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By MaTkBittman./7 P hoto g rap hs by JeJf H arc is




in a


For chicken: Rub boneLess


Brown bone-in chicken pieces few tabLespoons of oLive oit. Remove from pan. In same pan, stir in some chopped gartic. Add % Tbsp minced lemon zest, a pinch of cayenne, 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, and % cup wateri stir Add the chicken cover, and simmer for about 15 minutes, turning the pieces once. Add Lemon juice and more soy _-. sauce io tasie.

chicken breast with a smaL[ amouni of extra-virgin oLive oiL and sprinkLe with salt and pepper. BroiL or grill for l0 minutes, and serve w th the c trus sauce.

ffi W


Foi'yogur.t sauce; Mix 1 cup I tsp minced garlic and some [emon juice, sa[t, and pepper. For chicken: Cut boneLess chicken breast into 1" ihunks and-marifate in % cup yogurt, l/o cup ground cashews,

yogurt with

PESTO SAUCE For pesto: In a blender or food processori pur6e 2 cups fresh basi[,1 garlic clove, a pinch of satt, 2 Tbsp pine nuts, % cup grated Parmesan, and % cup extra-virgin olive oi[. For chicken: Season 1 pound ofthin chicken cutlets with sa[t and pepper. for about 4 minutes per side Paint with pesto and serve.



each ofground carda-


mom, ground coriander, minced ginger, and minced garlic for 30 minutes. GriLluntil brown and cooked through (about 7 mln
utes); serve with yogurt sauce.

ffi W

anorlro cHrcKEN


In recipesthatdon tspecifu amaunts for meots, pauLtry, ar fish, use otatal

af 72to 76 aunces Eocll recipe makes 4 beLLy f iLLin g s e rvi n g s.

ffi W


For citrus sauce:

warm the zest and juice of 1 [emon plus the sections of

another Lemon, an orange, and a grapefruit. Add % cup olive oil, 1 tsp fresh thyme teaves, % tsp minced gar[ic, 1 smaIL onion (minced), and salt and pepper.




Combine 3 Tbsp peanut oi[, 2 Tbsp chopped cilantro leaves, 1 Tbsp freshly squeezed [ime juice,1 Tbsp chopped sha[[ots, % tsp cayenne, and salt and pepper to taste. Spread haLf in a pan and add the chicken; sprink[e meatwith more saLt and pepper, then top with the remaining mixture. BroiL untiL cooked through, about 10 minutes, Garnish with chopped ci[antro and [ime wedges.


2oo9 woMEN's nenr-rx 115



Tbsp minced fresh tsp nutmeg, 1 tsp % tsp ground cinna' and 1 cup chicken stock; cook oveT medium heat until over gfu$ced Add chopped citantro



your Doily

.% $Pfotein trissers luul


Dlce 6 slices of cooked bacon and 2 cooked boneless chicken breasts. Chop half a red onion, a tomato, an avocado, and a hard-boiled egg. Top a bowlof Lettuce with

water. After 30 seconds, add B ounces each of scaLLops and peeled raw shrimp. Cover, remove from heat Let sit for 10 minutes, and drain. Toss the seafood with % cup minced fresh parsLey, 1 Tbsp capers, minced shaLLot, % cup olive oi[, and salt and pepperto taste. Add [emon juice and other seasonings to taste, and serve

ginger (to taste) and btend unt L chunky-smooth. Add saLtand peppertotaste. For fish: In a pan, heat 2 Tbsp olive oil. Sprinkle 1 pound of salmon with saLt and pepper to taste. Cook for 4 minutes, turn and continue cook nq untiI it reaches desired doneness. Serve with the sauce.

& W

eRrlleo coo


For sauce: Combine 2

SMOKED SALMON SCRAMBLE Whisk together 4 eggs, 2 Tbsp milk or cream, and saLt and
pepper to taste, Heat 2 Tbsp butter untiI it gets foamy. Add eggs and reduce heat, Stir frequently but gently, pushing eEgs frorn Lhe pan ecjges lnto the center Add % cuo flaked smoked sa[mon. Rernove eggs from the heat when just set. Garnish with sour cream.

hungertqmino ru normones
& W
Tbsp minced gartic, % cup rice vinegar, 2 Tbsp mirin (Japanese r ce wine; you'lLf ind it jn your market's lnternational aisle), 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 Tbsp minced fresh ginger, I tsp wasabi powFor sauce: Combine 1



.the meat, ve!Jetables, egg, and . %,cup crumbted b[ue cheese. . ..Wbisktoqether% cup olive oi[, .Y.iiCup sherry vinegar, a diced :,];r,t{littot, I tsp oijon mustard, and salt and pepper to taste, Toss alI together and serve.

4\ (J



Tbsp tsp minced garlic, 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 2 Tbsp rice vinegar, 1 Tbsp sugar, lThai chili (seeded and thinLy sllced), ard 11 cup sLiced fresh basil. Season 1 pound ofcod with saLt and pepper. Cook, turning once, until cooked through (B to 12 minutes, depending on thrckness), Serve with the sauce,


Preheat oven to 500"F.


an ovenproofskiftet,

sherry or Shaoxing wine, % tsp cornstarch, and 1% pounds of peeLed raw shrimp. Heat
Tbsp canola oiL and cook a few dried chiti peppers over medium heat untiL slightly bLackened. M nce 2 cloves of garlic and add to the shrimp mixtuie atong with l tsp minced ginger. Cook for about 3 minutes. Reduce heat add 1 tsp sugar and 3 Tbsp soy sauce, and cook for 5 minutes.

#l V


heat 2 Tbsp oLive oit; add swordf ish steaks, sa[t, and pepper and cook untr



Preheat oven to 450'F Soak ish fillets jn 1% cups mi[k, then drain and dredge in bread crumbs seasoned with sa[t and pepper, Coatthe bottorn of a bak ng pan with 2 Tbsp clive
oit. Add f iLlets and drizzLe with a Little o L, Bake I to 15 minutes. Serve with lemon wedges.

Heat I Tbsp olive oiL in a pan. Sprinkle f ish f iltets with saLt and pepper; dredge n flour.
Cook until brown on one side (about 3 minutes); turn. Cook

per side. Cook n the oven for 5 to 10 minutes, Meanwhile boiL 2 cups of peas untiI tender, then purde with 1 Tbsp minced f resh ginger. Adi the rrixture the consistency of y,rgurt, Serve fish on top of mixture.

second side until firm to the touch (2to 4 mrnutes). Drizzle !vith [emon juice anc olive oiL; top with minced pars[ey.

'r':ter until

Remove from heat and stir in l tsp sesame oil and a

& W





For saLsa: Mix half inch squares of papaya, mango, pineappLe,

der, and saltand pepperto taste. Warm over Low heat or in

chopped scatlion. Garnish w th 2 oz chopped roasted peanuts.

Forsauce: In a food processor, combine % cup peanut oiL, % cup rice vinegar, 3 Tbsp mitdisweet miso, l Tbsp dark sesame oi[, 2 carrots, and a chunk of peeled fresh

and/orwatermeton with % cup each ofdiced bel[ pepper (any

cotor) and red onion,2 Tbsp

microwave. Forch cken; Brush bonetess breasts with olive oit and griL[ for 10 mlnutes. Pour wasabi sauce overthe chicken; qarnish with chopped scaILions
and ciLantro.

@3llhb?fli'"' CHILI AND BASIL

peeted raw shrimp until flrm, Toss 4 cups salad greens with 1 cup torn Thai basil leaves, % cup minced red onion, :.ici I uiioeri cucumben Whisk togetherihe juice of 2 [imes, l Tbsp fish sauce, % tsp red-pepperf[akes, % tsp sugar, and 1 Tbsp water. Toss w th greens and vegetables. Lay shrimp on top and serve.





Heat oven to 325"F. Mix 1 Tbsp minced fresh tarragon,% cup chopped fresh di[t, % cup chopped fresh parsley, and saLt and pepperto taste. Place chicken in a baking dish w th l Tbsp oIive oit, the herb mixture, and I cup chicken stock. Roast about 15 minutes, Serve with the herb sauce.

dF% veorrERReuEnr't





Cut % pound of any firm white fish lnto half inch chunks and drop into boii ng salted

curcreru wrru
Cook mlnced garlic cloves in canola oiI until fragrant. Add 1 pound of peeted shrimpt spr nkle with saLt and pepper and cook untrl no longer pink (about 3 minutes), Mash an avocado with 2 Tbsp

Heat 4 Tbsp peanut oil n a larqe skiLLet. Shake saLt and pepper onto chicken cutlets, then dredge them in fLour seasoned wlth cayenne pepper. Sautd chicken untiL browned and cooked through, about 3 minutes per side. Remove from pan, In the same pan, saut6 % cup minced onion until

minced shaLLot or onion, 1 tsp garlic, 1 tsp diced chi[i, a squeeze of Lemon juice, and salt and pepper, Serve the shrirnp and guacamoIe wi Lh 4 heated ftour tortiILas.

116 wouel's

HEALTH MARcH 20og womensheatthmag.com




Thlnty stice 1 pound offtank steak across the graln into bite-size pieces, Chop % cuP basit and mix with beef. Cook 1% Tbsp minced gartic in 1 Tbsp peanut oiL until slightLY brown. Add beef basiI mlxture and % Tbsp red-pepPer flakes; cook for 2 minutes. Add 1 TbsP soy sauce and thejuice of haLf a [ime and serve

Youburn more calories dig e sting protein than Y qu "do breaking down crrb-s
minutes. Add saLt and PePPer. Serve chops w th a mound of greens and Lemon wedges

fresh rosemary, and sa[t and

pepper. Heat % cuP olive oit Dredge quarter-inch thick veaI cuttets in crumb mixture. Cook, turninq once, untlL browned (less than 5 mtnutes totaL),
Serve with Lemon quarters.

ft W



wrru sHALLors,


RED WINE Cut 1 pound of Lamb Loin into %-inch-thick rounds and sprinkle w th sa[t and PePPer. Hea[ 1 Tbsp butter in a Pan and cook Lamb untrl brown on both sides, 4 to 5 mlnutes Remove lamb and set aside For sauce: Add I Tbsp minced sha[[ots to pan cookfor2 minutes Add 1 tsp minced tarragon and % cup red wine; simmer untlL Liquid is reduced bY half Stir in 1 Tbsp butter and julces from
uncler the resting meat. Serve Lamb with the sauce.

minced chilis, % cuP choPPed citantro, 1 Tbsp olive oit, 3 TbsP time juice, and sattto taste. For

ish: Sprinkle swordf ish with satt and pepPer and griLL on one side for 5 minutes; turn and cook

to deslred doneness. Serve with saLsa and lime wedges,

A g

oRrlleo rurua

2 Tbsp otive oi[, cook ounces of ground Pork untiL brown and crisp, Remove Pork frorn thc pan and Pou - off all but 2 Tbsp fat, In same Pan, cook a chopped onion and l Tbsp minced gartic untiL soft' aboui 3 minutes, Add 1 tsP ground cumin and 1% cuPs chopped tomatoes; cook for 10 m nutes, Stlr in 2 cups shetted edamame and cook until tender (about 8 minutes) Return pork to the Pan, season with salt and pepper, and garnish wlth crLantro.

In a food processol combine
2 cups drained canned beans (wh te, bLack, red, or garbanzo),

quartered onion, % cuP rolted


For relish: Heat 1 tsp olive oiI ln a skitlet. Cook kernels from 4 ears of corn unti[ lightly

A 9

snurreo ponx veonrlroNs wrrH

pound of pork tendertoin


1n boiLing salted water, cook

oats, % cup grated mozzaretla cheese, 1 Tbsp chiLi Powder, 1 egg, and salt and PePPer to taste, Pulse untiL chunkY, adding liquid to hold the mix together. Shape nto Patties and cook ]n a pan coated with cooking spraY untiL browned on one side about 5 m nutesl turn and cook on other side untiL firm and browned.



tender drarn. In
oiL, cook 2 cups

3 cups chopped cabbage until 2 TbsP olive


browned, about 2 m nutes, Add 2 chopped tomatoes, some sa[t and pepper, 1 tsP ground cumin, and % tsP caYenne' Cook for 30 seconds; remove from heat. For fish; SPrinkLe tuna with salt and pepper, Grill, turning once, to desired donenessi serve with the reIish,

into hatf inch-ihlck slices and pound to quarler-inch thickness Heat % cup olive oil in a Pan. Dredge pork medalL ons in flour seasoned with sa[t and PePPer. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes Per side

processor, combine 'I ThsL. flsh -cauce, l tsp pepper, 1 tsp sugar, 1 small seeded Thai chiti, 2 TbsP time juice, 2 cloves garlic, 2 chopped shallots, % cup

In a food

turning once, Remove Pouroff fat, add % cup dry white wine, and cook until w ne is almost evaporated, Add Lemon juice and a few capers. Spoon sauce over rneat Serve with parsLeY and [emon wedges,

choPPed leeks and 1 chopped ceterY staLk until softened about 5 rninutes, Add 2 sprigs thyme, % cuP chopped ham, 1 cuP chicken stock, 3 cups drained canne[[ini beans, and cabbage Season with salt and PePPer' Cook unt I heated through. Serve with grated Parmesan.

Preheat oven to 350'F. In boiiing saLted water, cook 2 Pounds of spinach for l minute. Drain, cooL, squeeze out excess l quld
and chop. Heat 3 TbsP butter n a baking dish add spinach and

toss to coat. Spread out sPinach making 8 nests, Crack egg lnto each and toP wlth satt, pepper, Parmesan, and bread crumbs. Bake for 15 to 20

% cup


m nutes or until yoLks are just set and whites are solidif ied,

Rub a pork tendertoin rvith

@ Iif*'FJllr'ro*^
Cut 1 pound of pork shoulder nto bite-size pieces. Cook 1n

dhopped mint orThai basiL, Ir', cup chopped ciLantro, and ,l ;att. PuLse untiI f ineLy chopped. 3riLLsteakto desired doneness and serve sliced on a bed of greens with the sauce,

Tbsp peanut oiI untiL no Longer pink, about 3 minutes, Remove.

onrllro geer ffi sluo wrrH MrNT W

Cook 1 pound of beef tender[oin to medium-rare, about 10 minutes, Toss 4 cups lettuce

Cook 1% Tbsp minced gartic for 10 seconds. Add I Pound of chopped spinach and cook until justwilted. Add the pork,2 TbsP f ish sauce, and the juice of haLf a [ime. Stir and serve

white, yeLLow, or red miso paste. Gri[[, browning all sides, until almost cooked through but stightly Pink in the center (1Oto 15 minutes) Let sit for 10 mrnutes, then cut into half-inch-thick sLices and serve


cHoRIzOAND eeaNs

Cutabout % pound of chorizo

into chunks and burY in a Pot fiLled w th 4 cups canned

& W

eRorleo LeMe

Sprinkle 2 Lamb choPs with saLt and pepper. Broil for about 5 minutes per side, turning once, Chop 1 pound of Swiss chard, separatinq stems from Leaves. Heat 2 Tbsp olive oiI in a small pot, stir in stems, and cook untiI softened. Add Leaves, cover, and steam for a few


1 cup

torn mint Leaves,

cup minced red onion, and l diced cucumber. Whisk together the juice of 2 [imes, Tbsp soy sauce, % tsp cayenne, and 1 Tbsp water. Thinly sLice beef and add its juices to the dressing, Serve meat over salad drizzled with dresstng

canne[[ini beans and dried chiLi or red-pepperflakes to taste Warm on a stove over medium heat (about 10 minutes), adjust seasoning, and serve

Cut boneIess chicken breast and yr:ur favorite sausage nto 1-inch chunks, Cut an eggPlant inlo f-inch aubes and 2 red beIL peppers into 2-inch pieces, Cut o Lemon into I wedges, Thread pieces onto skewers, alternating
ingredienLs, and sprinkLe




Combine % cup grated Parmesan, % cuP bread

with sa[t and PePPer' 0riLlfor 10 to 15 mlnuies and remove Pieces from
skewers; squeeze grilLed lemon overthe dish,


TbsP minced


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