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Passado Simples To Be

O verbo be geralmente significa ser ou estar em portugus. Veja sua formao no tempo passado simples, c om sentenas afirmativas:


tw eet

afirmativa I was you were he was she was it was we were you were they were

significado eu era/fui / estava/estive voc era/foi / estava/esteve ele era/foi / estava/esteve ela era/foi / estava/esteve ele(a) era/foi / estava/esteve ns ramos/fomos / estavam/estiveram vocs eram/foram / estavam/estiveram eles eram/foram / estavam/estiveram

I was at home yesterday. [Eu estava em c asa ontem noite.] He was late for the meeting this morning. [Ele estava atrasado para a reunio esta manh.] They were my friends in high school. [Eles eram/foram meus amigos no ensino mdio.]

negativo, forma longa I was not you were not he was not she was not it was not we were not you were not they were not

negativa, forma contrada I wasnt you werent he wasnt she wasnt it wasnt we werent you werent they werent significado eu no era/fui / estava/estive voc no era/foi / estava/esteve ele no era/foi / estava/esteve ela no era/foi / estava/esteve ele(a) no era/foi / estava/esteve ns no ramos/fomos / estavam/estiveram vocs no eram/foram / estavam/estiveram eles no eram/foram / estavam/estiveram

You werent sick last year. [Voc no estava doente no ano passado.] It was not his fault. [No foi c ulpa dele.] We werent tired after the flight. [Ns no estvamos c ansados aps o vo.]

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