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MahaPurusha Yoga Bhanga

An Attempt
Subramanium Shastry, India
“Every astrologer I meet says that I have got Malavya yoga in my chart. I have read about
the great effects of exalted Venus in a Kendra from Ascendant. Is this the Malavya yoga?
But, sorry man, it didn’t work in my chart.”

The above statement was by the native of Chart 1, put to the scribe. The native is an official
working in the Department of Revenue, GOI. Out of curiosity, the birth details were asked
and promptly noted down.

The birth details of the chart 1 are December 4, 1964, Bhopal.

Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas are the combinations that produce 5 kinds of great people.
They are namely, Hamsa, Ruchaka, Bhadra, Malavya and Sasa. The classical definition of
Malavya yoga, one of the Pancha Mahapurusha yogas is “placement of Venus in own or
exalted house identical to a Kendra from Lagna or Moon”. Accordingly, Hamsa, Ruchaka,
Bhadra and Sasa yogas are formed by such placement of Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Saturn

The verses from some classics defining Maha Purusha yoga are as under:‐


ं ु ाय के  सं ैोपग ैवाऽविनसूनमु 

गहे  तग ु ःै  

मेणयोगा चका भ हंसा माळ शशािभधानाः॥ 
svageha tuṁgāśraya kendra saṁsthairuccopagairvā'vanisūnumukhyaiḥ 
krameṇayogā rucakākhya bhadrahaṁsākhya māḻavya śaśābhidhānāḥ ||

Jatakadesha Marga
ोेगतःै  के ैः कुजबधु 
े िसतमैः 
चको भो हंसो माळः शश इित माोगः॥ 
svoccasvakṣetragataiḥ kendrasthaiḥ kujabudheḍyasitamandaiḥ 
rucako bhadro haṁso māḻavyaḥ śaśa iti kramādyogaḥ || Ch. 8, Sh. 1

Something important must first be mentioned, in younger years of our astrological journey,
most of us ascribe great success to a native to MPY present in the chart but actually that
success might be happening due to some other yoga present in the chart. Also, it is not rare
to have these yogas in one chart. This point must be kept in mind before we venture into
testing this proposed theory of MPY cancellation presented in this paper.

The classical definition of Malavya yoga is satisfied in Chart 1 by the placement of Venus in
Lagna as Lagna Lord. Venus dasa is running presently (at the time of writing) from 1988
January to 2008 January: Maha Dasas: Merc: 1964‐01‐24 ‐ 1981‐01‐23/Ket: 1981‐01‐23 ‐ 1988‐01‐24
Ven: 1988‐01‐24 ‐ 2008‐01‐24

According to native, the Venus dasa is going normal, nothing extraordinary. Usually, the
yoga giving planets give the results in their Mahadashas and Antardashas. Why Venus, in
own house, didn’t give any results? Aspected by Jupiter, bitter enemy of Venus?

Though there was no prediction given to the native, the question of how the Malavya yoga
became defunct was remained unanswered till a verse came across during the cursory
reading of Chandrakalanadi or Devakeralam. The verse referred, in ChandrakalaNadi
Devakeralam (Vo. II, Part I, Page 5 and verse 26) describing Malavya yoga and its results.
The next verse i.e., 27 reads as under:‐

ु े माळवीयोग़ भवान ्। भृगफलं

जीवे शिनयते ु थ गृहिेण किशतः॥
“Devakeralam” in 3 parts tr. By Shri R. Santanam

jīve  śaniyute  dṛṣṭe  māḻavīyoġa  bhaṅgavān    |    bhṛguruccaphalaṁ  vyarthaṁ 
gṛhaccidreṇa karśitaḥ ||
“If Jupiter is conjoined with or aspected by Saturn, Malavya yoga, mahapurusha yoga generated by
Venus is cancelled. The good results of exalted Venus does not materialize and the native is troubled
by the blemish”

The same verse is repeated in the Kerala Nadi by Mysore University with the addition of
one more condition:‐

् ेु  के तयु तेु चे ुमाळवीयोग भवान॥ 

ु े माळवीयोग भवान । श
जीवे शिनयते ्
jīve  śaniyute  dṛṣṭe  māḻavīyoga  bhaṅgavān    |    śukre  ketuyute  cettu  māḻavīyoga 
bhaṅgavān ||
“If Jupiter is conjoined with or aspected by Saturn and Venus is with Ketu, malavya yoga is

Sri C.S.Patel , while giving out the combination, gave the reason as “...Probably, the
association or aspect of Saturn over Jupiter or conjunction of Ketu with the yoga producing
planet stunts the growth of beneficial results, in spite of MPY. This gives a clue as to why
MPY, sometimes, do not give prescribed results in some natives.”

This combination is present in Chart 1. At last, one reason is here for the non‐functionality
of Malavya yoga! But applying this rule common to all the MPYs’ as suggested by Shri
C.S.Patel was another question. Mr Patels explanation has been discussed over the years by
many & experienced of us knows his explanation does not work in toto on all charts where
MPY is present but not working. The verse was duly noted down and was discussed for
much time with our editor over the years. But no hints came up except another verse was
given in the 13th Chapter of Manasagari while discussing yogas which is reproduced in
Devanagari here:‐

ु ु
ड शीतांशयु ता भवि। 
के ोगा यिप भूसताा माा
कुवि नोवपितमापाके  यिते के वल सलािन॥ 
kendroccagā yadyapi bhūsutādyā mārttāṇḍa śītāṁśuyutā bhavanti | 
kurvantinorvīpatimātmapāke yaścantite kevala satphalāni ||
Manasagari3 Chap. 13 Verse 9.

The gist of above verse translated is “The conjunction of yoga‐giving planets with Sun or
Moon leads to cancellation of such yogas, due to which, only ordinary good results be
Vide his book “Navamsa and Nadi Astrology” page 76, Sagar Publications, New Delhi
‘Managasareejataka Paddhathi – Ayanachandrika’ Commentary in Malayalam by Shri M.C.Krishna

expected in such planets’ dasas or antardasas”. The combination was tested in some charts
but the result was not so convincing.

The shloka in Devakeralam was always there in the mind, waiting to be deciphered. And
one day, suddenly the inter‐relation between the three “Venus‐Jupiter‐Saturn” was
*flashed* in the mind.

If the above Devakeralam verse be carefully analysed, it can be seen that Jupiter is the lord of
exaltation sign of Venus while Saturn is the lord of debilitation sign of Jupiter. It was inferred from
this point that

1) If the lord of exalted sign of a yoga‐producing planet is conjoined or aspected by its

neecha‐sign lord, the effects of the yoga‐producing planet stands nullified.
2) If the yoga‐producing planet is conjoined with Ketu, the effects are nullified.

Note: ‐ The cancellation occurs only if the neecha sign lord is aspecting the uccha sign‐lord, not the
other way round. Eg., Saturn’s aspect on Jupiter will cancel the Malavya yoga not Jupiter’s aspect on

As per the above point, the following table was prepared.

Planet – Yoga Lord of Lord of Yoga for cancellation

Exaltation – Neecha sign
B of B
Venus – (Pisces) Saturn Ju + Sa or Sa aspects Ju
Malavya Jupiter
Jupiter– Hamsa Moon Mars Mo + Ma or Ma aspects
Mercury– Mercury Jupiter Me + Ju or Jupiter aspects
Bhadra Me
Mars ‐ Ruchaka Saturn Mars Sa + Ma or Ma aspects
Saturn – Sasa Venus Mercury Ve + Me or Me aspects Ve

(Mercury being aspected by Venus is astronomically impossible unless the theory “Aspects
in Divisionals” are accepted, which will be discussed at a later issue.)

This theory was tested in some horoscopes for each yoga‐planet separately. Initially, the
second condition viz., conjunction of Ketu was not taken but afterwards, it was used as an
additional confirmation of cancellation. Something important must first be mentioned, in
younger years of our experience most of us ascribe great success to a native to MPY present
in the chart but actually that success might be happening due to some other yoga present in

the chart. This point must be kept in mind before we venture into testing this proposed
theory of MPY cancellation presented in this paper.
As a starter, the charts are given for each Mahapurusha Yoga (MPY) in which cancellation
occurs as per the theory.

Chart 1: Malavya Yoga

The details of chart‐1 are given, in which the condition
for cancellation of Malavya yoga clearly seen and the effect
was more visible than any other chart. The interesting
point is the planetary conjunction or aspect of Sat over Jupiter
is repeating in D‐1, D‐9 and D‐10 though in D‐9, there is no
Malavya yoga from Lagna. Born 4/12/1964, 4.20, Bhopal, 77‐24
E, 23‐16 N

This native, working under Department of Revenue, Govt. of India, had not been promoted
so far for the last 20 years which in itself is a rare case considering the fact that the native is
known for his intelligence.

Here, Venus is exalted in Pisces. So, take Jupiter, lord of Pisces as B. Note the sign where
this planet B is debilitated and take the lord of that sign, Saturn in this case. Saturn is in
Kumbha and Jupiter is in Aries. Saturn aspects Jupiter by its 3rd aspect.
Malavya yoga due to Venus’ situation in exalted or own sign identical with Kendra reckoned
from Lagna or moon gets cancelled as the Saturn aspects Jupiter by his 3rd aspect in D1 &
conjunction in D9 respectively.

For astrologers who use yogas in Divisional Charts, we can see that the malavya yoga in
dasamsa is cancelled by Jupiter in 10th house being aspected by Saturn from 1st house.

Chart 2: Hamsa Yoga Bhanga ‐ A housewife

In chart 2, there is Hamsa yoga thanks to Jupiter being exalted in 7th house. As per native’s
own version, the best thing happened in Jupiter dasa which was from Jup MD: 2nd June, 1993
to 02nd June, 2009, was only marriage (7th house) and birth of a baby girl (Jupiter being Putra
karaka). Beyond marriage and children, nothing else has happened; even the characteristics
as described for Hamsa Yoga are not exhibited by the native. Jupiter dutifully forgot his

Here hamsa yoga which is by Jupiter, now take its exalted Rasi that is Cancer so its Lord
Moon becomes B & it’s (moon i.e. B) debilitation sign becomes Scorpio who lord becomes
Mars. Then we see that Mars is aspecting Moon satisfying the condition given by our
postulation & thereby cancelling (bhanga) the Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga of Jupiter.

Chart 3 – Bhadra Yoga cancelled.

This chart is of a Bank employee who was recently promoted as Manager. Mercury’s
placement in Virgo, the 7th house was not so exciting. Of course, he was promoted as
Manager during the fag end of Mercury Dasa

Also, just out of curiosity, this principle was extended to Sun and moon and tested in some
charts, the results are very much convincing, probably a subject matter to be dealt with at a
later date.

Sun Mars Moon Ma + Moon or Moon aspects Mars (just reverse of Ju )
Moon Venus Mercury Ve + Me or Me aspects Ve (just like in the case of Sa, this is
impossible except in divisional charts)

Well, referring to the rules for Saturn, you English translation by Shri R.
will find that Saturn gets exalted in Santanam
Venusian sign Libra and Venus gets 2. “Navamsa and Nadi Astrology” by
debilitated in Mercury’s Virgo. Like that, Shri C.S.Patel
Moon gets exalted in Taurus, another
Venusian sign, the lord Venus gets
debilitated in Virgo. So, Moon’s exaltation
gets cancelled by aspect/conjunction of
Venus and Mercury. But, Mercury and
Venus cannot aspect each other in Rasi
charts; their conjunction is the only point
that can happen in Rasi chart which leads to
cancellation of moon’s exaltation. The yoga
can get cancelled in divisional charts by

The Chandrakala Naadi verse and Shri

Patel’s translation “  .. The

good results of exalted Venus do not
materialize” led to another parallel
‐ Sage Narada
observation of exalted planets and its results
on similar lines. The planet subjected to Vedha (or obstacle)
will not produce even an iota of good
Though it is premature to say that this MPY
effects. Hence, Vedha should be assessed
bhanga yoga works always, it is seen from
the experience that this theory holds water suitably and only then good and bad effects
especially with the additional Ketu factor of planetary transits should be declared.
being taken into consideration. This could be The predictions of an astrologer who does
one of the techniques for cancellation and not consider the various Vedhas will be
not the only one. It is requested that the false and he will become a laughing stock –
theory may be tested in some charts and the Sage Narada.
feedbacks/suggestions and/or brickbats are
most welcome at
admin@saptarishisastrology.com ‐‐‐
1. “Devakeralam – Chandrakalanadi” –
Original Sanskrit shlokas with


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