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#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> usingstd::ostream; classSquare {private: intx,y; // // //

doublea; // protected : // doublegetA() const { return a; } public: Square(double side=1., intCx=100, int Cy=100) : x(Cx),y(Cy),a(side) {}; virtual ~Square() {} // intgetX() const { returnx; } // intgetY() const { return y; } voidmoveTo(intCx, int Cy); virtual double square() const; // virtual double perim() const; // virtual void printOn(ostream&) const; Square&multBy(double k); // friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, const Square& s); // }; ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, const Square& s); // ":"

classRect : publicSquare // , { // public private: doubleb; // public: Rect(double sideA=1., double sideB=1., intCx=100, int Cy=50) : Square(sideA,Cx,Cy), b(sideB) {} // virtual double square() const; // virtual double perim() const; virtual void printOn(ostream&) const; // friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, constRect& s); // };

Square. (private) , . , Square , ( . getX, getY, moveTo , . virtual ( : ). multBy , . . , . , , Rect : Rect. Rect . mySquare.multBy(2.).printOn(cout). , Square, k . , ). : . , ( , . , , , , . ), . . getA. (protected). . Square , . , , ( ++ ), ,

// "shape.cpp"

. . ( ).

#include "shape.h" // void Square::moveTo(intCx, int Cy) { if (Cx<0) x = 0; else if (Cx>1000) x = 1000; else x = Cx; if (Cy<0) y = 0; else if (Cy>1000) y = 1000; else y = Cy; } double Square::square() const { return a*a; } double Square::perim() const { return a*4.; } Square& Square::multBy(double k) { if (k>=0) a *= k;else a *= -k; return *this; } void Square:: printOn(ostream&os) const { os<< "Square of side " <<std::fixed <<std::setprecision(1) <<a<<';'; } // ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, const Square& s) { s.printOn(os); returnos; } // doubleRect::square() const { returngetA ()*b; } // doubleRect::perim() const { return (getA()+b)*2.; } voidRect::printOn(ostream&os) const { os<< "Rectangle of size " <<std::fixed <<std::setprecision(1) <<getA() <<" X "<<b<<';'; } /* ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, const Square& r) { os<< "Squar e of side " <<std::fixed <<std::setprecision(1) <<a<<';'; returnos; } ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, constRect& r) { os<< "Rectangle of size " <<std::fixed <<std::setprecision(1) <<r.getA() <<" X "<<r.b<<';'; returnos; }*/

. , . , . , ,
Square A; Re ctB(5.5);

, , ,

, ++ ( ObjectPascal) . , . , .

Square* S[5];

cout<<A<<' \n'<<B<<'\n';

. . : , . , ++ , .

, , , operator<<. . ,

S .

: : RectB; Square&refS=B;. . ,

#include "shape.h" usingstd::cout; double ratio(const Square&); constint n = 5;


int main() { Square A; RectB(5.5); Square C(10.7,50,50); // cout<<A<<' \n'<<B<<'\n'<<C<<"\n\n"; Square* S[n]; // S[0] = &A; S[1] = &B; S[2] = &C; // S[3] = new Square(7.5,200,10); // S[4] = new Rect(1.,45); double r[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) // { r[i] = ratio(*S[i]); cout<<'#'<<i<<" : " <<*S[i]<< " ratio = "<<std::setprecision(4)<<r[i]<<' \n'; } int k = 0; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) if (r[k]<r[i]) k=i; cout<<"\nExtrashape : "<<*S[k]<< " with ratio = "<<std::setprecision(4)<<r[k]<<" \n\n"; double p = 1./r[k]; for (int i=0; i<n; i += 2) // { S[i]->multBy(p).printOn(cout); cout<< '\n'; } return 0; } double ratio(const Square& S) { returnS.square()/S.perim(); }

Square of side 1.0; Rectangle of size 5.5 X 1.0; Square of side 10.7; #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 : : : : : Square of Rectangle Square of Square of Rectangle side 1.0; ratio = 0.2500 of size 5.5 X 1.0; ratio = 0.4231 side 10.7; ratio = 2.6750 side 7.5; ratio = 1.8750 of size 1.0 X 45.0; ratio = 0.4891

Extrashape : Square of side 10.7; wi th ratio = 2.6750 Square of side 0.4; Square of side 4.0; Rectangle of size 0.4 X 45.0;

, ? , ? , . , , .
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> usingstd::ostream;

, , , : Rect . , , . , Shape, . , Square, Rect Circle Shape , , , : . , Square

isa ( . ? . , . .

). , !

, . . .



classShape {private: intx,y; public: Shape(intCx, int Cy) : x(Cx),y(Cy) {}; virtual ~Shape() {} // intgetX() const { return x; } intgetY() const { return y; } voidmoveTo(intCx, int Cy); virtual double square() const = 0; // virtual double perim() const = 0; // virtual Shape&multBy(double k) = 0; // virtual void printOn(ostream&) const; }; ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, const Shape& s);

class Square : public Shape {private: double a; public: Square(double side=1., intCx=100, int Cy=100) : Shape(Cx,Cy),a(side) {}; virtual double square() const; virtual double perim() const; virtual void printOn(ostream&) const; virtual Square&multBy(double k); }; classRect : public Shape {private: double a, b; public: Rect(double sideA=1., double sideB=1., int Cx=100, int Cy=50) : Shape(Cx,Cy), a(sideA), b(sideB) {} virtual double square() const; virtual double perim() const; virtual void printOn(ostream&) const; virtualRect&multBy(double k); }; class Circle : public Shape {private: double r; public: Circle(double radius=1., int Cx=50, int Cy=100) : Shape(Cx,Cy), r(radius) {} virtual double square() const;

virtual double perim() const; virtual void printOn(ostream&) const; virtual Circle&multBy(double k); };

, .

Shape , square, perim =0. , ). ( ,

multBy ,

: ( ). multBy. ( .) . , , -

#include "nshape.h" #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // , #include <cmath> ostream& operator<<(ostream&os, const Shape& s) { s.printOn(os);return os; } // ----Shape ----void Shape::moveTo(intCx, int Cy) { if (Cx<0) x = 0;else if (Cx>1000) x = 1000;else x = Cx; if (Cy<0) y = 0;else if (Cy>1000) y = 1000;else y = Cy; } void Shape::printOn(ostream&os) const // { os<< " shape situated at ("<<x<<','<<y<<')'; } // ----Square ----double Square::square() const { return a*a; } double Square::perim() const { return a*4.; } Square& Square::multBy(double k) { std::cout<<" - - - Square::multBy()"; if (k>0) a *= k;else if (k<0) a *= -k; return *this; } void Square::printOn(ostream&os) const { os<<"Square of side "<<std::fixed<<std::setprecision(1)<<a<<','; Shape::printOn(os); // os<<';'; } // ----Rect ----doubleRect::square() const { return a * b; } doubleRect::perim() const { return (a + b) * 2.; } Rect&Rect::multBy(double k) { std::cout<<" - - - Rect::multBy( )"; if (k>0) { a *= k; b *= k; }else if (k<0) { a *= -k; b *= -k; } return *this; } voidRect::printOn(ostream&os) const { os<<"Rectangle of size "<<std::fixed<<std::setprecision(1)<<a<<" X "<<b<<','; Shape::printOn(os); os<<';'; // } // ----Circle ----double Circle::square() const { return M_PI*r*r; } double Circle::perim() const { return 2.*M_PI*r; } Circle& Circle::multBy(double k) { std::cout<<" - - - Circle::multBy()"; if (k>0) r *= k;else if (k<0) r *= -k; return *this; }

void Circle::printOn(ostream&os) const { os<<"Circle of radius "<<std::fixed<<std::setprecision(1) <<r<<','; Shape::printOn(os); os<<';'; // }

printOn .
#include "nshape.h" #include <fstream> usingstd::cout; double ratio(const Shape&); constint n = 5;

:: ( (). ):

int main() { Square A; RectB(5.5); Circle C(10.7,50,50); cout<<A<<' \n'<<B<<'\n'<<C<<"\n\n"; Shape* S[n]; S[0] = &A; S[1] = &B; S[2] = &C; S[3] = new Square(7.5,200,10); S[4] = new Circle(31.5,45); double r[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { r[i] = ratio(*S[i]); cout<<'#'<<i<<" : "<<*S[i]<< " ratio = "<<std::setprecision(4)<<r[i]<<' \n'; } int k = 0; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) if (r[k]<r[i]) k=i; cout<<"\nExtrashape : "<<*S[k]<< "\n with ratio = "<<std::setprecision(4)<<r[k]<<" \n\n"; S[k]->printOn(cout); cout<< '\n' << S[k] ->multBy(0.5) << ' \n'; std::ofstream f("result.txt"); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) f<<'#'<<i<<" : "<<*S[i]<<" ratio = "<<std::setprecision(4)<<r[i]<<' \n'; f.close(); return 0; } double ratio(const Shape& S) { returnS.square()/S.perim(); }

Square of side 1.0, shape situated at (100,100); Rectangle of size 5.5 X 1.0, shape situated at (100,50); Circle of radius 10.7, shape situated at (50,50); #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 : : : : : Square of Rectangle Circle of Square of Circle of side 1.0, shape situated at (100,100); ratio = 0.2500 of size 5.5 X 1.0, shape situated at (100,50); ratio = 0.4231 radius 10.7, shape situated at (50,50); ratio = 5.3500 side 7.5, shape situated at (200,10); ratio = 1.8750 radius 31.5, shape situated at (45,100); ratio = 15.7500

Extrashape : Circle of radius 31.5, shape situated at (45,100); with ratio = 15.7500 Circle of radius 31.5, shape situated at (45,100); Circle of radius 15.8, shape situated at (45,100); - - - Circle::multBy()

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( const , 1. . ( 2. ). . , 3. ( ObjectPascal) ). . Deriv , Base, . . . , , .


Deriv&Deriv::operator=(constDeriv&inst) { if (this == &inst) return *this; Base::operator=(inst) // field = ... // return *this; }

. , . ,

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