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NRB Bearings Ltd.

Item Import thru Interface

Ver. 1.0.0

Open Item Interface

You can import items from any source into Oracle Inventory using the Item Interface. When you import items through the Item Interface, you create new items in your Item Master organization or assign existing items to additional organizations. You can specify values for all the item attributes, or you can specify just a few attributes and let the remainder default or remain null. Validation of imported items is done using the same rules as the item definition forms, so you are insured of valid items. The Item Interface reads data from two tables for importing items and item details. You use the MTL_SYSTEMS_ITEM_INTERFACE table for new item numbers and all item attributes. This is the main item interface table, and can be the only table you choose to use. MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_INTERFACE table is used to attach existing categories to the newly created Item. Table MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS, is used for error tracking of all items that the Item Interface fails. Before you use the Item Interface, you must insert the new Items information using SQL Loader or any other package. Oracle recommends you Truncate mtl_system_items_interface table: all IOI interface tables before loading data in

MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_INTERFACE MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_INTERFACE What to upload? Prepare list of all the new item numbers required to be created based on last serial number existing in the respective Category Specifying the Item attributes for various categories of while loading could be cumbersome. Hence, it is better if we specify existing Item Templates in the Interface table. However, UOM being a critical Attribute, we will not get it defaulted from Item Template and it will be explicitly indicated. Similarly, the Excise Attributes being part of a DFF on Item Master Form, needs to be explicitly populated in Interface table. Minimum required columns of MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE when creating new items are: PROCESS_FLAG = 1 { Changes to 7 if the items importing is Successful} TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'CREATE' {UPDATE for updating existing item attributes} SET_PROCESS_ID = 123 {Any number can be chosen, here we will use 123} ORGANIZATION_ID = Master Org id. DESCRIPTION = 'Description of the item' ITEM_NUMBER and/or SEGMENT(n)

Prepared by: Habeeb Ali Shah, Hyd-IT Date: 10-OCT-10

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NRB Bearings Ltd.

Item Import thru Interface

Ver. 1.0.0

For attaching Categories to new Items being created, upload the required data in table MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_INTERFACE. Minimum required columns when creating new items are: PROCESS_FLAG = 1 { Changes to 7 if the items importing is Successful} TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'CREATE' { 'UPDATE' or 'DELETE' is not supported } ORGANIZATION_ID ITEM_NUMBER CATEGORY_SET_NAME { At NRB, can be either Inventory or Accounting } CATEGORY_NAME SET_PROCESS_ID=123 Note: The item and category interface records should have the same set_process_id (here 123), if you are importing item and category assignment together. Sample .CTL files used to import the data: MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE load data infile 'c:\item\itemdataI.csv' append into table MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE fields terminated by ',' TRAILING NULLCOLS (PROCESS_FLAG integer external, TRANSACTION_TYPE char, SET_PROCESS_ID integer external, ORGANIZATION_ID integer external, ITEM_NUMBER char, DESCRIPTION char, PRIMARY_UOM_CODE char, ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY char, ATTRIBUTE1 char, ATTRIBUTE2 char, ATTRIBUTE3 char, ATTRIBUTE15 char, TEMPLATE_NAME ) MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_INTERFACE load data infile 'c:\item\itemActgI.csv' append into table MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_INTERFACE fields terminated by ',' TRAILING NULLCOLS (PROCESS_FLAG integer external, TRANSACTION_TYPE char, SET_PROCESS_ID integer external, ORGANIZATION_ID integer external, ITEM_NUMBER char, CATEGORY_SET_NAME char, CATEGORY_NAME char )

Prepared by: Habeeb Ali Shah, Hyd-IT Date: 10-OCT-10

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NRB Bearings Ltd. Sample data in both tables shown:

Item Import thru Interface

Ver. 1.0.0



Note: Both types of Categories are being assigned simultaneously during new Item Creation Starting the Item Import Process for Creation: Very Important: Use Change Organization function to make Item Master as your current organization before running the Import Items as the request runs defaulting the current organization Run the IOI process. Navigate --> Inventory: Items: Import Items There are 6 parameters to enter to begin the process: 1. Specify one or all organizations. { We will select No here } 2. Validate items, yes or no. { Always Yes} 3. Process items, yes or no. { Always Yes} 4. Delete processed rows, yes or no. { No for Item Master and Yes for select org} 5. Process set (null for all) {123} 6. Create or update items { 1 for create, 2 for update } Populating set_process_id is mandatory for categories import Prepared by: Habeeb Ali Shah, Hyd-IT Date: 10-OCT-10 Page 3 of 8

NRB Bearings Ltd.

Item Import thru Interface

Ver. 1.0.0

Verify the proper Item creation:

Prepared by: Habeeb Ali Shah, Hyd-IT Date: 10-OCT-10

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NRB Bearings Ltd. Assigning to Child Organisation:

Item Import thru Interface

Ver. 1.0.0

Since we selected, No as parameter value for Delete Processed rows, we can use that data to assign the newly created items to a particular Organization. But first, we update the IOI tables as:

Use Change Organization function to make targeted Organization (say Hyderabad) as your current organization. Submit and Run the IOI request:

Prepared by: Habeeb Ali Shah, Hyd-IT Date: 10-OCT-10

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NRB Bearings Ltd.

Item Import thru Interface

Ver. 1.0.0

Once the concurrent process completes, check the mtl_interface_errors table for any error(s) during the item and category import. Correct those error conditions in the interface tables and run the item import again. If the process_flag is 7, that means the item category interface records were successfully imported Finally, apply the respective VAT template for the newly created Itemcodes Item Import Process for Attribute Updation: To update existing item(s),run the Item Open Interface In Update Mode, i.e. set TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'UPDATE'. ( Note: Creating and updating items in a single run of the Item Open Interface is not a supported functionality) Every attribute updateable from the Item form is updateable through the interface, and all required validations are performed to enforce: Item Attribute Interdependencies Master - Child Attribute Dependencies Status Controlled Attributes This could be effectively used to apply particular Item Template for bulk items instantaneously. Master level controlled attributes are correctly propagated to the Child records when the Master Item record is updated and IOI request is submitted with parameter All Organisations entered as Yes. When launching items into the Master Item Org, the Child records are copied into MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE for validation, and are identified with a transaction_type of 'AUTO_CHILD'. Updating Item Attributes to NULL The method to update columns to NULL is to use the following values: for Numeric fields: insert -999999 for Character fields: insert '! '

Prepared by: Habeeb Ali Shah, Hyd-IT Date: 10-OCT-10

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NRB Bearings Ltd.

Item Import thru Interface

Ver. 1.0.0

Item attribute: To demonstrate, we will update the COSTING_ENABLED_FLAG, INVENTORY_ASSET_FLAG, DEFAULT_INCLUDE_IN_ROLLUP_FLAG attributes for itemcode 9107011-0152. Before


Prepared by: Habeeb Ali Shah, Hyd-IT Date: 10-OCT-10

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NRB Bearings Ltd.

Item Import thru Interface

Ver. 1.0.0

Item Category: For importing item category assignments for already existing items, you do not need to populate MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE table. Populate only the item categories interface table (mtl_item_categories_interface). Through the import process, we can only create item category assignment(s). Updation or Deletion of item category assignment is not supported. Required columns are: PROCESS_FLAG = 1 {Changes to 7 if the items importing is Successful} TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'CREATE' only {UPDATE is not supported } SET_PROCESS_ID = 123 {Any number can be chosen, here we will use 123} ORGANIZATION_ID = Org id ITEM_NUMBER CATEGORY_SET_NAME CATEGORY_NAME



Notes: As per newly initiated Item Inventorisation process, Items attributes Cost flag and Inventory flag should have value ticked for all items except Capital (86) and Service items (85) For updating Attributes across all organisations, Select All Organisations Yes along with selecting Update in the last parameter while submitting Item Import Request. Prepared by: Habeeb Ali Shah, Hyd-IT Date: 10-OCT-10 Page 8 of 8

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