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NAME:________________________________ SRIE: 8
DATE: ___/_____/2011 TEACHER:___________________


1) Escolha e marque a opo que melhor preenche os espaos em branco.
"Have you seen my radio?"
"No, I haven't seen it ."
"Voc viu meu radio?"
"No, eu no vi

a) where
b) nowhere
c) everywhere
d) somewhere
e) anywhere
He couldn't Iind wrong with the Iood.
Ele no podia encontrar de errado com a comida.

a) some
b) nothing
c) anything
d) every
e) no
2 ) TransIorme as Irases abaixo em interrogativas:
a) $he listened to music yesterday.

b) $heila remembered her grandmother telling storis.

c) $he walk home.

3) Marque (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para Ialso.

a) There is somebody here ( )
( Ha alguem aqui)

b) I have noboy to say. ( )
( Eu tenho ninguem para dizer)

c) They are everywher. ( )
( Eles esto por todo lugar)

4) Escolha, abaixo, nas Irases interrogativas do passado simples, correta do verbo que
esta dentro do parntese.
a) Did He (went/ go) to the theater?
b) Did she (meet/ met) everybody in the restaurant?
c) Did they (traveled/ travel) by plane to Curitiba?
d) Did you (buy / bought) a new car?

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