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ent Repository - NetBIOS Hacking Log in
Gaurav Kumar Views: 38925
utor :wolph User:
Tutorial Topic(s): Misc, Networking - LANs, Networking - TCP/IP, Windows - 2000, Windows - NT, Windows - Security,
Windows - XP Pass:

Remember Me
kers use IPC$ in this way Want to reg

ows>net use k: \\\ipc$ "" /user:""

y replace k letter by any other letter. If you replace it by "b" (type without quotes) a new drive will be created by a
tter b. Grab-A-Gra

note that you won't be able to get access to victim's shared drives but you you can gather valuable information like
of all the usernames, users that have never logged, and other such information. One such tool that uses the ipc$
is "Internet Periscope". Another tool is "enum" - its my favorite toot however it is run on command promt.



ting in to the victim's computer

at you have access to a remote computer you may be interested in viewing his secret emails, download hismp3 songs ,

ou think like a hard core hacker you would like to play some dirty tricks like you may wish to install a key logger or
back door entry Trojan like netbus and backorifice or delete or copy some files. All these tasks involves writing to
hard disk . For this you need to have write access permission.



ck - Part 2 Denial of service attack

pe of attacks are meant to be launched by some computer techies because this type of attack involves using Linux
ng System and compiling C language files. To exploit these vulnerabilities you have to copy exploit code from sites like
er,securityfocus etc and comiple them.

o most common vulnerabilities found in NetBIOS are

bility 1

bility 2

vulnerability that has been foud recently is that one can launch a DoS attack against winodws NT,2000,XP,.NET
For detailed information and pacth plz visit this link http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/...in/MS02-045.asp.
checked my web servers that are still vulnerable to this type of attack.


protect yourself

visit windowsupdate.microsoft.com and let the windows update itself.

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