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Project #4 Artifact Analyses

Adapted from a project by Professor Jason Beaudin

Analyze a series of writing artifacts (both digital and analog) to determine their intended audience, the rhetorical strategies used to reach that audience, and the overall effectiveness in reaching the intended audience.

This is a project that will be broken down into ten different analyses that we will complete throughout the semester. For each analysis, you will be presented with a writing artifact from any genre (print ad, video, song, essay, play, etc.). The goal here is to look at digital writing artifacts as legitimate pieces of writing, subject to all of the rhetorical requirements of a typical writing assignment. At the end of the semester, you should be able to look at the strategies that these artifacts used to reach their audience and the relative effectiveness of those strategies in terms of your own writing and composition in digital environments. You will be required to carefully analyze the artifact for evidence of rhetorical strategy and provide clear reasoning for your analysis.

Due Dates
Different parts of the assignment will come due at different times. Review the class schedule for planned due dates and the class blog for any changes.

Required Technologies
Google Docs Blogger DropBox GoToMeeting Convore

Your audience for this project will be your classmates and I, as well as anyone who reads your blog. This project is intended to develop your abilities to critique and understand digital writing. Therefore, these are intended for your own personal development more than reaching a particular audience. However, you will still want to acknowledge the fact that they are open and available on the Internet and should consider your identity as a writer and how these analyses reflect that.

Review the class schedule for specific dates related to these activities. Also review the class blog on a regular basis for any adjustments to the schedule. 1. Discussion. I will open up the discussion feed in Convore early for you to post any initial questions about this assignment. This will allow anyone in the class who might have the same question to benefit. We will then have a synchronus discussion where we will answer any remaining questions about the project. We will also assign peer review groups for these analyses. Artifact Analysis #1. The first Artifact Analysis will be introduced during our initial discussion about the project. This Analysis will be completed as a class in a GoogleDoc. To receive full points, you are required to contribute at least five thoughts to the GoogleDoc.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Artifacts #2-10. For the rest of the semester, any week an artifact is assigned, I will post a description/link on the class blog and post a tweet on the Monday of that week. Post Analysis #_. Post your Artifact Analysis by Wednesday @ Noon. These analyses should be quick exercises 60 minutes at the most. Peer Comments. After Wednesday at 12:00pm you will then have 24 hours to read and respond to your group members analyses through blog comments. Discussion. In our Thursday session, we will briefly discuss the weeks artifact and particularly insightful analyses. Project Analysis. This will be submitted directly to me through DropBox after all Artifact Analyses have been completed. You must use the file name [Your Initials]Project4Analysis. The file extensions .doc, .docx, and .pdf are acceptable. For example, if I were turning this in, my file name would look like CERProject4Analysis.doc, CERProject4Analysis.docx, or CERProject4Analysis.pdf

If you do not use the correct file name, I may not receive your project analysis and you will not receive credit. If it does not appear in my DropBox, I did not receive it. It is your responsibility to use the correct file name and an appropriate file extension.

This project is worth a total of 150 points. Points will be awarded according to the following guidelines: 1. Analyses (80 points) While there 10 artifact analyses scheduled for the semester, you will only be graded on 8. This means that you can miss two of these analyses and still fully complete the assignment. If you complete all of the analyses, your two lowest scores will be dropped.Each of the 10 graded analyses will be worth 10 points, for a total of 100 available points. 10 points
Provides sophisticated, detailed, and significant analysis. Backs up the analysis with clear and logical reasoning.

7.5 points
Makes a strong effort at effectively analyzing the artifact and is mostly effective. Provides clear reasoning behind the analysis.

5 points
Makes an effort to analyze the artifact, but either misses key points or does not provide clear reasoning for the analysis.

2.5 point
Provides some level of analysis, but not well crafted or thought-out. No reasoning behind the analysis.

0 points
Does not submit an artifact


Comments on your group members blog posts (5 points per analysis, 40 points total) 5 points 4 points
Provide useful, slightly less-detailed, but still meaningful comments for each posted group members artifact analysis.

2 points
Provides at least some measure of feedback (not particularly insightful or useful) for each posted group members artifact analysis

1 point
Provides some level of feedback, but not for each group member who posted.

0 points
Does not participate in review or provides inappropriate feedback.

Provides sophisticated, detailed, and significant comments for each posted group members artifact analysis.


Project Analysis (30 points) Review requirements for project analyses on class website.

Dont Forget to Review the Class Schedule and Blog for Due Dates!

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