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12S9 Mt Comfort kd Apt 9 Iayettev|||e Ak 72703 USA

Lma|| ashw|nkwQ|eeeorg awh|tchQuarkedu hone +17173197S29 (ce||)

MasLer of Sclence ln MlcroelecLronlcs hoLonlcs (hLLp//mlcroepuarkedu)
unlverslLy of Arkansas layeLLevllle A8 uSA CurrenL CA 379/400 Aug 2006 (expecLed)

MasLer of Sclence ln SofLware Lnglneerlng (8S/MS lnLegraLed rogram)
8haraLhlar unlverslLy ColmbaLore lndla Cverall Crade 84 May 2004

Lmbedded SofLware rogrammlng Wlreless Sensors Wlreless Lechnology 8lueLooLh Zlgbee C#
MlcrosofL neL Sensor lnLerfaclng AnalogLodlglLal converslon MlcroconLroller lnLerfaclng

- 8esearch AsslsLanL (CraduaLe) Plgh uenslLy LlecLronlcs CenLer unlverslLy of Arkansas
layeLLevllle A8 uSA (01/17/2003resenL) 8esponslblllLles 8esearch ln olnLofcare dlagnosLlcs
sysLems lnvolvlng uevelopmenL lnsLrumenLaLlon ampllfler and slgnal condlLlonlng clrculL for
recordlng of LLC/LCC/LCC sofLware developmenL for realLlme wlreless sensor monlLorlng on
Wlndows uslng C#neL use of A8Mbased slngle board compuLer based on embedded Llnux for
sensorlnLerneL gaLeway uslng 1C/l on LLherneL developmenL of sofLware and deslgn/fabrlcaLlon of
clrculL for compacL paLlenL monlLorlng unlL based on ALmega128 mlcroconLroller wlLh lree81CS CS


8esearch AsslsLanL (CraduaLe) CenLer for Lnglneerlng of LlecLronlc and AcousLlc MaLerlals and
uevlces ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy unlverslLy ark A uSA (08/17/2004 12/22/2004)
8esponslblllLles LvaluaLlon of wlreless Lechnologles such as 8lueLooLh(several devlces) Mlcrochlp
rflC Zlgbee and MaxsLream 8l modules for crlLlcal facLors such as daLa raLe power consumpLlon
and physlcal dlmenslons whlch are lmporLanL for wlreless medlcal senslng appllcaLlons developmenL
of clrculLs and fabrlcaLlon of clrculL boards for evaluaLlon of Lhese Lechnologles


8esearch AsslsLanL (undergrad Clobal Coop) CenLer for Lnglneerlng of LlecLronlc and AcousLlc
MaLerlals and uevlces ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy unlverslLy ark A uSA (02/10/2004
03/07/2004) 8esponslblllLles 8ealLlme LesLlng of sensors and slgnal condlLlonlng clrculLs for
neurophyslologlcal slgnal monlLorlng uslng lmplanLable neural elecLrodes on anlmal sub[ecLs and non
lnvaslve elecLrodes on human sub[ecLs


8esearch AsslsLanL (undergrad Clobal Coop) CenLer for Lnglneerlng of LlecLronlc and AcousLlc
MaLerlals and uevlces ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy unlverslLy ark A uSA (03/19/2003
07/20/2003) 8esponslblllLles uevelopmenL of appllcaLlon for handheld wlreless sensor monlLorlng
lnvolved Lhe developmenL of a Llnux 8lueLooLh appllcaLlon for deploymenL on an lpaq xScale based
uA runnlng famlllar Llnux 81CS (based on embedded ueblan)


8esearch AsslsLanL (undergrad Clobal Coop) CenLer for Lnglneerlng of LlecLronlc and AcousLlc
MaLerlals and uevlces ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy unlverslLy ark A uSA (08/19/2002 12/
13/2002) 8esponslblllLles ueslgn and developmenL of wlreless sensor plaLform based on 8lueLooLh
whlch lnvolved developmenL of compleLe 8lueLooLh sofLware sLack on lC mlcroconLroller plaLform
and also on Wlndows plaLform (uslng C#neL) lnLerfaclng of several sensors (MLMS acceleromeLer
gyroscope) Lo mlcroconLroller for wlreless senslng LesLlng of clrculL and callbraLlon of sensors
clrculL board fabrlcaLlon and assembly for wlreless sensor clrculL

8ralnwave monlLorlng sysLem uslng 8lueLooLh Led a Leam of sLudenLs for lLLL CSluC ueslgn
compeLlLlon for Lhe deslgn and developmenL of a 8ralnwave (LLC) monlLorlng sysLem uslng 8lueLooLh
Modules Analog slgnal condlLlonlng A/u lnLerface 8lueLooLh sLack developmenL mlcroconLroller unlL
Wlreless mulLlsensor senslng plaLform uslng 8lueLooLh ueslgned and developed a compleLe mulLl

sensor plaLform for monlLorlng 8 channels of sensor acLlvlLy wlrelessly uslng 8lueLooLh Modules
developmenL mlcroconLroller unlL (ALmega128 based) porLed 8lueLooLh sLack Lo ALmega128 plaLform
fabrlcaLlon and LesLlng of clrculL and C8 for mlcroconLroller developmenL of monlLorlng appllcaLlon

olnLofcare wlreless paLlenL monlLorlng olnLofcare (aL home) wlreless paLlenL monlLorlng sysLem
uLlllzlng MaxsLream lSM wlreless 8l Lechnology for monlLorlng paLlenL vlLal slgnals such as LLC and
LCC 1he monlLorlng ls done aL Lhe paLlenL's home and LransmlLLed Lhrough Lhe lnLerneL (Lhru any
lnLerface) Lo a care faclllLy CaLeway devlce developed on A8M based Slngleboard compuLer runnlng
embedded Llnux aLlenL monlLorlng unlL based on ALmega128(lncludes analog slgnal condlLlonlng)

Magazlne/!ournal ubllcaLlons
1 !ose k Abraham 8l[u hlllp Ashwln k WhlLchurch vl[ay k varadan and C Channa 8eddy
A compacL wlreless gas sensor uslng a carbon nanoLube/MMA Lhln fllm chemlreslsLor SmarL
MaLerlals and SLrucLures no 13 (2004) lnsLlLuLe of hyslcs Aug 2004
2 Ashwln k WhlLchurch Cene Lxpresslon Mlcroarrays lLLL oLenLlals leb 2002
Conference ubllcaLlons(arLlal LlsL)
1 Ashwln k WhlLchurch !ose k Abraham vl[ay k varadan Wlreless polnL of care monlLorlng
of neural acLlvlLy uslng nLMS roc lnLernaLlonal Workshop on Lhe physlcs of semlconducLor
devlces 2003 new uelhl lndla uec 2003
2 !ose k Abraham Ashwln k WhlLchurch vl[ay k varadan and karunakaran Sarukesl Wlreless
paLlenL monlLorlng on shoe for Lhe assessmenL of fooL dysfuncLlon an overvlew roc SlL vol
3119 p 160163 Apr 2003
3 !ose k Abraham vl[ay k varadan Ashwln k WhlLchurch and k Sarukesl Wlreless Lunlng
fork gyroscope for blomedlcal appllcaLlons roc SlL vol 3033 p 338343 !ul 2003
4 A k WhlLchurch 8 P Ashok 8 v kumaar k Sarukesl and v k varadan Wlreless sysLem
for longLerm LLC monlLorlng of absence epllepsy roc SlL vol 4937 p 343349 nov 2002

8losensors and 8lolnsLrumenLaLlon LLhlcs ln Sclence and Lnglneerlng lC labrlcaLlon 1echnology
lnLroducLlon Lo 8lomedlcal Lnglneerlng MlcroelecLronlcs labrlcaLlon LaboraLory neuroelecLronlcs and
neurosurgery nanoblo sensors SemlconducLor uevlces 1echnologlcal LnLrepreneurshlp

CompuLer/l1/rogrammlng C C++ !ava C# Assembly neL !2LL unlx Wlndows Llnux
ueslgn and SclenLlflc SofLware Lagle C8 ueslgn MenLor Craphlcs MaLlab
Mlcroprocessor/MlcroconLroller famllles lnLel x86 Av8 lC A8M
Lmbedded SysLems Lmbedded Llnux ockeL C Zlgbee (lLLL 802134) 8lueLooLh lnClrculL
LmulaLors (for Av8) uA81 Sl 1esL LqulpmenL roLocol SLack uevelopmenL
1hln lllm rocesslng Cleanroom concepLs Cvu 8lL SpuLLerlng (xM8) hoLollLhography AnodlzaLlon

- arLlclpaLed and selecLed for Lhe llrsL round of Lhe lLLL CompuLer SocleLy lnLernaLlonal ueslgn
CompeLlLlon (CSluC) 2002 for Lhe pro[ecL '8ralnwave monlLorlng sysLem uslng 8lueLooLh'
- 8evlewer for lLLL oLenLlals Magazlne 20022004 and for Llsevler Sclence ubllshers
(8evlewed several book manuscrlpLs and proposals on 8lueLooLh and Wlreless programmlng)
- uellvered lnvlLed lecLures on several Loplcs relaLed Lo CompuLer Sclence and 8lolnformaLlcs ln
varlous colleges for SLudenLs/laculLy and laculLy refresher courses ln ColmbaLore lndla
- Pold professlonal cerLlflcaLlons conducLed by 8ralnbench lnc Wlndows 2000 Admln (CcL 2000)
AcLlve Server ages (CcL 2000) llash (nov 2000) P1ML 4 (nov 2000) and !ava (uec 2000)
- ueslgned several webslLes lnvolvlng dynamlc conLenL/daLabase managemenL sysLems for
Companles and Schools
- SLood llrsL ln M Sc SofLware Lnglneerlng ln a class of 40 sLudenLs
- Member of lLLL lLLL CompuLer SocleLy lLLL Lnglneerlng ln Medlclne and 8lology SocleLy

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