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Jesus Cura um Cego

Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Um dia, Jesus estava caminhando quando viu um homem que tinha nascido cego. One day, Jesus was walking when he saw a man who had been blind since he was born.

Os discpulos perguntaram: Mestre, quem que pecou para que este homem nascesse cego? Ele ou os pais dele? Jesus respondeu: Nem ele nem os pais dele. Ele nasceu cego para que o poder de Deus seja mostrado nele. Jesus' disciples asked, Master, why was this man born blind? Was it because he or his parents sinned? No, it wasn't! Jesus answered. But because of his blindness, you will see God work a miracle for him.

Jesus cuspiu no cho e fez um pouco de lama com a saliva. Depois passou a lama nos olhos do cego.

Jesus then spat on the gruond and made some mud. He put the mud on the blind mans eyes.

Ento Jesus disse V se lavar no tanque de Silo.

Then Jesus said, Go, wash off the mud in the pool of Siloam

O homem foi ao tanque, lavou-se e voltou vendo! The man washed his eyes and he was healed! He could see!

E sabem o qu? Os milagres que Jesus fez quando estava na Terra ainda pode ocorrer hoje em dia para nos. S precisamos Lhe pedir ajuda quando precisarmos. maravilhosa ter Jesus como amigo, pronto para nos ajudar! And guess what? The miracles that Jesus did when He was on earth can still happen today for us if we will just ask Him for help when we need it. How wonderful it is to have Jesus as our helper and friend!

Visita www.freekidstories.org para ver mais histrias bilnge para crianas

Dramatized from John 9 / dramatizada de Joo 9 Illustrations Zondervan

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