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Outer LAC Define Verification: 1. LOG in to the respective MSC where cell define need to be verified. 2.

Check whether the cell is defined or not using the below command: LST LAIGCI: GCI="470020100"; Format: 47002+ 4digit LAC in hexadecimal If not defined go to step 5 If defined go to step 3 to step 4 for verification of exact LAC data definition in respective MSC. 3. Check the MSC VLR number of the LA cell & VLR number of the LA cell is for that respective adjacent MSC or not (MSC GT list will be provided to you earlier) 4. Check the Location Area Category to be LAI, Location Area Type to be Adjacent VLR 5. Ask CN team for definition of the LAC that was supposed to be defined in MSC for Outer LAC. Legend in Color: Need t o Check t he ent it ies List w ill b e p ro v ided earlier

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