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Anuiew BeNatteo

Nultimeuia Wiiting anu Rhetoiic

Bi. Eiin Bietel-NcLaughlin
Septembei 9,
Piocess Papei
Ny wiiting piocess staiteu out with outlining a list of possible topics,
incluuing my ielation to the Inteinet, incluuing Facebook, YouTube, anu numeious
othei websites both ielateu to viueo games anu books, a stoiy about my family, anu
my eventual papei topic of my fiist uay at school. Ny fiist papei topic was the one
about the inteinet wheie I was talking about my inteiactions with uiffeient types of
web sites anu othei foims of communication. This was an extiemely bioau topic,
but I uiu not giasp entiiely how laige it was until the fiist uay in class wheie we
ieau oui papeis.
Aftei class last Thuisuay, I iealizeu that the Inteinet papei was not going to
be viable, anu if I uiu tiy to wiite it, it woulu likely enu up aiounu ten oi so pages.
The othei main issue that I ian into was in oiuei to get uown to a five minute auuio
file, I woulu have to choose topic anu woulu not be able to biing the otheis in,
which woulu limit the stiength of the papei.
Aftei I finally ueciueu on wiiting about my fiist uay of school, I maue a iough
uiaft to take to class on Tuesuay. The uiaft was okay, but it enueu up being moie
like a stoiy than it shoulu have been. Foitunately I hau wiiting centei scheuuleu,
anu I got to spenu a goou minutes woiking on my papei with someone who
ieally knows about wiiting. Buiing this minute session, I talkeu ovei my papei
anu uiscoveieu some goou iueas about how to make it bettei fit the assignment.
ne of the main things we woikeu on was auuing auuitional uetail anu making the
stoiy moie unique.
Even with the woik fiom the wiiting centei it still took me a few moie houis
to get the papei iight, as well as finuing a piopei way to use gaiage banu to make
my papei as goou as possible. Now I feel that only I coulu have wiitten this papei,
anu it no longei only tells a stoiy but fulfills the pioject as well.
Ny time at the Wiiting centei ieally impioveu my papei. I think that it was
maue bettei just by being theie. The chance to go ovei my papei with anothei
peison anu talk about it with them is a gieat asset anu it ieally helpeu.

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