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101-200 10. Signs of depression after Myocardial

 withdrawal
1. Intermittent claudication  crying
 Cramp-like pain that occurs with  apathy
exercise and is relieved by rest
11. Aortic Abdominal Aneurysm
2. Cardiac tamponade assessment
 tachycardia  subjective feeling of the “heart
 distant or muffled heart sounds beating” in the abdomen
 jugular vein distention  pulsatile abdominal mass
 falling blood pressure  systolic bruit over the mass
accompanied by pulsus paradoxus
12. Elective cardioversion
3. Thrombophlebitis or deep vein  Remove oxygen temporarily
thrombosis (DVT)
 redness and/or warmth of the 13. P-R interval
affected leg  0.12-0.20 seconds
 tenderness at the sit
 possible dilated veins (if 14. QRS
superficial)  0.4-0.10
 low grade fever
 edema distal to the obstruction 15. First-degree heart block
 possible positive Homans' sign in  Prolonged P-R interval (>0.20)
the affected extremity
16. Atrial fibrillation
4. Classical sign of cardiogenic shock  erratic or no identifiable P waves
 altered sensorium (confusion)
 tachycardia 17. Multiple Gated Acquisition Scan
 hypotension
 IV line
 tachypnea
 oliguria 18. Soft Tissue Injury
 cold, clammy, cyanotic skin  Rest
 Ice
5. Unstable angina  Compression
 increase in frequency, duration,  Elevation
and severity over time
19. Before electroconvulsive therapy
6. Stable angina  Succinylcholine (Anectine)-muscle
 Paroxysmal chest discomfort relaxant
triggered by predictable physical
or emotional factors 20. Beta-blockers
 Decrease workload of the heart
7. Angina decubitus
 Chest discomfort that increases 21. NSAIDS
when reclining  1 hour before or 2 hours after
8. Nocturnal angina
 Chest discomfort associated with 22. Normal value: Protein
sleep  6-8g/dL

9. Early stage of acute myocardial

 ST segment elevation

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23. Side effects: fluoxetine (Prozac) 37. Cardiac arrest in pedia

 Dry mouth  Prolonged hypoxemia
 Diarrhea 38. Panic disorder attack
 Weight loss  Sense of impending doom
 Reduced libido
39. Cogentin
24. Xanax (alprazolam)  Contraindicated to glaucoma and
 Short-term relief prostatic hypertrophy

25. Newborn’s normal weight loss (first 40. Thrombophlebitis

few days)  Elevate leg (2 pillows)
 5-110% of birth weight
41. Fluorosis
26. Assessing heart rate via radial pulse  Chalky white to yellowish staining
 >2 years old
42. Vwentricular fibrillation
27. Side effects: Aminophylline  Assess pulse
 Restlessness
 Palpitations 43. Portal hypertension
 Potential complication of
28. Seizures in children hemorrhage
 Infection
 Fatigue 44. Cleft lip repair (2 months)
 Nor eating well  Elbow restraint
 High fluid intake
 Fluid retention 45. Post segmental lung resection
 Assess
29. Side effects: Isoniazid (INH)  Suction secretion
 Peripheral neuropathy
46. Congestive heart failure
30. Perforated peptic ulcer  High-fowler’s position
 Nausea and vomiting
 Abdominal distention 47. Herpes simplex
 Contact precautions
31. Acute pancreatitis
 Respiratory infection 48. Suctioning tracheostomy
 Pain on epigastric area radiating to  Instill saline to remove mucus
the back plug

32. Separation anxiety 49. Homeopathic medicine

 6-30 months  Boost immune response

33. chlorpromazine (Thorazine) 50. Injury prevention for pre-schoolers

 avoid direct sunlight  Set good example

34. AIDS 51. Child who can use car seat

 CD4 lymphocyte <200 (normal  Weight: 40 lbs/18 kg
value: 600-1000)
52. Ovulation period
35. Stranger anxiety  Cycle in days minus 14 days
 Begins: 6-8months
 Peaks: 9 months

36. Female growth spurt

 2 years earlier than male 53. Findings in hypoxemia
 Restlessness
 Irritability

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 Agityations  Long-term use of steroids

 Dyspnea  Smoking
 Disorientation
 Confusion 67. Stoma with high risk for skin
 Delirium breakdown
 Hallucination  Ileostomy
 Loss of consciousness
68. Removing flatus from 1 piece
54. Newborn in incubator drainable ostomy
 Monitor temperature  Provide privacy
 Open the button of the pouch
55. Initial treatment for Ewing’s sarcoma  Release flatus
 Chemotherapy and radiation  Close the button of the pouch

56. Isoniazid 69. HSV-1

 Liver function test  Immunosuppression
 Causes heaptocellular injury and
hepatitis 70. Tonsillectomy
 Report persistent cough
57. Russel’s traction
 Neurovascular circulation check 71. Pneumococcal pneumonia
 Bronchial breath sound in outer
58. Priority for child with sickle cell lung field
 Avoid overheating during physical 72. Developmental right hip dysplasia
activity  Characteristic limp

59. General guide to serving size in 73. Multiple Sclerosis client

children  Avoid activities leading to
 1 tablespoon of solid food per dehydration
74. CAD patient
60. Anti-psychotic medications’ side  Avoid very heavy meals
 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 75. Rhabdomyosarcoma
(hyperpyrexia, muscle rigidity,  Muscles
malignant hypertension)
76. KUB radiographic test
61. Readiness for toilet training  No preparation necessary
 Complete myelination of spinal
cord 77. Central venous pressure (CVP)
 Right heart function
62. Birth weight
 Double: 6months 78. Swan-ganz catheter
 Triple: 1 year  Left heart function
 Quadruple: 18 months
79. Levothyroxine (synthroid)
63. Cystic fibrosis (2 years old)  Take in the morning
 Continue normal activities
80. Venous stasis ulcer healing
64. Burn patient  Proper nutrition
 High protein, high carbohydrate
81. Child with diabetes mellitus
65. Not affected by hemodialysis  Bed wetting
 Low hemoglobin (anemia)
82. Chiropractic treatment
66. Delayed wound healing  Spinal cord manipulation

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83. Best indicator of good wound healing 98. Eye contact for native American
 Reddened tissue  Rude, impolite, aggressive

84. Congestive heart failure with 99. School aged children

pulmonary edema  Obesity is the common disorder
 Decreased cardiac output
100. Major depression
85. Volume overload  Sad
 S3 heart sound  Hopeless
 Psychomotor retardation/agitation
86. 5th disease (erythema infectiosum)  Chronic generalized local pain
 Not contagious, does not need  Appetite/sleep disturbances
isolation  GI complaints
 Impaired libido
87. Risk for depression
 Steroids

88. Lithium effect

 2 weeks

89. Lead poisoning

 Nuerologic signs and symptoms
 Neuropathy
 Footdrop
 Anemia

90. Late pregnancy fetal growth

 Pregnancy induced hypertension

91. Anemia in sickle cell disease

 Increase red cell destruction,
decrease production

92. Diet for cystic fibrosis

 High protein and calorie,
unrestricted fat

93. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (5

years old)
 5:1

94. Fetal alcohol syndrome

 Cranial facial abnormalities

95. Most accurate to determine

 Sputum culture

96. Sudden infant disease syndrome

 before 6 months old

97. Newborn of mother addicted to

 Jitteriness 24-48 hours
 Irritability
 Poor feeding

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