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Animals/ Animales www.storyplace.


Parents Page/Pgina de los Padres


Five Animals/Cinco Animales

Aqu est la oveja Ella dice, Beee! Aqu est el caballo El dice, Eeee! Aqu est el perro El dice, Guau, guau! Aqu est el oso El dice, Rao! Aqu est el pjaro El dice, Quiiii! Cinco animales dicen, Buenos das a ti y a mi. Levanta un dedo. Hold up one finger. Levanta dos dedos. Hold up two fingers. ..tres dedos. ..three fingers. ..cuatro dedos. ..four fingers. ..cinco fingers ..five fingers Salude con una mano. Wave one hand. Here is a sheep She says, Baaay! Here is a horse He says, Naaay! Here is a dog He says, Bow wow! Here is a bear He says, Growl! Here is a bird He says, Keee! Five animals say, Good morning to you and me.
Susan Pflug

Bilingual Books at the Library/Libros Bilinge al Biblioteca Family Read Aloud Time/Lectura por la Familia
The Lizard and the Sun/La Lagartija y el Sol by Alma Flor Ada E Spots Big Book of Words/El Libro Grande de las Palabras de Spot by Eric Hill J468.1 Oversize The Bossy Gallito/El Gallo de Bodas by Lucia M. Gonzalez E Mediopollito/Half-Chicken by Alma Flor Ada E
Copyright 1999 PLCMC

The Baby Chicks Sing: Traditional Games, Nursery Rhymes, and Songs from Spanish-speaking Countries/Los Polli tos Dicen: Juegos, Rimas y Canciones Infantiles de Paises de Habla Hispana by Nancy Hall J398.8 Listen to the Desert/Oye al Desierto by Pat Mora E The Harvest Birds/Los Pajaros de la Cosecha by Blanca Lopez de Mariscal E

Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, 310 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC 28202 StoryPlace is funded by Smart Start of Mecklenburg County

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