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Briefe and mot eafie Fntroduttion to the Aftrologicall ludgement of the Starres . Whereby the diligent Reader with eafie laboure may gile acerten, true, and determinate Indge- ment toany Queftion demanded, vpon the na~ turall canfes thereof, Written by the wsoft famons Phiffiios Claudius Dariot: and tranflated by Fy W, gent. atid lately renned , and in fone places angmented and amended by G .C. G entl, Whereuntois annexed a moft neceflarie Table for the find ing outof the Plancratic and wnequallhoure, ynderthe Latitude of 52 a 30 Mecxattly calculated by thefayde F, Alfoherennto is added a briefe Trearife of Mathema- ticall Phificke, entrearing very exactly and com- pendioufly of the Natures and Qualities of ane nt ro humane bo» les by the narurall Influences of the Cocle(tiall motions. Neuer before handled in this our narine languages Written by the fayd G, C. practicio- ner in Philicke. eAfraregunthomines, etregit Ajtra Dens, , LONDON 2% Printed by Thomas Purfoor. “ggg he FO go ¢ Tothe Right VVorfhipfuil Mai- fier Edward Dodge Efquier, Fa- bian Wither wisheth long life, with profperous {ucceffe and encreafe of Gods Graces. @e, HEN as] doe often times reuolue with myfelfe (Right Wouthiptull ) the greatlabours, continual paines, and inceflaune diligence, w hich the forraine Nations vie for the adudce= ment of their countrey & people, to bring then: vntothe vnderflading & knowledge ofall, & all manner Aus & Sciences: info much there is not any Author that hath written in any ronge orlipuage,or of any Art or Science, w hich they haue not tranflated into their owne proper and vulgar tonpue,forthe c6- mon commodity of their ccuntrey : as dayly experience with- ourfur ther praode doth faftlenely approuc & teltifie, I cannot a Jittle maruell at che flacknies,or rather contemptuous negligéce ofour countreyien inthefe our dayes,yppon whome, although God bath bellowed his gifts molt pl wfly, fo thac T fuppofe them not tobe inferiorvnto any Nation in earning and knowe~ ledge:vetas though they were born only for théfelues & to their owne viestaue altopetlier neplected topublifh orfet forth any thing forthe cmon commoditie of their country,orrather feme to have enuyed that anye man fhoulde bee partaker of the fruites and benefiesof their laboures and ftudics, The which their dealinges how faire off it isfrom Chriftianitie, they them~ Az felues fl pire, Clues earvealily iudge. Bot how Faree different itis frown a minde etdowed with wiledome, lee chisone femeenee of Cecere in his egdcelare anil Mew, helaich, Now mobic false sete) foenaes fe dparcienpcrie patios sarevtiburp otis enicis debe, Thar is, we are not borne onely for out felues, but partly fe our coun tic,partly for our Parenes,and partlye for our fricades: where asheatunbuterh the firft and principall point and durctie of our beeingin thislitecoth: vieaud commaditie of our couatrey, theother partes as hy difiribation doch appeare, che Laft and lealt part veto our felues, But now by aprepalterons conus fon, srinallother hnwane aftions and atlayres,fo likewife in knowledge and learning, cusry man feckethto profice smal ad. uance hinafelfe chat hee may feeme to furmount and excell o- thers, batnone forthe common commoditic of his countrey, which theweek the great abule af God his good pyltes and argucth the horrible imgratioude and comtempr of nanurall dus i eurnthe heathen men which knewe not Gud dyd gderobe segue ina good man, burmecthiaketh £ heare ane object and fay: Sirin noage ortime hath ehere been, a many farnousleamed men which have written of and ypon tne faered Seripumes both ly way of controuerlieas otherwile, as ase ia thete cordayes,bur for your Afrology itis thoughe of many betervaknownethen knowne, Whereunto I aunwere thus, miaft true it isthiat the Cacred Scriptures areto be preferred hetore all other knowledge, leaming ares, orfciences, whayo- ower, ancl fachashaue travelled in chew for the eommoditie of theis coussey worthy ts reape eheir due rewarde and commen= dati Hut notwithitanding asCrod hath revealed himfelée in his worde, fo hah he alfa opened lhimfelfe in bis creatures ney~ therisit to breaccounted the leaft or finallell payne of Diuinit to knewdrod trocly im his workes and creatuces. The Pfalinil ‘ith, Phieheapenydeclareche glory of god & dhe firmamét thew foorth his bait ly wotke, nowe | Tappate there is none foigno= tant and wilfallehatwill attieme or fay, che declaration o hye plorigorthe fetting foorth ofhishandy werkenobee whoaly ine cended and conreyned im the fraunz, beautic or motion of the fame, SS fhe Cpiitle. fame, wherefore wee mult proceede furtherand with diliyent minde ence tito the contemplation of their natures feeking, outtheirleccet and hydden qualities, foras it profiteth vs lit de to knowe that GOD hath adomed and decked the earth with all kinde of Come and Cattle, with Hearbes, Fruives, Plantes, anderces, except hee had allo taughtvs to knowe che natural quallities andvfeotthem, howe fome feme for fonde and faltcnance, fomefor the helpe and cure of fundrye difeales celesand maladies, fometorother necellarye purpole, Sit, hereby heedooth notallonelye teach vseoknowe hym to ‘Decthe Creator ofthele thinges, butalfo his Patherlye lybe- salitte in the bountiful bellowing of thefe hys pyfes, & care- full prouidence in prowyding forys all hinges neceflary forthe niaincenance and relicte of mans nature whereby weemight be continually prouoked acknowledge himsobee our God and to prayfe and glorific hisnameforhis preat benefits, Soinlyke mannerwhen wee duelye confiderthe naturesand influences of the Caleftial bodies beholding & markin: ailipenrls chelates and effeétes inthe inferior sy wee fall traygheway bee broughtroche mnderflanding and knowledgehow charG OD hath planted and placed in them a Lawe ofregimnent, orzule,by velour as by his influuments and fecond caufes, hee will nile aval ecernethisinferior Orbcymaking it fubicel vivter cliwers & tun A eataioke and changesathis wil and deciee, Thewhich mau tations and chaunpes, notwithManding hee hath noe feretly clofed vpp wnto hinnfelfé, but matt playnely fer foorth as in ata bleinhis Calefliall cteaturesto brhoulde , ard allo to foree wame vstoforeice and take heede, thar when anye cuyll is threagned, toflyevate lym, whoealone cano came the lame awaye, dad likewiletollite vs vp ynto thankfulnelle, when ashee fheweth hys feourable courtenaunce and promytecl all poodneffe , The lyke chat is (poken heeve in penerall, maye alfo bee fayde and applyed vm euerye paniculer mon in einfelte, whole nature wyth the difpoficion and inclinar. onof the fame either veo good or euill wych hisfundry mezaci. ons and changes prolperine and good fyccelle,as allo aducrliry, Ag ficke.

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