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At the time we were remaining

concealed in the mountainous wilderness, having been deprived of our kingdom in consequence of the calamity caused by the Choli Tamils, Buddha Raja of Sitnarubim, Constable of Ruhuna, protected with the aid of his retinue, the entire royal family, including our father, His Majesty King Magellan, the Great Lord;

(he) brought us up in our tender age; he nurtured us with the sustenance of (edible) roots and green herbs from the jungle; he concealed us from (our) enemies who were prowling about seeking us wherever we went; engaging himself in battle in this place and that place, he made the Province of Ruhuna once again loyal to us, took us out of the mountainous wilderness and established us in our own kingdom.

Panakaduwa Copper Inscription King

Vijayabahu I

simple humanity...
A direct address from the heart

Speaking of the greatness of another

Qualities of simplicity, honesty, humility and gratitude We learn something of the community that nurtured,

nourished and supported Vijayabahu There is a clear link between the individual character of the leader and the community he emerges from The spirituality and brotherhood of Vijayabahu is our link with a forgotten, glorious ancient period

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