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General Assembly

Planning Committee

Finance Committee

Plan BCommittee

Diplomacy Committee

Press & Communication



SOUTHERN CAMEROONS: THE WAY FORWARD INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Euro-Conference to secure independence for the Former United Nations Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons under United Kingdom administration.

Participants shall register (paying a 100 euros registration fee) and sign this Agenda Contract, which binds us all to conduct ourselves according to its terms. Sales of books, videos, etc. shall be conducted through the Registration Desk. Each seller shall donate to the Conference 50% of all proceeds. Please ask for any support for your presentation (computer, bold maker or sheets) at the Registration Desk. In the Way Forward, punctuality is expected; so, the Facilitator may not update late arrivals. PROCESS The purpose of this process is to help participants to contribute as many insights as possible to the Way Forward. Therefore, Conference participants (General Assembly) shall make all decisions by consensus. If the Peoples Assembly falls short of consensus on an issue, a simple majority of the Assembly shall decide that issue; however, this Consensus process allows anyone to write and append his or her strong objection to the written majority decision on the issue, and that too shall become part of the consensus on the issue. All decisions made by the Peoples Assembly can be changed only by the Assembly. When proposed by the floor, the Peoples General Assembly may quickly appoint a Working Group to investigate any particular issue and report its findings to the Peoples Assembly later. The Assembly shall then make a decision based on that report. After the conference, the SCIC shall open and use, as its venue for meetings, a mailing list on a secure mail server. Only a current member may propose a new member to join this list.

Peoples General Assembly The Peoples Assembly shall endorse and or modify the existing Standing Committees to perform tasks for it, and delegate a liaison to each such committee, but in a non-voting capacity. Each annual Way Forward Conference shall reinvigorate the struggle, evaluate progress over the previous twelve months, dissolve insolvent Committees and create new committees to perform new tasks. Each Committee is comprise of 2 members subject to modification to four and one Liaison depending on attendance except committees which need more. At delegation, each Committee shall confer and select two persons to serve as their first Facilitator and Secretary and shall then inform the Peoples Assembly. To hone and share skills, each standing committee shall rotate the tasks of the Facilitator and the Secretary every three months. Each Committee shall update the Peoples General Assembly mailing list at least every three months on their work. These update shall be due every March 30, June 30, September 30 and December 30 each year. STANDING COMMITTEES The Finance Committee The Finance Committee shall raise funds for all WFN projects; The Finance Committee shall keep account of WFN funds; The Finance Committee shall disburse funds as approved by the Networking Committee; The Finance Committee shall coordinate fund raising initiatives. For example, it shall appoint sub-committees as needed;

The Finance Committee shall manage a bank account?? Where? What Kind? Shall be determined by delegates Networking Committee (The Planning Committee) The Networking Committee shall designate Liaisons onto all Standing Committees (after conference) time to be determined by delegates To become a member of the Networking Committee, (a) a delegate shall come from an organisation that has signed this Agenda Contract, and (b) an individual must be an active member of the Planning Committee who has signed the Agenda Contract, or (c) who has been delegated by the General Assembly to replace a departing non-delegate and has signed this Agenda Contract; The Networking Committee shall comprise (a) one delegate from each such organisation and (b) at least six active non-delegates of the Planning Committee or their replacements, each replacement named by the leaving member. When the Networking Committee cannot reach a consensus, every member shall vote, except that there shall be only one vote per organisation. Delegates from organisations shall also serve as liaisons, and in that capacity, they shall report the Networking Committees discussions to their organisations and report their organisations position to the Networking Committee. Through this role, the Networking Committee and represented organisations shall update each other continuously; The Networking Committee shall assist other cities to host annual Way Forward Conferences like the first one held in London from

September 29th to October 1st 2007 and present in the Hague February 9th 11th 2008. The Networking Committee shall decide the project to be funded and authorise the finance Committee to release the funds. However, the projects and their priorities will have been authorised by the General Assembly, except for unpredictable ones. Thus applications for funds shall be made to the Networking Committee by organisations, other Committees or Sub-Committees. (The General Assembly identifies WF tasks; organisations or individuals submit contracts to the Networking Committee). The Networking Committee shall store records of projects funded, including evaluation reports, receipts, etc. Applications for funding shall be written and shall include a budget with bench marks to measure success or progress of the project. Each application shall describe (a) the background of the project, (b) its relation to the Way Forward and (c) a time frame for completing it. When an organisation requests funding, it shall indicate the amount it has already raised for the project. After receiving the written application, the Networking Committee shall assign one of its members to serve as a Sponsor for the project. The Sponsor shall make contact with the organisation and learn/understand the feasibility of the project. The Sponsor will then file a feasibility report to the Committee which will decide by consensus if the project should be funded. If the decision is to fund the project, the Secretary of the Networking Committee shall send the approved application to the Finance Committee which will then disburse the funds.

The group or Committee shall present a written evaluation report at the end of the project and submit it to the Finance Committee with receipts. Diplomacy Committee Diplomacy& International relations Committee International relations describes a broad frame that includes foreign organisations and political groups, while Diplomacy is a word that tends to be used mostly in Governments circles. But our focus is networking/building relationships with groups, organisations, political parties. The International Relations Committee shall forge relationships, directly or indirectly between us and WFN. DUTIES: Diplomacy/Foreign Relations Foreign Governments Other institutions, Organisations, Groups: UN, OAU, UNPO, Human Rights Organisations, Students, Cultural Groups, et al. Press & Communication Committee This Committee shall word and phrase documents, especially press releases, so that they achieve specific objectives of the WFN; The Communications Committee shall publish a monthly newsletter and an online audio and video news blast (news reel). The Communications Committee shall handle relations with the press, issuing press releases, delegating members to talk to the press (after thoroughly preparing them in committee), etc;

The Communications Committee shall delegate an Outreach SubCommittee. Its tasks shall be to (a) mobilise both our public and the international public to become involve in our independence project/struggle (aggressively distribute media Content produced by the Communications Committee), (b) move us into events likely to expose our cause to groups and organisations interested in the global social justice movement. Plan B Committee movements of these colonisers; Ground preparation Form alliances Seek external partners Action B Oath Surveillance Sustain pressure on the coloniser.


For the Conference, the Planning Committee shall designate Timekeepers, Scribes, and Facilitators; The Conference Host shall introduce the Facilitator, Timekeeper and Scribe;

Facilitators shall introduce the structure and discussion process to be used. For example, how participants are introduces: each rises and announces his/her name, city, country and organisation, if affiliated; Participants shall speak only when recognised by the Facilitator, and only one at a time. TIME ACTIVITY

SATURDAY February 09TH 2008: REGISTRATION 18:00 21:00 21:15 Registration Desk opens: participants register, pick up name badges and sign the Agenda Contract. Reception supper SUNDAY 10TH February 2008: OPENING SESSION 8:00 9:00 09:15 10:00 BREAKFAST Registration Desk opens: participants continue to register, pick up name badges and sign the Agenda Contract. Introduction of participants Coffee Break Meeting of committees 11:20 13:20 14:20 15:20 15:25 16:25 Presentations: Organisations and individuals shall email courtesy copies of their Way Forward contributions to the Way Forward Planning Committee before Saturday 09th February 2008 to reduce misunderstandings.

10:05 11:15 11:15 11:45

The Planning Committee would like every Way Forward to receive the best possible attention from the Peoples General Assembly. Therefore, the Planning Committee recommends that after naming the problem and briefly explaining what caused the problem, you: State clearly the Way Forward you are proposing or recommending to the Peoples General Assembly; Summarise completely but briefly (and then concede) any worthy concerns or objections that others have raised against your proposed Way Forward; Summarise completely but briefly (and then correct or clarify) concerns or objectives that others have raised against your proposed Way Forward; State clearly any other advantages or benefits of your proposed Way Forward which you have not discussed in (b) and (c) directly above; After the presentation, five minutes will be available strictly for clarification questions: this is to allow everyone in the audience to understand your proposal. Then participants will discuss the Way Forward just presented through questions, comments, etc. Ten minutes, two per speaker. The Facilitator shall then ask, Are there any more concerns? Silence shall indicate that there is consensus, and the

Facilitator shall announce, By consensus, this proposal is the position of this Conference. If discussion time expires without consensus, the Facilitator shall call for a vote. If a simple majority approves the proposal, the Facilitator shall announce, By a simple majority, this proposal is the position of this Conference. The Facilitator shall then ask those with strong objections to indicate whether they wish to stand by and let the majority decision stand, or whether they wish to write and append their objections. The objections can be written either individually, as a group or by a committee. LUNCH Facilitator, and only one at a time. Scribe reports to Peoples General Assembly about the work or Conference. Describe WFN initial ideas that led to WFN (PCDesignated) Introduce WFN Committee (Liaisons) Present lists of available experts for the Committee (one Liaison) Announce Committee (Facilitator) sites, advise selection

Each participant chooses and attends a Committee

if necessary. Time will be allocated to all the movements if need be for a working session with the President of BSC Government. This will give delegates the opportunity to come to terms with its formation and working time table as well as the need for it to sustain a broad base support. This will be left open for discussion at the conference. 16:25 17:00 Participants Evaluate the Conference: What was good about the Conference? What do you suggest that we do differently next time? What did you expect this Conference to do? How many of your expectations did the Conference meet? What part of the Conference did you like the most? What did you like the least? What succeeded at the Conference? Why? What could have been included?

What should have been left out? What do you suggest for future events?

Screening: documentary on the struggle of the students of the University of Buea from the website of the IG and or the Life of a Refugee We must Win by Cho Lucas Ayaba and others if available EVALUTION REPORT Participants reassemble to Evaluate Conference (Reports): What was good about this Conference? What do you suggest that we do different next Conference? What did you expect this Conference to do? How many of your expectations did the Conference meet? What part of the Conference did you like the most? What did you like the least? What succeeded at the Conference? Why? What could have been included? What should have been left out?

What do you suggest for the next Conference? 8:00 10:00 10.00 14:30 16:45 Breakfast Peaceful Demonstration from The Hague Central Train Station to the British Embassy Sight seeing, refreshment and departure of Delegates











Southern Cameroons: The Way Forward

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