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EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:16 1

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:16 2

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:16 3

Heart of a Buddha

.elas rof ton si ti ,noitubirtsid eerf rof yltcirts si koob sihT gro.udeadub.www//:ptth:etisbeW gro.udeadub@saesrevo:liamE 51431932-2-688:xaF ,89115932-2-688:leT .C.O.R ,nawiaT ,iepiaT ,1.ceS daoR .htuoS wohC gnaH 55 ,.F11 noitadnuoF lanoitacudE ahdduB eht fo ydoB etaroproC ehT yb .noitubirtsid eerf rof detanod dna detnirP

gnuK nihC retsaM yb si yhpargillaC ".ahdduB" snaem egap hcae no retcarahc esenihC ehT

snoitacilbuP ahbatimA @ thgirypoC .moc.xobnur@snoitacilbup-ahbatima tcatnoc esaelp ,elif tnerruc eht roF .noitubirtsid tiforp-non rof detnarg si gnitnirper rof noissimreP

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EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:16 1

.dlrow eht ekam ew ,sthguoht ruo htiW .sthguoht ruo htiw sesira era ew taht llA .kniht ew tahw era eW


.tnemom tneserp eht no dnim eht etartnecnoC .erutuf eht fo maerd ton oD .tsap eht ni llewd ton oD

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.ton lliw enola I ,gnorw gniod si esle enoyreve fi nevE .lliw enola I ,doog gniod ton sI esle enoyreve fi nevE

.tnemnethgilne niatta lliw uoy ,evol ni noitcefrep dehcaer gnivah dna ,ekila eof dna dneirf rof evol fo sthguoht poleved dluohs uoy yaw emas eht ni ,tsud dna ytirupmi lla yawa sehsaw dna dab dna doog htob slooc retaw sa tsuJ

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.egnahc tuohtiw sniamer gnihton ,segnahc gnihtyrevE

.sllik taht drows a si tI ;struh dna setatirri taht nroht a si tI .snoitaler tnasaelp pu skaerb dna spihsdneirf setargetnisid taht nosiop a si tI .elpoep setarapes tbuoD .tbuod fo tibah eht naht lufdaerd erom gnihton si erehT

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.epoh ylno ruo si tI ;evol-fles naht rehgih si taht srehto rof evol eht si tI .rehtegot seilimaf sgnirb dna sregnarts seifinu taht breh gnilaeh a si tI .elpoep setinu ssensselfleS .ssensselfles fo eutriv eht naht yhtrow erom gnihton si erehT

.sdrow erecnis dna yldneirf gnisu syawla ,rehto eht tifeneb ot gniyrt dna skcal rehto eht tahw gniylppus hcae ,meht neewteb yhtapmys lautum eb dluohs ereht snaem pihsdneirf fo elur ehT

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.ssendnikgnivol sgnirb ssendnikgnivol ;ecnereffidni sgnirb ecnereffidnI ?su retfa kool lliw ohw ,pleh deen yeht nehw srehto retfa kool ot liaf ew fI

.erup emoceb osla lliw sgnidnuorrus sih ,erup semoceb dnim s'nam a fI

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.derahs gnieb yb sesaerced reven ssenippaH .denetrohs eb ton lliw eldnac eht fo efil eht dna ,eldnac elgnis a morf dethgil eb nac seldnac fo sdnasuohT

.egnahc snoitidnoc dna sesuac eht sa raeppasid dna ,meht yb tuoba thguorb era ,snoitidnoc dna sesuac htiw detalerretni lla era anemonehp eseht ;yawa nwolb era dna erutam sevael ,moolb stnalp ,swolb dniw ,sllaf niaR

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evol yb tub ,dertah yb

sesaec reven dertaH

.mih sevael reven taht wodahs a ekil ,mih wollof lliw yoj ,thguoht erup htiw stca ro skaeps nam a fI .sthguoht ruo no dednuof si ti ;thguoht evah ew tahw fo tluser eht si era ew taht llA

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.ecaep ,ecaep krow sih sdrow sih ,ecaep era sthguoht sih :modeerf sih dnuof sah eh noisiv sih fo thgil eht nI

.sworros lla semocrevo erised fo ssol ehT .ssenteews lla semocrevo hturT fo etsat ehT .serusaelp lla semocrevo hturT fo yoj ehT .stfig lla semocrevo hturT fo tfig ehT

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.gnidnatsrednu ruO ,ytirecnis ruO ,evol ruO morf esira noissapmoc tcefreP ,ytiliuqnart tcefreP ,modsiw tcefreP

.htgnerts eurt sdlrow eht seil ,ytinu nI .gnireffus taerg sdlrow eht seil ,ssenetarapes nI

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- ecnenamrepmI - fles oN .anavriN


.ti sllup taht xo eht fo kcart eht ,trac eht fo leehw eht sa -- uoy swollof gnireffus neht ,traeh detpurroc a htiw tca ro kaeps uoy fI .traeh eht fo edam ,traeh eht yb delur ,traeh eht yb dedecerp era anemonehP

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.sevael reven taht wodahs a ekil ,uoy swollof ssenippah neht ,traeh thgirb ,mlac a htiw tca ro kaeps uoy fI .traeh eht fo edam ,traeh eht yb delur ,traeh eht yb dedecerp era anemonehP

.su nihtiw peed morf esira nac yeht os sdnim ruo elttes ot deen ylno eW .yoj tcefrep ,modsiw tcefrep ,noissapmoc tcefrep evah ydaerla eW

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.ecaep ni yaw ruoy og yltneg dna ,edirp dna etah morf dnim eht eerf ,srehto yb denmednoc dna emos yb desiarp nehW .dnim fo etats neve ,teiuq eht poleveD

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.elba si eh

skniht ohw elba si eH

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.noitceffa dna evol ruoy evresed ,esrevinu eritne eht ni ydobyna sa hcum sa ,flesruoy uoY

.flesruoy enod ton evah dna evah uoy tahw no tub ,enodnu tfel ro enod ev'yeht tahw no ton ,srehto fo ssenedur eht no ton ,sucoF

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.skcart rieht wollof tonnac livE :gniwonk thgir yb desaeleR ssenlufdeeh ni gnillewD ,eutriv ni etammusnoc esohT

.emalb yb .esiarp yb devom ton era esiw eht os ,dniw eht ni egdub t'now kcor fo bals elgnis a sA

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.sevlesmeht lortnoc esiw ehT .doow eht .tfahs worra eht .retaw eht epahs srehctelF ediug srotagirrI epahs sretnepraC

.lluf flesmih sllif eno denethgilne eht yllautibah ,tib yb tib fi neve tirem htiW .spord ni gnillaf retaw htiw neve ,sllif raj retaw A .)'em ot emoc t'now tI'( tirem fo sseldeeh eb t'noD

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.dnim nwo seno ,live

yfiruP lla diovA

,ssendoog lla ecarbmE

.srehto fo sgnorw dna sthgir eht ssucsid ton od sdneirf htiw gnikaeps nehW .stluaf nwo ruo nopu tcelfer ,ylteiuq gnittis nehW

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.gnihtoN .etupsid fo yhtrow si gnihtoN .regna fo yhtrow si gnihtoN .tnenamrep si gnihtoN .wodahs a ,elbbub a ,maerd a ,noisulli na si efiL

.nekawA .dnatsrednU .etartnecnoC .doog od ;suoreneg eB .etanoissapmoc eb ;dnik eB .ssenippah niatta ot traeh dna dnim eht yfiruP .erutaN eurT eht revocnU .gniteelf si emiT .trohs si efiL

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.gnidnatsrednu htiw ecnarongi... ,ssendnikgnivol htiw regna... ,ytisoreneg htiw deerg... emocrevO

.modeerf dna ytineres wonk lliw ew ,erised fo sevlesruo eerf ew nehW

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.eutriv ,modsiw ,erutan eurt emas eht evah sgnieb lla tahT .eno era sgnieb-tneitnes lla taht eveileb ylpeed ,ytsenoh eurt hguorhT

.nekawa ,ssenhsifles reves ,dnim eht etartnecnoc ,ssendnik ecitcarp ,ylerecnis mrofer ,sekatsim ruoy tcerroc dna ,terger peed leef ,stluaf ruoy dniF

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.reerf eb dna nevigrof evah uoy taht tegroF .eerf eb dna evigroF

.esrevinu eritne eht tuohguorht tlef yltnatsni si evah ew thguoht yreve taht ,sdnim ruo morf sesira gnihtyreve taht dnatsrednu ylurt ton od eW ?ssenhsifles ,ecnarelotni evah ew od yhW ?gnithgif ruo ,dertah ruo ,regna ruo ni tsisrep ew od yhW
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.sevil yliad ruo ni ecneitap dna noitaicerppa gnicitcarp eb lliw ew ,yteicos tifeneb ot snaem a sa tub ,tifeneb-fles rof ton krow ruo nopu kool nac ew fI

.gnireffus morf srehto gnieerf si yoJ .ssenrettib srehto gnivomer si noissapmoC .ssenippah srehto gnivig si ssendnikgnivoL

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.deviecer sah ohw eno eht ro ,nevig saw tahw ,gnivig ma I fo sthguoht no regnil ton od srehto ot gnivig nehW

.sdnim ruo yb degnahc eb nac gnihtyreve ,sdnim ruo fo noitcelfer a si gnihtyreve ecniS

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.ytilimuh fo lufdnim eb ,detcepser nehW .ssenlufthguoht fo lufdnim eb ,devol nehW .ytrevop fo lufdnim eb ,suorepsorp nehW .ytisrevda fo lufdnim eb ,llew gniog era sgniht nehW

.traeh eht morf egnahc nac eW .gnidnatsrednu hguorht egnahc nac eW .roivaheb hguorht egnahc nac eW :stluaf ruo tcerroc ot syaw eerht era erehT

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.ecaep dnif ton lliw nam ,sgnieb lla rof evol desaibnu dna lanoitidnocnu sah eh litnU

.ti rebmemer reven dluohs ti smrofrep ohw eh tub ;ti tegrof reven dluohs ssendnik seviecer ohw eH

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.ynomrah dna ecaep ruoy morf tifeneb lliw lla nehT .oge dna edirp ,regna dna deerg ,ysuolaej dna ssenhsifles fo sdeew eht gnivomer yb traeh ruoy fo nedrag eht ni tsrif ecaep etavitluC

.yoj yb ,sseneltneg yb ,ssendnikgnivol yb devlos era smelborp ruO .raw yb ,dertah yb ,ecrof lacisyhp yb devlos ton era smelborp ruO

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.ton si noisuled ,larutan si gninekawA


.sekilsid dna sekil s'eno morf emoc egadnob dna raef ,worroS .ekilsid uoy sgniht eht ot noisreva hsirehc ton od ,ekil uoy sgniht eht ot dehcatta emoceb ton oD

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.srehto fo stluaf eht ton dna ssendnik eht fo lufdnim eb syawlA

.enacirruh a fo eye eht ekil mlac niamer lliw yehT .ssol dna niag ,emalb dna esiarp ,ecargsid dna emaf ,gnireffus dna ssenippah fo sgnileef yb devomnu niamer lliw esiw ylurt era ohw esohT

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.denut ylenif era sgnirts esohw etul a ekil ,ytineres renni dna stca lacisyhp neewteb ecnalab fo etats a niatniaM

.modsiw tcefrep dna noitartnecnoc tcefrep fo noisserpxe eht era od ew taht lla ni yoj teiuq dna ytingiD

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erutan htiw ynomrah ni era suoutriv era ohw esoht ylnO .laitrapmi era swal larutaN

.ahdduB a fo traeh eht evah ot si ,sdeed ni doog ,sdrow ni erecnis ,sthguoht ni elbaronoh eb oT

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.tuohtiw .nihtiw

ti kees ton oD morf semoc ecaeP

.stluser eht lliw neht os ,ecnarongi morf esira etaerc ew sesuac eht fI

.stluser eht lliw neht os ,modsiw morf esira etaerc ew sesuac eht fI

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.ssenhsifles morf semoc enutrofsiM .ssensselfles morf semoc enutrof dooG

.sevil ruo rof elbisnopser era enola eW .enod ro ,dias ,thguoht evah sevlesruo ew tahw fo tluser eht si su ot sneppah taht gnihtyrevE

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.ynomrah fo ecruos eht era tcepser ,ssendnik ,sseneltneg ,srehto htiw snoitcaretni ruo nI

.gnihtolc fo tes wen a no gnittup ekil ,rehtona esoohc dna ti dracsid lliw ew ,ti htiw dehsinif nehW .gnihtolc ruo ekil tsuj si ydob sihT .I ton si ydob sihT

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.rof hsiw ew taht lla eviecer ew taht dnif lliw ew ,sevlesruo ton ,srehto lla gnipleh ylerecnis fo ylno kniht ew nehW

.ecaeP si ecitcarP sa ssendnikgnivoL .msiurtlA si ytivitcA sa ssendnikgnivoL .ssentfoS si hceepS sa ssendnikgnivoL .ytiliuqnarT si thguohT sa ssendnikgnivoL

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.dnim eht morf sesira gnihtyrevE


.dniw eht tsniaga hcrot a gniyrrac nosrep a ro efink prahs a ffo yenoh gnikcil dlihc a ekil serusaelp gniteelf retfa esahc ew sgnieb namuh sA

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.enoyreve htiw ssenippah ym erahs ot gnirised morf sesira lla ,dlrow siht ni si ereht yoj revetahw dnA .yppah eb ot flesym ylno gnirised morf sesira lla ,dlrow siht ni si ereht gnireffus revetahW

.mrah tonnac raeF ,modsiw hguorht detarebiL ,ssenlufdnim ni gnillewD ,ytirgetni ni dehsilpmocca esohT

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?emit txen esoohc uoy lliw hcihW yrgna erew uoy emit tsal eht fo knihT yppah erew uoy emit tsal eht fo knihT

.ecnargarf tuohtiw rewolf enif a ekil si ,meht gnicitcarp tuohtiw sdrow tnasaelp gnikaepS

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.noitalihinna ot dertah ,dertah ot ,regna ot ,tnemtneser ot ,ssenhsifles ot regna tnemtneser ssenhsifles oge ,oge ot sdael ecnarongI

.erised morf esira seirrow dna noitartsurF .noitartnecnoc morf esira ytiliuqnart dna ssenippaH

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.elpoep rehto ton ,elbuort otni su dael taht sthguoht nwo ruo si tI

.lli rof ro doog rof meht yb decneulfni eb dna meht raeh lliw elpoep rof nesohc ylluferac eb dluohs sdrow ruO

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.enola tsixe nac gnihton ,eseht ekil tsuJ .kcalb si ereht ,etihw si ereht reverehW .ssentrohs si ereht ,htgnel si ereht reverehW .wodahs si ereht ,thgil si ereht reverehW

.dnim fo ecaep ruo fo su bor lliw evah yeht tahw rof srehto yvne ot ro deviecer evah ew tahw fo duorp eb oT

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.erutan eurt eht fo seitilauq era modsiw dna noissapmoC .dnim eht fo seitilauq era noitartnecnoc dna thgisnI .traeh eht fo seitilauq era ytisoreneg dna ytinereS

.gnilims fo ,gnilims nehW .gniklaw fo ,gniklaw nehW .gnitae fo lufdnim eb ,gnitae nehW

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.enola I dna ,tirehni llahs I taht ,live ro doog rehtehw ,etaerc I amrak revetahW .amrak ym yb detroppus evil I .amrak ym fo nrob ma I .amrak ym tirehni I .amrak ym fo renwo eht ma I

.evol dna gnidnatsrednu morf ,traeh dna dnim eht morf swolf ti sselnu tsixe reven nac ssendnikgnivoL

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.ecaeP lanrete sniw ,ssol ro niag ,gnihtaol ro tnemhcatta morf eerf ,stcejbo esnes tsgnoma sevom ohw ,nosrep detnetnoc ehT

.etanoissapmoc dna mlac si taht traeh eht yb deniartser eb nac eseht nevE .snoitpecnoc gnorw dna tbuod ,ecnagorra dna ecnarongi ,regna dna deerG

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.ylesiw pleh dna dnatsrednu ew nehw si noissapmoC .enoemos rof yrros era ew nehw sesira ytiP

.emit thgir eht dnif ,eurt dna lufpleh si taht gnihtyna wonk uoy fI .ti yas ton od ,eurt tub luftruh si taht gnihtyna wonk uoy fI .ti yas ton od ,eurtnu tub lufpleh si taht gnihtyna wonk uoy fI .ti yas ton od ,eurtnu dna luftruh si taht gnihtyna wonk uoy fI

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.eye laitrapmi na htiw gnihtyreve no skool eH .flesmih ni sgnieb lla dna ,sgnieb lla ni flesmih sees efil fo ytinu eht secneirepxe ohw eH

.dnim eht fo seutriv era thguoht fo ytirup ,lortnoc-fles ,yticilpmis ,tcepser ,ytinereS

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.traeh eht fo seutriv era gnileef fo ytirup ,ssenippah ,edutitarg ,ssenllits ,ytisoreneG

.dnim latnemgduj ,yranidro ruoy ton ,dnim modsiw ruoy no yleR .eno lanoisivorp eht ton ,gninaem laer eht no yleR .sdrow eht tsuj ton ,gninaem eht no yleR .ytilanosrep eht ton ,egassem srehcaet eht no yleR

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.ssenkrad ,yrrow ,tnemhcatta ecnarongI ,ecirava noissaP ,modsiw srednegne ytiruP

.gnihton ot hcattA .yhtrow ,tnatropmi ,dias si tahw kaeps si tahw niater si tahw raeH

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.ssenihtrowtsurt dna ytsenoh ,evol rof noitisopsid a ,dnim fo etats a ,eutriv a si ti ,raw fo ecnesba eht ton si ecaeP

.no levart dna ,htaed fo gnik eht epacse ,neesnu ,neht dna erised fo sworra rewolf eht panS .wodahs a fo wodahs eht ,evaw eht fo maof eht ylerem si ydob eht taht dnatsrednU

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.yrgnuh eht evas ot enimaf fo syad eht ni stnalp ecir emoceb ot hsiw yeht yaM .lli eht eruc ot scimedipe fo syad eht ni sbreh gnilaeh emoceb ot hsiw yeht yaM ;ssenippah dna ssendnikgnivol htiw dellif eb sgnieb tneitnes lla yaM

.03 dna ,92,82,12,02 segap no detouq evah ew hcihw ,adapammahD eht fo noitalsnart lufituaeb sih rof uhkkihB orassinahT elbareneV ot oslA .koob siht gniraperp dna gnitirw rof snoitidnoc dna noitaripsni eht gnidivorp rof gnuK nihC retsaM ot noitaicerppa tsepeed ruo sserpxe ot hsiw eW

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moc.oohay@civdnalerup :liamE 3907-1989 :xaF 3907-1989-3 :leT airotciV fo retneC gninraeL dnaL eruP ua.moc.ritnalap@aihct.lenoel :liamE 6153-1898-8 :xaF 8894-7298-8 :leT TN eht fo retneC gninraeL dnaL eruP moc.liamtoh@ertnecahbatima :liamE 3140-1714-7 :xaF 1240-1714-7 :leT ertneC taerteR tsihdduB ahbatimA ua.gro.dlg-btma@btma :liamE 7760-2723-7 :xaF 3961-3723-7 :leT DLQ fo noitaicossA tsihdduB ahbatimA 6638-6039-8 :xaF 0218-6039-8 :leT htreP fo noitaicossA tsihdduB ahbatimA 9957-3469-2 :xaF 8857-3469-2 :leT WSN fo noitaicossA tsihdduB ahbatimA ]16[ ailartsuA moc.socyl@snoitacilbupahbatima :liamE

sU hcaeR oT syaW

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:17 97

kh.gro.udeadub@1khbtma :liamE 9291-4132 :xaF 9907-4132 :leT noitadnuoF noitacudE tsihdduB gnoK gnoH

]258[ gnoK gnoH

ku.oc.noitaudetsihddub.www :beW 4958497-171 :xaF 3296.685-171 :leT )KU( noitadnuoF noitacudE tsihdduB

]44[ modgniK detinU

1606-292-614:xaF 4200-392-614:leT otnoroT fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA ehT moc.poptoh@ltmbtma :liamE 6486-525-415 :xaF/leT )laertnoM( noitaicossA tsihdduB ahbatimA ac.oohay@nach6btma :liamE 0781-749-509 :xaF 8389-562-614 :leT .grO tsihdduB )ynomraH xiS( ahbatimA 6136-327-316 :xaF 3869-327-316 :leT awattO fo noitaicossA tsihdduB ahbatimA

]1[ adanaC

ua.moc.oohay@egellocdnalerup :liamE 4678-7364-7 :F 5678-7364-7 :leT )abmoowooT( egelloC gninraeL dnaL eruP

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:17 98

moc.liamtoh@gnajak_ahbatima :liamE 0377-7378-30 :xaF 3719-3378-30 :leT )gnajaK( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA ym.ten.mt@vdr :liamE 0253-3924-30 :xaF 1525-3924-30 :leT )ahbatimA( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA ym.gro.m-btma.www :beW 2712-1404-30 :xaF 1014-1404-30 :leT )aisyalaM( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 9787777-50 :leT )rasgnaK alauK( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 8269-725-50 :xaF 8463-825-50 :leT )kareP( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 3208-808/8171-708-50 :xaF & .leT )gnipiaT( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 5569-162-40 :xaF 2276-162-40 :leT )gnaneP( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 9584765-210 :P/H ,6749524-40 :leT retneC ytivitcA koK awH naeL 5927-324-40 :xaF 3585-224-40 :leT )inateP iagnuS( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA

]06[ aisyalaM

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:17 99

ym.ten.emit@btma :liamE 4969-433-70 :xaF 8594-233-70 :leT )BJ( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 2461-895 -70 :leT )rohoJ( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 2276-622-60 :xaF/leT akaleM .rtC gninraeL dnaL eruP ahbatimA 6400-682-60 :xaF 2502-433-60 :leT )asomaF( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA akalemsba/moc.seiticoeg.www :beW 0389-382-60 :xaF/leT )akaleM( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA moc.liame@sb_nat :liamE 8133562-210 ,7847144-60 :leT )nipmaT( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 0668-367-60 :leT )nabmereS( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA ym.ten.mt@glk_btma :liamE 4196-4433-30 :xaF 6831-1433-30 :leT )gnaleK( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 21766787-30 :xaF/leT ,60547787-30 :leT )ayaJ gnilateP( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:17 100

)habaS( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 448-714-580 :xaF/leT )iriM( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 377464-280 :xaF/leT )gnihcuK( .rtC gninraeL dnaleruP ahbatimA 776-467-280 :xaF/leT )uaB( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 069-054-280 :xaF/leT )gnihcuK( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 8942-835-90:xaF 9421-835-90 :leT )natnauK( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 5262-132-90 :leT )karaK( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 2901477-910 ,7319434-70 :leT )tahaP utaB( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 7022-459-60 :leT )rauM( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 8590-139-70 :xaF 8597-349-70 :leT )tamageS( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 8484-883 :xaF 8884-883 :leT ahbatimA ahdduB tunagneP nahubutreP 7186-453-70 :xaF 6836-453-70 :leT )ayaJ rohoJ( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:17 101

]266[ dnaliahT

6534-917 :xaF 6025-917 :leT yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA

wt.gro.btma.www:beW 2627-4572-20 :xaF 8717-4572-20 :leT yteicoS nazD awH fo cilbupeR noitaroproC ehT
]688[ nawiaT

1517-225-1 :xaF 3063-225-1 :leT )niapS( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA

]43[ niapS

gs.gro.btma.www :beW 7780-7376 :xaF 0362-7376 :leT egdoL tsihdduB eropagniS gs.gro.btma.www :beW 4774-4476 :xaF 4447-4476 :leT )eropagniS( yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA
]56[ eropagniS

4494-533-60 :xaF/leT akaleM gnoJ neuY tsihdduB nautasreP 4407-037-40 :xaF 2711-277-40 :leT gnaT eD naiL 116-116-980 :xaF 226-116-980 :leT habaS ertneC hcraeseR tsihdduB ahbatimA 840-112-980 :xaF/leT

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:17 102

.cnI ,yesreJ weN fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 2315-599-437 :xaF 2315-599-437 :leT nagihciM fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 2422-933-317 :xaF 4681-933-317 :leT notsuoH fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 9098-325-808 : xaF 9098-325-808 : leT iiawaH fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA gro.yrarbilahbatima@ofni :liamE gro.yrarbilahbatima:beW 5716-614-036 :xaF 2249-614-036 :leT ogacihC ni yrarbiL tsihdduB ahbatimA 9879-656-524 :xaF 2286-152-524 :leT notgnihsaW etatS fo noitaicossA tsihdduB ahbatimA moc.liamtoh@84atima :liamE gro.am-btma.www:beW 9434-085-805 :xaF/leT yteicoS tsihdduB atimA gro.al-btma@adima:liamE gro.al-btma.www :beW 8897-682-626 :xaF 0075-682-626 :leT yteicoS adimA ]1[ aciremA fo setatS detinU

EN348-Heart 2011/5/24 15:17 103

ten.htuoslleb@ellivoteim :liamE 8160-529-077 :xaF 5598-329-077 :leT yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA atnaltA 2453-178-707:xaF 2403-252-707:leT sageV saL fo yteicoS ahbatimA 9894-262-808:xaF 9725-262-808:leT )iiawaH( retneC lanoitacudE ahbatimA gro.asu-btma@ofni:liamE gro.asu-btma.www :etisbeW 9833-637-804 :xaF 6833-637-804 :leT ASU fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA 8739-426-602 :leT elttaeS fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA moc.liamtoh@alihpbtma:liamE gro.btma.www :etisbeW 8258-984-658 :xaF 6152-424-658 :leT aihpledalihP fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA wt.moc.oohay@yn_ahbatima :liamE 9308-169-817 :xaF 9927-169-817 :leT .cnI ,YN fo yteicoS tsihdduB ahbatimA ten.tsacmoc@ahddubjn :liamE 9622-157-658 :xaF 6697-157-658 :leT

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moc.oohay@abdbtma:liamE gro.abd-btma.www :beW 2438-432-279 :xaF 1044-432-279 :leT noitaicossA tsihdduB sallaD

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May the merit and virtue accrued from this work adorn Amitabha Buddhas Pure Land, repay the four great kindnesses above, and relieve the suffering of those on the three paths below. May those who see or hear of these efforts generate Bodhi-mind, spend their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma, and finally be reborn together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Homage to Amita Buddha!


Printed and donated for free distribution by

The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation

11F., 55 Hang Chow South Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-23951198 , Fax: 886-2-23913415 Email: overseas@budaedu.org Website:http://www.budaedu.org

This book is strictly for free distribution, it is not for sale.

Printed in Taiwan 1,000 copies; June 2011 EN348-9466

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