface.
l Stop condition: iTC at Ater interface returns resource available message
to service.
Description l Timeout action: BSC releases this service..

Management Object BSC

Value Range 10 ~ 30

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.3 Ater wait resource release timer (TAterWaitRel, 100ms)

Full name Ater wait resource release timer

Abbreviation TAterWaitRel

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

This parameter is used to wait for the "RESOURCE RELEASE

ACKNOWLEDGE" message from iTC at Ater interface.
l Start condition: BSC sends the "RESOURCE RELEASE" message to
iTC at Abis interface.
l Stop condition: BSC receives the "RESOURCE RELEASE ACKNOWL-
EDGE" message from iTC.
Description l Timeout action: BSC releases SCCP link.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 20 ~ 50

Unit 100 ms

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.4 Ater handover monitor timer (TAterMoniterHO, 100ms)

Full name Ater handover monitor timer

Abbreviation TAterMoniterHO

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

THis parameter is used to monitor handover process when outer iTC is

l Start condition: Handover service applies for circuit resource at Ater
interface again.
l Stop condition:
1. BSC receives the Ater handover implementation message sent by
old CS service instance.
2. BSC receives the Ater resource release request message sent by
new CS service instance.
l Timeout action: The Ater interface issues service release command to
Description CS service, and sends iTC resource release message to iTC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 70 ~ 170

Unit 100 ms


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 120

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.5 Ater wait resource acknowledge timer (TWaitAterResAck,

Full name Ater wait resource acknowledge timer

Abbreviation TWaitAterResAck

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes the response to apply for resource from iTC, to
configure this timer wait for iTC during iBSC handover.
l Start condition: CS service instance sends an iTC resource application
l Stop condition:
1. BSC receives the iTC resource application acknowledgement mes-
2. BSC receives the iTC resource application failure acknowledgement
l Timeout action: BSC clears the new handover RANCS process number
corresponding to the service process, and set the new handover CS
Description instance corresponding to the service process as nonexistent.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 5 ~ 25

Unit 100 ms

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Impact on service None

2.16.6 Ater block circuit timer (TAterCicBlk, 100ms)

Full name Ater block circuit timer

Abbreviation TAterCicBlk

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to wait for the "BLOCKING ACKNOWLEDGE" or

l Start condition: BSC sends a single circuit unblocking message to MSC.
l Stop condition: BSC receives the "BLOCKING ACKNOWLEDGE" mes-
sage from iTC.
l Timeout action: If the number of timeout times does not reach the max-
imum value, BSC sends another "A CIRCUIT BlOCKING" message to
iTC and restarts the timer. If the number reaches the maximum value,
Description BSC ends the instance.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.7 Ater block circuit group timer (TAterBlkCicGrp, 100ms)

Full name Ater block circuit group timer

Abbreviation TAterBlkCicGrp

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is used to wait for the "BLOCKING CIRCUIT GROUP

message from iTC.
l Start condition: BSC sends circuit group unblocking message to MSC.
l Stop condition: BSC receives the "UNBLOCKING CIRCUIT GROUP
ACKNOWLEDGE" message from iTC.
l Timeout action: If the number of timeout times does not reach the max-
imum value, BSC sends another "UNBLOCKING CIRCUIT GROUP"
message to iTC and restarts the timer. If the number reaches the maxi-
Description mum value, BSC ends the instance.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.8 Ater reset circuit timer (TAterRstCic, 100ms)

Full name Ater reset circuit timer

Abbreviation TAterRstCic

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to wait for the "RESET CIRCUIT ACKNOWLEDGE"

message from iTC at Ater interface.
l Start condition: BSC sends the "RESET CIRCUIT" message to iTC.
l Stop condition: BSC receives the "REST CIRCUIT ACKNOWLEDGE"
message from iTC.
l Timeout action: If the number of timeout times does not reach the max-
imum value, BSC sends another "RESET CIRCUIT" message to iTC
and restarts the timer. If the number reaches the maximum value, BSC
Description ends the instance.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

Unit 100 ms

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.9 Ater reset timer (TAterRst, 100ms)

Full name Ater reset timer

Abbreviation TAterRst

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to wait for the "RESET ACKNOWLEDGE" message

from iTC at Ater interface.
l Start condition: BSC sends the "RESET" message to iTC.
l Stop condition: BSC receives response from iTC.
l Timeout action: If the number of timeout times does not reach the max-
imum value, BSC sends another "RESET" message to iTC. If the num-
ber reaches the maximum value, BSC sets the number of no response
Description times to 0 and waits for the completion of self reset.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 60 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

2.16.10 Ater reset guard timer (TITCRst, 100ms)

Full name Ater reset guard timer

Abbreviation TITCRst

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to give delay for global reset to release resources.
l Start condition: BSC receives the "Ater RESET" message from Ater
l Stop condition: None.
Description l Timeout action: BSC returns the "Ater RESET ACK" message to iTC.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 60

Unit 100 ms

Default value 40

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.11 Ater block a interface circuit timer (TBIkACic, 100ms)

Full name Ater block a interface circuit timer

Abbreviation TBlkACic

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to wait for the "BLOCKING A CIRCUIT

message from iTC.
l Start condition: BSC receives the message requesting circuit mainte-
l Stop condition: BSC receives the response to a circuit blocking or the
message indicating that the circuit is unequipped.
l Timeout action: If the number of timeout times reach the maximum

Description value, BSC ends the circuit instances at Ater interface. If the number


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2 BSC Function Parameters

does not reach the maximum value, BSC sends a message of circuit
maintenance request to iTC and restarts the timer.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None

2.16.12 Ater block a interface circuit group timer (TBIkACicGrp,

Full name Ater block a interface circuit group timer

Abbreviation TBlkACicGrp

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to wait for the "BLOCKING A CIRCUIT

ACKNOWLEDGE" message from iTC.
l Start condition: BSC receives the message requesting circuit group
l Stop condition: BSC receives the response to a circuit group blocking
or the message indicating that the circuit is unequipped.
l Timeout action: If the number of timeout times reach the maximum
value, BSC ends the circuit instances at Ater interface. If the number
does not reach the maximum value, BSC sends a message of circuit
Description maintenance request to iTC and restarts the timer.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 30 ~ 150

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Ater Interface

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3
External Cell Parameters
External cell parameters include GERAN external cell parameters and UTRAN external
cell parameters.
Table of Contents
GERAN External Cell Parameters ..............................................................................3-1
UTRAN External Cell Parameters.............................................................................3-23

3.1 GERAN External Cell Parameters

The interface of GERAN external cell parameters is as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Basic Property Parameters for GERAN External Cell

3.1.1 External cell ID

Full name External cell ID


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description External cell number

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.2 Cell type (CellType)

Full name Cell type

Abbreviation CellType

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description GERAN External Cell type

Management Object Cell

Value Range Umbrella cell, Macro Cell, Micro Cell, Micro-micro Cell, Extended Cell

Unit None

Default value Macro Cell

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

3.1.3 MCC (MCC)

Full name MCC (MCC)

Abbreviation MCC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

MCC consists of three digits of decimal number. It is used to uniquely identify

Description the home country of the mobile user (or system).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 999

Unit None

Default value 460

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-05-02-011 Multi PLMN

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.4 MNC (MNC)

Full name MNC (MNC)

Abbreviation MNC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

MNC consists of three digits of decimal number. It uniquely identifies a spe-

Description cific PLMN network in a country (determined by MCC).

Management Object Cell

l When MNC3Digits is selected as 2 digits, MNC value will be 0~99;

Value Range l When MNC3Digits is selected as 3 digits, MNC value will be 0~999;

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-05-02-011 Multi PLMN

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.5 Frequency band (FreqBand)

Full name Frequency band

Abbreviation FreqBand

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description The frequency band of the system

Management Object Cell

l When the value of DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) is

DCS1800, it value range is GSM900, EXT900, DCS1800, GSM850;
l When the value of DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) is
Value Range PCS1900, it value range is GSM900, EXT900, PCS1900, GSM850;

Unit None

Default value GSM900

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters BCCH frequency (BcchArfcn)

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.6 BCCH frequency (BcchArfcn)

Full name BCCH frequency

Abbreviation BcchArfcn

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description ARFCN of the cell BCCH carrier

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

l When Frequency Band is GSM900, its value range is 1~124;

l When Frequency Band is EXT900, its value range is 0~124, 975~1023;
l When Frequency Band is PCS1900, its value range is 512~810;
l When Frequency Band is DCS1800, its value range is 512~885;
Value Range l When Frequency Band is GSM850, its value range is 128~251;

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.7 LAC (LAC)

Full name LAC (LAC)

Abbreviation LAC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Each GSM PLMN is divided into many location areas (LAs) in order to deter-
mine the MS location, the location area code identifies the different location
areas. LAC comes under LAI (LAI = MCC + MNC + LAC). One location
area contains multiple cells. This parameter is consistent with the data at
Description CN side.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3.1.8 CI
Full name CI

Abbreviation CI

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In order to distinguish each cell in GSM PLMN uniquely, the network opera-
Description tors allocate a unique code for each cell in a location area.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.9 NCC
Full name NCC

Abbreviation NCC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

NCC is one of the composition parts of Base Station ID Code (BSIC) (BSIC
= NCC + BCC). which is used to enable the MS to distinguish adjacent and
different GSM PLMN cells. Normally, adjacent operators shall have differ-
ent NCCs. The parameter related to NCC is “NccPermitted” of the cell. By
prohibiting MS to report related NCC in the cell, MS is prohibited to measure
the cell information of the related operators. Actually, NCC occupies three
Description bits. NCC is one of the network identification parameters.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Unit None

Default value 0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.10 BCC
Full name BCC

Abbreviation BCC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BCC is one of the composition parts of Base Station ID Code (BSIC) (BSIC
= NCC + BCC). Normally, BCC is used to enable MS to distinguish adjacent
cells with the same BCCH carrier frequency and belonging to the same GSM
PLMN. In addition, the GSM specifications stipulate that the TSC (Training
Sequence Code) of the broadcast control channel of a cell shall be equal
to the cell BCC. BCC occupies three bits BCC and is one of the network
Description identification parameters.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.11 GPRS service support (PsSupport)

Full name GPRS service support

Abbreviation PsSupport


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if the cell supports GPRS.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters TsChannelComb

If "GPRS Supported (PsSupport)" is No, that is, GPRS is not supported,

Relationship the system automatically change all timeslot channels whose type is PS in
the cell to TCH.

Related interfaces None

If GPRS service support is set as "Yes", a GPRS Property tab will appear, as shown in
Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 GPRS Property Parameters for GERAN External Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

3.1.12 Cell reselection offset (ReselOff_0, 2db)

Full name Reselection offset

Abbreviation ReselOff_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. In the GPRS system, C32 is used as the standard for
cell reselection. C32 standard calculation, similar to C2 standard in GSM,
contains a cell reselection offset parameter. This parameteris not necessary
to append in packet system message when the offset value is 0 dB.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit 2 dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.13 Cell reselection offset (ReselOff_1, 2db)

Full name Reselection offset

Abbreviation ReselOff_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH. In the GPRS

system, C32 is used as the standard for cell reselection. C32 standard
calculation, similar to C2 standard in GSM, contains a cell reselection offset
parameter. This parameter is not necessary to appear in packet system
message when the offset value is 0 dB.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit 2 dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.14 Temporary offset of cell reselection (TempOffset_0, db)

Full name Reselection temporary offset

Abbreviation TempOffset_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. In the GPRS system, C32 is used as the standard for
cell reselection. There is a temporary offset in C32 that provides a negative
offset, similar to C2 in GSM system. The effective time depends on Penalty
Time of cell reselection.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, infinite

Unit dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

3.1.15 Cell reselection temporary offset (TempOffset_1, db)

Full name Reselection temporary offset

Abbreviation TempOffset_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH. In the GPRS

system, C32 is used as the standard for cell reselection. There is a
temporary offset in C32 that provides a negative offset, similar to C2 in GSM
system. The effective time depends on Penalty Time of cell reselection.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, infinite

Unit dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.16 Penalty time of cell reselection (PenalTime_0, 10s)

Full name Penalty time of cell reselection

Abbreviation PenalTime_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. In the GPRS system, C32 is used as the standard for
cell reselection. There is a temporary offset in C32 that provides a negative
offset, similar to C2 in GSM system. The effective time depends on Penalty
Time of cell reselection.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit 10 s

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.17 Penalty time of cell reselection (PenalTime_1, 10s)

Full name Penalty time of cell reselection

Abbreviation PenalTime_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH. In the GPRS

system, C32 is used as the standard for cell reselection. There is a
temporary offset in C32 that provides a negative offset, similar to C2 in GSM
system. The effective time depends on Penalty Time of cell reselection.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit 10 s

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

3.1.18 HCS exist (HCS_EXIST_0)

Full name HCS exist

Abbreviation HCS_EXIST_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used at MS side. This parameter belongs to Hierarchical

Cell Structure (HCS) and broadcasted to MS via system message by BTS.
PSI message indicates if the HCS exist (HCS priority and Threshold of
HCS signal level) exist in the cell. MS ignores HSC exist parameters of
other cells if serving cell does not use HSC exist parameters (all the cells
use Threshold of HSC signal level of infinity).
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.19 HCS exist (HCS_EXIST_1)

Full name HCS exist

Abbreviation HCS_EXIST_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is used at MS side. This parameter belongs to Hierarchical

Cell Structure (HCS) and be informed to MS on PACCH. PSI message
indicates if the HCS exist (HCS priority and Threshold of HCS signal level)
exist in the cell. MS ignores HSC exist parameters of other cells if serving
cell does not use HSC exist parameters (all the cells use Threshold of
HSC signal level of infinity).
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.20 Threshold of HCS signal level (HCS_THR_0)

Full name Threshold of HSC signal level

Abbreviation HCS_THR_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to HCS parameter, which is

broadcasted to MS via system message by BTS. Threshold of HCS signal
level identifies the HCS signal strength threshold of the cell.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.21 Threshold of HCS signal level (HCS_THR_1)

Full name Threshold of HSC signal level

Abbreviation HCS_THR_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to HCS parameter, which is

informed to MS on PACCH. Threshold of HCS signal level identifies the
HCS signal strength threshold of the cell.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.22 HCS priority (PrioClass_0)

Full name HCS Priority

Abbreviation PrioClass_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to HCS parameter, which

is broadcasted to MS via system message by BTS, indicating cell HCS
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.23 HCS priority (PrioClass_1)

Full name HCS Priority

Abbreviation PrioClass_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to HCS parameter, which is

informed to MS on PACCH, indicating cell HCS priority.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

Impact on service None

3.1.24 Allow SOLSA MS to access (EXC_ACC)

Full name Allow SOLSA MS to access

Abbreviation EXC_ACC


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

System broadcasts this parameter to MS in SI4, SI6, and SI7 messages.

In addition, the parameter information is available in PSI3 and Psi3bis mes-
sages of local and neighboring cells. The network uses Allow SOLSA MS to
Description access to prevent MS from residing in the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.25 Cell reselection status (CellBarAc2)

Full name Cell reselection status

Abbreviation CellBarAc2


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Cell reselection status belongs to HCS, and the system broadcasts to MS in

Description PSI3 message. It indicates the cell reselection status.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.26 LSA ID (LSA_Id)

Full name LSA Mark

Abbreviation LSA_Id


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

System broadcasts the parameter to MS in SI4, SI6, SI7, and PSI3 mes-
sages of serving cell. In addition, system broadcasts the parameter informa-
tion in PSI3 and Psi3bis messages of the neighboring cells. LSA ID specifies
Description LSA identifier of the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 16777215

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.27 RAC (RAC)

Full name RAC (RAC)

Abbreviation RAC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

RAC is a composition part of Routing Area Identity (RAI). RAI defines the
GPRS serving cell identification. GPRS system divides the location area
(LAs) to several routing areas (RAs) using RAI (MCC+MNC+LAC+RAC).
Routing Area (RA) distribution, similar to GSM system, uses the location
area to manage a group of cells. MS initiates ‘Routing area update’
procedure in cell reselection mode if new RAI differs from old RAI during
cell reselection.
SGSN knows the routing area information of the MS in the standby status.
Then, when the network has packet data or circuit data to transmit, it will
page the MS in that routing area. RAI cannot span more than one SGSN.
Description This parameter is consistent with the data at CN side.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.28 Access minimal signal level (RxLevAsMin_0)

Full name GPRS access minimum signal level

Abbreviation RxLevAsMin_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. This parameter indicates the minimum receiving level
while allowing MS access to this system (GPRS).
To prevent the MS from accessing the system at a low receiving signal
level (usually, the poor communication quality cannot guarantee normal
communication process after access) and from unreasonably wasting
radio resources of the network, it is stipulated in the GSM system that
the receiving level be greater than a threshold level for MS to access the
network, that is, “MS Minimal Level to Access”.
In addition, the parameter serves as reference for MS during cell selection
Description and reselection (a parameter to calculate C31 and C32).


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle

status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm)

Unit None

Default value 12 (-99 dBm ~ -98 dBm)

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.29 Access minimal signal level (RxLevAsMin_1)

Full name GPRS access minimum signal level

Abbreviation RxLevAsMin_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. This parameter is informed to MS

on PACCH. This parameter indicates the minimum receiving level while
allowing MS access to this system (GPRS).
To prevent the MS from accessing the system at a low receiving signal
level (usually, the poor communication quality cannot guarantee normal
communication process after access) and from unreasonably wasting
radio resources of the network, it is stipulated in the GSM system that
the receiving level be greater than a threshold level for MS to access the
network, that is, “MS Minimal Level to Access”.
In addition, the parameter serves as reference for MS during cell selection
and reselection (a parameter to calculate C31 and C32).
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.


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Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 12 (-99 dBm ~ -98 dBm)

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.30 Maximum initial access signal level (MsTxMaxCCH_0)

Full name GPRS MAX initial access signal level

Abbreviation MsTxMaxCCH_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. Network controls the MS transmit power during
communication with BTS. The network controls MS power using power
command. MS outputs transmit power closest to the specified power value
if unavailable. The power before MS receives the network power control
information (the power used in random access), depends on this parameter
when MS is receiving PBCCH.
This parameter is also a parameter for cell selection and reselection by
MS, involved in calculation of C1 and C2 values.
Refer to Appendix C, for the maximum power before MS receives the
power control information.
The principle of setting this parameter is as follows: Under the precondition
that the MS at the cell boundary is guaranteed with a certain access
success rate, the MS access level should be reduced as much as possible.
Generally, it is recommended to set this parameter as 5 (for GSM900MS)
Description and 2 (for GSM1800MS).


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

In actual application, after the parameter is set, make a dial test at the cell
boundary, and test MS access success rate and access time with different
parameter settings to determine whether to increase or decrease the value
of the parameter.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.1.31 Maximum initial access signal level (MsTxMaxCCH_1)

Full name GPRS MAX initial access signal level

Abbreviation MsTxMaxCCH_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. This parameter is informed to MS on

PACCH. Network controls the MS transmit power during communication
with BTS. The network controls MS power using power command. MS
outputs transmit power closest to the specified power value if unavailable.
The power before MS receives the network power control information (the
power used in random access), depends on this parameter when MS is
receiving PBCCH.
This parameter is also a parameter for cell selection and reselection by
MS, involved in calculation of C1 and C2 values.
Refer to Appendix C, for the maximum power before MS receives the
power control information.
The principle of setting this parameter is as follows: Under the precondition
that the MS at the cell boundary is guaranteed with a certain access
success rate, the MS access level should be reduced as much as possible.
Generally, it is recommended to set this parameter as 5 (for GSM900MS)
Description and 2 (for GSM1800MS).


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

In actual application, after the parameter is set, make a dial test at the cell
boundary, and test MS access success rate and access time with different
parameter settings to determine whether to increase or decrease the value
of the parameter.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2 UTRAN External Cell Parameters

The interface of UTRAN external cell parameters is shown in Figure 3-3.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 3-3 UTRAN External Cell Parameters

3.2.1 External UTRAN ID (Ec3GID)

Full name External UTRAN ID (Ec3GID)

Abbreviation Ec3GID

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Serial number of UTRAN external cell

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


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Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.2 UTRAN cell type (CellType3G)

Full name UTRAN cell type

Abbreviation CellType3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description The type of this UTRAN cell

Management Object Cell

Value Range FDD, TDD

Unit None

Default value FDD

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

UTRAN cell Frequency (Arfcn3G)

Scrambling code or Cell Parameter (ScCodeCellPara)
UTRAN adjacent cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G)
Relevant parameters Apply Sync Case (SyncCaseTSTD)

This parameter value has influence on the value range of ScCodeCellPara,

and the value range and default value of Arfcn3G.
When selecting TDD, two configurable parameters appear in the interface,
which are BandWidth3G and SyncCaseTSTD.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.3 MCC (MCC)

Full name MCC (MCC)

Abbreviation MCC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

MCC consists of three digits of decimal number. It is used to uniquely identify

Description the home country of the mobile user (or system).


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 999

Unit None

Default value 460

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.4 MNC (MNC)

Full name MNC (MNC)

Abbreviation MNC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

MNC consists of three digits of decimal number. It uniquely identifies a spe-

Description cific PLMN network in a country (determined by MCC).

Management Object Cell

l When MNC3Digits is selected as 2 digits, MNC value will be 0~99;

Value Range l When MNC3Digits is selected as 3 digits, MNC value will be 0~999;

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.5 UTRAN cell frequency (Arfcn3G)

Full name UTRAN cell Frequency (Arfcn3G)


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Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

Abbreviation ArfcnUT3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description UTRAN adjacent cell's frequency range

Management Object Cell

l When "UTRAN Cell Type (CellType3G)" is FDD, value range is 412 ~

l When "UTRAN Cell Type (CellType3G)" is TDD and "UTRAN adjacent
cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G)" is 0 (3.84 Mcps), value range is 2112 ~
l When "UTRAN Cell Type (CellType3G)" is TDD and "UTRAN adjacent
cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G)" is 1 (1.28 Mcps), value range is 9254 ~
Value Range 13096.

Unit None

l When "UTRAN Cell Type (CellType3G)" is FDD, default value is 412;

l When "UTRAN Cell Type (CellType3G)" is TDD and "UTRAN adjacent
cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G)" is 0 (3.84 Mcps), default value is 2112;
l When "UTRAN Cell Type (CellType3G)" is TDD and "UTRAN adjacent
Default value cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G)" is 1 (1.28 Mcps), default value is 9254;

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

UTRAN cell type (CellType3G)

Relevant parameters UTRAN adjacent cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G)

The value of CellType3G and BandWidth3G has influence on the value

range and default value of this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.6 LAC (LAC)

Full name LAC (LAC)

Abbreviation LAC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Each GSM PLMN is divided into many location areas (LAs) in order to deter-
mine the MS location, the location area code identifies the different location
areas. LAC comes under LAI (LAI = MCC + MNC + LAC). One location
area contains multiple cells. This parameter is consistent with the data at
Description CN side.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.7 RNC ID (RNC_ID)

Full name RNC ID (RNC_ID)

Abbreviation RNC_ID

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Each RNC has a unique number in the UTRAN network of PLMN to route
Description corresponding UTRAN interface message correctly.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 4095

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

3.2.8 C ID (C_ID)
Full name C ID (C_ID)

Abbreviation C_ID

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It identifies the UTRAN adjacent cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.9 Scrambling code or cell parameter (ScCodeCellPara)

Full name Scrambling code or Cell Parameter (ScCodeCellPara)

Abbreviation ScCodeCellPara

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

l FDD: It is described in detail in protocol 3GPP TS25.213. The scram-

bling code is used to distinguish the carriers in UTRAN/FDD network.
MS measure the main scrambling code of the downlink CPICH channel
in cell for handover or cell reselection. The scrambling codes are di-
vided into 0~511. There are one main scrambling code and 15 auxiliary
scrambling codes in each group. 511 main scrambling codes could be
divided into 64 scrambling code sets, and there are 8 scrabbling codes
in each set;
Description l TDD: The parameters describing adjacent cell

Management Object Cell


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

l When "UTRAN Cell Type (CellTypeUTRAN)" is FDD, this parameter

represents FDD interference code, value range is 0 ~ 511, 65535.
l When "UTRAN Cell Type (CellTypeUTRAN)" is TDD, this parameter
Value Range represents TDD cell parameter, value range is 0 ~ 127, 65535.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters UTRAN cell type (CellType3G)

The value of UTRAN Cell Type has influence on the value range of this

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.10 TX diversity indication (DiverSity)

Full name TX diversity indication

Abbreviation DiverSity

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if UTRAN adjacent cell uses diversity transmission.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.11 RAC (RAC)

Full name RAC (RAC)


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

Abbreviation RAC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

RAC is a composition part of Routing Area Identity (RAI). RAI defines the
GPRS serving cell identification. GPRS system divides the location area
(LAs) to several routing areas (RAs) using RAI (MCC+MNC+LAC+RAC).
Routing Area (RA) distribution, similar to GSM system, uses the location
area to manage a group of cells. MS initiates ‘Routing area update’
procedure in cell reselection mode if new RAI differs from old RAI during
cell reselection.
SGSN knows the routing area information of the MS in the standby status.
Then, when the network has packet data or circuit data to transmit, it will
page the MS in that routing area. RAI cannot span more than one SGSN.
Description This parameter is consistent with the data at CN side.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.12 UTRAN adjacent cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G)

Full name UTRAN adjacent cell bandwidth

Abbreviation BandWidth3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When "UTRAN cell type" is TDD, this parameter appears and can be con-
Description figured, indicating the bandwidth of UTRAN adjacent cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 (1.28Mcps), 0 (3.84Mcps)

Unit None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 1 (1.28Mcps)

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

UTRAN cell type (CellType3G)

UTRAN cell frequency (Arfcn3G)
Relevant parameters Apply Sync Case (SyncCaseTSTD)

When CellTypeUTRAN is TDD, this parameter appears and can be

According to different parameter values, the value range and default value
of Arfcn3G varies and names of SyncCaseTSTD are different.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

3.2.13 Apply Sync Case (SyncCaseTSTD)

Full name Apply Sync Case / Apply TSTD

Abbreviation SyncCaseTSTD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if to apply SyncCase or TSTD

Management Object Cell

l When CellType3G is TDD and BandWidth3G is 1 (1.28 Mcps), the pa-

rameter indicates whether TSTD is applied, the parameter name is "Ap-
ply TSTD", the value range is Yes/No.
l When CellType3G is TDD and BandWidth3G is 0 (3.84 Mcps), the pa-
rameter indicates whether SyncCase is applied, the parameter name is
Value Range "Apply Sync Case", the value range is Yes/No.

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

UTRAN cell type (CellType3G)

Relevant parameters UTRAN adjacent cell bandwidth (BandWidth3G)

When CellTypeUTRAN is TDD, this parameter appears and can be

Relationship configured. Based on different parameter value of BandWidth3G, this
parameter name may be different.

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3 External Cell Parameters

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

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Chapter 4
Cell Parameters
This chapter explains the cell parameters, including basic parameters, optional
parameters, and GPRS/EDGE parameters.
Table of Contents
Basic Parameters 1 ....................................................................................................4-1
Basic Parameters 2 ..................................................................................................4-16
Basic Parameters 3 ..................................................................................................4-34
Optional Parameters ................................................................................................4-50
Cell Selection Parameters ........................................................................................4-60
Service Process Additional Parameters....................................................................4-70
System Parameters..................................................................................................4-81
Other Parameters.....................................................................................................4-89
GPRS Basic Parameters ..........................................................................................4-94
GPRS Other Parameters 1 .......................................................................................4-99
GPRS Other Parameters 2 .....................................................................................4-109
GPRS Other Parameters 3 .....................................................................................4-126
GPRS Cell Options Parameters .............................................................................4-138
GPRS NC Survey Parameters................................................................................4-148
GPRS Power Control Parameters ..........................................................................4-156
GPRS Cell Reselection Parameters .......................................................................4-160
GPRS Channel Parameters....................................................................................4-185
EDGE Parameters..................................................................................................4-196

4.1 Basic Parameters 1

The interface of cell basic parameters 1 is shown in Figure 4-1.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 4-1 Basic Parameters 1

4.1.1 BTS ID (BtsId)

Full name Cell ID

Abbreviation BtsId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Serial number of this cell. Consistent with the sector ID of SDR base station.

Management Object Cell

1 ~ 24
The following lists the maximum number of BtsIds of each site type.
l OB06: 3
l BS20: 3
l BS21: 3
l BS21V20: 3
l BS30: 3
l BS30V12: 3
l B8112: 6
l M8202: 6
l M8206: 6
l B8018: 6
l S8001: 1
Value Range l SDR: 24

Unit None

Default value Sorted according to actual condition

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.1.2 Cell type (CellType)

Full name Cell type

Abbreviation CellType

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The type of this cell.

If you need configure S8001 cell, “micro-micro cell” shall be selected for
Description “cell type”.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Umbrella cell, Macro Cell, Micro Cell, Micro-micro Cell, Extended Cell

Unit None

Default value Macro Cell

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

TA MAX (TaMax)
TA allowed (TaAllowed)
Relevant parameters TA MIN (TaMin)

This parameter value has influence on the value range and default value
Relationship of TA MAX (TaMax) and TA allowed (TaAllowed), and the value of TA MIN

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.1.3 MCC (MCC)

Full name MCC

Abbreviation MCC


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Mobile Country Code (MCC) is used to uniquely identify the home country
Description of the mobile users (or system), assigned internationally, China is 460.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Based on "Mobile country code" in BSC function parameters.

Unit None

Default value Based on "Mobile country code" in BSC function parameters.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.1.4 MNC (MNC)

Full name MNC

Abbreviation MNC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Mobile Network Code (MNC) uniquely identifies a specific PLMN network in

a country (decided by MCC). For instance, 07 is PLMN network of China
Description Mobile.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Based on "Mobile network code (MNC)" in BSC global resource parameters.

Unit None

Default value Based on "Mobile network code (MNC)" in BSC global resource parameters.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, the current PS service

Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.1.5 LAC (LAC)

Full name LAC (LAC)

Abbreviation LAC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Each GSM PLMN is divided into many location areas (LAs) in order to deter-
mine the MS location, the location area code identifies the different location
areas. LAC comes under LAI (LAI = MCC + MNC + LAC). One location
area contains multiple cells. This parameter is consistent with the data at
Description CN side.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, the current PS service

Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.1.6 CI (CI)
Full name CI

Abbreviation CI

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In order to distinguish each cell in GSM PLMN uniquely, the network opera-
Description tors allocate a unique code for each cell in a location area.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 65535


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If this parameter is inconsistent with the data at CN

Impact on service side, new service cannot be established in corresponding cell.

4.1.7 NCC (NCC)

Full name NCC

Abbreviation NCC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

NCC is one of the composition parts of Base Station ID Code (BSIC) (BSIC
= NCC + BCC). which is used to enable the MS to distinguish adjacent and
different GSM PLMN cells. Normally, adjacent operators shall have differ-
ent NCCs. The parameter related to NCC is “NccPermitted” of the cell. By
prohibiting MS to report related NCC in the cell, MS is prohibited to measure
the cell information of the related operators. Actually, NCC occupies three
Description bits. NCC is one of the network identification parameters.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.1.8 BCC (BCC)

Full name BCC

Abbreviation BCC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BCC is one of the composition parts of Base Station ID Code (BSIC) (BSIC
= NCC + BCC). Normally, BCC is used to enable MS to distinguish adjacent
cells with the same BCCH carrier frequency and belonging to the same GSM
PLMN. In addition, the GSM specifications stipulate that the TSC (Training
Sequence Code) of the broadcast control channel of a cell shall be equal
to the cell BCC. BCC occupies three bits BCC and is one of the network
Description identification parameters.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.1.9 Frequency band (FreqBand)

Full name Frequency band

Abbreviation FreqBand

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description The frequency band types for GSM operation.

Management Object Cell

l When the value of DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) is

DCS1800, it value range is GSM900, EXT900, DCS1800, GSM850;
l When the value of DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) is
Value Range PCS1900, it value range is GSM900, EXT900, PCS1900, GSM850;


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Default value GSM900

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-05-02-002 EGSM Frequency Band Support

DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt)

Relevant parameters Frequency

The value of DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) has influence on

Relationship the value range of this parameter.
This parameter value has influence on the value range of CaArfcnList.

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.1.10 Subcell used (SubCellUsed)

Full name Subcell used

Abbreviation SubCellUsed

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Defined according to user requirement.

If user selects subcell used, the system may automatically add "power
control 2" node under cell node, used to control cell power. If the user
selects don't use subcell, "power control 2" node may be automatically
Description deleted.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Frequency band of subCell (SubFreqBand)

Relevant parameters SubCell ID (SubCellId)

When this parameter is Yes, you can configure SubFreqBand.

This parameter value has influence on the value range of SubCellId.

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Impact on service None

4.1.11 Frequency band of subCell (SubFreqBand)

Full name Frequency band of subCell

Abbreviation SubFreqBand

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Set the frequency band of subCell.

Management Object Cell

l When the value of DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) is

DCS1800, it value range is GSM900, EXT900, DCS1800, GSM850;
l When the value of DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) is
Value Range PCS1900, it value range is GSM900, EXT900, PCS1900, GSM850;

Unit None

Default value GSM900

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Subcell used (SubCellUsed)

Relevant parameters DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt)

If 'Subcell used' is 'Yes', this parameter is configurable.

Relationship The value of DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt) has influence on
the value range of this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.1.12 ARFCN list (CaArfcnList)

Full name ARFCN list

Abbreviation CaArfcnList

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description The radio frequency set.

Management Object Cell


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

ARFCN set, the value range of each ARFCN is the same as BCCH. Based
on frequency setting at subsequent BTS, the system automatically fills it in
Value Range this box.

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding frequency point will be interrupted immediately.

4.1.13 GPRS service support (PsSupport)

Full name GPRS service support

Abbreviation PsSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates if this cell supports GPRS (EDGE) service. If selecting "Support

Description GPRS" or "Support EDGE", relevant sub-page may occur in the interface.

Management Object Cell

Value Range No, Support GPRS, Support EDGE

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-05-007 EGPRS Activation per Cell

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

If the parameter setting is changed between "Support GPRS" and "Support

EDGE", service will not be affected. If the parameter setting is changed
between "Support GPRS"/"Support EDGE" and "No", the current PS service
Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.1.14 Dynamic HR enable (DynaHREnable)

Full name Dynamic HR Enable

Abbreviation DynaHREnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The dynamic HR channel allocation function allows allocating FR or HR

channel to MS according to the cell's traffic. When the cell's channels become
congested, HR channel is allocated to MS, which greatly shortens the cell's
congestion time during peak traffic hours.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-03-02-003 Full dynamic channel allocation on Um interface

Relevant Features
ZGO-03-02-005 Dynamic Half Rate Allocation

Relevant parameters Use cell dynamic HR parameter (UseCellDynHRPara)

Relationship If this parameter is set to Yes, 'Use cell dynamic HR parameter' is configurable.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.1.15 Use cell dynamic HR parameter (UseCellDynHRPara)

Full name Use cell dynamic HR parameter

Abbreviation UseCellDynHRPara

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates whether to use cell dynamic HR parameter.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-03-02-003 Full dynamic channel allocation on Um interface

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-005 Dynamic Half Rate Allocation


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters Dynamic HR enable (DynaHREnable)

Relationship If DynaHREnable is 'Yes', this parameter is configurable.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.1.16 CBC support (SmsCbUsed)

Full name CBC support

Abbreviation SmsCbUsed

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

CBC service is an important service provided by mobile communication

system, mainly used to distribute information to the mobile subscribers
within certain geographical location area. The difference from P2P sms
service contains: receiver for P2P sms is specific mobile subscriber, but
receiver for CBC is all mobile subscribers within certain area, including
external subscribers roaming in this area.
This parameter identifies if this cell supports the function of cell
Description broadcasting short message.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-004 Cell Broadcast SMS

Relevant parameters TsChannelComb

l If "CBC support (SmsCbUsed)" is No, that is, CBC is not supported,

the system automatically searches all timeslot channel combinations in
the cell. If CBC channel exists, it is changed to SDCCH.
Relationship l If "CBC support (SmsCbUsed)" is Yes, that is, CBC is supported, the
system automatically searches all timeslot channel combinations in
the cell. If a non-BCCH channel is found for a carrier, it is changed

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.1.17 Threshold for FR to HR (HRThs, %)

Full name Threshold for FR to HR

Abbreviation HRThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When BSC and cell enables dynamic HR functions, and percentage of

TCH/F channel used in the cell (TCH/F channels occupied in the cell / all
available TCH channels in the cell (including IDLE and BUSY)) exceeds
Description this threshold, convert TCH/F -> TCH/H.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

ZGO-03-02-003 Full dynamic channel allocation on Um interface

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-005 Dynamic Half Rate Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.1.18 PS busy threshold (Info_1_16)

Full name PS busy threshold

Abbreviation Info_1_16

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Do the half-rate expansion if the cell busy degree reaches or exceeds this
threshold, to restrict the PS expansion.

Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 80

Change mode Offline


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Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.1.19 Use cell AMR parameter (UseCellAMRParam)

Full name Use cell AMR parameter

Abbreviation UseCellAMRParam

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if AMR parameter in the cell is enabled.

l If the cell doesn't enable its own AMR parameters, AMR parameter
value configured by BSC is configured as the predominent;
l If the cell is enabled, AMR parameter value configured by the cell is
Description configured as the predominent;

Management Object Cell

Value Range Use, not use

Unit None

Default value Not use

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.1.20 Common control channel configuration (CcchConf)

Full name Common control channel configuration

Abbreviation CcchConf

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Common control channel configuration is one of the system control

parameters. In GSM system, CCCH includes Access Grant Channel
(AGCH) and Paging Channel (PCH). It is used to send access granting
(that is instant assignment) message and paging message.
In each cell, all service channels share CCCH. According to the
configuration of the service channel in the cell and the traffic mode of the
cell, CCCH could be one or more than one physical channel, and CCCH
could share the same physical channel with SDCCH.
The combination mode of the common control channel in cell depends
on CCCH configuration parameter and it should be consistent with the
actual configuration of cell CCH. It could be observed from this parameter:
combined with SDCCH).
This parameter is broadcasted to all MSs in the cell by message RIL3_RR

Management Object Cell

CCCH uses one physical channel, not combined with SDCCH; CCCH uses
one physical channel, combined with SDCCH; CCCH uses two physical
channels, not combined with SDCCH; CCCH uses three physical channels,
not combined with SDCCH; CCCH uses four physical channels, not com-
Value Range bined with SDCCH.

Unit None

Default value CCCH uses one physical channel, not combined with SDCCH

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-02-001 Support of SDCCH/4 and SDCCH/8

Relevant parameters TsChannelComb

l When CCCH Channel (CcchConf) is configured as "a basic physical

channel used by CCCH, along with SDCCH". In channel information
parameters, timeslot 0 channel combination shall be one of these two
combined channels: BCCH+SDCCH/4 and BCCH+SDCCH/4+CBCH.
l When CCCH Channel (CcchConf) is configured as "a basic physical
channel used by CCCH, regarless of SDCCH". In channel information
parameters, timeslot 0 channel combination shall be one of these two
Relationship combined channels: FCCH+SCH+BCCH+CCCH and BCCH+CCCH.
l When CCCH Channel (CcchConf) is configured as "two basic physical
channels used by CCCH, regarless of SDCCH". In channel information
parameters, timeslot 0 and 2 channel combination shall be these two
combined channels: FCCH+SCH+BCCH+CCCH and BCCH+CCCH.
l When CCCH Channel (CcchConf) is configured as "three basic
physical channels used by CCCH, regarless of SDCCH". In channel
information parameters, timeslot 0, 2, and 4 channel combination


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

shall be these two combined channels: FCCH+SCH+BCCH+CCCH

l When CCCH Channel (CcchConf) is configured as "four basic
physical channels used by CCCH, regarless of SDCCH". In channel
information parameters, timeslot 0, 2, and 4 channel combination
shall be these two combined channels: FCCH+SCH+BCCH+CCCH

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.1.21 Template file

Full name Template file

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Click Select button, a window pops up, select the template file in local path;
Description click Clear button to clear selected template files.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Local files

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2 Basic Parameters 2

The interface of cell basic parameters 2 is shown in Figure 4-2.


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Figure 4-2 Basic Parameters 2

4.2.1 TA maximum (TaMax)

Full name TA maximum

Abbreviation TaMax

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It represents the maximum TA supported by extended cell.

Management Object Cell

l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is non-extended cell, value range is 0 ~ 63;

Value Range l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is extended cell, value range is 0 ~ 219;

Unit None

l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is non-extended cell, default value is 63;

Default value l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is extended cell, default value is 219;

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-01-001 Extended Cell Coverage

Relevant parameters Cell type (CellType)

The value of the parameter CellType has influence on the value range
and default value of this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.2.2 TA minimum (TaMin)

Full name TA minimum

Abbreviation TaMin

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates the minimum TA granted to be accessed into the cell.

Management Object Cell

l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is non-extended cell, value range is 0 ~ 63;

Value Range l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is extended cell, value range is 0 ~ 219;

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-01-001 Extended Cell Coverage

Relevant parameters Cell type (CellType)

Relationship The value of CellType has influence on the value range of this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.3 TA allowed (TaAllowed)

Full name TA allowed

Abbreviation TaAllowed

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It represents the maximum TA granted to be accessed into the cell.

Management Object Cell

l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is non-extended cell, value range is 0 ~ 63;

Value Range l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is extended cell, value range is 0 ~ 219;

Unit None

l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is non-extended cell, default value is 63;

Default value l When "Cell Type (CellType)" is extended cell, default value is 219;

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters Cell type (CellType)


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

The value of the parameter CellType has influence on the value range
and default value of this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.4 CCCH load indication period (CcchLoadIndPrd, s)

Full name CCCH load indication period

Abbreviation CcchLoadIndPrd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, during the period of PCH overload mea-

surement, when the load of PCH channel at BTS exceeds the PCH over-
load threshold set by O&M, BTS sends the CCCH LOAD INDICATION mes-
sage periodically to BSC until the load of PCH channel does not exceed this
Description threshold value.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit s

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.5 Periodical location updating timer (T3212, 360s)

Full name Periodical location updating timer

Abbreviation T3212

3GPP Name T3212

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.13.0


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Location update results from two major causes in GSM system. One is
when MS changes from old LAC to new LAC and the second is when the
network notifies MS for periodic location update.
Network controls the location time interval and depends upon T3212
timer. Network broadcasts to all MSs in the cell by RIL3_RR SYSTEM
INFORMATION TYPE3 message. T3212 timer is one of the system control
The setting of this parameter will affect the overall service performance and
utilization rate of radio resources of the network. For the area with higher
traffic, the period could be bigger (for example 16 or 20 hours, even 25
hours); for the area with ordinary traffic, the value of T3212 could be smaller
(for example 3 or 6 hours); for the area with extreme overload traffic, it is
Description recommended to set T3212 as 0.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 255
l 0: positive infinite, location update is not required;
l 1: 6 minutes;
l 2: 12 minutes;
Value Range l 255: 1530 minutes

Unit 360 s

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.6 Protection period for access attempt (T3122, s)

Full name Protection period for access attempt

Abbreviation T3122

3GPP Name T3122

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.018 V5.22.0


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

The network sends IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message to MS

when it receives a channel request message from MS and will not allocate
a suitable channel to MS. IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message
contains T3122 timer parameter to prevent possible wireless channel
blocking caused by repeated channel requests sent by the MS, which is
waiting for indication information unit.
MS cannot restart a new call until the time indicated by T3122 is elapsed
if it receives the ‘IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message. This
parameter is also one of the system control parameters, and is sent to MS
Following are the suggested values: 10 s ~ 15 s for normal traffic area;
Description 15 s ~ 25 s for dense traffic area.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit s

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.2.7 Multi-band report indication (MulbandReport)

Full name Multi-band report indication

Abbreviation MulbandReport


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.008 V5.22.0

MS in single-frequency GSM system needs only to report contents of

six adjacent cells with the strongest signals in a frequency band, when
reporting the survey result of adjacent cells to the network.
In multi-band networking, MS can enter with priority into a specific
frequency band during handover. The MS reports the survey result
according to the signal intensity and the frequency band of the signals,
according to the actual situation.
Multiband report indication is used to notify MS to report contents of
adjacent cells in multiple frequency bands. It is one of the system control
Description parameters.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

The setting of this parameter is subject to traffic in each frequency band.

General principles to set the parameters are as follows: 0: If the traffic of
each frequency band is almost equivalent, and the operator has no choice
over the frequency band. 3: If the traffic of each frequency band is quite
different, and the operator hopes that MS enters a specific frequency band
with priority.
The values are as follows:
l 0: According to adjacent cell's signal strength, MS reports the measure-
ment result of six adjacent cells with the strongest known and permitted
NCC. This report is applicable for adjacent cells of all frequency bands.
l 1: MS reports the measurement result of an adjacent cell with the
strongest signal at frequency bands in the adjacent cell list (excluding
frequency band of the local cell). In the remaining space, MS reports
adjacent cells which are at the local cell's frequency band. If there
is still remaining space, MS reports the remaining adjacent cells, no
matter what frequency bands they are at.
l 2: MS reports the measurement result of two adjacent cells with the
strongest signal at frequency bands in the adjacent cell list (excluding
frequency band of the local cell). In the remaining space, MS reports
adjacent cells which are at the local cell's frequency band. If there is still
remaining space, MS reports the remaining adjacent cells, no matter
what frequency bands they are at.
l 3: MS reports the measurement result of three adjacent cells with the
strongest signal at frequency bands in the adjacent cell list (excluding
frequency band of the local cell). In the remaining space, MS reports
adjacent cell in local cell frequency band. If still more space is avail-
able, MS reports the remaining adjacent cells, no matter what frequency
bands they are at.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~3

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.2.8 Minimal level threshold of MS uplink RACH access

(RachAccessMin, -db)
Full name Minimal level threshold of MS uplink RACH access

Abbreviation RachAccessMin

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Minimal level threshold of MS uplink RACH access

Management Object BSC

Value Range 90 ~ 125

Unit -dB

Default value 125

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.9 CCCH load indication (RACH) (CcchLoadINDThs_0)

Full name CCCH load indication (RACH)

Abbreviation CcchLoadINDThs_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When load degree in RACH channel for BTS exceeds this threshold, BTS
sends CCCH LOAD INDICATION message periodically to iBSC until load
Description degree in RACH channel doesn't exceed this threshold value.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.10 CCCH load indication (PAGCH) (CcchLoadINDThs_1)

Full name CCCH load indication (PAGCH)

Abbreviation CcchLoadINDThs_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When load degree in PCH channel for BTS exceeds this threshold, BTS
sends CCCH LOAD INDICATION message periodically to iBSC until load
Description degree in PCH channel doesn't exceed this threshold value.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.11 8PSK modulating power attenuation level (Tn7Lowerlevel,

Full name 8PSK modulating power attenuation level

Abbreviation Tn7Lowerlevel

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates 8PSK modulating power attenuation level.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 50


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Unit 0.2 dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.12 Repeated ACCH support (RepeatACCH)

Full name Repeated ACCH support

Abbreviation RepeatACCH

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines if to use FACCH/SACCH retransmission func-

Description tion.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-009 Repeated FACCH/SACCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.13 Start PA power off (StartPAPowerOff)

Full name Start PA power off

Abbreviation StartPAPowerOff

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

To save energy and reduce consumption, BTS system shall turn off PA offset
voltage while close power for idle timeslots.l If configuring on BTS, FPGA can
Description determine if PA offset voltage shall be turned off.

Management Object Cell

Yes, No
l Yes: enable
Value Range l No: disable

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-04-003 Intelligent Timeslot Shutdown

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.14 Switch flag of cell TRX power off (StartTRXPowerOff)

Full name Switch flag of cell TRX power off

Abbreviation StartTRXPowerOff

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It marks if "Switch Flag of Ceil TRX Power Off" is enabled.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-04-002 Intelligent TRX Shutdown

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.2.15 Bss Radio Link Timer's Max Value for AMR HR Bug
Full name BSS radio link timer's max value for AMR HR

Abbreviation BsRadioLkTmOutAMRFR

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Fault detection period in AMR-FR channel. Within this period, pick average
value through s times of measurement, and judge link fault threshold, to dert-
Description ermine if the channel is failed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64

Unit None

Default value 64

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.16 Bss Radio Link Timer's Max Value for AMR HR Bug
Full name BSS radio link timer's max value for AMR HR

Abbreviation BsRadioLkTmOutAMRHR

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Fault detection period in AMR-HR channel. Within this period, pick average
value through s times of measurement, and judge link fault threshold, to dert-
Description ermine if the channel is failed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64

Unit None

Default value 64


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Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.17 AMR codec adjust mode (AmrAdjMode)

Full name AMR codec adjust mode

Abbreviation AmrAdjMode

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

etting of AMR rate adjustment mode:

l AMR rapid speed mode: master adjustment time by BTS itself;
l Interval to adjust configuration: adjustment time shall be defined at
Description background

Management Object Cell

Value Range AMR rapid speed mode; Interval to adjust configuration

Unit None

Default value AMR rapid speed mode

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.18 AMR codec adjust interval (AmrAdjInterval, 480ms)

Full name AMR codec adjust interval

Abbreviation AmrAdjInterval

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

It indicates AMR adjustment interval. This parameter is only meaningful

Description when AmrAdjMode is "interval to adjust configuration".

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 50

Unit 480 ms

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.19 HR channel fragment finishing support (HRDfragSupport)

Full name HR channel fragment finishing support

Abbreviation HRDfragSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is a switch of frag collection in HR channel, which can be

configured on BSC and BTS. Only when both BSC and BTS are enabled
and (number of unfinished HR defragment instances / number of idle HR
channels in the cell) is no more than HRDefragThs, the HR channel defrag-
Description mentation function is enabled, otherwise, it is disabled.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-004 HR Concentration

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.2.20 Idle FR threshold For HR defrag (Info_0_8, %)

Full name Idle FR threshold For HR defrag

Abbreviation Info_0_8

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When the proportion between the number of idle TCH/F channels in cell and the
the number of all available service channels in cell is smaller than this threshold
value, the defragment is started.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant ZGO-03-02-004 HR Concentration


Relevant None

Relationship None

Related None

Impact on None

4.2.21 Busy threshold for HR defrag (Info_1_24, %)

Full name Busy threshold for HR defrag

Abbreviation Info_1_24

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When the cell's busyness degree is smaller than this threshold value, the
Description defragment is started.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Cell


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant None

Relevant None

Relationship None

Related None

Impact on None

4.2.22 Percentage of HR Ts (HRTsPercentage)

Full name Percentage of HR Ts

Abbreviation HRTsPercentage

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When HR timeslot in the cell / general timeslot in the cell <

HRTsPercentage/100, the cell can generate new HR channel.
This parameter can be configured on BSC and BTS. If the proportion of HR
timeslot in the cell is lower than HRTsPercentage/100 of BSC and BTS, the
Description cell can generate new HR channel.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.2.23 AMR Dynamic HR Conversion Threshold (AmrHRThs)

Full name AMR Dynamic HR Conversion Threshold

Abbreviation AmrHRThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When busy timeslot/general timeslot >= AmrHRThs/100, and carrier and cell
support AMR, subsequent service prefers AMR voice rate.
This threshold value can be configured on BSC and BTS, when "User cell
dynamic HR parameter" (UseCellDynHRPara) is yes, AmrHRThs value
configured by cell will be used, otherwise AmrHRThs configured by BSC
is used.

Management Object BSC

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-006 Dynamic AMR HR/FR conversion independent threshold

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.24 FR-HR handover based on cell load (FRThrHoSupport)

Full name FR-HR handover based on cell load

Abbreviation FRThrHoSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description FR-HR handover based on cell load

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.25 Start PA output voltage tuning (Info_0_0)

Full name Start PA output voltage tuning

Abbreviation Info_0_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates if the TRX starts the function of adjusting PA voltage based

on BTS output power.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.2.26 NCC permitted (NccPermitted)

Full name NCC permitted

Abbreviation NccPermitted

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Add or Delete NCC within the value range.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3 Basic Parameters 3

The interface of cell basic parameters 3 is shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Basic Parameters 3

4.3.1 Average bursts count surveyed by RACH (AvgSlots)

Full name Average bursts count surveyed by RACH

Abbreviation AvgSlots

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Average bursts count surveyed by RACH specifies the number of bursts

measured on RACH. RACH channel overloads if receiving signal levels of
this parameter BP are less than RACH Receiving signal level threshold for
Description busy burst. BTS uses this parameter.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.2 RACH receiving signal level threshold for busy burst

Full name RACH receiving signal level threshold for busy burst

Abbreviation RachBusyThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

RACH Receiving signal level threshold for busy burst is the threshold for
receiving signal level in RACH bursts. If the value is exceeded (that is less
than RACH Receiving signal level threshold for busy burst dBm), system
Description considers that as a busy RACH.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 63

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.3 Overload sending period (OverloadPrd, s)

Full name Overload sending period

Abbreviation OverloadPrd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, when the Access Burst level exceeds the
predefined access level busy threshold (RACHBusyThs), the Access Burst
is considered as busy burst. During the period of RACH overload measure-
ment, if the ratio of the number of Busy Bursts to all Access Bursts exceeds
the RACH overload threshold set by O&M, then the CCCH LOAD INDICA-
Description TION message is reported.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit s

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.4 BA show (BcchBaInd)

Full name BA show

Abbreviation BcchBaInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

BA indication of BCCH. Adjacent cell list can be broadcasted on BCCH and

transferred on SACCH. The adjacent cell list transferred on BCCH can be
different from that on SACCH. When MS reports the measurement data
of adjacent cell, either BCCH adjacent cell list or SACCH adjacent cell
list will be referred. Therefore, to know which adjacent cell list is referred
by MS, a BA indication is added when transferring adjacent cell list on
BCCH and SACCH. When reporting the measurement result, MS notifies
the network side about the corresponding BA indication of the referred
adjacent cell list. As a result, the network side recognizes which adjacent
cell list this MS uses.
This parameter describes the BS indication value when the adjacent cell
list being transferred on BCCH. In the case of transferring adjacent cell list
on SACCH, the BA indication value used is the reverse of the parameter.
l 0: BA Show (BcchBaInd) value on BCCH (System message 2, 2bis,
2ter) is 0; BA Show (BcchBaInd) value on SACCH (System message 5,
5bis, 5ter) is 1.
l 1: BA Show (BcchBaInd) value on BCCH (System message 2, 2bis,
2ter) is 1; BA Show (BcchBaInd) value on SACCH (System message 5,
Description 5bis, 5ter) is 0.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.5 MIN received signal level to access (RxLevAccessMin)

Full name MIN received signal level to access

Abbreviation RxLevAccessMin


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.008 V5.22.0


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

To prevent the MS from accessing the system at a low receiving signal

level (usually, the poor communication quality cannot guarantee normal
communications after access), and from unreasonably wasting the radio
sources of network, it is prescribed in the GSM system that the receiving
level be greater than a threshold for MS to access the network, that is, MS
Min RxLev to Access (the minimum receiving level for the MS to access
the network).
In addition, the criterion assists MS to select and reselect the cell. The
parameter will be broadcast to all MSs in a cell through the “RIL3_RR
SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE3” and “TYPE4” messages. MIN received
signal level to access is one of the cell selection parameters.
Recommended value is usually approximated according to MS receiving
sensitivity. When network observes uneven traffic distribution in certain
cells, MIN received signal level to access increases the resulting C1 and C2
to decrease the cell effective coverage range. However, the value of this
parameter cannot be too large. Otherwise, large value change can bring
‘void area’ across cell boundaries to result in sudden call drop problem.
With this measure for traffic balance, it is suggested that the level value
should not exceed -90dBm. At the preliminary running stage of the network,
this parameter can be usually set as 10 (that is, -101 dBm ~ -100 dBm)
or lower, which is higher than the MS receiving sensitivity –102 dBm.
However, when the network capacity is expanded or the radio coverage in a
Description cell is not a problem, this parameter of the cell can be increased by 2 (dB).

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 10 (-101 dBm ~ -100 dBm)

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-007 Support of C1 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.3.6 MAX number of re-transmitting events times (MRetrans)

Full name MAX number of re-transmitting events times

Abbreviation MRetrans

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

MS sends the channel request message on RACH channel to the network

to start immediate assignment process.
RACH is an ALOHA channel, the network enables MS to send multiple
channel request messages before the MS receives the IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT message to increase the access success rate of MS.
Maximum number of allowable resend time depends on MAX number of
re-transmitting events times.
Network broadcasts this parameter information to MS in the cell through
RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE1, 2, 2bis, 3 and 4’ messages.
MAX number of re-transmitting events times is one of the control
parameters of GSM system.
l For the cell radius over 3km and the area with small traffic, it can be set
as 3 (that is, the maximum number of resending times is 7) to improve
the access success rate of MS.
l For the cell radius less than 3km and the area with common traffic, it
can be set as 2 (that is, the maximum number of resending times is 4);
l Define value as 1 (maximum number of resending times is 2) for the
micro cell.
l Define value as 0 (maximum number of resending times is 1) for the
Description micro cell with heavy traffic and the cell with congestion.

Management Object Cell

l 0: once
l 1: 2 times
l 2: 4 times
Value Range l 3: 7 times

Unit None

Default value 2 (4 times)

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.3.7 Number of slots to spread transmission (TxInteger)

Full name Number of slots to spread transmission

Abbreviation TxInteger

3GPP Name Tx_integer

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.018 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to the PRACH control

and RACH control parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1
message. Whenever establishing a new connection, MS sends a channel
request message to the network through PRACH/RACH channel.
As PRACH/RACH is an ALOHA channel, to improve MS access success
rate, the network allows MS to send multiple channel request messages
before receiving packet assignment message. If MS does not receive any
response for the previous channel request message, MS resends the
channel request message after waiting for a random period. Network uses
this parameter to determine the random waiting time.
The timeslot interval between two channel request messages should be a
value randomly selected from the set {S, S+1..., S+T-1}.
The relationship between S and T is as follows.
l When T is 3, 8, 14, or 50, S: 55 (CCCH); 41 (CCH/SDCCH)
l When T is 4, 9, or 16, S: 76 (CCCH); 52 (CCH/SDCCH)
l When T is 5, 10, or 20, S: 109 (CCCH); 58 (CCH/SDCCH)
l When T is 6, 11, or 25, S: 163 (CCCH); 86 (CCH/SDCCH)
Description l When T is 7, 12, or 32, S: 217 (CCCH); 115 (CCH/SDCCH)

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 15
l 0: T is 3;
l 1: T is 4;
l 2: T is 5;
l 3: T is 6;
l 4: T is 7;
l 5: T is 8;
l 6: T is 9;
l 7: T is 10;
l 8: T is 11;
l 9: T is 12;
l 10: T is 14;
l 11: T is 16;
l 12: T is 20;
l 13: T is 25;
l 14: T is 32;
Value Range l 15: T is 50.


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Unit None

Default value 14

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.8 Control channel MAX power level (MsTxPwrMaxCch)

Full name Control channel MAX power level

Abbreviation MsTxPwrMaxCch


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.008 V5.22.0

During the communication between MS and BTS, the transmission power

is controlled by the network. The network sets the power for MS through
the power command and the command is transmitted on SACCH (SACCH
has 2 header bytes, one is the power control byte and the other is the
timing advance byte).
MS must extract the power control header from downward SACCH and
takes the specified transmission power as output power. If the power level
of MS cannot output the power value, it will output the closest transmission
power that can be output.
For SACCH is Channel Associated Signaling and it has to be used together
with SCCCH and TCH, so the power control of MS starts after MS receives
The power of MS before receiving SACCH (that is the power when sending
channel request on RACH) is determined by Control channel MAX power
Control channel MAX power level is one of the cell selection and reselection
parameters of MS, involving calculation of C1 and C2 values.
This parameter is broadcasted to all MS in the cell via RIL3_RR SYSTEM
Refer to appendix C, for the maximum power before MS receives the
power control information.
If this parameter is set too large, the MS near BTS will interfere the adjacent
channels. If it is too small, the MS at the cell boundaries will have low
access success rate.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Setting principle: in the premise of certain MS access success rate at the

cell edge, decrease the access level of MS as much as possible. Generally,
it is recommended to set this parameter as 5 (for GSM900MS) and 0 (for
In practice, after setting this parameter, perform dialing test at the cell edge,
increase or decrease the value of this parameter according to the MS
access success rate and access time tested with different parameter setup.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-007 Support of C1 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.9 Number of multi-frames of the PCH (BsPaMframs)

Full name Number of multi-frames of the PCH

Abbreviation BsPaMframs


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.002 V5.13.0

Number of multiframes of the PCH specifies the repeat cycle of PCH group
subchannel using multiple 51-MultiFrame structures. It is one of the system
control parameters.
According to GSM Specifications, a unique IMSI identifies MS and paging
group. IMSI determines the PCH sub-channel for MS in a paging group.
In the actual network, MS tunes only to the paging sub-channel during
IDLE mode in the serving cell and ignores other paging sub-channels. In
other IDLE time, MS shuts off the hardware equipment power supply to
save power. Number of multiframes of the PCH determines the number of
paging sub-channels of the paging channel in a cell.
MS use this parameter to find out its home paging group, so as to
monitor corresponding paging sub-channel. Network broadcasts the

Description parameter information to all MSs in the cell through RIL3_RR SYSTEM


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

INFORMATION TYPE3 message. Number of multiframes of the PCH is

one of the system control parameters.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 2~9

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-01-001 paging

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.10 Interval of SDCCH re-sending PHY info message (T3105d,

Full name Interval of SDCCH re-sending PHY info message

Abbreviation T3105d

3GPP Name T3105

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.018 V5.22.0

It is the interval for resending the RIL3_RR PHYSICAL INFOMATION

message during an asynchronous handover of SDCCH channel. This timer
is one of the configuration parameters of BTS.
l Timer Start: It starts when network sends the RIL3_RR PHYSICAL IN-
FORMATION message.
l Timer Stop: It stops when the network receives a layer-2 frame that can
be correctly decoded or receives the HANDOVER FAILURE message
from the former channel.
l Overtime Action: If the timer is overtime, RIL3_RR PHYSICAL INFOR-
Description MATION message will be redelivered.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 67

Unit 10 ms

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.11 Interval of TCH re-sending PHY info message (T3105f, 10ms)

Full name Interval of TCH re-sending PHY info message

Abbreviation T3105f

3GPP Name T3105

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.018 V5.22.0

It is the interval for resending the RIL3_RR PHYSICAL INFOMATION

message during an asynchronous handover of TCH channel. This timer
is one of the configuration parameters of BTS.
l Timer Start: It starts when network sends the RIL3_RR PHYSICAL IN-
FORMATION message.
l Timer Stop: It stops when the network receives a layer-2 frame that can
be correctly decoded or receives the HANDOVER FAILURE message
from the former channel.
l Overtime Action: If the timer is overtime, RIL3_RR PHYSICAL INFOR-
Description MATION message will be redelivered.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 32

Unit 10 ms

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.12 MAX resending times for physical information (NY1)

Full name MAX resending times for physical information

Abbreviation NY1


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BTS sends RIL3_RR PHYSICAL INFORMATION message to notify MS the

advanced time value that is used during asynchronous handover process
to be in accordance with GSM specifications. BTS starts the T3105 timer
after the RIL3_RR PHYSICAL INFORMATION message is sent once. BTS
resends message ‘RIL3_RR PHYSICAL INFORMATION’ and restart the
T3105 timer if the timer stops and fails to decode the frames in second
layer correctly (format A or format B) or TCH frames.
MAX resending times for physical information decides maximum number of
resending times for RIL3_RR PHYSICAL INFORMATION message. This
Description parameter is one of the BTS configuration parameters.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 5 ~ 35

Unit None

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.13 Number of blocks reserved for AGCH (BsAgBlkRes)

Full name Number of blocks reserved for AGCH

Abbreviation BsAgBlkRes


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.002 V5.13.0

The number of blocks used for AGCH in 51-MultiFrame. It is recommended

Description that this value of the cells in the same local area is identical.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.3.14 Lapdm Timer for controlling sdcch channel (T200_0, 5ms)

Full name LAPDM timer used for controlling the SDCCH channel.

Abbreviation T200_0

3GPP Name T200

3GPP reference None

T200 is the timer used on various control channels in LAPDm protocol of

Description BTS. There are 7 kinds of T200.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~7

Unit 5 ms

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.3.15 Lapdm Timer for controlling facch/full rate channel (T200_1,

Full name Lapdm Timer for controlling facch/full rate channel

Abbreviation T200_1

3GPP Name T200

3GPP reference None

T200 is the timer used on various control channels in LAPDm protocol of

Description BTS. There are 7 kinds of T200.


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~7

Unit 5 ms

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.3.16 Lapdm Timer for controlling facch/half rate channel (T200_2,

Full name Lapdm Timer for controlling facch/half rate channel

Abbreviation T200_2

3GPP Name T200

3GPP reference None

T200 is the timer used on various control channels in LAPDm protocol of

Description BTS. There are 7 kinds of T200.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~7

Unit 5 ms

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.3.17 Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with tch sapi0 channel
(T200_3, 10ms)
Full name Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with tch sapi0 channel

Abbreviation T200_3

3GPP Name T200

3GPP reference None

T200 is the timer used on various control channels in LAPDm protocol of

Description BTS. There are 7 kinds of T200.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~7

Unit 10 ms

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.3.18 Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with sdcch channel

(T200_4, 10ms)
Full name Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with sdcch channel

Abbreviation T200_4

3GPP Name T200

3GPP reference None

T200 is the timer used on various control channels in LAPDm protocol of

Description BTS. There are 7 kinds of T200.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~7

Unit 10 ms

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.3.19 Lapdm Timer for controlling sdcch sapi3 channel (T200_5,

Full name Lapdm Timer for controlling sdcch sapi3 channel

Abbreviation T200_5

3GPP Name T200

3GPP reference None

T200 is the timer used on various control channels in LAPDm protocol of

Description BTS. There are 7 kinds of T200.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~7

Unit 5 ms

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.3.20 Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with tch sapi3 channel
(T200_6, 10ms)
Full name Lapdm Timer for controlling sacch with tch sapi3 channel

Abbreviation T200_6

3GPP Name T200

3GPP reference None

T200 is the timer used on various control channels in LAPDm protocol of

Description BTS. There are 7 kinds of T200.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~7

Unit 10 ms

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.4 Optional Parameters

The interface of optional parameters is shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 Optional Parameters

4.4.1 Early category classmark sending control (ECSC)

Full name Early category classmark sending control

Abbreviation ECSC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

According to GSM specification, MS transmits appended class mark

information (Classmark 3) to the network through the CLASSMARK
CHANGE message as soon as possible.
Early category classmark sending control determines whether the network
supports ECSC function. Network broadcasts the parameter information
to MSs in the cell through RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE3
If there is a cell in another frequency band in the adjacent cell for handover
or the current cell itself is extended GSM cell and the function of early
category classmark sending control is enabled, set ECSC as ‘Yes’,
Description otherwise set as ‘No’.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.4.2 IMSI attach/detach allowed (ImsIadAllowed)

Full name IMSI attach/detach allowed

Abbreviation ImsIadAllowed

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

IMSI attach/detach allowed determines whether cell allows IMSI

Attach/Detach procedure. IMSI detach occur when MS reports switch-off
or when the SIM card is taken out from the MS.
The network (normally VLR) marks ‘Detach’ flag in subscriber information
table. Such procedure assists the network to prevent unnecessary paging
broadcast message to MS. Likewise, the IMSI Attach occur when the MS
reports switch-on or reinserting of the SIM card. After successful IMSI
attach, MS requests for Location Update (LU) for inconsistent LAI in SIM
card with that of serving cell.
The network (normally VLR) marks ‘Attach’ flag in subscriber information


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is included in ‘Control channel information’ and is used for

This parameter of each cell in the same location area shall be identical.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.4.3 Cell bar access (CellBarAccess)

Full name Cell bar access

Abbreviation CellBarAccess


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

PLMN carriers can determine if to allow MS to access a specific cell (for

example the cell in test or the cell for absorbing traffic only).
Network broadcasts Cell bar access information to MS in the cell through
Description RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE1, 2, 2bis, 3 and 4 messages.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.4.4 Call re-establishment allowed (CallReestablish)

Full name Call re-establishment allowed

Abbreviation CallReestablish

3GPP Name RE

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

For the call drop caused by radio link failure resulted from burst interference
or high building, MS could originate call re-establishment process to restore
the call. However, the network determines if to allow reestablishment by
enabling Call re-establishment allowed.
Network broadcasts the parameter information to MS in the cell through
RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE1, 2, 2bis, 3 and 4, message.
Description Call re-establishment allowed is one of the network function parameters.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.4.5 Downlink discontinuous transmission allowed (DtxDwlink)

Full name Downlink discontinuous transmission allowed

Abbreviation DtxDwlink


3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

3GPP TS 48.008 V5.12.0
3GPP reference 3GPP TS 48.058 V5


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

DTX mode is an optional downlink feature of GSM System.

The Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) mode means that the system
does not transmit signals during the speech intermission of the subscriber
conversation. This parameter participates in determining to use DTX mode
in downlink direction.
Actually, whether DTX is used in downlink direction (in CHANNEL
ACTIVATION message and MODE MODIFY message sent to BTS)
is determined together by this parameter and the DTX indication in
downlink direction in ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message and HANDOVER
REQUEST message of MSC.
l Yes: used
Description l No: not used

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-003 Discontinuous Transmission Downlink

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.4.6 Uplink discontinuous transmission (DtxUplinkBcch)

Full name Uplink discontinuous transmission

Abbreviation DtxUplinkBcch


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.018 V5.22.0

The Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) mode means that the system

does not transmit signals during the speech intermission of the subscriber
This parameter controls how MS uses the DTX mode. System broadcasts
‘RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE3’ message to all MSs in the
cell. In addition, it may be necessary to notify MSs of older versions
(of the first stage) through the RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION
TYPE6 message on SACCH. For MSs of newer versions, the RIL3_RR
SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE6 message contains Uplink discontinuous
Description transmission. This parameter is one of the network function parameters.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

The values are as follows:

l MS could use DTX;
l MS should use DTX;
l MS should not use DTX.
If both the BTS equipment and TRAU support the DTX mode, set the
parameter as 1 (employ DTX). Otherwise set it as 2 (not employ DTX).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~2

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-004 Discontinuous Transmission Uplink

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.4.7 Emergency call allowed (EmergencyCall)

Full name Emergency call allowed

Abbreviation EmergencyCall

3GPP Name EC

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

Generally, a valid SIM card is required for any MS in GSM Network to get
various network services. But the operators could decide if to allow MS
emergency call service for the MS without SIM card or with SIM card whose
access level is disabled by current cell, for example the police station.
Select ‘Yes’ for Emergency call allowed to enable this function.
Network broadcasts this parameter to MS in the cell through RIL3_RR
SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE1, 2, 2bis, 3, and 4 message. It is one of
the network function parameters.
l No: Emergency call for MSs whose access level is 0 ~ 9 is not allowed.
For MSs whose access level is 11 ~ 15, if its corresponding access
control bit is T, the emergency call is also not allowed.
l Yes: Allow emergency call for all MSs.
GSM specifications define emergency call phone number as 112, which
is different from Chinese emergency call, but 112 is generally connected

Description to the automatic voice service to inform the users about the number of


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

various special services. Hence, EC shall be set as ‘No’, that is to allow

the emergency call.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-01-03-001 Emergency Call Handling

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.4.8 Cell bar qualify (CellBarQualify)

Full name Cell bar qualify

Abbreviation CellBarQualify


3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter preferably selects certain cells in the cell selection process
according to capacity, traffic and functional difference in overlapping areas.
This function can be implemented by configuring CellBarQualify.
CellBarQualify is used to limit cell priority in special case. Network
broadcasts the parameter information to all MSs in the cell through
one of the cell selection parameters. The validity of this parameter depends
upon cell reselection parameter indication.
Select 'No' for Cell Bar Access and 'No' for Cell bar qualify, that is, the
cell priority is defined as 'Normal'. MS preferably enter some types of
cells. Set the priority of this cell type as 'Normal', while the priorities of
other cells to 'Low'. In some cases, such as micro cellular application, and
Description dual-frequency networking, this setting will not affect the cell reselection.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.4.9 Access Control (AccessControl)

Full name Access Control

Abbreviation AccessControl

3GPP Name AC CN, Access Control Class N

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

All MSs in GSM system have an access class (15 classes in total). The
MSs that are in the class ranging between 0 and 9 are common ones. The
MSs that are in the class ranging between 11 and 15 are special MSs (no
access class 10). Therefore, the system can disable the MSs with certain
access classes to access the cell (for example during the installation and
commissioning or the congestion control). This information can reach MS
inside the cell in RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE1, 2, 2bis, 3 and
4 messages through Access control. It is also one of the system control
The degree of congestion for any CCCH or processor overload during
congestion control can be reduced by temporarily prohibiting one type or
multiple types of subscribers from accessing the system (for subscribers of
access levels 0 ~ 9). In general, the system shows the following overload
l RACH overload should be detected in the CCCH LOAD INDICATION
message and processed by BSS according to the GSM08.58.
l AGCH overload should be detected in the DELETE INDICATION mes-
sage. At that moment, the number of IMMEDIATE REJECT messages
or IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages that BSS fails to send reaches
a certain number.
l PCH overload should be detected in the CCCH LOAD INDICATION
message, and BSS only notifies MSC and does not do any handling.
l Other overload, such as MTP overload, can be detected in the OVER-
LOAD message.
Description Input the control level, and user can perform Add or Delete operation.

Management Object Cell


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range 0 ~ 9, 11 ~ 15

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-001 MS Access Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.4.10 HBTS proofread support (HBTSScanSupport)

Full name HBTS proofread support

Abbreviation HBTSScanSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates the switch of searching frequency.

Object S8001

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters HBTS scan site number

If HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum) is set to 0, this parameter

can be configured but invalid.

Related interfaces Abis interface

Impact on service None

4.4.11 RSSI threshold (RSSlThrd)

Full name RSSI threshold


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Abbreviation RSSlThrd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description RSSI threshold

Object S8001

Value Range 10 ~ 120

Unit None

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters HBTS scan site number

If HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum) is set to 0, this parameter

can be configured but invalid.

Related interfaces Abis interface

Impact on service None

4.4.12 Proofread freqband type (GSM1900Support)

Full name Proofread freqband type (GSM1900Support)

Abbreviation GSM1900Support

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if GSM900 frequency band is supported.

Object S8001

Value Range
0 indicates unsupported; 1 indicates supported.

Unit None

Default value GSM900/DCS1800/GSM850

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters HBTS scan site number


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

If HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum) is set to 0, this parameter

Relationship can be configured but invalid.
This parameter value has influence on the value of range of HBTS BARANG.

Related interfaces Abis interface

Impact on service None

4.4.13 Range of HBTS BARANG

Full name Range of HBTS BARANG

Abbreviation HBTSRange

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

HBTSRangeLow and HBTSRangeHigh are configured in pair. You can set

multiple ranges.
Description HBTSRangeLow: the lower absolute RF channel id; HBTSRangeHigh: the
upper absolute RF channel id.
Input the range value and you can do the add or delete operation.

Object S8001

Value Range 0 ~ 124, 128 ~ 251, 512 ~ 885, 975 ~ 1023

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum) and Preofread freqband type
parameters (GSM1900Support)

If HBTS scan site number (HBTSScanSiteNum) is set to 0, this parameter

can be configured but invalid.
Relationship If "Proofread freqband type" = 0, Range of HBTS BARANG is [0,124],
[128,251], [512,885], or [975,1023]. If "Proofread freqband type" = 1, Range of
HBTS BARANG is [0,124], [128,251], [512,810], or [975,1023].

Related interfaces Abis interface

Impact on service None

4.5 Cell Selection Parameters

The interface of cell selection parameters is shown in Figure 4-5.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Figure 4-5 Cell Selection Parameters

4.5.1 Additional reselection parameter indication (AdditionReselPI)

Full name Additional reselection parameter indicator

Abbreviation AdditionReselPI

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The cell selection and reselection of MS depends on the C1 and C2

parameters, according to the definition in the GSM specification. Network
carriers decide whether to use C2 as the cell reselection parameter.
Additional reselection parameter indication is to notify MS whether C2
criterion is adoptable during the cell reselection.
Network broadcasts the parameter information to MS in the cell through
Additional reselection parameter indication is one of the cell selection
l No: If SI4 Rest Octets of SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE4 exist, then
MS takes off cell reselection parameter PI and the parameters related
to C2 calculation from SI4 Rest Octets.
l Yes: MS should obtain the PI parameter related to the cell reselection
and parameters related to C2 calculation from SI7/8 Rest Octets of SYS-


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Generally, the system messages 7 and 8 are seldom used. Normally this
parameter is ‘No’. It shall be ‘Yes’ when the system adopts the system
messages 7 and 8, and the cell reselection uses C2.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.5.2 Cell reselection parameter indication (CellReselPI)

Full name Cell reselection parameter indication

Abbreviation CellReselPI

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Cell reselection parameter indication notifies the MS if to use C2 as the cell

reselection parameter and if there is the related parameter for calculating
It indicates whether the related parameter for calculating cell reselection
standard C2 is contained in SYSTEM INFORMATION message and
whether C2 standard is adopted in the cell reselection. The successive Cell
reselection offset, Temporary offset and Penalty time are invalid, and MS
takes C1 as the cell reselection standard when this value is ‘No’.
This parameter is broadcasted to all MS in the cell in RIL3_RR SYSTEM
INFORMATION TYPE3 and TYPE4 messages. Cell reselection parameter
indication is one of the cell selection parameters.
l No: MS should take C1 as the standard for cell reselection. Parameters
CellBarQualify, ReselOffset, TemporaryOffset, and PenaltyTime are in-
l Yes: MS should calculate C2 according to parameters extracted from
cell-broadcasting system messages, and take C2 as the standard for
cell reselection.


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Enable this parameter, if related cell adopts C2 as the cell reselection

standard. Otherwise, disable it.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.5.3 Cell reselection offset (ReselOffset, 2db)

Full name Reselection offset

Abbreviation ReselOffset


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

The cell reselection due to radio channel quality takes C2 as the standard.
C2 is formed according to C1 parameter, and some special offset
parameters, to add the special influence as to enable MS to enter some
cells in priority. Usually, such measures allow balancing the traffic on the
Besides C1, there are three factors affecting C2: Cell reselection offset,
Temporary offset, and Penalty time.
Cell reselection offset is a magnitude value, which indicates the human
modified value of C2. Calculate a modified value of C2 to encourage or
prevent MS accessing a certain cell, so as to implement balance network.
Network broadcasts the parameter information to all MSs in the cell through
is one of the cell selection parameters. Whether this parameter is valid
depends on CellReselPI.
The setting of ReselOffset, TemporaryOffset, and PenaltyTime has the
following three cases:
l In case of large traffic or poor communication quality inside a cell due to
certain causes, MS is expected not to work in that cell (that is, MS has
Description certain repulsion to that cell).


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Penalty time can be set as 31 in such cases. Temporary offset is

invalid, and the numerical value of C2 equals C1 minus this parameter
Cell reselection offset. Therefore, the C2 value corresponding to the
cell is decreased, and reduces the possibility that MS reselecting the
cell. Besides, the proper value of this parameter Cell reselection offset
can be set according to the repulsive nature of cell. The more is the
repulsive nature, the larger is the Cell reselection offset. Vice versa in
case of a smaller Cell reselection offset.
l For cells with small traffic and low equipment utilization, normally MS is
encouraged to work in that cell (that is, certain propensity to that cell).
Cell reselection offset must be set between 0 ~ 10 (corresponding to
0 ~ 20 dB) in this case, according to tendency of the cell. The more
is the tendency, the larger is the Cell reselection offset. Vice versa in
case of a smaller Cell reselection offset. It is usually better to set the
Temporary offset same as Cell reselection offset, or a little higher than
Cell reselection offset. The main function of Penalty time is to avoid
frequent cell reselection of MS. The common recommended setting
is 1 (20 seconds) or 2 (40 seconds) (the 1800 cell of dual-frequency
network is such a case).
l For cells with ordinary traffic, usually “ReselOffset” should be set as 0
and “PenaltyTime” as 31. Thus, C2 is equal to C1, that is, without human
factors on the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit 2 dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.5.4 Temporary offset (TemporaryOffset, 10dB)

Full name Temporary offset

Abbreviation TemporaryOffset


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

The cell reselection due to radio channel quality takes C2 as the standard.
C2 is formed according to C1 parameter, and some special offset
parameters, to add the special influence as to enable MS to enter some
cells in priority. Usually, such measures allow balancing the traffic on the
Besides C1, there are three factors affecting C2: Cell reselection offset,
Temporary offset, and Penalty time. Temporary offset indicates the
temporary modification value for C2. Temporary means that it only acts on
C2 for a period and the period depends on parameter Penalty time.
Network broadcasts the parameter information to all MSs in the cell through
one of the cell selection parameters. The validity of this parameter depends
Description upon Cell reselection parameter indication.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit 10 dB

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.5.5 Penalty time (PenaltyTime, 20s)

Full name Penalty time

Abbreviation PenaltyTime


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

The cell reselection due to radio channel quality takes C2 as the standard.
C2 is formed according to C1 parameter, and some special offset
parameters, to add the special influence as to enable MS to enter some
cells in priority. Usually, such measures allow balancing the traffic on the
Besides C1, there are three factors affecting C2: Cell reselection offset,
Temporary offset, and Penalty time. Temporary offset indicates the
temporary modification value for C2. Temporary means that it only acts on
C2 for a period and the period depends on parameter Penalty time.
Network broadcasts the parameter information to all MSs in the cell through
one of the cell selection parameters. The validity of this parameter depends
Description upon Cell reselection parameter indication.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit 20 s

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.5.6 Cell reselecting hysteresis level (ReselHysteresis, 2dB)

Full name Cell reselecting hysteresis level

Abbreviation ReselHysteresis


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Whenever MS moves across the two cell boundary-regions with different

location area codes, it initiates Location Update (LU) procedure in IDLE
C2 values obtained at the boundary for two adjacent cells are different
because of fading characteristic of radio channel. It causes MS to select
cell frequently. In this case, LU interval is more than cell reselection
interval. This affects call success rate, due to unreachable paging response
to calling party.
This increases the signaling flow on the network and causes radio
resources to be fully utilized. In addition, it decreases call completion rate
of the system, as MS cannot respond to paging during location update.
GSM specification sets a specific parameter, Cell Reselecting Hysteresis
(CRH), to solve this problem. MS will activate the cell reselection according
to this parameter only when the signal level of adjacent cell (whose location
zone is different from that of local cell) is greater than that of local cell,
and meanwhile the value difference must be greater than that required
by the parameter.
Network broadcasts the parameter information to MS in the cell through
reselecting hysteresis level is one of the cell selection parameters.
Define Cell reselecting hysteresis level to 4 or 5 and make certain
adjustments in following cases:
l Increase cell reselection parameters of adjacent cells with different LAC.
Signaling traffic overload often occurs due to large demand of services.
l When the adjacent cells in different location areas have large over-
lapped coverage, it is suggested to increase the CRH parameter.
l If the adjacent cells with different LACs are poor in overlapped coverage,
that is, there is coverage gap, or the adjacent place is an area with few
slow moving objects such as the expressway, the CRH parameter shall
Description be set as 1 ~ 3 (that is, 2dB ~ 6dB for the CRH level).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit 2 dB

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.5.7 New setup cause indication (NECI)

Full name New setup cause indication

Abbreviation NECI

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The serving channels in the GSM system can be classified into channels
with full rate and channels with half rate according to GSM specifications.
Common GSM system supports channels with full rate. The network
operators decide if the network support half rate service.
The new setup reason denotes the NECI to notify MS if the area supports
the half rate service. The parameter notifies MS through the RIL3_RR
of network’s functional parameters.
l No: half rate service access is not supported by this cell.
Description l Yes: half rate service access is supported by this cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.5.8 Power offset indication (PowerOffsetInd)

Full name Power offset indication

Abbreviation PowerOffsetInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

This parameter decides if to add offset value for Control channel MAX
power level parameter while sending access request message on RACH
for Class 3 MS of GSM1800. The necessity of offset value depends on
Power offset indication, that is, this parameter decides if Power offset
indication is valid. This parameter also affects MS calculating cell selection
and cell reselection standards C1 and C2.
Network broadcasts the parameter information to MSs in the cell through
Description RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE3, 4, 7 and 8 messages.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-007 Support of C1 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.5.9 Power offset (PowerOffset, 2db)

Full name Power offset

Abbreviation PowerOffset


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to the GSM specification, for Class 3 MS of GSM 1800, the

transmission power for sending access request message on RACH is to
the value of Control channel MAX power level plus a modified value. Power
offset specifies the modified value. It determines if this parameter is valid.
This parameter also affects the calculation of cell selection standard C1
and cell reselection standard C2. Network broadcasts the parameter
information to MSs in the cell through RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION
Description TYPE3, 4, 7 and 8 messages.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~3

Unit 2 dB

Default value 0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-007 Support of C1 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6 Service Process Additional Parameters

The interface of service process additional parameters is shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6 Service Process Additional Parameters

4.6.1 Directed retry indication (DrInd_0)

Full name Directed Retry

Abbreviation DrInd_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

This parameter indicates whether to use directed retry feature. Network

assigns corresponding service channel for MS in an adjacent cell, if there is
no service channel available in serving cell.
Directed retry indication defines a special handover process that can reduce
the call drop ratio. Directed retry falls into intra-BSC directed retry and
inter-BSC directed retry. The former one does not need the participation
Description of MSC, while the latter one does.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-002 Directed Retry

Relevant parameters Inter directed retry indication (DrInd_1)

When this parameter is Yes, you can configure Inter Directed retry
indication (DrInd_1).

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.2 Inter directed retry indication (DrInd_1)

Full name Inter directed retry indication

Abbreviation DrInd_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if to use inter directed retry, that is, inter-BSC directed retry.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters Directed retry indication (DrInd_0)

Relationship When DrInd_0 is Yes, you can configure this parameter.

Related interfaces None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

4.6.3 Queue allowed when assign (QueueInd_0)

Full name Queue allowed when assign

Abbreviation QueueInd_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter decides if to allow queuing in assignment process. Cell im-

Description proves the call drop rate with the use of such techniques.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-003 Queuing

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.4 Queue allowed when handover (QueueInd_1)

Full name Queue allowed when handover

Abbreviation QueueInd_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter decides if queuing can be performed during a handover

Description process and when there are no available channels in the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-003 Queuing

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.5 Preemption allowed when assign (PreemptionInd_0)

Full name Preemption allowed when assign

Abbreviation PreemptionInd_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It decides if forced disconnection is allowed during the assignment. The pri-

ority in the assignment request or handover is valid and the preemption is
valid. Those connections with low priority can be forcefully disconnected
(handover) to allocate their resources to other assignments or handover re-
Description quest with higher priority. Assignment request indicate the call status.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.6 Preemption allowed when handover (PreemptionInd_1)

Full name Preemption allowed when handover

Abbreviation PreemptionInd_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

It decides if forced disconnection is allowed during the handover. The pri-

ority in the assignment request or handover is valid and the preemption is
valid. Those connections with low priority can be forcefully disconnected
(handover) to allocate their resources to other assignments or handover re-
Description quest with higher priority. A Handover request indicates the call status.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.7 When assigned forced handover (ForcedHoInd_0)

Full name When assigned forced handover

Abbreviation ForcedHoInd_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if the low priority subscribers can be forcefully han-
dover to other cell, so that high priority subscribers can obtain channels. This
Description parameter represents if forced handover is allowed during assignment.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.6.8 When handover forced handover (ForcedHoInd_1)

Full name When handover forced handover

Abbreviation ForcedHoInd_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if the low priority subscribers can be forcefully han-
dover to other cell, so that high priority subscribers can obtain channels. This
Description parameter represents if forced handover is allowed during handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.9 Number of candidate cells for handover (CandidateNum)

Full name Number of candidate cells for handover

Abbreviation CandidateNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter decides maximum number of candidate cells for handover

that can be contained in BSSAP HANDOVER REQUIRED message from
Description BSC to MSC.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 16

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.10 Fast average indication (FastAvg)

Full name Fast average indication

Abbreviation FastAvg

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Network may not perform handover or power control if less measurement

data is available during call process. The average calculating process
for these processes is enabled only when the measured data reaches a
certain window size.
Common average process does not take place, for the five measured
values BSC receives. BSC directly calculates the average of the 5
measured values if the fast average process is adopted.
There are three cases resulting in insufficient data for calculating the
average value, that is, call establishment period, after handover and after
power control. After performing power control once, former measured
values are discarded in situations where they could result in an error
control (measured values without the influence on handover control are
still existing).
In addition, old measured values are discarded after the handover has
occurred, preventing them from causing error control (the forward and
Description backward cells are in the same BSC).

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.6.11 BCCH switch allowed (CanBcchExch)

Full name BCCH switch allowed

Abbreviation CanBcchExch

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter decides if the cell allows BCCH switch.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.12 SDCCH dynamic configuration allowed (CanSdcchDyn)

Full name SDCCH dynamic configuration allowed

Abbreviation CanSdcchDyn

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter decides if the cell allows SDCCH dynamic configuration.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-02-003 Dynamic Configuration of SDCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

4.6.13 Minimal resource threshold (ResourceThs, %)

Full name Minimal resource threshold

Abbreviation ResourceThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Minimum resource threshold allowed by the cell, which is used to calculate

Description dynamic cell priority.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-002 Dynamic Handover Priority Algorithm

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.14 Base-band hopping TRX exchange support (Info_0_3)

Full name Base-band hopping TRX exchange support

Abbreviation Info_0_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if to support automatic baseband hopping.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.15 Allowed FACCH call setup after emergency call

Full name Allowed FACCH call setup after emergency call

Abbreviation FacchCallInd_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSC can allocate the suitable TCH channel when an MS attempts to ac-
cess the network, and there is no SDCCH available in the cell. That is the
Description so-called FACCH call establishment.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

ZGB-03-01-004 Immediate TCH Assignment

Relevant Features ZGB-01-03-001 Emergency Call Handling

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.16 Allowed FACCH call setup when page respond

Full name Allowed FACCH call setup when page respond

Abbreviation FacchCallInd_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

BSC can allocate the suitable TCH channel when an MS attempts to ac-
cess the network, and there is no SDCCH available in the cell. That is the
Description so-called FACCH call establishment.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-004 Immediate TCH Assignment

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.6.17 Allowed call setup on FACCH (FacchCallInd_2)

Full name Allowed call setup on FACCH

Abbreviation FacchCallInd_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSC can allocate the suitable TCH channel when an MS attempts to ac-
cess the network, and there is no SDCCH available in the cell. That is the
Description so-called FACCH call establishment.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-004 Immediate TCH Assignment

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.6.18 Allowed call reestablished on FACCH (FacchCallInd_3)

Full name Allowed call reestablished on FACCH

Abbreviation FacchCallInd_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSC can allocate the suitable TCH channel when an MS attempts to ac-
cess the network, and there is no SDCCH available in the cell. That is the
Description so-called FACCH call establishment.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-004 Immediate TCH Assignment

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.7 System Parameters

The interface of system parameters is shown in Figure 4-7.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 4-7 System Parameters

4.7.1 Interference averaging period (InterfAvgPrd)

Full name Interference averaging period (InterfAvgPrd)

Abbreviation InterfAvgPrd


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.008 V5.22.0

BTS needs to measure interference on the unallocated traffic channels.

BTS calculates the average of recent interference values on periodic basis
and converts it into corresponding interference band information. BTS then,
transfers to BSC in the RF RESOURCE INDICATION message to consider
it as a factor in channel allocation strategy. This parameter is one of the
Description BTS configuration parameters.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 31

Unit None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Default value 31

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-001 Idle Channel Measurement

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.7.2 Interference Band Boundary (InterfBoundary_0 ~

Full name Interference Band Boundary

Abbreviation InterfBoundary_0 ~ InterfBoundary_5


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.008 V5.22.0

BTS needs to measure interference on the unallocated traffic channels.

BTS calculates the average of recent interference values on periodic basis
and converts it into corresponding interference band information. BTS then,
transfers to BSC in the RF RESOURCE INDICATION message to consider
it as a factor in channel allocation strategy.
The interface boundaries are used to help the conversion of the interference
level (average) value into corresponding interference band information.
Altogether six boundaries determine five interference bands. In fact, it is
unnecessary to set interference boundary 0 and interference boundary 5.
One of them represents infinity and the other represents negative infinity.
This parameter, describing the remaining four boundaries, is one of the
BTS configuration parameters.
Description Generally, -85 dBm ~ -115 dBm is used for interference boundaries 1 ~ 4.

Management Object Cell

Assuming the value of interference boundary is L, then,

l L=0: -110 dBm
l L=1: -109 dBm
l L=63: -47 dBm
l L=other value: reserved
Interference band boundary0, value range: 0
Interference band boundary1 ~ Interference band boundary4, value range:
0 ~ 63
Value Range Interference band boundary5, value range: 63


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Interference band boundary0 ~ Interference band boundary5: [0, 10, 15, 20,
Default value 25, 63]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-001 Idle Channel Measurement

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.7.3 Radio link timeout on MS side (MsRadioLKTmOut)

Full name Radio link timeout on MS side

Abbreviation MsRadioLKTmOut


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is the maximum value of radio link counter S at Ms side,

transmitted on BCCH or SACCH by BSS.
Radio link counter S is used to evaluate radio link failure. When MS cannot
decode SACCH message (BFI=1), S decrements. When MS successfully
receives SACCH message (BFI=0), S increases by 2. If S is decreased to
Description 0, it indicates radio link fault, call shall be reestablished or released.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64

Unit None

Default value 64

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.7.4 Radio link failure criterion (ConFailCriterion)

Full name Radio link failure criterion

Abbreviation ConFailCriterion

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The network side (BTS) may judge whether the radio link fails according
to two criteria: One is based on the uplink SACCH error rate and the
other is based on measured value of RXLEV/RXQUAL. Radio link failure
criterion determines the method that the BTS uses as the standard to judge
connection failure.
If SACCH error rate is used as the standard to judge connection failure,
BTS uses the same value of Radio link timeout and the same process as
MS does. Thus, BTS avoids inconsistent judgment standards in the uplink
and downlink directions. Meanwhile, the Receiving level threshold and
Receiving quality threshold parameters are invalid.
If the measured value of RXLEV/RXQUAL is used as the standard to
judge connection failure, BTS will use the two parameters: Receiving level
threshold (RxLevThs) and Receiving quality threshold (RxQualThs).
The value range is as follows:
l 1: Uplink SACCH Error Rate Based (in order to ensure the same judg-
ment standard in the uplink and downlink directions)
Description l 2: RXLEV/RXQUAL Measurement Based

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~2

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.7.5 Radio link timeout on BSS side (BsRadioLKTmOut)

Full name Radio link timeout on BSS side

Abbreviation BsRadioLKTmOut


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is the maximum value of radio link counter S at BSS side,
transmitted on PBCCH by BSS under the leading of packet system message
Description 2.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64

Unit None

Default value 64

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.7.6 Receiving level threshold (RxLevThs)

Full name Receiving level threshold

Abbreviation RxLevThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The network side (BTS) may judge if the radio link fails according to two
criteria: One is based on the uplink SACCH error rate and the other is
based on measured value of RXLEV/RXQUAL.
The radio link is considered as failed if BTS detects one of the following
conditions: The uplink receiving level is smaller than a certain threshold;
The uplink receiving quality is greater than a certain threshold. This only
applies, if the measured value of RXLEV/RXQUAL is used as the standard
to judge a connection failure. Receiving level threshold specifies the
threshold of receiving level.
This parameter is invalid if uplink SACCH error rate is used as the standard
to judge connection failure (Radio link failure criterion is 1). Receiving level
Description threshold is one of the configuration parameters of BTS.

Management Object Cell


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.7.7 Receiving quality threshold (RxQualThs)

Full name Receiving quality threshold

Abbreviation RxQualThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference GSM 12.21

The network side (BTS) may judge if the radio link fails according to two
criteria. One is based on uplink SACCH error rate, and the other is based
on measured value of RXLEV/RXQUAL.
The radio link is considered as failed if BTS detects one of the following
conditions: The uplink receiving level is smaller than a certain threshold;
The uplink receiving quality is greater than a certain threshold. This only
applies, if the measured value of RXLEV/RXQUAL is used as a standard
to judge a connection failure. Receiving quality threshold specifies the
receiving threshold quality.
If the uplink SACCH error rate is used as the standard to judge a connection
failure, this parameter is invalid. This parameter is one of the configuration
Description parameters of BTS.

Management Object Cell


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

l 0: corresponding BER range < 0.2%
l 1: 0.2% ~ 0.4%
l 2: 0.4% ~ 0.8%
l 6: 6.4% ~ 12.8%
Value Range l 7: > 12.8%

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.7.8 Radio link failure checking period (RxLevQualprd)

Full name Radio link failure checking period

Abbreviation RxLevQualprd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference GSM 12.21

Period to detect radio linkd failure at network side (in the unit of SACCH
multiframe), including the detection of channel strength (dBm) and signal
Description quality received in each channel.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 63

Unit SACCH multiframe

Default value 63

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.8 Other Parameters

The interface of the other parameters is shown in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8 Other Parameters

4.8.1 Preprocessing indication (Preprocess)

Full name Preprocessing

Abbreviation Preprocess

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The survey report contains the large amount (message amount) of Abis
interface information. Preprocess of the survey report can be transferred
to BTS to reduce the burden of Abis interface link. After preprocess, BTS
averages the survey data of MS by its own, and reports to BSC in a lower
Average reporting period can be two, three or four SACCH multi-frames
(480 ms). That is, the frequency decreases from the original twice per
second to once per two seconds, so the message amount of Abis interface
decreases. However, the decrease of message amount still depends on if
the message length before preprocess is same as that after preprocess.
One disadvantage of preprocess is that the handover control and power
control are not in time, which increases the possibility of disconnection
rate. This parameter determines whether to use preprocessing and the
preprocessing period.
The values are as follows:
l 0: Do not use preprocessing
l 2: Use preprocessing, the average reporting period is 2 SACCH multi-


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

l 3: Use preprocessing, the average reporting period is 3 SACCH multi-

l 4: Use preprocessing, the average reporting period is 4 SACCH multi-
l Other values: reserved

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~4

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.8.2 Reserved rate of EMLPP (EmlppThs)

Full name Reserved rate of EMLPP

Abbreviation EmlppThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines eMLPP channel reserved time, that is, the proportion
Description of eMLPP channel in all available channels in the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP
Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.8.3 Use cell EMLPP Threshold (UseCellEmlppThs)

Full name Use cell EMLPP Threshold

Abbreviation UseCellEmlppThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines if eMLPPThs is used. If yes, you shall select cell
Description property, otherwise to select BSC property.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP
Relevant Features ZGO-01-01-003 Adaptive Multi-rate Codec (AMR)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.8.4 Frequency offset Correct support (Info_0_1)

Full name Frequency offset Correct support

Abbreviation Info_0_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates whether frequency offset correction is supported.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.8.5 Max power on handover Command support (Info_0_2)

Full name Max power on handover Command support

Abbreviation Info_0_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates whether maximum power on handover command is supported.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.8.6 MR Report Time Bmp (MrRptTimeBmp)

Full name MR Report Time Bmp

Abbreviation MrRptTimeBmp

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter provides a check function about 0 ~ 23 time points. You

can enable measurement data report at different points. Each time point
indicates a hour, within 0~23 hours.
Only after checking corresponding time and enabling the report function
Description about measurement report data, MR data can be reported.

Management Object Cell


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

checked, unchecked
l Checked: it indicates that measurement report shall be enabled within
this time duration.
l Unchecked: it indicates that measurement report shall be disabled
Value Range within this time duration.

Unit None

Default value Unchecked

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.8.7 Cell Support Encryption Mode (CipherMode)

Full name Cell Support Encryption Mode

Abbreviation CipherMode_0~CipherMode_7

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Cell Support Encryption Mode is the encryption mode supported by BTS.

The required encryption algorithm is contained in BSSAP CIPHER MODE
COMMAND message sent by the MSC side. By checking this parameter,
BSC can learn if the cell supports this required encryption algorithm to give
Description a proper response.

Management Object Cell

8 kinds, non cipher mode, A5/1~A5/7 cipher mode.

Value Range Value range: Yes/No

Unit None

Default value [Yes, No, No, No, No, No, No, No]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-06-02-001 Support of A5/1 and A5/2 Ciphering Algorithm

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

4.8.8 Channel Select Strategy

Full name Channel Select Strategy

Abbreviation ChanSelectStrategy

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It is based on IMSI resource allocation.

Management Object Cell

Level 1 ~ 15, value range is:

According to channel select order of MSC, when prefer TCHF and cell
congest change to prefer TCHH
Prefer TCHF, when cell congest change to prefer TCHH
Prefer TCHH
Value Range Only TCHH
According to channel select order of MSC, not consider if cell congest
According to channel select order of MSC, when prefer TCHF and cell
congest, change to prefer TCHH if AMR-HR supported
Prefer TCHF, not consider if cell congest
Prefer TCHF, when cell congest, change to prefer TCHH if AMR-HR

Unit None

Level 1 ~ 15, default value is: According to channel select order of MSC,
Default value
when prefer TCHF and cell congest change to prefer TCHH

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-03-001 eMLPP

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.9 GPRS Basic Parameters

In the Basic Params 1 tab, if user select 'GPRS Support' for 'GPRS Support (PsSupport)',
the GPRS parameter tabs will appear.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

The interface of GPRS basic property parameters is as shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9 GPRS Basic Parameters


Full name SGSN ID

Abbreviation SGSNID

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

SGSN serial number assigned by internal BSC, which is assigned while user
creates SGSN. This serial number cannot be modified and can be deleted
Description after creation.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 16


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Default value Depends on the actual configuration.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-05-02-007 Flex Gb Interface

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, the current PS service

Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.9.2 NSEI (NSEI)

Full name NSEI

Abbreviation NSEI

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In GPRS protocol stack, every unique BSSGP Virtual Connection (BVC)

that is NSEI+BVCI for each GPRS cell belongs to Network Service Entity
(NSE). NSEI uniquely identifies every NSE. ZXG10 iBSC supports several
NSEs for future expandability option.
Only after user configures NSE in relevant configuration at Gb interface will
this parameter's value be displayed.
Description This parameter is consistent with the data at CN side.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value Depends on the NSE configuration at Gb interface

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, the current PS service

Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.9.3 BVCI (BVCI)

Full name BVCI

Abbreviation BVCI

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSSGP Virtual Connection (BVC) provides an approach for communication

between different BSSGP entities. The peer-to-peer Point-to-Point (PTP) or
Point-to-Multipoint (PTM) or inter-signaling entity transmission of BSSGP
PDUs lies on BVC.
Each virtual connection has one identifier, that is, BVCI. It enables the
network service layer at the bottom layer to route BSSGP PDUs to the peer
Description entity very effectively. One NSE carries only one signaling BVC (BVCI=0).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 2 ~ 65535

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, the current PS service

Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.9.4 RAC (RAC)

Full name RAC (RAC)

Abbreviation RAC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

RAC is a composition part of Routing Area Identity (RAI). RAI defines the
GPRS serving cell identification. GPRS system divides the location area
(LAs) to several routing areas (RAs) using RAI (MCC+MNC+LAC+RAC).
Routing Area (RA) distribution, similar to GSM system, uses the location
area to manage a group of cells. MS initiates ‘Routing area update’
procedure in cell reselection mode if new RAI differs from old RAI during
cell reselection.
SGSN knows the routing area information of the MS in the standby status.
Then, when the network has packet data or circuit data to transmit, it will
page the MS in that routing area. RAI cannot span more than one SGSN.
Description This parameter is consistent with the data at CN side.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If this parameter is inconsistent with the data at CN

Impact on service side, new service cannot be established in corresponding cell.

4.9.5 UPU unit (UpuUnit)

Full name UPU Unit

Abbreviation UpuUnit

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It is corresponding with the board position in physical configuration

Management Object Cell

Value Range Depends on the actual configuration.

Unit None

Default value Depends on the actual selection.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, the current PS service

Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.9.6 DSP No. (DSP)

Full name DSP ID

Abbreviation DSP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter depends on physical configured DSP, if all DSPs are config-
ured, DSP number is within range of 9~22, otherwise it is configured DSP
Description number.

Management Object Cell

Determined by user configured DSP quantity.

If all DSPs on UPPB are configured, DSP number shall be within 9~22,
otherwise it shall be configured DSP number.
If all DSPs on UPPB/2 board are configured, DSP number shall be within
Value Range 9~13, 17~21, 25~29, otherwise it shall be configured DSP number.

Unit None

Default value Minimum DSP number configured by user

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, the current PS service

Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

4.10 GPRS Other Parameters 1

The interface of GPRS other parameters 1 is shown in Figure 4-10.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 4-10 GPRS Other Parameters 1

4.10.1 Additional reselect parameter indictor (AddResPI2)

Full name Additional reselection parameter indicator

Abbreviation AddResPI2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The cell selection and reselection of MS depends on the C1 and C2

parameters, according to the definition in the GSM specification. Network
carriers decide if to use C2 as the cell reselection parameter.
Additional reselection parameter indication is to notify MS if C2 criterion is
adoptable during the cell reselection.
System broadcasts through RIL3_RR SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE3
and TYPE4 messages to MS in the cell. It is one of the cell selection
The values are as follows:
l No: If SI4 Rest Octets of SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE4 exist, then
MS takes off cell reselection parameter PI and the parameters related
to C2 calculation from SI4 Rest Octets.
l Yes: MS should obtain the PI parameter related to the cell reselection
and parameters related to C2 calculation from SI7/8 Rest Octets of SYS-


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Generally, system information TYPE 7 and TYPE 8 are rarely used, this
parameter must be set as ‘No’, otherwise some MS (for example NEC)
are not able to access the network.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.10.2 SI13 sending position (Si13Locate)

Full name SI13 sending position

Abbreviation Si13Locate

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used at MS side. SI13 sending position indicates the

scheduling position of SI13 on BCCH.
SI13 is related to the GPRS services. SI13 can be sent on either of the
following two positions: BCCH Norm position (in this case, it occupies the
BCCH block with TC = 4; TC = ((FN DIV 51) mod (8))), BCCH Ext position
(in this case, it occupies the AGCH block with TC = 0).
When SI13 is transmitted on BCCH Ext position, it occupies one fixed
AGCH block with TC = 0. SI13 is sent with low success rate on the BCCH
Ext position, because SI13 has to compete with other messages, such as
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message, for delivery opportunity. For this
case, the parameter value of Access Allowed Reserved Blocks must be set
Description greater than 0. Otherwise, SI13 will not be sent.

Management Object Cell

Value Range BCCH Norm, BCCH Ext

Unit None

Default value BCCH Norm

Change mode Offline


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Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.10.3 Route area color code (RaColor)

Full name Route area color code

Abbreviation RaColor

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcast to the MS in SI3, SI4, SI7

and SI8. RACOLOR is similar to the BCC function in the GSM system. In
some cases, such as inter-BSC cell reselection, the GPRS network assigns
different RACOLOR values to adjacent cells with the same route area code
to ensure that MS can initiate the ‘Routing Area Updating’ process.
In this way, when MS receives different RaColor values in the cells with the
same routing area code, it initiates the ‘Routing Area Updating’ process
Description similar as when it spans two different routing areas.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.10.4 Min number of idle CS channel (CsChansThs)

Full name Min number of idle CS channel

Abbreviation CsChansThs


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

DBS uses this parameter on BSC MP. It indicates minimum threshold of the
number of IDLE channels under the CS status, when the network converts
the switchable channel to the PS channel.
System may fail to convert a dynamic switchable channel to a PS channel,
if the number of idle CS channels is lower than the threshold. When a PS +
CS channel in the CS status is released, it can be converted and used by PS
Description if the total number of idle channels in the cell is greater than this threshold.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.10.5 Packet access priority threshold (PriAcThr)

Full name Packet access priority threshold

Abbreviation PriAcThr

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Parameter used at the MS side. It is broadcast to the MS in the PSI13 and

SI13 messages, indicating the priority level of MS packet access allowed by
Description the cell. as similar to the function of ACCESS CLASS.

Management Object Cell

No package access, Allow priority 1, Allow priority 1-2, Allow priority 1-3,
Value Range Allow priority 1-4, Allow priority

Unit None

Default value Allow packet access with the priority level 1-4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.10.6 Packet System Information Send Speed (SendSpeed)

Full name Packet System Information Send Speed

SendSpeed (PSI2, PSI3, PSI3BIS, PSI4, PSI5, PSI13, PSI3ter, PSI8,

Abbreviation PSI3quater)

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used for global process on BRP. Packet System

Information Send Speed indicates whether various types of PSI messages
are sent at high rate. As there are limited packet system messages (16)
sent at high rate, and the number of sent messages often varies due to
different content lengths of different types of packet system messages,
the user can only roughly specify the sending rate of each type of system
Before sending the message, the global process dynamically specifies the
sending rate of each packet system message type according to the user
Description requirement and the system limitation.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 9 types, Yes/No

Unit None

Default value [Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.10.7 Overload report period on PRACH (OvLoadPer, s)

Full name Overload report period on PRACH


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Abbreviation OvLoadPer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Parameters used by FUC at BTS side. The interval of PRACH overload

Description period reported by BTS and informed by BSC.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit s

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface

Impact on service None

4.10.8 Link error counter (RLTimeout)

Full name Link error counter

Abbreviation RLTimeout

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used by BTS. BSC informs this parameter to BTS through
O&M message, explaining measurement counter while BTS can't correctly
Description decode GPRS data.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

4.10.9 PRACH receive signal level threshold (PrachBusyT)

Full name PRACH receiving signal level threshold

Abbreviation PrachBusyT

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BTS uses this parameter information. PRACH channel overload is one of

the reasons for overload control. The busy ratio of random access burst
decides the PRACH overload.
If a burst’s level exceeds the value specified by PRACH receive signal level
Description threshold, the burst is considered as a busy burst.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 63

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.10.10 Average measuring bursts number on PRACH (MeaAvgSlot)

Full name Average measuring bursts number on PRACH

Abbreviation MeaAvgSlot

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

BTS uses this parameter. It indicates the bursts number on PRACH. PRACH
channel overloads if receiving signal levels of AvgSlots BPs are lower than
PrachBusyT. It is a parameter used by BTS. The BTS needs to be synchro-
Description nized when modifying the parameter.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.10.11 Buffer threshold of paging message (PccchIndTh_0, %)

Full name Buffer threshold of paging message

Abbreviation PccchIndTh_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Paging message buffer is overloaded threshold for packet paging channel

PPCH. The judgment scheme is as follows: i.Calculate the paging message
buffer corresponding to a paging channel. ii.Divide the message number
stored in the buffer by the maximum storage amount. iii.Multiply the obtained
percentage by 100. Compare the result with the threshold. If the result ex-
Description ceeds the threshold, then the overload can be decided.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-01-001 paging

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

4.10.12 Queue length threshold in 64 multiframe paging period

(PccchIndTh_1, %)
Full name Queue length threshold in 64 multiframe paging period

Abbreviation PccchIndTh_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

FUC on BTS uses this parameter information. It indicates overload

threshold in PCCCH (PRACH, PPCH) threshold. This parameter is an array
with 3 elements, in the unit of %.
l PccchIndTh[0]: paging message buffer is overloaded for packet paging
channel PPCH. Its decision mechanism is to first calculate paging mes-
sage body buffer corresponding to one paging channel, then message
total quantity saved in this buffer divided by maximum storage to gain
a percentage, multiplied by 100, then compared with this threshold, if it
exceeds it will be considered as overload;
l PccchIndTh[1]: paging group overload threshold of packet paging chan-
nel. Its decision mechanism is to first accumulate the message ready
to issue in buffer queue for each paging group pair, then divided by ac-
cumulation of maximum storage in buffer queue corresponding to each
paging group, multiplied by 100, compared with this threshold, if it ex-
ceeds the threshold, it will be considered as overload;
l PccchIndTh[2]: PRACH overload threshold. Its decision mechanism is
to first divide total blocks quantity of this PRACH by busy blocks on a
PRACH, multiplied by 100, compared with this threshold, if it exceeds
Description the threshold, it will be considered as overload.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-01-001 paging

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.10.13 PRACH overload threshold ratio (PccchIndTh_2, %)

Full name PRACH overload threshold ratio

Abbreviation PccchIndTh_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Total block quantity on this PRACH divided by busy blocks on a PRACH, mul-
tiplied by 100, then compared with this threshold, if it exceeds this threshold,
Description it will be considered as overload.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11 GPRS Other Parameters 2

The interface of GPRS other parameters 2 is shown in Figure 4-11.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 4-11 GPRS Other Parameters 2

4.11.1 DTM support (DTMSupport)

Full name DTM support

Abbreviation DTMSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Network broadcasts this parameter to MS in GRPS CELL OPTIONS of SI13,

PSI1 and PSI13. It indicates if the cell supports Dual Transfer Mode (DTM)
Description which allows A class MS to initialize packet request flow in dedicated mode.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-03-02-003 Full dynamic channel allocation on Um interface

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-006 Class A, B, C mobile stations

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.2 Max number of GTTP Lapdm frame (GttpLapdmNum)

Full name Max number of GTTP Lapdm frame

Abbreviation GttpLapdmNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter indicates the maximum of GTTP Lapdm frames.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.3 CCN mode support (CCNActive)

Full name CCN Support

Abbreviation CCNActive


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter indicates if the cell supports CCN mode. CNN mode refers
to cell alternating notificaiton. When BSS supports CCN mode, if MS does
cell reselection in NC0 and NC1 modes, PACKET CELL CHANGE NOTIFI-
CATION message notification shall be delivered to network in normal case.
After network receives this message, it can send specific system message
Description about standby cell to MS.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-010 Network-assisted Cell Change

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.11.4 Cell support system message status flow (SIStatusInd)

Full name Cell support system message status flow

Abbreviation SIStatusInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if the cell supports system message status flow,
broadcasted to MS in SI13 and PSI13. It describes if the network supports
PSI (SI) Status process. MS informs its network side which PSI (SI) sub-
sets are required for received PSI (SI) message by sending Packet PSI (SI)
Status message on PACCH. This parameter is used in CCN mode, to assist
Description finishing NACC fast cell reselection

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-010 Network-assisted Cell Change

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.11.5 Allow SOLSA MS to access (Exc_Acc)

Full name Allow SOLSA MS to access


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Abbreviation Exc_Acc

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

System broadcasts this parameter to MS in SI4, SI6, and SI7 messages.

In addition, the parameter information is available in PSI3 and Psi3bis mes-
sages of local and neighboring cells. The network uses Allow SOLSA MS to
Description access to prevent MS from residing in the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.6 CCCH SPLITPGCYCLE support (SpgcSuport)

Full name CCCH SPLITPGCYCLE support

Abbreviation SpgcSuport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

A parameter used at the MS side and the FUN side. System broadcasts
to MS through PSI3 and SI13 messages. CCCH SplitPgCycle support indi-
cates if to support the ‘SplitPg¬Cycle’ function on CCCH. ‘Split_Pg_Cycle’
Description blocks.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.7 Extended paging support (EpageMode)

Full name Extended paging support

Abbreviation EpageMode

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if to support extended paging. Extended paging

means that MS still can receive and analyze the message within 3 intervals
Description after the blockes indicated by its paging group.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-01-001 paging

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.11.8 PSI status support (PsiStatInd)

Full name PSI status support

Abbreviation PsiStatInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

This parameter is used at the MS side and on the BRP. System broadcasts
to MS through PSI1 message, and indicates whether the network supports
This function is optional. When PsiStatInd = 1, MS can send the PACKET
PSI STATUS message to the network and indicate the current value of the
PSI message stored on it. Later, the network sets PSI message for this MS
on the PACCH to speed up the subsequent flow of MS. Otherwise MS has to
Description listen to the PSI message only at the time points scheduled by the network.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-010 Network-assisted Cell Change

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.9 Cell support extendable uplink TBF (Ext_UTBF)

Full name Cell support extendable uplink TBF

Abbreviation Ext_UTBF

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if the cell supports extended uplink TBF. After
BSS receives CV=0 uplink block, if the cell supports extended uplink TBF,
it enters into extended uplink TBF status. At this time, it continues assign
uplink block resource to MS. If new uplink data is required to send during
extended uplink, re-establishment of uplink TBF is not required.
This function requires extended uplink function shall be supported at MS
Description side.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline


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Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-014 Delayed TBF Release in UL

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.11.10 Uplink delay time (UIDelayTime, ms)

Full name Uplink delay time

Abbreviation UlDelayTime

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates uplink delay time, to describe uplink TBF delay time. When uplink
TBF is released, if extended uplink TBF function is not supported, this timer
starts, access to uplink delay state, to wait for downlink LLC arrival. Release
Description uplink TBF after timer is timeout.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 4000

Unit ms

Default value 1000

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-014 Delayed TBF Release in UL

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.11.11 Downlink delay time (DIDelaytime, ms)

Full name Downlink delay time

Abbreviation DlDelaytime

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

It indicates downlink TBF delay time. When downlink TBF is released, this
timer starts, access to delay state, to wait for new downlink LLC frame. Re-
Description lease downlink TBF after timer is timeout.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 500 ~ 4000

Unit ms

Default value 2000

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-013 Delayed TBF Release in DL

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.11.12 Extend uplink TBF time (ExtUITBFTime, ms)

Full name Extend uplink TBF time

Abbreviation ExtUITBFTime

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates extended uplink TBF delay time. When uplink TBF is released,
if extended uplink TBF function is supported, this timer starts, access to ex-
tended uplink TBF state, to wait for new uplink LLC frame. Release uplink
Description TBF after timer is timeout.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 3000

Unit ms

Default value 1500

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-014 Delayed TBF Release in UL

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.11.13 Interval number of GPRS TBF downlink's RRBP

Full name Interval number of GPRS TBF downlink’s RRBP

Abbreviation GPRSDIRrbpInterVal

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Interval that downlink Gprs TBF requires MS to send Packet Downlink

Description Ack/Nack.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 3 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.11.14 Interval number of EGPRS TBF downlink’s RRBP

Full name Interval number of EGPRS TBF downlink's RRBP

Abbreviation EGPRSDIRrbpInterVal

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Interval that downlink EGPRS TBF requires MS to send EGPRS Packet Don-
Description wlink Ack/Nack.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 6 ~ 60

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.11.15 Interval number of GPRS TBF uplink’s ACK

Full name Interval number of GPRS TBF uplink's ACK

Abbreviation GPRSUlAckInterVal

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Interval that uplink Gprs TBF network sends Packet Downlink Ack/Nack to
Description MS.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 3 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.11.16 Interval number of EGPRS TBF uplink’s ACK

Full name Interval number of EGPRS TBF uplink's ACK

Abbreviation EGPRSUlAckInterVal

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Interval that uplink Egprs TBF network sends Packet Downlink Ack/Nack to
Description MS.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

Value Range 3 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 8

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.11.17 Single Block Assign Offset (SBAssOffset)

Full name Single block assign offset

Abbreviation SBAssOffset

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Uplink two-phase access. The MS initiates channel request, and network

Description allocates single resource block to the MS. This parameter indicates the
searching range of this resource block.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 6 ~ 12

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.18 Polling retry times (PollingRetryTime)

Full name Polling retry time


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Abbreviation PollingRetryTime

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Send polling request to MS from network side. If no any reponse is received

Description from the MS. The system can send the max number of polling. The MS
instance is released after reaching the max number.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 3 ~ 12

Unit None

Default value 7

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.19 Uplink measure report period (Ulmeasureperiod, ms)

Full name Uplink measurement report period

Abbreviation Ulmeasureperiod

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used by UPPB, describing uplink measurement report pe-

Description riod reported by BTS and handled by BSC.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 400 ~ 2000

Unit ms

Default value 800

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

4.11.20 Calculating period of load on PPCH (LoadPer, s)

Full name Calculating period of load on PPCH

Abbreviation LoadPer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This paramter is used by FUC at BTS side, describing period to calculate

Description PPCH channel load.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 16

Unit s

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Abis Interface

Impact on service None

4.11.21 PSI1 send period (Psi1RepPer)

Full name PSI1 send period

Abbreviation Psi1RepPer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

A parameter used at the MS side and the FUN side. System broadcasts to
MS through PSI1, PSI13 and SI3 messages of local and adjacent cells. PSI1
send period indicates the sending period and destination of the PSI1 mes-
sage in a cell. PSI1 contains information of cell reselection, PRACH control,
control channel description, and possible global power control parameters.
Description As long as PBCCH exists, the message is always sent at high repetition rate.

Management Object Cell


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

0 ~ 15
l 0: The PSI1 repeat period is equal to 1 multiframe
l 1: The PSI1 repeat period is equal to 2 multiframes
Value Range l 15: The PSI1 repeat period is equal to 16 multiframes

Unit s

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.22 Selective granularity (USFGranularity)

Full name Selective granularity

Abbreviation USFGranularity

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It is assigned to the MS in PACKET UPLINK ASSIGNMENT message, indi-

cating the uplink block allocation granularity of the GPRS MS from the net-
Description work when the cell uses "dynamic allocation".

Management Object Cell

l 0: allocation granularity is 1 for uplink block
Value Range l 1: allocation granularity is 4 for uplink block

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.11.23 Extended uplink dynamic allocation support

Full name Extended uplink dynamic allocation support

Abbreviation ExUpDynSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if cell supports extended uplink dynamic allocation.

While using this function, the MS only need listen USF allocation with the
least timeslot, so you can determine to send uplink block on all allocated
Description uplink timeslot.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-007 Extended Dynamic Allocation

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.11.24 ABIS time slots reserved for packet service (Info_1_0)

Full name ABIS time slots reserved for packet service

Abbreviation Info_1_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

To ensure PS can get required resource, the number of Abis timeslots

alloated to PS service is 1 by default, and modification is not recommended.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.11.25 The maximum of ABIS for GPRS user (Info_1_8)

Full name The maximum of ABIS for GPRS user

Abbreviation Info_1_8

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When there is sufficient Abis resource, it indicates the maximum number of Abis
resource bounded for channels newly allocated for the GPRS user.

Object Cell

Value Range At most one ABIS, At most two ABIS, At most four ABIS

Unit None

Default value At most four ABIS

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters ABIS time slots reserved for packet service (Info_1_0)

If the Abis timeslot resource is insufficient, Abis timeslot is allocated according to

"ABIS time slots reserved for packet service (Info_1_0)".

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

4.11.26 GPRS initial downlink allocation by multislot class 1

Full name GPRS initial downlink allocation by multislot class 1


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation Info1_1_4

3GPP Name None

reference None

It indicates whether initial channel allocation in downlink is based on multislot

Description capability 1 (i.e. uplink 1 downlink 1) or based on the actual multislot capability of
MS specified in downlink assignment.

Object Cell

Value Range Yes: Allocate according to multislot capability 1
No: Allocate according to actual multislot capability

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

4.12 GPRS Other Parameters 3

The interface of GPRS other parameters 3 is shown in Figure 4-12.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Figure 4-12 GPRS Other Parameters 3

4.12.1 C/I (Sc)

Full name C/I

Abbreviation Sc

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSC uses MEAN_BEP as C/I to indicate radio transmission quality, and

adjusts block allocation according to radio transmission quality. Divide
MEAN_BEP into 7 grades, and each grade corresponds to a weight. The
weight is dynamically added to the weight calculated from UMTS QoS
parameters, as the evidence of allocating shared block.
Allocation weight that corresponds to MEAN_BEP grade is as follows:
MEAN_BEP grade MEAN_BEP value Allocation weight
0 0 ~ 4 -3*Sc
1 5 ~ 9 -2*Sc
2 10 ~ 13 -Sc
3 14 ~ 17 0
4 18 ~ 21 Sc
5 22 ~ 26 2*Sc
Description 6 27 ~ 31 3*Sc

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range 0~8

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-02-002 C/I based Packet Scheduling

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.12.2 ARP (Sa)

Full name ARP

Abbreviation Sa

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It adjusts allocation weight for shared radio block by ARP parameters

(priority level).
Allocation weight that corresponds to ARP is as follows:
ARP Allocation weight
1 2*Sa
2 Sa
Description 30

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~8

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-01-02-001 Support ARP in Packet Scheduling

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.12.3 THP (St)

Full name THP

Abbreviation St

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It adjusts allocation weight for shared radio block by THP parameters

included in interactive service.
Allocation weight that corresponds to THP is as follows:
THP Allocation weight
1 St
2 2*St
Description 3 3*St

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~8

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.12.4 PS queuing support (PsQueueInd)

Full name PS queuing support

Abbreviation PsQueueInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

If PFC is suppoted, iBSC allocates radio resource according to signature

QoS parameters from user side. When QoS guarantee rate for user
signature is unsatisfied (including through grabbing), and the QoS
parameter allows queuing, and if this parameter is enabled, iBSC allocates
radio resource to user according to Best Effort, and insert the user into the
queue, to wait for allocation of radio resource. Queuing time can be gotten
through PFC process; otherwise if this parameter is disabled, access to this
service is directly refused.
Description When this parameter is Yes, you can configure PsMaxQueueInstNum.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-02-004 Streaming Service Policies

ZGO-01-02-003 Service based QoS
Relevant Features ZGB-01-02-001 Quality of Service (QoS)

Relevant parameters Max PS queue count (PsMaxQueueInstNum)

When this parameter is Yes, you can configure Max PS Queue Count

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.12.5 Max PS queue count (PsMaxQueueInstNum)

Full name Max PS Queue Count (PsMaxQueueInstNum)

Abbreviation PsMaxQueueInstNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This paramter indicates the number of allowed queues in the cell. When the
user number in queue reaches this value, the service that shall be queued
Description shall be refused to access.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 16

Unit None

Default value 8

Change mode Offline


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

ZGO-01-02-004 Streaming Service Policies

ZGO-01-02-003 Service based QoS
Relevant Features ZGB-01-02-001 Quality of Service (QoS)

Relevant parameters PS queuing support (PsQueueInd)

Relationship When PsQueueInd is Yes, you can configure this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.12.6 PS preemption support (PsPreemptionInd)

Full name PS preemption support

Abbreviation PsPreemptionInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When PFC is supported, iBSC allocates radio resource according to signa-

ture QoS parameters from user side. When signed QoS guarantee rate can't
be satisfied and user own QoS parameter allows preemption. When this pa-
Description rameter is enabled, this user can preempt radio resource with low priority.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-01-02-004 Streaming Service Policies

ZGO-01-02-003 Service based QoS
Relevant Features ZGB-01-02-001 Quality of Service (QoS)

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.12.7 3G NACC support (Support3GCCN)

Full name 3G NACC support

Abbreviation Support3GCCN


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter indicates if NACC to 3G cell is supported.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-011 Inter-BSC NACC

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.12.8 PS prompt CS support (PSPrmpCSSupport)

Full name PS prompt CS support

Abbreviation PSPrmpCSSupport

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates when dynamic channel with preferred PDCH is oc-
Description cupied, to determine if the channel can be preempted by PS service.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.12.9 Max resource for POC service (POCSrcThs,%)

Full name Max resource for POC service

Abbreviation POCSrcThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates the percent of current PS resource occupied by POC service.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.12.10 Transform from uplink delay to extend (Info1_1_16)

Full name Transform from uplink delay to extend

Abbreviation Info1_1_16

3GPP Name None

reference None

This parameter indicates whether the instance can be transformed from the delay
status to the extended uplink status.
Description The transformation details are: If MS supports extended uplink status, then stop the
delay timer and start uplink block allocation to enter the extended uplink status.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.200f.

Object Cell

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

4.12.11 Max Num of resend packet assignment (Info1_1_8)

Full name Max Num of resend packet assignment

Abbreviation Info1_1_8

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When the number of times of resending assignment messages exceeds the

maximum number of times of resending packet assignment messages specified at
background, the TBF Release message is resent to notify MS to release TBF.
During the service process, if CTRL_ACK is lost, then judge the assignment type
that MAC is waiting for. If the assignment type is consistent with that MAC is
waiting for, then the number of resending assignment messages increments and
Description the uplink/downlink assignment message is resent. If it exceeds the maximum
number of resending assignment messages but the assignment acknowledgement
message from MS is still not received, then the TBF Release message is issued
from network and TBF is released. If the assignment type is inconsistent with
that MAC is waiting for, then the assignment timer is cleared and the assignment
message will not be resent.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Features None


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

4.12.12 Resource adjust for CS preempt (Info1_1_17)

Full name Resource adjust for CS preempt

Abbreviation Info1_1_17

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When events, such as CS preemption, that require releasing PS channel occur,

the control plane judges whether the timeslot to be released is important timeslot
or unique timeslot after receiving the dynamic channel conversion message. If
the timeslot is not important or unique, then the control plane initiates resource
adjustment and sends the resource assignment message to the user plane. The
user plane then sends packet uplink/downlink assignment message or timeslot
reallocation message to MS.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.12.13 Subcell selection of PS channel allocation (PSALLOCSC_0)

Full name Subcell selection of PS channel allocation

Abbreviation PSALLOCSC_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After subcell is configured, user can control the subcell selection strategy by this
parameter. The strategy includes preferring the first subcell, preferring the second
subcell, and only selecting the first subcell.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

Prefer subcell 1, Prefer subcell 2, Only subcell 1

l 0: Prefer subcell 1
Value Range
l 1: Prefer subcell 2
l 2: Only subcell 1

Unit None

Default value Prefer subcell 1

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

4.12.14 Level for PS channel allocate in subcell 1 (PSALLOCSC_1)

Full name Level for PS channel allocate in subcell 1

Abbreviation PSALLOCSC_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

After subcell is configured, this parameter is used to control the level threshold
for selecting the first subcell. When PS channel is in the second subcell, if the
Description level is smaller than PSALLOCSC_1 and TA is larger than PagBlkRes, then it is
necessary to move to the first subcell.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
Value Range l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 63

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

4.12.15 Level for PS channel allocate in subcell 2 (PSALLOCSC_2)

Full name Level for PS channel allocate in subcell 2

Abbreviation PSALLOCSC_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After subcell is configured, this parameter is used to control the level threshold
for selecting the second subcell. When PS channel is in the first subcell, if the
Description level is larger than PSALLOCSC_2 and TA is smaller than PagBlkRes, then it is
necessary to move to the second subcell.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
Value Range l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 63

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

4.13 GPRS Cell Options Parameters

The interface of GPRS cell optional parameters is shown in Figure 4-13.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Figure 4-13 GPRS Cell Options Parameters

4.13.1 T3168
Full name T3168

Abbreviation T3168

3GPP Name T3168

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Parameter used at the MS side.It belongs to the GPRS cell option

parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1, PSI13 and SI13
T3168 indicates the maximum time to wait for PACKET UPLINK
message (or PACKET DOWNLINK ACK/NACK message with Channel
Description Request Description IE).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0.5 ~ 4.0 (Step length is 0.5)

Unit s

Default value 4.0

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.13.2 T3192
Full name T3192

Abbreviation T3192

3GPP Name T3192

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Parameter used at the MS side.

During the packet downlink transmission, if RLC data block is the final
downlink data block to be transmitted, the network sends the RLC data
block with the Final Block Identifier (FBI) domain as 1. It contains an
effective RRBP field to initialize the release of the downlink TBF.
For each RLC data block that receives FBI with value 1 and contains
effective RRBP domain:
l In acknowledged mode, the MS sends PACKET DOWNLINK
ACK/NACK message whose FAI domain is 1 on the uplink block
specified by the RRBP domain.
l In unacknowledged mode, MS sends the PACKET CONTROL AC-
KNOWLEDGE message in the uplink block specified as per RRBP
field. Then MS starts the T3192 timer.
T3192 releases the resources, stop discreet listening to the PDCCH
channel when it expires, and turns to the paging channel for discreet
listening. Within the protection period of T3192, if the MS receives
RECONFIGURE” message from the network, T3192 will stop and turn
Description to the packet transmission status.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 500, 1000, 1500, 0, 80, 120, 160, 200

Unit ms

Default value 500

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.13.3 T3142(s)
Full name T3142(s)

Abbreviation T3142

3GPP Name T3142

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V7.2.0

Parameter used at the MS side.

This timer starts if the MS receives immeidate assignment refusal or DTM
Description refusal during packet access. This timer does not function if the MS in
original cell does not allow to initiate access request but the MS does cell
reselection prior to the timer timeout.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit s

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.13.4 T3172(s)
Full name T3172(s)

Abbreviation T3172

3GPP Name T3172

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V7.2.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Parameter used at the MS side.

This timer starts if the MS receives PACKET ACCESS REJECT message
during packet access. The MS disables packet access if this timer is
Description timeout. The MS changes to idle status if this timer is timeout prior to
receiving assignment message. After this timer timeout, the MS does not
disable packet access in this cell, but shall not take channel request as
paging response except the MS receives paging request message.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit s

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.13.5 DRX mode holding time (DrxTimeMax, s)

Full name DRX mode holding time

Abbreviation DrxTimeMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. System broadcasts to MS through PSI1,

PSI13 and SI13 messages, and indicates the value of DRX_TIMER_MAX.
When changing from the packet transmission mode to the packet idle
mode, the MS should first enter the non-DRX mode. Minimum values of
this parameter and DRX_TIMER_MAX parameters determine the time
Description length for MS to stay in the Non-DRx mode.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64

Unit s

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-010 GPRS non-DRX Mode


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.13.6 MAX blocks transmission in each TS (BsCvMax)

Full name Max blocks transmission in each TS

Abbreviation BsCvMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. System broadcasts to MS through

PSI1, PSI13, and SI13 messages.
This parameter decides the time of T3198 used by the MS as the sending
party (= time represented by BS_CV_MAX), the time of T3200 used by the
MS in the non-DRX mode (= 4 x the time represented by BS_CV_MAX),
and the value of “N3104max” (=3 x (BS_CV_MAX+3) x Number of timeslots
assigned in the uplink).
All uplink data blocks sent by MS contain the COUNT DOWN VALUE (CV)
field. The network can use this field to calculate the data blocks to be sent
Description on current uplink TBF.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 15

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.13.7 Packet control acknowledgment type (CtraCKType)

Full name Packet control acknowledgment type

Abbreviation CtraCKType


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used on RLC/MAC layer of BRP and at MS side. System

broadcasts to MS through PSI1, PSI13, and SI13 messages. Packet control
acknowledgment type indicates the default format for MS to send PACKET

Management Object Cell

Value Range 4 access bursts, RLC/MAC control block

Unit None

Default value RLC/MAC control block

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.13.8 Access burst type (AccessType)

Full name Access burst type

Abbreviation AccessType


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. System broadcasts to MS through

PSI1, PSI13, and SI13 messages. Access burst type indicates whether
to use the 8-bit or 11-bit access burst in PRACH and PTCCH/U, and the
The main difference between the two types is that the 11-bit access burst
Description can take more content than the 8-bit access burst.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 8 bits, 11 bits

Unit None

Default value 8 bits

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-005 8/11 bit Access Burst

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.13.9 N3102 decrease step (PanDec)

Full name N3102 decrease step

Abbreviation PanDec


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. They belong to the GPRS cell option
parameters, and they are broadcast to the MS in the PSI1, PSI13 and SI13
messages, indicating the values of parameters of “PAN_DEC”, “PAN_INC”
and “PAN_MAX”. After each cell reselection, the MS will set the initial value
of N3102 as the “PanMax” value.
1. When the MS receives the “PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK” message to
move V(S) forward, it adds PanInc to N3102 (but the maximum value
shall not exceed PanMax).
2. When the MS detects the stall condition (V(S) = V(A) + W(S)), T3182
will start. When it receives the “PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK” message
that enables V(S) < V(A) + W(S), T3182 stops. If T3182 expires, the MS
will subtract PanDec from N3102. When the condition satisfies N3102
< 0, the MS will take cell reselection as abnormal release. When one of
Description PanDec, PanInc, and PanMax is zero, N3102 is invalid.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.13.10 N3102 increase step (PanInc)

Full name N3102 increase step

Abbreviation PanInc


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. They belong to the GPRS cell option
parameters, and they are broadcast to the MS in the PSI1, PSI13 and SI13
messages, indicating the values of parameters of “PAN_DEC”, “PAN_INC”
and “PAN_MAX”. After each cell reselection, the MS will set the initial value
of N3102 as the “PanMax” value.
1. When the MS receives the “PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK” message to
move V(S) forward, it adds PanInc to N3102 (but the maximum value
shall not exceed PanMax).
2. When the MS detects the stall condition (V(S) = V(A) + W(S)), T3182
will start. When it receives the “PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK” message
that enables V(S) < V(A) + W(S), T3182 stops. If T3182 expires, the MS
will subtract PanDec from N3102. When the condition satisfies N3102
< 0, the MS will take cell reselection as abnormal release. When one of
Description PanDec, PanInc, and PanMax is zero, N3102 is invalid.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32

Unit None

Default value 8

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.13.11 N3102 MAX (PanMax)

Full name N3102 Max

Abbreviation PanMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

This parameter is used at MS side. They belong to the GPRS cell option
parameters, and they are broadcast to the MS in the PSI1, PSI13 and SI13
messages, indicating the values of parameters of “PAN_DEC”, “PAN_INC”
and “PAN_MAX”. After each cell reselection, the MS will set the initial value
of N3102 as the “PanMax” value.
1. When the MS receives the “PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK” message to
move V(S) forward, it adds PanInc to N3102 (but the maximum value
shall not exceed PanMax).
2. When the MS detects the stall condition (V(S) = V(A) + W(S)), T3182
will start. When it receives the “PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK” message
that enables V(S) < V(A) + W(S), T3182 stops. If T3182 expires, the MS
will subtract PanDec from N3102. When the condition satisfies N3102
< 0, the MS will take cell reselection as abnormal release. When one of
Description PanDec, PanInc, and PanMax is zero, N3102 is invalid.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32

Unit None

Default value 32

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.13.12 GPRS Phone Init Coding

Full name GPRS Phone Init Coding

Abbreviation GPRSInitattselt_0 ~ GPRSInitattselt_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the default-coding mode for GPRS MS initial ac-
cess, under different Abis interface link bandwidths. This is a four-dimen-
sional array, indicating GPRS uplink init coding scheme, GPRS downlink init
coding scheme, GPRS uplink max coding scheme, and GPRS downlink max
Description coding scheme.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

l GPRS uplink init coding scheme: CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4;

l GPRS downlink init coding scheme: CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4;
l GPRS uplink max coding scheme: CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4;
Value Range l GPRS downlink max coding scheme: CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4.

Unit None

Default value [CS2, CS2, CS4, CS4]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-002 Initial Coding Scheme per Cell Settable

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.13.13 GPRS phones init code can be changed (InitAttachExch_0)

Full name GPRS phones init code can be changed

Abbreviation InitAttachExch_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if GPRS phones default code can be changed dy-
Description namically.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.14 GPRS NC Survey Parameters

The interface of GPRS NC survey parameters is shown in Figure 4-14.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Figure 4-14 GPRS NC Survey Parameters

4.14.1 Packet Idle mode (NcRepPerI, s)

Full name Packet Idle mode

Abbreviation NcRepPerI


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. System broadcasts the parameter

information to MS through SI2Quater and PSI5 messages. This parameter
indicates the period of MS reporting cell reselection survey in packet IDLE
mode. When NetworkCtrlOrder is NC0, the parameter information is not
necessary to broadcast through PSI5 message.
Description This parameter also can be sent to MS through PMO message.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0.48, 0.96, 1.92, 3.84, 7.68, 15.36, 30.72, 61.44

Unit s

Default value 61.44

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-012 Network Controlled Cell Reselection

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.14.2 Packet transmission mode (NcRerPerT, s)

Full name Packet transmission mode

Abbreviation NcRerPerT


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to NC measurement

parameter, which is broadcasted to MS in system message SI2Quater and
PSI5 message. This parameter indicates the period of MS reporting cell
reselection survey in packet transmission mode. When NetworkCtrlOrder
is NC0, the parameter information is not necessary to broadcast through
PSI5 message.
Description This parameter also can be sent to MS through PMO message.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0.48, 0.96, 1.92, 3.84, 7.68, 15.36, 30.72, 61.44

Unit s

Default value 3.84

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-012 Network Controlled Cell Reselection

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.14.3 Extended measurement report order (MeaOrder)

Full name Extended measurement report order

Abbreviation MeaOrder


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. System broadcasts the parameter

information to MS through PSI1 message. Extended measurement report
order is to indicate the survey report command of MS in a cell.
Description This parameter indicates if PSI5 is sent.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-012 Network Controlled Cell Reselection

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.14.4 Network control order (CtrlOrder)

Full name Network control order

Abbreviation CtrlOrder


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to the network control survey

parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI5, PSI13, SI3, and
SI2quater messages, indicating the network control command used in the
cell. If the parameter equals to NC0, then NC survey parameters (NC hold
time in non-drx mode, and Cell Reselection Survey Report Period) can be
ignored; if the parameter is NC1 or NC2 and NC measurement parameters
are ignored, use the default value.
The values are as follows:
l NC0: MS controls cell reselection, and there is no survey report.
l NC1: MS controls cell reselection and sends the survey report.
l NC2: The network controls cell reselection and MS sends the survey
Description report.

Management Object Cell

Value Range NC0, NC1, NC2

Unit None

Default value NC0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-012 Network Controlled Cell Reselection

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.14.5 NC hold time in non-drx mode (NcNoDrxPer, s)

Full name NC hold time in non-drx mode

Abbreviation NcNoDrxPer


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. This parameter belongs to network

control survey and is used at MS side. System broadcasts the parameter
information to MS through SI2Quater and PSI5 message. This parameter
indicates the minimal time for an MS to stay in the non-DRX mode
after sending an NC survey report. When NetworkCtrlOrder is NC0,
the parameter information is not necessary to broadcast through PSI5
Description This parameter also can be sent to MS through PMO message.

Management Object Cell

Value Range No non-DRX mode, 0.24, 0.48, 0.72, 0.96, 1.20, 1.44, 1.92

Unit s

Default value 0.48

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-012 Network Controlled Cell Reselection

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.14.6 Extended measurement report order (ExMeaOrder)

Full name Extended measurement report order

Abbreviation ExMeaOrder


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

This parameter is used at MS side. System broadcasts to MS through PSI5

message. This parameter indicates whether the MS performs extended
survey. In addition, it indicates how to interpret the other extended survey
parameters (Type of extended measurement report and Report period of
extended measurement).
The values are as follows:
l EM0: MS performs no extended survey
Description l EM1: MS must send the extended survey report to the network

Management Object Cell

Value Range EM0, EM1

Unit None

Default value EM0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-012 Network Controlled Cell Reselection

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.14.7 Type of extended measurement report (ExtRepType)

Full name Type of extended measurement report

Abbreviation ExtRepType


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to the extended survey

parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI5 message, indicating
the type of the extended survey report of MS. System sends the parameter
information through the PSI5 message when Extended measurement
report order is EM1.
The values are as follows:
l Type1: This type of report must be extended if the frequency points for
the extended survey are among the six strongest carrier frequencies,
even if the BSIC decoding is successful. The report should cover the
receiving signal level and the successfully decoded BSIC (if any).
l Type2: This type of report must be extended if all the frequency points
for the extended survey are located in the six strongest carrier frequen-

Description cies, the BSIC decoding is successful and the NCC part is allowed for


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

survey. The report should cover the receiving signal level and the suc-
cessfully decoded BSIC.
l Type3: Use this type of report to report all the frequency points for the
extended survey. No BSIC decoding is necessary. The report should
contain the receiving signal level. Besides, the interference of each car-
rier frequency shall be reported.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Type1, Type2, Type3

Unit None

Default value Type 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-012 Network Controlled Cell Reselection

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.14.8 Report period of extended measurement (ExtRepPer, s)

Full name Report period of extended measurement

Abbreviation ExtRepPer


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Parameter used at the MS side. It belongs to the extended survey parame-

ters and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI5 message, indicating the interval
of extended survey report. System sends the parameter information through
Description the PSI5 message when Extended measurement report order is EM1.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 60, 120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, 3840, 7680

Unit s

Default value 1920

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-012 Network Controlled Cell Reselection

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Impact on service None

4.14.9 The size of test report's slip window (Wnd)

Full name The size of test report's slip window

Abbreviation Wnd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When NC2 network controls the cell reselection, this parameter is used.
When the number of measurement reports reaches this parameter setting
Description value, average processing is done for measurement report.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~8

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.14.10 Allowed report number of the same cell in slip window

Full name Allowed report number of the same cell in slip window

Abbreviation AllowedRepNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When NC2 network controls the cell reselection, this parameter is used.
When adjacent cell receives average level, and the number of valid mea-
surement report received in slip window is lower than setting value, this cal-
Description culation shall be punished.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~6


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.15 GPRS Power Control Parameters

The interface of GPRS power control parameters is shown in Figure 4-15.

Figure 4-15 GPRS Power Control Parameters

4.15.1 Filter period in the packet idle mode (T_AVG_W, s)

Full name Filter period in the packet idle mode

Abbreviation T_AVG_W


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Parameter used at the MS side. It belongs to the global power control and
GPRS power control parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1,
PSI13 and SI13 messages. This parameter indicates the filter period of the
Description signal intensity for power control in the packet idle mode.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 31
l 0: filter period is 2(0/2)/6 multiframes
l 1: filter period is 2(1/2)/6 multiframes
l 25: filter period is 2(25/2)/6 multiframes
Value Range l 26 ~ 31: filter period is 2(25/2)/6 multiframes

Unit s

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.15.2 Filter period in packet transmission mode (T_AVG_T, s)

Full name Filter period in packet transmission mode

Abbreviation T_AVG_T


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Parameter used at the MS side. It belongs to the global power control and
GPRS power control parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1,
PSI13 and SI3 messages. This parameter indicates the filter period of the
Description signal intensity for power control in the packet transmission mode.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 31
l 0: filter period is 2(0/2)/6 multiframes
l 1: filter period is 2(1/2)/6 multiframes
l 25: filter period is 2(25/2)/6 multiframes
Value Range l 26 ~ 31: reserved

Unit s


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.15.3 PSI4 sending mark (Psi4Send)

Full name PSI4 sending mark

Abbreviation Psi4Send


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter belongs to global power control and is used at MS side. It

belongs to the global power control parameters, and it is broadcast to the
MS in the PSI1 message. This parameter indicates whether to broadcast
the optional PSI4 message. This message contains a list of channels that
Description interferes with the survey.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.15.4 Power control measurement channel (PcMeasChan)

Full name Power control measurement channel

Abbreviation PcMeasChan



SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Parameter used at the MS side. It belongs to the global power control and
GPRS power control parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1,
PSI13 and SI13 messages. This parameter indicates the position where the
Description downlink power strength is surveyed for uplink power control.

Management Object Cell

Value Range BCCH, PDCH

Unit None

Default value BCCH

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.15.5 Power control parameter (Alpha)

Full name Power control parameter

Abbreviation Alpha


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Parameter used at the MS side. It belongs to the global power control and
GPRS power control parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1,
PSI13 and SI13 messages. This parameter determines the MS transmission
Description power control Alpha (α).

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 10
Parameters controlled by MS transmitting power is Alpha(α), then,
l 0: α = 0.0
l 1: α = 0.1
l 10: α = 1.0
Value Range l 11 ~ 15: α = 1.0

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.15.6 Filter constant of power control (N_AVG_I)

Full name Filter constant of power control

Abbreviation N_AVG_I


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Parameter used at the MS side. It belongs to the global power control and
GPRS power control parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1,
PSI13 and SI13 messages. This parameter is a filter constant used to opti-
Description mize the interference signal intensity in power control.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 15

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16 GPRS Cell Reselection Parameters

The interface of GPRS cell reselection parameters is shown in Figure 4-16.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Figure 4-16 GPRS Cell Reselection Parameters

4.16.1 Cell reselection offset (ReselOffset_0, 2db)

Full name Reselection offset

Abbreviation ReselOff_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. In the GPRS system, C32 is used as the standard for cell
reselection. Similar to the C2 standard in GSM, there is a cell reselection
offset parameter (ReselOff) for calculation of the C32 standard. This
parameteris not necessary to append in packet system message when the
offset value is 0 dB.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

0 ~ 31
l 0: -52 dB
l 1: -48 dB
l 22: +12 dB
l 31: +48 dB
For -52 dB ~ -12 dB and 12 dB ~ 48 dB, the step is 4 dB; for -12 dB ~ 12
Value Range dB, the step is 2 dB.

Unit 2 dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.2 Cell reselection offset2 (ReselOffset_1, 2db)

Full name Reselection offset 2

Abbreviation ReselOff_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH. In the GPRS

system, C32 is used as the standard for cell reselection. Similar to the C2
standard in GSM, there is a cell reselection offset parameter (ReselOff) for
calculation of the C32 standard. This parameteris not necessary to append
in packet system message when the offset value is 0 dB.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

0 ~ 31
l 0: -52 dB
l 1: -48 dB
l 22: +12 dB
Value Range l 31: +48 dB

Unit 2 dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.3 Temporary offset of cell reselection (TempOffset_0, db)

Full name Reselection temporary offset

Abbreviation TempOffset_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. In the GPRS system, C32 is used as the standard for
cell reselection. There is a temporary offset in C32 that provides a negative
offset, similar to C2 in GSM system. The effective time depends on Penalty
Time parameter.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, Infinite

Unit dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.4 Temporary offset of cell reselection2 (TempOffset_1, db)

Full name Reselection temporary offset 2

Abbreviation TempOffset_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH. In the GPRS

system, C32 is used as the standard for cell reselection. There is a
temporary offset in C32 that provides a negative offset, similar to C2 in
GSM system. The effective time depends on Penalty Time parameter.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, Infinite

Unit dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.5 Penalty time of cell reselection (PenalTime_0, 10s)

Full name Penalty time of cell reselection

Abbreviation PenalTime_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. In the GPRS system, C32 is used as the standard for
cell reselection. There is a temporary offset in C32 that provides a negative
offset, similar to C2 in GSM system. The effective time depends on
PenalTime of cell reselection.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 31
l 0: 10 s
l 1: 20 s
Value Range l 31: 320 s

Unit 10 s

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.6 Penalty time of cell reselection2 (PenalTime_1, 10s)

Full name Penalty time of cell reselection 2

Abbreviation PenalTime_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH. In the GPRS

system, C32 is used as the standard for cell reselection. There is a
temporary offset in C32 that provides a negative offset, similar to C2 in
GSM system. The effective time depends on PenalTime of cell reselection.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

0 ~ 31
l 0: 10 s
l 1: 20 s
Value Range l 31: 320 s

Unit 10 s

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.7 Interval of reselecting the same cell (T_Resel_0, s)

Full name Interval of reselecting the same cell

Abbreviation T_Resel_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS. When MS performs a cell reselection that causes
abnormal release of this cell, it is not allowed to reselect this cell again
within the T_RESEL period, unless there is no other cells for selection. It is
not necessary to broadcast this parameter to MS through PSI3 message
when the time represented by this parameter is 5 s (default value).
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, 300

Unit s

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.8 Interval of reselecting the same cell2 (T_Resel_1, s)

Full name Interval of reselecting the same cell 2

Abbreviation T_Resel_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH. When MS

performs a cell reselection that causes abnormal release of this cell, it is
not allowed to reselect this cell again within the T_RESEL period, unless
there is no other cells for selection. It is not necessary to broadcast this
parameter to MS through PSI3 message when the time represented by
this parameter is 5 s (default value).
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, 300

Unit s

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.9 Threshold of HCS signal level (HCS_Thr_0)

Full name Threshold of HSC signal level

Abbreviation HCS_Thr_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to HCS parameter, which is

broadcasted to MS via system message by BTS. Threshold of HCS signal
level identifies the HCS signal strength threshold of the cell.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: -110 dBm
l 1: -108 dBm
Value Range ......

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.10 Threshold of HCS signal level2 (HCS_Thr_1)

Full name Threshold of HSC signal level 2

Abbreviation HCS_Thr_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to HCS parameter, which

is informed to MS on PACCH. Threshold of HCS signal level identifies the
HCS signal strength threshold of the cell.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: -110 dBm
l 1: -108 dBm
Value Range ......

Unit None

Default value 0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.11 HCS priority (PrioClass_0)

Full name HCS Priority

Abbreviation PrioClass_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to HCS parameter, which is

broadcasted to MS via system message by BTS. This parameter specifies
the HCS priority of the cell.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.12 HCS priority2 (PrioClass_1)

Full name HCS Priority 2

Abbreviation PrioClass_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to HCS parameter, which is

informed to MS on PACCH. This parameter specifies the HCS priority of
the cell.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.13 C31 hysteresis (C31_Hyst_0)

Full name C31 hysteresis

Abbreviation C31_Hyst_0

3GPP Name C31_HYST

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS through system

message by BTS, indicating whether to use the CellReselHys parameter
on the C31 standard.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Impact on service None

4.16.14 C31 hysteresis2 (C31_Hyst_1)

Full name C31 hysteresis 2

Abbreviation C31_Hyst_1

3GPP Name C31_HYST

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is informed to MS on PACCH,

indicating whether to use the CellReselHys parameter on the C31 standard.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.15 GPRS cell reselection hysteresis (ReselHys_0, db)

Full name GPRS cell reselection hysteresis

Abbreviation ReselHys_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS.
MS needs to go through location updating process after cell reselection
in the case of GPRS cell reselection, if the original cell and destination
cell are in different locations. C32 values obtained at the boundary for
two adjacent cells are different because of fading characteristic of radio
channel. It causes MS to select cell frequently.
The interval between the two cell reselections of MS is not less than 15 s.
However, 15 s is extremely short time in terms of location updating. This
increases the signaling flow on the network and causes radio resources to
be fully utilized. In addition, it decreases call completion rate of the system,
as MS cannot respond to paging during location update.
GSM specification sets a specific parameter, Cell Reselecting Hysteresis
(CRH), to solve this problem. MS will activate the cell reselection according
to this parameter only when the signal level of adjacent cell (whose location
zone is different from that of local cell) is greater than that of local cell,
and meanwhile the value difference must be greater than that required
by the parameter.
l Increase cell reselection parameters of adjacent cells with different LAC.
Signaling traffic overload often occurs due to large demand of services.
l When the adjacent cells in different location areas have large over-
lapped coverage, it is suggested to increase the CRH parameter.
l If the adjacent cells with different LACs are poor in overlapped coverage,
that is, there is coverage gap, or the adjacent place is an area with
few slow moving objects such as the expressway, the CRH parameter
should be set as 1 ~ 3 (that is, 2dB ~ 6dB for the CRH level).
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Unit dB

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.16.16 GPRS cell reselection hysteresis2 (ReselHys_1, db)

Full name GPRS cell reselection hysteresis 2

Abbreviation ReselHys_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH.

MS needs to go through location updating process after cell reselection
in the case of GPRS cell reselection, if the original cell and destination
cell are in different locations. C32 values obtained at the boundary for
two adjacent cells are different because of fading characteristic of radio
channel. It causes MS to select cell frequently.
The interval between the two cell reselections of MS is not less than 15 s.
However, 15 s is extremely short time in terms of location updating. This
increases the signaling flow on the network and causes radio resources to
be fully utilized. In addition, it decreases call completion rate of the system,
as MS cannot respond to paging during location update.
GSM specification sets a specific parameter, Cell Reselecting Hysteresis
(CRH), to solve this problem. MS will activate the cell reselection according
to this parameter only when the signal level of adjacent cell (whose location
zone is different from that of local cell) is greater than that of local cell,
and meanwhile the value difference must be greater than that required
by the parameter.
l Increase cell reselection parameters of adjacent cells with different LAC.
Signaling traffic overload often occurs due to large demand of services.
l When the adjacent cells in different location areas have large over-
lapped coverage, it is suggested to increase the CRH parameter.
l If the adjacent cells with different LACs are poor in overlapped coverage,
that is, there is coverage gap, or the adjacent place is an area with
few slow moving objects such as the expressway, the CRH parameter
should be set as 1 ~ 3 (that is, 2dB ~ 6dB for the CRH level).
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Unit dB

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-009 Support of C31 and C32 Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.17 Routing reselection hysteresis (RaReselHys_0, db)

Full name Routing reselection hysteresis

Abbreviation RaReselHys_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS through system

message by BTS. This parameter specifies extra hysteresis value used in
selecting a cell in another routing area when MS is in STANDBY or READY
mode. It is not necessary to broadcast this parameter through the PSI3
message when the value of this parameter is the same as that of GPRS
cell reselection hysteresis.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Unit dB

Default value 8

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.18 Routing reselection hysteresis2 (RaReselHys_1, db)

Full name Routing reselection hysteresis 2

Abbreviation RaReselHys_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

This parameter is used at MS side. It is informed to MS on PACCH. This

parameter specifies extra hysteresis value used in selecting a cell in another
routing area when MS is in STANDBY or READY mode. It is not necessary
to broadcast this parameter through the PSI3 message when the value of
this parameter is the same as that of GPRS cell reselection hysteresis.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Unit dB

Default value 8

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.19 Random access attempt permitted (RadAcRetry_0)

Full name Random access attempt permitted

Abbreviation RadAcRetry_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS through system

message by BTS, which indicates whether MS is allowed to attempt to
access another cell (if it exists).
If there is abnormal release in the packet transmission, the MS will discard
all running TBFs. If MS is allowed to access other cells, it should perform
abnormal cell reselection, and establish TBF after initializing new cell.
If other suitable cells exist, MS cannot reselect the original cell within
T_RESEL seconds.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.20 Random access attempt permitted2 (RadAcRetry_1)

Full name Random access attempt permitted 2

Abbreviation RadAcRetry_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used at MS side. It is informed to MS on PACCH,

indicating whether MS is allowed to attempt to access another cell (if it
If there is abnormal release in the packet transmission, the MS will discard
all running TBFs. If MS is allowed to access other cells, it should perform
abnormal cell reselection, and establish TBF after initializing new cell.
If other suitable cells exist, MS cannot reselect the original cell within
T_RESEL seconds.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.16.21 Usage of cell reselection offset (C32_Qual_0)

Full name Usage of cell reselection offset

Abbreviation C32_Qual_0

3GPP Name C32_QUAL

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS through system

message by BTS, which indicates whether to use the exceptional rule
when adopting ReselOff.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.22 Usage of cell reselection offset2 (C32_Qual_1)

Full name Usage of cell reselection offset 2

Abbreviation C32_Qual_1

3GPP Name C32_QUAL

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is informed to the MS on PACCH,

indicating whether to use the exceptional rule when adopting “ReselOff”.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.23 GPRS access minimum signal level1 (RxLevAsMin_0)

Full name GPRS access minimum signal level 1

Abbreviation RxLevAsMin_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS.
It indicates the minimum receiving level for the MS to access the GPRS
system. To prevent the MS from accessing the system at a low receiving
signal level (usually, the poor communication quality cannot guarantee
normal communication process after access) and from unreasonably
wasting radio resources of the network, it is stipulated in the GSM system
that the receiving level be greater than a threshold level for MS to access
the network, that is, “MS Minimal Level to Access”.
In addition, the parameter serves as reference for MS during cell selection
and reselection (a parameter to calculate C31 and C32).
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 12

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.24 GPRS access minimum signal level2 (RxLevAsMin_1)

Full name GPRS access minimum signal level 2

Abbreviation RxLevAsMin_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH.

It indicates the minimum receiving level for the MS to access the GPRS
system. To prevent the MS from accessing the system at a low receiving
signal level (usually, the poor communication quality cannot guarantee
normal communication process after access) and from unreasonably
wasting radio resources of the network, it is stipulated in the GSM system
that the receiving level be greater than a threshold level for MS to access
the network, that is, “MS Minimal Level to Access”.
In addition, the parameter serves as reference for MS during cell selection
and reselection (a parameter to calculate C31 and C32).
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 12

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

4.16.25 Priority threshold (Prio_Thr, db)

Full name Priority threshold

Abbreviation Prio_Thr


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.018 V5.22.0

System broadcasts the parameter information to MS through SI4, SI6 and

SI7 messages. This parameter relates to GPRS access minimal signal level
Description in calculation of C4 standard.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, Infinite

Unit dB

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.26 HCS exist (HCS_Exist_0)

Full name HCS exist

Abbreviation HCS_Exist_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used at MS side. This parameter belongs to Hierarchical

Cell Structure (HCS) and broadcasted to MS via system message by BTS.
This parameter indicates whether the HCS parameters (PriorityClass and
HCSTHr) exist in the cell. MS ignores HSC exist parameters of other cells if
serving cell does not use HSC exist parameters (all the cells use Threshold
of HSC signal level of infinity).
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.27 HCS exist2 (HCS_Exist_1)

Full name HCS exist 2

Abbreviation HCS_Exist_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used at MS side. This parameter belongs to Hierarchical

Cell Structure (HCS) and be informed to MS on PACCH. This parameter
indicates whether the HCS parameters (PriorityClass and HCSTHr) exist
in the cell. MS ignores HSC exist parameters of other cells if serving cell
does not use HSC exist parameters (all the cells use Threshold of HSC
signal level of infinity).
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.16.28 GPRS MAX initial access signal level1 (MsTxMaxCch_0)

Full name GPRS MAX initial access signal level

Abbreviation MsTxMaxCch_0


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It is broadcasted to MS via system

message by BTS.
Network controls the MS transmit power during communication with BTS.
The network controls MS power using power command. MS outputs
transmit power closest to the specified power value if unavailable. The
power before MS receives the network power control information (the
power used in random access), depends on this parameter when MS
is receiving PBCCH.
This parameter is also a parameter for cell selection and reselection by MS,
involved in calculation of C1 and C2 values. If this parameter is too large,
the MS close to BTS will interfere with the adjacent channel; If it is too
small, the MS access success rate at the edge of cell will be very low.
To set it, observe the following principle: Under the precondition that the
MS at the cell boundary is guaranteed with certain access success rate,
the MS access level should be reduced as much as possible. Generally,
it is recommended to set this parameter as 5 (for GSM900MS) and 2 (for
In actual application, after the parameter is set, make a dial test at the cell
boundary, and test MS access success rate and access time with different
parameter settings to determine whether to increase or decrease the value
of the parameter.
The value is same as that in the appendix.
This parameter indicates the parameters used during reselection on idle
Description status, which only functions while configuring PBCCH.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

4.16.29 GPRS MAX initial access signal level2 (MsTxMaxCch_1)

Full name GPRS MAX initial access signal level 2

Abbreviation MsTxMaxCch_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used at MS side. Inform MS on PACCH.

Network controls the MS transmit power during communication with BTS.
The network controls MS power using power command. MS outputs
transmit power closest to the specified power value if unavailable. The
power before MS receives the network power control information (the
power used in random access), depends on this parameter when MS
is receiving PBCCH.
This parameter is also a parameter for cell selection and reselection by MS,
involved in calculation of C1 and C2 values. If this parameter is too large,
the MS close to BTS will interfere with the adjacent channel; If it is too
small, the MS access success rate at the edge of cell will be very low.
To set it, observe the following principle: Under the precondition that the
MS at the cell boundary is guaranteed with certain access success rate,
the MS access level should be reduced as much as possible. Generally,
it is recommended to set this parameter as 5 (for GSM900MS) and 2 (for
In actual application, after the parameter is set, make a dial test at the cell
boundary, and test MS access success rate and access time with different
parameter settings to determine whether to increase or decrease the value
of the parameter.
The value is same as that in the appendix.
This parameter indicates the parameter used during reselection in
Description transmission state.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.16.30 LSA ID (LSA_Id)

Full name LSA Mark

Abbreviation LSA_Id


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

System broadcasts the parameter to MS in SI4, SI6, SI7, and PSI3 mes-
sages of serving cell. In addition, system broadcasts the parameter informa-
tion in PSI3 and Psi3bis messages of the neighboring cells. LSA ID specifies
Description LSA identifier of the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 16777215

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.16.31 LSA offset (LSA_Offset)

Full name LSA Offset

Abbreviation LSA_Offset


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.018 V5.22.0

System broadcasts the parameter information to MS through SI4, SI6 and

SI7 messages. This parameter defines the offset value for LSA reselection
Description between two cells with the same LSA priority.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17 GPRS Channel Parameters

The interface of GPRS channel parameters is shown in Figure 4-17.

Figure 4-17 GPRS Channel Parameters

4.17.1 PAGCH reserved blocks (PagBlkRes)

Full name PAGCH reserved blocks

Abbreviation PagBlkRes


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.002 V5.13.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is used at MS side. System broadcasts to MS through

PSI1 message.
This parameter indicates the number of blocks where neither packet paging
nor PBCCH can appear in a 52-frame multiframe. On these blocks, only
PAGCH, PDTCH and PACCH can appear. Network sends the uplink
assignment message with priority on these fixed blocks to speed up the
establishment of the uplink TBF.
After sending the channel request on PRACH channel, MS waits for the
uplink assignment message on all PCCCH channels of the same timeslot
Description as the PRACH channel.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.2 PBCCH reserved blocks (PbcchBlks)

Full name PBCCH reserved blocks

Abbreviation PbcchBlks


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.002 V5.13.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to the PCCCH structure

parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1 message. This
parameter indicates the number of blocks assigned as PBCCH in a
52-frame multiframe (altogether 12 blocks).
PBCCH blocks are used at the same time by the packet system messages
sent at high rate and low rate. A message that is sent at high rate has
higher priority. This parameter must be configured together with the
PSI1_REPEAT_PERIOD parameter in the PSI1 message to ensure that
the block resources are available for the packet system messages, sent
Description both at high and low rates.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

PBCCH occupies 1 block in multi-frame, PBCCH occupies 2 blocks in multi-

frame, PBCCH occupies 3 blocks in multi-frame, PBCCH occupies 4 blocks
Value Range in multi-frame

Unit None

Default value PBCCH occupies four blocks in the multiframe.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.3 PRACH reserved blocks (PrachBlks)

Full name PRACH reserved blocks

Abbreviation PrachBlks


3GPP reference 3GPP TS45.002 V5.13.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to the PCCCH organization

parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1 message. This
parameter indicates the number of fixed blocks reserved for the PRACH
channel in the PDCH channel that bears PCCCH.
These blocks must be identified by “USF = FREE”. MS can use this
Description parameter or USF = FREE to carry out the PRACH assignment.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 15

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.17.4 Interval range of packet access attempt (TxInt)

Full name Interval range of packet access attempt

Abbreviation TxInt


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to the PRACH control

parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1 message. Whenever
establishing a new connection, MS sends a channel request message to
the network through PRACH channel.
As PRACH is an ALOHA channel, to improve the success rate of MS
access, the network allows MS to send multiple channel request messages
before it receives the packet assignment message. If MS does not get
any response for the previous channel request message, it can resend a
channel request message after waiting for a random period. Interval range
of packet access attempt is used to determine the time length of random
waiting. It is the number of delay timeslot randomly connected.
The random access time is determined by Interval range of packet access
Description attempt (TxInt) and Interval period of packet access attempt (S).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 32, 50

Unit None

Default value 32

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.5 Interval period of packet access attempt (S)

Full name Interval period of packet access attempt

Abbreviation S

3GPP Name S

3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Parameter used at the MS side.

Number of slots to spread transmission belongs to PRACH control.
Network broadcasts to MS through PSI1 message. Whenever establishing
a new connection, MS sends a channel request message to the network
through PRACH channel.
As PRACH is an ALOHA channel, to improve the success rate of MS
access, the network allows the MS to send multiple channel request
messages before receiving the packet assignment message. When the
previous channel request message is not responded, MS will wait for a
random period to re-send the channel request message. Parameter S
decides the random waiting time. It is used to calculate the minimum
timeslot number between two channel requests.
The random access time is determined by Interval range of packet access
Description attempt (TxInt) and Interval period of packet access attempt (S).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 12, 15, 20, 30, 41, 55, 76, 109, 163, 217

Unit s

Default value 109

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.6 MAX Times of Attempt (MaxRetrans)

Full name MAX Times of Attempt

Abbreviation MaxRetrans


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to the PRACH control

parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1 message. This
parameter indicates maximum attempts of random access allowed on
PRACH for MS with radio priorities of 1 ~ 4.
This parameter is an array with 4 elements. The first array element
corresponds to maximum number of attempts allowed for radio priority
Description 1, and so on.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1, 2, 4, 7

Unit None

Default value [4, 4, 4, 4]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.7 Access Control Level (AccCtrlClass)

Full name Access control level

Abbreviation AccCtrlClass


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

It indicates MS access control level to access cell. Common MS has the

class 0 ~ 9 and special MS has the class 11 ~ 15. Class 10 does not exist.
System can prohibit MS with some access class to enter the cell according
to this parameter. System allows access of a mobile with access class, N
= 0, 1 …9, 11 …15. It allows emergency calls when the eleventh digit =
EC. To faciliate programming, C10 is constantly 0.
If the Nth bit of the access control level is 0 (‘0’ indicates access allowed,
‘1’ indicates access not allowed), then it is allowed to access a MS with
AccCtrlClass =N (N=0, 1, … 9, 11, … 15). Bit 11= EC represents that
Emergency Call is available.
This parameter consists of two bytes (16 bits).
The first byte: C15, C14, C13, C12, C11, C10, C9, C8
The second byte: C7, C6, C5, C4, C3, C2, C1, C0
l When Cn = 0, the MS of which the access level is n is not forbidden to
access the cell (n=0, 1, ..., 9, 11, ...,15)
l When Cn = 1, the MS of which the access level is n is forbidden to
access the cell (n=0, 1, ..., 9, 11, ...,15)
Description l C10 is constantly 0.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Default value [No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.8 Access Persist Level (PersistLev)

Full name Access Persist Level

Abbreviation PersistLev


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is used at MS side. It belongs to the PRACH control

parameters, and it is broadcast to the MS in the PSI1 message. The
network sets a level threshold P I (I = 1, 2, 3, 4) for MS of various radio
For each attempt of packet access, MS abstracts a random value R with
even distribution probability from the set {0, 1..., 15}. System allows MS to
initiate an attempt of packet access only when P I is lower than or equal
to R.
This parameter is an array with 4 elements. The first element corresponds
Description to the access persist level of radio priority 1, and so on.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Unit None

Default value [0, 0, 0, 0]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

4.17.9 Subscriber occupying other preference channel support

Full name Subscriber occupying other preference channel support

Abbreviation HybridOccuSupp

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes whether to support subscriber occupying other

preference channel. It indicates this kind of preference channel is busy, other
channels are idle, and determines whether to occupy this preference chan-
Description nel.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-009 Flexible Priority Handling of Packet Data Channel

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.10 PS subscriber moving out of other preference channel

support (AllowPsMove)
Full name PS subscriber moving out of other preference channel support

Abbreviation AllowPsMove

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes whether to support subscriber moving out of other

preference channel. It indicates whether the user that occupies other chan-
Description nels can be moved out.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-009 Flexible Priority Handling of Packet Data Channel

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.11 CS subscriber moving support (AllowCsMove)

Full name CS subscriber moving support

Abbreviation AllowCsMove

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes whether support switching some CS subscriber

cell to other timeslot, to leave blank for original timeslot for getting larger PS
Description available timeslot group.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-009 Flexible Priority Handling of Packet Data Channel

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.12 Congeneric service threshold for PS-moving

Full name Congeneric service threshold for PS-moving

Abbreviation SfPreferBusyThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

During this application, on the gained preferential channel on this side, it is

better that existing QoS quota / total available QoS quota is lower than allo-
cated result for this percentage, to calculate target evaluation target function
Description in combination with un-congeneric occupying threshold.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-009 Flexible Priority Handling of Packet Data Channel

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.17.13 Un-congeneric service threshold for PS-moving

Full name Un-congeneric service threshold for PS-moving

Abbreviation OpPreferBusyThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

During this application, on the gained preferential channel on opposite side,

it is better that existing QoS quota / total available QoS quota is lower than
allocated result for this percentage, to calculate target evaluation target func-
Description tion in combination with un-congeneric occupying threshold.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-009 Flexible Priority Handling of Packet Data Channel

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Impact on service None

4.17.14 PS channel expand (Info1_1_18)

Full name PS channel expand

Abbreviation Info1_1_18

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether PS channel expansion is supported. For

example, if the number of channels that MS uses currently is 2+1 and MS can
Description use more timeslots, then the channel mode is automatically expanded to 3+1 or
4+1 after adjacent CS channel is released.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant ZGF05-09-009 Enhancement on Channel Allocation


Relevant None

Relationship None

Related None

Impact on None

4.17.15 Idle TCH threshold for PS channel expand (Info1_1_24, %)

Full name Idle TCH threshold for PS channel expand

Abbreviation Info1_1_24

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

When the proportion of idle TCHs of the cell is larger than this threshold, PS
Description channel expansion will be performed.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant ZGF05-09-009 Enhancement on Channel Allocation


Relevant None

Relationship None

Related None

Impact on None

4.18 EDGE Parameters

In the Basic Params 1 tab, if user select 'Support EDGE' for 'Support GPRS(PsSupport)',
the EDGE Params tab will appear.
The interface of EDGE property parameters is shown in Figure 4-18.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Figure 4-18 EDGE Parameters

4.18.1 EGPRS packet channel request access program support

Full name EGPRS packet channel request access program support

Abbreviation EgprsPacketChreq


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Network broadcasts this parameter to MS in GRPS CELL OPTIONS of SI13,

PSI1 and PSI13. It indicates if the cell supports EGPRS_PACKET_CHAN-
NEL_REQUEST access flow. If the cell supports EGPRS and this flow, the
EGPRS terminal is able to originate EGPRS packet access flow on RACH
Description or PRACH (if PBCCH exists).

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-05-003 EGPRS Packet Channel Request on CCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

4.18.2 Uplink LA+IR quality control support (IrSupportUp)

Full name Uplink LA+IR quality control support

Abbreviation IrSupportUp


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

It indicates if the cell supports "uplink IR quality control". If it does, the net-
as FALSE to inform MS system of using IR quality control mode, and MS
Description uplink retransmission could not be segmented.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-03-05-002 EGPRS Link Adaptation

Relevant Features ZGO-03-05-006 Incremental Redundancy in UL

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um Interface

Impact on service None

4.18.3 Take Preemptive transmit bit function (PreemptiveTrans)

Full name Take Preemptive transmit bit function

Abbreviation PreemptiveTrans


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

It indicates whether the cell employs the "Preemptivetrans bit" function. If

the cell supports that function, network indicates MS whether to send the
RLC data of PENDING-ACK when there is no data in NACK status and no
new RLC data block to be transmitted or the transmission window is full
l Yes: Use preemptive transmission. MS should not send the data block
in PENDING-ACK status. But for the last piece of current TBF, even if
its status is PENDING –ACK, it should be transmitted.
l No: Do not use preemptive transmission. MS should send the oldest
data in PENDING-ACK status, then the second oldest data. If all data
Description in PENDING-ACK status have been sent, repeat from the oldest one.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.18.4 Average filter period for uplink BEP (BEPperiodUp)

Full name Bep_Period2 of uplink

Abbreviation BEPperiodUp


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is internal parameter of PCU. The meaning of this parameter

is the same as BEPPeriodDown, but it is to caculate the uplink measurement
Description data inside of PCU.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.18.5 Average filter period for downlink BEP (BEPperiodDown)

Full name Bep_Period2 of downlink

Abbreviation BEPperiodDown


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

Network broadcasts this parameter to MS in GRPS CELL OPTIONS of

SI13, PSI1 and PSI13. In EGPRS system, EGPRS MS will determine to
report the MEAN_REP_AV (average error bit rate of the radio block) and
CV_BEP_AV (variance coefficient of radio block error bit rate) under the
whole TBF, or the measurement data per time slot MEAN_BEP_TNx (0-7).
The specification defines the calculation formula of these measurement
data (refer to 05.08 There is an oblivion factor e in the formula,
Description whose value is defined by the average period of BEP filter.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.18.6 EGPRS phone quality measure mode (LinkQuameaMode)

Full name EGPRS phone quality measure mode

Abbreviation LinkQuameaMode


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Chapter 4 Cell Parameters


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.060 V5.19.0

This parameter is sent to MS in Downlink Assignment message. It indicates

the measurement report mode of EGPRS MS in the cell. EGPRS measure-
ment could be performed based on each impulse, which is to measure by the
granularity of BURST. The feature of rapid EGPRS measurement makes the
network side be able to respond the change of radio environment quickly, so
Description as to choose the most proper coding mode and perform power control.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces Um interface

Impact on service None

4.18.7 EDGE initial downlink allocation by multislot class 1

Full name EDGE initial downlink allocation by multislot class 1

Abbreviation Info1_1_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether initial channel allocation in downlink for EDGE
user is according to the actual multislot capability. If it is, then one or multiple
Description timeslots are allocated according to the actual multislot capability in initial channel
allocation; otherwise, only one timeslot is allocated in initial channel allocation.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

4.18.8 EGPRS Phone Init Coding (EGPRSInitAttSelt)

Full name EGPRS Phone Init Coding

Abbreviation EGPRSInitAttSelt_0 ~ EGPRSInitAttSelt_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This is a four-dimensional array, representing EGPRS uplink initial coding

scheme, EGPRS downlink initial coding scheme, EGPRS uplink max coding
Description scheme, and EGPRS downlink max coding scheme.

Management Object Cell

Value Range MCS1, MCS2, MCS3, MCS4, MCS5, MCS6, MCS7, MCS8, MCS9

Unit None

Default value [MCS6, MCS6, MCS9, MCS9]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-05-001 Modulation and Coding Scheme 1~9

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

4.18.9 EGPRS phones init code can be changed (InitAttachExch_1)

Full name EGPRS phones init code can be changed


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4 Cell Parameters

Abbreviation InitAttachExch_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates if the coding method of GPRS/EGPRS MS in cell could be

Description changed dynamically.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-05-001 Modulation and Coding Scheme 1~9

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

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SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5
Cell Object Parameters
This chapter describes cell object parameters, including power control, handover, and
reselection parameters.
Table of Contents
TRX Parameters ........................................................................................................5-1
Power Control Parameters .......................................................................................5-25
Handover Control Parameters ..................................................................................5-52
UTRAN Handover Control Parameters ...................................................................5-121
UTRAN Cell Control Parameters ............................................................................5-135
Adjacent Cell Parameters.......................................................................................5-180
Frequency Hopping System Parameters ................................................................5-229

5.1 TRX Parameters

TRX parameters are displayed in two sub-interfaces. If the site is an IP access site, an IP
Params tab is added to the TRX information interface.

5.1.1 TRX Information Parameters

The interface of TRX parameters is as shown in Figure 5-1.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 5-1 TRX Information Parameters TRX ID (TrxId)

Full name TRX ID

Abbreviation TrxId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

TRX number in the cell. According to GSM specifications, one cell can have
64 carriers at most. This parameter is consistent with the TRX ID of SDR
Description base station.

Management Object TRX

1 ~ 60
The following lists the maximum number of TrxIds of each site type.
l OB06: 48
l BS20: 48
l BS21: 48
l BS21V20: 48
l BS30: 48
l BS30V12: 48
l B8112: 54
l M8202: 54
l M8206: 54
l B8018: 54
Value Range
l S8001: 1


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

l SDR: 60

Unit None

Default value Sort in order.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately. Sub cell ID (SubCellId)

Full name Sub cell ID

Abbreviation SubCellId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

If it is cell with dual frequencies, this parameter describes the subCell of the
dual-frequency cell in which the TRX is; if it is not dual-frequency cell, this
Description parameter is ‘First Subcell’. It is unmodifiable after being created.

Management Object TRX

l When "Subcell Used (SubCellUsed)" is No, value range is the first sub-
l When "Subcell Used (SubCellUsed)" is Yes, value range is the first sub-
Value Range cell and the second subcell.

Unit None

Default value First subcell

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters Subcell used (SubCellUsed)

The value of "Use Subcell or not" has influence on the value range of
this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference TRX type (TrxType)

Full name TRX type

Abbreviation TrxType

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Common TRX is suitable for common cell. After adding the function of
supporting extended cell, a third type of TRX is added -- Expand TRX,
realizing large coverage range.
l In common cell, TRX Type shall be configured as Normal TRX;
l When subcell is not supported under extended cell, TRX Type shall be
configured as Extended TRX; when subcell is supported under extended
cell, subcell 1 shall be configured as Extended TRX, and no special
Description requirements for subcell 2.

Management Object TRX

Value Range Common TRX, Extended TRX

Unit None

Default value Common TRX

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-01-001 Extended Cell Coverage

Relevant parameters Channel ID

Relationship This parameter value has influence on the value range of TSC.

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately. Priority (TrxPriority)

Full name Assign Priority of the Trx

Abbreviation TrxPriority

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes priorities for allocating carriers of the same type. 1
represents the highest priority. Select channels on carriers with high priority
Description when allocating channels.

Management Object TRX

Value Range 1~5


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Unit None

l When "BCCH Carrier (BcchMark)" is No, default value is 3;

Default value l When "BCCH Carrier (BcchMark)" is Yes, default value is 1;

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-002 Enhancement on Channel Allocation

Relevant parameters BCCH carrier frequency (BcchMark)

The value of BCCH carrier frequency (BcchMark) has influence on the

default value of this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None BCCH carrier frequency (BcchMark)

Full name BCCH carrier frequency

Abbreviation BcchMark

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description One and only one BCCH carrier frequency must be configured in a cell.

Management Object TRX

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Priority (TrxPriority)
Relevant parameters Support FHS

This parameter's value influences the default value of the "TrxPriority"

Relationship parameter. It also influences the value range of the "Support FHS"

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately. Static power level (PwRreduction)

Full name Static power level


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation PwRreduction

3GPP Name static RF power step

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.005 V5.14.0

This parameter represents the static power level of transceiver. Usually a

static power control is added on the basis of TRX transmission power spec-
ified by Static power level. Namely, a restriction is added based on the
maximum transmission power, thus to get the actual maximum transmission
power Pn of the TRX. The dynamic power control is implemented based on
Description the maximum transmission power Pn.

Management Object TRX

Max output power, Max output power - 2 dB, Max output power - 4 dB, Max
output power - 6 dB, Max output power - 8 dB, Max output power - 10 dB,
Max output power - 12 dB, Max output power + 1.5 dB, Max output power +
Value Range 1 dB, Max output power + 0.5 dB

Unit None

Default value Max output power

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-04-02-002 Static BTS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Power level (PowerClass)

Full name Power level

Abbreviation PowerClass

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter can configure the power level of carrier, which can be con-
verted to the actual power value. It is used to calculate path loss and CI
Description value in the measurement report.

Management Object TRX

Value Range 1~8

Unit None

Default value 3


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Support FHS

Full name Support FHS

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name hopping

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0

This parameter indicates if frequency-hopping is supported. When this

parameter is set as 'Base band freqhop', 'BhGroupId' is added to the
interface. When this parameter is set as 'RFID freqhop', 'Frequency'
disappears from the interface and 'FhsId' is added to the interface.
Note: S8001 only has one frequency, and does not support
Description frequency-hopping.

Management Object TRX

l If "BCCH Carrier (BcchMark)" is No, the value range is No, base band
freq-hopping, and RFID freq-hopping.
l If "BCCH Carrier (BcchMark)" is Yes, the value range is No and base
Value Range band freq-hopping.

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping

Relevant parameters BCCH carrier frequency (BcchMark)

The value of BCCH carrier frequency (BcchMark) has influence on the

value range of this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference BhGroupId
Full name BhGroupId

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Select the BhGroupId if the frequency hopping mode is baseband

frequency hopping. After multiple TRXs configures the same frequency
Description group id, the frequencies for these TRXs will be added into the frequency
hopping system identified by BhGroupId. In the process of hopping, it
uses the same MA frequency list.

Management Object TRX

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping

Relevant parameters BhGroupId in frequency hopping system

Select the BhGroupId if the frequency hopping mode is baseband

frequency hopping.

Related interfaces Um Interface

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service
corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately. FhsID
Full name FhsID

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Select the FhsID if the configured frequency hopping mode is RF hopping.

Description This trx uses the MA frequency list configured in frequency hopping

Management Object TRX

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

Relevant parameters FhsID in frequency hopping system

Relationship Select the FhsID if the configured frequency hopping mode is RF hopping.

Related interfaces Um Interface

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service
corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately. Frequency
Full name Frequency

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Select the frequency point of this transceiver.

Management Object TRX

TCH frequency point can be at a different frequency band from BCCH

frequency point.
l Frequency band (FreqBand) is GSM900: Value range of BCCH trans-
ceiver's frequency point is 1 ~ 124;
l Frequency band (FreqBand) is EXT900: Value range of BCCH trans-
ceiver's frequency point is 0 ~ 124 and 975 ~ 1023;
l Frequency band (FreqBand) is DCS1800: Value range of BCCH trans-
ceiver's frequency point is 512 ~ 885;
l Frequency band (FreqBand) is PCS1900: Value range of BCCH trans-
ceiver's frequency point is 512 ~ 810;
l Frequency band (FreqBand) is GSM850: Value range of BCCH trans-
ceiver's frequency point is 128 ~ 251;
TCH frequency point has nothing to do with Frequency band (FreqBand).
l When TCH transceiver is at GSM900, the value range is 1 ~ 124;
l When TCH transceiver is at EXT900, the value range is 0 ~ 124 and
975 ~ 1023;
l When TCH transceiver is at DCS1800, the value range is 512 ~ 885;
l When TCH transceiver is at PCS1900, the value range is 512 ~ 810;
Value Range l When TCH transceiver is at GSM850, the value range is 128 ~ 251.

Unit None

Default value Based on the set frequency

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping

ARFCN list (CaArfcnList)

Relevant parameters Frequency band (FreqBand)

Based on frequency setting at subsequent BTSs, the system automatically

fills it in the 'ARFCN list' box.
The value of the FreqBand parameter influences the value range of this

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately.

5.1.2 Channel Information Parameters

The channel information interface is shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2 Channel Information Parameters Channel ID
Full name Channel ID

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Description Number to identify timeslot.

Management Object TRX

l When "TRX Type (TrxType)" is "Normal TRX", eight timeslot numbers

are displayed on the interface, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
l When "TRX Type (TrxType)" is "Extended TRX", four timeslot numbers
Value Range are displayed on the interface, such as 0, 2, 4, and 6.

Unit None

Default value Same as value range

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters TRX type (TrxType)

The value of the 'TRX type (TrxType)' parameter influences the value range
of this parameter.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None TS Channel Combination

Full name TS Channel Combination

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines combined types of timeslot channel. The correlation

with the following parameters is as follows:
l CBC supported (SmsCbUsed).
If "CBC Supported (SmsCbUsed)" is 'No', that is, CBC is not supported,
the system automatically finds all timeslot channel combinations in the
cell. If CBC channel exists, it is changed to SDCCH.
If "CBC Supported (SmsCbUsed)" is 'Yes', that is, CBC is supported,
the system automatically finds all timeslot channel combinations in
the cell. If a non-BCCH channel is found for a carrier, it is changed
l Support GPRS (PsSupport)
If "GPRS Supported (PsSupport)" is 'No', that is, GPRS is not
supported, the system automatically changes all timeslot channels
whose type is PS in the cell to TCH.
l Common control channel configuration (CcchConf)
If CcchConf is configured as "CCCH uses one physical channel,

Description combined with SDCCH", then in the channel parameters, channel


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

combination of timeslot 0 must be one of the following two

combinations: 'BCCH+SDCCH/4' and 'BCCH+SDCCH/4+CBCH'.
When CcchConf is configured as "CCCH uses one physical channel,
not combined with SDCCH", then in the channel parameters,
channel combination of timeslot 0 must be one of the following two
combinations: 'FCCH+SCH+BCCH+CCCH' and 'BCCH+CCCH'.
When CcchConf is configured as "CCCH uses two physical channel,
not combined with SDCCH", then in the channel parameters, channel
combination of timeslot 0 and timeslot 2 is one of the following two
combinations: 'FCCH+SCH+BCCH+CCCH' and 'BCCH+CCCH'.
When CcchConf is configured as "CCCH uses three physical channel,
not combined with SDCCH", then in the channel parameters, channel
combination of timeslot 0, 2, and 4 is one of the following two
combinations: 'FCCH+SCH+BCCH+CCCH' and 'BCCH+CCCH'.
When CcchConf is configured as "CCCH uses four physical channel,
not combined with SDCCH", then in the channel parameters,channel
combination of timeslot 0, 2, 4, and 6 is one of the following two
combinations: 'FCCH+SCH+BCCH+CCCH' and 'BCCH+CCCH'.

Management Object TRX

l TCH/F;
l TCH/H(0,1)+FACCH/H(0,1)+SACCH/TH(0,1);

Unit None

Default value TCH/F

Change mode Offline

ZGO-03-02-008 EDGE on BCCH-TRX Configurable

ZGB-03-02-005 GPRS-only (without voice) Timeslots Configurable
ZGB-03-02-006 Voice-only Timeslots Configurable
Relevant Features ZGB-03-05-003 PBCCH, PPCH, PAGCH, PRACH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding channel will be interrupted immediately. TSC
Full name TSC

Abbreviation TSC


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.002 V5.13.0

This parameter represents Training Serial Code (TSC) of the timeslot. There
are eight types of TSC, with low mutual dependency. It is used for reference
of delay compensation for adaptive balance circuit at receiving side. For the
Description timeslot where BCCH is, this parameter must be equal to BCC of the cell.

Management Object TRX

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding channel will be interrupted immediately. MAIO
Full name MAIO

Abbreviation MAIO

3GPP Name Mobile Allocation Index Offset

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

During communication, the carrier number adopted on air interface is an

element of the MA set. Mobile Allocation Index (MAI) (0 ≤ MAI ≤ n-1) is a
variable for determining a definite element in the MA set.
According to the FH algorithm in GSM 05.02 specification, MAI is function
of the following aspects: TDMA Frame Number (FN) or Reduced TDMA
Frame Number (RFN), frequency Hopping Serial Number (HSN), and
Mobile Allocation Index Offset (MAIO). MAIO is an initial offset of MAI and
is used for preventing several channels to contend for the same carrier
at the same moment.
Generally, several basic FH units (timeslot or TDMA frame) constitute an
FH group. They have the same MA and HSN and the only difference
among them is MAIO. Thus the same MA and HSN are put in FHS/MA
table. When the FH group corresponding to the timeslot has no frequency
Description hopping, MAIO of the timeslot is invalid.

Management Object TRX

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping
Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-003 Flexible MAIO Management

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding channel will be interrupted immediately. Dynamic TS
Full name Dynamic TS

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

YES: Representing dynamic timeslot; NO: Representing fixedly configured

Description timeslot.

Management Object TS1 number

Value Range Yes/No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding channel will be interrupted immediately. Ps Service Preference Property

Full name Ps Service Preference Property

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Indicate whether to do channel packet service preference or the type to do

Description service preference

Management Object TRX

Value Range No preference, GPRS preference, EDGE preference, EDGE exclusion

Unit None

Default value No preference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-02-009 Flexible Priority Handling of Packet Data Channel

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PDCH Precedence

Full name PDCH Precedence

Abbreviation PDCHPrecedence

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This timeslot is used as PDTCH firstly. It is only configured for dynamic

Description timeslot.

Management Object TRX

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately. TSC
Full name TSC

Abbreviation TSC

3GPP Name training sequence Code

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.002 V5.13.0

It is training serial code (TSC). TSC value in BCCH channel shall be same
Description as BCC value.

Management Object TRX

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters PDCH
Full name PDCH

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It is same as the property of "PDCH Priority" parameter. It is a shortcut

Description method, uniformly configuring 8 timeslots simultaneously for the carrier.

Management Object TRX

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS service preference

Full name PS service preference

Abbreviation PDCHPrecedence

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates if the channel prefers to be PS channel. It is only valid for dynamic

Description timeslot.

Management Object TRX

No preference, GPRS preference, EDGE preference, EDGE dedicated, EG-

Value Range PRRS2-A preference, and EGPRRS2-A dedicated.

Unit None

Default value No preference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Dynamic TS
Full name Dynamic TS

Abbreviation Changeable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if TCH can be dynamically allocated to CS or PS.

Object TRX

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.1.3 IP Parameters
IP parameter interface is as shown in Figure 5-3.


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Figure 5-3 IP Parameters BIPB Unit

Full name BIPB Unit

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It is corresponding with the board position in physical configuration

Management Object TRX

Value Range Depends on the actual configuration of BIPB unit.

Unit None

Default value Depends on the actual configuration.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference DSP Sunit

Full name DSP Sunit

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It corresponds to the DSP supporting IP in BIPB board configured by physical

Description mode.

Management Object TRX

Value Range Determined by user configured DSP quantity

Unit None

Default value Minimum DSP number configured by user

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately. DspMarkSeq
Full name DspMarkSeq

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Mark sequence of carrier on DSP, DSP channel number will be calculated

based on this mark by service. For VTCD board, each DSP can mark (con-
figure) 16 carriers at most; for VTCD/2 board, it can be configured with 28
Description carriers.

Management Object None

Value Range 0 ~ 15; 0 ~ 27

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding TRX will be interrupted immediately. Port No.

Full name Port No.

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

IP access. Port number shall be allocated for each carrier, and the number
Description will be determined by the port actually configured.

Management Object TRX

Value Range 1 ~ 3072

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, the current PS service

Impact on service of corresponding cell will be interrupted immediately.

5.1.4 Panel Parameters

The panel parameter interface is shown in Figure 5-4.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 5-4 Panel Parameters TRX mode

Full name TRX mode

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It sets the working mode of carrier to be single carrier or dual carriers, and de-
termines whether to use 4-way diversity in uplink and whether to use DPCT
Description or DDT in downlink.

Management Object BTS rack

l Dual carrier
l Single carrier with 4-ways diversity reception
l Single carrier with 4-ways diversity reception and DPCT
l Single carrier with 4-ways diversity reception and DDT
Value Range l Single carrier

Unit None

Default value Dual carrier

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Support antenna hop

Relevant parameters Delay count

The 'Support antenna hop' parameter is enabled only when this parameter
is set to be 'Dual carrier'.
The 'Delay count' parameter is enabled only when this parameter is set to
be 'Single carrier with 4-ways diversity reception and DDT'.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Delay count

Full name Delay count

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It defines the symbol used on delayed transmitting.

Management Object BTS rack

Value Range 1 ~ 15

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters TRX mode

This parameter is valid when the 'TRX mode' parameter is 'Single carrier
with 4-ways diversity reception and DDT'.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None IRC
Full name IRC

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

It determines whether to use IRC.

l Not checked: Do not use IRC
Description l Checked: Use IRC

Management Object BTS rack

Value Range Not checked, checked

Unit None

Default value Not checked

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Support antenna hop

Full name Support antenna hop

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes whether antenna hop is supported.

l No: indicates antenna hop is not supported;
Description l Yes: indicates antenna hop is supported;

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters TRX mode

Relationship This parameter is valid when the 'TRX mode' parameter is 'Dual carrier'.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

5.2 Power Control Parameters

There are four tab-interfaces for basic power control parameters. If the cell supports
GPRS, a GPRS Power Control tab is also displayed.

5.2.1 Power Control Parameters

The interface of power control parameters is shown in Figure 5-5.

Figure 5-5 Power Control Parameters Uplink rapid power control indication (UlRapidPcInd)

Full name Uplink rapid power control indication

Abbreviation UlRapidPcInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter determines the availability of the rapid power control

process. Rapid power control process is an optional process of BSC. It
reduces the interference of the whole BSS radio system and satisfies the
dynamic power control requirement for rapid moving MS.
The amplitude of power control used by rapid power control process each
time is no longer a fixed value, but an integer multiple of cell parameter
power control step (increase and decrease). This parameter determines
Description the availability of the rapid power control process.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink rapid power control indication (DlRapidPcInd)

Full name Downlink rapid power control indication

Abbreviation DlRapidPcInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines the availability of the rapid power control

process. Rapid power control process is an optional process of BSC. It
reduces the interference of the whole BSS radio system and satisfies the
dynamic power control requirement for rapid moving MS.
The amplitude of power control used by rapid power control process each
time is no longer a fixed value, but an integer multiple of cell parameter
power control step (increase and decrease). This parameter determines
Description the availability of the rapid power control process.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Power Control PwrDesrLimit

Full name Power Control PwrDesrLimit

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is set for preventing MS from call drop due to fast power
control. It corresponds to different quality level. For example, PwrDecrLimit
[0] determines the maximum power decrease limit for calls with receiving
quality level 0 (Bit Error rate (BER) <0.2%). This parameter is valid for
both uplink and downlink.
This parameter is an array of eight elements, with element length of one
byte. PwrDecrLimit [n] determines the maximum power decrease limit
available for calls with quality level n. The value range of each element
Description is 0 ~ 38 dB.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 38

Unit None

Default value [24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.2.2 Power Survey Parameters

The interface of power survey parameters is shown in Figure 5-6.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 5-6 Power Survey Parameters Report period of measurement for power control (PwrCtrlReportPrd)

Full name Report period of measurement for power control

Abbreviation PwrCtrlReportPrd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Power control is performed at BTS side and BSC implements relevant perfor-
mance statistics. BTS uses this parameter to decide the periodicity to send
the preprocessed power measurement to BSC as an input for power control
Description analysis. This parameter is in the unit of SACCH multi-frame.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 254

Unit SACCH multiframe

Default value 240

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink level Sample count (PcUlLevWindow)

Full name Uplink power level


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Abbreviation PcUlLevWindow

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In GSM system, BSC determines whether to perform power control

according to measurement data. BSC uses the average value of
measurement data to avoid adverse influences caused by abrupt changes
in measurement data due to complex radio transmission.
BTS uses this parameter to calculate the window size for the average value
of uplink signal strength, i.e. to calculate the average value of the number
Description of used samples.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink level Weight (PcUlLevWeight)

Full name Uplink level Weight

Abbreviation PcUlLevWeight

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Speech data is unavailable for silent period during conversation. GSM

specifications recommend Discontinuous Transmission Mode (DTX) to
control optimal usage of network resources during such silent periods.
In the DTX mode, the measurement data reported to BSC fall into two
types. One is the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the average
of the measurement results of some special timeslots in a measurement
period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to optionally select one type of
measurement data and use the data to calculate the average value.
The first type of measurement data is more accurate since it is the

Description average value of measurement results of all timeslots. The second type


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

of measurement data is less accurate since it is the average value of

measurement results of some timeslots. Thus BSC should use different
weights for the two types of data when averaging the measurement results.
This parameter determines the weight for the first type of measurement
data when averaging uplink signal strength for power control. Weight for
the second type of measurement data is set to 1 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink level Sample count (PcDlLevWindow)

Full name Downlink power level

Abbreviation PcDlLevWindow

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In GSM system, BSC determines whether to perform power control

according to measurement data. BSC uses the average value of
measurement data to avoid adverse influences caused by abrupt changes
in measurement data due to complex radio transmission.
BTS uses this parameter to calculate the window size for the average
value of downlink signal strength, i.e. to calculate the average value of the
Description number of used samples.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink level Weight (PcDlLevWeight)

Full name Downlink level Weight

Abbreviation PcDlLevWeight

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description: According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not transmit signals in
the voice intermittent period during the subscriber communication process.
In the DTX mode, the measurement data reported to BSC fall into two
types. One is the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the average
of the measurement results of some special timeslots in a measurement
period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to optionally select one type of
measurement data and use the data to calculate the average value.
The first type of measurement data is more accurate since it is the
average value of measurement results of all timeslots. The second type
of measurement data is less accurate since it is the average value of
measurement results of some timeslots. Thus BSC should use different
weights for the two types of data when averaging the measurement results.
This parameter determines the weight for the first type of measurement
data when averaging downlink signal strength for power control. Weight for
Description the second type of measurement data is set to 1 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference Uplink quality Sample count (PcUlQualWindow)

Full name Uplink quality level

Abbreviation PcUlQualWindow

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In GSM system, BSC determines whether to perform power control

according to measurement data. BSC uses the average value of
measurement data to avoid adverse influences caused by abrupt changes
in measurement data due to complex radio transmission.
BTS uses this parameter to calculate the window size for the average value
of uplink signal quality, i.e. to calculate the average value of the number
Description of used samples.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink quality Weight (PcUlQualWeight)

Full name Uplink quality Weight

Abbreviation PcUlQualWeight

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Description: According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not transmit signals in
the voice intermittent period during the subscriber communication process.
In the DTX mode, the measurement data reported to BSC fall into two
types. One is the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the average
of the measurement results of some special timeslots in a measurement
period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to optionally select one type of
measurement data and use the data to calculate the average value.
The first type of measurement data is more accurate since it is the
average value of measurement results of all timeslots. The second type
of measurement data is less accurate since it is the average value of
measurement results of some timeslots. Thus BSC should use different
weights for the two types of data when averaging the measurement results.
This parameter determines the weight for the first type of measurement
data when averaging uplink signal quality for power control. Weight for the
Description second type of measurement data is set to 1 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink quality Sample Count (PcDlQualWindow)

Full name Downlink quality level

Abbreviation PcDlQualWindow

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

In GSM system, BSC determines whether to perform power control

according to measurement data. BSC uses the average value of
measurement data to avoid adverse influences caused by abrupt changes
in measurement data due to complex radio transmission.
BTS uses this parameter to calculate the window size for the average
value of downlink signal quality, i.e. to calculate the average value of the
Description number of used samples.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink quality Weight (PcDlQualWeight)

Full name Downlink quality Weight

Abbreviation PcDlQualWeight

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description: According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not transmit signals in
the voice intermittent period during the subscriber communication process.
In the DTX mode, the measurement data reported to BSC fall into two
types. One is the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the average
of the measurement results of some special timeslots in a measurement
period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to optionally select one type of
measurement data and use the data to calculate the average value.
The first type of measurement data is more accurate since it is the
average value of measurement results of all timeslots. The second type
of measurement data is less accurate since it is the average value of
measurement results of some timeslots. Thus BSC should use different
Description weights for the two types of data when averaging the measurement results.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

This parameter determines the weight for the first type of measurement
data when averaging downlink signal quality for power control. Weight for
the second type of measurement data is set to 1 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.2.3 Power Adjustment Threshold Parameters

The interface of power adjustment threshold parameters is shown in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7 Power Adjustment Threshold Parameters Increase uplink level Threshold (PcULInclLevThsThs), Value P

(PcULInclLevThsP), and Value N (PcULInclLevThsN)
Full name Increase uplink level Threshold, Value P, and Value N

Abbreviation PcULInclLevThsThs/PcULInclLevThsP/PcULInclLevThsN

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, power control decisions depend upon re-

ceived average value series of uplink signal strength. The decision process
is as follows: For the latest N average values of uplink signal strength, if P of
the N values fall below relevant threshold value, increase MS (uplink) trans-
Description mission power to improve the uplink signal strength.

Management Object Cell

Increase uplink level can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Threshold: 0 ~ 63; Value P: 1 ~31; Value N: 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value [22, 3, 4]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Increase downlink level Threshold (PcDLInclLevThsThs), Value P

(PcDLInclLevThsP), and Value N (PcDLInclLevThsN)
Full name Increase downlink level Threshold, Value P, and Value N

Abbreviation PcDLInclLevThsThs/PcDLInclLevThsP/PcDLInclLevThsN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, power control decisions depend upon

received average value series of uplink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
downlink signal strength, if P of the N values fall below relevant threshold
value, increase BTS (downlink) transmission power to improve the downlink
Description signal quality.

Management Object Cell

Increase downlink level can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Threshold: 0 ~ 63; Value P: 1 ~31; Value N: 1 ~ 31


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Unit None

Default value [26, 3, 4]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Decrease uplink level Threshold (PcULRedLevThsThs), Value P

(PcULRedLevThsP), and Value N (PcULRedLevThsN)
Full name Decrease uplink level Threshold, Value P, and Value N

Abbreviation PcULRedLevThsThs/PcULRedLevThsP/PcULRedLevThsN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, power control decisions depend upon

received average value series of uplink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
uplink signal strength, if P of the N values rise above relevant threshold
value, reduce MS (uplink) transmission power to improve the uplink signal
Description strength.

Management Object Cell

Decrease uplink level can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Threshold: 0 ~ 63; Value P: 1 ~31; Value N: 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value [30, 3, 4]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference Decrease downlink level Threshold (PcDLRedLevThsThs), Value P

(PcDLRedLevThsP), and Value N (PcDLRedLevThsN)
Full name Decrease downlink level Threshold, Value P, and Value N

Abbreviation PcDLRedLevThsThs/PcDLRedLevThsP/PcDLRedLevThsN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, power control decisions depend upon

received average value series of uplink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
downlink signal strength, if P of the N values rise above relevant threshold
value, reduce BTS (downlink) transmission power to improve the downlink
Description signal strength.

Management Object Cell

Decrease downlink level can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Threshold: 0 ~ 63; Value P: 1 ~31; Value N: 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value [34, 3, 4]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Increase uplink quality Threshold (PcULInclQualThsThs), Value P

(PcULInclQualThsP), and Value N (PcULInclQualThsN)
Full name Increase uplink quality Threshold, Value P, and Value N

Abbreviation PcULInclQualThsThs/PcULInclQualThsP/PcULInclQualThsN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

According to GSM specifications, power control decisions depend upon

received average value series of uplink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
uplink signal quality, if P of the N values rise above relevant threshold
value, increase MS (uplink) transmission power to improve the uplink signal
Description quality.

Management Object Cell

Increase uplink quality can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Threshold: 0 ~ 7; Value P: 1 ~31; Value N: 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value [2, 3, 4]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Increase downlink quality Threshold (PcDLInclQualThsThs), Value P

(PcDLInclQualThsP), and Value N (PcDLInclQualThsN)
Full name Increase downlink quality Threshold, Value P, and Value N

Abbreviation PcDLInclQualThsThs/PcDLInclQualThsP/PcDLInclQualThsN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, power control decisions depend upon

received average value series of uplink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
downlink signal quality, if P of the N values rise above relevant threshold
value, increase BTS (downlink) transmission power to improve the downlink
Description signal quality.

Management Object Cell

Increase downlink quality can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR
FR, and AMR HR.
Value Range Threshold: 0 ~ 7; Value P: 1 ~31; Value N: 1 ~ 31

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value [2, 3, 4]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Decrease uplink quality Threshold (PcULRedQualThsThs), Value P

(PcULRedQualThsP), and Value N (PcULRedQualThsN)
Full name Decrease uplink quality Threshold, Value P, and Value N

Abbreviation PcULRedQualThsThs/PcULRedQualThsP/PcULRedQualThsN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, power control decisions depend upon

received average value series of uplink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
uplink signal quality, if P of the N values fall below relevant threshold value,
Description reduce MS (uplink) transmission power to improve the uplink signal quality.

Management Object Cell

Decrease uplink quality can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Threshold: 0 ~ 7; Value P: 1 ~31; Value N: 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value [0, 3, 4]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Decrease downlink quality Threshold (PcDLRedQualThsThs), Value P

(PcDLRedQualThsP), and Value N (PcDLRedQualThsN)
Full name Decrease downlink quality Threshold, Value P, and Value N

Abbreviation PcDLRedQualThsThs/PcDLRedQualThsP/PcDLRedQualThsN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, power control decisions depend upon

received average value series of uplink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
downlink signal quality, if P of the N values fall below relevant threshold
value, reduce BTS (downlink) transmission power to improve the downlink
Description signal quality.

Management Object Cell

Decrease downlink quality can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR
FR, and AMR HR.
Value Range Threshold: 0 ~ 7; Value P: 1 ~31; Value N: 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value [0, 3, 4]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.2.4 Other Parameters

The interface of the other parameters is shown in Figure 5-8.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 5-8 Other Parameters Power increasing step (PwrIncStep, db)

Full name Power increasing step

Abbreviation PwrIncStep_0 ~ PwrIncStep_3

3GPP Name Pow_Incr_Step

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

It describes increase step, the value of each power control variation. It ap-
Description plies to both uplink and downlink directions.

Management Object Cell

Power increase step can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Value range is 2, 4, and 6.

Unit dB

It can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR, and AMR HR. The default
Default value value is 2.

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Power decreasing step (PwrRedStep, db)

Full name Power decreasing step

Abbreviation PwrRedStep_0 ~ PwrRedStep_3

3GPP Name Pow_Red_Step

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

It describes decrease step, the value of each power control variation. It ap-
Description plies to both uplink and downlink directions.

Management Object Cell

Power decrease step can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Value range is 2 and 4.

Unit dB

It can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR, and AMR HR. The default
Default value value is 2.

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink power control allowed (PwrControlUl)

Full name Uplink power control

Abbreviation PwrControlUl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines to enable or disable MS uplink power control in

Description the cell. This power control is only effective to TCH/F.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink power control allowed (PwrControlDl)

Full name Downlink power control

Abbreviation PwrControlDl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether to enable or disable BTS downlink power

Description control in the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters Cell enable power dynamic sharing or not (PwrDynShare)

Relationship If it is SDR BTS and this parameter is set to Yes, you can set PwrDynShare.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MAX power level of MS (MsTxPwrMax)

Full name MAX power level of MS

Abbreviation MsTxPwrMax_0 ~ MsTxPwrMax_3


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

During the communication between MS and BTS, the transmission power

is controlled by the network. The network sets the power for MS through
the power command and the command is transmitted on SACCH (SACCH
has 2 header bytes, one is the power control byte and the other is the
timing advance byte).
MS sets the specified output transmission power according to the power
control header extracted from the SACCH. MS uses the nearest possible
output power even if the power command sends maximum output power.
During BSC power control, this parameter determines the maximum
transmission power available for MS in the cell. BSC also uses it to
calculate PBGT value.
Description The value is same as that in the appendix.

Management Object Cell

MAX power level of MS can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Value range is 0 ~ 31.

Unit None

It can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR, and AMR HR. The default
Default value value is 5.

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MIN power level of MS (MsTxPwrMin)

Full name MIN power level of MS

Abbreviation MsTxPwrMin_0 ~ MsTxPwrMin_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

During the communication between MS and BTS, the transmission power

is controlled by the network. The network sets the power for MS through
the power command and the command is transmitted on SACCH (SACCH
has 2 header bytes, one is the power control byte and the other is the
timing advance byte).
MS sets the specified output transmission power according to the power
control header extracted from the SACCH. MS uses the nearest possible
output power even if the power command sends maximum output power.
During BSC power control, this parameter determines the minimum
transmission power (that is, lower limit of power control) available for MS in
the cell.
Description The value is same as that in the appendix.

Management Object Cell

MIN power level of MS can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value Range Value range is 0 ~ 31.

Unit None

It can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR, and AMR HR. The default
Default value value is 16.

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MIN power level of BS (BxTxPwrMin)

Full name Min Power level of BS

Abbreviation BsTxPwrMin_0 ~ BsTxPwrMin_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter controls the transmission power during communication be-

tween MS and BTS. SACCH carries the command with 2 header bytes in-
formation (power control byte and timing advance byte) from BSC to BTS.
When BSC performs power control, this parameter determines the BTS's
Description minimum transmission power in the cell.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Management Object Cell

MIN power level of BS can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR,
and AMR HR.
Value range is 0 ~ 15
The maximum power level of BTS is Pn, then,
l 0: Pn
l 1: Pn-2 dB;
Value Range l 15: Pn-30 dB

Unit None

It can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR, and AMR HR. The default
Default value value is 10.

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MIN interval of power control (PcMinlnterval)

Full name MIN interval of power control

Abbreviation PcMinInterval_0 ~ PcMinInterval_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter specifies the minimum interval of power control. Usually, MS

still sends two measurement reports with the original power to BSC after en-
abling the power control. Signal level information contained in the reports is
inaccurate and can be ignored (information such as adjacent cell information
is still valid). Thus a minimum interval of power control is needed and signal
Description level information during the interval can be ignored.

Management Object Cell

MIN interval of power control can be divided into four kinds: FR, HR, AMR
FR, and AMR HR.
Value Range Value range is 1 ~ 32.

Unit SACCH multiframe


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

It can be divided into four types: FR, HR, AMR FR, and AMR HR. The default
Default value value is 2.

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-02-001 Dynamic BTS Power Control

ZGO-04-02-002 Dynamic MS Power Control
Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-008 AMR Power Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.2.5 GPRS Power Control Parameters

The interface of GPRS power control parameters is shown in Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9 GPRS Power Control Parameters Expected signal intensity of MS (SS_BTS)

Full name Expected signal intensity of MS

Abbreviation SS_BTS

3GPP Name SSb

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

This parameter is used to control open loop uplink power control. During the
uplink open-link power control, MS uses the GCH parameter in calculating
transmission power, which is based on the following formula:
GCH = G0 -PBTS -SSb -48
Description This parameter decides the SSb parameter.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: -110 dBm
l 1: -109 dBm
Value Range l 63 -47 dBm

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink power control strategy (UlPwCtrl)

Full name Uplink power control strategy

Abbreviation UlPwCtrl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines GPRS uplink power control strategy, including

the following four modes: No control, Open-loop control, Close-loop control,
Description Control based on quality.

Management Object Cell

Value Range No control, Open-loop control, Close-loop control, Control based on quality

Unit None

Default value Non-control

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink power control strategy (DlPwCtrl)

Full name Downlink Power Control policy

Abbreviation DlPwCtrl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines GPRS downlink power control strategy, including

the following four modes: No control, Open-loop control, Close-loop control,
Description Control based on quality.

Management Object Cell

Value Range No control, Open-loop control, Close-loop control, Control based on quality

Unit None

Default value Non control

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink power control mode (PwCtrlMode)

Full name Downlink Power Control Mode

Abbreviation PwCtrlMode


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter determines the BTS downlink power control mode. BTS has
two power control modes: A and B. Mode A may be used for any allocation
Description mode, while mode B can only be used for the fixed allocation mode.

Management Object Cell

Value Range A, B


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Unit None

Default value A

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Power control level (PwCtrlLev)

Full name Power Control Level

Abbreviation PwCtrlLev

3GPP Name Power control level

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter determines GPRS power control precision, which describes

nominal output power and power control precision (dB) sent by MS under
Description each power control level.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Power descending of PDCH to BCCH in A mode (P0, 2db)

Full name Power descending of PDCH to BCCH in A mode

Abbreviation P0

3GPP Name P0

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is an optional downlink power control parameter contained

in assignment message. If P0 exists, power control is used. Otherwise, it is
not used. The value of Power descending of PDCH to BCCH in a mode can
not be modified in packet transmission mode unless re-assignment or new
assignment is established and such an assignment does not contain PDCH
Description of any previous assignment.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 15
l 0: P0=0 dB
l 1: P0=2 dB;
Value Range l 15: P0=30 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.3 Handover Control Parameters

There are seven sub-interfaces for handover control parameters.

5.3.1 Handover Pretreatment Parameters

The interface of handover pretreatment parameters is shown in Figure 5-10.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Figure 5-10 Handover Pretreatment Parameters Number of zero allowed in AV (ZeroAllowed)

Full name Number of zero allowed in AV

Abbreviation ZeroAllowed

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, MS can report to BSS the measurement

data of at most six adjacent cells with strongest signal strength. Thus the
measurement results might not be consecutive. For cells whose signal
strength is less than -110 dBm, the measurement data are not reported.
To avoid the negative impact of 0 on averaging, suppose occasional 0
is allowed and is not used in averaging, but excessive occurrences of 0
indicate that the signals of this adjacent cell are too poor.
If the number of zeroes in used for average calculation exceeds Number of
zero allowed in AV, then measurement average equals to sum of reported
values divided by Neighboring cell .
To be specific, during averaging, if the count of 0s in the sampling count
exceeds “ZeroAllowed”, these sampling values are hardly reliable, and
the measurement average will be the sum of the reported values divided
by NCellWindow. If the count of 0s in the reported values does not

Description exceed “ZeroAllowed”, these sampling values are much reliable and the


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

measurement average will be the sum of the reported values divided by

(NCellWindow - the count of 0s).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink power level Sample count (HoUlLevWindow)

Full name Uplink power level

Abbreviation HoUlLevWindow

3GPP Name N1..N8,P1..P8

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

In the GSM system, BSC makes handover decision according to the

measurement data. To avoid the negative impact of burst measurement
values resulting from complicated radio transmission, BSC, when making
handover decision, no longer uses the original measurement data but uses
a series of average values of the measurement data.
This parameter is the window size (number of sample values) used to
Description calculate average value of uplink signal intensity.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Uplink power level Weight (HoUlLevWeight)

Full name Uplink level Weight

Abbreviation HoUlLevWeight

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description: According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not transmit signals in
the voice intermittent period during the subscriber communication process.
In the DTX mode, the measurement data reported to BSC fall into two
types. One is the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the average
of the measurement results of some special timeslots in a measurement
period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to optionally select one type of
measurement data and use the data to calculate the average value.
The first type of measurement data is more accurate since it is the
average value of measurement results of all timeslots. The second type
of measurement data is less accurate since it is the average value of
measurement results of some timeslots. Thus BSC should use different
weights for the two types of data when averaging the measurement results.
This parameter determines the weight for the first type of measurement
data when averaging uplink signal strength for handover. Weight for the
Description second type of measurement data is set to 1 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink power level Sample count (HoDlLevWindow)

Full name Downlink power level

Abbreviation HoDlLevWindow

3GPP Name N1..N8,P1..P8


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

In the GSM system, BSC makes handover decision according to the

measurement data. To avoid the negative impact of burst measurement
values resulting from complicated radio transmission, BSC, when making
handover decision, no longer uses the original measurement data but uses
a series of average values of the measurement data.
This parameter represents the window size (i.e. the number of sample
Description values) used to calculate the average value of downlink signal intensity.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink power level Weight (HoDlLevWeight)

Full name Downlink level Weight

Abbreviation HoDlLevWeight

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description: According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not transmit signals in
the voice intermittent period during the subscriber communication process.
In the DTX mode, the measurement data reported to BSC fall into two
types. One is the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the average
of the measurement results of some special timeslots in a measurement
period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to optionally select one type of
measurement data and use the data to calculate the average value.
The first type of measurement data is more accurate since it is the
average value of measurement results of all timeslots. The second type
of measurement data is less accurate since it is the average value of
measurement results of some timeslots. Thus BSC should use different
Description weights for the two types of data when averaging the measurement results.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

This parameter determines the weight for the first type of measurement
data when averaging downlink signal strength for handover. Weight for the
second type of measurement data is set to 1 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink quality Sample count (HoUlQualWindow)

Full name Uplink quality level

Abbreviation HoUlQualWindow

3GPP Name N1..N8,P1..P8

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

In the GSM system, BSC makes handover decision according to the

measurement data. To avoid the negative impact of burst measurement
values resulting from complicated radio transmission, BSC, when making
handover decision, no longer uses the original measurement data but uses
a series of average values of the measurement data.
This parameter represents the window size (number of sample values)
Description used to calculate average value of uplink signal quality.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None Uplink quality Weight (HoUlQualWeight)

Full name Uplink quality Weight

Abbreviation HoUlQualWeight

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description: According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not transmit signals in
the voice intermittent period during the subscriber communication process.
In the DTX mode, the measurement data reported to BSC fall into two
types. One is the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the average
of the measurement results of some special timeslots in a measurement
period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to optionally select one type of
measurement data and use the data to calculate the average value.
The first type of measurement data is more accurate since it is the
average value of measurement results of all timeslots. The second type
of measurement data is less accurate since it is the average value of
measurement results of some timeslots. Thus BSC should use different
weights for the two types of data when averaging the measurement results.
This parameter determines the weight for the first type of measurement
data when averaging uplink signal quality for handover. Weight for the
Description second type of measurement data is set to 1 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Downlink quality Sample count (HoDlQualWindow)

Full name Downlink quality level

Abbreviation HoDlQualWindow

3GPP Name N1..N8,P1..P8

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

In the GSM system, BSC makes handover decision according to the

measurement data. To avoid the negative impact of burst measurement
values resulting from complicated radio transmission, BSC, when making
handover decision, no longer uses the original measurement data but uses
a series of average values of the measurement data.
This parameter represents the window size (i.e. the number of sample
Description values) used to calculate the average value of downlink signal quality.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink quality Weight (HoDlQualWeight)

Full name Downlink quality Weight

Abbreviation HoDlQualWeight

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Description: According to GSM Specifications, discontinuous transmission

(DTX) refers to the process in which the system does not transmit signals in
the voice intermittent period during the subscriber communication process.
In the DTX mode, the measurement data reported to BSC fall into two
types. One is the average of the measurement results of all timeslots in a
measurement period in the non-DTX mode, and the other is the average
of the measurement results of some special timeslots in a measurement
period in the DTX mode. BSC needs to optionally select one type of
measurement data and use the data to calculate the average value.
The first type of measurement data is more accurate since it is the
average value of measurement results of all timeslots. The second type
of measurement data is less accurate since it is the average value of
measurement results of some timeslots. Thus BSC should use different
weights for the two types of data when averaging the measurement results.
This parameter determines the weight for the first type of measurement
data when averaging downlink signal quality for handover. Weight for the
Description second type of measurement data is set to 1 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Distance (DistanceWindow)

Full name Distance

Abbreviation DistanceWindow

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

In the GSM system, BSC makes handover decision according to the

measurement data. To avoid the negative impact of burst measurement
values resulting from complicated radio transmission, BSC, when making
handover decision, no longer uses the original measurement data but uses
a series of average values of the measurement data.
This parameter represents the window size (number of sample values)
used to calculate average value of distance (timing advance) between
Description MS and BTS.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Neighboring cell (NCellWindow)

Full name Neighboring cell

Abbreviation NCellWindow

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

In the GSM system, BSC makes handover decision according to the

measurement data. To avoid the negative impact of burst measurement
values resulting from complicated radio transmission, BSC, when making
handover decision, no longer uses the original measurement data but uses
a series of average values of the measurement data.
This parameter represents the window size (number of sample values)
Description used to calculate average value of signal intensity for adjacent cells.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.3.2 Handover Threshold Parameters

The interface of handover threshold parameters is shown in Figure 5-11.

Figure 5-11 Handover Threshold Parameters Uplink receive level Threshold (HoUlLevThs), Value N (HoUlLevN), Value P

Full name Uplink receive level Threshold, Value N, Value P

Abbreviation HoUlLevThs / HoUlLevN / HoUlLevP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
uplink signal strength, if P of the N values fall below relevant threshold
value, perform handover to improve the uplink signal strength.
Parameter "HoUlLevThs" defines the related threshold, parameter
"HoUlLevN" defines the related N value, and parameter “HoUlLevP” defines
the related P value. If this handover condition is met, an internal handover
is usually performed in the cell.
Usually the value of "HoUlLevThs" shall be less than the threshold for
uplink power control (increase). That is, perform power control first. If
Description power control does not work, perform handover.

Management Object Cell

Threshold: 0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm
l 63: > -48 dBm
Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [15, 3, 2]

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink receive level Threshold (HoDlLevThs), Value N (HoDlLevN), Value P

Full name Downlink receive level Threshold, Value N, Value P

Abbreviation HoDlLevThs / HoDlLevN / HoDlLevP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. The decision
process is as follows: For the latest N average values of downlink signal
strength, if P of the N values fall below relevant threshold value, perform
handover to improve the downlink signal strength.
Parameter “HoDlLevThs” defines the related threshold, parameter
“HoDlLevN” defines the related N value, and parameter “HoDlLevP” defines
the related P value.
Usually the value of "HoDlLevThs" shall be less than the threshold for
downlink power control (increase). That is, perform power control first. If
power control does not work, perform handover. This parameter can be set
to 15 by default (i.e. -96 dBm ~ -95 dBm), which is 3 dB larger than the
Description minimum access level value (RxLevAccessMin) of the cell.

Management Object Cell

Threshold: 0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
l 63: > -48 dBm
Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [15, 3, 2]

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink receive quality Threshold (HoUlQualThs), Value N (HoUlQualN), Value P

Full name Uplink receive quality Threshold, Value N, Value P

Abbreviation HoUlQualThs / HoUlQualN / HoUlQualP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. The decision
process is as follows: For the latest N average values of uplink signal
quality, if P of the N values rise above relevant threshold value, perform
handover to improve the uplink signal quality.
Parameter “HoUlQualThs” defines the related threshold, parameter
“HoUlQualN” defines the related N value, and parameter “HoUlQualP”
defines the related P value.
Usually the value of "HoUlQualThs" shall be greater than the threshold
for uplink power control (increase). That is, perform power control first. If
Description power control does not work, perform handover.

Management Object Cell

Threshold: 0 ~ 7
l 0: BER<0.2%
l 1: 0.2%<BER<0.4%
l 6: 6.4%<BER<12.8%
l 7: 12.8%<BER
Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [4, 3, 2]

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink receive quality Threshold (HoDlQualThs), Value N (HoDlQualN),

Value P (HoDlQualP)
Full name Downlink receive quality Threshold, Value N, Value P

Abbreviation HoDlQualThs / HoDlQualN / HoDlQualP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. The decision
process is as follows: For the latest N average values of downlink signal
quality, if P of the N values rise above relevant threshold value, perform
handover to improve the downlink signal quality.
Parameter “HoDlQualThs” defines the related threshold, parameter
“HoDlQualN” defines the related N value, and parameter “HoDlQualP”
defines the related P value.
In general, the Downlink receive quality Threshold shall be larger than
downlink power control (increase) threshold, i.e. perform power control
Description first, then perform handover if power control fails.

Management Object Cell

Threshold: 0 ~ 7
l 0: BER<0.2%
l 1: 0.2%<BER<0.4%
l 6: 6.4%<BER<12.8%
l 7: 12.8%<BER
Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [4, 3, 2]

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink receive level of intra-ho Value N (IntraHoUlLevN) / Value P

Full name Uplink receive level of intra-ho Value N / Value P

Abbreviation IntraHoUlLevN / IntraHoUlLevP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. The
decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of uplink
signal strength, if P of the N values rise above relevant threshold value,
then perform handover. The handover is due to strong uplink co-frequency
Parameter "IntraHoUlLevThs" defines the related threshold, parameter
"IntraHoUlLevN" defines the related N value, and parameter
"IntraHoUlLevP" defines the related P value. If this handover condition is
met, an internal handover is usually performed in the cell.
Usually the value of "IntraHoUlLevThs" shall be more than the threshold
Description for uplink power control (decrease).

Management Object Cell

Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [3, 2]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink receive level of intra-ho Value N (IntraHoDlLevN) / Value P

Full name Downlink receive level of intra-ho Value N / Value P

Abbreviation IntraHoDlLevN / IntraHoDlLevP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
downlink signal strength, if P of the N values rise above relevant threshold
value, then perform handover. The handover is due to strong downlink
co-frequency interference.
Parameter "IntraHoDlLevThs" defines the related threshold, parameter
"IntraHoDlLevN" defines the related N value, and parameter
"IntraHoDlLevP" defines the related P value. If this handover condition is
met, an internal handover is usually performed in the cell.
Usually the value of "IntraHoDlLevThs" shall be less than (or equal to) the
Description threshold for downlink power control (decrease).

Management Object Cell

Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [3, 2]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Good C/I Threshold (GoodCiThs), Value N (GoodCiN), Value P (GoodCiP)

Full name Good C/I Threshold, Value N, Value P

Abbreviation GoodCiThs / GoodCiN / GoodCiP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

If system adopts concentric technology, then handover decisions also

depend upon good Carrier to Interference ratio (C/I) of special layer TRX
The decision process is as follows: If the paging is on common layer
TRX frequency and P of the latest N C/I values raise above the good C/I
threshold, then perform handover from common layer TRX frequency to
special layer TRX frequency.
Parameter "GoodCiThs" defines the related threshold, parameter
"GoodCiN" defines the related N value, and parameter “GoodCiP” defines
Description the related P value.

Management Object Cell

Threshold: 0 ~ 255
l 0: < -127 dB
l 1: > -126 dB
l 255: 128 dB
Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [133, 3, 2]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Bad C/I Threshold (BadCiThs), Value N (BadCiN), Value P (BadCiP)

Full name Bad C/I Threshold, Value N, Value P

Abbreviation BadCiThs / BadCiN / BadCiP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

If system adopts concentric technology, then handover decisions also

depend upon good Carrier to Interference ratio (C/I) of special layer TRX
The decision process is as follows: If the paging is on special layer TRX
frequency and P of the latest N C/I values fall below the bad C/I threshold,
then perform handover from special layer TRX frequency to common layer
TRX frequency.
Parameter "BadCiThs" defines the related threshold, parameter "BadCiN"
defines the related N value, and parameter "BadCiP" defines the related
Description P value.

Management Object Cell

Threshold: 0 ~ 255
l 0: < -127 dB
l 1: > -126 dB
l 255: 128 dB
Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [130, 3, 2]

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Rapid handover Threshold (RapidHoThs) / Value N (RapidHoN)

Full name Rapid handover Threshold / Value N

Abbreviation RapidHoThs / RapidHoN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

During fast fading handover, some parameters shall be used. If the

measured signal intensity of a call is less than rapid handover threshold,
then it triggers handover of existing cell to most probable candidate cell.
RapidHoN counter defines the minimum times for which the measured
signal intensity of a call is less than the threshold.
"RapidHoThs" may be set as 15 (that is, -96dBm ~ -95dBm) by default, the
same as the level threshold of ordinary handover. Parameter "RapidHoN"
should be set to ensure that rapid handover is faster than the ordinary
Description signal level handover.

Management Object Cell

Threshold: 0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm
l 63: > -48 dBm
Value Range Value N: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [10, 2]

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-001 Handover between Macro- and Micro-cells

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Distance handover Value N (DistanceN) / Value P (DistanceP)

Full name Distance handover Value N/Value P

Abbreviation DistanceN / DistanceP

3GPP Name N1..N8,P1..P8

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
TA (distance), if P of the N values rises above relevant threshold value,
then perform handover. The handover is due to MS being out of the cell
service range.
Parameter "DistanceN" defines the relevant N value, and parameter
Description "DistanceP" defines the relevant P value.

Management Object Cell

Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [3, 2]

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PBGT handover Value N (PBGTHoN) / Value P (PBGTHoP)

Full name PBGT handover Value N/Value P

Abbreviation PBGTHoN / PBGTHoP

3GPP Name N1..N8,P1..P8

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Value_N and Value_P in PBGT handover. In PBGT handover, if there are P

values of PBGT in N PBGT satisfying the handover determination condition,
Description the PBGT handover conditions are satisfied.

Management Object Cell

Value N: 1 ~ 20
Value Range Value P: 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value [3, 2]

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.3.3 Handover Condition Parameters

The interface of handover condition parameters is shown in Figure 5-12.

Figure 5-12 Handover Condition Parameters Max time advance threshold between MS and BTS (DistanceThs)

Full name Max time advance threshold between MS and BTS

Abbreviation DistanceThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength.
The decision process is as follows: For the latest N average values of
TA (distance), if P of the N values rises above relevant threshold value,
then perform handover. The handover is due to MS being out of the cell
Description service range.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Common cell: 0 ~ 63; Extended cell: 0 ~ 219

Unit None

Default value 63

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MIN interval between inter-cell handover (HoMinInterval, s)

Full name MIN interval between inter-cell handover

Abbreviation HoMinInterval

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter specifies the interval value for which MS waits before the
actual inter-cell handover occurs. Such a timer is more predominant for MS
at the boundary regions between two cells, where inter-cell handovers
occur frequently. This parameter helps restrict frequent inter-cell handover
and guarantees call quality.
Inter-cell handover takes place when the timer exceeds the defined interval
value from the last inter-cell handover of MS. This parameter affects only
the inter-cell handover, but not common intra-cell or inter-cell concentric
handover. In addition, micro-cell has its own handover policy, so this
parameter is only effective for macro-cell layer and its above layer.
For macro-cell, the default value can be 5; for micro-cell, the default value
Description can only be 0.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Unit s

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover back penalty (HoBackPenalty)

Full name Handover back penalty

Abbreviation HoBackPenalty

3GPP Name No

3GPP reference No

This parameter describes the time limit for handover back to the original
cell. In other words, after handover is performed from cell A to cell B, it is
Description not allowed to perform handover from cell B back to cell A within the time
This parameter is supported from V6.20.21.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 60

Unit s

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Prior layer selecting parameter on signal level/quality (LayerPriority)

Full name Prior layer selecting parameter on signal level/quality

Abbreviation LayerPriority


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter decides the priority to select and sequence the candidate
cells for handover. Received signal level and signal quality decides the
candidate cells for handover. Three options are available:
l First hand over to adjacent cells at the upper layer of the local cell, then
to those at the same layer, and finally to other adjacent cells;
l First hand over to adjacent cells at the same layer of the local cell, then
to those at the upper layer, and finally to other adjacent cells;
l All adjacent cells are treated in the same way.
This parameter determines to select one of above three methods. During
handover control process, this parameter has higher priority than normal
adjacent cells.
Value range:
l 1 (UPPER_LAYER): adjacent cell at above layer first, same layer
next,other adjacent cells finally;
l 2 (SAME_LAYER): adjacent cell at same layer first, above layer next,
other adjacent cells finally;
l 3 (SAME_LAYER): All adjacent cells are treated in the same way.
Description Note: In general, micro cell adopts option 1 Macro cell adopts option 2.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover to same layer other band neighbor cell for PBGT permitted
Full name Handover to same layer other band neighbor cell for PBGT permitted

Abbreviation PbgtHoLayer_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

This parameter describes if Handover to same layer other band neighbor

cell for PBGT is permitted.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover to neighbor cell with no layer relation for PBGT permitted
Full name Handover to neighbor cell with no layer relation for PBGT permitted

Abbreviation PbgtHoLayer_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes if Handover to neighbor cell with no layer relation

for PBGT is permitted.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference Handover to upper layer neighbor cell for PBGT permitted (PbgtHoLayer_2)
Full name Handover to upper layer neighbor cell for PBGT permitted

Abbreviation PbgtHoLayer_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes if handover to upper layer neighbor cell for PBGT
is allowed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover to under layer neighbor cell for PBGT permitted (PbgtHoLayer_3)
Full name Handover to under layer neighbor cell for PBGT permitted

Abbreviation PbgtHoLayer_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes if handover to under layer neighbor cell for PBGT
is allowed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Synchronism (HoPatternInd_0)

Full name Synchronism (HoPatternInd_0)

Abbreviation HoPatternInd_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description TA of the destination cell is same as that of the source cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-003 Handover Mode

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Asynchronism (HoPatternInd_1)

Full name Asynchronism (HoPatternInd_1)

Abbreviation HoPatternInd_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description TA of the destination cell is unknown.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-003 Handover Mode


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Pseudo-synchronization (HoPatternInd_2)

Full name Pseudo-synchronism (HoPatternInd_2)

Abbreviation HoPatternInd_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description MS is able to calculate TA of the destination cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-003 Handover Mode

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Pre-synchronism (HoPatternInd_3)

Full name Pre-synchronism (HoPatternInd_3)

Abbreviation HoPatternInd_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter determines the TA available for BSC.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-003 Handover Mode

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink rapid handover threshold (DLRapidHoThs)

Full name Downlink rapid handover threshold

Abbreviation DLRapidHoThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After getting a series of measurement reports, you can do the decisions for
downlink rapid handover.
The downlink rapid moving is one reason to cause handover. The decision
Description process is as follows: do the handover if the latest downlink level values
(without average processing) is higher than the sum of relevant threshold
values and offset values. The handover reason is downlink rapid handover.
DLRapidHoThs defines the threshold value.

Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink rapid handover N (DLRapidHoN)

Full name Downlink rapid handover N


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation DLRapidHoN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After getting a series of measurement reports, you can do the decisions for
downlink rapid handover.
The downlink rapid moving is one reason to cause handover. The decision
Description process is as follows: do the handover if the latest downlink level values
(without average processing) is higher than the sum of relevant threshold
values and offset values. The handover reason is downlink rapid handover.
DLRapidHoN defines the value N.

Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink rapid handover offset of high speed (DLRapidHoOffset_0)

Full name Downlink rapid handover offset of high speed (DLRapidHoOffset_0)

Abbreviation DLRapidHoOffset_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After getting a series of measurement reports, you can do the decisions for
downlink rapid handover.
The downlink rapid moving is one reason to cause handover. The decision
process is as follows: do the handover if the latest downlink level values
(without average processing) is higher than the sum of relevant threshold
values and offset values. The handover reason is downlink rapid handover.
DLRapidHoOffset_0 defines the offset threshold value for downlink rapid
handover if the train speed is higher than 250km/hr.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink rapid handover offset of middle speed (DLRapidHoOffset_1)

Full name Downlink rapid handover offset of middle speed

Abbreviation DLRapidHoOffset_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After getting a series of measurement reports, you can do the decisions for
downlink rapid handover.
The downlink rapid moving is one reason to cause handover. The decision
process is as follows: do the handover if the latest downlink level values
(without average processing) is higher than the sum of relevant threshold
values and offset values. The handover reason is downlink rapid handover.
DLRapidHoOffset_1 defines the offset threshold value for downlink rapid
handover if the train speed is 150 ~ 250 km/hr.

Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink rapid handover offset of low speed (DLRapidHoOffset_2)

Full name Downlink rapid handover offset of low speed

Abbreviation DLRapidHoOffset_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After getting a series of measurement reports, you can do the decisions for
downlink rapid handover.
The downlink rapid moving is one reason to cause handover. The decision
process is as follows: do the handover if the latest downlink level values
(without average processing) is higher than the sum of relevant threshold
values and offset values. The handover reason is downlink rapid handover.
DLRapidHoOffset_2 defines the offset threshold value for downlink rapid
handover if the train speed is lower than 150km/hr.

Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink rapid handover enable (HoControl_23)

Full name Downlink rapid handover enable

Abbreviation HoControl_23

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Description This parameter determines if downlink rapid handover is allowed.

Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.3.4 Handover Control Parameters

The interface of handover control parameters is shown in Figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13 Handover Control Parameters Allow SDCCH handover (HoControl_0)

Full name Allow SDCCH handover

Abbreviation HoControl_0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter determines if allow SDCCH handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-004 SDCCH/SDCCH Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow intra-cell handover attempt due to uplink interference (HoControl_1)

Full name Allow intra-cell handover due to uplink interference

Abbreviation HoControl_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines if allow intra-cell handover attempt due to uplink

Description interference.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Allow intra-cell handover attempt due to downlink interference (HoControl_2)

Full name Allow intra-cell handover due to downlink interference

Abbreviation HoControl_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether to allow intra-cell handover attempt due

Description to downlink interference.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow handover due to distance (HoControl_3)

Full name Allow handover due to distance

Abbreviation HoControl_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter determines whether to allow handover due to distance..

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None Allow standard PBGT handover (HoControl_4)

Full name Allow standard PBGT handover

Abbreviation HoControl_4

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter determines whether to allow standard PBGT handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow automatic handover based on traffic (HoControl_5)

Full name Allow automatic handover based on traffic

Abbreviation HoControl_5

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether to allow automatic handover based on

Description traffic.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow intra-cell handover in super TRX channel due to downlink interference
Full name Allow intra-cell handover in super TRX channel due to downlink interference

Abbreviation HoControl_8

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether to allow intra-cell handover in super TRX

Description channel due to downlink interference.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow intra-cell handover in super TRX channel due to uplink interference
Full name Allow intra-cell handover in super TRX channel due to uplink interference

Abbreviation HoControl_9

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether to allow intra-cell handover in super TRX

Description channel due to uplink interference.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow adjacent cells handover in super TRX channel due to PBGT
Full name Allow adjacent cells handover in super TRX channel due to PBGT

Abbreviation HoControl_10

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether to allow adjacent cells handover in super

Description TRX channel due to PBGT

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow dynamic adjustment of handover priority (HoControl_11)

Full name Allow dynamic adjustment of handover priority

Abbreviation HoControl_11

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines whether to allow dynamic adjustment of han-

Description dover priority.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-002 Dynamic Handover Priority Algorithm

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow rapid handover (HoControl_12)

Full name Allow rapid handover

Abbreviation HoControl_12

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter determines whether to allow rapid handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-001 Handover between Macro- and Micro-cells

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference Allow Macro-Micro delay handover (HoControl_13)

Full name Allow Macro-Micro delay handover

Abbreviation HoControl_13

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter determines whether to allow Macro-Micro delay handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-001 Handover between Macro- and Micro-cells

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow Micro-Micro delay handover (HoControl_14)

Full name Allow Micro-Micro delay handover

Abbreviation HoControl_14

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter determines if to allow Micro-Micro delay handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Allow force transfer handover (HoControl_16)

Full name Allow force transfer handover

Abbreviation HoControl_16

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter determines whether to allow forced transfer handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow quality handover in uplink (HoControl_19)

Full name Allow quality handover in uplink

Abbreviation HoControl_19

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter describes whether quality handover in uplink is allowed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference Allow level handover in uplink (HoControl_20)

Full name Allow level handover in uplink

Abbreviation HoControl_20

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter describes whether level handover in uplink is allowed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Allow quality handover in downlink (HoControl_21)

Full name Allow quality handover in downlink

Abbreviation HoControl_21

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter describes whether quality handover in downlink is allowed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Allow level handover in downlink (HoControl_22)

Full name Allow level handover in downlink

Abbreviation HoControl_22

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter describes whether level handover in downlink is allowed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The priority of the handover from Macro cell to Micro cell (MacroMicroHoPrio)
Full name The priority of the handover from Macro cell to Micro cell

Abbreviation MacroMicroHoPrio

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter describes whether the macro-micro handover decision has

higher priority than the PBGT handover decision.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None C/I Limited Handover Support (HoControl_24)

Full name C/I Limited Handover Support

Abbreviation HoControl_24

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether the function of handover for C/I limited adjacent
cell is supported. Suppose A is the service cell, B and C are adjacent cells of A,
and B is the C/I limited adjacent cell of C. If B and C all satisfy the handover
Description condition and the C/I limited adjacent cell's handover threshold is also satisfied,
then the adjacent cell C should be filtered during the adjacent cell handover, in
other words, C can not be taken as an adjacent cell for handover.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

5.3.5 Other Parameters

The interface of other parameters is shown in Figure 5-14.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Figure 5-14 Other Parameters Penalty time for handover failure (HoFailPenalTime)

Full name Penalty time for handover failure

Abbreviation HoFailPenalTime

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines the penalty time for destination cell if MS fails to
handover to the destination cell. During the penalty time, inter-cell handover
Description within BSC will not occur. This parameter determines penality duration.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 7

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference Difference of dynamic priority (DynPrioOffset)

Full name Difference of dynamic priority

Abbreviation DynPrioOffset

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines a tolerable dynamic priority difference between the

destination cell and local cell during a handover when using direction-based
handover algorithm. During handover, if the first cell’s dynamic handover
priority is higher than that of the second cell but the second cell is in MS
moving direction, then the direction-based handover algorithm works if the
difference between the two cells’ handover priorities is within the tolerable
Description difference. MS is handover to the second cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~7

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-002 Dynamic Handover Priority Algorithm

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PBGT difference (PbgtOffset)

Full name PBGT difference

Abbreviation PbgtOffset

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines a tolerable power budget difference between desti-

nation cell and the local cell during a handover. During handover, if the first
cell’s PBGT is higher than that of the second cell but the second cell is in MS
moving direction, then the direction-based handover algorithm works if the
difference between the two cells’ PBGTs is within the tolerable difference.
MS is handover to the second cell. This parameter indicates the allowable
Description difference.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Value Range 0 ~ 20

Unit dB

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Layer control value for handover on traffic (TrafficHoLayrCtl)

Full name Layer control value for handover on traffic

Abbreviation TrafficHoLayrCtl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Layer selecting parameter on service quality handover. This parameter,

together with Frequency control value for handover on traffic, decides the
adjacent cell’s frequency band and layer selected during traffic handover.
When traffic handover condition is satisfied, as for the layer relation, four
choices are available for call selection and candidate cell arrangement. This
parameter decides which choice shall be selected. When implementing
traffic-based handover control in traffic process, this parameter has higher
priority than that of adjacent cells.
The values are as follows:
l 0: N, Not defined;
l 1: SAME, Adjacent cell and this cell are in the same layer (PBGT han-
dover is possible);
l 2: UPPER, Adjacent cell is upper layer of this cell (when this cell is
l 3: LOWER, Adjacent cell is lower layer of this cell (when this cell is
Description macro-cell)

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~3

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Frequency control value for handover on traffic (TrafficHoFreqCtl)

Full name Frequency control value for handover on traffic

Abbreviation TrafficHoFreqCtl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines the control value of layer for traffic handover, i.e.
which frequency band should be handover to.
l GSM900 frequency band P-GSM (ARFCN = 1 ~ 124)
l EXT900 frequency band E-GSM (ARFCN = 0 ~ 124, 975 ~ 1023)
l DCS1800 frequency band DCS1800 (ARFCN = 512 ~ 885)
l PCS1900 frequency band PCS1900 (ARFCN = 512 ~ 810)
Description l GSM850 frequency band (ARFCN = 128 ~ 251)

Management Object Cell

Value Range GSM900, EXT900, DCS1800, PCS1900, GSM850

Unit None

Default value GSM900

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Threshold of traffic for handover (TrafficThs, %)

Full name Threshold of traffic for handover

Abbreviation TrafficThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

If TCH occupation rate of a cell is greater than this parameter value (num-
ber of occupied TCH channels / number of total TCH channels, not including
blocked idle channels), then it indicates the cell is too busy, and traffic han-
Description dover is triggered for the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit %

Default value 70

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Lag time for PBGT between different layers (PbgtHoParam_0,s)

Full name Lag time for PBGT between different layers

Abbreviation PbgtHoParam_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

To more effectively control traffic distribution in the cell at different layers,

while doing PBGT decision, add PBGT decision offset level in the cell at
different layers within certain duration, which is lag time for PBGT between
Description different layers.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 300

Unit s

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference Level offset for PBGT to up layer (PbgtHoParam_1)

Full name Level offset for PBGT to up layer

Abbreviation PbgtHoParam_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

To more effectively control traffic distribution in the cell at different layers,

while doing PBGT decision, add PBGT decision offset level in the cell at
Description upper layer within certain duration.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 48

Unit None

Default value 24

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Level offset for PBGT to low layer (PbgtHoParam_2)

Full name Level offset for PBGT to low layer

Abbreviation PbgtHoParam_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

To more effectively control traffic distribution in the cell at different layers,

while doing PBGT decision, add PBGT decision offset level in the cell at
Description lower layer within certain duration.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 48

Unit None

Default value 24

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The threshold for starting PBGT handover (PbgtHoStartThs)

Full name The threshold for starting PBGT handover

Abbreviation PbgtHoStartThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When the current cell's downlink level is less than the start level threshold
for PBGT handover, the PBGT handover decision is performed.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 35

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from macro to micro (MacroMicroStartThs)

Full name Handover from macro to micro

Abbreviation MacroMicroStartThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When the current cell's downlink level is less than or equal to the start level
Description threshold for macro-micro handover, the macro-micro handover decision is

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 40

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Hysteresis timer when traffic handover (TrafficHysteresisTm, s)

Full name Hysteresis timer when traffic handover

Abbreviation TrafficHysteresisTm

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When there are many traffic handovers initiated in the current cell, the
Description interval between two traffic handovers must be larger than the hysteresis
time specified by this parameter.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit Second

Default value 7

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.3.6 Handover Algorithm Parameters

The interface of handover algorithm parameters is shown in Figure 5-15.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Figure 5-15 Handover Algorithm Parameters Traffic handover threshold (TrafficLevThs)

Full name Traffic handover threshold

Abbreviation TrafficLevThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used for traffic handover. For the original handover con-
dition that adjacent cell’s level must be higher than that of this cell, modify it
so that adjacent cell’s level must be higher than this threshold. In this way,
traffic handover can be improved greatly. This threshold must be less than
the PBGT threshold in reverse direction. Otherwise, it may result in toggle
Description handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 48

Unit None

Default value 24

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Level offset during penalty (PenaltyLevOffset)

Full name Level offset during penalty

Abbreviation PenaltyLevOffset

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to perform an offset on the downlink level of this cell
Description in the penalty period.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink interference quality offset (QOffSetUl)

Full name Uplink interference quality offset

Abbreviation QOffSetUl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Check the relation between level and quality to judge whether there is any
interference in service judgment channel when handover occurs in the cell.
rxqual-ul >= QoffSetUl + FQSS (RXLEV_UL+SOffSetUl) or rxqual-dl
>= QOffSetDl + FQSS (RXLEV_DL+SoffSetDl). Where, rxqual-xx is
uplink/downlink quality, QoffSetxx is uplink/downlink quality offset,
RXLEV_XX is uplink/downlink level, SoffSetxx is uplink/downlink level
After interference is confirmed, when service party requests channel from
database, which shall tell original occupation condition of database, then
Description the database select proper channels based on this information.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~2

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Uplink interference level offset (SOffSetUl)

Full name Uplink interference level offset

Abbreviation SOffSetUl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Check the relation between level and quality to judge whether there is any
interference in service judgment channel when handover occurs in the cell.
rxqual-ul >= QoffSetUl + FQSS (RXLEV_UL+SOffSetUl) or rxqual-dl
>= QOffSetDl + FQSS (RXLEV_DL+SoffSetDl). Where, rxqual-xx is
uplink/downlink quality, QoffSetxx is uplink/downlink quality offset,
RXLEV_XX is uplink/downlink level, SoffSetxx is uplink/downlink level
After interference is confirmed, when service party requests channel from
database, which shall tell original occupation condition of database, then
Description the database select proper channels based on this information.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink interference quality offset (QOffsetDl)

Full name Downlink interference quality offset

Abbreviation QOffSetDl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Check the relation between level and quality to judge whether there is any
interference in service judgment channel when handover occurs in the cell.
rxqual-ul >= QoffSetUl + FQSS (RXLEV_UL+SOffSetUl) or rxqual-dl
>= QOffSetDl + FQSS (RXLEV_DL+SoffSetDl). Where, rxqual-xx is
uplink/downlink quality, QoffSetxx is uplink/downlink quality offset,
RXLEV_XX is uplink/downlink level, SoffSetxx is uplink/downlink level
After interference is confirmed, when service party requests channel from
database, which shall tell original occupation condition of database, then
Description the database select proper channels based on this information.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~2

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Downlink interference level offset (SOffSetDl)

Full name Downlink interference level offset

Abbreviation SOffSetDl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Check the relation between level and quality to judge whether there is any
interference in service judgment channel when handover occurs in the cell.
rxqual-ul >= QoffSetUl + FQSS (RXLEV_UL+SOffSetUl) or rxqual-dl
>= QOffSetDl + FQSS (RXLEV_DL+SoffSetDl). Where, rxqual-xx is
uplink/downlink quality, QoffSetxx is uplink/downlink quality offset,
RXLEV_XX is uplink/downlink level, SoffSetxx is uplink/downlink level
After interference is confirmed, when service party requests channel from
database, which shall tell original occupation condition of database, then
Description the database select proper channels based on this information.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Invalid intra-handover time (TMaxiHo)

Full name Invalid intra-handover time

Abbreviation TMaxiHo

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

If MS performs handover continuously in the cell, it indicates great

interference in this position and no appropriate channel is available.
In such a case, MS should be forbidden to perform handover within a
certain time. The judgment method is as follows: If handover occurs within
the invalid intra-handover time, then the previous handover is considered to
have no influence on interference, the counter HoCount increases by 1 and
restart TMaxIHo. If handover occurs after the invalid intra-handover time,
the previous handover is considered valid and clear the counter to 0.
If the counter value reaches the value of MAX count of invalid intra-handover
parameter, then it indicates not to attempt handover within a certain period.
Description Perform penalty in intra-cell penalty mode.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 16

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MAX count of invalid intra-handover (MaxiHo)

Full name MAX count of invalid intra-handover

Abbreviation MaxiHo

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

If MS performs handover continuously in the cell, it indicates great

interference in this position and no appropriate channel is available.
In such a case, MS should be forbidden to perform handover within a
certain time. The judgment method is as follows: If handover occurs within
the invalid intra-handover time, then the previous handover is considered to
have no influence on interference, the counter HoCount increases by 1 and
restart TMaxIHo. If handover occurs after the invalid intra-handover time,
the previous handover is considered valid and clear the counter to 0.
If the counter value reaches the value of MAX count of invalid intra-handover
parameter, then it indicates not to attempt handover within a certain period.
Description Perform penalty in intra-cell penalty mode.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MAX path loss threshold on force handover (MaxLossThs)

Full name MAX path loss threshold on force handover

Abbreviation MaxLossThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Directed handover is performed only for one designated cell and it is

restricted by a tolerable level difference MaxLevDiff. This level difference
is lower than PBGT handover threshold in reverse direction, thus to avoid
oscillating handover.
Directed handover should not cause congestion in the destination cell.
Therefore, HoForceResThs is set. Perform forced handover only when the
destination cell's resource is less than the threshold.
Select users with small path loss and small TA for forced handover. Users
perform handover when their path loss are less than MaxLossThs and
TA is less than MaxTAThs. This algorithm applies to cases such as
dual-frequency networking, 900M cell and 1800M cell share the same site
When MAX time advance threshold on force handover (MaxTAThs) is 63,
the forced handover decision is made only according to the path loss.
When MAX path loss threshold on force handover (MaxLossThs) is 150,
the forced handover decision is made only according to TA.
The N value of force handover parameter and P value of force handover
parameter are used for decision in actual situations. In other words,
handover conditions are met if HoForceP of HoForceN measurement
reports satisfy requirement.
Description The path loss L = BS_TXPWR - AV_RXLEV_DL


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

BS_TXPWR is transmission power of the carrier where occupied timeslot

locates. It depends on the carrier’s maximum transmission power,
static attenuation power, and power control. AV_RXLEV_DL is the
downlink-receiving level.
Therefore, forced handover shall meet the following requirements:
l Level of the destination cell must be higher than that of the local cell by
l Available resource of destination cell must be higher than transfer re-
served resource threshold HoForceResThs;
l Path loss L must be less than MaxLossThs, and TA must be less than
l Destination cell is forced transfer cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 150

Unit None

Default value 110

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MAX time advance threshold on force handover (MaxTaThs)

Full name MAX time advance threshold on force handover

Abbreviation MaxTAThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Directed handover is performed only for one designated cell and it is

restricted by a tolerable level difference MaxLevDiff. This level difference
is lower than PBGT handover threshold in reverse direction, thus to avoid
oscillating handover.
Directed handover should not cause congestion in the destination cell.
Therefore, HoForceResThs is set. Perform forced handover only when the
destination cell's resource is less than the threshold.
Select users with small path loss and small TA for forced handover. Users
perform handover when their path loss are less than MaxLossThs and
Description TA is less than MaxTAThs. This algorithm applies to cases such as


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

dual-frequency networking, 900M cell and 1800M cell share the same site
When MAX time advance threshold on force handover (MaxTAThs) is 63,
the forced handover decision is made only according to the path loss.
When MAX path loss threshold on force handover (MaxLossThs) is 150,
the forced handover decision is made only according to TA.
The N value of force handover parameter and P value of force handover
parameter are used for decision in actual situations. In other words,
handover conditions are met if HoForceP of HoForceN measurement
reports satisfy requirement.
The path loss L = BS_TXPWR - AV_RXLEV_DL
BS_TXPWR is transmission power of the carrier where occupied timeslot
locates. It depends on the carrier’s maximum transmission power,
static attenuation power, and power control. AV_RXLEV_DL is the
downlink-receiving level.
Therefore, forced handover shall meet the following requirements:
l Level of the destination cell must be higher than that of the local cell by
l Available resource of destination cell must be higher than transfer re-
served resource threshold HoForceResThs;
l Path loss L must be less than MaxLossThs, and TA must be less than
l Destination cell is forced transfer cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None N value of force handover (HoForceN)

Full name N value of force handover

Abbreviation HoForceN

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP reference None

Directed handover is performed only for one designated cell and it is

restricted by a tolerable level difference MaxLevDiff. This level difference
is lower than PBGT handover threshold in reverse direction, thus to avoid
oscillating handover.
Directed handover should not cause congestion in the destination cell.
Therefore, HoForceResThs is set. Perform forced handover only when the
destination cell's resource is less than the threshold.
Select users with small path loss and small TA for forced handover. Users
perform handover when their path loss are less than MaxLossThs and
TA is less than MaxTAThs. This algorithm applies to cases such as
dual-frequency networking, 900M cell and 1800M cell share the same site
When MAX time advance threshold on force handover (MaxTAThs) is 63,
the forced handover decision is made only according to the path loss.
When MAX path loss threshold on force handover (MaxLossThs) is 150,
the forced handover decision is made only according to TA.
The N value of force handover parameter and P value of force handover
parameter are used for decision in actual situations. In other words,
handover conditions are met if HoForceP of HoForceN measurement
reports satisfy requirement.
The path loss L = BS_TXPWR - AV_RXLEV_DL
BS_TXPWR is transmission power of the carrier where occupied timeslot
locates. It depends on the carrier’s maximum transmission power,
static attenuation power, and power control. AV_RXLEV_DL is the
downlink-receiving level.
Therefore, forced handover shall meet the following requirements:
l Level of the destination cell must be higher than that of the local cell by
l Available resource of destination cell must be higher than transfer re-
served resource threshold HoForceResThs;
l Path loss L must be less than MaxLossThs, and TA must be less than
Description l Destination cell is forced transfer cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None P value of force handover (HoForceP)

Full name P value of force handover

Abbreviation HoForceP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Directed handover is performed only for one designated cell and it is

restricted by a tolerable level difference MaxLevDiff. This level difference
is lower than PBGT handover threshold in reverse direction, thus to avoid
oscillating handover.
Directed handover should not cause congestion in the destination cell.
Therefore, HoForceResThs is set. Perform forced handover only when the
destination cell's resource is less than the threshold.
Select users with small path loss and small TA for forced handover. Users
perform handover when their path loss are less than MaxLossThs and
TA is less than MaxTAThs. This algorithm applies to cases such as
dual-frequency networking, 900M cell and 1800M cell share the same site
When MAX time advance threshold on force handover (MaxTAThs) is 63,
the forced handover decision is made only according to the path loss.
When MAX path loss threshold on force handover (MaxLossThs) is 150,
the forced handover decision is made only according to TA.
The N value of force handover parameter and P value of force handover
parameter are used for decision in actual situations. In other words,
handover conditions are met if HoForceP of HoForceN measurement
reports satisfy requirement.
The path loss L = BS_TXPWR - AV_RXLEV_DL
BS_TXPWR is transmission power of the carrier where occupied timeslot
locates. It depends on the carrier’s maximum transmission power,
static attenuation power, and power control. AV_RXLEV_DL is the
downlink-receiving level.
Therefore, forced handover shall meet the following requirements:
l Level of the destination cell must be higher than that of the local cell by
l Available resource of destination cell must be higher than transfer re-
served resource threshold HoForceResThs;
l Path loss L must be less than MaxLossThs, and TA must be less than
Description MaxTAThs;


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

l Destination cell is forced transfer cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.3.7 Subcell Parameters

The interface of subcell parameters is shown in Figure 5-16.

Figure 5-16 Subcell Parameters Dual band power offset (DuleBandOffset)

Full name Power compensation between frequencies.

Abbreviation DuleBandOffset

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates the value to compensate power in the second cell in dual band
Description cell.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 50

Unit dB

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The MAX of path loss (PathLossMax)

Full name The MAX of path loss

Abbreviation PathLossMax

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It is one of subcell handover parameters, indicating threshold parameters

Description while subcell 2 do path loss handover decision for subcell 1.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 150

Unit dB

Default value 126

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The MIN of path loss (PathLossMin)

Full name The MIN of path loss


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation PathLossMin

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

One of the subcell handover parameters, the minimum path loss. If by-
PathLoss≤PathLossMin and TA≤SubCellTAMin, the second subcell channel
will be selected first; if byPathLoss>PathLossMin or TA>SubCellTAMin, only
Description the channel of the first subcell is available.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 150

Unit dB

Default value 120

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The MAX of time advance (SubCellTAMax)

Full name The MAX of time advance

Abbreviation SubCellTAMax

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It is one of sucell handover parameters, indicating threshold parameters

Description while subcell 2 does TA handover decision for subcell 1.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The MIN of time advance (SubCellTAMin)

Full name The MIN of time advance

Abbreviation SubCellTAMin

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It is one of sucell handover parameters, indicating threshold parameters

Description while subcell 1 does TA handover decision for subcell 2.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None N value of subcell handover (SubCellN)

Full name N value of subcell handover

Abbreviation SubCellN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is one of the conditions used to decide inter-subcell han-

dover. The judgment process is as follows: For the latest N value of subcell
handover sample average values, if SubcellP (P value of subcell handover
parameter) of the SubcellN values satisfy the condition, then perform han-
Description dover.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range 1 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None P value of subcell handover (SubcellP)

Full name P value of subcell handover

Abbreviation SubCellP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is one of the conditions used to decide inter-subcell han-

dover. The judgment process is as follows: For the latest N value of subcell
handover sample average values, if SubcellP (P value of subcell handover
parameter) of the SubcellN values satisfy the condition, then perform han-
Description dover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 10

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Subcell handover algorithm (HoControl_17)

Full name Subcell handover algorithm

Abbreviation HoControl_17

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines two handover modes of subcell handover algorithm:

Description Concentric Handover; Handover based on path loss and TA.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Concentric handover, Handover based on path loss and TA

Unit None

Default value Concentric handover

Change mode Offline

ZGO-05-02-009 Concentric Circle Technology

Relevant Features ZGO-04-02-005 Co-BCCH

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.4 UTRAN Handover Control Parameters

UTRAN handover control has two tabs.

5.4.1 Basic Properties 1

The interface of basic property 1 parameters is as shown in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17 Basic Properties 1 Parameters


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference Punishment period of UTRAN cell when handover failure (HoFailPenalTm3G)

Full name Punishment period of UTRAN cell when handover failure

Abbreviation HoFailPenalTm3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines a protection period to prevent immediate handover

after handover failure. Its unit time is the period of measurement or pretreat-
Description ment measurement report.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 7

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Slippery window size for calculating Ec/No or RSCP average value to be zero
Slippery window size for calculating Ec/No or RSCP average value to be
Full name zero

Abbreviation HoWindow3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In GSM system, BSC uses the power level measurement data to manage
and control handover decisions. BSC uses average values instead of
original values of measurement data for handover decisions. It helps
prevent negative impact on network performance caused by abrupt
changes in measurement data. Average on measurement value in UTRAN
adjacent cell also shall be required.
HoWindowUTRAN of Ec/No or RSCP average is the window size to
calculate Ec/No or RSCP average in adjacent UTRAN cell, that is, sample
Description count used through average calculation.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Value Range 1 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Number that measurement value allowed to be zero (ZeroAllowed3G)

Full name Number that measurement value allowed to be zero

Abbreviation ZeroAllowed3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, MS can report to BSS the measurement

data of at most six adjacent cells with strongest signal strength. Thus the
measurement results might not be consecutive. For cells whose signal
strength is less than -110 dBm, the measurement data are not reported.
This parameter gives flexibility in measurement data averaging. However,
excessive occurrences of zero indicate that the adjacent cells are of poor
signal strength. If the number of zeroes in used for average calculation
exceeds Number of zero allowed in AV, then measurement average equals
to sum of reported values divided by Neighboring cell .
To be specific, during averaging, if the count of 0s in the sampling count
exceeds “ZeroAllowed”, these sampling values are hardly reliable, and
the measurement average will be the sum of the reported values divided
by NCellWindow. If the count of 0s in the reported values does not
exceed “ZeroAllowed”, these sampling values are much reliable and the
measurement average will be the sum of the reported values divided by
Description (NCellWindow – the count of 0s).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN handover (ServiceHo)

Full name UTRAN handover

Abbreviation ServiceHo

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference Section 48.008

This parameter indicates UTRAN handover priority control. MSC sends Ser-
vice Handover parameter to BSC through ASSIGNMENT REQUEST and
HANDOVER REQUEST messages. Service Handover parameter has three
values, including prefer to UTRAN handover, not prefer to UTRAN handover,
disallow to UTRAN handover, taking actions on handover decision on sub-
sequent BSC. ServiceHo can be configured as the default value used while
MSC doesn't deliver Service Handover parameter, or configured as BSC
forcedly using the mode set by ServiceHo, but do not use Service Handover
Description parameter delivered by MSC.

Management Object Cell

Handover to UTRAN first; Not Handover to UTRAN first; Not allow to Han-
dover to UTRAN; According to MSC, default handover to UTRAN first; Ac-
cording to MSC, default not handover to UTRAN first; According to MSC,
Value Range default not allowed to handover to UTRAN.

Unit None

Default value According to MSC, the default value is Handover to UTRAN first.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters FDD/TDD handover (FDDTDDPrio)

Full name FDD/TDD handover

Abbreviation FDDTDDPrio

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the priority control of FDD/TDD handover. When

FDD adjacent cell and TDD adjacent cell exist together, to control selection
sequence of target cell, we use FDDTDDPrio parameter to show if to prefer
Description to FDD cell handover or TDD cell handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Priority to FDD; Priority to TDD.

Unit None

Default value Priority to FDD

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Threshold for load sharing (LoadHoRSCPThsFDD)

Full name Threshold for load sharing

Abbreviation LoadHoRSCPThsFDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to traffic handover. Firstly you shall configure a

traffic handover threshold and inter-system handover switch.
This parameter is used to handover decision in 3G cell after traffic is
overloaded. BSC reserves at least HoRSCP_N_FDD RSCP average
values for a UTRAN adjacent cell. When at least HoRSCP_P_FDD out of
the latest HoRSCP_N_FDD average values are larger than or equal to the
sum of LoadHoRSCPThsFDD and HoRSCPOffsetUTRAN, it can be used
as traffic handover from GSM to UTRAN.
Description This parameter value shall be lower than HoRSCPThsFDD.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Unit None

Default value 35

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Ec/No threshold when handover from GSM to 3G for load sharing
Full name Ec/No threshold when handover from GSM to 3G for load sharing

Abbreviation LoadHoEcNoThsFDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to traffic handover. Firstly you shall configure a

traffic handover threshold and inter-system handover switch.
This parameter is used to handover decision in 3G cell after traffic is
overloaded. BSC reserves at least HoEcNo_N_FDD RSCP average values
for a UTRAN adjacent cell. When at least HoEcNo_P_FDD out of the latest
HoEcNo_N_FDD average values are larger than or equal to the sum of
LoadHoEcNoThsFDD and HoEcNoOffsetUTRAN, it can be used as traffic
handover from GSM to UTRAN.
Description This parameter value shall be lower than HoEcNoThsFDD.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 49

Unit None

Default value 25

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters RSCP threshold when handover from GSM to TDD for load sharing
Full name RSCP threshold when handover from GSM to TDD for load sharing

Abbreviation LoadHoRSCPThsTDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to traffic handover. Firstly you shall configure a

traffic handover threshold and inter-system handover switch.
This parameter is used to handover decision in 3G cell after traffic is
overloaded. BSC reserves at least HoRSCP_N_TDD RSCP average
values for a UTRAN adjacent cell. When at least HoRSCP_P_TDD out of
the latest HoRSCP_N_TDD average values are larger than or equal to the
sum of LoadHoRSCPThsTDD and HoRSCPOffsetUTRAN, it can be used
as traffic handover from GSM to UTRAN.
Description This parameter value shall be lower than HoRSCPThsFDD.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 35

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.4.2 Basic Properties 2

The interface of basic property 2 parameters is as shown in Figure 5-18.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 5-18 Basic Properties 2 Parameters Inter system handover supported (InterSysHoCtrl)

Full name Inter system handover supported

Abbreviation InterSysHoCtrl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if intersystem handover within BSC is allowed. This

Description parameters determines if BSC can issue handover of 3G system.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Directed retry to UTRAN cell allowed (InterSysHoCtrl)

Full name Directed retry to UTRAN cell allowed

Abbreviation InterSysRdCtrl


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter determines if allow directed retry to UTRAN cell. When no

service channel is allocated in this cell, you can try redirected to adjacent
cell under allowed case by corresponding function switch. If this parameter
Description is configured as Yes, it can be redirected to 3G adjacent cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-01-002 Directed Retry

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD RSCP Threshold (HoRSCPThsFDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD RSCP Threshold

Abbreviation HoRSCPThsFDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSC reserves at least HoRSCP_N_FDD RSCP average values for a

UTRAN adjacent cell. When at least HoRSCP_P_FDD out of the latest
HoRSCP_N_FDD average values are larger than or equal to the sume
of HoRSCPThsFDD and HoRSCPOffsetUTRAN, handover from GSM to
UTRAN takes place and the adjacent cell is taken as candidate destination
Description cell for handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 35

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD RSCP Value N (HoRSCP_N_FDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD RSCP Value N

Abbreviation HoRSCP_N_FDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When at least HoRSCP_P_FDD out of the latest HoRSCP_N_FDD aver-

age values are larger than or equal to the sum of HoRSCP_THS_FDD and
Description HoRSCPOffsetUTRAN, handover from GSM to UTRAN takes place.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD RSCP Value P (HoRSCP_P_FDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD RSCP Value P

Abbreviation HoRSCP_P_FDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When at least HoRSCP_P_FDD out of the latest HoRSCP_N_FDD aver-

age values are larger than or equal to the sum of HoRSCP_THS_FDD and
Description HoRSCPOffsetUTRAN, handover from GSM to UTRAN takes place.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD Ec/No Threshold (HoEcNoThsFDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD Ec/No Threshold

Abbreviation HoEcNoThsFDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

BSC reserves at least HoEcNo_N_FDD RSCP average values for a

UTRAN adjacent cell. When at least HoEcNo_P_FDD out of the latest
HoEcNo_N_FDD average values are larger than or equal to the sume
of HoEcNoThsFDD and HoEcNoOffsetUTRAN, handover from GSM to
UTRAN takes place and the adjacent cell is taken as candidate destination
Description cell for handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 49

Unit None

Default value 25

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD Ec/No Value N (HoEcNo_N_FDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD Ec/No Value N


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation HoEcNo_N_FDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When at least HoEcNo_P_FDD out of HoEcNo_N_FDD average values are

larger than or equal to the sum of HoEcNoThsFDD and HoEcNoOffsetU-
Description TRAN, handover from GSM to UTRAN takes place.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD Ec/No Value P (HoEcNo_P_FDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN FDD Ec/No Value P

Abbreviation HoEcNo_P_FDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When at least HoEcNo_P_FDD out of HoEcNo_N_FDD average values are

larger than or equal to the sum of HoEcNoThsFDD and HoEcNoOffsetU-
Description TRAN, handover from GSM to UTRAN takes place.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN TDD RSCP Threshold (HoRSCPThsTDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN TDD RSCP Threshold

Abbreviation HoRSCPThsTDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines a threshold value for handover from GSM to UTRAN
cell. BSC at least HoRSCP_N_TDD reserves RSCP average values for
a UTRAN adjacent cell. When at least HoRSCP_P_TDD out of the latest
HoRSCP_N_TDD average values are larger than or equal to the sume
of HoRSCPThsTDD and HoRSCPOffsetUTRAN, handover from GSM to
UTRAN takes place and the adjacent cell is taken as candidate destination
Description cell for handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 35

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN TDD RSCP Value N (HoRSCP_N_TDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN TDD RSCP Value N

Abbreviation HoRSCP_N_TDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter defines a threshold value for handover from GSM to UTRAN
cell. BSC at least HoRSCP_N_TDD reserves RSCP average values for
a UTRAN adjacent cell. When at least HoRSCP_P_TDD out of the latest
HoRSCP_N_TDD average values are larger than or equal to the sume
of HoRSCPThsTDD and HoRSCPOffsetUTRAN, handover from GSM to
UTRAN takes place and the adjacent cell is taken as candidate destination
Description cell for handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover from GSM to UTRAN TDD RSCP Value P (HoRSCP_P_TDD)

Full name Handover from GSM to UTRAN TDD RSCP Value P

Abbreviation HoRSCP_P_TDD

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines a threshold value for handover from GSM to UTRAN
cell. BSC at least HoRSCP_N_TDD reserves RSCP average values for
a UTRAN adjacent cell. When at least HoRSCP_P_TDD out of the latest
HoRSCP_N_TDD average values are larger than or equal to the sume
of HoRSCPThsTDD and HoRSCPOffsetUTRAN, handover from GSM to
UTRAN takes place and the adjacent cell is taken as candidate destination
Description cell for handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 20

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.5 UTRAN Cell Control Parameters

UTRAN cell control parameters have four sub-interfaces.

5.5.1 Basic Properties 1 Parameters

The interface of basic property 1 parameters is as shown in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-19 Basic Properties 1 Parameters Channel location of si2quater broadcast (SI2QuaterPos)

Full name Channel location of si2quater broadcast

Abbreviation SI2QuaterPos

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates channel location of si2quater broadcast.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

0, 1
l 0: Broadcast on normal BCCH block
l 1: Broadcast on extended BCCH block (AGCH_BLOCK reservation
Value Range value will be 1)

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS measurement type reported by UE (ReportTypeCS)

Full name CS measurement type reported by UE

Abbreviation ReportTypeCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

It indicates enhanced measurement report for UE or measurement report

Description message.

Management Object Cell

0, 1
l 0: Adopts ‘enhanced measurement report’ message, if at least one
BSIC is configured for each frequency in BA list; otherwise, adopt ‘en-
hanced measurement report’ message, otherwise using normal mea-
surement report.
Value Range l 1: Adopts ‘normal measurement report’ message

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Impact on service None Measurement threshold of UE performing UTRAN cell reselection (Qsearch_I)

Full name Measurement threshold of UE performing UTRAN cell reselection

Abbreviation Qsearch_I

3GPP reference Qsearch_I

3GPP Name 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter indicates the measurement threshold of UE performing

UTRAN cell reselection. UE starts UTRAN reselection cell measurement
when average receiving level RLA_C of this cell is lower than (parameter
Description value: 0 ~ 7) or higher than (parameter value: 8 ~ 15) the threshold.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

l 0 ~ 6: Indicates field strength L = -98 + n*4 dBm
l 7: Indicates always
l 8 ~ 14: Indicates field strength L = -78 + 4*(n-8) dBm
Value Range l 15: Indicates never

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Threshold when UE performs search under specialized mode (Qsearch_C)

Full name Threshold when UE performs search under specialized mode

Abbreviation Qsearch_C

3GPP Name Qsearch_C

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter defines a threshold. When average receiving level RLA_C of

the cell falls below (parameter value: 0 ~ 7) or higher than (parameter value:
Description 8 ~ 15) this threshold, UE searches the UTRAN adjacent cell.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

l 0 ~ 6: Indicates field strength L = -98 + n*4 dBm
l 7: Indicates always
l 8 ~ 14: Indicates field strength L = -78 + 4*(n-8) dBm
Value Range l 15: Indicates never

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Initial parameter instead of qsearch_c before UE receiving qsearch_C

Full name Initial parameter instead of qsearch_c before UE receiving qsearch_C

Abbreviation QsearchCInit

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to search and measure the cell data while MS does
Description not receive Qsearch_C on SACCH.

Management Object Cell

0, 1
l 0: Indicates using Qsearch_I parameter
Value Range l 1: Indicates always measuring

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters CS number of same frequency adjacent cells in report (SvrBandRprtCS)

Full name CS number of same frequency adjacent cells in report

Abbreviation SvrBandRprtCS

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines the number of adjacent cells with the same frequency
band as in serving cell, which are included in the measurement report or the
Description strongest cell list.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Max number of GSM neighbor cells (IndexStartEMR)

Full name Max Number In Adjacent GSM cell

Abbreviation IndexStartEMR

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates the max number of adjacent GSM cells.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 32 ~ 64

Unit None

Default value 32

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS class of reported quantities of UTRAN adjacent cells (FDDrepQntCS)

Full name CS class of reported quantities of UTRAN adjacent cells

Abbreviation FDDrepQntCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Description It indicates whether MS uses RSCP or Ec/No to report measurement.

Management Object Cell

0, 1
l 0: RSCP, receiving power of CPICH scramble of UTRAN cell at UE, the
unit is dBm.
l 1: Ec/No, ratio of the receiving power to thermal noise of CPICH scram-
Value Range ble of UTRAN cell, the unit is dB.

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MIN Ec/No of UTRAN reselecting cell (FDD_Qmin)

Full name MIN Ec/No of UTRAN reselecting cell

Abbreviation FDD_Qmin

3GPP Name FDD_Qmin

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter indicates when the cell reselects the UTRAN adjacent cell,
the value of Ec/No of the UTRAN cell must be larger than or equal to the
Description value defined by this parameter.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0 = -20 dB
l 1 = -6 dB
l 2 = -18 dB
l 3 = -8 dB
l 4 = -16 dB
l 5 = -10 dB
l 6 = -14 dB
Value Range l 7 = -12 dB

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS max number of UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells in measurement report

Full name CS max number of UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells in measurement report

Abbreviation FDDMulRatrrptCS

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the maximum number of UTRAN/FDD adjacent

cells included in packet measurement report or strongest cell list. If
UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells are not full, the vacancies are used for GSM
adjacent cells. (If TDD technology is available, the vacancies are used for
Description TDD cells).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None FDD reselection offset (FDD_Qoffset)

Full name FDD reselection offset

Abbreviation FDD_Qoffset

3GPP Name FDD_Qoffset

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is used to reselect the UTRAN adjacent cell if the following
requirements are satisfied:
l Received signal code power (RSCP) of this adjacent cell is higher than
average receiving level RLA_C of this cell.
l RSCP of the adjacent cell is higher than RLA_C of all adjacent GSM
cells by at least FDD_Qoffset (FDD reselection offset) for more than 5
seconds. FDD_Qoffset of the cell increases by 5 dB if the cell is rese-
lected 15 seconds earlier.
l Ec/No (code-noise ratio) of this adjacent cell is larger than or equal to
designated FDD_Qmin (minimum value of code-noise ratio of UTRAN
reselected cell).
If more than one UTRAN cell meets above conditions, then select the cell
Description which has the largest RSCP.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Unit None

Default value 8

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters A minimum threshold of RSCP for UTRAN FDD cell re-selection

Full name A minimum threshold of RSCP for UTRAN FDD cell re-selection

Abbreviation FDD_RSCPmin

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPPTS44.018 V6.12.0

When a GSM cell is reselected to an adjacent 3G cell, its RSCP should

be larger than or equal to that of the GSM cell. If the adjacent 3G cell's
measurement value is RSCP, FDD_RSCPmin indicates the reselection threshold
Description FDD_RSCP_threshold for that 3G adjacent cell.
This paramter is broadcast to MS in SI2quater on BCCH, and broadcast to MS in
PSI3quater on PBCCH and PACCH.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

0 ~ 15
(-114+2*n) dBm, that is,
l 0: -114 dB
Value Range
l 1: -112 dB
l 15: -84 dB

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None Applies an offset to FDD_Qmin value (FDD_Qmin_Offset)

Full name Applies an offset to FDD_Qmin value

Abbreviation FDD_Qmin_Offset


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPPTS44.018 V6.12.0

This parameter must work with FDD_RSCPmin, and the working principle is
Description the same as that of FDD_RSCPmin.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

(2n)dB, that is,
Value Range l 0: 0dB
l 7: 14dB

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None Require UE to send UTRAN class-mark change message early (ECSC_3G)

Full name Require UE to send UTRAN class-mark change message early

Abbreviation ECSC_3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether UE is required to send UTRAN classmark

Description change message early.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

l No: It is not allowed to send the UTRAN classmark change message.
l Yes: Whether UE sends the UTRAN class mark change message is
controlled by the system parameter ECSC and UE. (Because UE might
not use the parameter ECSC, this property is represented by the param-
Value Range eter ES IND in CLASSMARK2 and CLASSMARK3.)

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.5.2 Basic Properties 2 Parameters

The interface of basic property 2 parameters is as shown in Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20 Basic Properties 2 Parameters


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference CS measurement reporting rate of adjacent cell (ReportRateCS)

Full name CS measurement reporting rate of adjacent cell

Abbreviation ReportRateCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

It indicates frequency of measurement reports in adjacent cell, refer to "CS

Description adjacent cell report priority".

Management Object Cell

0, 1
l 0: normal
Value Range l 1: Low

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS multiband report indication (MulBndRprtCS)

Full name CS Multiband report indication

Abbreviation MulBndRprtCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter is to control the number of reports of different adjacent cells

Description except the serving cell.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

0, 1, 2, 3
l 0: MS reports the survey results of six known and allowed adjacent cells
with the strongest NCC according to the signal intensity, regardless of
which frequency band adjacent cells are in.
l 1: MS reports the measurement result of one adjacent cell with the
strongest signal in the frequency bands in adjacent cell list (excluding
frequency band of serving cell). In the remaining locations, MS reports
the adjacent cells in the frequency band of local cell. If there are still
more locations remaining, MS reports the second strongest adjacent
cell, regardless of their frequency bands.
l 2: MS reports the measurement result of two adjacent cells with the
strongest signal in the frequency bands in adjacent cell list (excluding
frequency band of serving cell). In the remaining locations, MS reports
the adjacent cells in the frequency band of local cell. If there are still
more locations remaining, MS reports the second strongest adjacent
cell, regardless of their frequency bands.
l 3: MS reports the measurement result of three adjacent cells with
strongest signal in the frequency bands in adjacent cells list (excluding
frequency band of serving cell). In the remaining locations, MS reports
the adjacent cells in the frequency band of local cell. If there are still
more locations remaining, MS reports the second strongest adjacent
Value Range cell, regardless of their frequency bands.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS offset which is added when UE reports RXLEV value (ScaleOrdCS)

Full name CS offset which is added when UE reports rxlev value

Abbreviation ScaleOrdCS

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter defines the added offset when UE reports signal field
intensity. If the field intensity of a certain GSM adjacent cell is n dBm, then
when mapping to RXLEV (0 ~ 63), UE will map n+ ScaleOrdCS to the
original value corresponding to n. It applies only in the case that ‘enhanced
measurement report’ message is used.
If the field intensity of adjacent cell exceeds -48 dBm, the real value can be
reported by setting this parameter. UE includes the SCALE value when it
reports ‘enhance measurement report’ message. If SCALE_ORD = 2, UE
Description uses the value of cell that reports the best signal level.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2
l 0: 0 dB
l 1: 10 dB
Value Range l 2: Automatic, determined by UE

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None TDD reselection offset (TDD_Qoffset)

Full name TDD reselection offset

Abbreviation TDD_Qoffset

3GPP Name TDD_Qoffset

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When cell is reselected to 3G TDD adjacent cell, its RSCP shall be higher
Description than the least offset of RLA_P in all GSM adjacent cells.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Unit None

Default value 8

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS MAX number of UTRAN/TDD adjacent cells in measurement report

Full name CS MAX number of UTRAN/TDD adjacent cells in measurement report

Abbreviation TDDMulRatRrptCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter indicates the maximum number of UTRAN/TDD adjacent

cells included in measurement report or strongest cell list. If UTRAN/TDD
adjacent cells are not full, the vacancies are used for GSM adjacent cells (If
Description FDD technology is supported, remained part is given to FDD cell).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS UE report invalid cell level allowed (InvldBSICRprtCS)

Full name CS UE report invalid cell level allowed

Abbreviation InvldBSICRprtCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When BCC is not configured, NCC is permitted for BSIC of some GSM cells.
This parameter indicates if the system allows UE to report field intensity of
Description such cells.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS UE search UTRAN adjacent cell in BSIC decoding frame indication

Full name CS UE search UTRAN adjacent cell in BSIC decoding frame indication

Abbreviation SearchPrioCS3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if to allow UE to search UTRAN adjacent cells in

the frame where BSIC decoding is needed. If yes, then UE can use at most
Description 25 frames for search in 13 seconds.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM850M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (RprtOffsetCS850)

Full name GSM850M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Abbreviation RprtOffsetCS850

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

when reporting to GSM850M adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to RprtThoCS850, and RepPrioCS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and RprtOffsetCS850 value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM850M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (RprtThoCS850)

Full name GSM850M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation RprtThoCS850

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When reporting to GSM850M adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to RprtThoCS850 (dimensionless, corresponding
to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship for
different RXLEV), it can be reported.
As to if it can be reported in certain period, it also depends on signal level,
Description RepPrioCS, MulBndRprtCS and RprtOffsetCS850.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (RprtOffsetCS900)

Full name GSM900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation RprtOffsetCS900

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

when reporting to GSM900M adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to RprtThoCS900, and RepPrioCS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and RprtOffsetCS900 value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (RprtThoCS900)

Full name GSM900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation RprtThoCS900

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

3GPP reference None

When reporting to GSM900M adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to RprtThoCS900 (dimensionless, corresponding
to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship for
different RXLEV), it can be reported.
As to if it can be reported in certain period, it also depends on signal level,
Description RepPrioCS, MulBndRprtCS and RprtOffsetCS900.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM1800M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (RprtOffsetCS1800)

Full name GSM1800M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation RprtOffsetCS1800

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

when reporting to GSM1800M adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to RprtThoCS1800, and RepPrioCS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and RprtOffsetCS1800 value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM1800M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (RprtThoCS1800)

Full name GSM1800M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation RprtThoCS1800

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When reporting to GSM1800M adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to RprtThoCS1800 (dimensionless, correspond-
ing to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship
for different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to if it can be reported in cer-
tain period, it also depends on signal level, RepPrioCS, MulBndRprtCS and
Description RprtOffsetCS1800.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM1900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (RprtOffsetCS1900)

Full name GSM1900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation RprtOffsetCS1900


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When reporting to GSM1900M adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to RprtThoCS1900, and RepPrioCS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and RprtOffsetCS1900 value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM1900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (RprtThoCS1900)

Full name GSM1900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation RprtThoCS1900

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When reporting to GSM1900M adjacent cells, only when signal level

in the cell is higher than or equal to RprtThoCS1900 (dimensionless,
corresponding to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping
relationship for different RXLEV), it can be reported.
As to if it can be reported in certain period, it also depends on signal level,
Description RepPrioCS, MulBndRprtCS and RprtOffsetCS1900.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN/FDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (FDDRprtOffsetCS)

Full name UTRAN/FDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation FDDRprtOffsetCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

when reporting to UTRAN/FDD adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to FDDRprtThoCS, and RepPrioCS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and FDDRprtOffsetCS value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN/FDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (FDDRprtThoCS)

Full name UTRAN/FDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation FDDRprtThoCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

When reporting to UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to FDDRprtThoCS (dimensionless, corresponding
to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship for
different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to if it can be reported in certain
period, it also depends on signal level, RepPrioCS, FDDMulRatRrptCS and
Description FDDRprtOffsetCS.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN/TDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (TDDRprtOffsetCS)

Full name UTRAN/TDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation TDDRprtOffsetCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

when reporting to UTRAN/TDD adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to TDDRprtThoCS, and RepPrioCS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and TDDRprtOffsetCS value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN/TDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (TDDRprtThoCS)

Full name UTRAN/TDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation TDDRprtThoCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When reporting to UTRAN/TDD adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to TDDRprtThoCS (dimensionless, corresponding
to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship for
different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to if it can be reported in certain
period, it also depends on signal level, RepPrioCS, TDDMulRatRrptCS and
Description TDDRprtOffsetCS.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.5.3 GPRS Parameters 1

The interface of GPRS parameters 1 is shown in Figure 5-21.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Figure 5-21 GPRS Parameters 1 PS offset which is added when UE reports RXLEV value (ScaleOrdPS)

Full name PS offset which is added when UE reports rxlev value

Abbreviation ScaleOrdPS

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines the added offset when UE reports signal field
intensity. If the field intensity of a GSM adjacent cell is n dBm, then when
mapping to RXLEV (0 ~ 63), UE will map n+ScaleOrdPS to the original
value corresponding to n. It applies only in the case when the PACKET
If the field intensity of adjacent cell exceeds -48 dBm, the real value can
be reported by setting this parameter. If the field intensity of adjacent cell
exceeds -48 dBm, the real value can be reported by setting this parameter.
If SCALE_ORD = 2, UE uses the value of cell that reports the best signal
Description level.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

0, 1, 2
l 0: 0 dB
l 1: 10 dB
Value Range l 2: Automatic, determined by UE

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS measurement type reported by UE (ReportTypePS)

Full name PS measurement type reported by UE

Abbreviation ReportTypePS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter indicates that UE uses PACKET MEASUREMENT REPORT


Management Object Cell

0, 1
l When PBCCH is configured:
to send the measurement report.
1: Use the PACKET MEASUREMENT REPORT message to send
the measurement report.
l When PBCCH is not configured:
0: If each frequency in BA (GPRS) list is configured with at least one
message to send the measurement report; otherwise, use the PACKET
MEASUREMENT REPORT message to send the measurement report.
1: Use the PACKET MEASUREMENT REPORT message to send
Value Range the measurement report.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS number of same frequency adjacent cells in report (SvrBandRprtPS)

Full name PS number of same frequency adjacent cells in report

Abbreviation SvrBandRprtPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter defines the number of adjacent cells with the same frequency
band as in serving cell, which are included in the PS measurement report or
Description the strongest cell list.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS measurement reporting rate of adjacent cell (ReportRatePS)

Full name PS measurement reporting rate of adjacent cell

Abbreviation ReportRatePS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

It indicates frequency of measurement reports in adjacent cell, refer to "PS

Description adjacent cell report priority".

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

0, 1
l 0: normal
Value Range l 1: Low

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Measurement threshold of UE performing GPRS UTRAN cell (Qsearch_P)

Full name Measurement threshold of UE performing GPRS UTRAN cell

Abbreviation Qsearch_P_0/Qsearch_P_1

3GPP Name Qsearch_P

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Measurement threshold of UE performing GPRS UTRAN cell.

Searching 3G cell when signal level is lower than threshold 0 ~ 7
(corresponding to -98, -94, ..., , -74dBm), threshold 7 indicates always
searching; or searching while above threshold 8~15 (-78, -74, ..., -54 dBm),
Description threshold 15 indicates never search.

Management Object Cell

Idle state and transmission state.

Value Range Value range is 0 ~ 15.

Unit None

Default value Idle state and transmission state. The default value is 15.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-03-004 Inter-system NCCR

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters FDD GPRS reselection offset (FDD_GPRS_Qoffset)

Full name FDD GPRS reselection offset

Abbreviation FDD_GPRS_Qoffset_0/FDD_GPRS_Qoffset_1

3GPP Name FDD_GPRS_Qoffset

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When cell is reselected to 3G FDD adjacent cell, its RSCP shall be higher
Description than the least offset of RLA_P in all GSM adjacent cells.

Management Object Cell

Idle state and transmission state.

Value range is 0 ~ 15.
l 0 indicates always selecting adjacent cells of this 3G FDD;
l 1 = -28 dB;
l 2 = -24 dB
Value Range l 15 = 28 dB

Unit None

Default value Idle state and transmission state. The default value is 8.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None TDD GPRS reselection offset (TDD_GPRS_Qoffset)

Full name TDD GPRS reselection offset

Abbreviation TDD_GPRS_Qoffset_0/TDD_GPRS_Qoffset_1

3GPP Name TDD_GPRS_Qoffset

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When cell is reselected to 3G TDD adjacent cell, its RSCP shall be higher
Description than the least offset of RLA_P in all GSM adjacent cells.

Management Object Cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Idle state and transmission state.

Value range is 0 ~ 15.
l 0 indicates always selecting adjacent cells of this 3G TDD;
l 1 = -28 dB;
l 2 = -24 dB
Value Range l 15 = 28 dB

Unit None

Default value Idle state and transmission state. The default value is 8.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS MIN Ec/No of UTRAN reselecting cell (FDD_QminPS)

Full name PS MIN Ec/No of UTRAN reselecting cell

Abbreviation FDD_QminPS_0/FDD_QminPS_1

3GPP Name FDD_Qmin

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When a cell reselects this 3G adjacent cell, the cell's Ec/No value must be
Description larger than or equal to that of this 3G adjacent cell.

Management Object Cell

Idle state and transmission state.

Value range is 0 ~ 7.
l 0 = -20 dB;
l 1 = -6 dB;
l 2 = -18 dB;
l 3 = -8 dB;
l 4 = -16 dB;
l 5 = -10 dB;
l 6 = -14 dB;
Value Range l 7 = -12 dB

Unit None

Default value Idle state and transmission state. The default value is 7.

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Offset of FDD_QminPS (FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS)

Full name Offset of FDD_QminPS

Abbreviation FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS_0/FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS_1

3GPP Name FDD_Qmin_Offset

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Description Offset of FDD_QminPS

Management Object Cell

Idle state and transmission state.

Value range is 0 ~ 7.
l 0 = 0 dB;
l 1 = 2 dB;
l 2 = 4 dB;
l 3 = 6 dB;
l 4 = 8 dB;
l 5 = 10 dB;
l 6 = 12 dB;
Value Range l 7 = 14 dB

Unit None

Default value Idle state and transmission state. The default value is 0.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS MIN RSCP of UTRAN reselecting cell (FDD_RSCPminPS)

Full name PS MIN RSCP of UTRAN reselecting cell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation FDD_RSCPminPS_0/FDD_RSCPminPS_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When the cell is reselected to a 3G adjacent cell, its RSCP shall be larger
Description than or equal to this value.

Management Object Cell

Idle state and transmission state.

Value range is 0 ~ 15.
l 0 = -114 dBm;
l 1 = -112 dBm;
l 2 = -110 dBm;
l 3 = -108 dBm
l 14 = -86 dBm
Value Range l 15 = -84 dBm

Unit None

Default value Idle state and transmission state. The default value is 6.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Measurement report threshold of Ec/No or RSCP (FDDRprtTho2PS)

Full name Measurement report threshold of Ec/No or RSCP

Abbreviation FDDRprtTho2PS_0/FDDRprtTho2PS_1


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Measurement report threshold of Ec/No or RSCP (when not specified in

Description "byFDDRepQuant")

Management Object Cell

Idle state and transmission state.

Value Range Value range is 0 ~ 63.

Unit None

Default value Idle state and transmission state. The default value is 0.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-03-004 Inter-system NCCR

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS class of reported quantities of UTRAN adjacent cells (FDDRepQntPS)

Full name PS class of reported quantities of UTRAN adjacent cells

Abbreviation FDDRepQntPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Description It indicates whether MS uses RSCP or Ec/No to report measurement.

Management Object Cell

0, 1
l 0: RSCP, receiving power of CPICH scramble of UTRAN cell at UE, the
unit is dBm.
l 1: Ec/No, ratio of the receiving power to thermal noise of CPICH scram-
Value Range ble of UTRAN cell, the unit is dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-03-004 Inter-system NCCR

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS max number of UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells in measurement report

Full name PS max number of UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells in measurement report

Abbreviation FDDMulRatRrptPS

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the maximum number of UTRAN/FDD adjacent

cells included in packet measurement report or strongest cell list. If
UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells are not full, the vacancies are used for GSM
adjacent cells. (If TDD technology is available, the vacancies are used for
Description TDD cells).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-03-004 Inter-system NCCR

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS multiband report indication (MulBndRprtPS)

Full name PS Multiband report indication

Abbreviation MulBndRprtPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

MS in single-frequency GSM system needs only to report contents of

six adjacent cells with the strongest signals in a frequency band, when
reporting the survey result of adjacent cells to the network.
In multi-band networking, MS can enter with priority into a specific frequency
band during handover. The MS reports the survey result according to the
signal intensity and the frequency band of the signals, according to the
actual situation.
MulBndRprtPS is used to notify MS to report contents of adjacent cells in
multiple frequency bands. It is one of the system control parameters.
The setting of this parameter is subject to traffic in each frequency band.
General principles to set the parameters are as follows: 0: If the traffic of
each frequency band is almost equivalent, and the operator has no choice
over the frequency band. 3: If the traffic of each frequency band is quite
different, and the operator hopes that MS enters a specific frequency band
Description with priority.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3
l 0: MS reports the survey results of six known and allowed adjacent cells
with the strongest NCC according to the signal intensity, regardless of
which frequency band adjacent cells are in.
l 1: MS reports the measurement result of one adjacent cell with the
strongest signal in the frequency bands in adjacent cell list (excluding
frequency band of serving cell). In the remaining space, MS reports ad-
jacent cell in local cell frequency band. If still more space is available,
MS reports the remaining adjacent cells, regardless of which frequency
bands they are in.
l 2: MS reports the survey result of two adjacent cells with the strongest
signals in the frequency bands (excluding that of local cell) in adjacent
cell table. In the remaining space, MS reports adjacent cell in local cell
frequency band. If still more space is available, MS reports the remain-
ing adjacent cells, regardless of which frequency bands they are in.
l 3: MS reports the survey result of three adjacent cells with the strongest
signals in the frequency bands (excluding that of local cell) in adjacent
cell table. In the remaining space, MS reports adjacent cell in local cell
frequency band. If still more space is available, MS reports the remain-
Value Range ing adjacent cells, no matter what frequency bands they are at.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None TDD multi report PS (TDDMulRatRrptPS)

Full name TDD multi report PS

Abbreviation TDDMulRatRrptPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter indicates the MAX number of UTRAN/TDD adjacent cell in-
cluded in measurement report. If UTRAN/TDD adjacent cells are not full, the
vacancies are used for GSM adjacent cells (If FDD technology is supported,
Description remained part is given to FDD cell).

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0, 1, 2, 3

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-03-004 Inter-system NCCR

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.5.4 GPRS Parameters 2

The interface of GPRS parameters 2 is shown in Figure 5-22.

Figure 5-22 GPRS Parameters 2 PS UE report invalid cell level allowed (InvldBSICRprtPS)

Full name PS UE report invalid cell level allowed

Abbreviation InvldBSICRprtPS


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When BCC is not configured, NCC is permitted for BSIC of some GSM cells.
This parameter indicates whether the system allows UE to report the field
Description intensity of such cell.

Management Object Cell

l YES: Allow UE to report the field intensity of ‘NCC permitted but BCC
invalid’ cells
l NO: Do not Allow UE to report the field intensity of ‘NCC permitted but
Value Range BCC invalid’ cells

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS UE search UTRAN adjacent cell in bsic decoding frame indication

Full name PS UE search UTRAN adjacent cell in bsic decoding frame indication

Abbreviation SearchPrioPS3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates if to allow UE to search UTRAN adjacent cells in

the frame where BSIC decoding is needed. If yes, then UE can use at most
Description 25 frames for search in 13 seconds.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Reselect priority control of 2G/3G (ServiceCC)

Full name Reselection priority control of 2G/3G (ServiceCC)

Abbreviation ServiceCC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter specifies the reselecting priority control mode of 2G/3G.

Management Object Cell

Reselect 3G preferentially; Do not reselect 3G preferentially; Do not allow

to reselect 3G; Determined by SGSN, prefer to reselect 3G acquiescently;
Value Range
Determined by SGSN, do not prefer to reselect 3G acquiescently;
Determined by SGSN, do not allow to reselect 3G acquiescently.

Unit None

Default value Reselect 3G preferentially

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces

Impact on service
None GSM850M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (RprtOffsetPS850)

Full name GSM850M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation RprtOffsetPS850

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

when reporting to GSM850M adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to RprtThoPS850, and RepPrioPS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and RprtOffsetPS850 value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM850M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (RprtThoPS850)

Full name GSM850M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation RprtThoPS850


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When reporting to GSM850M adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to RprtThoPS850 (dimensionless, corresponding
to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship for
different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to whether it can be reported within
a certain period, it also depends on the signal level, RepPrioPS, MulBndR-
Description prtPS and RprtOffsetPS850.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (RprtOffsetPS900)

Full name GSM900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation RprtOffsetPS900

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

when reporting to GSM900M adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to RprtThoPS900, and RepPrioPS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and RprtOffsetPS900 value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM 900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (RprtThoPS900)
Full name GSM900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation RprtThoPS900


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

When reporting to GSM900M adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to RprtThoPS900 (dimensionless, corresponding
to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship for
different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to whether it can be reported within
a certain period, it also depends on the signal level, RepPrioPS, MulBndR-
Description prtPS and RprtOffsetPS900.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM1800M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (RprtOffsetPS1800)

Full name GSM1800M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation RprtOffsetPS1800

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

when reporting to GSM1800M adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to RprtThoPS1800, and RepPrioPS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and RprtOffsetPS1800 value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM1800M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (RprtThoPS1800)

Full name GSM1800M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation RprtThoPS1800


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When reporting to GSM1800M adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to RprtThoPS1800 (dimensionless, corresponding
to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship for
different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to whether it can be reported within
a certain period, it also depends on the signal level, RepPrioPS, MulBndR-
Description prtPS and RprtOffsetPS1800.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM1900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (RprtOffsetPS1900)

Full name GSM1900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation RprtOffsetPS1900

3GPP Name None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

3GPP reference None

When reporting to GSM1900M adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to RprtThoPS1900, and RepPrioPS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and RprtOffsetPS1900 value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None GSM1900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold (RprtThoPS1900)

Full name GSM1900M Adjacent cell reporting signal level Threshold

Abbreviation RprtThoPS1900


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When reporting to GSM1900M adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to RprtThoPS1900 (dimensionless, corresponding
to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship for
different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to whether it can be reported within
a certain period, it also depends on the signal level, RepPrioPS, MulBndR-
Description prtPS and RprtOffsetPS1900.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN/FDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (FDDRprtOffsetPS)

Full name UTRAN/FDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation FDDRprtOffsetPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

when reporting to UTRAN/FDD adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to FDDRprtThoPS, and RepPrioPS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and FDDRprtOffsetPS value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN/FDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level threshold (FDDRprtThoPS)

Full name UTRAN/FDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level threshold

Abbreviation FDDRprtThoPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

When reporting to UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to FDDRprtThoPS (dimensionless, correspond-
ing to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship
for different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to whether it can be reported in
certain period, it also depends on the signal level, RepPrioPS, FDDMulRa-
Description tRrptPS and FDDRprtOffsetPS.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN/TDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset (TDDRprtOffsetPS)

Full name UTRAN/TDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level Offset

Abbreviation TDDRprtOffsetPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

when reporting to UTRAN/TDD adjacent cell, if signal level in two cells are
higher than or equal to TDDRprtThoPS, and RepPrioPS value is same, then
the cell with bigger sum of signal level value and TDDRprtOffsetPS value is
Description firstly reported.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Value Range 0 ~ 7: corresponding to 0 dB ~ 42 dB, each level is 6 dB.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None UTRAN/TDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level threshold (TDDRprtThoPS)

Full name UTRAN/TDD Adjacent cell reporting signal level threshold

Abbreviation TDDRprtThoPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

When reporting to UTRAN/TDD adjacent cells, only when signal level in the
cell is higher than or equal to TDDRprtThoPS (dimensionless, correspond-
ing to RXLEV portion in measurement report, different mapping relationship
for different RXLEV), it can be reported. As to whether it can be reported in
certain period, it also depends on the signal level, RepPrioPS, TDDMulRa-
Description tRrptPS and TDDRprtOffsetPS.

Management Object Cell

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
l 0: always
l 1 ~ 6: corresponding to 6 dB ~ 36 dB, 6 dB per level
Value Range l 7: never

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.6 Adjacent Cell Parameters

This section introduces adjacent cell parameters.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

5.6.1 Adjacent Interference Cell Parameters

The interface of adjacent interference cell parameters is shown in Figure 5-23.

Figure 5-23 Adjacent Interference Cell Parameters Interference cell No. (IntfObjectId)

Full name Interference cell No.

Abbreviation IntfObjectId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Interference cell No.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1~6

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Related cell DN (RelationDN)

Full name Related cell DN

Abbreviation RelationDN


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter defines BSS external cell DN: EcId or related BSS equipment
Description DN: BscId-SiteId-BtsId.

Management Object Cell

Value Range None

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-005 Double BCCH Allocation List

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.6.2 Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters

The interface of adjacent cell handover and reselection parameters is as shown in Figure

Figure 5-24 Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Adjacent cell handover and reselection ID (HoResObjectId)

Full name Adjacent cell handover and reselection ID

Abbreviation HoResObjectId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is a unique identification of adjacent cell handover and res-

Description election object.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 64

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Priority of handover (Hopriority)

Full name Priority of handover

Abbreviation Hopriority

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, cell priority shall be considered in sequenc-

ing candidate cells. Therefore, there are three decisive factors to sequence
the candidate cells: priority, traffic, and radio conditions. Priority and traffic
affect the cell sequencing most. If they lead to the same result, sequence
the cells according to the radio conditions. The larger the value, the higher
Description level of priority.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-002 Dynamic Handover Priority Algorithm

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None MAX power level of MS (MsTxPwrMax)

Full name Max power level of MS

Abbreviation MsTxPwrMax


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

During the communication between MS and BTS, the transmission power

is controlled by the network. The network sets the power for MS through
the power command and the command is transmitted on SACCH (SACCH
has 2 header bytes, one is the power control byte and the other is the
timing advance byte).
MS sets the specified output transmission power according to the power
control header extracted from the SACCH. MS uses the nearest possible
output power even if the power command sends maximum output power.
When BSC controls the power, the parameter is the maximum transmission
power that can be used by MS in the cell. MS max power level is also a
parameter used by BSC to calculate PBGT value.
Description The value is same as that in the appendix.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Min power level for handover access (RxLevMin)

Full name Min power level for handover access

Abbreviation RxLevMin


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter defines the minimum receiving intensity level (on BCCH)
required for MS to handover to this cell. It is one of parameters to decide
preferred cells during handover control. MS in the serving cell constantly
monitors the signal intensity on BCCH of adjacent cells. Adjacent cells
with the minimum receiving intensity level higher than this parameter are
potential candidates for handover. MS with receiving level larger than
minimum receiving level indicates that MS is at the edge of the serving cell.
Recommended value is usually approximated according to MS receiving
sensitivity. When network observes uneven traffic distribution in certain
cells, MIN access level increases the resulting C1 and C2 to decrease the
cell effective coverage range. However, the value of this parameter cannot
be too large. Otherwise, large value change can bring ‘void area’ across
cell boundaries to result in sudden call drop problem. With this measure for
traffic balance, it is suggested that the level value shall not exceed -90dB.
At the preliminary running stage of the network, this parameter can be
usually set as 10 (that is, -101 dBm ~ -100 dBm) or lower, which is higher
than the MS receiving sensitivity –102 dBm. However, when the network
capacity is expanded or the radio coverage in a cell is not a problem, this
Description parameter of the cell can be increased by 2 (dB).

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None Min threshold of signal level for handover on PBGT (HoMarginPbgt)

Full name Min threshold of signal level for handover on PBGT

Abbreviation HoMarginPbgt

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. The PBGT
value of an adjacent cell is also one of the causes for handover. The
decision process is as follows: If the PBGT value of an adjacent cell is
greater than the relevant threshold of this cell, handover shall be performed
to find a more suitable cell.
This parameter defines the threshold used to determine PBGT handover
Description from an adjacent cell to local cell.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 100
l 0: -24 dB
l 1: -23 dB
Value Range l 100: 76 dB

Unit None

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Min threshold of signal level for handover on power level (HoMarginRxLev)
Full name Min threshold of signal level for handover on power level

Abbreviation HoMarginRxLev

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon received

average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. In handover caused by
the level, adjacent cells shall be screened and sequenced. This parameter
defines the signal strength threshold to determine handover from adjacent
Description cell to local cell.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 100
l 0: -24 dB
l 1: -23 dB
Value Range l 100: 76 dB

Unit None

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Min threshold of signal level for handover on quality (HoMarginRxQual)

Full name Min threshold of signal level for handover on quality

Abbreviation HoMarginRxQual

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon received

average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. In handover caused by
the quality, adjacent cells shall be screened and sequenced. This parameter
defines the signal quality threshold to determine handover from adjacent cell
Description to local cell.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 100
l 0: -24 dB
l 1: -23 dB
Value Range l 100: 76 dB

Unit None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Max level difference of force handover (MaxForceHoDiff)

Full name Max level difference of force handover

Abbreviation MaxForceHoDiff

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In order to avoid handover oscillations in cells, a tolerable level difference

for forced handover is required, which shall be lower than PBGT handover
threshold in the reverse direction. This parameter defines the maximum level
Description difference value for forced handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 48

Unit None

Default value 9

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover force resource threshold (HoForceResThs)

Full name Handover force resource threshold

Abbreviation HoForceResThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Directed handover should not cause congestion in the destination cell. When
resource of object cell is lower than the congestion threshold, forced han-
Description dover can be implemented.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 40

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Neighboring cell layer (NCellLayer)

Full name Neighboring cell layer

Abbreviation NCellLayer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter provides the handover policies in multi-layer network

technology and dual-frequency network technology. Multi-layer radio
coverage can be formed in the same physical area.
The handover policies will not be detailed in this manual. In brief, limiting the
PBGT handover defined in the specifications at one layer can reduce the
number of handovers during the call, thus improving the system reliability
and communication quality. The policy of handover between a macro cell
layer and a micro cell layer mainly depends on the moving speed of MS. An
MS at higher moving speed will try to stay at the macro cell layer (upper
layer of the micro cell layer), and an MS at lower moving speed will try to
enter the micro cell layer (lower layer of the macro cell layer). Only in case
of PBGT handover and handover towards undefined layer being allowed
will the undefined cell of the service area be considered as a candidate cell.
"Same layer of the home cell": Adjacent cell and local cell are in the
same layer (PBGT handover is possible). "Upper layer of the home cell":
Adjacent cell is the upper layer of local cell (when the local cell is a micro
cell). "Lower layer of the home cell": Adjacent cell is the lower layer of local
Description cell (when the local cell is a macro cell). For details, refer to Appendix.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

Undefined, Same layer of the home cell, Upper layer of the home cell, Lower
Value Range layer of the home cell

Unit None

Default value Same layer of the home cell

Change mode Offline

ZGO-02-02-001 Handover between Macro- and Micro-cells

Relevant Features ZGO-05-02-008 Multi-layer Cell Structure

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS adjacent cell report priority (RepPrioCS)

Full name CS adjacent cell report priority

Abbreviation RepPrioCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Adjacent cells are reported according to the following priorities:

l Adjacent cell with same frequency band. have the following features:
BSIC of color code is valid; Its measured field intensity ranks high
among cells in the same frequency band and is larger than or equal
to the lower limit specified by RprtThoCSXXX. Here, XXX represents
frequency band of serving cell.
l Adjacent cell in the frequency band different from that of the serving cell
must have the following features: BSIC of color code is valid. Its mea-
sured field intensity ranks high among cells in the same frequency band
and is larger than or equal to the lower limit specified by RprtThoCSXXX.
Here, XXX represents the frequency band different from that of serving
l Other access technologies, such as UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells. The
cell’s scramble is correct. Its measured field intensity ranks high among
cells with the same access technologies and is larger than or equal to the
lower limit specified by XXXRprtThoCS. Here, XXX represents access
technologies like UTRAN/FDD.
For above priorities, if the priority’s location has surplus, then leave it
to adjacent cell of the next priority. For access technology such as

Description UTRAN/FDD, or frequency band such as GSM 900, the cell with high


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

RepPrioCS is preferred. For cells with same RepPrioCS, the cell with
greater sum of RprtThoCSXXX (or XXXRprtThoCS) and RprtOffsetCSXXX
(or XXXRprtOffsetCS) is preferred.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Low; High

Unit None

Default value Low

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS adjacent cell report priority (RepPrioPS)

Full name PS adjacent cell report priority

Abbreviation RepPrioPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter defines the priority of adjacent cells to report the

measurement report during PS traffic operation.
Adjacent cells are reported according to the following priorities:
l Adjacent cell with same frequency band. have the following features:
BSIC of color code is valid; Its measured field intensity ranks high
among cells in the same frequency band and is larger than or equal
to the lower limit specified by RprtThoPSXXX. Here, XXX represents
frequency band of serving cell.
l Adjacent cell in the frequency band different from that of the serving cell
must have the following features: BSIC of color code is valid. Its mea-
sured field intensity ranks high among cells in the same frequency band
and is larger than or equal to the lower limit specified by RprtThoPSXXX.
Here, XXX represents the frequency band different from that of serving
l Other access technologies, such as UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells. The
cell’s scramble is correct. Its measured field intensity ranks high among
cells with the same access technologies and is larger than or equal to the
lower limit specified by XXXRprtThoPS. Here, XXX represents access
Description technologies like UTRAN/FDD.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

For above priorities, if the priority’s location has surplus, then leave it
to adjacent cell of the next priority. For access technology such as
UTRAN/FDD, or frequency band such as GSM 900, the cell with high
RepPrioPS is preferred. For cells with same RepPrioPS, the cell with
greater sum of RprtThoPSXXX (or XXXRprtThoPS) and RprtOffsetPSXXX
(or XXXRprtOffsetPS) is preferred.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Low; High

Unit None

Default value Low

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Target cell traffic threshold (TargetCellTrafficThs)

Full name Target cell traffic threshold

Abbreviation TargetCellTrafficThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter specifies the threshold of the target cell's traffic. This value
determines if it shall be handed over to this cell. If the traffic in target cell is
Description more than this threshold, do not handover to this cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 75

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Handover threshold from macro to micro (MacroMicroHoThs, dbm)

Full name Handover threshold from macro to micro

Abbreviation MacroMicroHoThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter specifies the cell's signal strength threshold for handover
between macro-cell and micro-cell.

Management Object Cell

l > -48 dBm

l -50 ~ -49 dBm
Value Range
l -109 ~ -108 dBm
l -110 ~ -109 dBm
l < -110 dBm

Unit dBm

Default value -91 dBm ~ -90 dBm

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Counter of handover threshold from macro to micro (MacroMicroHon)

Full name Counter of handover threshold from macro to micro

Abbreviation MacroMicroHon

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This counter counts the number of the signal strength being higher than
the macro-micro handover threshold value.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The direction fo neighbour cell (NCellDir)

Full name The direction of neighbour cell

Abbreviation NCellDir

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter identifies the direction relation between adjacent cell and local
cell. You can set the direction information for each adjacent cell.

Object Cell

Value Range Direction A, Direction B, No direction

Unit None

Default value No direction

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Related cell DN

Full name Related cell DN

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

User can click Select to select cell or external cell. User can also check
Description Mutual to set mutually reselection and handover cell.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Management Object Cell

Value Range None

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Is related cell (IsRelatedCell)

Full name Is related cell

Abbreviation IsRelatedCell

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Only the cell related to the serving cell can be a candidate in rapid fading
handover. This is a parameter of adjacent cell and is used to indicate whether
Description adjacent cell is related to the serving cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-001 Handover between Macro- and Micro-cells

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Is handover forced neighbor cell (IsHoForceNcell)

Full name Is handover forced neighbor cell

Abbreviation IsHoForceNcell


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In the case of 1800M and 900M network sharing site, it is better to handover
subscribers of 900M network to 1800M network. At this time, you can do
directional handover traffic.
Forced handover is a method for on-site traffic adjustment. The forced
handover direction is definite, i.e. 1800M sector in the same direction. To
avoid influence on other cells, the forced handover is performed only for
Description a specific object cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CCN supported (CCNSupport)

Full name CCN Support

Abbreviation CCNSupport


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

CNN mode refers to cell alternating notificaiton. When BSS supports CCN
mode, if MS does cell reselection in NC0 and NC1 modes, PACKET CELL
CHANGE NOTIFICATION message notification shall be delivered to network
in normal case. After network receives this message, it can send specific
Description system message about standby cell to MS.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The number of C/I limited cell (CILimitedNum)

Full name The number of C/I limited cell

Abbreviation CILimitedNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates the number C/I limited adjacent cells of the service cell.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

Value Range 0~5

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None The objectID list of C/I limited cell

Full name The objectID list of C/I limited cell

Abbreviation LimitedObjectId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter gives the index list of C/I limited adjacent cells.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

Value Range For C/I limited adjacent cells, the value range is 0 ~ 255.

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None The threshold list of C/I limited cell

Full name The threshold list of C/I limited cell

Abbreviation CILimitedThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter gives the threshold list of C/I limited adjacent cells.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Object Cell

Value Range For C/I limited adjacent cells, the value range is 0 ~ 63.

Unit None

Default value 63

Change mode Offline

Features None

parameters None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on
service None

5.6.3 Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters

The interface of adjacent cell handover parameters is shown in Figure 5-25.

Figure 5-25 Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters Adjacent cell handover object ID (HoObjectId)

Full name Adjacent cell handover object ID

Abbreviation HoObjectId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter is a unique identification of adjacent cell handover object.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 64

Unit None

Default value 1


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Priority of handover (HoPriority)

Full name Priority of handover

Abbreviation HoPriority

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, cell priority shall be considered in sequenc-

ing candidate cells. Therefore, there are three decisive factors to sequence
the candidate cells: priority, traffic, and radio conditions. Priority and traffic
affect the cell sequencing most. If they lead to the same result, sequence
the cells according to the radio conditions. The larger the value, the higher
Description level of priority.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0~7

Unit None

Default value 3

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-002 Dynamic Handover Priority Algorithm

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Max power level of MS (MsTxPwrMax)

Full name Max power level of MS

Abbreviation MsTxPwrMax



SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

During the communication between MS and BTS, the transmission power

is controlled by the network. The network sets the power for MS through
the power command and the command is transmitted on SACCH (SACCH
has 2 header bytes, one is the power control byte and the other is the
timing advance byte).
MS sets the specified output transmission power according to the power
control header extracted from the SACCH. MS uses the nearest possible
output power even if the power command sends maximum output power.
When BSC controls the power, the parameter is the maximum transmission
power that can be used by MS in the cell. MS max power level is also a
parameter used by BSC to calculate PBGT value.
Description The value is same as that in the appendix.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 31

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Min power level for handover access (RxLevMin)

Full name Min power level for handover access

Abbreviation RxLevMin


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter defines the minimum receiving intensity level (on BCCH)
required for MS to handover to this cell. It is one of parameters to decide
preferred cells during handover control. MS in the serving cell constantly
monitors the signal intensity on BCCH of adjacent cells. Adjacent cells
with the minimum receiving intensity level higher than this parameter are
potential candidates for handover. MS with receiving level larger than
minimum receiving level indicates that MS is at the edge of the serving cell.
Recommended value is usually approximated according to MS receiving
sensitivity. When network observes uneven traffic distribution in certain
cells, MIN access level increases the resulting C1 and C2 to decrease the
cell effective coverage range. However, the value of this parameter cannot
be too large. Otherwise, large value change can bring ‘void area’ across
cell boundaries to result in sudden call drop problem. With this measure for
traffic balance, it is suggested that the level value shall not exceed -90dB.
At the preliminary running stage of the network, this parameter can be
usually set as 10 (that is, -101 dBm ~ -100 dBm) or lower, which is higher
than the MS receiving sensitivity –102 dBm. However, when the network
capacity is expanded or the radio coverage in a cell is not a problem, this
Description parameter of the cell can be increased by 2 (dB).

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 63
l 0: < -110 dBm;
l 1: -110 dBm ~ -109 dBm;
l 2: -109 dBm ~ -108 dBm;
l 62: -49 dBm ~ -48 dBm;
Value Range l 63: > -48 dBm

Unit None

Default value 15

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Min threshold of signal level for handover on PBGT (HoMarginPbgt)

Full name Min threshold of signal level for handover on PBGT


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Abbreviation HoMarginPbgt

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon

received average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. The PBGT
value of an adjacent cell is also one of the causes for handover. The
decision process is as follows: If the PBGT value of an adjacent cell is
greater than the relevant threshold of this cell, handover shall be performed
to find a more suitable cell.
This parameter defines the threshold used to determine PBGT handover
Description from an adjacent cell to local cell.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 100
l 0: -24 dB
l 1: -23 dB
Value Range l 100: 76 dB

Unit None

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Min threshold of signal level for handover on power level (HoMarginRxLev)
Full name Min threshold of signal level for handover on power level

Abbreviation HoMarginRxLev

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon received

average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. In handover caused by
the level, adjacent cells shall be screened and sequenced. This parameter
defines the signal strength threshold to determine handover from adjacent
Description cell to local cell.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 100
l 0: -24 dB
l 1: -23 dB
Value Range l 100: 76 dB

Unit None

Default value 30

Change mode Offline

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Min threshold of signal level for handover on quality (HoMarginRxQual)

Full name Min threshold of signal level for handover on quality

Abbreviation HoMarginRxQual

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

According to GSM specifications, handover decisions depend upon received

average value of uplink and downlink signal strength. In handover caused by
the quality, adjacent cells shall be screened and sequenced. This parameter
defines the signal quality threshold to determine handover from adjacent cell
Description to local cell.

Management Object Cell

0 ~ 100
l 0: -24 dB
l 1: -23 dB
Value Range l 100: 76 dB

Unit None

Default value 30

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

ZGB-02-02-001 Basic Handover

Relevant Features ZGB-02-02-002 Basic Handover Decision Criteria

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Max level difference of force handover (MaxForceHoDiff)

Full name Max level difference of force handover

Abbreviation MaxForceHoDiff

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In order to avoid handover oscillations in cells, a tolerable level difference

for forced handover is required, which shall be lower than PBGT handover
threshold in the reverse direction. This parameter defines the maximum level
Description difference value for forced handover.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 48

Unit None

Default value 9

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Handover force resource threshold (HoForceResThs)

Full name Handover force resource threshold

Abbreviation HoForceResThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Directed handover should not cause congestion in the destination cell. When
resource of object cell is lower than the congestion threshold, forced han-
Description dover can be implemented.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 40

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Neighboring cell layer (NCellLayer)

Full name Neighboring cell layer

Abbreviation NCellLayer

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter provides the handover policies in multilayer network

technology and dual-frequency network technology. Multilayer radio
coverage can be formed in the same physical area.
The handover policies will not be detailed in this manual. In brief, limiting the
PBGT handover defined in the specifications at one layer can reduce the
number of handovers during the call, thus improving the system reliability
and communication quality. The policy of handover between a macro cell
layer and a micro cell layer mainly depends on the moving speed of MS. An
MS at higher moving speed will try to stay at the macro cell layer (upper
layer of the micro cell layer), and an MS at lower moving speed will try to
enter the micro cell layer (lower layer of the macro cell layer). Only in case
of PBGT handover and handover towards undefined layer being allowed
will the undefined cell of the service area be considered as a candidate cell.
"Same layer of the home cell": Adjacent cell and local cell are in the
same layer (PBGT handover is possible). "Upper layer of the home cell":
Adjacent cell is the upper layer of local cell (when the local cell is a micro
cell). "Lower layer of the home cell": Adjacent cell is the lower layer of local
Description cell (when the local cell is a macro cell). For details, refer to Appendix.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Management Object Cell

Undefined, Same layer of the home cell, Upper layer of the home cell, Lower
Value Range layer of the home cell

Unit None

Default value Same layer of the home cell

Change mode Offline

ZGO-02-02-001 Handover between Macro- and Micro-cells

Relevant Features ZGO-05-02-008 Multi-layer Cell Structure

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS adjacent cell report priority (RepPrioCS)

Full name CS adjacent cell report priority

Abbreviation RepPrioCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

Ajacent cells are reported according to the following priorities:

l Adjacent cell with same frequency band. have the following features:
BSIC of color code is valid; Its measured field intensity ranks high
among cells in the same frequency band and is larger than or equal
to the lower limit specified by RprtThoCSXXX. Here, XXX represents
frequency band of serving cell.
l Adjacent cell in the frequency band different from that of the serving cell
must have the following features: BSIC of color code is valid. Its mea-
sured field intensity ranks high among cells in the same frequency band
and is larger than or equal to the lower limit specified by RprtThoCSXXX.
Here, XXX represents the frequency band different from that of serving
l Other access technologies, such as UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells. The
cell’s scramble is correct. Its measured field intensity ranks high among
cells with the same access technologies and is larger than or equal to the
lower limit specified by XXXRprtThoCS. Here, XXX represents access
technologies like UTRAN/FDD.
For above priorities, if the priority’s location has surplus, then leave it
to adjacent cell of the next priority. For access technology such as

Description UTRAN/FDD, or frequency band such as GSM 900, the cell with high


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

RepPrioCS is preferred. For cells with same RepPrioCS, the cell with
greater sum of RprtThoCSXXX (or XXXRprtThoCS) and RprtOffsetCSXXX
(or XXXRprtOffsetCS) is preferred.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Low; High

Unit None

Default value Low

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Target cell traffic threshold (TargetCellTrafficThs)

Full name Target cell traffic threshold

Abbreviation TargetCellTrafficThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter specifies the threshold of the target cell's traffic. This value
determines if it shall be handed over to this cell. If the traffic in target cell is
Description more than this threshold, do not handover to this cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 75

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Handover threshold from macro to micro (MacroMicroHoThs, dbm)

Full name Handover threshold from macro to micro

Abbreviation MacroMicroHoThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter specifies the cell's signal strength threshold for handover
between macro-cell and micro-cell.

Management Object Cell

l > -48 dBm

l -50 ~ -49 dBm
Value Range
l -109 ~ -108 dBm
l -110 ~ -109 dBm
l < -110 dBm

Unit dBm

Default value -91 dBm ~ -90 dBm

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Counter of Handover Threshold from Macro to Micro (MacroMicroHoN)

Full name Counter of handover threshold from macro to micro

Abbreviation MacroMicroHoN

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This counter counts the number of the signal strength being higher than
the macro-micro handover threshold value.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None The direction fo neighbour cell (NCellDir)

Full name The direction of neighbour cell

Abbreviation NCellDir

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter identifies the direction relation between adjacent cell and local
cell. You can set the direction information for each adjacent cell.

Object Cell

Value Range Direction A, Direction B, No direction

Unit None

Default value No direction

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Is related cell (IsRelatedCell)

Full name Is related cell

Abbreviation IsRelatedCell

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Only the cell related to the serving cell can be a candidate in rapid fading
handover. This is a parameter of adjacent cell and is used to indicate whether
Description adjacent cell is related to the serving cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-001 Handover between Macro- and Micro-cells

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Is handover forced neighbor cell (IsHoForceNcell)

Full name Is handover forced neighbor cell

Abbreviation IsHoForceNcell

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

In the case of 1800M and 900M network sharing site, it is better to handover
subscribers of 900M network to 1800M network. At this time, you can do
directional handover traffic.
Forced handover is a method for on-site traffic adjustment. The forced
handover direction is definite, i.e. 1800M sector in the same direction. To
avoid influence on other cells, the forced handover is performed only for
Description a specific object cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-02-02-003 Directed-Shift Handover

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None Related cell DN

Full name Related cell DN

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description User can click Select to select cell or external cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range None

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.6.4 Adjacent Cell Reselection Parameters

The interface of adjacent cell reselection parameters is shown in Figure 5-26.

Figure 5-26 Adjacent Cell Reselection Parameters


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Adjacent cell reselection object ID (ReSelObjectId)

Full name Adjacent cell reselection object ID

Abbreviation ReSelObjectId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter is a unique identification of adjacent cell reselection object.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 64

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Adjacent cell report priority (RepPrioPS)

Full name Adjacent cell report priority

Abbreviation RepPrioPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter indicates adjacent cell report priority, broadcasted to MS in

SI2quater, PSI3ter and PSI3quater. It corresponds to adjacent cell list, indi-
Description cating the priority of measurement report in adjacent cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Low; High

Unit None

Default value Low

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CCN supported (CCNSupport)

Full name CCN supported

Abbreviation CCNSupport


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

CNN mode refers to cell alternating notificaiton. When BSS supports CCN
mode, if MS does cell reselection in NC0 and NC1 modes, PACKET CELL
CHANGE NOTIFICATION message notification shall be delivered to network
in normal case. After network receives this message, it can send specific
Description system message about standby cell to MS.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Related cell DN

Full name Related cell DN

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

DN (BssId-SiteId-BtsId-Hold) of the handover cell or DN (EcId) of the

external cell.
Description User can click Select to select cell or external cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.6.5 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters

The interface of UTRAN adjacent cell handover and reselection parameters is as shown
in Figure 5-27.

Figure 5-27 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters Adjacent UTRAN cell handover and reselection object ID (S3GHoRSObjectId)

Full name Adjacent UTRAN cell handover and reselection object ID

Abbreviation S3GHoRSObjectId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter is a unique identification of UTRAN adjacent cell handover

Description and reselection object.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 64

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None RSCP offset handover to UTRAN adjacent cell (HoRSCPOffset3G)

Full name RSCP offset handover to UTRAN adjacent cell

Abbreviation HoRSCPOffset3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Handover from GSM to UTRAN being triggered only indicates that

UTRAN adjacent cell satisfies the minimum requirement for normal UE
communication within it.
This parameter is a prerequisite to ensure enough field intensity for
uplink/downlink of UTRAN adjacent cells. It also controls the priority of a
Description UE to handover to different adjacent cells.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Ec/No offset handover to UTRAN adjacent cell (HoEcNoOffset3G)

Full name Ec/No offset handover to UTRAN adjacent cell

Abbreviation HoEcNoOffset3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Handover from GSM to UTRAN being triggered only indicates that

UTRAN adjacent cell satisfies the minimum requirement for normal UE
communication within it.
This parameter is a prerequisite to ensure enough field intensity for
uplink/downlink of UTRAN adjacent cells. It also controls the priority of a
Description UE to handover to different adjacent cells.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 49

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS adjacent cell report priority (RepPrioCS)

Full name CS adjacent cell report priority

Abbreviation RepPrioCS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Adjacent cells are reported according to the following priorities:

l Adjacent cell with same frequency band. have the following features:
BSIC of color code is valid; Its measured field intensity ranks high
among cells in the same frequency band and is larger than or equal
to the lower limit specified by RprtThoCSXXX. Here, XXX represents
frequency band of serving cell.
l Adjacent cell in the frequency band different from that of the serving cell
must have the following features: BSIC of color code is valid. Its mea-
sured field intensity ranks high among cells in the same frequency band
and is larger than or equal to the lower limit specified by RprtThoCSXXX.
Here, XXX represents the frequency band different from that of serving
l Other access technologies, such as UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells. The
cell’s scramble is correct. Its measured field intensity ranks high among
cells with the same access technologies and is larger than or equal to the
lower limit specified by XXXRprtThoCS. Here, XXX represents access
technologies like UTRAN/FDD.
For above priorities, if the priority’s location has surplus, then leave it
to adjacent cell of the next priority. For access technology such as
UTRAN/FDD, or frequency band such as GSM 900, the cell with high
RepPrioCS is preferred. For cells with same RepPrioCS, the cell with
greater sum of RprtThoCSXXX (or XXXRprtThoCS) and RprtOffsetCSXXX
Description (or XXXRprtOffsetCS) is preferred.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Low; High

Unit None

Default value Low

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None PS adjacent cell report priority (RepPrioPS)

Full name PS adjacent cell report priority

Abbreviation RepPrioPS



SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter defines the priority of adjacent cells to report the

measurement report during PS traffic operation.
Adjacent cells are reported according to the following priorities:
l Adjacent cell with same frequency band. have the following features:
BSIC of color code is valid; Its measured field intensity ranks high
among cells in the same frequency band and is larger than or equal
to the lower limit specified by RprtThoPSXXX. Here, XXX represents
frequency band of serving cell.
l Adjacent cell in the frequency band different from that of the serving cell
must have the following features: BSIC of color code is valid. Its mea-
sured field intensity ranks high among cells in the same frequency band
and is larger than or equal to the lower limit specified by RprtThoPSXXX.
Here, XXX represents the frequency band different from that of serving
l Other access technologies, such as UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells. The
cell’s scramble is correct. Its measured field intensity ranks high among
cells with the same access technologies and is larger than or equal to the
lower limit specified by XXXRprtThoPS. Here, XXX represents access
technologies like UTRAN/FDD.
For above priorities, if the priority’s location has surplus, then leave it
to adjacent cell of the next priority. For access technology such as
UTRAN/FDD, or frequency band such as GSM 900, the cell with high
RepPrioPS is preferred. For cells with same RepPrioPS, the cell with
greater sum of RprtThoPSXXX (or XXXRprtThoPS) and RprtOffsetPSXXX
Description (or XXXRprtOffsetPS) is preferred.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Low; High

Unit None

Default value Low

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CCN supported (CCNSupport)

Full name CCN supported


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation CCNSupport


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

CNN mode refers to cell alternating notificaiton. When BSS supports CCN
mode, if MS does cell reselection in NC0 and NC1 modes, PACKET CELL
CHANGE NOTIFICATION message notification shall be delivered to network
in normal case. After network receives this message, it can send specific
Description system message about standby cell to MS.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Target cell traffic threshold (TargetCellTrafficThs)

Full name Target cell traffic threshold

Abbreviation TargetCellTrafficThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter specifies the threshold of the target cell's traffic. This value
determines if it shall be handed over to this cell. If the traffic in target cell is
Description more than this threshold, do not handover to this cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 75

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Relation DN
Full name Relation DN

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to determine DN of the UTRAN external cell.

Description User can click Select to select the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range None

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.6.6 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters

The interface of UTRAN adjacent cell handover parameters is shown in Figure 5-28.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 5-28 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters UTRAN HO ID (S3GHoObjectId)

Full name UTRAN HO ID

Abbreviation S3GHoObjectId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is a unique identification of UTRAN adjacent cell handover

Description object.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 64

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None RSCP offset handover (HoRSCPOffset3G)

Full name RSCP offset handover


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Abbreviation HoRSCPOffset3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Handover from GSM to UTRAN being triggered only indicates that UTRAN
adjacent cell satisfies the minimum requirement for normal UE communica-
tion within it. This parameter is a prerequisite to ensure enough field intensity
for uplink/downlink of UTRAN adjacent cells. It also controls the priority of a
Description UE to handover to different adjacent cells.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Ec/No offset handover (HoEcNoOffset3G)

Full name Ec/No offset handover

Abbreviation HoEcNoOffset3G

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Handover from GSM to UTRAN being triggered only indicates that UTRAN
adjacent cell satisfies the minimum requirement for normal UE communica-
tion within it. This parameter is a prerequisite to ensure enough field intensity
for uplink/downlink of UTRAN adjacent cells. It also controls the priority of a
Description UE to handover to different adjacent cells.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 49

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS adjacent cell report priority (RepPrioCS)

Full name CS adjacent cell report priority

Abbreviation RepPrioCS

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates the priority of CS adjacent cell report. Priorities of the adjacent

cell are as follows:
1. Adjacent cell with same frequency band as the serving cell. These cells
must have the following features:
l BSIC of color code is valid.
l Its measured field intensity ranks high among cells in the same fre-
quency band and is larger than or equal to the lower limit specified
by RprtThoCSXXX. Here, XXX represents the frequency band dif-
ferent from that of serving cell.
2. Adjacent cells at different frequency band from the serving cell. These
cells must have the following features:
l BSIC of color code is valid.
l Its measured field intensity ranks high among cells in the same fre-
quency band and is larger than or equal to the lower limit specified
by RprtThoCSXXX. Here, XXX represents the frequency band dif-
ferent from that of serving cell.
3. Other access technologies, such as WCDMA/FDD adjacent cells. These
cells must have the following features:
l The cell's scramble is correct.
l Its measured field intensity ranks high among cells with the same
access technologies, such as WCDMA/FDD, and is larger than or
equal to the lower limit specified by XXXRprtThoCS. Here, XXX rep-
resents access technologies like WCDMA/FDD.
4. The remaining GSM adjacent cells which have valid BSIC, or GSM ad-
jacent cells with permitted NCC but invalid BCC, or adjacent cells with
other access technologies such as WCDMA/FDD. if such a cell’s Rep-
PrioCS and REPORTING_RATE are low, then the reporting frequency
is low too.
Description For the above priorities:


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

l If the priority’s location has surplus, then leave it to adjacent cell of the
next priority.
l For access technology such as WCDMA/FDD or frequency band such
as GSM900, the cell with higher RepPrioCS is preferred.
l For cells with same RepPrioCS, the cell with the larger sum of Rprt-
ThoCSXXX (or XXXRprtThoCS) and RprtOffsetCSXXX (or XXXRprtOff-
setCS) is preferred.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Low; High

Unit None

Default value Low

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Target cell traffic threshold (TargetCellTrafficThs)

Full name Target cell traffic threshold

Abbreviation TargetCellTrafficThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter specifies the threshold of the target cell's traffic. This value
determines if it shall be handed over to this cell. If the traffic in target cell is
Description more than this threshold, do not handover to this cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 100

Unit None

Default value 75

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None Relation DN
Full name Relation DN

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to determine DN of the UTRAN external cell.

Description User can click Select to select the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range None

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.6.7 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Reselection Parameters

The interface of UTRAN adjacent cell reselection parameters is shown in Figure 5-29.

Figure 5-29 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Reselection Parameters


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters Adjacent UTRAN cell reselection object ID (S3GrsObjectId)

Full name Adjacent UTRAN cell reselection object ID

Abbreviation S3GrsObjectId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is a unique identification of UTRAN adjacent cell reselection

Description object.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 64

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CS adjacent cell report priority (RepPrioPS)

Full name CS adjacent cell report priority

Abbreviation RepPrioPS


3GPP reference 3GPP TS 45.008 V5.22.0

This parameter defines the priority of adjacent cells to report the

measurement report during PS traffic operation.
Ajacent cells are reported according to the following priorities:
l Adjacent cell with same frequency band. have the following features:
BSIC of color code is valid; Its measured field intensity ranks high
among cells in the same frequency band and is larger than or equal
to the lower limit specified by RprtThoPSXXX. Here, XXX represents
frequency band of serving cell.
l Adjacent cell in the frequency band different from that of the serving cell
must have the following features: BSIC of color code is valid. Its mea-
sured field intensity ranks high among cells in the same frequency band

Description and is larger than or equal to the lower limit specified by RprtThoPSXXX.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Here, XXX represents the frequency band different from that of serving
l Other access technologies, such as UTRAN/FDD adjacent cells. The
cell’s scramble is correct. Its measured field intensity ranks high among
cells with the same access technologies and is larger than or equal to the
lower limit specified by XXXRprtThoPS. Here, XXX represents access
technologies like UTRAN/FDD.
For above priorities, if the priority’s location has surplus, then leave it
to adjacent cell of the next priority. For access technology such as
UTRAN/FDD, or frequency band such as GSM 900, the cell with high
RepPrioPS is preferred. For cells with same RepPrioPS, the cell with
greater sum of RprtThoPSXXX (or XXXRprtThoPS) and RprtOffsetPSXXX
(or XXXRprtOffsetPS) is preferred.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Low; High

Unit None

Default value Low

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None CCN supported (CCNSupport)

Full name CCN supported

Abbreviation CCNSupport


3GPP reference 3GPP TS44.060 V5.19.0

CNN mode refers to cell alternating notificaiton. When BSS supports CCN
mode, if MS does cell reselection in NC0 and NC1 modes, PACKET CELL
CHANGE NOTIFICATION message notification shall be delivered to network
in normal case. After network receives this message, it can send specific
Description system message about standby cell to MS.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None Relation DN
Full name Relation DN

Abbreviation None

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

DN (BssId-SiteId-BtsId-Hold) of the handover cell or DN (EcId) of the

external cell.
Description User can click Select to select the cell.

Management Object Cell

Value Range None

Unit None

Default value None

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

5.7 Frequency Hopping System Parameters

The interface of frequency hopping system parameters is shown in Figure 5-30.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 5-30 Frequency Hopping System Parameters

5.7.1 Frequency hopping No. (FhsId)

Full name Frequency hopping No.

Abbreviation FhsId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter is a unique identification of frequency hopping system.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 1 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping

Relevant parameters Frequency No.

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding frequency point will be interrupted immediately.

5.7.2 Hopping sequence No. (HSN)

Full name Hopping sequence No.

Abbreviation HSN

3GPP Name Hopping sequence number

3GPP reference 3GPP TS 44.018 V5.22.0


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

According to GSM 05.02 Frequency Hoping Algorithm, MAI is a function of

TDMA Frame number (FN), Hoping Sequence Number (HSN) and Mobile
Allocation Index Offset (MAIO). HSN determines the operation track of
frequencies during the frequency hopping process. Using different HSN
for cells having same MA can avoid frequency utilization conflict between
adjacent cells during the frequency hopping process.
Different timeslots can share the same group of MA and corresponding
HSN. When HSN = 0, it is a special frequency hopping (i.e. circular
frequency hopping)
HSN can be derived from BCC of the cell, because cells using the same
MA also have the same BCCH.
For example, if HSN ∈ [(BCC×6)+1, (BCC×6)+6], then each cell may use
any of the 6 HSNs. The remaining 0 and 49 ~ 63 are used in other special
Description cases. For simple implementation, directly use 0 by default.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 63

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding frequency point will be interrupted immediately.

5.7.3 Frequency hopping mode (FreqHopMode)

Full name Frequency hopping mode

Abbreviation FreqHopMode

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description This parameter indicates the mode of frequency hopping.

Management Object Cell

Value Range RFID freqhop; Base band freqhop

Unit None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Default value RFID freqhop

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping

Hopping GROUP ID (BhGroupId)

Relevant parameters MA frequency list No. (MaFreqNum)

When this parameter's value is Base band freqhop, the BhGroupId

parameter can be set.
When this parameter is set as "RFID freqhop", adding and deleting
operation can be performed for the "MA frequency list No. (MaFreqNum)"
parameter. When this parameter is set as "Base band freqhop", the Add
button and the Del button disappear from the interface.

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding frequency point will be interrupted immediately.

5.7.4 Hopping group ID (BhGroupId)

Full name Hopping group ID

Abbreviation BhGroupId

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates the hopping group id.

Management Object Cell

Value Range 0 ~ 255

Unit None

Default value 0, indicating that TRX is not involved in baseband frequency hopping.

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping

Relevant parameters Frequency hopping mode (FreqHopMode)

When the "FreqHopMode" parameter's value is Base band freqhop,

this parameter can be set.

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current

Impact on service services of corresponding frequency point will be interrupted


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Chapter 5 Cell Object Parameters

5.7.5 MA Frequency List Number (MaFreqNum)

Full name MA Frequency List Number

Abbreviation MaFreqNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter provides a list of absolute RF channel number in a

frequency hopping group. It is a CA sub-set of the home cell. The related
information will be notified to MS when MS is notified of which channel
should be used.
Description User can click Add or Del to perform adding or deleting operation.

Management Object Cell

Value Range Based on frequency setting

Unit None

Default value Based on frequency setting

Change mode Offline

ZGO-04-03-001 Synthesized Frequency Hopping

ZGO-04-03-004 Baseband Frequency Hopping
Relevant Features ZGO-04-03-002 Support of 64 Frequencies Hopping

Relevant parameters Frequency hopping mode (FreqHopMode)

When the "FreqHopMode" parameter is set as "RFID freqhop", adding

and deleting operation can be performed for this parameter. When the
"FreqHopMode" parameter is set as "Base band freqhop", the Add button
and the Del button disappear from the interface.

Related interfaces None

Service will be affected. If the parameter is modified, all current services of

Impact on service corresponding frequency point will be interrupted immediately.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

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Chapter 6
System Control Parameters
Table of Contents
Operation Control Parameters....................................................................................6-1
FUC Parameters ......................................................................................................6-23
Handover Parameters of BCCH ...............................................................................6-28
Handover Parameters of SD.....................................................................................6-32
Other Parameters.....................................................................................................6-37
IBS Parameters........................................................................................................6-48
Performance Management Parameters ....................................................................6-50
Baseband Frequency Hopping TRX Exchange Parameters......................................6-54
GPRS Operation Control Parameters .......................................................................6-57

6.1 Operation Control Parameters

The interface of Operation Control Parameters for system control is shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1 Operation Control Parameters


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

6.1.1 Assign query enable (AssQueEnable)

Full name Assign query enable

Abbreviation AssQueEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Whether queuing is allowed if it fails to obtain channel in assignment.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit Yes

Default value Allow

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.2 Internal redirection enable (InDrEnable)

Full name Internal redirection enable

Abbreviation InDrEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Determine if to allow channel request from other cells in BSC if no any

channel is requested.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Impact on service None

6.1.3 Outer redirection enable (OutDrEnable)

Full name Outer redirection enable

Abbreviation OutDrEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Determine if to allow channel request from the cells out of BSC if no any
channel is requested.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.4 Assign preemption enable (AssPreEmpt)

Full name Assign preemption enable

Abbreviation AssPreEmpt

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Determine if to allow preemption of the channel occupied by the subscriber

with lower priority if no any channel is requested.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.5 BSC intracell handover enable (HoIntraEnable)

Full name BSC intracell handover enable

Abbreviation HoIntraEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to allow intra-cell handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.6 BSC intercell handover enable (HoInterEnable)

Full name BSC cell handover enable

Abbreviation HoInterEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to allow inter-cell handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.7 BSC outer handover enable (HoOutEnable)

Full name BSC outer handover enable

Abbreviation HoOutEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to enable BSC outer handover

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.8 SDCCH handover enable (ShoEnable)

Full name SDCCH handover enable

Abbreviation ShoEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to enable SDCCH handover

Management Object BSC


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.9 TCH/F handover enable (TfHoEnable)

Full name TCH/F handover enable

Abbreviation TfHoEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to enable TCH/F handover

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.10 TCH/H handover enable (ThHoEnable)

Full name TCH/H handover enable

Abbreviation ThHoEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Description Determine if to enable TCH/H handover

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.11 Handover queue enable (HoQueEnable)

Full name Handover queue enable

Abbreviation HoQueEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to enable handover queue

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.12 Handover preemption enable (HoPreEmpt)

Full name Handover preemption enable

Abbreviation HoPreEmpt


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to allow forced release.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.13 Handover check arithmetic choose (HoA)

Full name Handover check arithmetic choose

Abbreviation HoA

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It is used to identify which kind of handover decision algorithm is used.

0: DZD handover algorithm 1
1: DZD handover algorithm 2
9: DZD handover algorithm 10
10: reserved

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 10]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Impact on service None

6.1.14 Handover request response (HoAck)

Full name Handover request response

Abbreviation HoAck

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if MSC shall respond messages on BSC outer handover

Management Object BSC

Value Range No Need, Need

Unit None

Default value No need

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.15 Force FACCH (FacchOnly)

Full name Force FACCH

Abbreviation FacchOnly

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

First use TCH/F service channel on immediate assignment of channel


Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.16 Continuum handover trigger (HoTrigger)

Full name Continuum handover trigger

Abbreviation HoTrigger

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the number of handover

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.17 Handover reason tip (HoCauseInd)

Full name Handover reason tip

Abbreviation HoCauseInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the reason of handover

Management Object BSC


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

[0, 7]
0: no handover
Value Range
1 ~ 2: inra-cell handover
3 ~ 7: inter-cell handover or external handover

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.18 Local cell position number (LAC)

Full name Local cell position number

Abbreviation LAC

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the position number at local cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.19 Local cell identification (CI)

Full name Local cell identification


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Abbreviation CI

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the number of local cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.20 Outer cell target number (OutCellNum)

Full name Outer cell target number

Abbreviation OutCellNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the number of external target cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 3]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

6.1.21 Outer cell position number 1 (OutLAC1)

Full name Outer cell position number 1

Abbreviation OutLAC1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

For internal use, assign the position number 1 of external target cell on

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.22 Outer cell position number 2 (OutLAC2)

Full name Outer cell position number 2

Abbreviation OutLAC2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

For internal use, assign the position number 2 of external target cell on

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.23 Outer cell position number 3 (OutLAC3)

Full name Outer cell position number 3

Abbreviation OutLAC3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

For internal use, assign the position number 3 of external target cell on

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.24 Outer cell number 1 (OutCI1)

Full name Outer cell number 1

Abbreviation OutCI1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the number 1 of external target cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.25 Outer cell number 2 (OutCI2)

Full name Outer cell number 2

Abbreviation OutCI2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the number 2 of external target cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.26 Outer cell number 3 (OutCI3)

Full name Outer cell number 3

Abbreviation OutCI3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the number 3 of external target cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None


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Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.27 Outer RNC 1 (OutRNC1)

Full name Outer RNC 1

Abbreviation OutRNC1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the RNC_ID 1 of external 3G target cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.28 Outer RNC 2 (OutRNC2)

Full name Outer RNC 2

Abbreviation OutRNC2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the RNC_ID 2 of external 3G target cell on handover.

Management Object BSC


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.29 Outer RNC 3 (OutRNC3)

Full name Outer RNC 3

Abbreviation OutRNC3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description For internal use, assign the RNC_ID 3 of external 3G target cell on handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.30 Old BSS to new BSS information (OldToneWctrl)

Full name Old BSS to new BSS information

Abbreviation OldToneWctrl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

It describes the content that shall be sent for "Old BSS to New BSS
information" information in HANDOVER REQUIRED message.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 255]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.31 Access Control (AccessCtrl)

Full name Access Control

Abbreviation AccessCtrl

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to do access control

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.32 Resume set option (ResumeSetOpt)

Full name Resume set option


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Abbreviation ResumeSetOpt

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to enable RESUME switch.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Open, Close

Unit None

Default value Close

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.33 Handout queue sign (HandOutQueInd)

Full name Handout queue sign

Abbreviation HandOutQueInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Identify if to allow queue on inter-BSC handover.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Handout queue disable, Handout queue enable

Unit None

Default value Handout queue disable

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

6.1.34 Send cell prefer indication (SendCellPreferInd)

Full name Send cell prefer indication

Abbreviation SendCellPreferInd

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to include Cell Prefer Ind in full layer 3 message

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.35 IPA AMR start mode (IpaAMRStartMode)

Full name IPA AMR start mode

Abbreviation IpaAMRStartMode

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Start rate used by IPA AMR

Management Object BSC

Value Range Default, Max speed

Unit None

Default value Default

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Impact on service None

6.1.36 TDD cell handover enable (TdHoEnable)

Full name TDD cell handover enable

Abbreviation TdHoEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description Determine if to allow TDD cell handover

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.37 Sending HO detect message to MSC during intra-BSC HO

with IPA (InBscHoSendHoDet)
Full name Sending HO detect message to MSC during intra-BSC HO with IPA

Abbreviation InBscHoSendHoDet

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

For intra-BSC handover with IPA, when the link establishment indication is
received, if the newly requested voice version is different from the old voice
version, it is necessary to send the handover detect message to MSC to
reduce the no-voice duration in a call. If the handover detect message has
been sent when IPA is sent to MSC, and if the handover failure message is
received (the intra-cell handover failure is due to assignment failure), it is
necessary to send the handover failure message to MSC.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Management Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.1.38 ICM optimize when intra BSC handover (AmrHoOpt_0)

Full name ICM optimize when intra BSC handover

Abbreviation AmrHoOpt_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether ICM optimization should be performed for

intra-BSC handover. If this parameter is set as 'Yes', when the response
message for pre-handover notification is returned from BTS, BSC sends ICM
Description and startmode, which are contained in the handover command message, to
MS, and the two values are those in the response message for pre-handover
notification. Otherwise, the two values are those set at background.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

6.1.39 ICM optimize when inter BSC handover (AmrHoOpt_1)

Full name ICM optimize when inter BSC handover

Abbreviation AmrHoOpt_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether ICM optimization should be performed for

inter-BSC handover. If this parameter is set as 'Yes', when the response
message for pre-handover notification is returned from BTS, BSC sends ICM
Description and startmode, which are contained in the handover command message, to
MS, and the two values are those in the response message for pre-handover
notification. Otherwise, the two values are those set at background.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.2 FUC Parameters

The interface of FUC Parameters for system control is shown in Figure 6-2.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 6-2 FUC Parameters

6.2.1 Use system message method when MSC overload or link

block (MSCSysInfoFlc)
Full name Use system message method when MSC overload or link block

Abbreviation MSCSysInfoFlc

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

FUC is done by system message method while all MSC overloaded or SP

congested (FUC shall be started for this kind of overload).
Use system message method, that is, disable some MSs from accessing
network according to the ACCN parameter in system message. Use FUC
method, that is, disable some MSs from accessing network according to the
number of random access on RACH.

Management Object BSC

Value Range System message method, FUC method

Unit None

Default value FUC method

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.2.2 Start system message method (CPUSysInfoFlc)

Full name Start system message method

Abbreviation CPUSysInfoFlc

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Enable system message method if CPU utilization of CMP increases up to

the CPU threshold o system message control method.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.2.3 Start system message method, start limit(%)

Full name Start limit of system message method

Abbreviation CPUSysInfoCTLCPU

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

FUC caused by CPU utilization of CMP uses CPU threshold of system

message control method. It means if CPU utilization exceeds this threshold
and "Start system message method" parameter is Yes, FUC can be done
by system message control method.


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Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 100]

Unit %

Default value 65

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.2.4 Start FUC flow control (CPUFucFlc)

Full name Start FUC flow control

Abbreviation CPUFucFlc

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Enable FUC flow control if CPU utilization of CMP increases up to the CPU
threshold of FUC flow control method.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.2.5 Start limit of FUC flow control (CPUFucCtlCPU, %)

Full name Start limit of FUC flow control

Abbreviation CPUFucCtlCPU


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

FUC caused by CPU utilization of CMP uses CPU threshold of FUC control
Description method. It means if CPU utilization exceeds this threshold and Start FUC
flow control parameter is Yes, flow can be controlled by FUC flow control.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 100]

Unit %

Default value 75

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.2.6 The maximum control level for MSC overload or link block
Full name The maximum control level for MSC overload or link block (MSCFlcMaxLevel)

Abbreviation MSCFlcMaxLevel

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates allowed maximum control level while MSC is overloaded or link is


Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 10]

Unit None

Default value 6

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGB-03-04-001 BSC Load Control

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

6.3 Handover Parameters of BCCH

The interface of Handover Parameters of BCCH for system control is shown in Figure

Figure 6-3 Handover Parameters of BCCH

6.3.1 Handover BCCH (CanBCCHEx)

Full name Handover BCCH

Abbreviation CanBCCHEx

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to indicate if dynamic configured BCCH function is enabled

by BSC. When this function is enabled, network can enable dynamic configured
BCCH function. Specially, for which cell can enable this function, it is based on if
the cell can dynamically enable dynamically configured BCCH function.

Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.3.2 Scan BCCH (ScanBCCH)

Full name Scan BCCH

Abbreviation ScanBCCH

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to indicate the scanning duration for idle BCCH channel
by the network when dynamic configured BCCH function is enabled in the cell.
When network enables dynamic configured BCCH function, the network may
periodically check idle BCCH carrier state in the cell according to this parameter,
to decide conversion condition. This parameter can reflect response time for this
case due to network BCCH carrier failure.

Object BSC

Value Range [600, 9000]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 3000

Change mode Offline

Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Impact on service None

6.3.3 BCCH starting delay (BCCHDelay)

Full name BCCH starting delay

Abbreviation BCCHDelay

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The initial delay for BCCH switchover. The user shall check the state of BCCH
Description carrier after timer timeout. Formally start switchover flow if switchover is required

Object BSC

Value Range [20, 1800]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 1200

Change mode Offline

Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.3.4 BCCH finishing delay (ReBCCHEx)

Full name BCCH finishing delay

Abbreviation ReBCCHEx

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

The initial delay for BCCH switchover. The user shall check the state of BCCH
Description carrier after timer timeout. Formally start switchover flow if switchover is required


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Object BSC

Value Range [20, 1800]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 1200

Change mode Offline

Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.3.5 Delay of TRX forcible release (TrxRel)

Full name Delay of TRX forcible release

Abbreviation TrxRel

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates delay of TRX forcible release. During BCCH handover, if you select
the carrier with existing service as BCCH carrier after handover, you can inform
the service and handover to other carrier. Release the service on this carrier
after timer is timeout.

Object BSC

Value Range [20, 200]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 60

Change mode Offline

Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

parameters None

Relationship None


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interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.3.6 The MAX cells' amount of simultaneously handover

Full name The MAX cells' amount of simultaneously handover

Abbreviation MaxChangeProc

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It controls the MAX number of cells that can be handovered simultaneously in a


Object BSC

Value Range [1, 8]

Unit None

Default value 2

Change mode Offline

Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.4 Handover Parameters of SD

The interface of Handover Parameters of SD for system control is shown in Figure 6-4.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Figure 6-4 Handover Parameters of SD

6.4.1 Dynamic configuration SDCCH (CanSDCCHDyn)

Full name Dynamic configuration SDCCH

Abbreviation CanSDCCHDyn

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to indicate if dynamic configured SDCCH function is

enabled by BSC. When this function is enabled, network can enable dynamic
configured SDCCH function. Specially, for which cell can enable this function, it is
based on if the cell can dynamically enable dynamic configured SDCCH function.

Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Features ZGB-03-02-003 Dynamic Configuration of SDCCH

parameters None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.4.2 Scan SDCCH (ScanSDCCH)

Full name Scan SDCCH

Abbreviation ScanSDCCH

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to indicate the scanning duration for idle SDCCH channel
by the network when dynamic configured SDCCH function is enabled in the cell.
When network enables dynamic configured SDCCH function, the network may
periodically check idle SDCCH channels in the cell according to this parameter, to
decide conversion condition. This parameter can reflect response time for this
case due to insufficient SDCCH channel resource.

Object BSC

Value Range [10, 1000]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 100

Change mode Offline

Features ZGB-03-02-003 Dynamic Configuration of SDCCH

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.4.3 Delay of TS forcible release (TsRel)

Full name Delay of TS forcible release

Abbreviation TsRel


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates delay of TS forcible release. During dynamic config SDCCH converted

Description to TCH, first handover the service on this timeslot to other timeslots, and release
the service on this timeslot after timer is timeout.

Object BSC

Value Range [5, 200]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Features ZGB-03-02-003 Dynamic Configuration of SDCCH

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.4.4 Delay protection (MaxDelay)

Full name Delay protection

Abbreviation MaxDelay

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is delay protection timer, which is used to indicate response

timeout timer after waiting for BTS configuration finishing while dynamic config
BCCH or SDCCH function is enabled and dynamic conversion condition is met.
Restart flow after timer is timeout.

Object BSC

Value Range [1200, 2400]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 1800

Change mode Offline


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery, ZGB-03-02-003 Dynamic

Features Configuration of SDCCH

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.4.5 TCH->SDCCH limit (MinSDCCH)

Full name TCH->SDCCH limit

Abbreviation MinSDCCH

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to indicate if dynamic configured SDCCH function is

Description enabled and conversion threshold from TCH to SDCCH. Only when idle SDCCH
is lower than this threshold, the conversion from TCH to SDCCH can be done.

Object BSC

Value Range [2, 64]

Unit None

Default value 4

Change mode Offline

Features ZGB-03-02-003 Dynamic Configuration of SDCCH

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.4.6 SDCCH->TCH delay (TimeToTch)

Full name SDCCH->TCH delay


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Abbreviation TimeToTch

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter is used to enable dynamic config SDCCH function in the cell.
After TCH is dynamically converted to SDCCH channel and SDCCH channel is
Description idle, to prevent from frequent channel conversion, a time limit will be added for
the conversion from SDCCH channel to TCH channel. During this limit, SDCCH
channel can not be converted to TCH channel.

Object BSC

Value Range [0, 24]

Unit None

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Features ZGB-03-02-003 Dynamic Configuration of SDCCH

parameters None

Relationship None

interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5 Other Parameters

The interface of Other Parameters for system control is shown in Figure 6-5.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 6-5 Other Parameters

6.5.1 B2 support AMR (V2TruSupportAMR)

Full name B2 support AMR

Abbreviation V2TruSupportAMR

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

if B2 carrier on BTSV2 site supports AMR voice algorithm determines if

service on B2 carrier can use AMR voice version.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.2 CHR Enable (ChrEnable)

Full name CHR Enable

Abbreviation ChrEnable

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if call history record function is enabled.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.3 NC2 support (NC2support)

Full name NC2 support

Abbreviation NC2support

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It indicates if to support NC2.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.4 MR server IP (MRSvrIP)

Full name MR server IP

Abbreviation MRSvrIP

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description MR server IP

Management Object BSC

Value Range Input IP with 4 bytes, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (xxx is 0~255)

Unit None

Default value

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.5 MR server port (MRSvrPort)

Full name MR server port

Abbreviation MRSvrPort

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description MR server TCP port

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 0


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.6 BER weight (VoiceQualWeight_0)

Full name BER Weight

Abbreviation VoiceQualWeight_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Voice quality inspects the weight of influence factors. This parameter

Description indicates BER weight. The system calculate the weight of voice quality level
while adding or reducing these influence factors.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.7 FER weight (VoiceQualWeight_1)

Full name FER Weight

Abbreviation VoiceQualWeight_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Voice quality inspects the weight of influence factors. This parameter

Description indicates FER weight. The system calculates the weight of voice quality level
while adding or reducing these influence factors.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.8 Handover frequency weight (VoiceQualWeight_2)

Full name Handover frequence weight

Abbreviation VoiceQualWeight_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Voice quality inspects the weight of influence factors. This parameter

Description indicates handover frequency weight. The system calculate the weight of
voice quality level while adding or reducing these influence factors.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

6.5.9 DTX weight (VoiceQualWeight_3)

Full name DTX weight

Abbreviation VoiceQualWeight_3

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Voice quality inspects the weight of influence factors. This parameter

Description indicates DTX weight. The system calculate the weight of voice quality level
while adding or reducing these influence factors.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.10 Coding decode weight (VoiceQualWeight_4)

Full name Coding decode weight

Abbreviation VoiceQualWeight_4

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Voice quality inspects the weight of influence factors. This parameter

Description indicates coding decode weight. The system calculate the weight of voice
quality level while adding or reducing these influence factors.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None


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Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.11 ABIS transmission error code weight (VoiceQualWeight_5)

Full name ABIS transmission error code weight

Abbreviation VoiceQualWeight_5

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Voice quality inspects the weight of influence factors. This parameter

Description indicates the weight of Abis transmission error code. The system calculate the
weight of voice quality level while adding or reducing these influence factors.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.12 Delay weight (VoiceQualWeight_6)

Full name Delay weight

Abbreviation VoiceQualWeight_6

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Voice quality inspects the weight of influence factors. This parameter

Description indicates delay weight. The system calculate the weight of voice quality level
while adding or reducing these influence factors.

Management Object BSC


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Value Range [0, 65535]

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.13 A port resource block threshold (Reslimit_0)

Full name A port resource block threshold

Abbreviation Reslimit_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It describes proportion threshold while alarm occurs by PCM at A-interface.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 100]

Unit %

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.14 NSVC resource block threshold (Reslimit_1)

Full name NSVC resource block threshold

Abbreviation Reslimit_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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Description It describes proportion threshold while alarm occurs by NSVC at Gb interface.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 100]

Unit %

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.15 Channel resource block threshold (Reslimit_2)

Full name Channel resource block threshold

Abbreviation Reslimit_2

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It describes proportion threshold while alarm occurs in radio channel.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 100]

Unit %

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.16 Subcell busy threshold (Reslimit_3)

Full name Subcell busy threshold

Abbreviation Reslimit_3


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

Description It is used as constraint condition for traffic shift and frag concentration.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [40, 100]

Unit %

Default value 80

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.5.17 ABIS alarm delay time (AbisAlmDelayTime)

Full name ABIS alarm delay time

Abbreviation AbisAlmDelayTime

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

On disconnection at Abis, if the time from disconnection to recovery is shorter

than the delay time, do not send the disconnection alarm.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 60]

Unit Second

Default value 0

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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6.5.18 DTX factor (Info_0_8)

Full name DTX factor

Abbreviation Info_0_8

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

If the cell is IP access, MS uses DTX mode, and downlink discontinuous

Description transmission is enabled, the final allocated Abis bandwidth equals to normal
service bandwidth multiplied by this factor.

Management Object Cell

Value Range [20, 100]

Unit %

Default value 50

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Uplink discontinuous transmission (DtxUplinkBcch), Downlink discontinuous

Relevant parameters
transmission (DtxDwlink)

If MS shall use DTX mode and downlink discontinuous transmission is

enabled, this parameter is valid.

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.6 IBS Parameters

The interface of IBS Parameters for system control is shown in Figure 6-6.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Figure 6-6 IBS Parameters

6.6.1 The method of intelligent TRX power off (Info_0_0)

Full name The method of intelligent TRX power off

Abbreviation Info_0_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When IBS shutdown function is enabled, this parameter indicates the decision
condition applied to select shutdown TRX.

Management Object BSC

Value Range The traffic of each line, peak value occupied by the channel

Unit None

Default value The traffic of each line

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-04-04-002 Intelligent TRX Shutdown

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.7 Performance Management Parameters

The interface of Performance Management Parameters for system control is shown in
Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 Performance Management Parameters

6.7.1 PingPong handover duration (PingPongDura, s)

Full name Pingpong handover duration

Abbreviation PingPongDura

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

ping pong handover counter that measures the number of handovers out and
in the original cell within this period.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 60]

Unit s


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Default value 10

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.7.2 Number of measurement reports for dropped connections

Full name Number of measurement reports for dropped connections

Abbreviation LatestMeasureRptNum

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

On call drops, you shall determine which reason causes the call drop based
Description on average level and quality. This parameter is used to control the average

Management Object BSC

Value Range [1, 10]

Unit None

Default value 1

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.7.3 Uplink quality threshold (DropBadQualULThs, RQ)

Full name Uplink quality threshold

Abbreviation DropBadQualULThs

3GPP Name None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

3GPP reference None

On call drops, if uplink quality is better than this threshold, it measures as

call drop due to poor uplink quality.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 7]

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.7.4 Downlink quality threshold (DropBadQualDLThs, RQ)

Full name Downlink quality threshold

Abbreviation DropBadQualDLThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

On call drops, if downlink quality is better than this threshold, it measures as

call drop due to poor downlink quality.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 7]

Unit None

Default value 5

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

6.7.5 Uplink signal strength threshold (DropLowSigStrULThs)

Full name Uplink signal strength threshold

Abbreviation DropLowSigStrULThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

On call drops, if uplink level is not more than this threshold, it measures as
call drop due to low uplink level.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 63]

Unit None

Default value 12

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.7.6 Downlink signal strength threshold (DropLowSigStrDLThs)

Full name Downlink signal strength threshold

Abbreviation DropLowSigStrDLThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

On call drops, if downlink level is not more than this threshold, it measures as
call drop due to low downlink level.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 63]

Unit None

Default value 12

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None


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Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.7.7 Excessive TA threshold (DropExcessiveTAThs)

Full name Excessive TA threshold

Abbreviation DropExcessiveTAThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

On call drops, if the distance (represented by TA value) between MS and

Description network is not less than this threshold, it measures as call drop due to too
distant TA.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 63]

Unit None

Default value 20

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.8 Baseband Frequency Hopping TRX Exchange

The interface of Baseband Frequency Hopping TRX Exchange Parameters for system
control is shown in Figure 6-8.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Figure 6-8 Baseband Frequency Hopping TRX Exchange Parameters

6.8.1 Baseband frequency hopping TRX exchange support

Full name Baseband frequency hopping TRX exchange support

Abbreviation Info_0_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It indicates whether baseband hopping TRX exchange is supported. If a TRX

Description fails in baseband hopping set, the system automatically removes failed TRX
from hopping set. If the failed TRX restores, move it into original hopping set.

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None


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Impact on service None

6.8.2 Baseband Frequency hopping TRX Exchange scan timer

Full name Baseband Frequency hopping TRX Exchange scan timer

Abbreviation Info_1_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

It identifies the exchange period required by periodically scanning the TRX of

baseband frequency hopping.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [600, 9000]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 3000

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.8.3 Baseband frequency hopping TRX configuration timer

Full name Baseband frequency hopping TRX configuration timer

Abbreviation Info_1_16

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After baseband hopping exchange, you shall update the configuration for the
site. This parameter defines the timer to wait for response from the site.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [100, 3000]

Unit 100 ms


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Default value 1800

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.8.4 Baseband frequency hopping TRX exchange check delay

timer (Info_2_0)
Full name Baseband frequency hopping TRX exchange check delay timer

Abbreviation Info_2_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When detecting the exchange is required for baseband hopping TRX, the
Description system may delay for a period to check if the exchange is required again.
This parameter defines the delay period.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [100, 1800]

Unit 100 ms

Default value 600

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features ZGO-03-04-001 Automatic BCCH Recovery

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.9 GPRS Operation Control Parameters

The interface of Operation Control Parameters for system control is shown in Figure 6-9.


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 6-9 GPRS Operation Control Parameters

6.9.1 Two phase access (TwoPhaseAccess)

Full name Two phase access

Abbreviation TwoPhaseAccess

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether the two phase access mode is used

Management Object BSC

Value Range Yes/No

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

6.9.2 Send radio status to SGSN (GBMsgSndInd_0)

Full name Send radio status to SGSN

Abbreviation GBMsgSndInd_0

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

This parameter indicates whether to send the radio status message to SGSN.
The message is sent in the following cases:
1. MS is not in the coverage range, the message containing the cause
"radio connection with MS is disconnected".
2. Radio quality is too poor, the message containing the cause "radio quality
is not good".
Description 3. The network side requires MS to perform cell reselection, the message
containing the cause "cell reselection command".
4. The network side can not require MS to perform cell reselction or
internal rerouting, the message containing the cause "preparing for cell
5. PCCO fails, the message containing the cause "cell reselection failure".
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.9.3 Send LLC discard to SGSN (GBMsgSndInd_1)

Full name Send LLC discard to SGSN

Abbreviation GBMsgSndInd_1

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None


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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

This parameter indicates whether to send discarded LLC frame to SGSN.

When this parameter is set as 'Yes', the message is sent to notify SGSN
of the deleted LLC frame in the cell.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value Yes

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.9.4 Threshold of quality in radio status (RadStaQuaThs)

Full name Threshold of quality in radio status

Abbreviation RadStaQuaThs

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

After N3105 overflows, the radio status message is sent to SGSN. The radio
status message contains two types of cause to SGSN: 0 and 1. 0 indicates
the radio connection with MS is disconnected, and 1 indicates the radio
Description quality is poor. Whether the cause value is 0 or 1 depends on the result
of comparing this parameter's value and the radio quality contained in the
downlink ack message.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Object BSC

Value Range [0, 31]

Unit None

Default value 8

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None


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Chapter 6 System Control Parameters

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None

6.9.5 Send packet TBF release to MS when BSS abnormal

Full name Send packet TBF release to MS when BSS abnormal

Abbreviation PacketTBFRel

3GPP Name None

3GPP reference None

When the network side becomes abnormal, this parameter is used to decide
Description whether the TBF release message should be sent to MS.
This parameter is supported from version 6.20.21.

Management Object BSC

Value Range
0: No; 1: Yes

Unit None

Default value No

Change mode Offline

Relevant Features None

Relevant parameters None

Relationship None

Related interfaces None

Impact on service None


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Appendix A
Flow Control Policy Values
Overload Class Rxlev_Ac- Penalty Cell select Max-
Level Number cess_Min Time Offset Tx-integer Retrans

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 1 -1 (255)

2 0 1 0 0 2 -2 (254)

3 1 2 0 -2 (254) 3 -3 (253)

4 2 3 0 -3 (253) 4 -3 (253)

5 3 4 0 -4 (252) 4 -3 (253)

6 4 4 0 -4 (252) 4 -3 (253)

7 5 4 11111 -3 (253) 4 -3 (253)

8 6 4 11111 -2 (254) 4 -3 (253)

9 7 4 11111 -1 (255) 4 -3 (253)

10 8 4 11111 0 4 -3 (253)

11 9 4 11111 0 4 -3 (253)

12 10 4 11111 0 4 -3 (253)


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Appendix B
Power Values
GSM900 GSM1800

MS Output MS Output
Value Power (dBm) Value Power (dBm)

0~2 39 29 36

3 37 30 34

4 35 31 32

5 33 0 30

... ... ... 1 28

16 11 ... …

17 9 13 4

18 7 14 2

19~31 5 15 ~ 28 0


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Appendix C
Cell Layer Number Values
Adjacent Cell

Current Sectoral GSM 900M GSM 900M 1800M 1800M
Cell Cell Macro Cell Micro Cell Macro Cell Micro Cell Pico Cell

Cell N N N N N N

GSM 900M

GSM 900M


1800M Mi-



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ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

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Appendix D
Corresponding Relationship
between Parameter Interface
and Database Values
The following introduces the corresponding relationship between the parameter interface
and parameter values in the database.
Table of Contents
Ÿ BSC Function Parameters Interface........................................................................ D-1
Ÿ GERAN External Cell Parameters .......................................................................... D-8
Ÿ UTRAN External Cell Parameters ........................................................................... D-8
Ÿ Cell Parameters...................................................................................................... D-9
Ÿ Cell Object Parameters......................................................................................... D-19

D.1 BSC Function Parameters Interface

D.1.1 Basic Property Parameters
l Support MNC 3 digits (MNC3Digits)

Interface Value Database Value

2 digits 0

3 digits 1

l Net Type (Net)

Interface Value Database Value



China Unicom Communication Network

(CUCN) 3

Railway Telecom Network (RLTN) 4

China Netcom (CNC) 5


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value

National Farm Transition Network (NFTN) 6

Network 7 7

Network 8 8

l SP Type (SpType)

Interface Value Database Value

Signaling End Point (SEP) 1

Signaling Transfer Point (STP) 2

Signaling terminal end point (STEP) 3

l Is TC Type (TCType)

Interface Value Database Value

Inner TC 0

Outer TC 1

l Global time zone (GlobalTimeZone)

Interface Value Database Value

(GMT-12:00) Enewetak, Kwajalein Island -720

(GMT-11:30) Midway Island, Samoan Islands -690

(GMT-11:30) Midway Island, Samoan Islands -660

(GMT-10:30) Hawaii -630

(GMT-10:00) Hawaii -600

(GMT-09:30) Alaska -570

(GMT-09:00) Alaska -540

(GMT-08:30) Western Standard Time (USA

and Canada) -510

(GMT-08:00) Western Standard Time (USA

and Canada) -480

(GMT-07:30) Arizona -450

(GMT-07:00) Arizona -420

(GMT-06:30) Mexico -390

(GMT-06:00) Mexico, Saskatchewan -360

(GMT-05:30) Bogota, Lima -330


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

Interface Value Database Value

(GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Eastern Standard

Time (USA and Canada) -300

(GMT-04:30) San Diego -270

(GMT-04:00) San Diego -240

(GMT-03:30) Newfoundlander -210

(GMT-03:00) Brasilia, Buenos Aires -180

(GMT-02:30) Mid-Atlantic -150

(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic -120

(GMT-01:30) Cape Verde Islands, Azores Is-

lands -90

(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Islands, Azores Is-

lands -60

(GMT-0:30) Greenwich Mean Time, London -30

(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time, London 0

(GMT-0:30) Greenwich Mean Time, London 30

(GMT+01:00) Berlin, Roman, Paris 60

(GMT+01:30) Berlin, Roman, Paris 90

(GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Cairo, Athens 120

(GMT+02:30) Helsinki, Cairo, Athens 150

(GMT+03:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh,

Moscow 180

(GMT+03:30) Teheran 210

(GMT+04:00) Baku, Tbilisi 240

(GMT+04:30) Kabul 270

(GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi 300

(GMT+05:30) Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, New

Delhi 330

(GMT+06:00) Alma-ata, Dacca 360

(GMT+06:30) Rangoon 390

(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Djakarta 420

(GMT+07:30) Bangkok, Djakarta 450

(GMT+08:00) Beijing 480

(GMT+08:30) Beijing 510

(GMT+09:00) Seoul, Tokyo 540


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value

(GMT+09:30) Adelaide, Darwin 570

(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney,

Guam 600

(GMT+10:30) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney,

Guam 630

(GMT+11:00) Magadan, The Solomon Islands 660

(GMT+11:30) Magadan, The Solomon Islands 690

(GMT+12:00) Wellington, Marshall Islands 720

(GMT+12:30) Wellington, Marshall Islands 750

(GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa 780

D.1.2 Radio Basic Property Parameters

l DCS1800/PCS1900 supported (FuncExt)

Interface Value Database Value

DCS1800 0

PCS1900 1

l MSC version ID (MSCVer)

Interface Value Database Value

Release 98 or older 0

Release 99 or newer 1

D.1.3 Other Parameters

l Preferred speech version (half) (PreferSpeechVer)
PreferSpeechVer is a jointed field in the database, half-rate is jointed with full-rate.
Jointing mode: adding by bit after shifting

PreferSpeechVer = (PreferSpeechVer_0<<2) + PreferSpeechVer_1

PreferSpeechVer _0: half-rate

PreferSpeechVer _1: full-rate


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values


In this manual, the shift jointing mode is expressed by a formula. For instance, (Prefer-
SpeechVer_0<<2) + PreferSpeechVer_1, meaning the value of PreferSpeechVer_0 is shifted
two bits to left and jointed with the value of PreferSpeechVer_1.

Interface Value Database Value

Not specify the preferred version 0

Half-rate version 1 1

Half-rate version 3 3

l Preferred speech version (full) (PreferSpeechVer)

PreferSpeechVer is a jointed field in the database, half-rate is jointed with full-rate.
Jointing mode: adding by bit after shifting
PreferSpeechVer = (PreferSpeechVer_0<<2) + PreferSpeechVer_1
PreferSpeechVer _0: half-rate
PreferSpeechVer _1: full-rate

Interface Value Database Value

Not specify the preferred version 0

Full-rate version 1 1

Full-rate version 2 2

Full-rate version 3 3

l TFOControl
TFOControl is a jointed field in the database. Joining mode: adding by bit after shifting
TFOControl = (TFOControl_3<<3) + (TFOControl_2<<2) + (TFOControl_1<<1) +
TFOControl _0.
TFOControl_0: TFO Enabled
TFOControl_1: coding/decoding type optimization enabled
TFOControl_2: coding/decoding type unmatched enabled
TFOControl_3: AMR optimization mode

D.1.4 AMR Half Method Parameters

l Initial codec mode (IsAmrlCM)
IsAmrICM is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with AMR full-rate.
Jointing mode: IsAmrICM (full) + IsAmrICM (half), jointed by string.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value

Initial codec mode 0

Startmode codec 1

l Start mode (AmrStartMode)

AmrStartMode is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with AMR
full-rate. Jointing mode: AmrStartMode (full) + AmrStartMode (half), jointed by string.
l Enable noise control (IsAmrNscb)
IsAmrNscb is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with full-rate. Jointing
mode: IsAmrNscb (full) + IsAmrNscb (half), jointed by string.
l Thresholds of AMR (AmrThresholds)
AmrThresholds is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with full-rate.
Jointing mode: AmrThresholds (full) + AmrThresholds (half), jointed by string from top
to bottom.
l Hysteresis of AMR (AmrHysteresis)
AmrHysteresis is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with full-rate.
Jointing mode: AmrHysteresis (full) + AmrHysteresis (half), jointed by string from top
to bottom.

D.1.5 AMR Full Method Parameters

l Initial codec mode (IsAmrlCM)
IsAmrICM is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with AMR full-rate.
Jointing mode: IsAmrICM (full) + IsAmrICM (half), jointed by string.

Interface Value Database Value

Initial codec mode 0

Startmode codec 1

l Start mode (AmrStartMode)

AmrStartMode is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with AMR
full-rate. Jointing mode: AmrStartMode (full) + AmrStartMode (half), jointed by string.
l Enable noise control (IsAmrNscb)
IsAmrNscb is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with full-rate. Jointing
mode: IsAmrNscb (full) + IsAmrNscb (half), jointed by string.
l Thresholds of AMR (AmrThresholds)
AmrThresholds is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with full-rate.
Jointing mode: AmrThresholds (full) + AmrThresholds (half), jointed by string from top
to bottom.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

l Hysteresis of AMR (AmrHysteresis)

AmrHysteresis is a jointed field in database. AMR half-rate is jointed with full-rate.
Jointing mode: AmrHysteresis (full) + AmrHysteresis (half), jointed by string from top
to bottom.

D.1.6 GPRS Other Parameters 1

l Cn
Cn is a jointed field in the database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
l Nn
Nn is a jointed field in the database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
l Xn
Xn is a jointed field in the database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to

D.1.7 GPRS Other Parameters 2

l NACC supported (NACCSupport)

Interface Value Database Value

Not support NACC 0

Support NACC, not support LLC framework

conversion 1

Support NACC, also support LLC framework

conversion. 2

l BSC's net operation mode (NMO)

Interface Value Database Value

Network Operation Mode 1 0

Network Operation Mode 2 1

Network Operation Mode 3 2

l Downlink TBF retry (DITBFRetry)

Interface Value Database Value

Not retry 0

Retry 1 times 1

Retry 2 times 2


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

D.1.8 EDGE Parameters

l SGSN version ID (SGSNVer)

Interface Value Database Value

Release 98 or older 0

Release 99 or newer 1

l R99 Ind (R99Ind)

Interface Value Database Value

non-R99 version 0

R99 version 1

D.2 GERAN External Cell Parameters

l Cell type (CellType)

Interface Value Database Value

Umbrella cell 0

Macro Cell 1

Micro cell 2

Pico Cell 3

Extended range cell 4

l Frequency band (FreqBand)

Interface Value Database Value

GSM900 0

EXT900 1

DCS1800 2

PCS1900 4

GSM850 7

D.3 UTRAN External Cell Parameters

l UTRAN cell type (CellType3G)

Interface Value Database Value



SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

Interface Value Database Value


l UTRAN cell Band width(BandWidth3G)

Interface Value Database Value

0 (3.84Mcps) 0

1 (1.28Mcps) 1

D.4 Cell Parameters

D.4.1 Basic Parameters 1
l Cell type (CellType)

Interface Value Database Value

Umbrella cell 0

Macro Cell 1

Micro cell 2

Pico Cell 3

Extended range cell 4

l Frequency band (FreqBand)

Interface Value Database Value

GSM900 0

EXT900 1

DCS1800 2

PCS1900 4

GSM850 7

l Frequency band of subCell (SubFreqBand)

Interface Value Database Value

GSM900 0

EXT900 1

DCS1800 2

PCS1900 4


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value

GSM850 7

l GPRS service supported (PsSupport)

Interface Value Database Value

No 0

GPRS service support 1

Support EDGE 2

l Common control channel configuration (CcchConf)

Interface Value Database Value

CCCH uses one physical channel, not com-

bined with SDCCH 0

One basic physical channel used by CCCH, use

with SDCCH 1

Two basic physical channels used by CCCH, do

not use with SDCCH 2

Three basic physical channels used by CCCH,

do not use with SDCCH 4

Four basic physical channels used by CCCH,

do not use with SDCCH 6

D.4.2 Basic Parameters 2

l AMR codec adjust mode (AmrAdjMode)

Interface Value Database Value

AMR rapid speed mode 0

Adjustment interval for configuration 1

D.4.3 Other Parameters

l CipherMode

CipherMode is a jointed field in the database, consisted of CipherMode-0 ~

CipherMode-7. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

D.4.4 System Parameters

l InterfBoundary
It is a jointed field in database, consisting of InterfBoundary_0 ~ InterfBoundary_5.
Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom.

D.4.5 GPRS Other Params1 Parameters

l SI13 sending position (Si13Locate)

Interface Value Database Value

BCCH Norm 0

BCCH Ext 1

l Packet access priority threshold (PriAcThr)

Interface Value Database Value

Disallow packet access 1

Allow packet access with the priority level 1 2

Allow packet access with the priority level 1-2 3

Allow packet access with the priority level 1-3 4

Allow packet access with the priority level 1-4 5

Allow priority 6

D.4.6 GPRS Cell Options Parameters

l T3168

Interface Value Database Value

0.5 0

1 1

1.5 2

2 3

2.5 4

3 5

3.5 6

4 7

l T3192


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value

500 0

1000 1

1500 2

0 3

80 4

120 5

160 6

200 7

l DRX mode holding time (DrxTimeMax, s)

Interface Value Database Value

0 0

1 1

2 2

4 3

8 4

16 5

32 6

64 7

l Packet control acknowledgment type (CtraCKType)

Interface Value Database Value

4 access burst 0

RLC/MAC control block 1

l Access burst type (AccessType)

Interface Value Database Value

8 bits 0

11 bits 1

l N3102 decrease step (PanDec)

Interface Value Database Value

4 0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

Interface Value Database Value

8 1

12 2

16 3

20 4

24 5

28 6

32 7

l N3102 increase step (PanInc)

Interface Value Database Value

4 0

8 1

12 2

16 3

20 4

24 5

28 6

32 7

l N3102 MAX (PanMax)

Interface Value Database Value

4 0

8 1

12 2

16 3

20 4

24 5

28 6

32 7

l GPRS Phone Init Coding

GPRS Phone Init Coding is a jointed field in the database. Jointing mode:
1*16Kbps+2~4*16Kbps jointed by string.
l GPRS phones init code can be changed (InitAttachExch_0)


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

InitAttachExch is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: adding InitAttachExch_0

by bit after shifting bit, that is, (InitAttachExch_1<<1)+InitAttachExch_0).
InitAttachExch_0: GPRS phones init code can be changed dynamically.
InitAttachExch_1: EGPRS phones init code can be changed

D.4.7 GPRS NC Survey Parameters

l Packet Idle mode (NcRepPerI, s)

Interface Value Database Value

0.48 0

0.96 1

1.92 2

3.84 3

7.68 4

15.36 5

30.72 6

61.44 7

l Packet transmission mode (NcRepPerT, s)

Interface Value Database Value

0.48 0

0.96 1

1.92 2

3.84 3

7.68 4

15.36 5

30.72 6

61.44 7

l Network control order (CtrlOrder)

Interface Value Database Value

NC0 0

NC1 1

NC2 2

l NC hold time in non-drx mode (NcNoDrxPer, s)


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

Interface Value Database Value

No non-DRX mode 0

0.24 1

0.48 2

0.72 3

0.96 4

1.2 5

1.44 6

1.92 7

l Extended measurement report order (ExMeaOrder)

Interface Value Database Value

EM0 0

EM1 1

l Type of extended measurement report (ExtRepType)

Interface Value Database Value

Type 1 0

Type 2 1

Type 3 2

l Report period of extended measurement (ExtRepPer, s)

Interface Value Database Value

60 0

120 1

240 2

480 3

960 4

1920 5

3840 6

7680 7

D.4.8 GPRS Power Control Parameters

l Power control measurement channel (PcMeasChan)


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value



D.4.9 GPRS Cell Reselection Parameters

l Cell reselection offset(ReselOffset)
ReselOffset is a jointed field in database by ReselOff_0 and ReselOff_1. Jointing
mode: ReselOff_0 + ReselOff_1 jointed by string.
l Temporary offset of cell reselection(TempOffset)
TempOffset is a jointed field in database by TempOffset_0 and TempOffset_1. Jointing
mode: TempOffset_0 + TempOffset_1 jointed by string.

Interface Value Database Value

0 0

10 1

20 2

30 3

40 4

50 5

60 6

Large infinite 7

l Penalty time of cell reselection(PenalTime)

PenalTime is a jointed field in database by PenalTime_0 and PenalTime_1. Jointing
mode: PenalTime_0 + PenalTime_1 jointed by string.
l Interval of reselecting the same cell(T_Resel)
T_Resel is a jointed field in database by T_Resel_0 and T_Resel_1. Jointing mode:
T_Resel_0 + T_Resel_1 jointed by string.

Interface Value Database Value

5 0

10 1

15 2

20 3

30 4

60 5


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

Interface Value Database Value

120 6

300 7

l Threshold of HCS signal level(HCS_Thr)

HCS_Thr is a jointed field in database by HCS_Thr_0 and HCS_Thr_1. Jointing mode:
HCS_Thr_0+HCS_Thr_1 jointed by string.
l HCS priority(PrioClass)
PrioClass is a jointed field in database by PrioClass_0 and PrioClass_1. Jointing
mode: PrioClass_0 + PrioClass_1 jointed by string.
l C31 hysteresis(C31_Hyst)
C31_Hyst is a jointed field in database by C31_Hyst_0 and C31_Hyst_1. Jointing
mode: C31_Hyst_0 + C31_Hyst_1 jointed by string.
l GPRS cell reselection hysteresis(ReselHys)
ReselHys is a jointed field in database by ReselHys_0 and ReselHys_1. Jointing
mode: ReselHys_0 + ReselHys_1 jointed by string.
l Routing reselection hysteresis (RaReselHys)
RaReselHys is a jointed field in database by RaReselHys_0 and RaReselHys_1.
Jointing mode: RaReselHys_0 + RaReselHys_1 jointed by string.
l Random access attempt permitted (RadAcRetry)
RadAcRetry is a jointed field in database by RadAcRetry_0 and RadAcRetry_1.
Jointing mode: RadAcRetry_0 + RadAcRetry_1 jointed by string.
l Usage of cell reselection offset (C32_Qual)
C32_Qual is a jointed field in database by C32_Qual_0 and C32_Qual_1. Jointing
mode: C32_Qual_0+C32_Qual_1 jointed by string.
l GPRS access minimal signal level (RxLevAsMin)
RxLevAsMin is a jointed field in database by RxLevAsMin_0 and RxLevAsMin_1.
Jointing mode: RxLevAsMin_0 + RxLevAsMin_1 jointed by string.
l HCS exist (HCS_Exist)
HCS_Exist is a jointed field in database by HCS_Exist_0 and HCS_Exist_1. Jointing
mode: HCS_Exist_0+HCS_Exist_1 jointed by string.
l GPRS MAX initial access signal level (MsTxMaxCch)
MsTxMaxCch is a jointed field in database by MsTxMaxCch_0 and MsTxMaxCch_1.
Jointing mode: MsTxMaxCch_0 + MsTxMaxCch_1 jointed by string.

D.4.10 GPRS Channel Parameters

l Interval range of packet access attempt (TxInt)


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value

2 0

3 1

4 2

5 3

6 4

7 5

8 6

9 7

10 8

12 9

14 10

16 11

20 12

25 13

32 14

50 15

l Interval period of packet access attempt (S)

Interface Value Database Value

12 0

15 1

20 2

30 3

41 4

55 5

76 6

109 7

163 8

217 9

l MAX Times of Attempt(MaxRetrans)

MaxRetrans is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

Interface Value Database Value

1 0

2 1

4 2

7 3

l Access Control Level(AccCtrlClass)

AccCtrlClass is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top
to bottom.
l Access Persist Level(PersistLev)
PersistLev is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to

D.4.11 EDGE Parameters

l EGPRS Phone Init Coding (EGPRSInitAttSelt)

It is a jointed field in the database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom.

Interface Value Database Value

MCS1 0

MCS2 1

MCS3 2

MCS4 3

MCS5 4

MCS6 5

MCS7 6

MCS8 7

MCS9 8

D.5 Cell Object Parameters

D.5.1 TRX Information Parameters
l TRX type (TrxType)

Interface Value Database Value

Common TRX 0


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value

Extended TRX 1

l Static power level (PwRreduction)

Interface Value Database Value

Max output power 0

Max output power -2dB 1

Max output power -4dB 2

Max output power -6dB 3

Max output power -8dB 4

Max output power -10dB 5

Max output power -12dB 6

Max output power +1.5dB 253

Max output power +1dB 254

Max output power +0.5dB 255

D.5.2 Channel Information Parameters

l TS Channel Combination

Interface Value Database Value


TCH/H(0, 1)+FACCH/H(0, 1)+SACCH/TH(0, 1) 1

TCH/H(0, 0)+FACCH/H(0, 1)+SACCH/TH(0,

1)+TCH/H(0, 1) 2










l Ps Service Preference Property


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

Interface Value Database Value

No preference 255

GPRS preference 0

EDGE preference 1

EDGE exclusion 2

EGPRS2–A Preference 3

EGPRS2–A dedicated 4

D.5.3 Power Control Parameters

l Power Control Level and PwrDecrLimit
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
l Increase uplink level Threshold (PcULInclLevThsThs), Value P (PcULInclLevThsP),
and Value N (PcULInclLevThsN)
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
bottom, according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l Decrease uplink level Threshold (PcULRedLevThsThs), Value P (PcULRedLevThsP),
and Value N (PcULRedLevThsN)
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
bottom, according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l Increase uplink quality Threshold (PcULInclQualThsThs), Value P
(PcULInclQualThsP), and Value N (PcULInclQualThsN)
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
bottom, according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l Decrease uplink quality Threshold (PcULRedQualThsThs), Value P
(PcULRedQualThsP), and Value N (PcULRedQualThsN)
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
bottom, according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l Increase downlink level Threshold (PcDLInclLevThsThs), Value P
(PcDLInclLevThsP), and Value N (PcDLInclLevThsN)
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
bottom, according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l Decrease downlink level Threshold (PcDLRedLevThsThs), Value P
(PcDLRedLevThsP), and Value N (PcDLRedLevThsN)
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
bottom, according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

l Increase downlink quality Threshold (PcDLInclQualThsThs), Value P

(PcDLInclQualThsP), and Value N (PcDLInclQualThsN)
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
bottom, according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l Decrease downlink quality Threshold (PcDLRedQualThsThs), Value P
(PcDLRedQualThsP), and Value N (PcDLRedQualThsN)
They form a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to
bottom, according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l Power increasing step (db) (PwrIncStep)
It is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom,
according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l Power decreasing step (db) (PwrRedStep)
It is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom,
according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l MAX power level of MS (MsTxPwrMax)
It is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom,
according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l MIN power level of MS (MsTxPwrMin)
It is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom,
according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l MIN power level of BS (BxTxPwrMin)
It is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom,
according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.
l MIN interval of power control (PcMinlnterval)
It is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: jointed by string from top to bottom,
according to the sequence: FR, HR, AMR FR, AMR HR.

D.5.4 Handover Control Parameters

l Frequency control value for handover on traffic (TrafficHoFreqrCtl)

Interface Value Database Value

GSM900 0

EXT900 1

DCS1800 2

PCS1900 4

GSM850 7

l HoPatternInd


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

HoPatternInd is a jointed field. Jointing mode: addition by bit after shift.

HoPatternInd1: Synchronization handover
HoPatternInd2: Asynchronization handover
HoPatternInd3: Pseudo-synchronization handover
HoPatternInd4: Pre-synchronization handover
l HoControl
HoControl is a jointed field. Jointing mode: adding by bit after shifting:
HoControl1: Allow SDCCH handover
HoControl2: Allow inter-cell handover due to uplink interference
HoControl3: Allow inter-cell handover due to downlink interference
HoControl4: Allow handover due to distance
HoControl5: Allow standard PBGT handover
HoControl6: Allow automatic handover based on traffic
HoControl7: Allow handover based on direction
HoControl8: Allow handover based on homocentric circularity
HoControl9: Allow intra-cell handover in super TRX channel due to downlink
HoControl10: Allow intra-cell handover in super TRX channel due to uplink
HoControl11: Allow adjacent cells handover in super TRX channel due to PBGT
HoControl12: Allow dynamic adjustment of handover priority
HoControl13: Allow rapid handover
HoControl14: Allow Macro-Micro delay handover
HoControl15: Allow Micro-Macro delay handover
HoControl16: Allow internal handover based on TA
HoControl17: Allow force transfer handover
HoControl18: Subcell handover algorithm
l Subcell handover algorithm (HoControl18)

Interface Value Database Value

Concentric handover 0

Path loss and TA handover 1


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

D.5.5 UTRAN Cell Control Parameters

l Measurement threshold of UE performing GPRS UTRAN cell (Qsearch_P)
Qsearch_P is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode: Qsearch_P_0+Qsearch_P_1
jointed by string.
Qsearch_P_0: idle state
Qsearch_P_1: packet transmission state
l FDD GPRS reselection offset (FDD_GPRS_Qoffset)
FDD_GPRS_Qoffset is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode:
FDD_GPRS_Qoffset_0+FDD_GPRS_Qoffset_1 jointed by string.
FDD_GPRS_Qoffset_0: idle state
FDD_GPRS_Qoffset_1: packet transmission state
l TDD GPRS reselection offset (TDD_GPRS_Qoffset)
TDD_GPRS_Qoffset is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode:
TDD_GPRS_Qoffset_0+TDD_GPRS_Qoffset_1 jointed by string.
TDD_GPRS_Qoffset_0: idle state
TDD_GPRS_Qoffset_1: packet transmission state
l PS MIN Ec/No of UTRAN reselecting cell
FDD_QminPS is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode:
FDD_QminPS_0+FDD_QminPS_1 jointed by string.
FDD_QminPS_0: idle state
FDD_QminPS_1: packet transmission state
l Offset of FDD_QminPS_0(FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS)
FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode:
FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS_0+FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS_1 jointed by string.
FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS_0: idle state
FDD_Qmin_OffsetPS_1: packet transmission state
l PS MIN RSCP of UTRAN reselecting cell (FDD_RSCPminPS)
FDD_RSCPminPS is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode:
FDD_RSCPminPS_0+FDD_RSCPminPS_1 jointed by string.
FDD_RSCPminPS_0: idle state
FDD_RSCPminPS_1: packet transmission state
l Measurement report threshold of Ec/No or RSCP(FDDRprtTho2PS)
FDDRprtTho2PS is a jointed field in database. Jointing mode:
FDDRprtTho2PS_0+FDDRprtTho2PS_1 jointed by string.
FDDRprtTho2PS_0: idle state


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix D Corresponding Relationship between Parameter Inter-
face and Database Values

FDDRprtTho2PS_1: packet transmission state

D.5.6 UTRAN Handover Control Parameters

l UTRAN handover (ServiceHo)

Interface Value Database Value

Handover to UTRAN first 0

Not handover to UTRAN first 1

Not allow to handover to UTRAN 2

According to MSC, default handover to UTRAN

first 3

According to MSC, default not handover to

UTRAN first 4

According to MSC, default not allowed to han-

dover to UTRAN 5

l FDD/TDD handover (FDDTDDPrio)

Interface Value Database Value

Priority to FDD 0

Handover to TDD cell should be performed 1

D.5.7 Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters

l Neighboring cell layer (NCellLayer)

Interface Value Database Value

Undefined 0

Same layer of the home cell 1

Upper layer of the home cell 2

Lower layer of the home cell 3

D.5.8 Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters

l Neighboring cell layer (NCellLayer)

Interface Value Database Value

Undefined 0

Same layer of the home cell 1


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Interface Value Database Value

Upper layer of the home cell 2

Lower layer of the home cell 3

D.5.9 Frequency Hopping System Parameters

l Frequency hopping mode (FreqHopMode)

Interface Value Database Value

Base band freqhop 1

RFID freqhop 2


SJ-20100414142254-017|20101030 ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Figure 1-1 Starting NE Agent .................................................................................... 1-3
Figure 1-2 Selecting NE Management > Configuration Management .................... 1-3
Figure 1-3 Configuration Management Interface ....................................................... 1-4
Figure 1-4 Selecting Apply Mutex Right .................................................................. 1-5
Figure 1-5 Information Dialog Box ........................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-6 Successfully Applying Mutex Right........................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-7 Selecting Release Mutex Right .............................................................. 1-6
Figure 1-8 Selecting Export Network Plan Data ...................................................... 1-6
Figure 1-9 Selecting MOC to Be Exported ................................................................ 1-7
Figure 1-10 Selecting Attributes to Be Exported for MOC.......................................... 1-7
Figure 1-11 Selecting File Type to Be Exported......................................................... 1-8
Figure 1-12 Setting Saving Path and File Name for Data .......................................... 1-8
Figure 1-13 Parameter Data ..................................................................................... 1-8
Figure 1-14 Selecting Batch Apply Network Plan Data......................................... 1-10
Figure 1-15 Selecting File Type to Be Imported....................................................... 1-10
Figure 1-16 Applying Network Planning Data in Batch ............................................ 1-11
Figure 2-1 Radio Basic Property Parameters ............................................................ 2-1
Figure 2-2 Other Parameters .................................................................................. 2-11
Figure 2-3 Channel Allocation Control Parameters.................................................. 2-25
Figure 2-4 Timer 1 Parameters ............................................................................... 2-35
Figure 2-5 Timer 2 Parameters ............................................................................... 2-50
Figure 2-6 GPRS Max Retrying Times Parameters ................................................. 2-67
Figure 2-7 GPRS Timer Parameters ....................................................................... 2-76
Figure 2-8 AMR Half Method Parameters ............................................................... 2-92
Figure 2-9 AMR Full Method Parameters ................................................................ 2-97
Figure 2-10 GPRS Other Parameters 1 ................................................................ 2-102
Figure 2-11 GPRS Other Parameters 2................................................................. 2-108
Figure 2-12 BVC Flow Control Parameters ........................................................... 2-120
Figure 2-13 FUC Flow Control Map Parameters ................................................... 2-128
Figure 2-14 EDGE Parameters ............................................................................. 2-134
Figure 2-15 eMLPP Set ........................................................................................ 2-143
Figure 2-16 Ater Timer Parameters....................................................................... 2-161

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

Figure 3-1 Basic Property Parameters for GERAN External Cell ............................... 3-1
Figure 3-2 GPRS Property Parameters for GERAN External Cell.............................. 3-8
Figure 3-3 UTRAN External Cell Parameters .......................................................... 3-24
Figure 4-1 Basic Parameters 1.................................................................................. 4-2
Figure 4-2 Basic Parameters 2................................................................................ 4-17
Figure 4-3 Basic Parameters 3................................................................................ 4-34
Figure 4-4 Optional Parameters .............................................................................. 4-50
Figure 4-5 Cell Selection Parameters...................................................................... 4-61
Figure 4-6 Service Process Additional Parameters ................................................. 4-70
Figure 4-7 System Parameters ............................................................................... 4-82
Figure 4-8 Other Parameters .................................................................................. 4-89
Figure 4-9 GPRS Basic Parameters........................................................................ 4-95
Figure 4-10 GPRS Other Parameters 1 ................................................................ 4-100
Figure 4-11 GPRS Other Parameters 2................................................................. 4-110
Figure 4-12 GPRS Other Parameters 3 ................................................................ 4-127
Figure 4-13 GPRS Cell Options Parameters ......................................................... 4-139
Figure 4-14 GPRS NC Survey Parameters ........................................................... 4-149
Figure 4-15 GPRS Power Control Parameters ...................................................... 4-156
Figure 4-16 GPRS Cell Reselection Parameters ................................................... 4-161
Figure 4-17 GPRS Channel Parameters ............................................................... 4-185
Figure 4-18 EDGE Parameters ............................................................................. 4-197
Figure 5-1 TRX Information Parameters.................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-2 Channel Information Parameters ........................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-3 IP Parameters........................................................................................ 5-19
Figure 5-4 Panel Parameters .................................................................................. 5-22
Figure 5-5 Power Control Parameters..................................................................... 5-25
Figure 5-6 Power Survey Parameters ..................................................................... 5-28
Figure 5-7 Power Adjustment Threshold Parameters .............................................. 5-35
Figure 5-8 Other Parameters .................................................................................. 5-42
Figure 5-9 GPRS Power Control Parameters .......................................................... 5-48
Figure 5-10 Handover Pretreatment Parameters..................................................... 5-53
Figure 5-11 Handover Threshold Parameters.......................................................... 5-62
Figure 5-12 Handover Condition Parameters .......................................................... 5-73
Figure 5-13 Handover Control Parameters.............................................................. 5-85
Figure 5-14 Other Parameters ................................................................................ 5-97


Figure 5-15 Handover Algorithm Parameters ........................................................ 5-105

Figure 5-16 Subcell Parameters............................................................................ 5-116
Figure 5-17 Basic Properties 1 Parameters........................................................... 5-121
Figure 5-18 Basic Properties 2 Parameters........................................................... 5-128
Figure 5-19 Basic Properties 1 Parameters........................................................... 5-135
Figure 5-20 Basic Properties 2 Parameters........................................................... 5-145
Figure 5-21 GPRS Parameters 1 .......................................................................... 5-159
Figure 5-22 GPRS Parameters 2 .......................................................................... 5-170
Figure 5-23 Adjacent Interference Cell Parameters............................................... 5-181
Figure 5-24 Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters ........................ 5-182
Figure 5-25 Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters .................................................. 5-199
Figure 5-26 Adjacent Cell Reselection Parameters ............................................... 5-212
Figure 5-27 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Handover and Reselection Parameters ........... 5-215
Figure 5-28 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Handover Parameters ..................................... 5-222
Figure 5-29 UTRAN Adjacent Cell Reselection Parameters .................................. 5-226
Figure 5-30 Frequency Hopping System Parameters ............................................ 5-230
Figure 6-1 Operation Control Parameters ................................................................. 6-1
Figure 6-2 FUC Parameters.................................................................................... 6-24
Figure 6-3 Handover Parameters of BCCH ............................................................. 6-28
Figure 6-4 Handover Parameters of SD .................................................................. 6-33
Figure 6-5 Other Parameters .................................................................................. 6-38
Figure 6-6 IBS Parameters ..................................................................................... 6-49
Figure 6-7 Performance Management Parameters.................................................. 6-50
Figure 6-8 Baseband Frequency Hopping TRX Exchange Parameters ................... 6-55
Figure 6-9 GPRS Operation Control Parameters .................................................... 6-58


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- 3rd Generation Partnership Project
- Adaptive Multiple Rate
- Abis Interface between BSC and BTS
- Broadcast Control CHannel
- Bit Error Rate
- Base Station Controller
- Base Station System
- Base Transceiver Station

- Call History Record

- Digital Signal Processor
- Discontinuous Transmission
- Fast Associated Control Channel
- Frame Error Rate
- Frame Unit Controller
- GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network

- Global System for Mobile Communication
- Meaturement Report

ZXG10 iBSC Radio Parameter Reference

- Mobile Station
- Mobile Switching Center
- Network Subsystem
- Stand alone Dedicated Control Channel
- Traffic Channel
- Transfer Control Protocol
- Time Division Duplex
- Time Division Multiple Access

- Transmitter and Receiver
- Time Slot


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