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kef Document 1|t|e Descr|pt|on urpose of Document Who Wou|d 8enef|t from Use
A1 1he 8uslness lan
A1 1he 8uslness lan
?our 8uslness lan should be a
formal sLaLemenL of your buslness
goals Lhe reasons why Lhey are
belleved aLLalnable and Lhe plan for
reachlng Lhose goals lL may also
conLaln background lnformaLlon
abouL Lhe organlzaLlon or Leam
aLLempLlng Lo reach Lhose goals lL
should be a worklng documenL LhaL
ls revlewed and revlsed regularly
Llnk 1C S1A81u 88l1Aln WL8Sl1L
ManagemenL and Lhe buslness as a
whole should know Lhe plan
A2 Summary CrganlsaLlon CheckllsL
AcLually derlved from a due
dlllgence check llsL Lhls documenL
wll ensure LhaL Lhe crlLlcal
documenLs and records you may
need Lo value Lhe company or exlL
are all held ln organlsed formaL We
would suggesL ln perhaps a
daLaroom cloud envlronmenL folder
ConfldenLlal record held wlLh securlLy
access we would suggesL by llnanclal
ConLroller / Cwner
A3 Maxlmlslng Lhe value of ?our 8uslness
A check llsL of Lhe varlous areas of
buslness a leader musL conLlnually
sense check Lo ensure besL
Managlng ulrecLor and oLher dlvlslonal
A4 1he SLraLeglc lan
A4 ?early SLraLeglc lan lor ManagemenL
Lvery company should have a fully
communlcaLed plan of Lop acLlvlLles
for Lhe year 1hls documenL helps
you capLure Lhe Lop prlorlLles for Lhe
perlods ahead
ManagemenL Croup
AS SLraLeglc ?ear lannlng 8eporLlng Summary
1he flnanclal performance record of
progress Lowards Lhe above plan for
slmple dlgeslon
ManagemenL Croup
A6 SLraLeglc Slngle ?ear locus lor 1eam
A powerpolnL documenL whlch
Lrlckles down Lhrough Lhe
organlsaLlon Lop few goals and
ob[ecLlves for Lhe year ahead
A7 1eam 8rlef LlghL example CulLural Care
AddlLlonal Loplcs and plan for
ensurlng LhaL culLural acLlvlLles and
CS8 sLay on Lhe company agenda aL
each company monLhly meeLlng
A |ann|ng the Iourney 8us|ness Strateg|c |an Cverv|ew

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