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AVR ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE SIMULATOR This project aims at developing a software simulator for running AVR Assembly language

instructions/programs. The simulator will allow the user to type in a set of instructions and when ran, the instructions are executed sequentially by the AVR Runtime Engine and the appropriate registers and memory locations are updated as necessary. The Simulator a.k.a AVR Runtime engine will simulate an 8-bit microcontroller, and will simulate the execution of arithmetic, logic and memory operations. It will support only direct addressing mode. Simulating the peripherals requires timing and clock and so we keep it aside from the scope of the project. Since we obsoleted the peripherals we dont handle Memory Mapped IO Addresses and system interrupts. The source program is a valid set of instructions where each instruction is by a new line. To parse the source program, we use a handwritten parser that will syntactically parse the instructions and execute them directly. It doesnt generate any machine code for execution, means the execution is interpreted in nature. The user will enter the input program through a GUI application. The GUI will offer ways to edit memory locations, view status of flag registers and other system registers. The project is implemented using C++/CLI or managed C++ that targets .NET Framework 4.0.

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