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The Word: The Word during the 1520's was a big issue.

Besides the Lutheran Revolt or Reformation literacy was a big thing.It was in it's own right magical or magic's basis. I believe after Lutheran reselected the canon of holy scripture by discontiuning the use of seven books and finding a system of beliefs more conducive to his psychological needs the concept of the word itself or recorded thought was percieved as divine in its own rite.I believe that caries over today with an almost medieval perception that the Word is the final authority on all things to have any authority. It is a book of law, contemporary matters, science, philosophy, myth, logic and ironically not religion but the truth, I have seen Protestant movements that isolate themselves and have no faith in anybody except God justified by the fall including the rest of the body of Christ. Some claim they can know their destiny based on certain scriptures yet ingore their personal application of scripture. Obviously deeds are not a reflection because then you are nullifying the gospel of grace to be managed by harsh application of the law by power of the Holy Spirit.Ironically this is all by faith. Why do we even call it a faith when we want a "know" ? I trust as a Catholic in the lineage and Magisterium, but in the end I can not ignore geological, astronomical, biological or even social facts of applied evolution yey I beleive all of this was God initiated. Le Maitre , a Catholic priest discovered the Big Bang so is this so far fetched. My feelings the Word is a transferer of meaning yet the fact there are words written do not define my reality or perception just because they were written long ago. When man tries to relay the divine's perception we are , in my opinion always somehow in trouble. Words are definitions and definitions are rigid meanings which can never display the true meaning of anything. Words are in essence mathmetical and actually limit meaning. Well no need to inquire about dinosaurs, but I believe we can go beyond these dark age theories where all reality is defined in one small collection of books. ............................William F. Matters Jr. 9-22-2011

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