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96 WhaL Are Checks and 8alances?

Pow uo ?ou Check Lhe ower of CLher 8ranches?

W Checks and ba|ances are a system that enab|es each
branch of the government to ||m|t the power of the
W Checks allow one branch Lo block Lhe acLlons of anoLher
W Pow does Lhe presldenL check Lhe leglslaLlve branch?
W Pe can veLo laws Lhey pass
Pow ls ower 8alanced Among Lhe 3 8ranches?
W 8alances allow each branch of governmenL Lo have
some role ln Lhe acLlons and power of Lhe oLhers
W @h|s system of checks and ba|ances keeps any one
branch of the government from becom|ng too strong
W Pow ls power balanced beLween Lhe execuLlve and
[udlclal branches?
W 1he presldenL nomlnaLes Supreme CourL !usLlces
97 WhaL's Lhe AmendmenL rocess?
Pow uo We Change Lhe ConsLlLuLlon?
W Changlng Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls posslble buL very
W Changes to the Const|tut|on are ca||ed
1he AmendmenL rocess
WhaL and Pow Many AmendmenLs so far?
W 1oLal of 27 amendmenLsflrsL 10 came
lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe ConsLlLuLlon was
raLlfled (8lll of 8lghLs)
1he 27 AmendmenLs
W AmendmenL 1 lreedom of 8ellglon ress
W AmendmenL 2 8lghL Lo 8ear Arms
W AmendmenL 3 CuarLerlng of Soldlers
W AmendmenL 4 Search and Selzure
W AmendmenL 3 1rlal and unlshmenL
CompensaLlon for 1aklngs
W AmendmenL 6 8lghL Lo Speedy 1rlal
ConfronLaLlon of WlLnesses
W AmendmenL 7 1rlal by !ury ln Clvll Cases
W AmendmenL 8 Cruel and unusual
W AmendmenL 9 ConsLrucLlon of ConsLlLuLlon
W AmendmenL 10 owers of Lhe SLaLes and
W AmendmenL 11 !udlclal LlmlLs
W AmendmenL 12 Chooslng Lhe resldenL
vlce resldenL
W mendment 13 S|avery bo||shed
W AmendmenL 14 ClLlzenshlp 8lghLs
W mendment 1S kace No 8ar to Vote
W AmendmenL 16 SLaLus of lncome 1ax
W AmendmenL 17 SenaLors LlecLed by opular
W AmendmenL 18 Llquor Abollshed
W mendment 19 Womens Suffrage
W AmendmenL 20 resldenLlal Congresslonal
W AmendmenL 21 AmendmenL 18 8epealed
W AmendmenL 22 resldenLlal 1erm LlmlLs
W AmendmenL 23 resldenLlal voLe for
ulsLrlcL of Columbla
W AmendmenL 24 oll 1axes 8arred
W AmendmenL 23 resldenLlal ulsablllLy and
W AmendmenL 26 voLlng Age SeL Lo 18 ?ears
W AmendmenL 27 LlmlLlng Changes Lo
Congresslonal ay
98 Pow uoes Lhe lederal SysLem
ConnecL Lhe naLlon and Lhe SLaLes?
WhaL owers 8elong 1o Lhe naLlonal CovernmenL?
W ec|ar|ng war mak|ng treat|es pr|nt|ng money
W @he "Commerce C|ause" g|ves the nat|ona| government
power to regu|ate trade
W Why should Lhe federal governmenL regulaLe Lrade?
W SLaLes can'L Lax oLher sLaLes on lmporLsfreeLrade zone
W Coods flow more easlly from sLaLe Lo sLaLe
W Lasler Lo creaLe large buslnesses LhaL cross sLaLe llnes
W CreaLes a slngle naLlonal economy
WhaL owers 8elong Lo Lhe SLaLes?
W @he Const|tut|on doesn't spec|fy the powers of
the states @he states have power over anyth|ng
not g|ven to the nat|ona| government
W 8uL whaL musL sLaLes do?
W SLaLes musL uphold Lhe laws and legal declslons
of oLher sLaLes
W SLaLes musL help each oLher Lrack down
W SLaLes cannoL dlscrlmlnaLe agalnsL Lhose of
anoLher sLaLe
1he lederal SysLem
WhaL owers Are Shared?
W "Iedera||sm" |s the term that refers to the federa|
government and the states shar|ng power
W 8oLh ralse Laxes bulld roads borrow money
W ln some slLuaLlons Lhe Lwo work LogeLher (le
uon'L wrlLe Lhls
WhaL ls 1he Law Cf 1he Land?
W @he Const|tut|on and the |aws f|ow|ng from |t
are the supreme |aw of the |and
W LveryLhlnglaws declslons eLc musL agree wlLh
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
99 opular arLlclpaLlon ln
W 1he ConsLlLuLlon ls seL up so LhaL clLlzens wlll
Lake an acLlve role ln Lhe governmenL 1hls ls
all based on ma[orlLy rule"
W 1hls ls malnly done Lhrough elecLlons
W A parLy" ls an organlzed pollLlcal group 1hey
usually play a ma[or role ln geLLlng candldaLes
99 ConLlnued
W lnLeresL Croups" are groups of people who
care abouL a speclflc lssue or oLher groups of
W 1hey lnfluence governmenL Lhrough publlc
oplnlon geLLlng candldaLes elecLed and
persuadlng lawmakers
W reamble
W LeglslaLlve branch
W LxecuLlve branch
W !udlclal branch
W Checks and balances
W AmendmenLs
W lederal sysLem

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