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Mark Scheme Summer 2009


GCE Biology (8040/9040 & 8042/9042)

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Summer 2009
Publications Code UA021146
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© Edexcel Ltd 2009

ii 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042

General Introduction iv
Unit Codes and Unit Titles v
General Information vi

Mark Schemes

Unit 1 6101 Molecules and cells 1

Unit 2B 6102 Exchange, transport and reproduction 12

Unit 2H 6112 Exchange, transport and reproduction in humans 21

Unit 3 6103/02* Written alternative to coursework* 31

6103/03 Energy and the environment 35

Unit 4 Core material Respiration and coordination 40

Option A Microbiology and biotechnology 47
Option B Food science 52
Option C Human health and fitness 58

Unit 5B 6105 Genetics, evolution and biodiversity 63

Unit 5H 6115 Genetics, human evolution and biodiversity 75

Unit 6 6106/02 Written alternative to coursework 86

6106/03 Synoptic Paper 92

iii 0906
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Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiners and revised, together with the relevant
questions, by a panel of senior examiners and subject teachers. The schemes are further
amended at the Standardisation meetings attended by all examiners. The Standardisation
meeting ensures as far as possible that the mark scheme covers the candidates' actual
responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same way.

The schemes in this document are the final mark schemes used by the examiners in this
examination and include the amendments made at the meeting. They do not include any
details of the discussions that took place in the meeting, nor do they include all of the possible
alternative answers or equivalent statements that were considered to be worthy of credit.

It is emphasised that these mark schemes are working documents that apply to these papers in
this examination. Every effort is made to ensure a consistent approach to marking from one
examination to another but each marking point has to be judged in the context of the
candidates' responses and in relation to the other questions in the paper. It should not be
assumed that future mark schemes will adopt exactly the same marking points as this one.

Edexcel cannot under any circumstances discuss or comment informally on the marking of
individual scripts. Any enquiries about the marks awarded to individual candidates can be
dealt with only through the official Enquiry about Results procedure.

iv 0906
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Unit Codes and Unit Titles
These Mark Schemes cover the units offered in this examination for Advanced
Subsidiary Biology and Biology (Human) (8040 and 8042) and Advanced Biology and
Biology (Human) (9040 and 9042). The units available in this examination series for the
complete qualifications are listed in the table below.

Level Unit Biology Biology (Human)

AS 1 6101 Molecules and cells 6101

Exchange, transport and Exchange, transport and

2 6102 6112
reproduction reproduction in humans

3 6103 Energy and the environment and Practical Assessment 6103

A2 4 6104 Respiration and coordination and Options 6104

Genetics, evolution and Genetics, human evolution

5 6105 6115
biodiversity and biodiversity

6 6106 Synoptic and Practical Assessment 6106

Cashing in
The following tables show the units that must be taken in order to obtain an award for AS or
Advanced GCE Biology, or for AS or Advanced GCE Biology (Human).

Advanced Subsidiary

Level Unit 8040 Biology 8042 Biology (Human)

AS 1 6101* 6101*
2 6102* 6112*
3 6103* 6103*

Advanced GCE

Level Unit 9040 Biology 9042 Biology (Human)

AS 1 6101* 6101*
2 6102* 6112*
3 6103* 6103*
A2 4 6104# 6104#
5 6105# 6115#
6 6106# 6106#

* No longer available – final resit opportunity was June 2009

Available for final time in January 2010.

v 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
The following symbols are used in the mark schemes for all questions:

Symbol Meaning of symbol

; semi colon Indicates the end of a marking point
Indicates that credit should be given for other correct
eq alternatives to a word or statement, as discussed in the
Standardisation meeting
Words or phrases separated by an oblique are alternatives
/ oblique
to each other
Indicate the beginning and end of a list of alternatives
{} curly brackets (separated by obliques) where necessary to avoid
Words inside round brackets are to aid understanding of
() round brackets
the marking point but are not required to award the point
Words inside square brackets are instructions or guidance
[] square brackets
for examiners
[CE] or [TE] Consecutive error / transferred error

Crossed out work

If a candidate has crossed out an answer and written new text, the crossed out work can be
ignored. If the candidate has crossed out work but written no new text, the crossed out work for
that question or part question should be marked, as far as it is possible to do so.

Spelling and clarity

In general, an error made in an early part of a question is penalised when it occurs but
not subsequently. The candidate is penalised once only and can gain credit in later
parts of the question by correct reasoning from the earlier incorrect answer.

No marks are awarded specifically for quality of language in the written papers, except
for the essays in the synoptic paper. Use of English is however taken into account as

• the spelling of technical terms must be sufficiently correct for the answer to be
e.g. for amylase, ‘ammalase’ is acceptable whereas ‘amylose’ is not
e.g. for glycogen, ‘glicojen’ is acceptable whereas ‘glucagen’ is not
e.g. for ileum, ‘illeum’ is acceptable whereas ‘ilium’ is not
e.g. for mitosis, ‘mytosis’ is acceptable whereas ‘meitosis’ is not

• candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark.

• a correct statement that is contradicted by an incorrect statement in the same part

of an answer gains no mark – irrelevant material should be ignored.

vi 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 1 (6101 /01) - Molecules and cells

Question Answer Mark


1 Feature Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

cell cell
nuclear envelope x 9

cell surface 9 9
mitochondria x 9

Golgi apparatus x 9

one mark for every two correct responses ;;;; (4)

1 0906
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Question Answer Mark

2 1. Benedict’s / Fehling’s ;

2. orange / red / brown / yellow / green ;

3. acid / named acid ;

4. alkali / named alkali ;

5. iodine (in KI) ; (5)

2 0906
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Question Answer Mark

3(a) 1. one glycerol, two fatty acids and one

phosphate group drawn ;

2. fatty acid(s) joining to glycerol with ester bond

/ ester bond joining fatty acid(s) to glycerol ;

3. one phosphate group joined to glycerol with

ester bond ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


3(b) {soluble / can dissolve} in water / eq ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


3(c) 1. form a (phospholipid) bilayer / eq ;

2. {phosphate / hydrophilic region} {interacts /

eq} with {aqueous environment / surroundings
/ cytoplasm} ;

3. {fatty acids / hydrophobic region } {restricts /

eq} movement of {charged / polar / water
soluble molecules} {into cell / out of cell / max
eq} ; (2)

3 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

4(a) A = starch grain ;

B = granum ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


4(b) 1. correct measurement between X and Y ;

(from 99 to 104 mm)

2. correct division by 5 ;

3. correct magnification e.g. 19800 to 20800 ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


4(c) palisade / guard / spongy / mesophyll ; (1)

4 0906
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Question Answer Mark

5(a)(i) 1. {root tip / shoot tip / meristematic tissue} /

eq ;

2. dividing cells are present / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


5(a)(ii) {acetic / acid} orcein / Feulgen’s / acetocarmine /

Schiff’s reagent / lactoproprionic acid / toluidine blue
/ eq ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


5(a)(iii) idea of getting {a single layer / eq} of cells ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


5(b)(i) BDAC; (1)

Question Answer Mark


5(b)(ii) A = anaphase ;

C = telophase ; (2)

5 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

6(a) 1. reference to kinetic energy of molecules /eq ;

2. idea that molecules are moving randomly /

eq ;

3. idea that overall movement of molecules is max

down the concentration gradient ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(b) 1. (at beginning) there is a concentration gradient

/eq ;

2. as concentration of A decreases on outside, it

increases on inside / eq ;

3. substance A moves from outside to inside ;

4. as concentration {gradient / difference} gets

smaller, rate of change decreases ;

5. {no change in concentration / eq} when equal max

on both sides / it reaches equilibrium ; (3)

6 0906
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Question Answer Mark

6(c)(i) 1. active transport requires {energy / ATP} ;

2. active transport can move molecules against a

concentration gradient ;
3. active transport requires a protein (pump) ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(c)(ii) 1. rate of change would be (almost) {linear /

constant / eq} ;

2. (changes) would occur faster /eq ;

3. idea that (overall) movement of molecules

would not stop when concentrations equal e.g.
equilibrium would not be reached,
concentration inside would be greater than max
outside ; (2)

7 0906
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Question Answer Mark

7(a)(i) C A G U C A C G C ;; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(a)(ii) gln, ser, arg ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


7(a)(iii) 1. 21 (amino acids) ;

2. correct multiplication by 3 (to give 63) ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(i) 1. contains {protein / enzymes} ;

2. and (r)RNA ;

3. reference to two subunits ;

4. reference to appropriate binding sites e.g. for max

mRNA ; (2)

8 0906
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Question Answer Mark

7(b)(ii) 1. ribosome {attaches/eq} to mRNA ;

2. two tRNA molecules (held in ribosome) /eq ;

3. (each) carrying a {specific/eq} amino acid /

eq ;

4. reference to anticodons on tRNA /eq ;

5. reference to complementary {bases / codon}

on mRNA /eq ;

6. peptide bonds form between amino acids /eq ;

7. ribosome moves along mRNA /eq ;

8. correct reference to {start / stop} codons ; (5)

9 0906
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Question Answer Mark

8(a)(i) 1. {protein / substrate} and enzyme {collide /

bind} / reference to enzymes-substrate
complex being formed/ eq ;

2. peptide bonds {broken / eq} ;

3. {reference to / description of} hydrolysis ;

4. reference to formation of {smaller peptide max

chains / amino acids} ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


8(a)(ii) idea that {smaller peptides / amino acids} dissolve

whereas protein did not / eq ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


8(b)(i) 1. activity increases between pH 5 and 8 / eq ;

2. most active at pH 8 / eq ;

3. activity drops between pH 8 and 10 ;

4. correct manipulation of figures ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


8(b)(ii) 1. pH is determined by {H+ concentration / eq} ;

2. reference to ionisation of {R groups / side

chains} ;

3. reference to {bonds / appropriate named

bond} {breaking / eq} ;

4. reference to change in shape of active site ;

5. {substrate / protein} cannot bind to active site max

/ eq ; (3)

10 0906
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Question Answer Mark

8(c) 1. to keep the temperature (of the reaction)

constant ;

2. reference to {(45 °C) optimum temperature of

trypsin / fastest rate} ;

3. reference to a change in the temperature

changes the rate of reaction e.g. idea that
change in temperature {changes the kinetic
energy of the molecules / changes the {number max
/ energy / frequency} of the collisions}; (2)

11 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 2B (6102/01) - Exchange, transport and reproduction

Question Answer Mark


1 1. Graafian / ovarian ;

2. luteinising hormone / LH ;

3. corpus luteum / yellow body ;

4. endometrium / lining of the uterus ; (4)

12 0906
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Question Answer Mark

2(a) A sinoatrial node / sinuatrial node / SAN /

pacemaker ;

B atrioventricular node / AVN ;

C Purkyne fibres / Purkyne tissue / bundle of His ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


2(b) 1. reference to more muscle ;

2. increased force of contraction / increased

pressure / eq ;

3. left ventricle pumps blood round the whole max

body / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


2(c) 1. {oxygen / blood} supply to the heart muscle /

eq ;

2. consists of coronary artery / coronary arteries ;

3. capillaries / cardiac {vein / veins} / coronary max

sinus ; (2)

13 0906
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Question Answer Mark

3(a) 1. {single layer of epithelium / simple epithelium

/ thin epithelium} to reduce diffusion distance
/ eq ;

2. (presence of) microvilli to increase surface

area ;

3. (presence of) capillaries to transport absorbed

products / maintain {diffusion / concentration}
gradients ;

4. {lacteal / eq} for absorption of fats / eq ;

5. reference to carrier proteins explained ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


3(b)(i) 1. {greater / faster / more steady / eq} uptake

when sodium ions are present ;

2. comparative, manipulated data comment – e.g.

‘total uptake is 23 times higher in the presence
of sodium ions’ or ‘684 µmol more taken up in
presence of sodium ions’ ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(b)(ii) 1. reference to sodium-glucose cotransport / eq ;

2. membrane contains transporter proteins (for

glucose and sodium) / eq ;

3. without sodium, uptake is by (facilitated) max

diffusion only / eq ; (2)

14 0906
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Question Answer Mark

4(a) 1. diaphragm contracts / eq ;

2. (and) moves downwards / flattens ;

3. external intercostal muscles contract ;

4. (and) raise the rib cage / pull ribs upwards /

pull ribs outwards ;

5. reference to increase in volume of the thorax / max

decrease in pressure ; (4)

Question Answer Mark


4(b) 1. consists of {flattened epithelial cells /

squamous epithelium / type I pneumocytes} /
thin epithelium / thin wall ;

2. type II pneumocytes / surfactant-secreting

cells / eq ;

3. (alveolus is) surrounded with {connective tissue

/ collagen / elastic fibres} ;

4. (alveolus is) surrounded with capillaries / eq ;

5. credit correct reference to presence of

macrophages / eq ;
6. reference to presence of basement membrane; (3)

15 0906
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Question Answer Mark

4(c)(i) 1. as concentration of carbon dioxide increases,

pulmonary ventilation increases / eq ;

2. reference to less change from 0% to 3% /

greater change from 4% to 6% ;

3. credit manipulated, quantitative comment,

e.g. overall increase in pulmonary ventilation max
of 26 dm3 min-1 ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


4(c)(ii) {carbon dioxide / reduced pH / increased acidity}

stimulates the respiratory centre / eq ; (1)

16 0906
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Question Answer Mark

5(a) Mark as paired points i.e. adaptation ; function ;

1. presence of {haemoglobin / respiratory

pigment} ;

2. with a high affinity for oxygen ;

3. presence of breathing tube / eq ;

4. to obtain oxygen from the air ;

5. presence of gills ;
6. to increase surface area (for gas exchange) ; (4)

Question Answer Mark


5(b) 1. flattened body / streamlined shape / eq ;

2. to reduce resistance to water / eq ;

3. presence of hooks / claws / eq ;

4. to hold on to substrate / eq ; (4)

17 0906
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Question Answer Mark

6(a) 1. vessels / vessel elements ;

2. tracheids ;

3. presence of pits ;

4. fibres / sclerenchyma ;

5. lignified / eq ;
6. parenchyma / packing tissue ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


6(b)(i) 1. stomata open ;

2. increase in {light intensity / temperature /

wind speed} / decrease in humidity ;
3. (therefore) transpiration rate increases ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(b)(ii) 1. stomata close ;

2. decrease in {light intensity / temperature /

wind speed} / increase in humidity ;
3. (therefore) transpiration rate decreases ; (2)

18 0906
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Question Answer Mark

7(a) Pollination
1. {transfer / eq} of pollen (grains) ;

2. (from an anther) to a stigma / eq ;

3. stamen ripens / anthers mature / pollen
released / eq ;

4. before carpels (mature) / eq ; (4)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(i) 1. 90 – 45 or 45 ;

2. ÷ 6 ;

3. = 7.5 ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(ii) 1. (with boron) pollen tubes grow faster / longer

/ eq ;

2. (with boron) keep growing / no levelling off

AND (without boron) stops growing / levels off
/ eq ;

3. manipulated quantitative comparison, e.g. at

the end of experiment, pollen tubes are 3 max
times longer ; (2)

19 0906
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Question Answer Mark

Description Name of leucocyte

neutrophil /polymorph ;

monocyte ;

eosinophil / acidophil ;

Question Answer Mark


8(b)(i) 1. reference to decrease in the affinity of

haemoglobin for oxygen ;

2. haemoglobin releases oxygen / eq ;

3. {at the same / at a given} partial pressure of

oxygen / eq ;

4. idea that this makes oxygen available to max

{cells / tissues / organs} ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


8(b)(ii) 1. curve shifts to the right ;

2. oxygen released more readily / more oxygen

released / eq / idea that temperature
increases in active tissues ; (2)

20 0906
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Unit 2H (6112/01) - Exchange, transport and reproduction in humans

Question Answer Mark


1 1. Graafian / ovarian ;

2. luteinising hormone / LH ;

3. corpus luteum / yellow body ;

4. endometrium / lining of the uterus ; (4)

21 0906
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Question Answer Mark

2(a) A sinoatrial node / sinuatrial node / SAN /

pacemaker ;

B atrioventricular node / AVN ;

C Purkyne fibres / Purkyne tissue / bundle of His ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


2(b) 1. reference to more muscle ;

2. increased force of contraction / increased

pressure / eq ;

3. left ventricle pumps blood round the whole max

body / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


2(c) 1. {oxygen / blood} supply to the heart muscle /

eq ;

2. consists of coronary artery / coronary arteries ;

3. capillaries / cardiac {vein / veins} / coronary max

sinus ; (2)

22 0906
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Question Answer Mark

3(a) 1. {single layer of epithelium / simple epithelium

/ thin epithelium} to reduce diffusion distance
/ eq ;

2. (presence of) microvilli, to increase surface

area ;

3. (presence of) capillaries, to transport absorbed

products / maintain {diffusion / concentration}
gradients ;

4. {lacteal / eq} for absorption of fats / eq ;

5. reference to carrier proteins explained ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


3(b)(i) 1. {greater / faster / more steady / eq} uptake

when sodium ions are present ;

2. comparative, manipulated data comment – e.g.

‘total uptake is 23 times higher in the presence
of sodium ions’ or ‘684 µmol more taken up in
presence of sodium ions ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(b)(ii) 1. reference to sodium-glucose cotransport / eq ;

2. membrane contains transporter proteins (for

glucose and sodium) / eq ;

3. without sodium, uptake is by (facilitated) max

diffusion only / eq ; (2)

23 0906
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Question Answer Mark

4(a) 1. diaphragm contracts / eq ;

2. (and) moves downwards / flattens ;

3. external intercostal muscles contract ;

4. (and) raise the rib cage / pull ribs upwards /

pull ribs outwards ;

5. reference to increase in volume of the thorax / max

decrease in pressure ; (4)

Question Answer Mark


4(b) 1. consists of {flattened epithelial cells /

squamous epithelium / type I pneumocytes} /
thin epithelium / thin wall ;

2. type II pneumocytes / surfactant-secreting

cells / eq ;

3. (alveolus is) surrounded with {connective tissue

/ collagen / elastic fibres} ;

4. (alveolus is) surrounded with capillaries / eq ;

5. credit correct reference to presence of

macrophages / eq ;
6. reference to presence of basement membrane; (3)

24 0906
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Question Answer Mark

4(c)(i) 1. as concentration of carbon dioxide increases,

pulmonary ventilation increases / eq ;

2. reference to less change from 0% to 3% /

greater change from 4% to 6% ;

3. credit manipulated, quantitative comment,

e.g. overall increase in pulmonary ventilation max
of 26 dm3 min-1 ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


4(c)(ii) {carbon dioxide / reduced pH / increased acidity}

stimulates the respiratory centre / eq ; (1)

25 0906
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Question Answer Mark

5(a) 1. reference to damage to cartilage ;

2. reference to change in bone ;

3. in joints / knees / hips / spine / hands / feet ;

4. causes swelling / pain / reduced movements max

(in joints) ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


5(b) 1. in postmenopausal women / eq ;

2. {tablets / skin patches / eq} contain oestrogen

(and progesterone) ;

3. reference to use in preventing bone loss /

reducing the risk of fractures ;
4. due to loss of calcium / eq ; (3)

26 0906
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Question Answer Mark

6(a) Any two from:

1. air pressure ;

2. partial pressure of oxygen / pO2 ;

3. temperature ;
4. humidity ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(b)(i) 1. reference to increase in birth weight as

atmospheric pressure increases ;

2. more effect 60 to 80 kPa / little difference 80

to 100 kPa / levels out 80 or 87 or 93 to 100
kPa ;

3. credit manipulated quantitative comment e.g.

overall increase of 0.31 kg ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


6(b)(ii) 1. suggest that birth weight decreases as altitude

increases ;

2. reference to greater effect at high altitude /

less effect at low altitude / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(b)(iii) lower pO2 at high altitude / reference to

{hypoxia / eq }/ babies develop more slowly ; (1)

27 0906
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Question Answer Mark

6(b)(iv) Any two from:

1. age of mother ;

2. nutrition / diet ;

3. genetic factors / eq ;

4. smoking ;
5. alcohol intake ; (2)

28 0906
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Question Answer Mark

7(a) 1. sweat glands {secrete / eq} sweat ;

2. water in sweat evaporates / eq ;

3. evaporation has a cooling effect / eq ;

4. reference to latent heat ;

5. reference to change in rate of sweating in max

relation to changes in body temperature ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(i) 1. calculation ;

2. 36.8 ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(ii) 1. temperature higher (in the afternoon) ;

2. {exercise / activity} increases {metabolic rate

/ metabolism} ;

3. (which) generates heat / eq ; (3)

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Question Answer Mark

Description Name of leucocyte

neutrophil / polymorph ;

monocyte ;

eosinophil ;

Question Answer Mark


8(b)(i) 1. reference to decrease in the affinity of

haemoglobin for oxygen ;

2. oxygen released more readily / more oxygen

released / eq ;

3. {at the same / at a given} partial pressure of

oxygen / eq ;

4. idea that this makes oxygen available to max

(respiring) tissues ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


8(b)(ii) 1. curve shifts to the right ;

2. oxygen released more readily / more oxygen

released / eq / idea that temperature max
increases in active tissues ; (2)

30 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 3 (6103/02) - Written Alternative to Coursework
(International candidates ONLY)

Question Answer Mark


1(a) Snail density Mortality %

snails per 625 Juvenile Adult
10 10.0 15.0
20 0 37.5
35 8.6 48.6
50 7.0 58.0

neat table correctly formatted ;

correct rows and columns with labels and units ;

adult percentages correct ;

juvenile percentages correct ; (4)

Question Answer Mark


1(b) A axes correctly orientated & labelled scale correct ;

F line graph format ;

P all points correctly plotted ;

L accurately drawn line passing through all points ; (4)

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Question Answer Mark

1(c) 1. adult mortality increases with population

density eq ;

2. juvenile mortality not affected by population

density ;

3. reference to large difference (51%) at highest

density / suitable manipulation of figures ;

4. all juveniles at 20 snails per 625 cm2 survive / max

eq ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


1(d) 1. dead snails in cage may affect live snails ;

2. difficult to control environmental factors for

each cage ;

3. some adult snails may die off naturally / may

have only short life span / may give birth /
eq ;

4. difficult to {define ‘juvenile’ / determine age

of} snails ;

5. reference to effect on percentage mortality in

low density (death of one snail causes large max
change in percentage) ; (3)

32 0906
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Question Answer Mark
1. control of growth medium - any TWO of same
soil/compost, same volume, same containers,
seed sown at same density / eq ;

2. TWO named abiotic factors standardised for

growth e.g. light, temperature, water ;

3. standard sampling e.g. same mass / volume / use

of cork borer ;

4. sampling at intervals of growth ;

5. {grind / homogenise / blend / eq} sample ;

6. filter extract ;

7. add {stated / same} volume of sucrase / add fixed

volume of dilute HCl ;

8. incubate at fixed temperature (max 50 °C) {for

fixed time / until equilibrated} / boil then
neutralise ;

9. add {stated /same} volume of Benedict’s solution

/use of test strip e.g. Diabur ;

10. reference to Benedict’s solution in excess / allow

time for test strip colour to develop / eq ;

11. boil / heat above 60 °C for fixed time ;

12. filter dry and weigh precipitate / use of

colorimeter / compare with colour chart ;
13. repeat at least 3 times in total ; (9)

33 0906
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Question Answer Mark

2(b) 1. suitable table with raw data and units to

match method plan ;

2. reference to rate of production ;

3. line graph format / alternative matching plan ;

4. correct orientation and labelling of axes ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


2(c) Limitations

1. different regions of the root might contain

different concentrations of sucrose ;

2. presence of other reducing sugars in {either /

both} varieties ;

3. mass of precipitate very small / precipitate

can give inaccurate colorimeter readings / test
strip colours difficult to match to standard ;

4. difficult to ensure that all sucrose is {broken

down by sucrase / hydrolysed by HCl / eq} ;

Further work

5. conduct field trials of both varieties / test

both varieties in different climatic conditions ;

6. extract sucrose in normal way and check actual

mass / measure sugar content at maturity / eq
(if not in method);

7. more detailed analysis for other sugars max

present ; (6)

34 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 3 (6103/03) - Energy and the environment

Question Answer Mark


1(a)(i) suitable named ruminant e.g. cow / sheep / deer /

moose ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


1(a)(ii) 1. reference to microorganisms / bacteria / eq ;

2. reference to cellulase / cellulose-digesting

enzyme / eq ;

3. into {sugars / monosaccharides / glucose /

fatty acids / eq} ;
4. that can be absorbed / are soluble / eq ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


1(b)(i) cross in box under tooth A ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


1(b)(ii) 1. {side-to-side / rotational / circular / eq}

movement of jaw ;

2. sharp ridges on tooth ;

3. idea of interlocking of upper and lower molar

teeth ;

4. reference to {grinding / eq} ;

5. {increase surface area / release cell contents /

break cell walls} for {digestion / enzyme max
action} ; (3)

35 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(a)(i) ((295 - 55) ÷ 295) x 100 ;

81.4 ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


2(a)(ii) 1. A, B and C more-or-less same / eq ;

2. D (significantly) less efficient than A, B & C /

eq ;

3. any other valid comparison ;

4. manipulated data to support any comparison ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


2(b)(i) 1. nitrification is oxidation, denitrification is

reduction ;

2. nitrification requires {oxygen / aerobic

conditions}, denitrification requires anaerobic
conditions / removal of ammonium must take
place in aerobic conditions, removal of nitrate
in anaerobic conditions ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


2(b)(ii) 1. ammonium ;

2. ammonium is {oxidised / converted / nitrified}

to nitrites ;

3. to nitrates ;

4. nitrates then need to be removed (by max

denitrification) ; (3)

36 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(c)(i) the {enrichment / increase / eq} of {nutrients /

minerals / eq} ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


2(c)(ii) 1. increased {algae / plant} growth / reference to

algal bloom ;

2. {algae / plants} die ;

3. reference to increased {decomposition / eq} by

aerobic {bacteria / fungi / eq} ;

4. uses up oxygen (in water) / BOD increases ;

5. fish suffocate / eq ;

6. reference to toxins (from algae) killing fish ;

7. reference to lack of food for fish ; (4)

37 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

3(a)(i) 87 528 – 50 304 OR 22 953 + 14 271 ;

37 224 ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(a)(ii) 1. biomass can vary {seasonally / eq} ;

2. idea of fluctuations in different trophic levels

may not coincide / eq ;

3. energy flow {takes account of time / cancels

out fluctuations} / biomass only at one time /
eq ;

4. reference to variable content of {biomass / max

organic} material ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(b) 1. reference to {biomass / organisms / bodies /

eq} washed away (as stream flows) ;

2. reference to decay / eq ;
3. excretion ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(c)(i) 1. nitrate decreased, ammonium and phosphate

increased ;

2. phosphate increased more than ammonium ;

3. nitrate decrease much larger than increase in

other two ions ;

4. suitable manipulation of data to support a max

comparison ; (3)

38 0906
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Question Answer Mark

3(c)(ii) 1. numbers of primary consumers {increase /

decrease} if producers {increase / decrease} ;

2. tertiary consumers {depend / feed} on

secondary consumers which {depend / feed} on
primary consumers ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(d) 1. (increase in) {grazing animals / cattle} may

lead to {overgrazing / increased trampling} ;

2. {overgrazing / trampling} removes {plant

cover / eq} ;

3. deforestation removes protective canopy /

eq ;

4. reference to {plant / tree} roots {bind /

stabilise} soil ;

5. soil exposed to {heat / rain / wind} ;

6. (therefore) soil {dries out / washes away /

blows away} ;

7. reference to changes in local weather

pattern (due to plant loss) ;
8. reference to salinisation caused by increased (4)
evaporation from surface of exposed soil ;

39 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 4 (6104/Core) - Respiration and coordination

Question Answer Mark


1(a) outer segment labelled R / rhodopsin ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


1(b) 1. rhodopsin is {bleached / broken down / split /

eq} (in bright light) ;

2. (re-)synthesized / eq in {dark / dim / eq} ;

3. this takes time / eq ;

4. reference to dark adaptation ; (3)

40 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(a)(i) sensory / afferent / pseudo-unipolar (neurone ) ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


2(a)(ii) 1. {receive / eq} the {impulse / stimulus / eq }

from {receptor /sense} {organ / cell} ;

2. {pass impulse to / eq} {CNS / brain / spinal

cord / {relay / effector /eq} neurone} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


2(a)(iii) arrow drawn points upwards from dendrite to synaptic

knob ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


2(b) 1. depolarisation of (neurone) membrane ;

2. {rapid / brief / sudden / temporary} /

reference to changes from negative to
positive (on the inside) ;

3. caused by {inflow / eq} of sodium ions / max

increased permeability to Na+ ; (2)

41 0906
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Question Answer Mark

3(a)(i) B matrix ;

C crista / inner membrane ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(a)(ii) C; (1)

Question Answer Mark


3(b)(i) 1. reference to reaction components used up /

not available, e.g. glucose, ADP, phosphate ;

2. no source of {electrons / hydrogen} to {react

with / eq} oxygen / eq ;

3. yeast switch to anaerobic respiration / aerobic

respiration stops / eq ;

4. this is because oxygen levels are too low / eq ;

5. idea of oxygen dissolving into solution from the

air / oxygen levels (in suspension) are max
maintained / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(b)(ii) 1. (antimycin A) prevents {electrons / H+}

{reaching oxygen / pass along chain} / eq} ;

2. oxygen is not reduced / does not form water

/ does not act as (final) electron acceptor / (2)
eq ;

42 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

3(b)(iii) 1. ATP production {decreases / slows down} /

eq ;

Then any two from:

2. idea of electron transport chain is where

{most / eq} ATP produced ;

3. {oxidative phosphorylation / eq} {stops /

eq} ;

4. Krebs cycle {stops / eq} ;

5. idea that {NADH / eq} cannot be reoxidised ;

6. reference to {yeast switches to anaerobic max

respiration / ATP produced in glycolysis} ; (3)

43 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

4(a)(i) 1. increase in age, slower rate / eq ;

2. credit quantitative manipulation of figures

e.g at age 30 there is a decrease of 2.7 mmol
dm-3 / at age 80 the decrease is 0.6 mmol
dm-3 ;

3. credit quantitative comparison of two ages

e.g. 80 is 4½ times lower than 30 / rate at 30 max
is 2.7 mmol dm-3 but at 80 it is much slower (3)
at 0.6 mmol dm-3 ;

Question Answer Mark


4(a)(ii) change in activity in {pancreas / liver} {change /

decrease} in amount of insulin, change in {sensitivity /
uptake} by body cells ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


4(b)(i) 1. correct readings from graph (8.8 and 4.8) ;

2. correct subtraction (4.0) and x 100 ;

3. correct division (÷ 4.8) to give 83(.3) ; (3)

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Question Answer Mark

4(b)(ii) 1. stimulates the conversion of {glycogen to

glucose / glycogenolysis} / eq ;

2. reference to activation of enzymes ;

3. stimulates uptake of amino acids (into cells) /

eq ;

4. (amino acids / fatty acids) are converted into

glucose / gluconeogenesis / eq ;

5. glucose released into {blood / hepatic vein /

eq} ;
6. (glucagon) inhibits insulin production / eq ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


4(b)(iii) any appropriate named hormone e.g. adrenaline ; (1)

45 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

5(a) 1. {active transport / eq} of {Na+ / Cl-} out of

ascending limb ;

2. correct reference to {water potential / eq}

(in medulla) ;

3. water passes out of {collecting duct /

descending limb} (into blood / vasa recta /
medulla) / eq ;

4. correct reference to osmosis ;

5. reference to counter-current mechanism ;

6. the longer the loop the greater the effect /

eq ;

7. reference to ascending limb being max

impermeable to water ; (5)

Question Answer Mark


5(b) 1. reference to reduces dehydration ;

2. (ADH) increases permeability {of collecting

duct / distal convoluted tubule} to water ;

3. reference to {aquaporins / water channels /

eq} ;

4. more water {reabsorbed / absorbed into the

blood} ;

5. correct reference to osmosis ;

6. idea that a more concentrated solution is max

produced ; (4)

46 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 4A (6104/01) - Microbiology and biotechnology

Question Answer Mark


6 Appearance Appearance
Stage of of Gram of Gram
Gram stain negative positive
bacteria bacteria

purple purple

purple purple

colourless purple

pink / red purple

any 2 correct boxes for 1 mark ;;;; (4)

47 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

7(a) 1. reference to infection / bacteria entering

{cells / macrophases / tissues} ;

2. reference to tissue destruction ;

3. credit correct details of tuberculosis ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(i) 1. (overall) decrease in number of cases / eq ;

2. {sharp / fast / eq} decrease between 1980 and

{1984 to 1988} ;

3. idea of {fluctuation / smaller decrease}

between {1987 / 1988} and {2003 / 2004} ;
4. credit correct manipulation of figures ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(ii) 1. treatment is not improving / eq ;

2. bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics /

eq ;

3. idea that pulmonary TB does not account for max

{all / majority} of deaths ; (2)

48 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

8(a)(i) 1. a drop in pH to {5.5 to 5.3} has no effect on

viscosity ;

2. drop in pH from {5.5 to 5.3} causes an increase

in viscosity / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


8(a)(ii) 1. reference to lactic acid {fermentation /

production} ;

2. by {bacteria / Lactobacilli} ;

3. (appropriate acid) causes drop in pH ;

4. (fall in pH) causes {coagulation / eq} of (milk) max

proteins / eq ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


8(b) 1. reference to use of Penicillium ;

2. reference to {(fed) batch fermentation /

secondary metabolite / production at end of
growth phase} ;

3. reference to {nutrients / carbon source /

named carbon source / nitrogen source /
named nitrogen source} (at start) ;

4. reference to {maintaining temperature (25-

27°C) / use of water jacket} ;

5. reference to maintaining pH (6.8-7.7) ;

6. reference to aeration / eq ;

7. reference to addition of {growth factor /

phenylacetic acid} ;

8. reference to {extraction from / secretion} of max

penicillin into culture fluid ; (4)

49 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

9(a) reference to or description of {absorbance / (1)

transmission} ;

Question Answer Mark


9(b) 1. 0.09 – 0.07 x 100(%) ;

2. divided by 0.07 = 28.57(%) ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


9(c) 1. no change in turbidity from {0 – 1 / 3 – 4 / 9 –

10} cell numbers remain constant / eq ;

2. (0 – 1 hour) bacteria {acclimatises / synthesises

enzymes} / eq ;

3. (3 – 4 hours) synthesis different enzymes ;

4. (9 – 10 hours) nutrient {run out / eq} / toxin

built up / eq ;

5. turbidity increases from {1 – 3 / 4 – 9} cell

numbers are increasing ;

6. (1 -3 hours (first)) first nutrient metabolised ;

7. (4 – 9 hours) {second nutrient / carbon source} max

used ; (4)

50 0906
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Question Answer Mark

9(d) 1. reference to serial dilution / description of

two steps ;

2. (0.1 – 1 cm3) bacterial suspension {onto /

into} solid agar ;

3. reference to plating technique / eq ;

4. range of dilutions plated / replicates used ;

5. count colonies and multiply by dilution factor

for cells/cm3 ;

6. reference to sampling at regular time

intervals ;

7. reference to agitation of culture ;

8. reference to aseptic technique ; (4)

51 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 4B (6104/02) - Food science

Question Answer Mark


Means of reducing
Method of preservation
food spoilage
prevents growth of
microorganisms /
delays growth of
facultative anaerobes ;

decreases pH / increases
acidity / eq ;

prevents rancidity (of

lipids) / prevents
oxidation / reference
to reduction of free

heat treatment / high

temperature (62 - 72ºC) ;

52 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

7(a) 1. energy needed (by an individual) for {essential

body processes / at rest / eq} ;

2. named example of body process e.g. pumping

of heart / ventilation / maintenance of body
temperature / chemical processes ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(i) 1. (energy expenditure of) males is greater than

that for females (for all activities) / eq ;

2. the greatest difference is during running and

swimming / eq ;

3. manipulation of figures to compare males and max

females (with units) ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(ii) 1. idea that males could be putting in more effort

than females ;

2. males were heavier than females / eq ;

3. males have faster metabolic rate ;

4. reference to activity not standardised / eq ; (2)

53 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

8(a) 1. cholesterol increases the chances of developing

coronary heart disease / eq ;

2. HDL cholesterol decreases the chances of

developing coronary heart disease / eq ;
3. credit quantitative manipulated figures ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


8(b) Maximum of two marks from either list

Cause an increase in coronary heart disease:

high levels of LDL ;
high levels of cholesterol ;
high levels of saturated fat ;
high levels of salt ;
excess energy intake ;

Cause a decrease in coronary heart disease:

NSPs / pectins / gums ;
antioxidants / vitamin C ; max
unsaturated fat ; (3)

54 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

8(c) 1. help to reduce incidence of cancer / eq ;

2. decreases transit time of stools / eq (in large

intestine) ;

3. idea of reduces contact time of carcinogens

with wall of intestine ;

4. reference to digestion (of NSP) by bacteria ;

5. producing metabolites that help to prevent

cells becoming cancerous / eq ;

6. reference to reducing {constipation / IBS /

diverticulitis} ;

7. softens stools / eq ;

8. idea of reducing pressure on walls of intestine ;

9. which would form tears / pouches (in max

diverticulitis) ; (4)

55 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

9(a)(i) cabbage ;

salt / sodium chloride ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


9(a)(ii) any 2 from:

Enterobacter (chloacae),
Leuconostoc (mesanteroides),
{Lactobacillus / eq} (plantarum),
{Lactobacillus / eq} (brevis)
lactic acid bacteria ;; (2)

Question Answer Mark


9(b)(i) 1. correct subtraction ;

2. correct division to give answer of 1 ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


9(b)(ii) 1. up to two days no change in pH ;

2. due to bacteria acclimatising / synthesising

enzymes ;

3. decrease in pH between {2 and 6 / 8 and 13}

days ;

4. due to bacteria producing (organic) acid;

5. increase in pH between {6 and 8 / 13 and 15}

days ;

6. due to bacterial {breakdown/ metabolism }of max

some of the acids produced ; (4)

56 0906
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Question Answer Mark

9(b)(iii) reference to lowest pH reached / to allow cabbage to

absorb acid / to allow changes to occur to the flavour
/ to allow gas production to stop before packaging /
eq ; (1)

57 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 4C (6104/03) - Human health and fitness

Question Answer Mark


One location One function

synapse / terminal
bouton / synaptic cleft / initiate muscle
{neurotransmitter / eq}/ contraction / slows
motor end plate / down heartbeat / eq
neuromuscular junction

{phosphorisation of
(skeletal) muscle ADP / eq} / energy
store / eq

(mechanical) strength
bone / teeth
/ eq

muscle oxygen store / eq

any 2 correct boxes for 1 mark ;;;; (4)

58 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

7(a) 1. (individuals training have) higher energy

demands / carbohydrates provide {energy /
ATP} ;

2. reference to supplies carbohydrate to glucose ;

3. reference to conversion of glucose to

glycogen ;
4. reference to glycogen stores in muscle ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(i) 1. both decrease during exercise and increase

after exercise ;

2. (during exercise) {greater / faster} decrease in

glycogen in individual on high carbohydrate
diet / eq ;

3. (after exercise) {more glycogen replaced /

glycogen replaced faster} in individual on high
carbohydrate diet / eq ;
4. correct comparative manipulation of data ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


7(b)(ii) 1. high carbohydrate reference to more glucose

(available) ;

2. high carbohydrate idea that {surplus / eq}

glucose remains from glycogen breakdown
during exercise ; (2)

59 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

8(a)(i) 1. (during first two minutes / up to 5 minutes)

{both increase / rise in oxygen consumption as
increase in energy expenditure / eq} ;

2. (after this) {great / eq} decrease in energy

expenditure but oxygen consumption {rises a
little and falls / plateaus / changes very little
/ eq} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


8(a)(ii) 1. idea that during exercise oxygen demand of

muscles exceeds supply ;

2. reference to anaerobic respiration ;

3. produces lactic acid / eq ;

4. (lactic acid) results in muscle fatigue ;

5. oxygen needed to remove lactic acid / eq ;

6. oxidising it to carbon dioxide and water / eq ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


8(b) 1. ATP is source of energy that can be used (by

muscles) directly / eq ;

2. (during muscle contraction) myosin binds to

actin / eq ;

3. myosin head {swivels / eq} to move actin /

eq ;

4. and this uses ATP ;

5. ATP needed to detach myosin (from actin) /

eq ;
6. so that process can continue / eq ; (4)

60 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

9(a)(i) 1. (occupational) lung diseases / eq ;

2. (caused due to) inhalation of dust / eq ;

3. occurs over time / effects not seen for at least

10 years / eq ;

4. dust particles engulfed by macrophages / eq ;

5. formation of nodular lesions / eq ;

6. ref to fibrosis / collagen network ;

7. leads to necrosis / cavities (within the lungs) /

eq ;

8. severe cases ischaemia / shortage of oxygen / max

hypoxemia / eq ; (4)

Question Answer Mark


9(a)(ii) asbestosis/ silicosis / bauxite fibrosis / berylliosis /

siderosis / labrador lung / byssinosis ; (1)

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8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

9(b)(i) 1. (1020 - 435) x 100(%) ;

2. divided by 435 = 134.48(%) ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


9(b)(ii) 1. 1993 to 2001 no real pattern / numbers

fluctuate / eq ;

2. 2001 to 2002 {largest / eq} increase in numbers

/ eq ;

3. 2002 to 2004 number relatively steady / eq ;

4. 2004 to 2005 {large / eq} decrease / eq ;

5. no overall trend / eq ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


9(c) most miners are men / eq ; (1)

62 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 5B (6105/01) - Genetics, evolution and biodiversity

Question Answer Mark


1(a) coppice / coppiced / coppicing ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


1(b) 1. woodland divided into {areas / blocks / fells /

eq} ;

2. idea of different {areas / blocks / fells / eq}

harvested in {rotation / each year /eq} ;

3. reference to cutting down trees (close) to

ground level ;

4. to form {stools / stump / eq} ;

5. reference to (side) {shoots / poles / eq}

allowed to grow / eq ;
6. for several years / at least 3 years ; (4)

Question Answer Mark


1(c) 1. different {environmental / abiotic / named

abiotic} factor(s) within the {wood / eq} ;

2. (because) {areas / eq} are at different stages

of development / eq ;

3. idea of a {range of / new / diversity of}

{habitats / niches / food sources} {created / max
maintained / eq} ; (2)

63 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(a) (plant) growth substances / PGS / growth regulator /

PGR ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


2(b)(i) 1. A is largest / A has {developed / grown} the

most / A is larger than {B / C / both} ;

2. B shows no signs of {development / growth /

eq} / very small / eq ;

3. C {grown / developed} to approximately 2/3

to 3/4 the size of A / eq ;

4. reference to another visible difference e.g. max

shape, depth of colour ; (2)

64 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(b)(ii) 1. {auxin / PGS} needed for strawberry

{development / ripening / growth / eq} ;

2. {auxin / PGS} {formed / eq} by {achenes / eq} ;

3. (diffuses) into {flesh / cells / strawberry / eq};

[NB if awarded, do not award mp7]

4. no {auxin /PGS} when {achenes /eq} removed ;

5. (therefore) strawberry does not {develop /

ripen / grow / eq} in B ;

6. auxin (in paste) {stimulates / causes / eq}

strawberry {development / ripening / growth /
eq} in C ;

7. (diffuses) into {flesh / cells / strawberry / eq};

[NB do not award if mp3 given]

8. reference to another PGS involved in

{development / ripening / growth / eq} ;

9. named example of another suitable PGS ;

10. reference to enhanced effect on auxin with

another PGS ;
11. reference to synergism ; (5)

65 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

3(a) 1. reference to {controlled / eq} by a pair of

alleles ;

2. reference to {different / alternative} forms of

alleles / eq ;
3. reference to same locus ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(b) 1. all {offspring / F1} are heterozygous for both

characteristics / eq ;

2. colour shows codominance / eq ;

3. bilateral is dominant (over radial) / accept

converse ;
4. correct use of term {genotype / phenotype} ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


3(c) 1. key {showing / use of} symbols ;

2. genotypes of F1 and white, radial given ;

3. correct gametes for both ;

4. genotypes of expected offspring ;

5. phenotypes linked to genotypes of offspring ;

6. 1 :1 :1 :1 ; (4)

66 0906
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Question Answer Mark

4(a)(i) 1. ATP as a source of energy ;

2. reference to active {transport / uptake} / eq ;

3. for {proton pumps / protein carriers / max

transport proteins / eq} in membrane ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


4(a)(ii) 1. increases surface area / large SA : V ;

2. (increased SA) {increases / maximises / eq}

uptake ;

3. reference to more {proton pumps / protein max

carriers / transport proteins / eq} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


4(b)(i) mp pigment plant sun shade

1 g/mass abc both less or more ;

2 g/area a/c both more or less ;

3 g/area b M same or same ;

4 g/area b T less or more ; max


67 0906
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Question Answer Mark

4(b)(ii) 1. idea of less light available to shaded plants /

eq ;

2. more pigment able to absorb more light (in

shade) ;

3. more pigment per mass means less light passes

through leaf / eq ;

4. pigments absorb different wavelengths ;

5. light in sun and shade may have different

wavelengths / eq ;

6. examples quoted ;

7. idea of photosynthesis rates maintained in max

shade plants ; (4)

68 0906
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Question Answer Mark

5(a)(i) 1. produces {sucrase / carbohydrase} ;

2. reference to {hydrolysis / breakdown} of

glycosidic bond ;
3. to form glucose and fructose ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


5(a)(ii) 1. proteins used for growth, carbohydrates for

energy ;

2. larva (needs more protein because it) is main

growth stage ;

3. adult (needs more carbohydrate because it) is max

{more active / flies} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


5(b) 1. biological (control) ;

Then any TWO from:

2. crops not {contaminated / toxic / eq} / no

bioaccumulation ;

3. pesticides less specific / eq ;

4. long-term balance can be established /

pesticides may need to be applied several
times / reference to resurgence / reference to
resistance ;

5. no health risk to glasshouse workers / eq ;

6. adult lacewings might aid pollination / eq ;

7. suitable for organic crops ; (3)

69 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

5(c) 1. reference to sympatric speciation ;

2. reference to prezygotic mechanism ;

3. sub-populations are reproductively isolated /

eq ;

4. gene flow {inhibited / restricted / eq}

(between sub-populations) ;

5. mutations arise (in sub-populations) ;

6. (cause) gene pools diverge / eq ;

7. sub-populations become {phenotypically /

physically / physiologically} different from
each other ;

8. so that successful mating cannot occur max

between them / no fertile offspring / eq ; (5)

70 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

6(a) 1. carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas / eq ;

2. idea of fossil fuels release carbon dioxide

removed from atmosphere {long ago / eq} and
biofuels release carbon dioxide removed
{recently / eq} ;

3. fossil fuel use increases carbon dioxide in

atmosphere and biofuels {maintain balance / max
are carbon neutral / eq} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(b) 1. {mixed / eq} with {petrol / petroleum / eq} ;

2. {10 / 20} % ethanol to {90 / 80} % petrol / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(c)(i) 1. reference to {many times greater / a lot

higher / eq} ;

2. mean from other sources = 1000 dm3 (per

hectare) ;

3. palm seeds approximately {4 times / 300%} max

greater than other sources ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


6(c)(ii) 1. more income / eq ;

2. create more employment / eq ;

3. prevents increased urbanisation / maintains

rural population / eq ;

4. reduce dependency on fossil fuels / eq ;

5. reduce need to import fuels / eq ; (2)

71 0906
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Question Answer Mark

6(d) 1. reference to legislation / eq ;

2. reference to {EU Habitats Directive / Natura

2000} ;

3. promotes conservation of (natural) habitats /

eq ;

4. to {maintain / encourage} biodiversity eq ;

5. example of specific {ecosystems / habitats} in max

annexe 1 ; (3)

72 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

7(a) biotic are caused by living organisms, abiotic by non-

living ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


7(b) 1. named animal in suitable named habitat ;

2. suitable abiotic factor and how it is measured ;

3. suitable technique ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


7(c)(i) 1. haemoglobin is found in {red blood cells /

erythrocytes} ;

2. haemoglobin can bind {temporarily /

reversibly} to oxygen / haemoglobin has high
affinity for oxygen ;

3. reference to (haemoglobin molecule has) four

{iron-containing / haem} groups ;

4. each {iron-containing / haem} group combines

with one oxygen molecule / four oxygen
molecules can combine with each haemoglobin max
molecule ; (3)

73 0906
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Question Answer Mark

7(c)(ii) 1. at{low altitudes / high ppO2}, no difference

in % saturation (between the two mice) ;

2. {as altitude increases / ppO2 falls}

dissociation curve of high altitude
{haemoglobin / mice} is {to the left / above}

3. (so) oxygen combines more easily with high

altitude haemoglobin / eq ;

4. credit manipulation of figures ;

5. at high altitudes, mice with high altitude

haemoglobin are at an {advantage / eq} ;
6. (high altitude haemoglobin) allows mice to (4)
{be active / move around / eq} ;

74 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 5H (6115/01) - Genetics, human evolution and biodiversity

Question Answer Mark


1(a) coppice / coppiced / coppicing ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


1(b) 1. woodland divided into {areas / blocks / fells /

eq} ;

2. idea of different {areas / blocks / fells / eq}

harvested in {rotation / each year /eq} ;

3. reference to cutting down trees (close) to

ground level ;

4. to form stools / stump / eq ;

5. reference to (side) {shoots / poles / eq}

allowed to grow / eq ;
6. for several years / at least 3 years ; (4)

Question Answer Mark


1(c) 1. different {environmental / abiotic / named

abiotic} factor(s) within the {wood / eq} ;

2. (because) {areas / eq} are at different stages

of development / eq ;

3. idea of a {range of / new / diversity of}

{habitats / niches / food sources} {created / max
maintained / eq} ; (2)

75 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(a)(i) chorionic villus sampling / amniocentesis ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


2(a)(ii) 1. miscarriage / abortion /eq ;

2. damage / injury to { mother / fetus} ;

3. infection to {mother / fetus} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


2(b) 1. Down’s syndrome ;

Then any four from:

2. reference to {extra chromosome / trisomy /

three chromosomes} at 21 ;

3. reference to non-disjunction ;

4. chromosomes fail to separate / eq ;

5. during anaphase 1 / meiosis 1 ;

6. {egg / oocyte / ovum} has 24 chromosomes / max

has an extra chromosome ; (5)

76 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

3(a) 1. reference to {controlled / eq} by a pair of

alleles ;

2. reference to {different / alternative} forms of

alleles / eq ;
3. reference to same locus ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


3(b) 1. all {offspring / F1} are heterozygous for both

characteristics / eq ;

2. colour shows codominance / eq ;

3. bilateral is dominant (over radial) / accept

converse ;
4. correct use of term {genotype / phenotype} ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


3(c) 1. key {showing / use of} symbols ;

2. genotypes of F1 and white, radial given ;

3. correct gametes for both ;

4. genotypes of expected offspring ;

5. phenotypes linked to genotypes of offspring ;

6. 1 :1 :1 :1 ; (4)

77 0906
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Question Answer Mark

4(a)(i) 1. sequence of {nucleotides / bases} on DNA /

{length / section} of DNA ;

2. codes for {sequence of amino acids /

polypeptide} ;

3. reference to triplet of bases corresponds to an max

amino acid ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


4(a)(ii) 1. formed by condensation (reaction) ;

2. between (two) amino acids ;

3. between carboxyl group (of amino acid 1) and max

amino group (of amino acid 2) ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


4(b) 1. Neanderthals, (modern) human and

chimpanzee most closely related ;

2. (because) sequences identical ;

3. idea of orang-utan, gorilla and monkey

relationship rank order ;

4. (because) orang-utan has 1 difference, gorilla 2

differences and monkey 3 differences ;

5. one difference described ;

6. idea of number of differences indicates max

divergence related to geological time ; (4)

78 0906
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Question Answer Mark

4(c) 1. reference to {carbon / potassium-argon}

dating ;
2. reference to decay of {radio-isotope / C/
K} is {predictable / eq} ;

3. reference to {carbon / potassium} taken into

skull material when Neanderthal was {alive /
eq} ;

4. reference to how skull is aged by reference max

to data from decay of isotopes ; (3)

79 0906
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Question Answer Mark

5(a)(i) 1. produces {sucrase / carbohydrase} ;

2. reference to {hydrolysis / breakdown} of

glycosidic bond ;
3. to form glucose and fructose ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


5(a)(ii) 1. proteins used for growth, carbohydrates for

energy ;

2. larva (needs more protein because it) is main

growth stage ;

3. adult (needs more carbohydrate because it) is max

{more active / flies} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


5(b) 1. biological (control) ;

Then any TWO from:

2. crops not {contaminated / toxic / eq} / no

bioaccumulation ;

3. pesticides less specific / eq ;

4. long-term balance can be established /

pesticides may need to be applied several
times / reference to resurgence / reference to
resistance ;

5. no health risk to glasshouse workers / eq ;

6. adult lacewings might aid pollination / eq ;

7. suitable for organic crops ; (3)

80 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

5(c) 1. reference to sympatric speciation ;

2. reference to prezygotic mechanism ;

3. sub-populations are reproductively isolated /

eq ;

4. gene flow {inhibited / restricted / eq}

(between sub-populations) ;

5. mutations arise (in sub-populations) ;

6. (cause) gene pools diverge / eq ;

7. sub-populations become {phenotypically /

physically / physiologically} different from
each other ;

8. so that successful mating cannot occur max

between them / no fertile offspring / eq ; (5)

81 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

6(a) 1. carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas / eq ;

2. idea of fossil fuels release carbon dioxide

removed from atmosphere {long ago / eq} and
biofuels release carbon dioxide removed
{recently / eq} ;

3. fossil fuel use increases carbon dioxide in

atmosphere and biofuels {maintain balance / max
are carbon neutral / eq} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(b) 1. {mixed / eq} with {petrol / petroleum / eq} ;

2. {10 / 20} % ethanol to {90 / 80} % petrol / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


6(c)(i) 1. reference to {many times greater / a lot

higher / eq} ;

2. mean from other sources = 1000 dm3 (per

hectare) ;

3. palm seeds approximately {4 times / 300%} max

greater than other sources ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


6(c)(ii) 1. more income / eq ;

2. create more employment / eq ;

3. prevents increased urbanisation / maintains

rural population / eq ;

4. reduce dependency on fossil fuels / eq ;

5. reduce need to import fuels / eq ; (2)

82 0906
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Question Answer Mark

6(d) 1. reference to legislation / eq ;

2. reference to {EU Habitats Directive / Natura

2000} ;

3. promotes conservation of (natural) habitats /

eq ;

4. to {maintain / encourage} biodiversity eq ;

5. example of specific {ecosystems / habitats} in max

annexe 1 ; (3)

83 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

7(a) biotic are caused by living organisms, abiotic by non-

living ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


7(b) 1. named animal in suitable named habitat ;

2. suitable abiotic factor and how it is measured ;

3. suitable technique ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


7(c)(i) 1. haemoglobin is found in {red blood cells /

erythrocytes} ;

2. haemoglobin can bind {temporarily /

reversibly} to oxygen / haemoglobin has high
affinity for oxygen ;

3. reference to (haemoglobin molecule has) four

{iron-containing / haem} groups ;

4. each {iron-containing / haem} group combines

with one oxygen molecule / four oxygen
molecules can combine with each haemoglobin max
molecule ; (3)

84 0906
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Question Answer Mark

7(c)(ii) 1. at{low altitudes / high ppO2}, no difference

in % saturation (between the two mice) ;

2. {as altitude increases / ppO2 falls}

dissociation curve of high altitude
{haemoglobin / mice} is {to the left / above}

3. (so) oxygen combines more easily with high

altitude haemoglobin / eq ;

4. credit manipulation of figures ;

5. at high altitudes, mice with high altitude

haemoglobin are at an {advantage / eq} ;
6. (high altitude haemoglobin) allows mice to (4)
{be active / move around / eq} ;

85 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 6 (6106-02) - Written Alternative to Coursework

Question Answer Mark


Number of Mimosa seeds
/ 0.25 m-2
In floodplain In woodland
habitat habitat
Without With Without With
mining mining mining mining
moths moth moth moth
500 194 22 32
505 200 28 34
605 241 29 35
606 255 33 38
729 306 33 39
751 340 38 48 Median
758 350 42 52
805 369 46 55
825 400 48 60
830 491 51 62
900 512 61 65
Median 751 340 38 48

neat tables correctly formatted including medians (only if

medians identified) ;

correctly labelled columns with units ;

numbers ranked ;

all medians correct ; (4)

86 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

1(b) A graph correctly orientated with labelled axes and

key ;

F bar chart {for medians / for means (if

calculated)} OR histogram for size classes ;

Number Not Infected
classes infected
101 – 200 2
201 – 300 2
301 – 400 5
401 – 500 1
501 – 600 2 1
601 – 700 2
701 – 800 3
801 – 900 4

Number Not Infected
classes infected
21 – 30 3 0
31 – 40 3 5
41 – 50 3 1
51 – 60 1 3
61 – 70 1 2

P data plotted correctly ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


1(c) there is no significant difference between {the

number of seeds produced in uninfected and infected
Mimosa in either the floodplain or woodland habitats /
the effect of mining moths in the two habitats / eq} ; (1)

87 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

1(d) there is a significant difference between {the

(median) number of seeds produced in the floodplain,
but not in the woodland / the effect of the mining
moths in the two habitats / eq} ;

since the smallest U / U2 value is less than 30 in the

floodplain habitat, but not in woodland ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


1(e) biological control is effective in the floodplain, but

not in the woodland ; (1)

88 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(a) General methodology

1. plant buttercups at different densities /
eq ;

2. TWO named abiotic factors for growth

controlled ;

3. stated area for each density (at least 1m x

1m) ;

4. sampling using quadrat of stated size (max

1m2) / method of determining suitably
sized quadrat ;

5. suitable method of random sampling

described ;

6. number of samples for each density

(minimum 10) ;

7. use of key to identify buttercups ;

8. count / tally total number of parent plants

in quadrat and number with runners / eq
(note parent counts not needed if fixed
densities used) ;

Specific precautions
9. any suitable precaution to ensure validity
of counts in the context of quadrat use e.g.
only runners inside quadrat counted ;

10. parent plant definition in the context of

runners (e.g. plant with no incoming
runners / no intact runners to older
plants) ;

11. defining a runner (in the context of this

investigation) e.g. runner with a young
plant OR developing bud attached ;

12. reference to sound environmental
protection ;

13. repeat two more times {not in different max

season etc}; (8)

89 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
account is concise and well-organised, there is
good use of technical vocabulary and almost no
spelling errors – 2 marks

there is some lack of organisation, limited

vocabulary and a number of spelling errors – 1

the account lacks organisation, there is little or

no technical vocabulary and many spelling
errors – 0 marks (2)

Total (10)

Question Answer Mark


2(b) 1. appropriate null hypothesis described (in terms

of significant correlation / significant
difference linked to method) {accept in
method} ;

2. table with all raw data (and repeats if carried

out) and units ;

3. density (shown / calculated) with SI units i.e..


4. means calculated ;

5. suitable graphical format (scatter gram / line

of best fit / bar chart) ;

6. axes with units (that correspond to summary

data) correct way round ;
7. use of (named) appropriate statistical test ; (5)

90 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(c) Limitations
1. difficulty in identifying plant as a
parent ;

2. difficulty in identifying runners ;

3. plants not evenly distributed / eq ;

4. influence of {other density-dependent

factors / intra-specific competition /
species} not considered ;

5. unsuitable time / season for asexual

reproduction ;

6. difficult to control one named abiotic

factor {not if method suggests
greenhouse or similar} ;

Further work
7. investigate (density-dependent) asexual
reproduction in other species OR types
of plants ;

8. carry out laboratory-based investigation

(on density of plants and asexual
reproduction) ;

9. find density at which asexual

reproduction stops ;

10. investigate further details of density

effect e.g. number of runners / young
plants per parent / average length of
runners ;

11. investigate relationship between density

and sexual reproduction / fruits / max
flowers / seeds ; (6)

91 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Unit 6 (6106/03) - Synoptic Paper

Question Answer Mark


1(a)(i) 1. {stimulates / eq} {ovulation / eq} ;

2. {stimulates / eq} {development of the corpus

luteum / eq} ;

3. {stimulates /eq} secretion of {progesterone / max

oestrogen / testosterone / androgens} ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


1(a)(ii) exocytosis / a description of this process ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


1(a)(iii) negative ; (1)

Question Answer Mark


1(a)(iv) 1. GnRH transported {directly / faster / straight /

short distance} to the (anterior) pituitary ;

2. LH transported {in the general circulation /

round the body / longer distance / slowly} ; (2)

92 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

1(b) 1. concentration of oestrogen increases,

concentration of progesterone decreases / eq

2. credit a comment on the relative change in

each e.g. change in oestrogen concentration
is {less / slower} than the change in
progesterone / percentage change in
oestrogen is greater ;

3. credit a manipulated quantitative

comparative comment (e.g. change in max
oestrogen is 8.5 ng per cm3, change in (2)
progesterone is 56 ng per cm3 / change in
oestrogen is 85%, change in progesterone is
35%) ;

93 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(a)(i) 1. feed on dead or decaying (organic) matter /

eq ;

2. {secrete / releases} enzymes / reference to

extracellular digestion ;
3. {absorb / eq} products of digestion / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


2(a)(ii) 1. {obtain nutrients / eq} from {a host / living

organism} ;

2. reference to {harm / eq} to host ;

3. (only) the parasite benefits / eq ; (2)

Question Answer Mark


2(b)(i) 1. aphids {obtain nutrients from crop plants /

suck sap / feed on crop} ;

2. reduce crop yield / reduce productivity / eq ;

3. spread diseases / spread viruses / eq ;

4. reduce value of crop / eq ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


2(b)(ii) 1. use of {one organism / predator / parasite} ;

2. idea of reduce number of {pests / prey} ; (2)

94 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

2(c)(i) 1. use of quadrat of suitable stated area ;

2. reference to the use of {Lincoln Index /

capture-mark-recapture method} ;

3. credit correct formula for Lincoln Index ;

4. use of (sweep) net / pooter / pitfall trap ;

5. reference to counting ladybirds ;

6. population density = number (of ladybirds) max

per unit area / number ÷ area ; (3)

Question Answer Mark


2(c)(ii) 1. harlequin ladybirds have increased / eq ;

2. both other species have decreased / eq ;

3. reference to {competition / niche /

competitive exclusion / breed faster / able to
exploit other food sources / fewer predators /
disease resistant / eat native species / eq} ; (3)

95 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Synoptic Essay mark scheme

Scientific Descriptor
Content (S)
11 The essay demonstrates a sound understanding of the topic and contains a
(Good) significant amount of material from most areas of the mark scheme,
including A2 content.
Suitable examples are included and the candidate has clearly and
coherently linked together information from different parts of the

9 An above average essay, with accurate content. The essay includes a good
(Above balance of material from several areas of the mark scheme, including A2
average) content, and examples where appropriate.
There may be some minor factual errors.

7 The essay includes relevant information from some areas of the mark
(Average) scheme, including A2 content. The candidate links together some facts
and principles. Some examples are included.
There may be some minor factual errors.

5 The essay includes some generally factually accurate and relevant

(Below material, and there is some attempt to link material from more than one
average) area of the mark scheme. The A2 content, in particular, lacks depth
and accurate details.

3 There are some correct facts, but the essay lacks depth and accuracy.
(Poor) The essay contains little or no relevant information from the A2

1 There are very few correct facts. The essay is generally superficial and
(Poor) inaccurate.

0 No correct or relevant material is included.


Notes Marks

If a scientific content mark of 0, 1, or 3 is awarded, it is very unlikely that

a balance mark of more than 1 is appropriate.

An essay containing AS content only can be awarded a max of 3 for

scientific content.

An essay containing A2 content only can be awarded a max of 7 for

scientific content. S = (11)

96 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Balance(B) Descriptor Marks
2 Most of the main topic areas outlined are covered
Some discussion of each of the areas chosen, illustrated
with suitable examples where appropriate
Material included is all relevant to the topic and the
candidate has linked information from more than one
area of the specification.
Few, if any, errors (2)

1 Some of the main topic areas outlined are covered.

Some discussion of each of the areas chosen.
Some irrelevant material included.
There are some examples which link together different
areas of the specification.
Some errors (1)

0 Very limited account, possibly only one aspect chosen

Material mostly irrelevant
No examples of the candidate linking information from
different topics
Large number of errors (0)

Coherence(C) Descriptor Marks

2 Material logically presented, with little or no repetition
Essay has coherence, ideas are developed well;
continuous prose used throughout
Essay has an introduction and a conclusion, summing up
the main points
Technical terms have been used correctly
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sound (2)

1 Material is presented in an orderly way and some ideas

Continuous prose used throughout
The introduction and conclusion may be present, but
Technical terms are used and generally in the correct
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are generally sound (1)

0 Essay style not used

Material in note form or numbered points
Very poor standard of spelling, punctuation and
grammar (0)

97 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

3 introduction could include outline structure of DNA

and explanation of term GMO –

basic structure of a nucleotide –

phosphate –

deoxyribose –

purine and pyrimidine bases –

DNA as a polynucleotide -

complementary base pairing and the double helix –

use of plasmids as vectors –

isolation of gene –

roles of endonuclease and ligase –

isolation of mRNA and role of reverse transcriptase -

introduction of recombinant plasmid to host cell –

plasmid replication –

use of marker genes -

credit references to specific examples e.g.

production of chymosin and use of Agrobacterium – (15)

98 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

4B introduction could include outline of transport in

flowering plants and need for mineral ions –

uptake of ions, root hairs and active transport –

diffusion of ions –

pathways across root –

apoplast pathway –

symplast pathway –

vacuolar pathway –

structure and role of endodermis –

structure of xylem in relation to transport –

cohesion tension, transport of mineral ions in xylem –

specific references to:

nitrate –

phosphate –

magnesium –

could also include a reference to transport of

phosphate in phloem – (15)

99 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Question Answer Mark

5H introduction could include outline of protein structure

and how proteins are used as evidence for human
evolution –

amino acids and the formation of a peptide bond –

polypeptides –

primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary

structure, quaternary structure –

bonding –

reference to globular proteins and fibrous proteins –

haemoglobin and collagen –

references to analysis of amino acid sequences in

haemoglobin / cytochrome ;

immunological studies of blood sera –

serum protein precipitation as evidence for

phylogenetic relationships – (15)

100 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042
Further copies of this publication are available from
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101 0906
8040/9040, 8042/9042

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