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I've not seen much posted about Avast! Antivirus.

I think it's a great virus che cker and has some excellent features, is constantly updated with new virus defin itions and versions and the best bit... it's free for home use!!! Anyway, thought someone might like to know the silent install switches and AutoI t script for installing the registration key (Yes you need to register even thou gh it's free. Not bad though). You need to run avast once installed then run thi s script to register it. Silent switches: Setup.exe /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SPAutoIt Registration Script (replace the X's with your key): WinWait("Registration") WinActivate("Registration") Send("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX {ENTER}") WinWait("avast! - simple user interface") WinClose("avast! - simple user interface") WinClose("avast! Simple User Interface") Hope this helps someone.

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