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Shellenberger lall 2011

1oplc WrlLlng sLraLegles Lo lmprove wrlLLen expresslon for secondary Lngllsh Language ArLs sLudenLs

Anderson ! (2003) Mechanlcally lncllned 8ulldlng grammar usage and sLyle lnLo wrlLer's workshop
orLland ML SLenhouse ubllshers
SLraLegles offer Leachers concreLe ways Lo merge grammar and mechanlcs wlLh crafL ln Lhe conLexL of
meanlngful wrlLlng 1he LexL focuses on areas of lmporLance ln wrlLLen expresslon Lo lmprove Lhe crafL
of wrlLlng by uslng Lhe sLraLegles offered ln order Lo hone wrlLer's sLyle mechanlcs and grammar
Anderson provldes easy Lo lmplemenL lesson plans for lmprovlng wrlLlng by offerlng easy Lo lmplemenL
acLlvlLles and handouLsall of whlch are all accompanled wlLh helpful commenLary from Lhe auLhor's
own experlence ln Lhe classroom AddlLlonally provlded are coples of sLudenL essays coples of
handwrlLLen correcLlons for asslgnmenLs (boLh done ln and ouL of Lhe classroom) lor each secLlon of
Lhe book Anderson explalns how Lo lmplemenL acLlvlLles lnLo a wrlLlng workshop and provlde feedback
on sLudenL work LhaL lmproves subsequenL wrlLlng performance

ALwell n (1998) ln Lhe mlddle new undersLandlngs abouL wrlLlng readlng and learnlng orLsmouLh
nP 8oynLon/Cook ubllshers Pelnemann
Lmphasls of Lhe book ls on proven Leachlng sLraLegles LhaL resulL ln sLudenLs learnlng how Lo be beLLer
crlLlcal Lhlnkers readers and wrlLers SecLlons ln Lhe book lnclude learnlng how Lo Leach wrlLlng and
readlng workshops esLabllshlng readlng and wrlLlng LerrlLorles" esLabllshlng Workshop rouLlnes
sLraLegles convenLlons crafL and procedures of mlnl lessons sLudenL conferences and respondlng Lo
sLudenL wrlLlng respondlng Lo readers and readlng and wrlLlng abouL readlng and flnally valulng and
evaluaLlng wrlLlng and performance ln addlLlon Lhe LexL offers a secLlon of Appendlxes" whlch are
readyLouse prlnLables for Leachers 1he LexL also offers sLudenL samples of essays phoLocoples of
sLudenL work and Leacher commenLs as well as useful commenLary uslng her experlence from
Leachlng and wrlLlng ALwell unlquely weaves ln her useful advlce LhroughouL Lhe book lllled wlLh a
pleLhora of ldeas scenarlos and expecLaLlons Lhls LexL ls a basLlon of sLraLegy for Lhe Leacher of mlddle
or hlgh school wrlLlng and readlng

Callagher k (2006) 1eachlng AdolescenL WrlLers orLland ML SLenhouse ubllshers
uescrlbes Lhe currenL overwhelmlng ouLpourlng of lnformaLlon as a llLeracy sLampede" LhaL ls abouL Lo
Lrample upon sLudenLs who do noL have sufflclenL skllls as readers and wrlLers for keeplng up wlLh Lhls
lnflux LreaLs Lhe ablllLy Lo wrlLe well and Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely as lncreaslngly a necesslLy and no
longer a luxury and suggesLs sLraLegles for sLrengLhenlng Lhelr skllls ln Lhese areas so LhaL sLudenLs can
run wlLh" Lhe sLampede lnsLead of belng overrun by lL locuses on slx plllars for success ln wrlLlng
sLudenLs need more pracLlce aL wrlLlng under Leachers who model good wrlLlng wlLh opporLunlLles for
readlng and sLudylng oLher wrlLers wlLh laLlLude abouL Loplcs for wrlLlng wlLh auLhenLlc purposes for
Lhe wrlLlng and auLhenLlc audlences Lo read Lhe work and wlLh meanlngful feedback from Leachers and
peers allke lllled noL slmply wlLh auLhor's own LexL buL also coples of sLudenL essays coples of
handwrlLLen correcLlons for drafLs and suggesLed rubrlcs for asslgnmenLs and assessmenLs Speclal
chapLer explalns how Lo assess sLudenL wrlLlng and Lo provlde commenLs on work LhaL lmproves
subsequenL performance

Camlll u M (2006) Learnlng Lhe wrlLe way 1he 8eadlng 1eacher 39(8) 73462
locus ls on comblnlng wrlLlng Lo learn wlLh broader lnLeresL ln wrlLlng across Lhe currlculum especlally
ln order Lo promoLe readlng comprehenslon Camlll ls concerned Lo allay some lnsLrucLors' fears LhaL
wrlLlng asslgnmenLs ln conLenL areas deLracLs from conLenL learnlng and LhaL good lnsLrucLors of wrlLlng
musL be excellenL wrlLers Lhemselves and Lo rebuL some lnsLrucLors' assumpLlons LhaL wrlLlng
lnsLrucLlon ls largely Lhe domaln of languagearLs faculLy ALLenLlon ls glven Lo Lhe dlfferences among
whaL sLudenLs know whaL sLudenLs wanL Lo know and whaL Lhey learn as Lhose dlfferences bear upon
Lhe wrlLlng process aLLenLlon ls also glven Lo how readlng [ournals can lmprove sLudenL wrlLlng and Lo
oLher speclflc sLraLegles for Lhe classroom

CuLe u CuLe C (2008) llow wrlLlng ln Lhe llberal arLs core and across Lhe dlsclpllnes A vehlcle for
confronLlng and Lransformlng academlc dlsengagemenL 1he !ournal of Ceneral LducaLlon 37(4) 191
Lven Lhough Lhe parLlclpanLs ln Lhe sLudy were undergraduaLe college sLudenLs Lhe prlnclpal Lheory
behlnd Lhe sLudy parallels Lhe same klnd of sLudenL behavlors as hlgh school sLudenLs ln Lhe classroom
(eg sLudenL dlsengagemenL boredom lack of efforL or lnLeresL) 1he auLhors explore ways ln whlch Lo
confronL and Lransform sLudenL dlsengagemenL by uslng wrlLlngLolearn sLraLegles 1he auLhors
coupled Lhe wrlLlngLolearn sLraLegles wlLh flow Lheory ln order Lo moLlvaLe sLudenLs and acLlvely
engage Lhem ln class 1he sLudy ls compleLe wlLh a llLeraLure revlew a dlscusslon on daLa collecLlons a
meLhodology concluslon and ends wlLh an exLenslve blbllography full of helpful resources Clven Lhe
focus on Lhe wrlLlngLolearn sLraLegles and Lhe sLudy of how Lhese work across Lhe dlsclpllne Lhe arLlcle
ls helpful ln showlng and provlng how sLudenLs can be more acLlvely engaged whlle ln Lhe classroom and
accounLable for Lhelr learnlng across Lhe dlsclpllnes Lhrough wrlLlng

Pass M Csborn ! (2007) An emlc vlew of sLudenL wrlLlng and Lhe wrlLlng process Across Lhe
ulsclpllnes 4
8ased on fleld research from survey of sevenLyone sLudenLs ln flve classes who ldenLlfled Lhelr mosL
helpful experlences and lnsLrucLlon for wrlLlng whlch provldes an emlc" or lnslder's perspecLlve on Lhe
naLure of successful wrlLlng asslgnmenLs and sLraLegles SuggesLs need for lnsLrucLor's ongolng
engagemenL wlLh each sLudenL LhroughouL Lhe wrlLlng process sysLemaLlc lnsLrucLlon collaboraLlon
(wheLher wlLh lnsLrucLor or wlLh sLudenL peer) and varleLy of formaLs for presenLaLlon for feedback
(from lnsLrucLor small group of peers enLlre class and so forLh) Also shows need for lnsLrucLors Lo
Lake lnLo accounL how sLudenLs percelve parLlcular asslgnmenLs and recelve lnsLrucLlonal supporL for
successful compleLlon Cne of few resources ldenLlfled Lhus far LhaL emphaslze conslderaLlon for
sLudenLs' own perspecLlve when deslgnlng asslgnmenLs

PursL 8 (2003) My [ourney wlLh learnlng logs !ournal of AdolescenL and AdulL LlLeracy 49(1) 426
PursL deplcLs one college Leacher's lncreaslng experlence wlLh learnlng logs or readlngresponse logs
Lxplores ma[or lmpacL LhaL came from readlng requlred LexLs and compleLlng readlng logs less wlLh an
eye Loward preparlng for a LesL and more Loward readlng Lhe asslgnmenL for lnLeresL and Lhen
observlng correspondlng changes ln noLeLaklng abouL Lhe readlng Lxplalns Lhe lmporLance of havlng
lnsLrucLors sLaLe clearly Lhe purpose for readlng a glven LexL ln order for sLudenLs Lo galn Lhe mosL from
LhaL asslgnmenL and for lncreased exchanges beLween Leacher and sLudenL abouL learnlng logs (eg
more frequenL and more exLenslve commenLs from Leachers promoLes more followup dlscusslon on
Lhe sLudenLs' parL) PursL also presenLs suggesLlons abouL how sLudenLs can share orally wlLh
classmaLes Lhe dlscoverles and lnslghLs recorded ln Lhe logs and do so more effecLlvely

Medlna A L (2009) Where Lhe beglnnlng ends SLudylng leads ln llLeraLure ln order Lo wrlLe aLLenLlon
geLLlng lnLroducLlons !ournal of AdolescenL and AdulL LlLeracy 30(3) 1903
Medlna argues LhaL lf sLudenLs are Lo wrlLe more effecLlvely Lhen Lhey need Lo read llke wrlLers
sLudenLs who percelve Lhemselves as auLhors who acLlvely engage ln readlng can learn from LexLs how
Lo capLure Lhe reader's aLLenLlon from Lhe sLarL and Lhen can LranslaLe Lhose Lechnlques Lhey read lnLo
Lhelr own llLerary producLs Slmply puL sLudenLauLhors learn Lo selze a reader's aLLenLlon by readlng
and Lhen lmlLaLlng LexLs LhaL do Lhe same She proposes speclflc sLeps Lo help sLudenL converL
successful lnLroducLlons Lo Lhe LexLs Lhey read lnLo examples Lo lmlLaLe ln Lhelr wrlLlng Whlle Lhe
arLlcle's focus ls a blL narrow Medlna connecLs Lhe one sklll Lo oLhers needed ln good wrlLlng
arLlcularly helpful are Lhe Lable of varlous klnds of lnLroducLlons (eg anecdoLe dlalogue lnLeresLlng
facL sLarLllng sLaLemenL) and Lhe selecLlon of examples of leads from adolescenL llLeraLure

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