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1. :clear power m:st be :31avorable beca:se the waster 1rom 3:clear reactio3s is highly
1atal to li1e a3/ :31rie3/ly to the e3viro3me3t.

1. anything that has ill-effects on the ecosystem must be prohibited
. waste 1rom 3:clear reactors ca3 be /ispose/ sa1ely a3/ e11icie3tly
3. 3:clear scie3tist have 3ot exerte/ e3o:gh e11ort to co3trol a3/ /ispose the waste 1rom
ra/i:s sa1ely
4. meas:res take3 to co3trol a3/ /ispose o1 waste 1rom 3:clear reactors have bee3 1r:itless
5. to/ay, tech3ology ca33ot e11ectively re/:ce harm1:l e11ects o1 3:clear waste /isposal

. Chloro1l:orocarbo3s are pop:lar as propella3ts a3/ solve3ts beca:se they are

1. reactive 3. stable 5. bio/egra/able
. sol:ble 4. cheap

3. o3oc:lt:re croppi3g or pla3ti3g a si3gle crop i3 a large area is 3ot a/visable beca:se it-

1. promotes pest infestation
. req:ires more water
3. lowers the water table
4. req:ires less 1ertilizer
5. ca:ses /ro:ght

4. Which o1 the 1ollowi3g is the maior ca:se o1 coral-ree1 /estr:ctio3

1. Dy3amite 1ishi3g 3. moro-ami 5. oil spill
. sewerage poll:tio3 4. siltatio3

5. !:tti3g :p /ams alo3g rivers 3egatively a11ect o3 mari3e 1ishes beca:se

1. less water will 1low to the sea
. less mi3erals will 1low to the sea
3. whe3 /ams break, the co33ectio3 wall ca3 be harm1:l to 1ishes
4. some marine fishes spends part of their life cycle upstreams
5. some mari3e 1ishes 3ee/ the coral ree1s :pstream

6. The gover3me3t is establishe/ 1or the 1:rthera3ce a3/ g:ara3tees o1 certai3 i3alie3abale
h:ma3 rights.

1. proclamatio3
. s:spe3sio3
3. tra3s1er
4. prohibitio3
5. preservation


7. The co:rt has resiste/ the clamor to iss:e a temporary i3i:3ctio3 1or the sake o1 .

1. pri3ciple 3. i3tegrity 5. si3cerity
. expe/ie3cy 4. ho3esty
8. From the exte3sive /ate gathere/ i3 the !hilippi3es 1or the perio/ 1990-1995, there are
i3/icatio3s that some rivers are still relatively clea3 partic:larly i3 i3/a3ao .

1. the over-all q:ality o1 the rivers has /eteriorate/
. 3ot all rivers i3 the !hilippi3es are poll:te/
3. !hilippi3e rivers co:l/ 3o lo3ger s:stai3 li1e
4. The rivers i3 the !hilippi3es are poll:te/
5. Rivers i3 L:zo3 a3/ Visayas are :3sa1e 1or 1ishi3g a3/ recreatio3al p:rposes

9. I3 bei3g eco3omical, o3e m:st /eci/e where the best place to begi3 really i3 some 1amilies
e3gage i3 petty eco3omic that req:ires e11ort /isproportio3ate to the .

1. happi3ess gai3e/ 4. mo3ey save/
. sacri1ice mo/e 5. time spe3t
3. reso:rces co3serve/

10. E/:catio3 is 3ot a preparatio3 1or li1e, it is li1e itsel1.

1. e/:catio3 has 3o begi33i3g or e3/
. e/:catio3 /oes 3ot prepare :s 1or li1e
3. e/:catio3 is :seless whe3 we have short li1e
4. we /o 3ot 3ee/ to st:/y, we o3ly 3ee/ to live
5. the s:m total o1 o:r happi3ess is the so:rce o1 li1e-lo3g lear3i3g


1. itch is probably a pia3ist. She ca3 really stretch her ha3/ a3/ 1i3gers.

1. o3ly people with big ha3/s a3/ lo3g 1i3gers ca3 be pia3ist.
2. playing the piano helps Mitch stretch her hands and fingers
3. stretchi3g helps pia3ist per1orm
4. a lo3g stretch e3ables to rea/ more, keep i3 the pia3o

. Chris is a respo3sible ma3, He takes goo/ care o1 his 1amily.

1. taki3g goo/ care o1 the 1amily is the respo3sibility o1 me3
2. responsible men take good care of their families
3. the 1amily is respo3sible 1or taki3g care o1 me3
4. a goo/ 1amily pro/:ces respo3sible me3


5. a respo3sible perso3 has a goo/ 1amily

3. All 1lowers are 1ragra3t. Some 1lowers are brightly colore/. The g:mamela is a ki3/ o1
1lower, the sabila is 3ot a ki3/ o1 1lower.

1. some brightly colored flowers are fragrant
. the sabila is 3ot brightly colore/
3. the sabila is 3ot 1ragra3t
4. the g:mamela is brightly colore/
5. the g:mamela is 1ragra3t

4. I1 1ishes ca33ot bree/, they will /ie. Coral ree1s are the o3ly bree/i3g places o1 1ishes. All
coral ree1s will be /estroye/ by 0 years 1rom 3ow.

1. 3ow species o1 1ishes will appear
. a coral ree1s will 1orm i3 the /eepest sea
3. seas a3/ ocea3s will have higher co3tact
4. 1ishes will be very expe3sive
5. fishes will cease to exist

5. Joel`s poem are mo/er3istic, si3ce they /eal with complicate/ s:biect matters.

1. complicate/ s:biect matters are i3tellect:ally stim:lati3g
. complicate/ s:biect matters are s:ite/ to mo/er3istic poetry
3. modernistic poetry is intellectually pretentious
4. mo/er3istic poetry /epicts tr:e to live eve3ts
5. 3o3e o1 these

6. What power that ca3 be /elegate/ by the !resi/e3t

1. par/o3 power
. military power
3. i:/icial power
4. exec:tive power
5. legislative power

7. I3 1987 Co3stit:tio3, what gover3me3t age3cy is give3 the highest priority b:/get

1. DD 3. Agric:lt:re 5. EDA
. Health 4. E/:catio3

8. What gover3me3t orga3izatio3 is co3trolle/ by the Local Gover3me3t


. Ho:se o1 Speaker
3. Se3ator
4. Co3gressma3
5. Omb:/sma3

9. What ki3/ o1 gas that sho:l/ be recycle//re:sable

1. kerose3e 3. 3at:ral gas 5. others
. L!G gas 4. biogas

10.What will yo: say, or s:ggest, or what will yo: /o i1 yo: see h:3/re/ o1 papers 1loati3g o3
the river

1. collect it as so:ve3ir
. let the 1ishes eat all the papers
3. papers ca3 be recycle/
4. bio/egra/able
5. 3o3e o1 these

11. I1 poi3ts , , O a3/ ! are arra3ge/ i3 s:ch a way that three o1 them lie i3 a li3e, how
ma3y li3es are there

1. 4 3. 6 5. 10
. 5 4. 8

1.Fi3/ the correct 3:mber that replaces the 3:mber that breaks the patter3 o1 the series : 405,
135, 35, 15, 5

1. 35 3. 55 5. 15
. 45 4. 30


1. They were able to WEATHER the storm.

1. reache/ home sa1ely
2. survived the crisis
3. /e1eate/ the e3emies
4. realize/ their mistakes
5. pre/icte/ the calamity

. TRUST me3 a3/ they will be tr:e to yo:.


1. a man is loyal in whom confidence had been placed
. ma3 m:st tr:st yo: to be 1aith1:l to yo:
3. a secret is a test o1 1rie3/ship
4. /estr:ct the people i:sti1ies their /eservi3g
5. tr:st all me3 i3 everythi3g or more i3 a3ythi3g

3. CUT yo:r coat to yo:r cloth.

1. walk i3 accor/a3ce with yo:r ability
2. desire only what you can afford
3. patro3ize 1irst yo:r ow3 pro/:ct
4. express o3ly releva3t i/eas
5. /ress :p accor/i3g to the accessories

4. !a//le yo:r ow3 CAOE.

1. always tries his best
. ear3 his ow3 mo3ey
3. have sel1-respect
4. lear3 1rom his mistakes
5. be self-reliant

5 This report leaves m:ch to be DESIRED.

1. satisfactory
. lo3ge/
3. importa3t
4. legible
5. rea/y

6. He was ma3 o1 !RICI!LE.

1. pop:lar
. 1orce1:l
3. har/worki3g
4. 3oble
5. righteous

7. She is r:33i3g :p a3 ACCOUT with the store.

1. keep the books o1 the store
. is payi3g her bills all i3 the store
3. is buying many things in credit
4. works as part-time acco:3ta3t
5. spe3/s m:ch b:yi3g :33ecessary thi3gs


8. STRIKE while the iro3 is hot.

1. :se his physical a3/ me3tal power
2. make the most of every opportunity
3. solves a3y problems imme/iately
4. :se his time wisely
5. work har/ all the time

9. I3 :3io3, there is STREGTH.

1. power is gained through justification
. those who wait ca33ot be /e1eate/
3. a perso3 sho:l/ 3ot try to crash the worl/ o3 his sho:l/er
4. o3e clerk ca33ot r:3 a large o11ice
5. ma3 who rise 1ight har/ be little

10.Deep sea 1ishi3g, he is a3 OLD A.

1. broa/-mi3/e/
. :3able
3. experie3ce
4. inefficient
5. :3stille/




1. 4.16 5.5 6.36 7.49 8.64 .

1. 9.36 3. 8.81 5. 7.7
. 9.81 4. 6.64

Answer: Taki3g/compari3g the /i11ere3ce o1 each 3:mber 1rom its pre/ecessor..
(minuendsubtrahenddifference) Take 3ote o1 their progressio3: each /i11ere3ce is .0 higher
tha3 its pre/essor. The 3ext 3:mber o1 the series sho:l/ have 1.17 or 1.150.0 /i11ere3ce 1rom
the last 3:mber.

4.16 5.5 6.36 7.49 8.64 .

1.09 1.11 1.13 1.15 (1.17)

The a3swer sho:l/ be 8.64 1.17 9.81

. 5 6 10 19 35 60 .

1. 98 3. 96 5. 36
. 86 4. 7

Answer: Taki3g/compari3g the /i11ere3ce o1 each 3:mber 1rom its pre/ecessor, yo:`ll 3otice
that the /i11ere3ce is o1 special property. They are all sq:ares o1 a 3:mber.

5 6 10 19 35 60 .

1 4 9 16 5 36



The 3ext 3:mber sho:l/ be: a// 6

to the previo:s 3:mber.
The a3swer is 603696.

3. 4/3 -/3 -1/3 1/6 -1/1 -1/18 .

1. 4/3 3. 1/36 5. 3/4
. /3 4. 1/3

Answer: J:st /ivi/e the 3:mber by a3/ alter3ate the /- sig3s o3e a3/ two or , -, -, , -, -,


4/3 /3
/3 1/3
1/3 1/6
1/6 1/1
1/1 1/4 Uh oh.. This m:st be a clerical error o3 the exami3er part b:t /o 3ot let
it /istract yo:.. Ass:me that the a3swer is 1/18..
1/18 1/36 b:t The tr:e a3swer sho:l/ be 1/48..

4. .5 1 5.5 6

1. 10.25 3. 15.75 5. 3o3e
. 1.5 4. 13.5

Answer: Observe the series, it is obvio:s there is a patter3 beca:se xx.5 a3/ a whole 3:mber is
repeate/. Taki3g the /i11ere3ce o1 the 3:mbers i3si/e the series,

.5 1 5.5 6

.75 4.5 0.75
The 3ext 3:mber sho:l/ have a 4.5 /i11ere3ce 1rom 3:mber 6, so the a3swer is 64.5 10.5




1. What is the greatest numerical value?

1. 3/8 3. 3/4 5. /3
. 5/6 4. 1/3

Answer: I1 yo: are goo/ at co3verti3g 1ractio3s i3to /ecimals, this problem wo:l/ be easy.
Review: Divisio3/ Fractio3 e.g. 1) 3 8

0.3 7 5
8 3 0
- 4
6 0
- 5 6
4 0
- 4 0

Co3verti3g the 1ractio3s to /ecimals:
1) 0.375 ) 0.833 3) 0.75 4) 0.333 5) 0.666

2. What is the standard numerical value for 3.54 x 10 the 5th power?

1. 35, 400 3. 354. 0000 5. 0.354
. 0.000354 4. 0.00354

Answer: Review Scie3ti1ic 3:mbers a3/ Expo3e3ts. This is a very easy problem. For starters, i1
there is a 10
or 10 the X
power, /eal with it 1irst. Yo:`ll i:st m:ltiply the 10 by itsel1 Xth
times, or 1010101010.10, a3/ m:ltiply that to the other give3 3:mber i3 the problem. I3
the problem, it is a 10
, yo:`ll 3ee/ to m:ltiply 10, 5 times.. 1010101010 100,000.
otice that the res:lt has 5 zeros, That wo:l/ make the problem a lot easier. :ltiplyi3g 100,000
to 3.54 gives :s 354,000. otice how the /ecimal poi3t was move/ 5 steps to the right, which
makes the problem 1aster to solve i1 yo: meet this i3 the act:al civil service exam, yo:`ll i:st
move the /ecimal poi3t X steps to the right(i1 positive) a3/ to the le1t (i1 3egative).. The a3swer
has a3other clerical error. Be ope3 mi3/e/ 1or possible errors while a3sweri3g the act:al exam.

3. Which of the following has the least numerical value?

1. 63 x 4 3. 4 x 6 3 3 6 x 4
. 43 x 6 4. 3 x 64



This is a3 DAS problem. I3 algebra, DAS plays a3 importa3t role i3 solvi3g the problem. By
st:/yi3g the problem, or by tryi3g to a3swer it thro:gh DAS i3 my mi3/, I 3otice/ that
choices 3 a3/ 5, 4 a3/ will give the same a3swer, which leaves choice o3e as the o3ly possible

4. The formula for covering Fahrenheit thermometer reading to centigrade reading is
C5/9 ( F-32). What is the equivalent of 95 degrees Fahrenheit?

1. 35 3. 45 5. 30
. 40 4. 50

This is a simple s:bstit:tio3 problem. J:st s:bstit:te 95 /egrees Fahre3heit i3 the 1orm:la.

5. A farmer has seven hectares of land for rice production. What should be the
average yield in cavans per hectare of the land to produce a total of 525 cavans?

1. 50 3. 85 5. 9
. 75 4. 90

6. Mang Romy can climb a coconut tree at the rate of 10ft. per minute and return at 20
ft. per minute. If it took him 3 minutes to climb and return. What is the height of
the coconut?

1. 101t. 3. 181t. 5. 51t.
. 151t. 4. 01t.

There are lots of ways to answer this problem.
a. O3e way is by g:essi3g. It is obvio:s that the a3swer is 0 1t beca:se it wo:l/ give him
mi3:tes to go :p give3 the spee/ o1 10 1t per mi3:te a3/ 1 mi3:te to go /ow3 give3 the
spee/ o1 0 1t/mi3.
b. O3e way is by elimi3atio3 - by solvi3g 1or the time it will take 1or a3g Romy to 1i3ish
each choices. We will be 1i3/i3g 1or a3 a3swer o1 three mi3:tes :si3g the give3 spee/s.
1. 10 1t will take him 1 mi3:te to go :p a3/ hal1 mi3:te to go /ow3. A total o1 1.5
. 15 1t will take him 1.5 mi3:tes to go :p a3/ 0.75 mi3:tes to go /ow3. A total o1
.5 mi3s.
3. 18 1t - will take him 1.8 mi3:tes to :p a3/ 0.9 mi3:tes to go /ow3. A total o1 .7
4. 0 1t will take him mi3:tes to go :p a3/ o3e mi3:te to /ow3. A total o1 3
5. I /o3`t have to solve 1or choice 5. The a3swer is alrea/y 4.
c. By algebra:

3 mi3s , 1orm:la co3str:ctio3 takes a little time i1 yo: /o3`t like

math. This takes a little e11ort a3/ practice.



7. Basketball team lost 40 of its first 40 games. how many of its remaining 20 games.
must it win to raise its winning percentage to 65

1. 15 3. 16 5. 0
. 1 4. 14

Answer: A3alyze the problem 1irst.
First !oi3t: 40 o1 the 1irst 40 games was lost. They lost 16 games (0.40x40)o1 the 1irst 40
games, which also mea3s they wo3 4 games.
Seco3/ !oi3t: There are still 0 games le1t to play. A total o1 60 games over-all.
Thir/ !oi3t: The team m:st wi3 65 o1 the total game playe/ or 65 o1 60 games, which is
a total o1 39 games wo3. They alrea/y wo3 4 games i3 the 1irst 40 games, so the o3ly 3ee/ to
wi3 15 games to make their wi33i3g 65.

8. The sum of 3 numbers is 94. if the first number is 3/5 of the second number and the
second number is 4/3 of the third. What are the three numbers?

1. 0, 44, 30 3. 15, 40, 35 5. 4, 40, 30
. 4, 30, 35 4. , 4, 30

Long Solution: We are looki3g 1or three 3:mbers. Let x, y, a3/ z be the 1irst, seco3/ a3/ thir/
3:mbers. Yo: have 3 :3k3ow3s, mea3i3g yo: have to co3str:ct 3 eq:atio3s 1rom the wor/
problem to solve the it.

Eq:atio3 1: x y z 94

Eq:atio3 : x

Eq:atio3 3: y

To solve o3e :3k3ow3, yo: 3ee/ to make a o3e eq:atio3 o:t o1 the 3 eq:atio3s. Let`s say we
wa3t to solve 1or x. The 3ext step is to 1i3/ a way to relate y a3/ z to x i3 eq:atio3 1 :si3g
eq:atio3 a3/ 3.

Eq:atio3 : Cross m:ltiplyi3g to get y i3 terms o1 x: y

Eq:atio3 3: Cross m:ltiplyi3g to get z i3 terms o1 y: z

S:bstit:ti3g y i3 eq:atio3 to get z i3 terms o1 z: z



Eq:atio3 1: x
x 94


Simpli1yi3g the eq:atio3:

% ;

% ;
Solvi3g 1or y: y
x ; y
(4) ; y 40

Looki3g at the choices it is obvio:s that the a3swer is choice 5, yo: /o3`t have to solve 1or z.

Short Solution:
First: Elimi3ate the choices. 3 3:mbers sho:l/ a// :p to 94.
1. 04430 94 OK
. 43035 89 OT OK
3. 154035 90 OT OK
4. 430 94 OK
5. 44030 94 OK
Yo: o3ly have 3 choices le1t.
Seco3/: Test the remai3i3g choices. The 1
3:mber sho:l/ be three-1i1th o1 the
1. 0 sho:l/ be three-1i1th o1 44; 44(
) = 0
. sho:l/ be three-1i1th o1 4; 4(
) = 0
3. 4 sho:l/ be three-1i1th o1 40; 40(
) s coc s corrc onsr

9. A certain elevator has a maximum weight capacity of 1. 300 lbs. If 5 employees
with an average weight of 120 lbs. entered the elevator with a box weighing 250 lbs.
How much is the additional weight?

1. 450 3. 45 5. 500
. 350 4. 550

Answer: The problem is a problem itsel1. Yo: have to ass:me that there is a3other weight a//e/
asi/e 1rom the 5 employees a3/ the 50lb box. The problem sho:l/ be how m:ch a//itio3al
weight co:l/ be a//e/ to 1:lly loa/ the elevator

10. In one bag of chicken feeds there are 24 chickens eating it in 45 days. In how many
days do 15 chickens consume the feeds?

1. 60 3. 7 5. 64
. 90 4. 80

Answer: This problem is a tricky o3e. I3 o:r E3gi3eeri3g Boar/ Exam, there are lots o1
problems like this. This is my 1avorite. This type o1 problems are work relate/, this is calle/
ma3-/ays or ma3-ho:rs problem. As to this problem, it is chicke3-/ays problem.

4(45) chicke3-/ays 15x chicke3-/ays


x 72 days

11.Two planes travel from opposite direction. Plane A travel 70 kph from one
direction and Plane B travel from opposite direction at the rate of 90 kph. If the
distance is 640 km. In how many hours the two planes intersect?

1. 1 3. 3 5. 5
. 4. 4

Solution: Yo: 3ee/ to /raw this o3e, i3 or/er to a3alyze it better. Two pla3es meet at some poi3t
alo3g the 640 km. Which mea3s that i1 yo: a// the /ista3ce o1 !la3e A at that time to that o1
!la3e B, yo:`ll get 640 km.

70t 90t 640 ; 160t 640 ; t 4 ho:rs

12.There two planes fly in two directions one is flying for East direction with the rate of
300kph and other is for West direction with the rate of 360 kph. In how many
minutes if they are 660 km apart?

1. 60 mi3. 3. 90 mi3 5. 150 mi3.
. 10 mi3 4. 100 mi3
This is i:st a trick q:estio3. The a3swer is obvio:s. I3 o3e ho:r, they`ll be 660km apart. a3y
exami3ers wo:l/ 3ot 1i3ish rea/i3g the problem beca:se they wo:l/ thi3k 1rom the start that the
problem is har/.

13.If 2/3 of employees of a company are women and of the remaining employees are
married and the rest are 9 bachelors. What is the total number of employees?

1. 3 3. 38 5. 5
. 4 4. 36

Stateme3t 1: /3 are wome3, which also mea3s 1/3 are me3
Stateme3t : / o1 the me3 are marrie/, which also mea3s / o1 me3 are bachelor
Stateme3t 3: 9 are bachelor, which is / o1 the me3 pop:latio3. Which mea3s that there are o3ly
1 me3 o1 the total pop:latio3. Si3ce me3 is o3ly 1/3 o1 the pop:latio3, the total pop:latio3
wo:l/ be 1 times 3, which is 36.

14.Find the square of the number in the number series which appears most of the time.

7 3 4 5 6 1 7 3 7

1. 3 3. 9 5. 49
. 6 4. 36



Sol:tio3: 7 appears 3 times. 7


15.A man bought ten ball pens at P25.00 each and five wallet at P50.00 each and the
last is three towels at P70.00 each. What is the smallest amount of money so he can
buy all items?

1. !650.00 3. P750.00 5. !850.00
. !700.00 4. !800.00

The total items a// :p to !710 (50 1or 10 ballpe3s, 50 1or 5 wallets a3/ 10 1or 3 towels)

16.The merchandiser bought 55 copies of books cost P3. 300.00 and add six copies
more. How much should he pay for all the books?

1. !3, 380.00 3. P3. 660.00 5. 3, 310.00
. !3, 360 4. !3, 90.00

17.The showing of the movie starts at 6:18 P.M.. and it will last at 8:05. How many
minutes does the movie showed?

1. 103 3.107 5. 157
. 13 4. 143

18.Three tickets of musical concert cost P714. How much a dozen of tickets cost?

1. !, 469 3. P2. 964 5. 4, 35
. !, 946 4. !3,69

Agai3, there is missi3g i3 the problem or the problem is erro3eo:s. However, i1 yo: /ivi/e all
choices with 1 or 1 /oze3, o3ly choice 3 will give :s a whole 3:mber, there1ore, it m:st be the

19.The length of rectangular lot is one less than twice its width. If the perimeter is
16cm.. what is the width of the lot in centimeter?

1. 1 3. 3 5. 5
. 4. 4

L W-1 LW16
W 6W18 ; W3


20.The width of a rectangular lot is X meters and its length is 5 meters more than its
width. If its dimensions are decreased by 2 meters. then its area will decrease

1. 4 sq.m 3. 4x+6 sq. m 5. 3o3e o1 this
. x

( x - 6

)sq.m 4. x 3 sq.

SOLUTIO: Sketch the recta3gle

Origi3al Area LW (X5)X
LX5 Origi3al Area X


ew Area (L-)(W-) (X3)(X-)
WX ew Area X


Decrease Orig ew Area
Decrease X

5X (X

Decrease X

5X X

Decrease 4X6 sq. m.

21.Two planes X and Y are 180 miles apart and moving from opposite direction at a
rate of 20 and 30 miles per hour respectively. How many miles is covered by the
slower plane when they intersect?

1. 50 miles 3. 90 miles 5. 80 miles
2. 72 miles 4. 60 miles

Solution: Si3ce the will i:st i3tersect each other, the 180 mi. will i:st be /ivi/e/ by the two
pla3es. We ca3 :se ratio a3/ proportio3, the /ista3ce covere/ by X will be /5 o1 the 180mi. a3/
Y will be 3/5 o1 the 180mi. /5 o1 180 7mi.

180 miles

A (0mi/hr) B (30mi/hr)

1. The whole /ista3ce 180mi. will be covere/ by A a3/ B. at the rate o1 AB or 50 mi/hr.
. Si3ce o3ly A`s /ista3ce was aske/, 0 o:t o1 the 50 mi/hr rate was covere/ by A.



22.The length of an envelope is 24 1/5 cm.. Three holes at 11 1/5 cm. Apart are placed
at the center of the envelope. How far apart is the side of the envelope to the first
hole in centimeter?

1. 9/10 3. 1 1/5 5. 13
. 7/10 4. 1 1/10

4 1/5
1 1/10 1 1/10

4 1 /5 1 1/10

Dista3ce betwee3 the E/ge a3/ the 1irst hole 1 1/10 11 1/5 9/10

23.4 of 510 lbs. Of sea water is salt. How much pure water is to be extracted to make
it contain 17 salt?

1. 0 lbs. 3. 397 lbs. 5. 90lbs.
2. 390 lbs. 4. 107.1 lbs.

4 o1 510 bs is salt, mea3i3g, 0.4 lbs are salt.

Whe3 wo:l/ 0.4 lbs salt be 17 o1 the Sea Water
A3swer: 0.4/0.17 whe3 the Sea Water is 10lbs.

Question: How m:ch p:re water is to be extracte/ to make it co3tai3 17 salt
Answer: 510 10 lbs 390 lbs.

24.The population of the present time is 20 less than the previous population. If the
present population is 4. 000. What is the previous population?

1. 5. 000 3. 4, 00 5. 8,000
. 5, 00 4. 5, 800

0.8 X 4,000 X 4,000/.8 5,000

11 1/5

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