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Questoes para simulado

6º ano

1. Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente

os Demonstrative Pronouns:
a) That shoes are mine.
b) I am tired of this job.
c) Let’s play with those child.
d) These chair is very comfortable.


2. A tradução da frase: “Aqueles alunos estão na sala

de aula” é:
a) This students are in the classroom.
b) That student are in the classroom.
c) Those students are in the classroom.
d) These student is in the classroom.

R: C

3. O plural da frase “This boy is a good actor” é:

a) This boys is a good actors.
b) That boys is a good actors.
c) These boys are good actors.
d) Those boys are a good actors.

R: C

4. Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente

os pronomes demonstrativos:
a) That men is Chinese.
b) These boxes are empty.
c) Those orange is delicious.
d) This computers are broken.

R: B

5. Em qual das alternatives o uso do artigo indefinido (a/an) esta incorreto?

a) This is a car
b) This is an elephant
c) This is a pencil
d) This is an ball

R: d

7º ano

1. Marque a alternativa que substitui corretamente

os termos grifados na frase: “Paul, Robert and I
gave flowers to Helen”.
a) They – its – she.
b) We – them – her.
c) We – its – her.
d) They – them – she.

R: B

2. Complete a frase com o pronome em inglês que

completa corretamente a frase: “Come with
_________ (nós)”.
a) we.
b) you.
c) them.
d) us.

R: d

3. Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes que

substituem as palavras sublinhadas. Em seguida,
marque a seqüência correta:
I – The dog is in the house. ________ is in the
II – Is Mr. Browm a doctor? ________ a doctor?
III – Sally is French. ________ She is French.
IV – Bob and Jack are in the kitchen. ________
are in the kitchen.
a) it – he – she – they
b) it – it – she – he
c) he – he – she – they
d) it – she – he – they

R: a

4. Qual alternative completa corretamente a frase de acordo a figura? The

eggs is _____ the nest:
a) on
c) under
d) over

R: b

5. De acordo a figura a alternative que completa corretamente a frase : The monster is

_____ the bed é:
a) on

R: d
8º ano

1. Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a

frase “My father _______________ on the sofa”?
a) was sleeping.
b) were sleeping.
c) were sleep.
d) was sleep.

2 Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente

a frase “________ the boys ____________ TV an
hour ago?
a) Was – watch.
b) Were – watch.
c) Was – watching.
d) Were – watching.

3 Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a

frase “She _________________ a shower when
her cell phone ______________”?
a) was having – ringing.
b) was having – rang.
c) were having – rang.
d) were having – ringing.

4 Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a

frase “While the teacher __________ the subject,
the students __________________”?
a) were explain – was talk.
b) was explain – were talk.
c) was explaining – were talking.
d) were explaining – was talking.

5 Qual é a forma negativa da frase “It was raining

a) It not was raining outside.
b) It was not raining outside.
c) It not wasn’t raining outside.
d) Not it was raining outside.


1 A
2 D
3 B
4 C
5 B


1) Assinale a alternativa em que ocorreu erro de concordância

a) livro e revista velhos
b) aliança e anel bonito
c) rio e floresta antiga
d) homem, mulher e criança distraídas

2) Assinale a frase que contraria a norma culta quanto à

concordância nominal.
a) Falou bastantes verdades.
b) Já estou quites com o colégio.
c) Nós continuávamos alerta.
d) Haverá menos dificuldades na prova.

3) Há erro de concordância nominal na frase:

a) Nenhuns motivos me fariam ir.
b) Estavam bastante fracos.
c) - Muito obrigada, disse a mulher.
d) Foi um crime de lesa-cristianismo.

4) Está correta quanto à concordância nominal a frase:

a) Levou camisa, calça e bermuda velhos.
b) As crianças mesmo consertariam tudo.
c) Trabalhava esperançoso o rapaz e a moça.
d) Preocupadas, a mãe, a filha e o filho resolveram sair.

5) Cometeu-se erro no emprego de ANEXO em:

a) Anexas seguirão as fotocópias.
b) Em anexo estou mandando dois documentos.
c) Estão anexos a certidão e o requerimento.
d) Anexo seguiu uma foto.

1- d
2- B
3- d
4- c
5- D

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