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Them Not-So-Dry Bones [Schoolhouse Rock]

by: Jack Sheldon Lyrics by: George Newall

Bones of heard of, but seldom seen

`Cept each year `round Hallowe`en
But I`ve got a shock-a-roo
Right now there`s a skeleton locked up
inside of you!
Two Types of bone

Compact-makes up the shaft of

the bone

Spongy-fills ends of bone and fills

flat bones
Parts of a long bone
Epiphysis-end of the bone

Diaphysis-shaft of the bone

Periosteum-”skin” of the bone

Articular cartilage-smooth
surface for joint
Types of Bone Marrow
Red Marrow-found within the
spaces of the spongy bone-
makes red
blood cells
Yellow Marrow-found
withing the large hollow
medullary cavity in long
bones, stores fat
Osteon-round building block of compct bone

Central canal-large passageway in center of

osteon, blood vessels run through them

lamellae-rings of bony marix

within the osteon

Canaliculi-tiny channels that allow

“interaction” between osteocytes
lose up look at osteocy

Remember, an osteocyte resides in an empty place called a lacuna.

An osteocyte is a unspecialized, mature bone cell, found in a lacuna.

Osteocytes have small cytoplasmic extensions that run through the

Osteoblasts and
Osteoblasts build new bone cells,
turn into osteocytes when
by new bone.

Osteoclasts break down bone.

Skeletal remodeling-new bone is

made as fast as old bone is broken

Osteporosis-bone is broken down

fast for osteoblasts to keep up
That’s all for now
soon we’ll start on

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