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Week 1-2 Topic/Theme Chapter 1 Good Times Together Level 1 1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1Make friends and keep friends by : (i) talk about ones family Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL Language Aspects A. Grammar (i)Contractions (ii)Wh words -to ask questions B. Sound System : i.Consonants /l/ and /r/ C.Vocabulary : i.Words to describe people and things ii.Words related to descriptions of holidays Generic Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

3.0 Aesthetic 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by:
i. Reciting a poem

with feeling and expression and with correct pronunciation, intonation, stress and rhythm. 2 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (vi)Talk about how you spent your holidays (iv)Listen to descriptions of places and answer questions 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii)Read and locate information on how students spent their holidays 2.3Presenting information to different audience by: (iv)Write a descriptionsfamily and friends I wonder 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : v. Talking about the place and time the poem describes and writing a simple paragraph on it.

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by: (x) Collect and present information to describe a place (ix)Make a scrapbook on an interesting place in Malaysia

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (vii)Write a description of places and people

Week 3-4

Topic/Theme Chapter 2 Jobs People Do (people)

Level 1 1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1Make friends and keep friends by : (i) talk about jobs people do

Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (viii)Read & locate information about jobs

3.0 Aesthetic 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by: viii. Talking about values found in a poem I wonder

Language Aspects AGrammar i.Positive and Negative Sentences ii.Collective Nouns B.Sound System : i.Consonants /v/ and /w/ C.Vocabulary : i.Words beginning with /v/ and /w/ ii. Words related to

Generic Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i)Talk about and describe occupations (iv) Listen to a job descriptions & complete a questionnaire

2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii)Read a dialogue about a job

S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by: (v) Conduct an interview to gather information on occupations

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (vii)Write a description of a job

certain jobs iii.Words related to objects in certain jobs

Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world


Week 6-7

Topic/Theme Chapter 3 Changing Scenes (People and Environment)

Level 1 1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1Make friends and keep friends by : (i) talk about your town or village

Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii) Read opinions & supporting points

3.0 Aesthetic 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by
iii. Retelling the

Language Aspects AGrammar (i)Adjectives of comparison ~ Comparatives (ii) Superlatives B.Sound System : i.Consonants

Generic Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values &

content of the poem in one s own words. I Wonder

S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (v) Ask questions politely based on a chart

2.2 Process information by : (viii) Write opinions & supporting points 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by: (ii) Read & locate information in verses 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by: (ii) Read articles in newspapers & magazines relating to your town/village

/s/ and /z/ C.Vocabulary : i.Words related to towns and villages(environment) ii.Words related to sights, sounds, movement and feelings

Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by: (i) Talk about your homes (v)Conduct an interview to gather information

3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by: .1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : iii. Composing simple poems

Week 8 9



Chapter 4 City Extra (Environment & People )

1.1Make friends and keep friends by : (i) talk about life in the city

Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL 1st Monthly Test 23-25 FEB 2011 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii) Read and locate information in a text

3.0 Aesthetic 3.1Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by: (v)Read about important events in stories One is One and All Alone - Nicholas Fisk

Language Aspects

Generic Skills

AGrammar (i)Simple Present Tense to show truth/fact (ii) Conjunctions - and, but, so, because B.Sound System : i.Vowels -/e/, / /

Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education

S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (iv)Listen to a newspaper report - complete a report - identify headlines - answer questions (vi)Give opinions about living in a city

2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by: (vi)Read a passage to identify problems and solutions 2.2 Process information by: (i)Write opinions on problems related to crowded cities 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by: (ii) Read newspaper and magazines articles 2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (vi) Draw tables, charts to present information

3.1Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by: (ix)Read about the people, places & events in a story One is One and All Alone - Nicholas Fisk

-/ /, /

/ Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

C.Vocabulary : i.Words related to city life and environment ii.Words related to problems in the city

Week 10

Topic/Theme Chapter 5 The Value of Friendship (People and Social Issues)

Level 1 1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1Make friends and keep friends by : (i) Talk about your feelings in various situations (ii)Read dialogues

Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii) Read and locate information in a letter

3.0 Aesthetic 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by: vi Talking about
characters in a story

Language Aspects AGrammar (i)Adverbs where, when (ii) Simple Past Tense B.Sound System : i.Vowels -/u/, / :/

Generic Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship

and writing a simple paragraph on one or two characters One is One and All

S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

Alone - Nicholas


/, /

:/ Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

C.Vocabulary : i.Words in stories ii. Words related to qualities in person 2 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (v) Listen to radio announcement and complete a message 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (ix) Sing a song about friendship 2.2 Process information by: (i)Write down main idea and supporting d etails found in paragraphs 2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (vii) Write a letter describing a holiday 2.2 Process information by : (i) Tell a story about friendship 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : (vi) Read and describe characters in a story One is One and All Alone - Nicholas Fisk

11 Mid Term Break 12.03.2011 20.03. 2011

Week 12-13

Topic/Theme Chapter 6 Day In Day Out (People and Social Issues)

Level 1 1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about daily routines (ii)Ask questions politely to get information (iv)Listen to a poem and fill in the blanks

Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii) Read an itinerary and locate information

Language Generic Aspects Skills 3.0 Aesthetic 3.1 Listen to, read, AGrammar Thinking Skills view and respond to (i)Simple Present literary works Tense habitual Learning How by : actions To Learn Skills (vi) Read and (ii) Sequence describe characters in Connectors ICT Skills a story S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

One is One and All Alone - Nicholas Fisk

B.Sound System : i.Vowels -/ /, / :/ -/ :/, / / C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to daily routines ii. Words used in an itinerary iii. Words related to devices used for measuring time

Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (iv) Listen to a text on a timetable - complete a timetable -answer questions 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (viii) Prepare an itinerary for a trip

2.2 Process information by: (i)Write sentences about daily routines

Talk about the place and people Give sequence of events Talk about main characters Talk about values found in a short story

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (vi) Write an article for a school magazine

Week 14-15

Topic/Theme Chapter 7 Precious Moments (People and Social Issues)

Level 1 1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about how to spend time wisely (ii) Talk about daily routines

Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL

3.0 Aesthetic 3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by : (i) Act out scenes from play Rumpelstiltskin

Language Aspects A.Grammar (i)Modal verbs -can, cannot (ii) Articles

Generic Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills

B.Sound System : ICT Skills i.Past Tense forms /d/ and /t/ Values & S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

Citizenship C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to using time wisely 2 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (iv) Listen to situations and match them to the pictures 2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (iv) Write out school rules (iv) Write an e-mail 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii) Read and locate information in a dialogue between a student and a counselor 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : iv.Giving the sequence of events. Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (viii) Make a poster -

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (vii) Write a To do list




Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL

3.0 Aesthetic

Language Aspects

Generic Skills

S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work


Chapter 8 A Healthier You (Health & People)

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about a healthy lifestyle (i) Talk about health routines (ii)Ask and answer questions politely 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (iv) Give directions based on a map

3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : (vi) Read and describe characters in a story Rumpelstiltskin

AGrammar (i)Prepositions of Time (ii)Prepositions of Direction B.Sound System : i.Past Tense forms ed /d/, and ed/t/ ii. Pick out the odd word C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to a healthy lifestyle ii. Words related to health problems

Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (iv) Listen to a dialogue and identify key ideas (iv) Listen to a text and match home remedies with common health problems 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (viii) Make a poster

2.2 Process information by : (ii) Dictionary work matching problems with picture stimuli 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii) Read and locate information in a dialogue between a student and a counselor 2.2 Process information by : (viii) Read and locate information given in a table 2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (vii) Write a dialogue giving advice ULBS Revision Week Mid term examination Discussion of exam answers MID-YEAR HOLIDAY (05.06.2010-20.06.2010)

18 19-20 21 22-23

S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

Week 24-25

Topic/Theme Chapter 9 Health Is Wealth (Health and Social Issues)

Level 1 1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about health/ environmental issues (i)Talk about health/environmental problems (iv)Listening activity-Bingo 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i)Listen to complaints and identify problems

Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL

3.0 Aesthetic

Language Aspects AGrammar (i)Modal verbs -must, musnt (ii)Plural nouns B.Sound System : i.Past Tense forms ed /td/, and ied/aid/ ii. Pick out the odd word C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to health issues ii.Body languagematch actions with feelings iii.Words found in letters to the editor

Generic Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

Saying what one thinks of the poem Changing the poem to a drawing

3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by :

vii. Making simple predictions as to what

might happen next. Rumpelstiltskin 3 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (vii)Suggest solutions for problems (viii)Make a folder
Understanding figurative language - images


S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

Week 26-27

Topic/Theme Chapter 10 Wise Choices (People and Social Issues)

Level 1 1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by: (i)Talk about advertisements and products (i)Talk about choosing a gift (iii)Recount orally an event that has taken place 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by: (i)Talk about the advantages & disadvantages of advertisements 1.2 Take part in social interaction by: (vi)Agree & disagree politely (vii)Sequence a dialogue (vii)Listen and sequence a story 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by: (iv)Listen to a story and give a recount of it orally 1.2 Take part in social interaction by: (viii) Make a poster about the shops in your neighbourhood 1.3 Obtain goods and services by : (iii)Find out more about shoppers and shopping-a questionnaire

Learning Outcomes : 2.0 INFORMATIONAL 2.2 Process information by: (iii)Rearrange sentences to form a dialogue

3.0 Aesthetic

Language Aspects AGrammar (i)Some and Any (ii)Preposition of measure B.Sound System : i.Plural forms /s/ and /z/ C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to labels ii.Words related to shopping

Generic Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

2.2 Process information by: (viii)Read and locate information from a text

3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by:

ii. Changing the text to another form (genre). Rumpelstiltskin




Learning Outcomes :


Language Generic S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work


Chapter 11 Looking Ahead (People and Social Issues)

1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about your dreams, hopes and ambitions

2.0 INFORMATIONAL 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii)Read a dialogue on dreams, hopes and ambitions

3.0 Aesthetic 3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by: i. Acting out sections of a text. Retelling a story from a different point of view and presenting it in another genre

Aspects AGrammar i. The Apostrophe ii. Future Time using will B.Sound System : i.Plural forms /iz/,/vz/ and /aiz/ C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to ambitions.

Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (iv)Listen to a story and answer questions 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (vi) Ask questions politely to get information 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (viii)Retell a story (viii)Make a scrapbook about someone you admire

2.2 Process information by : (viii) Read and locate information in an interview

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (iii) Write a letter to a friend about your hopes, plans and ambitions (iii) Write a success story




Learning Outcomes :




S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

1.0 INTERPERSONAL 30-31 Chapter 12 Waste Not, Want Not (Science & Technology) 1

2.0 INFORMATIONAL 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii)Read comments on reusing and disposing of waste

3.0 Aesthetic

Aspects AGrammar i. Subject-Verb Agreement B.Sound System : i.Diphtongs / / and / /

Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

2 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about reusing and disposing of waste (iv)Listen to a description of a recycling process and answer questions 2.2 Process information by : (viii) Read and locate information in a passage on recycling 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : v. Talking about the place and time
the story took place and writing a simple paragraph on it.

C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to recycling

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about disposing of waste that cannot be recycled 1.3 Obtain goods and services by : (i) Gather ideas on recycling

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (iv)Write a composition on recycling

32 33 34

3rd Monthly Test 10.08.2010 13.08.2010 Discussion of test answers 2ND MID TERM BREAK 04.09.2010 12.09.2010



Level 1.0

Learning Outcomes : 2.0


Language Aspects

Generic Skills


S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work


Chapter 13 Garden Treasures (Science and Technology)

INTERPERSONAL 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about flowers (i) Talk about gardening


Aesthetic 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : (i) Read and enjoy a poem (i) Read and practice words in rhymes
. Heir Conditioning - M. Shanmughalingam

AGrammar i. Imperative ii. wh words to ask questions B.Sound System : i.Diphtongs / and / / C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to a poem ii.Words related to gardens iii.Dictionary work

Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills

Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (iv) Listen to clues and identify items in a picture 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (viii) Make cards and pictures using dried flowers and leaves 1.3 Obtain goods and services by : (iii) Find out medicinal values of flowers and leaves

2.2 Process information by : (viii) Read and locate information in a poem

3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : v. Talking about the place and time the poem describes and writing a simple paragraph on it.

2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by : (ii) Read a description of a hobby 2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (iii) Write a short composition about gardening as a hobby





Level 1.0

Learning Outcomes : 2.0



Language Generic Aspects Skills S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work


Chapter 14 Save Our Jungles (Science and Technology)

INTERPERSONAL 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about what happens when trees in the jungle are cut down


Aesthetic 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by iii. Retelling the content of the poem in one s own words. Heir Conditioning M. Shanmughalingam 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : (vi)Talk about messages in the poem
. Heir Conditioning M. Shanmughalingam

AGrammar i. The Future Time going to ii.Simple and Componund Sentences B.Sound System : i.Stress in compound words / / C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to the Rafflesia ii. Words related to catchment areas iii. Words related to trees

Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition Preparation for the real world

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about what can be done to save our jungles (iv) Listen to texts on the Rafflesia and the pitcher plant and answer questions

2.2 Process information by : (viii) Read and locate information in an article on logging in catchment areas

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (iv)Write a composition on The Importance of National parks




Learning Outcomes :




S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work


Chapter 15 A Peep Into The Future ( Science and Technology)

1.0 INTERPERSONAL 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (i) Talk about life in the future robots doing work (ii) Talk about life in the future based on situations

2.0 INFORMATIONAL 2.2 Process information by : (viii) Read and locate information in a story

3.0 Aesthetic

Aspects AGrammar i. Modal Verbs may, might ii. Adverbs of Manner B.Sound System : i.Stresses in two and three syllable words C.Vocabulary : i. Words related to a story ii. Words related to the future

Skills Thinking Skills Learning How To Learn Skills ICT Skills Values & Citizenship Education Multiple Intelligences Knowledge Acquisition

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by : (iv) Listen to a text and sequence pictures 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (vi) Talk about negative and positive changes in the future 1.2 Take part in social interaction by : (vii) Design a futuristic home (vii) Design a futuristic car

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (iii) Write responses to picture stimuli

2.3 Presenting information to different audience by : (iv)Write a story set in the future

3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by: .1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by : iii. Composing simple poems.
Heir Conditioning - M. Shanmughalingam

Preparation for the real world

42 43-44 45-46 47

Revision Week Final Year Examination Discussion Of The Final Year Examination Papers Enrichment Activities Year End Holiday (20.11.2010 03.01.2011)


S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

Form 2: Poems 1. I wonder - Jeannie Kirby 2. Heir Conditioning - M. Shanmughalingam Short Stories 1. One is One and All Alone - Nicholas Fisk Play 1. Rumpelstiltskin -Angela Lanyon


S Gouri/Form Two Scheme Of Work

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