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Video Lesson 3 Teens 3

1) Choose the correct option

a) Kahmunrah wants to recruit people for his army. There are three famous people
mentioned, who are they?
1) Einstein, Lincoln and Roosevelt
2) Jerry, Napoleon and Lincoln
3) Ivan the terrible, Napoleon and Al Capone

b) What do they want to do?

1) Conquer the world
2) Conquer the USA
3) Conquer the Museum

c) The famous people laugh at Kahmunrah because….

1) they say he’s mad
2) they say he’s wearing a dress
3) they say he’s got a funny face

d) Amelia and Jerry are behind a font. What’s flying on their heads?
1) butterflies
2) bats
3) cupidoes

e) What is Napoleon obsessed with?

1) his hair
2) his height
3) his hat

f) Jed is caught he is put into …..

1) a sand box
2) a sand clock
3) a sand bag

2) Answer the following questions

a) Which is the first song the cupidoes sing?

b) What’s the name of Emilia’s aeroplane?
c) The Roman soldier was caught by an animal, which was it?
d) What’s the little astronaut monkey’s name?
e) How many Einsteins are there?

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