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Trace of oxygen from nasal cavity to alveoli Air enters external nares and to nasal vestibule, which open

into nasal cavity superior, inferior, and middle meatuses and conchaes internal nares nasopharynx oropharynx laryngopharynx larynx glottis false vocal cord true vocal cord trachea left and right primary bronchi left and right secondary bronchi left and right tertiary bronchi left and right bronchioles terminal bronchioles respiratory bronchioles alveolar ducts alveolar sac (alveoli) Oxygen from alveoli to pulmonary capillaries Alveolar sac (alveoli), consist of simple squamous epithelium permitting rapid diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide pulmonary capillaries which are across the walls of alveolar ducts and alveoli Oxygen in blood back through heart to capillaries in stomach Deoxygenated blood pick up oxygen and drop off carbon dioxide in pulmonary capillaries pulmonary venules pulmonary veins left atrium bicuspid valve left ventricle aortic semilunar valve ascending aorta aortic arch thoracic aorta abdominal aorta celiac trunk left gastric artery gastric arterioles gastric capillaries where oxygen is exchanged and nutrient and carbon dioxide is picked up with tissue of the organ Carbon dioxide back to the heart, through heart to alveoli of lungs gastric venules gastric veins hepatic portal vein liver Hepatic vein inferior vena cava right atrium tricuspid valve right ventricle pulmonary semilunar valve pulmonary trunk pulmonary artery pulmonary arterioles pulmonary capillaries where carbon dioxide from tissue is exchange for Oxygen Carbon dioxide from alveoli back out to the nose Carbon dioxide enters alveolar sac (alveoli) --> alveolar ducts respiratory bronchioles terminal bronchioles left and right bronchioles left and right tertiary bronchi left and right secondary bronchi left and right primary bronchi trachea true vocal cord flase vocal cord glottis larynx laryngopharynx oropharynx nasopharynx internal nares superior, middle, inferior meatuses and conchaes nasal cavity nasal vestibule external nares and out to environment where plants will use CO2 to produce oxygen. Passage of air to lungs external nares nostril vestibule nasal cavity consisting of superior, middle, inferior concha and meatus internal nares nasopharynx oropharynx laryngopharynx larynx (epiglottis --> thyroid cartilage --> false vocal cord --> true vocal cord --> cricoid cartilage) trachea left and right primary bronchi secondary bronchi tertiary bronchi bronchiole terminal bronchiole respiratory bronchiole alveolar duct alveoli (where Oxygen diffuse through membrane into the blood and CO2 is exchange) Passage of oxygen exchange in lung and back to heart and to system oxygen pass from alveoli to the capillary beds and into blood while CO2 goes from blood to alveoli and out through passage of respiratory system (above) oxygenated blood travel through capillary beds pulmonary venules pulmonary veins left atrium bicuspid vale left ventricle aortic semilunar valve ascending aorta aortic arch brachiocephalic, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery, thoracic aorta abdominal aorta celiac trunk (branches into left gastric artery, splenic artery, hepatic artery), superior mesenteric artery, left and right renal artery, gonadal artery, inferior mesenteric artery Right and Left common iliac artery Internal iliac artery, external iliac artery from external iliac artery Femoral artery, deep femoral artery from femoral artery Popliteal artery posterior and anterior tibial artery dorsalis pedis artery Blood through intestine to the heart abdominal artery superior mesenteric artery intestinal arteries Intestinal arterioles intestinal capillaries where nutrients and CO2 diffuse to blood, and Oxygen diffuse to the tissue intestinal venules intestinal veins superior mesenteric vein hepatic portal vein liver for detoxification of blood hepatic veins inferior vena cava Blood from stomach to inferior vena cava Left and right gastric artery arterioles capillaries venule Left and right gastric vein hepatic portal vein liver for detoxification of blood hepatic veins inferior vena cava

Sugar water to intestine and into blood food and drink enter mouth through lip vestibule tongue oral cavity palatoglossal arch oropharynx epiglottis where it closes the trachea laryngopharynx esophagus lower esophageal sphincter cardiac orifice body of stomach pylorus pyloric sphincter pyloric orifice Duodenum Jejunum where primary nutrient absorption takes place circular fold and villi of mucosa layer where nutrient pass through intestinal tissues and into intestinal capillaries blood with nutrient (glucose and water) intestinal venule intestinal vein Glucose and water in blood to kidneys intestinal veins superior mesenteric vein hepatic portal vein liver for detoxification of blood hepatic veins inferior vena cava Right atrium tricuspid valve right ventricle pulmonary semilunar valve pulmonary trunk pulmonary artery arteriole pulmonary capillaries where deoxygenated blood gets oxygenated and still has nutrients pulmonary venules pulmonary veins left atrium bicuspid valve left ventricle aortic semilunar ascending aorta aortic arch thoracic aorta abdominal aorta left and right renal artery Trace of blood through kidney to glomerulus left and right renal artery segmental artery interlobar artery arcuate artery interlobular artery afferent arteriole glomerulus Filter blood to filtrate Glomerulus consists of capillary lumen and filtration membrane, where nutrients and fluid small enough to pass through filtration slits. The fluid becomes filtrate and blood exit after through efferent arteriole filtrate enter capsular space of Glomerulus capsule tubular pole proximal convoluted tubule, where reabsorption of ions (Na+ and glucose, and AA) occur and 60-65% water follow by osmosis and enter blood in the peritubular capillaries and return to circulation in vascular system filtrate not reabsorbed in proximal convoluted tubule enter Loop of Henle where more water and solutes are reabsorbed by first going to descending limb of loop of henle, where water is pulled out of due to build-up of gradient on outside of tubule (Water is then reabsorbed in the collecting duct if ADH is present) ascending limb of loop of Henle, where Na+, Cl- are actively pump out creating gradient outside Distal convoluted tubule (reabsorption of water, and Na+ under control of aldosterone) collecting duct to make urine Trace water and gluose reabsorbed in peritubular capillaries back to renal vein blood leave glomerulus through efferent arteriole peritubular capillaries where reabsorbed glucose and water enter interlobular vein arcuate vein interlobar vein segmental vein renal vein Blood in renal vein back to heart Renal vein inferior vena cava Right atrium Water from renal artery to urinary bladder Renal artery segmental artery interlobar artery arcuate artery interlobular artery afferent arteriole glomerulus (where blood plasma passively move out glomerulus and form filtrate) capsular space tubular pole proximal convoluted tubule (where most water and nutrients reabsorption occur), excess water and solutes remain as tubular fluid descending limb of loop of Henle where water is pulled out ascending limb of loop of henle, where Na+ and Cl+ is actively transported out Distal convoluted tuble, where water and Na+ are reabsorbed under control of aldosterone collecting tubules collecting duct (reabsorbed water if ADH is present) papillary duct renal papilla minor calyx major calyces renal pelvis ureter urinary bladder

What did you do this weekend? I went to caf shop with my friends to study for the final exam because I have a lot of exams. On Friday I studied at home because I did not have a car. On Saturday, I went to a coffee shop from 1pm to 6pm to study for chemistry. On Sunday I also went to study at a caf shop. I did not have time this weekend to go out and have fun because I had to study. Qu hiciste este fin de semana? Fui al caf-restaurante con mis amigos a estudiar para el examen final, porque tengo muchos exmenes. El viernes, estudi en casa porque no tena coche. El sbado, fui a un restaurante de caf de una de la tarde a seis de la tarde para estudiar qumica. El domingo, tambin se fue a estudiar en un restaurante cafetera. No tuve tiempo de este fin de semana para salir y divertirse, porque yo tena que estudiar.

What did you learn this semester? This semester was a difficult semester. I spent most of my time studying biology and organic chemistry and little time studying Spanish. That is why I am not getting an A in Spanish that i wanted. In Spanish, I learned to communicate with friends by speaking Spanish. I learned basic Spanish words and used them with my friends. I had little time to practice my Spanish, but I did used a little Spanish with my friends outside Spanish class. I learned many Spanish verbs and how to used them in a sentence. I learned about South America and its cultures, such as food, family, and school. I learned to ask for the time, and how to greet people in Spanish class. If I didnt have to spend most of my time with biology and organic chemistry, I would understand and know more Spanish. Qu aprendiste en este semestre?

Este semestre fue un semestre difcil. Yo la mayor parte de mi tiempo al estudio de la biologa y la qumica orgnica y
poco tiempo estudiando espaol. Es por eso que no estoy recibiendo una A en espaol que yo quera. En espaol, yo aprendido a comunicarse con sus amigos por hablar espaol. Haba poco tiempo para practicar mi espaol, pero s utiliza un poco de espaol con mis amigos fuera de la clase de espaol. Aprend muchos verbos en espaol y la forma de utilizar en una oracin. Aprend sobre Amrica del Sur y culturas, como la comida, la familia y la escuela. Aprend a

preguntar por el tiempo y cmo saludar a la gente en la clase de espaol. Si yo no tenan que pasar la mayor parte de mi tiempo con la biologa y la qumica orgnica, me gustara comprender y conocer ms espaol.

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