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Abiotic Factor: Wave action and Slope Wave Effects on Gentle Slope - Our slope is gentle, due to the

angle being 220, as compared to the other rock bunds - Gentle slopes higher biodiversity Explanation: Due to Swash Exclusion Hypothesis (SEH). Predicts a reduction in richness, abundance and biomass of macrofaunal assemblages from flat slope beaches to steep slope ones due to the swash climate. Flat dissipative beaches have benign swashes, since the wave energy is dissi-pated in the surf zone, therefore having low disturbance rate On steep reflective beaches waves break directly on the beach face generating a harsh swash climate, therefore having a high disturbance rate Harsher swash conditions of steep slope beaches determines a progressive decrease in diversity and macrofaunal abundance Other hypotheses can be proposed to explain the relationship between macrofauna and beach characteristics. The larger availability of organic matter and the higher retention of organic particles in flat as opposed to steep slope beaches could also explain the observed macrofaunal pattern.

Relation to Results: - This theory supports our findings that we have greater biodiversity as compared to other groups which have steeper rock bunds and consequently lower biodiversity (NEED TO CHECK RESULTS OF OTHER GROUPS) Does the location of the rock bund being near the shipyard affects the (??Should be use this term??)Community structure of Rock Bund 1 Rock bund 1 is located near shipyard and we assumed that the wave action caused by the movement of the ships would have an impact on the rock bund community. However, based on further research, this is not true. For Barnacles to attach onto the rockbound: A minimum current velocity of 1.1 is required to adversely affect barnacle attachment. Slime film development was greatly reduced too. For barnacles already attached: Current velocity of less than 10 knots, such as those produced by sailing ships would be too low to bring about loss of attachment of barnacles Tidal currents of a harbor of open coast is rarely continuously present. Therefore Barnacle attachment in the natural habitat cannot be affected by tidal current.

Relation to the Results: Hence, the presence of the shipyard near Rock bund 1 does not affect the attachment of barnacles in the community

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