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?our llrsL Pomework asslanmenL ls Lo research and waLch as manv
Superhero fllms as vou can lor vour research and homework vou need Lo
keep a deLalled scrapbook enLlLled SuL8PL8C MCvlLS (You cun buy
reuxonubly prlceJ xcrup bookx or you muy wlxh to keep un
electronlc xcrup book or Bloq on llne. You wlll huve to qlve me
your Bloq uJJrexx xo I cun check homework unJ uwurJ murkx.)
ookmark mv CCSL lllm SLudles loa and check ln reaularlv
1he loa wlll show vou how Lo seL up vour own loa ?ou wlll have Lo access
Lhls aL home as Lhe SouLh WesL Crld for Learnlna has blocked loaaer vL8?
elow vou wlll flnd a llsL of some of Lhe land mark Super Pero lllms provlded
bv vou exam board W!LC 1here are of course manv more buL Lhls wlll alve
vou a sLarLlna polnL for vour sLudv
1he lnformaLlon vou need Lo collecL on each fllm ls as follows
ulrecLor and ?ear released
roducLlon companv
Maln acLors and characLers plaved
2 3 fllm revlews
lllm posLers SLlck a copv of Lhe posLer ln vour scrap book and
annoLaLe how Lhe fllm posLer Lrles Lo aLLracL Lhe audlence Also
commenL on anv meanlnas conveved (Look aL words lmaaes fonLs
lavouL mlseenscene seLLlna props cosLume acLors llahLlna)
uvu Cover (AnnoLaLe as above)
LlsL Lvplcal feaLures or characLerlsLlc of Lhe Super Pero Cenre whlch Lhe
fllm dlsplavs
?our favourlLe sequence ln Lhe fllm and whv? 8emember vou are a
llLM sLudenL now so Lrv Lo commenL on Lhe effecL of some fllmlc
devlces such as clnemaLoaraphv mlseenscene edlLlna sound

Lxplore Lhe fllm's offlclal web slLe Lxplore how Lhe slLe Lrles Lo
persuade vou Lo waLch Lhe fllm Also whaL else does Lhe slLe offer? Anv
speclal merchandlse or Llelns aames? (?ou could also look aL some fan
slLes buL Lhelr purpose wlll be dlfferenL)
Pave a look aL Lhese slLes Lo sLarL wlLh
now research more of vour own

AL Lhe end of Lhls bookleL l have lncluded a number of web addresses Lo
help wlLh Lhls pro[ecL l wlll be marklna and checklna vour work on Lhls
pro[ecL approxlmaLelv everv slx weeks or once per half Lerm
uaLes also saL end of Lhls bookleL uL Lhem ln vour homework dlarles



1he n I||m ls Lhe aenre vou wlll be
examlned on
a 1
30 of vour CCSL mark
1hour 30 mlns
compulsorv quesLlons
Pere's a sample paper so vou undersLand Lhe klnd of quesLlons vou
wlll be asked
1he flrsL 20 mlnuLes 30 mlnuLes of Lhls exam wlll be waLchlna a
shorL exLracL from a Super Pero Movle ?ou are allowed Lo read Lhe
quesLlons before vou waLch Lhe exLracL ?ou are allowed Lo waLch
Lhe exLracL 3 Llmes and vou are allowed Lo make noLes afLer Lhe flrsL
Pere ls a sample paper for vou Lo Lrv
Co Lo mv loa for Lhe Splderman exLracL
hLLp//acsefllmsLudlesbloaspoLcom/ 1he labels on Lhe slde bar
aulde vou Lo Lhe correcL posLs so cllck on Lxam aper 1 or Super

Aoswet a|| e ooesos

kad e ooesos b vewoo e extoc )o w be oveo J
mooes ft s
1e extoc s okeo ftm Splderman %%
1e seooeoce sws leet Jscvetoo mte f s spJet obes
we o no 5c

1 %o% ldenLlfv example of sound used ln Lhls exLracL? (1)
%b% Whv ls sound used aL Lhls polnL? (2)
%c% Pow are of Lhe followlna used Lo creaLe Lenslon ln Lhls
- use of camera
- edlLlna
- speclal effecLs
- mlseenscene? () 10
2 %o% ldenLlfv Lvplcal super hero movle Lheme or lssue used ln
Lhls exLracL (1)
%b% WhaL makes Lhls Lheme or lssue Lvplcal? (3)
%c% Lxplaln how Lhls Lvpe of Lheme or lssue ls used ln oLher Super
Pero movle vou have sLudled () 10
3 Pow do uvu covers encouraae us Lo renL or buv a uvu? ?ou mav
refer Lo Lhe resource maLerlal Lo help vou (See elow) 10
4 ?ou have been asked Lo deslan a box seL for a selecLlon of exlsLlna
Super Pero movles CompleLe Lhe followlna Lasks
%o% Choose approprlaLe fllms for Lhe box seL (2)
%b% rleflv descrlbe exLra feaLure ln vour box seL (3)
%c% ueslan and annoLaLe Lhe cover for vour box seL ()
%J% Lxplaln how vour exLra feaLure and Lhe deslan of vour cover wlll
help Lo sell vour box seL () 20



useful SlLes Lo research Lhe Super Pero Cenre

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