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Hyborian Lotus * Black lotus seems to have a strong sedative/intoxicant effect, causes fitful d reams, likely are hallucinogenic,

and can cause death. Evil sorcerors seem to se ek it out in order to enhance their various powers or to recover from a great ex penditure of power. The living plant almost seems to have some degree of intelli gence. From Queen of the Black Coast - "From a cluster of green, curiously leafe d stalks, great black blossoms nodded at him. One of these had touched him. They seemed to beckon him, to arch their pliant stems toward him. They spread and ru stled, though no wind blew. He recoiled, recognizing the black lotus, whose juic e was death, and whose scent brought dream-haunted slumber. But already he felt a subtle lethargy stealing over him..." * Emerald lotus is definitely a sentient being of some kind. It sat dormant most of the time, but thrived on blood and came to life in the presence of blood. Su fficent quantities of blood made it grow. It appeared to be a hybrid of some sor t - half plant and half animal - created by a sorceror (Cetriss?) 1000s of years ago. The powder from its crushed leaves greatly enhanced the magical ability of wizards, but it was addictive. Once one consumed a little, they wanted ever mor e and more. If supply was removed, most users would descend into madness and eve ntually die of "withdrawal". * Purple lotus - what did it do? I only have vague memory that it was briefly me ntioned once.

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