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/*Header Files*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include "bcio2.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.

h> #include <time.h> /*Function Prototype*/ void sleep(void); void sleep( int nbr_seconds ); void header(void); void filewrite(void); void menu(void); int valid(char s[]); void fileread(void); /*Validatoion Error Message*/ char msg0[40]="\t\t\tTry Again!\a"; char msg1[60]="YOU HAVE ENTERED MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER!\a"; char msg2[40]="YOU HAVE ENTERED BETWEEN 5 AND 9!\a"; char msg3[60]="YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN TO ENTER A VALID OPTION!!\a"; /*Variables & Constants*/ char input[8]; int multi; int flag=0; char x; int conv; /*START OF MAIN FUNCTION*/ void main(void) { header(); sleep(); menu(); } /*HEADER SCREEN TO DISPLAY GRAPHICS*/ void header(void) { int x;//inner loop counter// int y;//outer loop counter// char d = ' '; settextcolour(magenta, BRIGHT); /*print top line and ends*/ printf("\n\t%c",201); for(x=1;x<15;x++) printf("%c",205); printf("%c",203); for(x=1;x<15;x++) printf("%c",205); printf("%c\n",187); /*print bottom right and left sides*/ for(y=1;y<8;y++){ printf("\t%c",186); for(x=1;x<15;x++) printf("%c",d); printf("%c",186);

for(x=1;x<15;x++) printf("%c",d); printf("%c\n",186); } /*print middle line and edges*/ printf("\t%c",200); for(x=1;x<15;x++) printf("%c",205); printf("%c",202); for(x=1;x<15;x++) printf("%c",205); printf("%c",206); for(x=1;x<30;x++) printf("%c",205); printf("%c\n",187); /*print bottom right and left sides*/ for(y=1;y<8;y++){ printf("\t\t\t\t %c",186); for(x=1;x<30;x++) printf("%c",d); printf("%c\n",186); } /*print bottom line and edges*/ printf("\t\t\t\t %c",200); for(x=1;x<30;x++) printf("%c",205); printf("%c\n",188); } /*SPLASH SCREEN*/ void sleep(void) { int ctr; int wait =1;// assigned for three seconds int x;//inner loop counter// int y;//outer loop counter// char d = ' '; clrscr(); for (ctr=1; ctr <= wait; ctr++){ settextcolour(magenta, BRIGHT); printf("\n\n\t\t\tWELCOME TO THE CANDID ECHO PRESS\n"); puts("\t\t\tPLEASE WAIT WHILE THE PROGRAMME LOADS\n"); header(); printf("\n\n\t\t\tPRODUCED BY: Richard Lasowski"); sleep( (int) 2 ); /* pause for 2 seconds */ } } void sleep( int nbr_seconds ) { clock_t goal; goal = ( nbr_seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) + clock(); while( goal > clock() ) { ; /* loop */ } }

/*TO DISPLAY MENU SCREEN*/ void menu(void) { clrscr(); header(); gotoxy(17,20); puts("WECLOME TO MAIN MENU SCREEN! FILE PROCCESSING:"); gotoxy(25,30); settextcolour(magenta, BRIGHT); puts("* CREATE A FILE .......a"); gotoxy(25,32); puts("* OPEN A FILE .........b"); gotoxy(25,34); puts("* EXIT THE PROGRAMME...c"); gotoxy(25,26); puts("CHOOSE A VALID OPTION NUMBER:"); gotoxy(30,36); puts("CHOOSE AN OPTION:"); gets(input); flag=valid(input); if(!flag) { gotoxy(32,46); flushall(); } } /*FILE WRITNG*/ void filewrite(void) { flushall(); clrscr(); header(); FILE *fp; char str[165][165]; char str1[330] char filename[10]; gotoxy(24,20); puts("FILE PROCCESSING: FILE WRITING\n\n"); puts("Enter up to 333 characters (no spaces):"); scanf("%s",&str); puts("\n\nEnter a file name (8 characters max):"); scanf("%s",&filename); fp=fopen(filename,"w"); fprintf(fp,"%s",str); fclose(fp); flushall(); header(); menu(); } /*FILE READING*/ void fileread(void) { flushall(); clrscr();

header(); char create; char filename[8]; FILE *file1; gotoxy(24,20); puts("FILE PROCCESSING: FILE READING"); gotoxy(25,25); puts ("THIS PROGRAM READS (OPENS) FILE"); gotoxy(13,28); fputs("Enter file name: ",stdout); gets(filename); gotoxy(13,29); file1 = fopen(filename ,"r"); if (file1 == NULL) { gotoxy(13,32); puts("FILE MISSING"); gotoxy(23,42); puts("Press any key to continue"); gotoxy(49,42); getch(); flushall(); } gotoxy(13,31); printf("Reading charcters from the file: %s\n\n",filename); gotoxy(13,33); while((create=fgetc(file1)) !=EOF) { //delay(100); putchar(create); } fclose(file1); gotoxy(23,42); puts("Press any key to continue"); gotoxy(49,42); getch(); flushall(); } /*VALIDATE INPUT (VALID)*/ int valid(char input[]) { int count=0; int test=0; flag++; conv = atof(input); /*test option 'a' file write*/ { int x; for(x=0;x<strlen(input);x++) { if(input[x]=='a') filewrite(); }

} /*test option 'b' file read*/ { int x; for(x=0;x<strlen(input);x++) { if(input[x]=='b') fileread(); } } /* test option 'c' exit*/ { int x; for(x=0;x<strlen(input);x++) { if(input[x]=='c') exit(0); } } /* test for range 1 to 4*/ if(conv<1 conv>4) { flushall(); clrscr(); header(); gotoxy(27,20); puts(" MENU (OPTION) VALIDATION "); gotoxy(15,22); puts (" PLEASE CHOOSE THE VALID OPTIONS AVAILABLE!"); gotoxy(15,24); puts(msg0); flushall(); } /*test all input in range 0 to 4*/ if(count==1) { int x; for(x=0;x<strlen(input);x++) { //if((input[x]>='1' input[x]=='a')&&(input[x]<='4' input[x]=='a')); if(input[x]>='1' && input[x]<='4'); } } else { settextcolour(magenta, BRIGHT); gotoxy(15,28); puts(msg3); test++;

flushall(); }

/*if input errors set flags*/ if(test>0) { flag--; gotoxy(23,30); puts(" - Press any key to continue -"); gotoxy(54,30); getch(); flushall(); header(); menu(); } else ; return flag; }

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